West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1905, p. 5

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" pairs, Ml“ M Bals lets god u a: the followinx s In those size t town wt Icllraith Item Ca-."-,"..,.,.",,-,,-,'"""""',- H , , \ i it S. DRYSDALE.‘ ,nd Repair")! Don. n Boot w Shoo Stow " Att Vi" has ' curd} ind; IF. Zamora htders IdSa ftatt rs Ladies' Strap down. to on he . eoods ”thing I " 1905 earns & Boa hols. “we! cs always ttget food; as ' . . Qatar Me gal-pr r Goods. Boots rockery, &c. 'est, thu, atC.3 it: YARNS , um purchasers Blaine. and 4at....£l.w Ind Sat.... 75c VIC]. BIIIII bullion paid 1 Bargain! BaIS h be in the swi- “binary able ttion the Sumac two unloads with“. in great n landing "tre an F. Or hill-{s cr., I!” {he place verflowist. , filled up e famous amph- " B ET: SAVINGS BASH. .nterost allowed on t-intrtr bank deposit. of Oh“) and up wards Prompt nth-Minn and over, facilin afforded cuutonwn living at ya distance. l ltr, J KELLY, Agent. A general Bunting nunineu transacted Drum issued and collection mud! on "ll points. Deposits received and in"! an! allowed at ettrrertt rates . AGENTS in all prim-nus] points .1: Ontario. Quebec. Mnnnulm. United Stats" and Englnnd. DURHAM A GENCY CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .0t,00tt,oo CAPITAL. Paidnp. ...m..... Ctln0.0t RESERVE FUND .ws.......e 1.0m...» All x-emun-od Stock and likely ani" nut. Apply to _ -, - SIMDARD BANK (lf WM MACHINE REPAIRING _ ' - Inca. Scum & 80m- Jnn. y., 1903. Rocky Sangern P. o, Wishes its many friends and . muons a JANUARY " 1905 Head Office, Toronto. THIS: Strictly Bub, in M It! I wish to intimate to the Public of Durham and vici- nity that I am prepared to repair all kinds ot Imple- ments and machinery. Far. mers or others wishing lm. plements or machinery re- paired. please notify me and I will be pleased to call. Will be found " LIVING.. STON'S SHOWROOMS. Orders left in my absence will receive prompt attention L' 3-. 3-. I The Big" 4 W. P. COWAN. President. GEO. P. REID. lung». 'l he Big- 4. :ough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. Happy and Prosperous New Year OR SALE. A DAILY PAPER has ceased to be a luxury and is classed to-day " a necessity by most people. . There are special reasons, however, why the Toronto Daily Star has become so exceptionally popular. The wide range of news it gives, the thoroughness of its reports and the catchy style in which they are dealt with account for its popularity. Its political news is reported and discussed in an independent spirit. It gives all market and stock reports up to the close of the markets on the very day of publication. c. It publishes the events of the world on the day they occur. nsmuu-cumwmm ”wh'uohchhmt “punt“.houilnm. The Toronto Star . Bean It i, in fact the brightest and newsiest paper in Canada. mate to the f am and vici- prepared to N Is ot Imple. w hinery. Far- 44 wishing 1m. T achinery re. "1 otify me and O: sed to call. It LIVING- pe )WROOMS. my absence W n pt attention , . k, ht 11 It! 'll e L S D l LII . '" . H gm RT,','? " ti'e I k' _ 56% /rIEt',rs7vi.'.s vu . _ 1:5 Ex . A , "', mi ugsfl _ 3% SUBSCRIBE TO-DAY Wmh were divided u fo1lnmst Ward 1. W Weir, Ward ft, J A McMillan). Ward 3. Geo E Arrawnmith. Ward 4, E W Hunt and the Reeve to supervise the who]. Township. Arrmmuitlt--Mehrian-Tat tho clerk be iustrueted to write to the Local papa" numlv‘ lintkdnlo Sinudatd. Durham IU. biew and Chronicle. and get tltsir prices for Tp Printing for the you mob-Cu. Arrowimith-Weir-Thst tho olerk be te, 81.50 Int rnmir of Hull door. aim: I" Cnmpbell 08.45 for " cords of dry wood delivered " Htul.--thrrrted. .. Mexilan-- "rowgmith--'rttart tit" - b. paid " for preparing Finsneinl Stato- mom and " for eommittoe re Gen Roy, .--Currie.1. . MeMilun---Weir-.Thu Tho, Dnvis' mm. be inserted in Bylaw 44tt us nrtritra. tor inland ot E W Huut.--thtrried. Wrir--Mehtithuv--'rut Thou Green- wood be pmd " cunts for mini for roadtc-thirrud. McMiHnn - Arrowamilh - That 80'") "up" of the Municipal World be procured far "no " C'ouncil,-Lthsrtied. MeMilhut---Enmt-Thnt the roan ind Wm Weir ho a cnmmim-o to naming“ to the sumoioncy oi the Treasured sure- iiu, and upon ttt nut meeting of conn- 'stl.-Ahsrrird. I Turn and Dr “and. brim; ar; third um» si mul al-n'm' and unwound M Ryan booit-rurrud, _ Arr-mum ' Hunt T in Election E! pom-on my» anti-w to M8 " be nude-Cur. MetMilun--mir-cN" C Runny- lw mid ttft 86 for prirttmr.--Ctsrried. Wtrir--MeMian-Tat Dr Hntt, n'ag account rv-analv-ia of In“? hum the "ell of John Bell amounting to " M, buinu half coat of sum» be ptxid.--thirric.d. l Wenr-ttunt-Timt Colloetnr No {ho 'tnstrnrtrd to Petttro tax" emu-an whom In: dw.ol8 Con LE a R Allin“ we Lami.--Carrud. Hurtt-MehIiunn-Tu" Wm Bhok he mid the mm of .140 for mndriol [or Hnll. aha ' T Hill & C ' Itt cents tor hinun tos Hail door --CMn'od Me%i'tn"--murr......Th,tt Bwnw Nr 447 " fblec, up with the nun” of RT Bl. Iumi~ and John MeIuma. and Bylaw No “I .- tttls." tttt with the nutr- of R JI .Hyns-Arrownmith-.m,a, ma C'erk Ink " "pplreat.i-nu fur "e Mies ot Ann-- Iorm the Dnrlmm REVIEW ostti tttr i cam.- nut to ntntu “I." roqnimla-C r Edam 447. 448 t 449. ro-Andt'or ' L. cal Board " fb. .qu . "t Anew-r. WM! min-doom and row a first and second time. "on: um Meaier, McLuhan. Cook an! Ellison. Colleen-u “noun. with Trauma or ; hon Thu. Gmwnod, gun OI normal; from Wm Buck. account fur sundries foe Hall . from C Run-mo. nccnum for print- ins, l from Dr Hutton, n- amivslsol mun! from one In" u ed be J Bell; {rum Jnhn HoDonard and J’mm- Stapler. application: fur the ' at annual. The Council adjourned to Feb. 4, at lo mm GLINZLG 000N011. J, S. Duct. Clerk 'et ”Why-‘1‘” MM 1“. '. . . "'5‘? , w" Rt " Lid-9"?" C ' "fl ' Fr, , . ‘ MU'. .- ',1,tAv3,tch"4't?iyrtt'w': A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN . department of our estaiilishment." LASTLY, our prisetsareyWag1htte1yfair, Give us a can uni Bee mr yourself Flor I and other ingredients. 7 - SECONDLY, we ate artists in our line. THIRDLY. e1tatt1ittetss reigpsjn every FIRET of all, we uge only, the finest And therefore we hear nothing but pme for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. ITSUITS TO A TI Whats fearful situatinn! Her navy demtrovod, her greatest farm-as cap- tured. a vast arm» at. haw and likely who debated. and at the centre of author'ty n rebellion in pram-u. At Britain's dark»: hour in Swath Africa. her children fioeked to her aid: in Ronni» hnwdifterent, Maythe ty runny a 'd ~pprasicm salon; rampant. speedlj y bedeotroyed. Whnt is tn he the outcome it in hard to saw. “cream worthmsn are striklnz in nvmp-cthy. other places are uhuwlnl’ u‘mpachv. and if the armv shnuld turn with the masses the throne of the Czar: might fall. dense and fired into midi muk." {all in: hundreds and wounding hundreds more. I Led by I priest named Gohon, work- men. with wives and children. duper- nte from Imam Arorta to treat with their emplm rm, marched why their cnmplnima before the Czar. The authorizing looked on the movement " Itmtrreetionttrv, and called in the mil - itarv. and it app-an. with brutal galmneg waited till the cmwd lot th" boginning of a rising at the Ina-a I ot the. people which any amount to: nyolution comparable to that of France over 100 you: are. “In Saturdny Ind Sunday In: . fearful eunuch-plus took place in the Russian capital. An extonaive strike had been in puma for we days. and this {can}: a; hue furnished s nuclnm tor G. H. STINSON. GOOD REA SONS: STINSON "S? Horror: " St "terstrurtr. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest atotice. st,iik'-, ff? "It: nuan- n mam!» For those who are expecting something extra this yea. You will ogre with him when you ave looked over our Stock of Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Hair Brushes, Celluloid Ctttf Boxes. Glove and Hdkf. Boxes, Toilet Sets, Clothes' Brushes. Purses. Bill Books, Hand Bags, Select Stotionery, Bibles and Hymn Book. Maxie, Gad”, die. Violins. Mouth mgans. Jena', ' . inole Boards," Flinch. Pit; &e Smoker '.cu. Pi f _ Cues. Shaving Mugs, Sharing Sen, Parlor an.d M ", Lumps. Se., ac. And tir other novelties.. Too. ' .. and too many prices to mentifrem here. ', You wilt 29 you are invited.' . J. t%hlety---Gro-phr .md Hilary- Nauru-I in order at mac-in. Clu- tb-.. Grace Reid M,', cent. Clu- Flag. 1 gin Hmilton pol-cent. E. Hamilton, . Fermi-an, Brit Lam Ola.- 8 th-tWu-he Reid " per ma. J Brown. B. Ferguson, P. Patter-run. A. Adams. Clu- 8 Jr.-ararr Lawrence " per cent. 1 R. Pun-non. Glut 2 te.L-Rmrhen Watson and Edna [than Mg, cent... J Davin. M Wilson, Graze il-on. M. PMtan, C. Nelson. 0 cKonzie. N. Hamilton. M. Sec-Ion g.htSt,dhq Haunillou trt per Cent., a. annroce. Frauen. J. Foreman. U. Davie, B. Each», M. Ereime, A Lee, A. Hana. M. Harm, C. Weizmann. T. Brown. Pt. tt ?tytie Reid. J. Wnlson. B. Lee. Br. t- watteriikiiory' atiiRbiiii?yiaiigiiSbiiE?b, AFTER LOOKING ALL AROUND TOWN Santa Claus hes discover: the Right Place and knows he an procure his supplies amm- oe I. s. Mo. " NBC-OUT. HOLIDAY GREETINGS MrtitsUs, gang, Useful and grttraoth" DURHAM, A. GORDON C. D. Datum. Teacher. FL, Right Blue: to bug (9hrfstmas Erasenés. WATCHMAKER J Bl w n: L L n: R o P G? I O r A N Watches end Clocks. Cut-glen and Eye-clauses. Jewelery sud tHMrer- HONEST GOODS HONEST PRICES HONEST DEALING so 'AmtraiieiiiTiEii TORONTO , Gama”, die. a. ' inole B . _ Cases, and H Lamps, um J T I ' we ~u... EM; TERM IN my or we as. ___ MEDICAL. C. A. Imus. Pr: d rm--- "W" - .-.. 'l'W/Atu'litgr, no at Mug', In In . l I with». KG'lt"A'lahl'l%'lk1'l5 ttttEffie-tuit?.;?, 'i7dia'G"GG'P. Wi L. " 1.letyeyargid 'qqteett: n_fttil .' _ 'dtlle,lrotl'ttttP'"gg,ttei,ti.tg “pk-"mum“ "qt M‘ emettmitiittt. Hum. - PatLN. 1eMe.tftfyLeiififLiE.ifr". pun-93mm Srmnms or misr- iuole Boards," Flinch. Pit; &e react. Shaving Mugs. Lunps. Ac., ac. podl and too many prices to 'tF-rs. are invited.' 'fire 717% A77 'iiiiu'Guli;W, - "-' '""""""etggte-"- "m a" “u" 1 o'ttrd 'tet,Petresece- New a] 'ouua ward-am“ C Din-e- ot Ere, Eu. Nate. and The. , or to c. nun. Durham I a- min hathkphouollce. '""2'Ntt '"t.ttMtt.e.e1h-is, and m. I.“ m 1h14'ell,3'rtiu't,5N'gf. tat 'tt2t 8; denhm__lutpul Hound Auctioneer tee the County of Guy. ti'i'A ':.ri'iriE tie, ttrites,',?:'.. te.. In. mid.“ C” “W nun... Moe, u. a. JOHN CLARK I Jommny ad 'e2th.ee to J...- V m. o. - unh- M. .1.” and. bsy noommc-u ouch! Yul-cm. o. MoPHAIL 'ttBere----"." “DWI. DUIBII. Rotary Public. Commission», Conny "our. Yunnan mums. Agent. kc Private Money to Lona. Collec- tiom of all kinda promptly and: ded to. Fartna houglnv aid cold Ito 1ettgheet.t hummus.“ She9eerAtiniiirtG'i. ud- HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univmsty. graduate of Rorat Collect of Dental Summon- of Ontario. Rooms. Over J t J HUNTERS New more. Ola.nm0t. - - - - OmSound‘ W. C. PICKERING n. D s, L. B. S. Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Communal». u. mm: to MoqeSetd's laden. Pu.) and to [Inn's (New You) in Rupiah. t) Inn-1mm. solidi?" Connmoou. Money to Loan. 06cc. McIntyre Block. over the Book A. a. Mal-n we. W. F M cam at Laney promptly nth-M to Wills. M, I ' I“: “no!“ £1.00me Witch- " Wrath an. look‘od a m Ina-$5 all 'M. III- nou' “I“ - tte, III-tom Conn 'dttttit From " wu Jama- ot Ad- minunuon In Gumball“; mat-bod. cou- ohu and. In Bunny one. and Tm.- upon“ an J. G. BUTTON. M. D., C. M. hr.- nodenu. was {or a]. G “ten nah chemo:- tt'ilsfts?i'ttia'. .. Cl',?,,',")!.',,'.??,",":,? o tit', " tttist,' gun-haw. 'iihiiriuTi"r'eGiiGu ' D. It'll". Ceylon P. 0. iii'i'sar(. ii. b-tt B. In. 2-4gk I. 74 . Tum. Cum No. Mt Br. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8. BARRIOYIR. ”IOITOR. - 00m Gavan-m. ' 2Sna.ettLDgteoxtB. ARTHUR GUN. I. D., Puma t 311nm. We. ma- J.‘J.Humr'o the. “MMMJMMMO W'oneoundCMldu-u. Will tteat the Milan? Hon-e. Durham. "a in “My o and: month {mm 10.. m. an c p. I. Money to Loan. Moe. over Gondon'u Jewelry Store. ”ICE FIRST DOOR EAST or the Du nun Phlrmacy cud-r. bet. Bandeau tlrst door west of th old Pout owes. Durham. be. l $1,110” & Throat My chuom for Co. any. ”PIOI I003. DEN TAL- MACKAY d: DUNN, . LEFROY McCAUL. ' MrkenBieN Old Stand, Durham A. B. JACKSON, HOURS LEG-AL. J. It. “mm up)“ J . P. TELFOBD DR. snows. DR. BURT Fire In] we. Hm“ "Tuna-H" "3': Lxc.r..u-o-.ncm Medan-at. I 7-4 p. I if. I?! '

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