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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1905, p. 4

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it our Imperial Lax Quinine Tablets will stop a cold in a few hours. Try them. For Sale only at Darling’s Drug Store OHETHING NEW IN WASHERS: lb? Perforated Drum. rnlv in the Idea. Raymond: Sewing 'Machines. McClary Stoves for Goal or Wood Agent for the Dillon Bulge Stay Fence. _, Where does the Money some from? 'i' The Farmers’ l’rg t Supply'co.,l Special value in Boys' Suit. and OVercoats. thmtidemee . . . SNrtieuter ”was”: wear frog)?” .9an Ctothhts It has the Flt, the Hang and the Style, the Finish that pleases fastidious young fellows. Our business is growing every season because we do give better values throughout and have the fullest confidence of our customers, because we sell every item in our stock on smallest possible margins. Men‘s Black and Fancy stripe tweed Tailor-made Overconts, very fancy and dressy at. . . F .. . . . . ..86.00, 8.00, moo, 12.00 and 14.00 Men's Fancy Tweeds and Black Cheviot Suits at. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . ...... ...... ...... ....... ......85.0t1 6.50, 8.00,10.00and12.00 ' - " .. ' ”m“ -_- Nii'Griiiik iiiaGGWate"'i1'i','ah,'e' rili any” 'i'inti5ii'iiii7iii"iii'iiiEi'ii IG"., "im-__-A-dr-.-.-. -.m. tum-w "mu-w- maummmaamifiummuu“h"ml 'eight-tPA-tttaus."'"" WHAT MONEY? The money that makes millionaires of the manufacturers of Agricultural Machinety ? Why. out of the pockets ot the farmers who buy and finally pay for the machine. Why not save sometot this money for youtself by securing shares in the Farmers' MT; and Supply Co., Limited? What you dont save in the price paid for your machinery you receive yonneli in dividends which otherwise would otherwise go into the pockets ot the wealthy manufactures. Write for particulars to We can give g'2 a mere list of ourgoods. but m qualitynml adaptability to t 6 needs of South Crroy we are not, excelled: Bearing Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Honey’s Har- ness. Palmerston Buggies, Renowned autirlex. Mr pl ices Jrohrt Elark. Endings Ems 53° 1, e Also Wilhelm'. Wrinuen. all made iriiwiiGGirirr Ayr: The best in their line as we handle only the best. Confidence between the merchant and his cus- tomers is the surest foundation for his success in business. To merit and retain the confi- dence of cur clothing customers has been our constant aim and we exercise the greatest care in selecting styles and materials that are sure to please the most exacting and then we in an excellent position to supply our custom- ers with Tailor-made Clothing- During the past month we have received large shipments of Men's and Boys' Suits and Men's and Boys’ Overcoats and we are of- fering them at prices that mean money savers to those who take advantage of them. So many goods are cheaply put together, the pro- per price is not paid for the making, there is no exactness in cutting that the finished gar- ment in outward appearance may seem equal to ours, but after it is worn, the difference is clearly shown. Can} and One fun. In"; mr-k---,-,:--, , Aus, _s......i'/rrtd Farm Machinery. If Coughs and Colds are permitted to go on their way of making us miserable, -unrebuked, unmolested. Drive Coughs and Colds out of your system by the use of our celebrated Which we can safely recommend. Others speak highly of its efficacy. Why not you ? Price. . .. 25 cttnts " Now is the Winter s of our Discontent” White Pine Itll, Honey 'or/ook. A few doors South of tire Middaugh House, Fir, “I“, vnrm. rum; AWHOI'I. U. I The evening w” pleasantly spent l Grant. C. manage. Owing to the it 1titt.t music add song, and Inter to the 1 clemency of the weather there was utmo- of the Violin dnncing m in- ! “,7 small attendnnce. dulged in. The In“)?! couple left by nfurnoon than next F ny, for Torootii, when friends of the groom had at Inge WANTED evening reception uniting them. rum and 100ng tn 2hiTil'.g'lt tt The hrldem uni-actively etch-e in ttar2tgf,tt has 'JWflh' itgtqaeHt nub I"aTg,'rh,'tg,t wing tttl you 'rd i _'i's,1'ftli'ls'i',e!,li'i'Crii' 1'tgtlraitlgg'l"eS', 'mnmed mt I igne: ' w my.” “molt-la none-y aha 1trttrt_q-.. I'm. Pt.' tt'ggg,2te2tiiietiiiil 'k',tt,TlGtg'htttu'3ll431t,'3r4 , THE DURHAM REVIEW tray. parlor rug. h doz. handkerehiefs, curd receiver, 2 chenille table covers. 2 cushions. 2 pair lace curtains. silk table cover, work basket. silk organ drape, linen side hoard dupe and luau. silk quilt, linen table cloth) pair linen towels. crumb tray and brush, jardinerc stand, granite prourvmg kettle and pudding dish. Rranite teapot. 4 granite pie plates, silver butter kni r. set mile! mate, 2 oil- ver limit jars. fancy jug. mirror. glut fruit dish let in silver. fmcy table cover. hodrwm not. 4 cnhmed pictures, bread Pinto, augu- bowl and cram pitcher, pair fancy mittens, 8tt in cash. 45 yda of my earpet, 3 tloot mall. Parlor suit, 3 rocking chairs, 3 parlor tables. easel and picture. tea cosey. music rack lamp. [apex-rack. 3clocks. 3 7min, 2 silver butter dishes, 3 salad howls, 1 cheese dish, " dosen knives and forks, five o'elork tea set and mm coffee set. 2 contra pieces, 3 tea-sets. sil- ver pepper and salt cruet. 3 silver pickle crusts. "my 2',"rl,,t and cram-pl char, idoz. bread and utter plates, 2 silver cake dishes, gold-lined sugar shell, 2 sil- ver fruit spoons. l doz. sterling ten. spoons, doi. silver tea-spoons. silver, fern-pot, 2 fern-pots. silver fruit dish, bed-room set. meat platter. fancv glass ten set. 2 carving sets. mustard pot, foot stool, set toilet. mats, h doz. fruit plus. Mat linen table napkins. bed oproad. mu, pair chenille gunning __silvor_ tea te!!!?!!!.,,?,!!,',,.'.,,!,.!,?..,',,,?.',..',.), Our am new this wk are' l strikingly unmet-om. the Angel of Death I Mr. George me, of Humver visited bu been among» an end many home. '; friends in town on Sammy last. are saddened and dukened by the going i Min Glut Pagan, in . - of her out of the light and life of loved ones. aunt. Mrs. Alex. Rune", at present. an Bursa! Ruckus. Miss Mare Supernaugh. is at present I The town was shuttled Wednesdsy 5 visiting her sister. Mrs. Thus. Swnllow. ! morning to learn that this well-known ', Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley um little son spent Suudty with Dr. and Mm. Wolfe. Besides the many friends of her home. here and the early home of her mother and herself there were present. from a distance Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Banks o. Sound. M P. Joe. and Miss Annie McFar- lane. o. Sound: Miss Lizzie MeArthur, Nits urn Falls; Mr and Mrs, Schrelher. f'l,'.'t'l2f.",. Messrs. Will md Don. Robert- son. Kincardine. Friends from even a greater distance recognized her worth and winsnmeness by sending her valu- able pretrertttt, a. list of which follows. Mr. Edwin Allan is home u. present owing to the tunes: of his Mother. Arthur. Mm Lewis of Mt. Forest spent. the first part of the week with Mrs. Arthur McClocklin. Mrs. James Hepburn came home Sal- urduy from unending the week with Toronto friends. Mrs. T.McGlock1in of Pomona in in town this week visiting ber sons and daughter Mrs. A. McDonald. The bride. who is the only child of the Inte Andrew Marshall, of Norman, by. has been for about half her hte in association with the writer, at. t1rst as teacher and pupil for 501-8 yarn, and later as an employee on the staff of the REVIEW for over four years. We in tend to tell her husband some day when she's not listening that she was a height and willing pupil, and n. skilful and re. liable Pinpkgvo. and while we will miss her as an ni to fall back u n to give us a "hand out" in n 'lull? we take second placu to none of her friends in wishing her and her husband all the joys of life. Mr. Douguld Mecormtek, Prireaulle, was in town last week and called on his relative Mr. John Robenson. Br. who is still a great sufferer. Mr. Manson, m’nistvr nt Vurney. was in MI. Forest Friday. where he deliver- ed an address at. a. Temperance Concert. and sang two selections. Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe, of Manitoba, new Begum. after an absence of 28 yrs.. are here visiting friends in and around town. They lived at one time on the him Mr. Wm. Mountain resides on. Very hearty and sincere were the ngratttlatioivs that followed from the rly 175 guests. The liven and the gaff the hungry couple have been an pen nook. an their many friends in Durtnu will welcome them to its citi- lt':';;))','.')',..,';)') to think ghnt the new ,,"kIouiea -tAstit, by! tuk n its birth" On Wednesday last. nt 5 p. on. the fine new residence built by Mrs. A. Marshall during the put cannon was wronged with a happy company met to crlelmte the union ot her dun hter Mary to Mr. H. Arthur A'Go1',"lt son ot Hugh McDonald. of this town; At Ihe hour nmned the ceremony took place; the wedding march “as played by Miss Cassie McDonald, while the happy principals took their place side hy side, in front of the bride: pastor, Rev. Wm. Furquhnrson. who placed before them the duties and resrpontrittili- ties of the married state, and each glue the solemn promise “braking all other to he true till death." The groom was supported 2 Mr. Norumn Turner, while the bri e was supported by Myrtle, the pretty Sister of the groom. _ Wtoot some time tfiict through but the last hand shake. ids and Rood wish were over ost1aat and table after table was sinrounded by the large company and justice done to the elegant viunda hefore them. The artist had been at work too, and the eye as well as the halal: was cut Md by beautiful crea- tions, the mo" 'urlking lie-inc the very handsome 5 storey wedding cake. Ghtt MCDONALD-MARRHALL. BYIENEA L MN! I ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The annual meeting)“ the above tio- itlr, WM held in the uhlic Libnry on W nesduy evening. Jan. 11th, for' the election of once” and other business. when the 1fagpieltg,p, were elected: President. Gilbert cKechnie: 1st Vice- Pvesldeut, Thos. Dams: 2nd Vice-Prod. dent, J. P. Telford. Direct urn. Willism Ritchie. Durham. Jos.A. Brown.Arehie Roberta“), John Hunt, Chris. Irirt h, James Lloyd, Geo. Fumeanx, Arthur Jackson, A. A. Canon l Secretory-Trees- um, Chrm. Firth; Auditors. U. L. Gum. c. M,aapagre. Owing to the in.. clemency of the weather than was . very smell "tendanee. A week ago lss. Sabbath he wss taken With appendicitis and . was operated on by Drs. Brown, Holstein and Jones Mt. Forest, and was doing very well until pneumonis set in on Monday following, and he had not strength to battle with this trouble and rapidly sank till the end came on Thursday. In the death of Mr. Murdoch the township loses one of its most respected citizens and the board of the Agricultural Society one of its ardent members. But whete he will be most missed of all will be in the Presbyterian Church. Fairiraitn, where he has been a most devoted Elder for several years. He has led the service ot Praise there since a boy, and there were few more capable, Re had great musical ability, a sweet voice, and was ever willing. He was never absent , from his church either on Sabbath or the weekly prayer meeting if it were possible for him to be there. His fun. eral, which took place on Monday, 25rd inst. was attended by a large concourse, 1 of people. tt is estimated that over two hundred sleighs were in the procession. _ 1he pull bearers were his brethren of Session of Holstein and Fuirburn, viz: Mesqrs. R. Dodds. J. Philip, it. Aitken. J. McInnes. J. Stephen-on and W. H. Rogers, The services were conducted by the Rev. J. Little, assisted by Bee. Mr. Kestle. Holstein. The funeral ad- dress was based on Numbers Er.io-ut the die the death of the righteous, and let my last end he like Bis. His death was truly it triumphant one. His de- voted wits was a daughter of the late Jae. Swansea. and is left with three little children to mourn the loss of a true husband and "ttter-Com, lady had breathed her last. For some i week. past the has been ill with n stomach complniut. hut no eeriou-u com- i pltmtiom were feared until but week. The best of medial aid was secured end all done that carelul nursing could do. hat death mu in the cup. and the de" voted husband and living friends are! left to mourn the highly esteemed lady . whose pvesence will he mined in other circles besides that of her own home. She was IS consistent and earnest mem- her of the Analican church here. and for many yeous took a prominent part in its service of praise, and generally was a pvblie spirited supporter of all Rood movements. Her nmue previous to marriage was Sheppard, her brother. Mr Chas. tuteppoxi. of Bin-tie. lteintt, Well-known here. She it, to he hurled on l _ Friday. l Wednesday mnrninp. at the home of of hio daughto-r Mrs. It. Marshall. this well-known Brntinck furmet succumbed from the effects of an operation the previous duy. The injure to the toe which ttectsttsitated it. amputation was found to he still canning tmul-ie and working upward, and with» View to check a tendency that would 'Wflll'e long result in death, amputation of the leg aboveihe knee was decided upon. This wan done Tuesday and the patient bore it well. but the shock to the systvin was too great and next day he passed u- war. Mr. Adlain 'utd family have long been residents of Bentinck, and a wide circle will deeply sympathize with the widow and children nwr the removal of a worthy citzzen and a loving husband and father. He was a member of the Anglican communion and will be buried on Sunday, the delay being to admit of the presence of A son who is far away. Mr. and Mm. Arnold Noble. Glenelg. mourn the loss at their first born child, um ekewhore we refer to the death of Mr. Hemy Dennet and Mr. John Mur- doch. Our sympathy is extended to all the mourners. Confribuled by Rev. Mr. little to our ”obtain correspondent “#ka t1g',gifli1ror"ihnhr'ipgi: Inspector ot Weights and Measures [mused peacefully away last Thursday after an illness of less than two weeks. Durham Horticultunl Society. A LAM" DEATH ROLL Mn. GEO. ADLAM. IN MEMORIA M. 9-0 ------- Pro tie. noun. teiij,t Iona. lam - mpgpllced drhtr enl and. writing: drum. Business ennui-lied 184. The Hanover Conveyencer. begs to a, that he he: sold needy every prom, included in hie ISM. in the Run“ but he now alert the following Win: '/'Nlmhn'u'at'gtrsrre,te. thr. in ouch. as... so litrtgd an t'a't't)l'lill,T,"ti'tt.tratr. i that m 100 &tstr't'htttgfgttE on.“ in 1lrtremoo an“ a... 'oo ammmamug-fiwfi . wm tg?rfa, 'i',eithf2iSi'iiii,'ikmt Illa I I non-A Inlay-nu... 'hi,',?,,'..,,?,,',!.? d “he: 'mtrertges, NEW LIST l)? LANDS At Durham and Owen Sound MMI SHOE STORE 60 Day Sale Don't' you forget the Big We nre determined to stock and are offering good- reduced prion. in on!" to our end. Toboggans. No non can prep.erA ride tu'C,1'l', of the nrghl’lt without a. Tomnm- 'l', which you can ban tor OL value. IrdtW"lh7Fi", -a 'tTfitteyele.%" “a. All - iditttt A” Sleigh Bells. bleigh Bells are unmarked down, $3.40 Body Strings for 83.00. m, atoek all kinds of Stove: from " Coal Oil Beater to n. " Penn Euther" Range. Ask your neighbor about these Ranges. Have you received Four account ? Who would work with an old x cm worn out saw when you can get a. new one so cheafp. Our nae-mun x cut but» are selling 111.3100 the Buck Saws. Axes. Now is the time lo buy teal”. You can get your chance of size. make and style. Carpet Sweepers. X-Cut Saws. We bayou grout variety of Axon. Out-90 (t. Handled Axe. urea good value. Scales. How do you get along without 3 Carpet Sweeper t The majority of Brooms wear the nap off the carpets. Mops. ine hot water and onenofl t ur hat-lt- . . tt I . i,'f,ilty12'? ands: "IMI I','? ygx: un . . Stoves. If. H._MILLER. A.gtri,i!i,,,i,,,, Mm, The Lun gs Z] Alveye keep I but]. of tt In the house. We have been "htte dale tor Q yam attd no have the defunct. " 'lhnl - (at In"! "I I ulw um T."i,au.r - WM" - W 'itmtar,tLltllr- WM." 'ifNiSt'Nrt=vaffaa mu..- --- mu,“ PM" Convmucar. Cherry Pecto!‘ ii) saw“ “I... I‘ll-M 14.111.00- HARDWARE H. H. MILLER, perm Ph?, '.r?.yettl,r../.:e.i1,rint W. BLACK titted to reduce our mg goods at “RANK own-to accompli- in; Gi/i' left, one-child its 1% have. {swarm Ill-e- and no" [And I: Ian and will all than u the knowing reduced price! In than an. t 4 pain Boys', ulna 3 and 4 at. . . .2111; ”plum-w. " land Itat.... "15e 0:" tttsee aa'. Wake "any. ""‘ "'"""'“' "' - M! Chm. on... Bon boas. Lined Balls We have i Christmas ' . . 'toith A4e $haker GiiiiiFijii? down, to make nun turihrriott goods arriving shortly. Cumin Work and Bandung Done At Tho Down To" Boot 4: Shoe Store - B-" --r- u“. u; \p. um! “I. 5 store. or It the Rlvuw Omen-2, mi; receive out but attention. We are " the shop " the bridge ex- ery Wednesday and Sunday. or den or t'rtti.riet1ett " C. McArthu’s TWEEDS an YARNS Prices and Oli' BEST QUALITY. Grocones. Dry Goods. Boots a Shoes, Crockery, de. We can give you Bargaim. - We out inspection of our Tens... Running Itchincry of this fatttotts arm's makes S. SCOTT. Ftamarusa I I The Spring has come and the Summer has gone end so has nearly two cerloadr: f Tudhope Buggies and the plac e which was once so filled to overflowing with those rig: is now being filled u; with over a rarload of the lemons Now that you have a Tudhope Bug " get a Tudhope Cutter a be in the swim A130 Maxwell Machinery Alto see our famous Jtarn Guam They are good in (way respect Call and see on: Show Rooms opposit daugh Stables, Lamth BARCLAY d BE: . S. Mclllraith Of all kinds. Examine our TUR- NIP PULPERS; they are the but on the market; also, on: CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS Alan a few pain Ladies' Sump A--.- bat Oil-bu aus, Women, Only “we in town when iiitct.t I “It _itiiiil "_-----, bison, a. 3m, 3mm " 1905 & tef!ttt your only: for Well-known ind relinble. Giving best satisfaction. Once and. always and. We: familial: __J{yoncy. 95mihopo Gutter. Id terms to suit purchaser.» Call and examine. m Jiibha/er, bode, bsf, thu, in ill-cg t to :13an f. _ ohn CAPITAI CA PITA 1 RESERV AGENT ontario. Btu" 3n: A general! Drafts iIN as" points. not nlluwot SAVINGS “wings h. MI I farilitr n‘ OUR All teto Ida. Ap MII i dint u MAG Wishe: Jan. 2, l " He Will STC Ord will P u n ity rep med me ple pai MI

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