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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1905, p. 6

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--Thatis what a promixf{nt druggist said Of Sco t's Emulsion a short ti)ne ago. As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are. made so often in connec- tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. From, infancy to old age Scott's] Emulsion off.ers a f,',i1,ia,.1,e) means of remedying imo, proper and weak develop- ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing I waste. The action of l Scott's Emulsion is no ',, more of a secret than the 1 composition of the Emur. } sion itself. What it does 1 it does through nourish. ( ment-the kind of nourish- , ment that cannot be ob- l tained in ordinary food. 2 No system in tooweak or , delicate to retain Scott's l Emulsion and gather good l from it. -- .tn addition to the l rrtary for Svotlnnd hi Cheyne, K. c., Procura (‘hurrh. and a well-k lawyer. as I commissic Into and d I qptttt & iiiip7'it7liil)j 0 P'Mr' Pr , ttrrh "tlllllilrfftf-tlf:i? - --e "mt." '"25frR"T"8"M m aromnd. Ind his "poirttmerit': ls likely to command the connderiee of all panic?!“ h I ll Lor nnear, w o s I but " we as n loom-j: law lard. has icon tt Judge at the Court of Session: since 1882. and is a man ot wide eulmro lad "conned may. mr Ralph Anstruther. of Belcnsk e, la a E‘lleshlro mm. whose interests" have'been military rtttlter than tttesiastieai Itlttterto-, and It In somewhat difficult to understand, his seleet!on. He Is the elder brother of Mr. H. T. Attntrutttor. the lug UnlonMWVMp' and, member ot the St. Andrew's Bur-M ' SCOTTISH CHURCH COMMISSION, no composition of the Royal Commission which In has an!!!“ to Inquire into mat- ters con-mod with the Free Church and the United We Church of Scothnd has now been cum-m nuanced. The members will be: The Earl of Elgin, Chairman. Lord Rumour. sir 2lrti',prAsll'g'l'p',,h'rr: . r, rum“? Soo$n , Tum "v m wine ' ls likely to command the cfllhl2,'2tt/pt.rit, Mr. Barkley does_got know how often he encircled an: tree, but he called man- fully to his fellows' as he ran, and thanks to the very short range, he was ambled to tear Inch _hole in his ad. vance-7 with a, sec”: load that only two others has! to be added as finish- ing tty.te.hes-prIstttornery correspond- ence Richmond Times-Dispatch. ,u,‘, -.. "u"... any any Janna hunter, who " once instituted a. game of "gosetmsh" about 1 big oak tree, getting in another shell as rapidly as his union! movement and crippled hand would ponnil. -'-. . the annual round-up it is found that thee and lambs to the value of several lunged dollars have been killed. It was his fondness for muttons,nnd bold inroads from year to you, which engendered the feud between this big hair: and the “natives,” rand caused the. to but hinders. It is estimat- ed that he had eaten this season some forty sheep, and on his last raid was‘ traced to a dense thicket in the woods referred to, and this'thicket was sur- .rounded lg half 3 dozen or more men, of whom r. Barkley was one. A small, but well trained dog was sent in, and in due time brought' the bear out close to Mr. Barkley, who was armed only with a cheap gun-1 single barrel breech. loadiu shotgun. In this he had placed s shelf filled with lsrge'shot and which he promptly lodged in the body of the Brute. Enraged, it made at the young m... .4.» -= --_-, . ... . - The presence of a bear of any aort is aonaethmg unusual even in the moun- taint, but here and there may be found one which bids 1Utiaree, and in his eir. cumacribed bounds and narrowed limita- tion he becomes more ot a nuisance than a terror. He reys upon the ahaeplolds throughoug the mountain ranges, and when the_time comes for he poses-ed e churned lite, and this oririiam And been farmed around any n eaunpfire dufing the lat quar- tee at e 1'g'll1T The weight 0 the been after the en. tulle we removed, we: 78 pounds. Acton the ball of " foot he manned eight inches end between the an nine inches. The pelt when spread upon thi, ground, Wu exactly nine feet in length, end there was a etrenk of tat along! the entire back that the m declnted‘ to be four inches thick. no Ru at the meter wed in What 1"Ll',a'l u tho mem Woods, name men mile. west of Crib- Abottqn, on the eaten do” of the Al- leghaniee, and no long had this particu- hr brain been the quest of the moun- taineer, that he had acquired a person- ality, and, while he we. 1 coveted prize, 1tlus conclusion had been reached that In. - You. no its”: but ever you or killed & the Allegian- within a. leeollec- Moa, of "tuna Atutters was Wed on than, tuning by Ernest Bandey, s trung Nimrod of go yarn and a crip- ple”: having but one hand. ""e..meAtuatirgtrw" 'maesrtsmurnurtzuaaiirs- - 7 "my. “I Svounnd Ra's nppointed " C.. Procurator of the Estah " .. _-.. . - tht iii-11h Beets-as-e-o. YrtyiiEiiriEGiriTiair. 1tv'-uairaaiiW'a scan & nowma 1min, Ont. Skunk an“ ' 39.91!“ . wnose Interests have' been han ecclesiastical hitherto. bat difficult to understand Is the elder brother at Mr. the lite 1re,inttirfyhirri%i Andrew's Burg“. 'Pt pamluqlou; the as:-. *r:Whirf d lmnnblllllb'lw to [no stall " um unnon! . an 'rcur, Tr 1%'r"l,Tl Bursa. than '), p'er1~:(l-.i ..?f."e, he communion: the eSc- mand. -lhe hauhm) t l, hits appomed Mr John Review, Doe. 3, 1904. curator of the Brandish“ _., A, "oi"-----. MLknnwn Kee musical lesion" of one to Inquire ' NEWEST MICROBE all questions of inrrim ', tho Free Church " the Annthee cnth ., -' -, l, of _ can In" LCC.; . - "m n“ . Md . 'mt. “She does." and the woman. "t to.“ a. WaiaL"--Nqw Tort Evening Post. "Well. I got i pretty good ttettt hymn: hair that will Aer, aue cvcly 1er the f2,e','r,y Bhq has any no: u mo nae. " I tt Dear side, of not run." . c- the Met "Did you ttmd In what the at WNW” she "a?" "Well." nu the “and; "a t that want out?" "Yes. hut - " it in; to 0;)Id my“, w, itt" _ .. my. P, man In watt come; at»? bought the "QE‘Jib "You my so if you in: to." said the woman. "I am going to .6“ here and we who buys that waist. They! marl tt down mcuy soon. and somebody is pretty sun to snatch it up. 01 course. I couldn't tttink of buytn; it myself. but I in: to see what the woman looks like that do. :01. It." The man sat down in the cigar Went Ind ugh-IA 0-- _--.... L--- ~- ‘- - "Come on." an the Me "t of an: mob, I'm amusing to can‘t breathe." l Atter'n while the ".00. tou can“: afford to my 81333 tor I rust." "Oh. I know that." air an V”... 'a 'un't thinking ot buying A but tt certainly is lovely." After a while she , .xht a it!!! for 11 in her. "I don't like it." he said. "It rationed. And besides in too qumcan} yrtord lo pg 818:: for There were 1.308 waists" piled up on the counter and an odd one stuck up on a kind a: barber's gale. tor good measure. 7h. ex. tn waist was very pretty. The Inn’s wit. said}: was the 'i't'l'il'l, thing in me 'a. She Imam i w Pe, _ said: "Oh. dear. tttt den!" him how what that meant; he knew In: “and to buy aha wafst, and he “tempts! ttt “can“ or waist, and she .wanteA as man i, can: abut to no that 330- so" something pe has. _ ", . k . _ . _ A mumeoyjmn qmtahopghz will " wife. The woman want“ to"buy’ t in; -e-e"-e ___ "e-""'""'. -~ -..- van-a; luau. The patient at the Westminster Hospital has been more fortunate. Within titten days ot being attacked by " he was an inert piece at clay, with the exception that he was able to move one toe. At present he is prone-33mg favorably. At the height of the disease a hypodermic Byringe was plunged into his back, and from the material thus hb.ta/f1t'l5dltt'itt, tetra- coccgus was isolated. Itaexttt a Ill, hem. known for some months to e be“, of the‘ profession. but the organism is su ficiently new to lender ths confirmation welcome. It takes a multitude of extended experi- ments to prose satisfactorily that a certain microbe is the cause of a certain disease. The tent-ocean I... In... the 'lltd-ttrigt. l peered lite a series ot dots arranged in tours. At the Westminster Hospital the identifying experiments have had to be stopped halt wny tomrrd,eroot, Prom is obtained when the mum. "predate. th disease 'itlfdttt in living animals. and exhibits not allowed to Incline - is m; . . Mind's Llnlmcnt Cum (ingot In Cows another subtle toe of mankind has bow unmasked in the shape at!» "tetma%iii " acute ascending parAbrise'". ' .' . It was immensely admired by the French doctors during their visit to the 1Ytstrnittii Hospital. London, recently, gitt', some , these organiamn have been Not in from a raticjng squaring (romu- was an. " ptiecis " loses the in roi,yitiilj1iiiiiui7i'"itls'l'llr" and the mgrtalit! EYE???” high, an awragc lifetin muted for the pm purchased. The ti pellant could not. positions as to tht ti I Legal Life of a Itail and Ticket. A decision as to the life of a, railroad ticket, which is attracting considerable attention, has been rendered in favor of the Southern Pacific company by the Civil Court of Appeals at San Antonio, Tex. The court has decided that a. rail- road ticket which is not used within a reasonable time after issuance, y, banned 5 by the statute of limitation. ihe “so! arose out of the sale of a tickret by th, Southern Pacific on April SO, 1385- The ticket wag fore trip fromtH?ustyt If, Sure Shiloh‘; EonS‘EmPtion NEWEST MICROBE IS FOUND u. ocuul-nu It Is 214 In 10,000. or or td) ttt 41%. m! In Irellnd it I: 233 In 10.000, ' tr one ttt about - " persons. A new": ‘! of '" planet-um returns by town Mame. , "ow. 2,t,', gong-x este, heads the wtn 't W',- om y o Ippl " number of 479 . 10,000, or one in every 20 of the no; We; The East End ot London In: an In 10,000: Dublin, the [nah capital. "at: h P; it having 303 in 10,000. or on. In - 'tsr- an. The city of Belfast hound, 0 mm to hue the lmnnest ratio of pan to port'- Mlon of any district In the Mum. it At9p " per 10,000 or Ibout on. In every lh kW” 'ronts.-BoBton Transcript. _.. "my xv,wu. or one ttttti "__ wry 49%; in Scotland it Is 214 In 'it)'llt,',tpt, '0 In ms. Ind In Irelnnd it is 238 In 10,000. t tr one ttt about - " Douglas. A new": ' "d, the 98090111111 returns to . 'a I on tttttt Central 'l'Jl','L,',"d2y .9995 a. Bra..-. _ - a... "nausea no. " smart,“ (minus has thGisase. It ttt spir’l. cord and the patient rapid, . uh; up]. A. an..-“ .-----., . -. ’ ,iV '"."'". guy-numvul. P(wo hours. bot his wife didn't . w“ waiting to aim! out who . silk waist. Bo t e man In! p wife followed " 6.30 o'clock. 'te er. “and; "a: the: an Ast,me.tt _,_‘., .v. u. ”my uuul “V“""‘”' w Antonio. The man “it? buitgtat ' without using it.' "New: it was sold. Late i ' .1899 " d to a Southern PM ”Tom“ atter refused tq yre tyt trm rein ['slHtt?1l'i,it: 2.335 r“ ' m'I r"rr'll'lrerttii'iiiiitr. h ag gainst the man h his damage or jockmcnt, the court holds ttutt" as ever contemplated that the sho old be held tor nearly half pt "rage lifetime before it was pre- for the Dumas:- for mun}. " .0..- inward 11%: Cure the disease with co"trhinti.tt.ae, 293m: sign 0. t I and the cough will stop. hy it to-night. If if doesn't benefit you, we’ll give your money back. V Prices: s. a w."- Ln‘ - ye “a“ "She Shopping Tale. tttith. Cut't is not occupy any bettit the statute of limitation' 8. C. Wnu & Co. 807 larRor. N. Y.. Toronto. Can. ---q%--u.=ii""? The L033 Tonic payable on dd, nd Engineering a July; t loch old- expensive. $12.75." f Dill V to Porttt- G'llltt2. it join; In "or, Ith MW- looking Prominent New York men tad playti- dlnl stud back cf the philanthropy. Second. The Trauma] treatment-. The unfoldment Lap-union of the lungsb‘ the systematic Ind regula- use of t e pneumatic cabinet. Resum- tion of daily outdoor exercise. Gymna- tie end reepiratory exercises to develop the uncle. of 2t chat and ahmthleri. Hydrotherapy In massage to promote nutrition. First. Hygienic and dietie treatment --The education of the patient. He is instructed as to his tyet-when, how and what to eat, and how it should be prepared. He is taught how to breathe, sleep, ventilate his rooms, bathe, and clothe himself day snd 2,roh) st various seasons. And, most i portant of all, he is taught how to protect not only others, tfr/tgt-,', spin? reinfection esthtyintr c expeetora. Mgminuining his home " s‘ mode, pnitsrium. V 1 i __Att interestirig method for the treat. ment of conmnption has been iristitut. ed in the new dispensary of the New York Throat, Nose and Lung Hospital. Patient? who will visit the dispensary three times weekly will receive treat. ment, advice, medicines, where neeea. any fod and elothes,amt will be mm- fully instructed how to live hryrienieaur. This will enable them to remain at home and in many cases to continue in busi- ness. The treatment in addition to, medical aid is as follows: I Milan’s Linimeat Cares Diphtheril. Old {Bah wm’t much of La financier, but he knew enough” go in when it rained-Chit) News. Credit no {nan witi his good iaterr. tions; make him cqne up with the’long green. _ .3“. M, . .. _ Had Mother De been up tom what a fool she'd hare made of that gel-rent! A woman 4n make a. 1001 of a. most 3’1me "mare doesn’t get the start of r. tsiroerg,t.tttiiitrtitiit?itts,s':.l.t ' 'm chronic i ney Co nplaint. will b, _ -rested in the cure of Maxime Bou. t aim, of this place. For twenty-five ' years he suffered from Kidney Com. t plains. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. . Speaking of his case. Mr. lloucher says: , "It Was Dodd's Kidney Pills that cured . me. For twenty-five years I suffered f with the malady of the Kiodneys. I felt‘ I always feeble and was often' in pain. One fday I received a, Dodd'a Almanac and ' read of many wonderful cures in it. Then I decided to give Dodd's Kidney Pills al thai. I took twanttr-fiwrya= in all. and now I am perfectly cured." 4 Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure iek "dneys. If the disease has got a fun Mild it take: them longer than if is just starting. But there is nd form or nosing; of Kiting Disease that on?“ ' be hauled by Dodd's Kidney Pilt.h ' - mum bbbtJ wwpuu notes male safe. It is quite permissible trrob Peta to pa: Raul-4f your manna Paul. A "sumo bani ifoté -iii' {mug is wyt? two..N00,0w notes in he an . A word to tha guys is sufficient. i Many a man is long on dollars htnd short on sense. The best signature for a note is that of a man of note. . Man is judged by his works and - l an bt her ability to work him. BATTLE AGAINST CONSUMPTION, Then Todds, Kidney Pill." and 'is Kidney Diseaise. -v -""-"-- rm- u.- lug-nu. A good car, rents tor from 825 . week my ward under bond to insure its return free from all costs to the point where it was ae- cured. From twenty-four'persons to move than tqritm that number 11nd living accom- modltions aboard an ordinary “show" car. The majority at web cars are old Pullman or Wagners, thrown out of the service by the q"r-ttrnwintr demand for larger curs and more ehbonte ornamentation. They are held at from 82,500 to manor more each. . Adda from the nmueement concerns, tour- } H '1mrcVtiorts, itinerent doctors. dentists, l mullet, p1totogiaphem. on! the business men rad speculators awning passenger. sleeping than baggage are. the great trust and bank- i‘lt communion are large holders of rolllng ”m. On many of {he western Him r'r'httoaortttteiAiehi, and often on new alums-e the coaches to be the property of b no trust company or other otteeatttt _ d: I lean on that particular railroad. I th . vast number ot private reei- - 1 m am can tn commission is “in am 1 sid union. tt will be readily in in t the genre of the country In by tt New. . the i hands or the -raietttW.-st9 . S w. as 'eilit,jifrlrl, ' 215 YEARS 1 It week! he difficult to estimate the num- . her at can owned by amusement promot- - era. Mane ',rh particularly u'l"'lit""P', Li'lt a “to manager a, 0n. , Score- ot drone, minute. dramatic and , operatic organizations own or lease the cars , in which they travel and Jive, and hundred! , of can an in the hand- of carnival comm- : ies and all manner of strolling entertainers. . i ', To each an extent is this true that deal!" in these movable We hae developed into: recognized Industry. There are lever-i mon in Chicago who make it their exclusive busi- neea and one woman. who owns n long line at the that one of the kind in the country. She lives " a downtown hotel. keeps in clone touch with the ammo: profession and rents coaches, linking a specialty or mullah- ing private cars to distinguished artiats tour- ing the country. She ttIto rents to touring parties and to View)“ and Murine ot all kinds who desire to travel in comfort and privacy. There are also companies making a huei- j neea ot storing private are when not in use. ' Chicago haa no such concern. The nearest 1 approach is the rail yard " the out entrance t to the Union trtoetryardss, where number. ot private cars are almost always to he found. l There are always some shout the various t raiiroed repair above. for it is an endless task t "Pttt rolling atoci; in_revnir.r aw Chaiiwielrian Provexbs. le Care2tepprurd from Q. 'w. TWe new» Tyches. 1'ieh"iE'r', the My it amend. 'fttt ','i?,iiii tr, 'l'll','h. . 'IP i , . 1 + I YEARS I t a It." iflgrest fl than I subsequently learned), I saw the bones: canning the woman at the close iof the ",tJ,.'r,",',yy,,t As theArfger Prin- ce“ an on" "m "an the next dav there was a. an! and a scream and she was down. Zulka had her. Fortunately some of us were near. We beat the "do In]: off-of com-ac. some of the other heat. had to pitch in. seeing their ty- rut dtrmr--ersd mt tho WW out with no wane Inhrv than 1: Mal-on Inn and a, bulb dun-d traek.--arcC.rvmu Mum 1- Zulka. was a very beautiful young lioness; one of the best trick beasts, I've ever known and one of the very few that seemed to have a. genuine affection for the trainer. As 3 rule the feline don't exhibit the softer emotions. They feel for men either Indifference or dis- taste. But this lionees used to show signs of plenum when her mistress en- tered the use, and Pee seen her put her manic w mine: the here to fun: on the ween. Two weeks after Ster- net’s “vice, to which we ttlf little heed (thet wee when I knew an about him Olin- T "M--...-,. L._,:- - .- Sterrett laughed. "Train " under. study,” he advised. "I'll give Zulkn three weeks to retire from the stage. She’s goingubad.” _ -- -__ ----Ne- will. win: wuwulus. "Why, the man ttlks like a fool," said the Princess. “Thu 'a Zulka. She’h the beet. new; I/ve got." _ "That one is all right, but the one over in the corner will bear watching." “TITL” sr., ---- 4.1L. 1-: - - -- ._ saia t When the Tiger Princess was going to give up one of her. old performers because he was geting lulky and peev- ish, Sterrett looked over the troupe and aniJ. 7 v -- v _.-.V... -...vu5uuuu Luelr car- eers they are easier brought to hand and more reliable than _thotee of other eoIom." t Ayrshire, Common, Melton, Khyber, Blink, l Bonny, Lord Lyon, Bondsman and Cdadi. l atour, the only French winner of the . Derby. Gray horses, both here and in England, are now very rare. On the oth- 1 er side there are no descendants of F Strathconan alive and none which inher. l I its his color. Blacks, though a few might be seen here and abroad,' are very rare on the turf. In the last fifty years only one black horse has bee successful in .liid Derby, and that “I! r Bevys. Blair Athol had thrWhite le , but a chest- nut with fair white legs and a white face however won the Tby, but the chesttuts in the old count are on the i geese, thanks to the pop rity of the . Backwash line. 'W .. i "If you take mticc in the pony eludes 'at this show the hays and browns are in the majority and two of the best of the former color are the English Berke- ley Bantam and Doncaster Model, bay stallions. If you go back to the indige- nous color of the many different hill and mountain breeds you will find them to be bays and browns, with a few mouse 4 and gray dune thrown in. litter day crossing has produced chestnuts and blocks, but they are not hearty. In the case of polo ponies color is not of so much importance- as courage, speed and stuminn. For speed the chestnut is the thing and for toughness the black or the j gray. But for good temper give me a. , bay or a brown.] Throughout their car- TORONTO and l gmy mare, or even tight bay onel, and the advent of the claws was in a gaunt measure herald-ad by Eclipse, uwhose lu- periority as a rucehorse brought the col- or into prominence. in fact, there as no doubt of it being a .prenotant 'cnlm' a.) da. - I -‘ ,7 -,-- nlwlllill “11113. 7”“? "iN.M.'-N= "err'"..""" “WWW: Then, having ured the water into SWIM, Brooklyn lit-$989 aad the lube washtub, he 131m off his bathrobe in» mm. 'ff,1'tlt,irr big American when, losing his balance, he fell back- .rlwu, 'ttrdiae fiad tlut.tht bays, ward and at nquureiy upon the red-hot AW. ' P,estauet.t! predominate, tnd to of the low stove. _ *un.e"sn be said of your trotting 'ft doesn't seem necessary to my 'hat [and paging x..starts. How did file chest he‘didn’t “it for orders from Washing- qutl ongmte? Atiell, that an ques- ton before getting up. lndoed. he 123-] tion easy enough to solve, dor a black unused perirGu command of n... nu..- btallion will get a chestnut out of mm -. -' -ee --'--.H __ Viv W’ l tokens either bad 1ttmper or nervous- r ness.” Here the critic pbirttmrto a. man in one of them clam tho-m ist _ the ring'dhich had theahite lurking around the eyes."“Now, thyme. mom w'elL' Itasuieie, free atetionritad all tut, but she igt>easily Aexhausbai, and when brought to. a. standstill is .nervoua and, restless mud continually .pdws the; ground. Herssire was. uotwhoie cobra! and was mated with the wrong sort of mare, which. is. the,“ of her restless-r mas, nervousnessmnd ramble temper. "Another rmrkuhh. thug about your abounds that like our do“ at home and the bi meatbuhlitho but of your ' mung-m to be found ongoing the bays, bromnnd chutnuts. "ten go to the I 1he?rtrrgttbreds.aatd caucus the Futurity, Suburb-41, Broddyn Baldicap and the I past wi-ra, " vulgar big American , rues, WWI.” find that the bays, , brow-4’ T fttttttt predominate, and , m Inn-m mu u. t.,.'9 - When a Lioness Goes ind. "Whitetiem, uld'feet, white blue! faces and White around‘ the eyes unint- ter ttvoidid than reproduced. Suéh'uii- mals are generally loft and their feet ahetly arid the white around the eye be- L'Al.-_- LIL-.. In. -- T tgeitti,r and dispositions of the one color, they any, ‘hu much to do With the natural temper nnd conduct of the animal. ‘Ba'd management‘in tho .h.orse'teatlrrteaking ‘muy upset (tits theory."1me puttahttru"ideunfeh exception: :1 hon-Eels color is geneniuy-I, guide to Iii: inltet.t.t "qytuitiU tmmence. in fact, there is :' it being a :prepotant 'teor, arts 'itself mostly where' s 508 is :built up from any one instance, the itswkner.hreed l Int day has become almost‘ ery rare. 0n the oth- no descendants of mi none which inher- , thoggh a few might on Ole m’l ttsh if: Ed; Ion. . "vftattoe, u the “300'“ cu“!!! Well: in Folly to. H. Ward. “ --- " gains lie louder Young Idlers of the Time. (Sioux City Tribune.) Among the modernuiy we" to do an" " army at you! then Win: up ta id] :nesa in thin conntry who thin it be... ,their dignity to tearn n true or follow e profs-ion. Ind who. "I my trmtyutdd, for. hint urge class - u genteel idieu. iTher in" been ”In“ and PM " their purenu until they In" one to an m- chain: that the vorld "" than . an!“ :vithout their having to work tar it or . tun quinlent m toil. They In. In but". 'grt',',at"l'hu"'tiv'eg,,f2gutLttyiii4E. . " than I o ItM8turi Wc2"lu'aLll'llu""l'G'. that. tt "Lgttutghtc, -e will “glued wreak,” --- irttre is tu on The Vale! of lit: in 1iitntsttr. A guilty eonseienee in the l invention. Never put off till town-0., Dillard's Uni-at Cm: fit'..? -----_--.. It's Ill We“? mar d last Monda . “as?” use Davis pergmed the 't';'rl'lid',','. til-1.248! some min derstanding Hammad “so kicked ou of the home b Aad n no son of th bride, earlier my “.1 and went o his own Humor and out the of mm m 'other he vet, went out and paci- u 111 and give him tsttehustmuriinees that he come to tmm _and went through the ordeal. And exhibits new half-soles on his shoes luxury: the old ones were torn off when he kicked his future pa, and declares that the latter soared teni feet, through the air. Andy makes some' dire threats yet, but it is hoped he will be reconciled and (room will reitpL-Otw kaloosa (Kan.) In ependent. - i From all dver" America they testify to the merits of MINARD’S LI'NIMENT, the best of Household Remedies. We publish simple, stnight testimon- ials, not press agenta' interviews, from well-known} peopl_e. - -- M ntl i Ctoteti. ve'i,',,/tll/ttrt'o.l.,t,l,", "_----.- Wntard's Linnea: Cures Distemper. - 1oritrri;Utust mu. new. ' ' I ,_ _. - you what a beautiful INew Year's pro-ant my dour, good. darling ot an old his-bind ave me yesterday." and the happy wife to some intimnten who called. “Them! What do you think ot that for al seaiskin cloak? It cont 81.800." "Perfectly lovely.'" " exclaimed In tnt/ while Kin Curiosity asked: “And what did you Pt hign'f "on. let me show you what New Year's pro-ant my dour, a ot an old Ila-bind ave me you the hnppygylte to mm. 'r,tt..idr, m Too Manly Peaplo Dally Wilt anvil. .--tt strikes on like] thunder develops with u rapidity that no other d Hoes. Dr; Agnew? Gnu-ball Powder i but nick. at and Iensani our. ad, J'duS'f%df,t. 'ld the means, vent its deep-mating and years of dim Don't daily with Catarrh. Agnew's give liet in ten minutes. so emttnfuuy, "Oh, let wa, one, very cold morning he had filled the little flat-top stove with wood making a musing fire) not out? to heat 'the water, but to counteract e wintry gusts that sifted through the cracks and crevices of the kitchen mils. 'ru, . . M I It'wasat a frontier post many years ago that the young officer met and wed- ded the popular daughter of a ranchman. Her name was Sarah, but in the “at in those days it was almost a mark of dis. approval not to reduce a person'l Christ- fauna-me to l eingle syllable. William Anny Wt on I'm-tier the Victim of a Studs: Accident. mine as when it wss s rsther com- mon prsctiee for soldiers and sailors to have .portrsits of their sweethearts tat- tooed on their arms and breasts, but l never heard of more than one man who has his wife’s name soundly burned itr; to his ileah with hot iron: That was Lieutenant Blank-l dare not use real names, for this is . true story and the lieutenant gang since retired as a mi- ,o,1.tll and estimable wife are still hen TAKE NOTICE. C. C. 'RICHARDS & WIPES MIR ON HIS BACK. he linger.“ fin 15°"! for the Witt?" Christan} A!.e.tttrrce- II?- In thntt, yards. 'llon'o' mt rott l, SFStt in the beet 1 In. Hunk", '_81Puuam Denwlper Inn'- mother of --_ “will: m Bat in SouthAfria by which units 01,941 mun only an lent to tho war aims for employment in certain Brit-id; mr onieg‘eu. 2tittgtt:ttiiiilii7UT we retained natal tttether onion for Bet. ,viee at Writing two battalion! in Hong Kong, thrde battalions ht North China, and 000‘ Mano. " Sing-pom. t“ 1"4't'rtdhrt'iiiiit,i. a... cette room . . meat. 'tein " now will.“ for an! Idiot " than which In “PM their but m} In the tlit 13-1 wintry ks and "H"R"qtt' Ntr, C'trttinuqik "ir-iii', - "Wt entered V Att "- ”in Tron: _ The leer-em, _ot.'tah foe In the Pp"" of the Ann. I'M-.4 Iran-igl- woe. --riro.A and expouure. many a brave Bol, his native heart]: " 'TR" Is to tight tor country's honor, I batted M . 'ecatt 'the ' mm '41trt;;,tg',1. s. Rheumatic Cure will Absolute] can at rte'matiem. in “has six hours.--" _ and in napalm-3 triiirfii'" crank at the top. T '7‘ “I!” “hymen: in cum. British F" m Th" two “who. 'lut, lined tmtit tttether ordem foe let- t Wu". two ttettatGiid in Kit? 2",t _ttqttattdiii ht North . (Ill $4-", France CORSE tifj,iiiji, - - n--- "my“: run; write for M133: formation. WIIUun Brian. Wesley Billing. Toronto) Ont. {an - “A. - "" WHAT? bEE'S I 11 PrieeUU Recaps; 8.00 uncut: for tho home. farm, tAboratitrr,' workshop. and our! ‘depmment of human endeavor: with hm itt- dex to canton“; an DI... bound h cloth: Bend as cent. tor . copy, and tt you think the book in not worth the money on: tt but. and your money will to "urate0,' it I road side-line tor manners. Wilma: Brim. Methodist Book Room. Toronto, Out. -------., HAW 766 _ PPirotdG --- ..... yuw.. nation In on: letter whether you want GENTS OR LAB?! an: “a or- der today. " we send out let " all! reduced price tor to days only. 'Ah'l TORON- gl, WATCH co., tt Wetoitn ttt., Toynw. t. . m'Pl'iWhe, ply ex.. Tp,? IIHI our lace: Intro new" price, 237. Ind exprua charges. and It]. you". u there In no express omen hour you. Ind 32-97. with order. an! we will and watch pustular Dalian. watch to not etEMmner' " this price.. cation In our letter whether W? Jmtrt CENTS on 14va an: “a n- M - and new in buildin- Cu mm’u. J Ill." put. cm. a», G1th'rs-otm LINE l the people want; our ( ', y/e..' wet-nod, want. "I. A.- It“... .- iiiiiiiiiiiiii'ilhriiii2i?t' - ”iv“ a'ertr, Which iiridTrit.' 1'?PtttotsGUiii'iT, in?) iiuf wmluuii a}: mum mtaiiriiiiiiiiir. AGENTS WANTED. FOR aBAc.glE let 0mm I brave 'soldier, who [.3 nuance. " mun could In r, has been “In- " Pi, on»- N0. tk ttt was. k _ ic harat told DIM doubt. ttttttttnd one. Item mu and lull "L Anni-kl- A 825 when “IONA F J it!!! yiGidts 5'33 ELM?! tterrai Lt3, I" damp. ata " um wan . PM: In tttw - 3y gm? tot iiih 1... CUT THIS our ntM, you tt to II M your nun um tapt, omco and we r and .u vam- to you ST, - tor mama! on, you Ex- amine it It the ex- ".- ofglog Ind It u MADE To 03. der. Write me Putty. "Iv-19¢ enmvod. ' hi? “Meagan-m 'Ith_ or ' than -- €135 Far-”rm: 1905. u.1 Kaiser which ddntandi Missing Winn] retnnttt :nnwor l din: of all poop minded your fi by the entire , ”my and by m pnuion to our tieet of Gen. tyh tug-s. I hope fn up. hill! the (J - - mili! pro-n hr Frédcrick ~ading citizl‘ml l them on heh aid thrir (re: In held the ltig Sixu mom block sinking dunno f the tting and u turn t tn-day oins r. tht Wound brolull quarto: estjma I!" qua om pr' th, th Ill in Tl h Dwisi Japanes li Russia OH...” " I “The 0”.”OO n mt plight . undul am It wiltysix ' welcome were all PRISOI“ , Ilitn' own void MN tl h' Toki {M5 It him It ll Arthur Al Dii it in RICA Will Best MANY til fu do a“! lulu-nu he sunk that. I rtl HERO! " an thi MI n "t " th " ti

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