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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1905, p. 8

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Intending Sudan-should entrant mm 'glt,2t,2'rgh'2t"t1t Magnum ed manta. mu-wmyud aeeyfAtttmo"ttrit-'esimttufsiia M and Equipment. The Ichool u ,'l'h',1'rdle'ah,t,' in mm mm. In chemical and e rail“ and I: rings. Ac., for {all Junior Lenin. mu- 1t1torh. The following can": In! I. h CLEARING SALE 0f Seasonable Dry Goods Men's Heavy Rubbers, Irest.inred,....., .--............8MWfooL00 4 Men's Heavy Frim Coats. wu...... Menu Faxed Lace Felt Boots....... ......................8250.for81.m Menu Black all Faith-cod Boots...... ..-.....-......82.0uforouo In order to reduce our stock of Winter Goods we will sell for min or its equivilant all Clothing, Furs, Felt Boots. Heavy Rubbers. Caps, &e., at a big reduction. This is . gen- uine Clearing Sale, so come and get the bargains ', they are for you. ........ ........nndVnowq.oo All other: a equally tow priees. Ladies' Furs. new goodq._ (U!) to. . . . . . We Quote as Follows: I Goat Roi». large size, was $9.00 I Man's Imitation Lamhthmt, mum... .............. ....ua.oo. nowSlzw Ml Men's Suits that were in the Luci and Best Com: inven- ted. Fin like a Glove. comfortable as a Waist. Bold at the price ot ordinary Corsets at Durnam School TM. Com: has double steel: in the sides, which conform to every movement at the body. and than you...» a... from bmking down " the rides. This Comet WI Scylo and Donbility and is the Latest nnd Best Cone: inven- Stand-by Corset With Hose Supporter: attached. THOS. ALL.UN, MCI-”Cm. mm magi). NR1..R. B. A.. Clan-la Ind Wo Than you have been using, try the " Something Better" J. ll. SUITE, B. A., 'att--'" and ”no. o-.......-....), now '6.00 c. L. Grant MeArthur's Malpglouhhulmce. Highest prices paidrin Cash or Trade-for Butter, Eggs and Fowl. Our Fur Goods Dry Goods Prosperous and Happy New Your The People’s Store When you want Goods delivered free to all parts of the town. Wishes its many friends and customers a THE PEOPLE’S STORE W7, - THE “our: "on dlilf t,se;'ll"lhtt'T 'rt" We are clearing the Nance of this winter's stock, best quality Puts, consisting of Men’s and Ladies' Caps, La. dies' Astmhsn Jackets. Csperines, Ruth Boas, Gauntlets &c. Come at once and secure a bargain in this line. Robt. Burnett. ar., Christnusisovet. theNewYent is almost here, but" are still buy and lower prices will tend to increase our trade. Just now we have n few odds nod ends left in the Dry Goods line, which we will clear at remuknhly low prices In this line we are showing as pretty pieces ot Dress Goods as you will fittd anywhere. C. lama... Lnow $6.50 I Mr Mann. lately from London. Eng- Iland, is “Haring from a severe out by an axe, done while cutting wood. if: h.' x .17 rc'ua"a Miss B. Larence, teacher. has se- cured a tine organ and is now studying instrumental music. Mr Geo. Bunston had an Auction sole of part of his farm stock lately. Good prices were the order of the day. The Trustees ot S. S. No. lo have installed a second stove into the school house for the purpose of keeping teach- " and pupils warm during the cold weather. The annual meeting of the Presby- terian church was held on Monday. am. 899 'ta.t0irl.yteu attended. The P)ttlitmspttuy election goes a . Both Dr Jameson and Mr Johnna: Kochnio were here on Tawny. 10th, to haves a meeting. but the Dr's Mend " Dundalk had control of the hills and them had not been many put up. However. the wombat-mun mv sad but few came out. m hear it with? that by son. arm two hallo had In engaged sod not ready hr. the meeting. tItmsdiifitotttiiG7ar" mating in either. - Rev. Mr. Little, Moderator. attended and presided. Business went dong very nicely, and the congregttion In good landing. A pretty little wedding took place here during the Xmas holidays when “in Clementine Brown was married to a gentleman from Toronto. Rev. D Cameron tied the knot. Mrs Jno. Sinclair slipped on the ice last week and sprained her wrist. She spent last week with her mother, Mrs Isles, 9th Con. A Tth for organization on be. half ot Mr no McKechnie was held here last Saturday. The tone ot the meeting indicates a solid front for the Candidate who stands firm tor a good and progressive government. Mr " Kechnie will have a handsome majori- ty " polling subdivision No 4. The electors hope that he may be able to 'st','."" a meeting here before the fi t . Mr J no ucRobb has when a situation in Mt. Forest for the winter. Mr Jno McArthur ot the ll Com, told one of " farms lately to Mr P. Jordan for the sum ot $2500.00. The farm consisted of 80 acres. lurk your ballot for HoKochnio and capable Government sud {ran down ati corruption. We were much saddened very tragic death of fhe latr Tait who was inptapttlykil' pushed off the pmfonn or a tow days up The m service- hpre wu cancell- interred in the Mt. bemoan". Much 'lQN'f,2, is ex for It! bereaved tunity. . b' Mr Jno Murdoch was seriously!!! last week from an abscess onthe bowels. Drs. Brown, Snealh and Jones performed an operation last Thursday. At latest reports Mr _ dock was doing nicely and it pasted that he will soon be again. His father, Mr James Murdoch. is in attendance upon his son. Thin neighborhood realizes the tt- etita of the Telephone line lately t here. It is really a. great on 0! time and travel, out great de t local business is now done by ol Continued snow storm: has made our side-roads impasslble for the nest cube winter. A serious drawbaek.to the comfort at the country folks. T 5975573 'rii'uim ,at, BOPEVILL‘I. YEOVIL. _ It and In Benjamin Crittenden “tended the would Mr The: Ttit. at Woodland. . week an Sundny. The 391ng 3tet8etartastt their Wedding bells will be ringing at the Luke on Friday, when Mr James Wilson. of Whine. will be united in maria” to lb Nollie McFadden. iitth tutttthter of Mr Wm McFadden. Wojoln in with the friends in wishing the if"! couple a happy and prosper- ou e. martini» the GiG%iiiTiiiiU"t The public school meeting which was held in Allan’s school on Fridav night was well attended by the rate pnyers of the section and from other sections. Inspector Campbell was also present " the meeting to show the people the school laws and the require- ments of the school. Alter a good many of the ratepayers gave their oplnlons on building it new school or repairing the old one. a. motion to build a new school by MrJ Allen was lost and an amendment came up moved by Mr S Quinn that the old one be repair- " A vote woo taken and the amend- ment was curried. Born to hir and Mrs Rob: Mead, spot, Jan 16th, 3. daughter. All of Mr Benjamin Crtttenden'e neighbors tare in on surprise last Thursday nie t end presented Mr and hits Crittenden with a purse of 816. An uddreee was read which speaks of the sorrow at the neighborsvon their departure. Mr Jae Allan acted " chairman. After a good deal ofspeAk- ine, singing and reciting, a splendid lunch we. mod and the rest of the evening we: spent in various games. On Sunday. Jan 15th; born to "t1?rrtchiii Way, ndnnghter. The Val-nay correspondent to the Chronicle has been around among the villagers stoning their interest about eumeiin that is to appear in the paper about the Hillydaie man He should mention everything on " own side and save me the trouble. What he had in about the Hiiiydnie man writ- ine new: tree in correct. I heven't to per nugthing yet, no if the Varney tel ow ad to pay we dont wonder much " It. Lean, of the mill. Masters M Boy and R Gadd are cut- ting wood for Mr Z Clark " Varmsy. It would Imus: any of the renders it they new the two large dinner basketu the two lads carry with them. You would think they were not coming back for a. week. ; new...” hum have had a nice visit from Mr Mead, lb Elim. i both about". of Tum». Born on December 30th to Mr and Mrs David Gordon. a daughter. Dave will be qble to sing that little song of his to his hearth content, Hush n-bye baby , baby don't cry. Mr A Baird is lying Very sick at present. Gai, mi oi. iisiiurri'.o; one cause or another. which Dr Dixon can de. scribe b:tter-ae he is always on the "data Pt, patients. ' . is in Nephew hive been 1'rr4Tr?,freattoitipd of Sunday last was attain a 'tortny one and our churches were not ovnrcrowd~ ed . with worshippers. The poor preachers have to taco the storms at all hazards but the congregation can any " home or go " they please. In T Lesson and bis two listen. MN ucClinton out] Miss Mildred Lees-on. were the auto:- of If and In; Hugh chiuuon and J A mD-muld. South Line, on Thurs. day lust. uiss Lee-on taught one your to Top Cliff school where she in slump a welcome visitor when the comes. At tho agricultural meeting of Amount-sin. link! in Bulgrr’u halal 134; week Douald new"... wu elected prauidnnt as an no- Cormiok reugued. sud N. ucKmuon Sec‘y Many in the locality ml! be planned to m that It. nchuol is “noted amel- the rumor of his detest. By oiocuiug ll lgCnnnol. the, divmon is better represent; The now teacher in town in giving good "tietatttion in balm; capable of Mining tho duties of his protonsion. Hugh leDonnld‘s sale. South Line, on the 12:1; inst. was fairly well attended nerrerthetesrtlte storms an. Everything with few BXOBpHODU, wan sold under the hammer of Auchoneer achnIl, who " an up-w-date nucuiouerr. The elections are over and another will soon be on. We see that Dr Junieson in cutting broulcut- Rev Hamlet's open ' We not. one, but it only helps us to be more zealous towards promoting our own IttutM. td, u " gives a member on each-side of the ridmg. We were utmost on an point of under. in; our nonunion a corn-pond.» "on dun town harm-Maud “unwound no we hue Mind to continue tor com. future lino. h in now lwenly In you. since w. Mann ",','ger,'el'd1 win: the Boviow and some new: we no. i: n dim- cult mutter to do justice to anybody on account of out limo: out in tho country. but we nlwnys make it 3 point to amid anything um. hu a tendency to load unv- ono to think an: we were in on} way onst- ing “London- npon than: and it wo have It my time awn othsnee to any-Ina we mun than: that n was nuuturruiotmllr, tad w. heneby take the opportunity of running our maternal)! it we were in error. We admit that at times we might be guilty of putting too nanny prefistns to some pumn‘n nuns when were age too many of Ills sumo mums tor the purpose J ditaingtu'tshtne the one from the other. 80 the person- alluded to need no; conund- er that in were doing it for u purpose. Mr Robt Douglas, of Durham, is en- 'aged fyr, tbeuyinter with Mr D Me- muanALtg.1 PIlClVlLLI - , on Mr The value and importance of this move wilt be readily appreciated when cmnpnrison is made with the nu-thnds hon-louvre adopted on our Canadian raitwa.vs. whereby private ruilvray rorporations have amm- ml public interosts in the selection and treatnu-m at their town alts. Another new and commendable rea- ture has been introduced by the Ross Government in connection with this road, namely the appointment of an additional Uotttmismion charged with the duty of setting aside town sites. This Commission is composed of Mr. Aubrey White, Assistant Commissioner ot Crown Lands, chairman; Mr. Thomas W. Gibson. "ireetor of Mines; Mr. Thomas Southworth. Director of Coloniza- tion; A. W. Cnmpboll. Assistant Commissioner of Public Works, and Mr. W. B. Russell, Chief Engineer in charge of ihe construction at the T. a N. o. It. R. The cost ot the railway is being borne by the setting apart of adia- cent Crown Lands in tivrs of town- ships, not to exceed twonty thousand m per mile, on which the deben- tum shall be a charge. The railway has been constructed and equipped with Canadian material as far as possible. No person has been employed in contravention ot the Alien Labor Art, and the current rate of wages in the districi for similar work has been paid to those employed in its construction. By the Act constituting the Tennis- kuming Commission, which by the way was well dvscrilmd as one of the most inumrtant uml progressive Bills (-vor introduced in the highla- ture oi Ontario. the Commissiun is empowered to make reciprocal run- ning arrangements with other com- panics. The. Algonm Central Railway is vitally essential to the great enter- prises at the Smut, nnd the aid giv- 9tk totho former would be warranted on that basis: alone, hut. if It will assist in the development of the un- settled lands of the Crown at that district, then the Government will be doubly .iustitied. The Tlelkllllll' Inn Northcr- Out-fin Hallwny. The Itoss Government. again show- od its Irtmosr,tvssivettess' in undertaking the construction of the. Temiskoutittq & Northern Ontario Railway. The liill passed through the Legislature provided tor the construction, equip- ment and operation of the railway as a Government enterprise. A Coni- mission of live able men, now com- posed of Robert. Jaffray, chairman, and Messrs. Edward Gurney of To- ronto, B. W. Folger of Kingston, F E. Leonard of London, and M. J. O'Brien of "entrew, was appointed, who Wcl‘c charged with the construc- tion and operation of the railway. In the relatiVely short time of two years, the line has been completed for a. distance of 187 miles to a point 25 miles north of New Liske- ard, and a regular train service is now in operation, the value of which to the settlers in that thriving part of New Ontario can hardly be over- estimated. The Railway Commission has done its work well. The line has been con- structed according to modern stand- ards and ranks among railway ox- ports as a ttrat class road in its road bed and structural equipment and the Commission will in a low Weeks tako over the line from tho contrac- tors. TORONTO When the Ross Government. brought down the original Railway Bill of 1900, which included aid to the. Al- Coma Central Line, Mr. Whitney vio- lently opposed the Iiieusurc as a whole. The Leader of the Opposition used his: choicest explctives in de- nouncing the Bill, calling the prop"- sition to aid the railway in ques- tion "The most. phenomenal steal, the greatest attempt at public rob- bery. the most heinous public crime that was ever attempted by men in authority in the Dominion of Cana- da. and I do not think I would be exaggerating to say, on the Contin- ent of North America." This extra- ordinary statement was greeted with prolonged opposition cheers. When completed, this line in hound to be u. most. important fuchw in opening up the undoubtedly rich ce- sourcos of that part of the Algoma District through which it mum-s. been graded. Now that the Sault in- dustries have been re-established on a permanent basis, and the various works are in operation. the Algoma Central Railway will in all proba- bility be pushed to completion to a point on the main line of the C.I'.ll. as originally planned. Alrvady settlement has accompuno iod construction of the railway as far as it has been completed, and the piuneev conditions of actilumvnt are living fulfilled at many points along the line. Tho [loss Government ha - been in favor ot the develop”! at mw Ontario by railway commo- (ion. The Opposition has tried In ev- my way to thwart this teatime of the Government policy. but happily without avnil. Almost every propo- sition for railway aid and construc- tion brought before the Willow" by the Ross Government bu met with either open opposition on the part ot Mr. Whitney and his follow- ers, or practical opposition by plac- ing obstacles in the way. There can be no true development or pormnnmt settlement of our new districts without corresponding rail- way construction, and this progres- sive policy on the part of the Gov- ernment has been amply Jutrtiflmi. he Amman t mun-l mi.“- r. The Algoma Central Railway has been constructed for a. distance of " milcs through a rich timber and min- in;: country, with intervening agri- cultural arms. while 107 miles have .‘::.WAY Ct',hsitiucrtttlt IN OMAN. “9‘33 1liiraitErt C?iiiilli8 UP J tl'ifilllll, _ r'rrb'c,7,i, 'f., F74 Illa-Link Iii-cock m the M of I Wm Smith In week. Mr and in Gala and on In Album day In: not. Funk Hammad Duo All“ In: 'srt'ttrsttmtodtorSmrplt Loom. r'tf2t,tel'l'tilttg,tnrgttr. It gram and lemme “It Samuel milk at! his mother spent . mt " Shallow nuke may with their Moods. Mr Edmond: visited " Mr Bogle'l over Sonny. Mrs Flood. from Shallow lake, is the guest of her mother. In Hulk. for u few wash. Richard Allan in home from Owen Bdund for . week's balmy; Mr George Petttr arrived home from Scum. Mam. looking well, and likes it so well that he intends to go back in the spring. Remember Whitney I Yea on Wed. next remember ye him. That 18. re- member the man whose only policy is a campaign at violent censure and vitnperation against the Gov 't. The beat way to remember Whitney ’e In- capacity for offiee is to remember Re. by voting for McKechnie and promo.- eive Government. Mr Clark hu tr can: of men cutting wood and ioeq in Robert Patty's huh. Robert Pettigrew drove up to June: “who's on Sunday. poorle of the community gathered and a p meant. sociable time was Spent in various games and nmusements till the sma' wee hours. Mn Wesley Follis, who spent a pleasant fortnight in the village nod community. left last Week tor her home in the County town. On paw, evening bflast week Mr and Mn Mt Smith. Jr., celebrated their. wqotjen weddiryt. The loan; Wm West for a few well-earned and“; . A charming socictv belle is Mine Billings of Durham, who open: I tort- night visiting Mrs James Lewneuce. Br her charming {crummy end princellke bearing ' 0 won a bond friends. and her depenure in en irretrievable loss to the social circles. Ihle and hearty u ofyore isMr Prank Skene. who is down from the We had a plenum chat with Mr Robert Watt, an old Domoch boy, who is visiting his parents in the burg. after an absence ofsix years in Britain and the U. States. Miss liable Nichol! left In: week for her home " Rockford. after a pleasant months visit with friends in the com munity. We pay the highest price for all produce. Cull or Ti. ado. of an, Durham. " your neighbor what the (et- " Iltt Big , I J 7 lbs RICE for .. . . . .250 1 qt CATSUP for . . . . 16e Men's Ladies' Mantles all below cost, from . ..$l.50 to 9.00 Ladies, Skirts 4.60 Skirts for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 Wrapperettes 12e and Me Wrapperettes. . . .9c per yd Prints I yard wide for....................... 7cperyd We sell the Goods, you take the Prohia Clearance Sale Continued A FEW GROCERY BARGAINS: The Big Store 's Black Russian Dog Fur Coat for. . . . . .8 t 5.00 Alex. Russell. When we tell you anything you can take us at our word. It wouldn't do us much goodtospend the money we do in advertising it we didn't keep our word and the fact that the response to our advertising is gratifying is because we keep our word, do as we promise. The following prices are as good as a raise of wages to you VARNEY. DORNOCK. For One Week More. ‘14 !yrei {a "1 'r)'jitt,sit.i8lt 'tsf?,:!,.',,, 414%. (“Lg L MTri7aTCiA"krrlt Winter Miitl,','i:' 1 pkg McLaren's Jelly. . . . .8c 1 can Pigs Feet...-.......190 Miss 1. Dick. to sell at a great reduction. We will quote some prices: Hats that were $2.75 & $3.. .. Hats that were v.50 &.... .... ...... ......$a.25 trrtte These hats are very “filth 1nd 3 good quality. Coon: Brown, Navy, Chum Ind White. Made hats Ill Velvet and Plush at n lamb. We make special mention this week of the Big Milliuery Sale. We have about l00 READY-TO-WEARS aturt . 1qu Km} sro , J" UON't A CR, VOL Run mm Raw Run Run REV” REV“ Rev I I Run: Run] Fol Flo Rea (fa "tt

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