West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1905, p. 1

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(Continued e the Profits ore. tore rt ' ywwwwumwwmmwwmwg 5-; Ill, Cash 1t1tt Ln. Mockler a“: iii; EV . W1-.. " - ' 'rtsa?eirr ', -"et ',iii1r't, pl C James Ireland. é Great Clearing SaJe Em:amammmzmmsmmmmk‘ .fiz-cmxsmmsxsngxmxmmxgéfi VOL. xxvu. Nifu" Many trvyum---uuny Prices. Lutnbertnnnm Rubbersr-winle we have said a greet pairs of these since reducing the prices. we have Al sites in all Ityluy. Lumuerman's Socks and Leggings Felt Mippers----atenu, Women', nnd Children; sizes. Carpets and Linolenms Lave Curtains Wool Blankets Underwear, Men's, Women's and Children’s _ Ready-Made Clothing . Boots and Shoes Fur Rnfl's and Caps Men’s and Boys' Overeoats-h large stack to choose from Stock=Taking Sale Remember-Were all Winter Goods, rt U a S. F. MmIm-k. ""“"’“"" ""H5""" [All parties owing him 60 , . lemme plea-e call and ' ii .ty 'J.12',','.1tr"" Cotng ata Main I ment, or costs will he in <->\ . . , . , . 80000 Roo.-.4ttts in a: C'arr'e Lough Cure ls fully guaranteed I dolph Konold, formerly --me. a bottle " Maensrunsu. I . . h . k ki “I P’tnnmx to build. Pr, We are now Into t e thick of the stoc ..ta mg a, Trimmed and Imtrimmed millinery at “H modem improvemen and so havent time for a lengthy adver- X i Git price. at S. F. Morlock'o. trom a recent ism! of went. But when we advertise our stock-tak- '01.,“ haUrwe of Cut. "mm" "Wt Ro. Hetnid, Uuh. Contrrat . ' . . . . I a and get a "aripun--tg. F. Morloce. GENTLEMKN WHO ARR mg sale,we follow It up with genuine bargains a F MrutParittne'n Emma" Pare 00d thin hair. should an n That gives you an extra chance to save money WWW" Oit will build you “0-3 bottles ww‘gn'h" Midthuwh F, , . . . f . . . on edn d , ts. Some of the lines 1t will pay you to buy, even if) "if 8;: 00 f t t h on ',7on'2i1'l'i"t,7i,dt,' J, .- Z . "n ou or P I ter . ' it you don't need them for inomediate 11se, afe ES." 11hs'l,tl __ ‘3, Mt ll - dae tsah worn nn nu...- Pr.e Ann L, 'WM pm. 're cutting down the prices of , rather than carry them over. ..... .. ..rl 7 00 tor 5.50 buttons ..rvg 8.00 tor 6.50 Skirts. . . . reg: 3 gt.) " 2 (O .... .....rn,r 4.51) hr 2 9'.) _... ......rmz 5.00 [or 3.50 ad styles.... .2070 " reg price ... V. we b".'. Du for $1.50 reg $1.50. 2.00, 3 (I) for 75 ..........rez 15C tor 98 ed........rcg 1.25 for 85 ... .......ree 2.00 " 1.25 ..........reg 1.50 " 89 ..........reg 1.25tur 69 a we have said a great many the pines. we have still ttll Jji,iii"i"iiiindt Hg reg reg n-g rm: re: $15.00 " $10.00 reg I211) tor 9.00 rr"..' 7 50 M 6 IO .rug 75e " 49e .rog 40c f ' 23e rett $1 25 tor 'ige iiiihtt LIFE IN DAsoEm--widetitwead svm- pathy is hem): extended to Mr. and Mr". Thos. Allan this week over the serious, even mitical Illness of their son Arthur. whoiq down with typhoid. A repent. that a. fatal termination was looked for aroused intense interest, but at this writing (Tuesday) he is holding bin own, though ntlll in great danger. We. sin- cerely hope that Arthur, an exemplary young man and the joy of his parents may be speedilv restored to health. LADIES Look Yommtrtt-Whieh is the denim of one und all. Tisha the mmhle of visiting Prof. Dorunwend'l private nhnw "mm! at Middaugh House Durham, on \Vedm-sday. Feb. 8th. and Mee the nmny heullliful Inventions in Rtvleq of Human Hair Coverings, \Vigs. Bmgu, Switches. etc., and inspect his vww patent slructure. One day only, Felt. 8th. GEO Emma. Aucu. DAvwan, l $35;me Pro-n- Berry. McGowan We notie by the Ayton Advance I ih"ltyitdt that Mr. Aaron Weuger pram-es drop- l \Vnelnn mug the Aron Crnnmnry, from among ' Bparling his "ther htwinerner, h-ng too many to The Wit mnmltn. h in likely however It will order: T. he continued under “joint qtock Co. of ' George s in farmers of the neighborhood, who 160, John will buy or rent from Mr. Wong". tll, - ANNIVERRARY SERVICES will he held on Sunday next in the Baptist Church. Rev. J onutham O'Neill. of Paisley. will preach in the morning at 11, in afternoon At 2 so. and in the even- mg at 7 n. m. Monday evening follow- ing he will lecture in the church on the topic "Around the Camp Fire. " An offering for the general work of the i bun-h wilt be taken Monday evening. Special music for the occasion. All cor- dmlly Invited. The Municipal World makes the following wise suggestions: The new Assessment Act comes into force on lst a! January l couneiis should take great. care to select the but available man for the pool: ion of A-or. Be should be a mug who will auto I careful study of he new Act and be competent to carry an its provisions. In our opinion, clue use-cam is the most important oirteial 'num-il- have an appoint. and the Janu- uy amnion-I will helm opportune time n ensure etBrotner in the future wont u y "est,ioaw Will ne an u n unsurl- emu-inncy in tl of mu depunuunt.- ' Feh. I, '06, at 1 p. m . for the put-pone of ale-mm: ottieertt and transacting all other nm-u-mry minim-us. Geo Emma. Aucu. DAvwan. The Annual Mot-ting of the B. Grey Diatrict Ag. Soriely will he held in Tow" Frm, Durham, on Wednesday, go'ttti..,,r.-....a. Tfm7.UT-'GtGT,Te- Murray-y on Jan 'dgth, tara. Rev. J. O'Neil. Puidey will conduct. the nurvnc as morning and awning Mrmdnv follhw- um tem and program " in former years. Further notice see him. NotrcE--An parties in town holding hooks helnnging tr, the Public Library (we-r the alluitud tune of two weeks al- lowed will kindly return ammo st once. Parties in country having name out over four week. kindly return " once. ' The Annual UoturreRational Meeting of the Preahytplinn Church wdl beheld on Tunadny ant M 1.30 p.m. A full ntt- endunce is requested. the reports being exceedingly Interesting and valuable. l I. O. F. ANNUAL .SrrpmgR.-, This, in to I he thl on 'I‘uwzduy evening Jan. 31, in 'the Hahn Home, and an informer you: will no doubt. he a great. ruccess. On Wednesday, Petr. lat, Dr. Goo. S. Butt, will ha at the Middaukh House, Durham, for consultation in Eye, En, Throat. and Nose mun. Eyes tested and glasses fltred. Hours, IO-M. l Don't you forget, “In his: an d (at. Peel's Shae Scare, at Dun-hm (Owen Bound. ( we, still have Romp nice Wall I I lo ft at 2 ond 3 cents a. roll-See l MneF'arlane & Co, Glenehe Cmmml meeting has been changed from Fell. 11 to Feb. 4. Appli- catinns for Assessor must he in Clerk's hands hv Fett. 3. 2 large size SERVANT Gnu. rs. W. muck, , " iiiiiilttinfCf1illiti,ijr"a" iiiiiriiiiiii8t'i1ifilll' i DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY M ttit, Ant. Jackets at a. haw-gain BY of!!! oit)om. get, tun his: so dav sale Score, at Durham and MusreD- Wtlt Papers --See them . will be Apply to DUNCAN Cur-nun. Manager. 9th January. m5. A demonstrator from the University Medical Society will call on the homes of Durham. and give them a, two minute talk on Medicolony. The work is edited by 22 of the world’s best Speci- Mists and ph ysxciuns. It shows you thousands of secrets of hauling di- seases, meeting emergencies. preten- ing life and health; and saving time and money. The work is placed in your home for a matter of a couple of pennies a day for a .hort time. The deterred Annual Meeting of the Durham Public Lihmrv will he held on Suturduy next in the Lihmry building at 8 pan. A full attendance of the members is requested. The annual meeting of the Grey and Bruce Mutual Fur lp~ur=mce Co. will he mid in Miller's Hull. Humvvr. on “'Pdnesdny. the be day of February next. cam-nonmng on the hour of one o’clock in the afternoon. The undersigned will peeeive applica- 0ionl up to Feh. Srd, 10th5, tor the otBee of Assessor for the Townnbrp of Glenda for the current year. Applicants will please not to state Maury r-quirvd, Dated this 25th dnv of J "nu'ut INS. J. B. BLACK, Tp. Clerk, 2 Pomnv a. Mayor Hunter alone chunpionu thn north ward, McGowan alone the east. and tire in the west. Some Rood men have fallen but such in the fortunes of war. “menu: 8 no 64 w. Bparling 37 53 91 184 The mom-rs stand in the following order: T. Murunm Ivtu, Calder 187, George Spanning 184, John McGowan 169, John Livingstone 134, D. Kinnee ll). Livingstone Mama McFarlane McGowan McLuchlnn Calder Cochranc Kit-nee planning to build. Prune-d brick and all modem improvements ' no we learn from a. wee-m. lane of the trut Lute Hamid, Utah. Contrmtuhttionn. anuxnxx wno ARE BALD --Or have thin hair. should call on Prof. Doen. wend nt tho Midduugh Home. Durham, ion Wednesday, Fell. 8th. and we hi. wonderful devices in Toupeee and Witte. worn on over 75.000 hands. Explain»? tiouand devuomtrution free. Private up»: [manta " Hotel. Don't mil to we I his new invention. pale-med all over the world. Ito-member for only one day. Sunoxx DE.crirs--ot, Saturday lust Mr. John Murdoch, nmr Yeovil, can of the Inspector of Weights and Meuum,_ died suddenly. He had undergone an operation tor tsppendicitis a. few dun James A. Hunter wn'l he in Durham. at A, u JackaonuotBee lit to 4th Feb. All pal-tau owing him or the Hunter estate plemse call and armam- unle- uncut. on cost: will be incurred. 80000 HuuB.-This is what Mr. Ru- APPLICATION FOR ASSESSOR. tvas'rrro--sn,trt hov to learn drug 3 business. not; Afraid of wars. mucus J qualified..--). A. Darling. , NOTICE. I . - . -. -- For better or for way-so the country, '),1uue,e,; PITT: hizkle::: ”“m'man unmistakable pronounce-n WWW" a . w Dent against, the Liberal Party, for of I a PPCent ttmae ot the Balt Lute the, 98 seats about 70 have ttone to the dd, Utah. Congratulations. Comervmives The persistent cry of muxuxx wao ARK Batar-or have iyrruptiod which m, still believe to hair. should call un Prat. Don-n. have. been sporadic In chnrnqter. has int tho MiddnuO House, im.':',"',',",.: 'tif/tfries',?""],'","':?':' tttll" Tlil' l Vednvodny, Feb. 8th. and see i , Win the h t he old “We"; hm" “no.” m Toupeee and Witte, a?” flung $321.3 dt no waning. " I ron over Tt5.000 “WI" 'tferr' while errors o_tJudtrm"nt, to new the l and demomtrution free. Private hast, such as chm keeping of N. Rvn- t manta " Hotel. Don't fail to can in... ---- u - A Are you interested , R. W. Dummy. District Mgr. PUBLIC LlBRARY. TORONTO NOTICE. 37 M n 45 ll l3 l3 iltojit; U. RAMon. Beer. 21 l8 it! 41 what Mr. Ru- of this pure, in 133 31 75 169 N 111 87 184 The fittures as iar as we have been able to ascertain are given below t It was a rousing victors, it is Im- pouibie to minimize it, end. we shell now have the pleasureot sitting on the fence and seeing the other fellows run things. oottrms,-Cotmervntivis, South and Cam tre Bruce Comernnye. At this writing Premier Ru:- I 'srl, t"tMAttP. to have had a narrow escape. Damn. ”mum-‘l" Durttots. tO tho “MW?” Lf'whtord. Harcourt. Evinrarel Midi of h" dtuudrer Ily. R Msrottait.ou Gibson have all gone down, While the , Pie/ttT, hm ti, Mt. Geo. Adlam new ministers MaoKay and Grnhumi J' "mm .ntred - yen" have retained popular favor. The iNpa'ti,i,-2 Glam-lg, an the mm in», in. three Wellin as are Conservative I ',tlf,?f,tuf, Mr Md Mu. Arttold 6 thep. School , King-coca tr Proton tst. BEKTISCK. Jamieson majority, 88 , Tobermory 56 as E 2 Button Hill 26 " 8 Allan Part 4 1i,t,u'l,','i," Cor. 5 bun tush 48 75 6 [ounce 60 48 7 Epnwood l Allan‘s 3 Umnmre 'd, Holstein 4 Yeovil ti Mt. Forest 6 Dlewry’u 1 Caviar-ville 2 Hopeville 3 ti. Park 4 Vomit-y 6 Uuudnlk l Ritchie's 2 Glen 3 Mnrkdnle 4 McKenzie‘a 5 Tp. Hall l Notth 2 East 3 West I North 2 South [ -- -. J-u‘lu' uv, IN any M'U Feast. such as the keeping of N. Ro-n- chow open for 18 mouths, contributed Wino small measure to the. deeisive infant. Besides there was the unique aitaation of uppueition from both Lem- runce and liquor men. That it is k decisive defeat is satis. eprv, it it was to be a defeat at all. 26, 1905. g’Dr. Jameson Elected. With a Very Large Majority. M.ekechnie majority. 40 HANOVER. McKechnie majority. 87. lick Jam mnj .lsuuicson umjurny. N4. Gunman. J mmleson nmjority. 33 WHITNEY IS PREMIER 'tuBEMONT. PROTON. 113 " “h. 'icTc'"e7'a7iBM' "tt 118 42 47 H Mck Jam 47 18 ' furor ”3‘th manic itt up. town, 144 um] H4 l3 71 I7 18 79 . _ v-.. ... --.-- vuvvu, 1“. WI] the higher than the Liberals mueedod. .. " no _..A " , . . == 1ereeaTrazrr: I Parker. .. 7 7 --. --"'" __._. """""* lADLAX.-ln Durham. an tho -tidence i of In: dtsuetrer Moe. It Mom-hall. an ; “iguana-y. Jlm._25. Mo. Cleo. Adlun but nm. It in said, up tn “mums 'f the other side. When Hanover came in with "my 87 it was certain them that McKecbnio “ms drfeataad, ard crude ally the Dr. drew uhmd as cuun'ry polls came in. The odd night pre- vented nut-dour demmmrutitms. uud uradunllv the Town Hull tilled with a. cm'd heeomme more enthusiastic as the “will: went an. When the m- ania were certain spwech-mnkimz be. zaaxthe hymn!” the hour rmivinz an MacFarlane t Co. Draggists t Howell»: Wall Paper Sale :5 I AUtehit 2 Aymn 3 NPUhtmll 4 Hauupdm G B'ylh'n 6 lhvhinwu'< l Dundulk Come and let show you. mum uAMAbE. Pun-u an F -- o o- -. --- IELEIVING THE RETURNS To make room for our new spring stock ofwall paper expect- ed about Feb. lst, We are determined to sacrifice balance of stock on hand this month. We simply must have the room ; out it are» mmnALK. Janina“ majot ity, 2tt P2 08 Nunxsxnv. PUBLIIIBI. us It!) M II " 3t

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