West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1905, p. 1

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. Dick. hats Ilitv e keep ou I take us at od to spend didn't keep me to our RGAINS: mM Continued ore. IO'WEARS tore a ham: Millinery ell. hampi the Profits ua urham on my 8th. 45.00 and Ive! 30 to imited 9.00 89 d d Exxxxxx 33332335433352.383333333333333 VOL. XXVII. NO 5 Ev:wewvmwmwwwmwwg ii The Cash Store H. H. Mockler tif,:-: Fur Huff's and Caps Ltttulrerutan's Socks and Leggings Felt sts'lippers------Men's, Women's and Children’s sizes Carpets and Linolmnus W'ool Blankets . Underwear, Men’s, Women's mid Children's Ready-Made Clothing Boots and Shoes Men’s and Buys’ overeont.q---A large stock to choose tro) Mmy styles-many Prices. Luin1rertttttn'.N 1ttthbers--Wlnle we have sold a great many pun-s of they) since veducung, the prices, we have still 111 Luce Curtains Stock=Taking Sale, , -dtunas Ireland- 24:42:mexgxgsxmmssgggmwx Remember-Aire/re cutting down the prices of all Winter Goods, rather than carry them oven' We are now into the thick of the stocktaking and so havent time for a lengthy adver- ment. But when we advertise our stock-tak- ing sale, we follow it up with genuine bargains That gives. you an extra chance to save money. Some of the lines it will pay you to buy, even if you don't need them for immediate use, are m all styles. i 'ii3_,jittttittti, 1932mm. i, Y, 'ttie 3:333 " E 7i'i'-i?-A93fJtiitbt /. ti: iiiiilliiiiii8lrl1tll a To Rrmt--The old Review 0mm M property, Garnfraxa St. east, Upper l,8J. T Town. Apply to E; El lt, i on Sunday of this wall-known B 'ntinck l g”; - i gentleman was very largely attended by i, ph 'townsppople and by scores of his neigh- I trl, flmrs, not, a few of whom were, with It';; lbun. pioneers of the now prosperous l :7: ldistrict. In aLduilion to our last week's l m I notice we add some further particulars, I tl) innt supplied us In time for last week's l RI llama. The sons of the deceased am ' Hubert. of Chehnygan. George, of l, al iMontana. whc arrived last Saturday 1;: Laud left this week, David, John and l c, William in, home. Mrs. Jno. Barons, , tr, Mrs. Wm. Brawn, hits. va‘y Remy l w land Mrs. R. Marshall an whose hmne -,, fl 1 he died, are the four daughteus. l i', I Mr Adlai" was burn near Hamilton nv-l " ',et. 70 years ago. was a ennui-tam mom- i d iber of the Enzli~h Church, (lunwrva- 1 ls' i tive m politics, a mo-lqurmf the Orangp r tti? Association. under whose nuupu-w he ', s lump, hurled, a large numlwr of l-relh- I S ire-n from Varhev, Durham and Allan _', anrk lodges living present to do lmnm- , t Ito the dead brother. He was a man at l lkindlv sympmhleq and in 50 years of 'oeitttthorship gained a bust of friends iBasidea his widow and durum deacettd- ', nuts, gturandehildre" mnurn his death. l _ ‘Au hut mo of the.» Were at bu death- bel or at his funeral. the absentws .. be.ng son“ of Rohert in Tnnmm .md caelmygan. The I'Huuinu Wee. can.” to the English chum-h when-v an uppm- pinu- mice In. eoneitsc+ by tttas W tor. [in It Buy. at Hanover. ' l LsDiEs'LonK YOUNGER-Which is the desire of one and all. Take the ltrmlhle of visiting Prof. T?orenwend'te "river" show ruminant Middnugli Hnuse i Durham. on \Veiluesilny. Fell. 8 h, and “we the many heuulifnl inventimm in l’s‘tylw of Human Hair Coverings Ivito, (Bangs Swnches. etc., and impel-t his lnew patent, structure. One day only, I m». . h. I UNIQUE WEDDING Noricir,--This is lthe way " Yankee Edibar min»: up hive 'lund business: Miss Jennie Joues and '.l Bots Henry were married at Jones .‘ Mansion but night. The bride is the 1alC'sii','l'e'vCi our constable Jones who ilhaumnde a. mind offleer, and will un- ‘ldouhiudly he re-elected in the spring. h l He offers a. fine horse for sale in another _ I column. The m-omn runs a. grocery 'c store on Main street and is n good pat- ?! on of onr advertisement columns and i ',, has a good line of bargains this week. a} All summer he paid twn cents a pound >i more for butter' than any uther share in aituwn. The happy couple left on the silo o’clork for Milwaukee to visit the ai, bride's uncle who has Inte of innn-oy 9lland Bright's disease. Bub certainly 7 i has an eye for business. A. NoTii-All parties in town holding books belonging tr. the Public Library ovep the allotted tune- of two 'weeks al’ lowed will kindly return same at once. Parties in country having sumo. out over four weeks kindly return nt once. By Order ct Com. PttostPT.---iurs, Jas. Morice has al- rovdy received the heneficiary of 81000 in ,ttrantre on the lifeof her late huslmnd. This speaks well for the promptitude of the Sons of [Scotland only two days planning between completion of thy. PUBLIC LBRArtt--The Annual Meet- ing was held on Saturday evening last and ofticersuprmittPt for the ensuing year.' There hns he?” a. gratifying in, crease in readers and in finance loo. A fuller report will appearlatm'. James A. Hunter Will he in Durham at: A.H Jaclo4on'ioffic.e, lat to 4th Feb: All parties owing him or the Hunter estate please call and arrange settle- ment, on costs will he incurred. The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Agricultural Society " in prugreru this afternoon. The accounts Were auduted this mornlng and (here is a. snug bounce on hand of considerably over 8100. NOTICE. Sm-mmental Spruce: will he held 1n the Methodist. Church on Sunday morn- ing next. A preparatory service will he held an Friday evening at which a full attendance is requested. MURDOCK MCQUAR Mi: Mr George B uniehas twen appointed a county auditor, hie colleague henig A. F'. Armstrong. 0mm Sound. No morn fitting choice could he made than Mr. Binnie. Quart Gem Jar full of Cho’ce Maple SVrup. jar and all for 30e " H. H. Mockler’s. SERVANT GIRL Mrs. W. Black. THE LATE GEO. AnrsAst.--The funom DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY: WA., srrrD-Applt to l The annual meeting of tit Andrews chm-ch, Swinton Park. want held on Jan mm, and was well attended Highly I satinfuclmy repc-rla were prPderAMl, 5 managers showed A balance of 850. 1 [Sauttath school met all rrnninzexanwn k 1 and "la" gave 819 45 to missinne. Eight ‘young people Wet? prewnlvd wilhdi- Y e plnmas and nails hr tho General Atrsem- I- I hlv tor cnn ect recital, on of Show" h l, Catechism and Scripture verse-s. 8127 l were given to missions an increase of 827 is 1 ovur the recent year. It was unani- 3 l mously decided to rake the salary of a, the pastor, RevJ A Matheson $25M- 'se ginning with 1901. Glenelse Coutunl meeting has heen changed from Feb. 11 to Feb 4. Appli- cations fur Atmetoor must he in clerk's hands by Feb. 3. Spung is coming. The Almnnte Ln- crosse Club has already reorganized tor the coming seam)". 10 doz, Ladies’nnd Mmsns' Vests Ind Drawer-n, worth from 35x: to 50c for 29e " H. H. Mockler'a. 10 only Lwcp Curtains, 33 yds. long by 50 in. wide. Reg. Price “.50 for 89e per pair at H. H. Mockler's. Next week we will refer at greater length to the career of this distinguished Citizen of Durham. His hrother-ia-ttsw, Mr. Sheppard just left Tuesday morning. Mrs. Sheppard is in attendance, and other velatives mll soon be here. DIED svomcNr.v.---Mrm. Biln 'sBr',t Upper van. who unlil the hp" My; days was around and m wotls, died " Monday hull from blond poisoning mi. lowing an mum-k of the grip. The chief maul-nerd are 4 sons, Juneph In town, Wm, in l’rmun. and two in the SHUPS, three duughmrs. MN. J. and Mrs. M. A brazen. and Mia's Erm." at hmue. I. O. F. sirpvsat.--This Annual affair wax: held in the Hahn Hoawe um Tuea- dnv evening and WM attended by ulmut 4” at the brethrun. A"tep adj-wing the sumpmnm spread prepared by their hosts a Mew-m! hour or two WM spent l in humming the mum] music. the im- _ prnmplu weeches henna: "et " by fine I music and song <upp|:ed hy Messrs Ed. K and Ted McUlncklm and H. H. Muckler. Though great! y at: icken over the death of hislife. cotnpsnion, he had resumed attendance at his 'ttore and only on Tuesday we tranracted some ttuitrte- with him, and he appeared quite but usual. Venturing even "n u jaunty re‘ marl: thntit wns time to change that Ubristnms at” ' And to-day, Wednesday, heis gone. Hetook achill nt breakfast: Dr. "m. ieson was hastily called in. He seemed to lully during the forenoon but. about noon the spirit fled. The Angel of Death in nmongst III and one of the titat and foremmt of Durham‘s husiurss men has been called away just one week after the demise of his wife, St Columbia. Price-ville, corurresratior1- l nl meeting was held on Jan 18th. Al large amount of husivwss was transac- l ted. All reports showed program, l, Church was painted but year at, Cotit of $2.03. m-nrlv all of which is mud. There *was ahtrle deficit in the running “"I ' penwn, hut a onmmillee was appoinwd Ito Canvas the whole turtttrt'eFatpon. fur i increased tuustribuiious. t"sherls have 1 lteen pnsd. for lull there us ruill n small (due on ths "mm-m for the removal of t which an effort will he In -de this venr. 1 Shawn SI-hcm! lweidvs mulling its own requtrete"tt contrittuted 8'1) to mis- [sinus and 85 tr 'he Plinllllg Fund. ISNsinn repay-Ind that 8183 was rnicwd for mini-Ir. pnrpown. an inn-mun: of a , ever 1903 It was unanimous” decided ‘ I to traits" the pa-mrs salary '100.--Gotu. for vnivuinn r PVo-l' 1903 It to ruin- the , The Imdoruiznod takes this meansor thanking the citizen" of Durham and "H neiahuors in Bummvk for the many am»: of Kind-wed and exp-ion" of ~‘v-nn1‘hv ewended to het during the 1.." 6“ku Mr! rtt the d" 'th of h, r hunt- hand. All how-c horn wumlv nppreei- mod coming in a we" trying hour. With and respect and love. --- "-- An' A" PROSPEROUS CONE REG ATIONS. HENRY PARKER DEAD, CARD or THANKS. guano. ADM I iuudi, .- Feb. I, “It. of St Andrtw'ts RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO this means of .1 _ The Bunting on Sunday and Monday -taat had their Anniversary Selvices nod {hey passed " with OI large measure of increase. Rev. Jonathan O'Neill, Paisley ‘ but his Md both days. preaching morn ing. atternoon and evening. Sunday. to large totNtrettatioua. Ive had the plea- Iure of tyituint him Sunday evening. and an 1teyt:riyitiepnny to hie eloquence and fotreful bundling of the subject “The Quest of Pelfection." Monday evening he spoke on "Around the Catnip Fire” to ucrowded church and again gained eontprimeptmr, opinions for the graphic way he illustrated many phases of nature. and ita inttuenee on and um- motion with human life. Mrs Newton and ”in Ada Brow" sang uduett and the choir had 'wpt'oprint,r special music. at. Mr Farquhmson. Mr Cmnplwll and v. Mr Newton spoke reunniscentlv of their previous acquaintance with Mr. O'Neill. whom many in Sentinel: re- member in boyhood days. He was ten- dered n hearty vote of thankl for bin splendid nddreqa. (A young Men’s " At Home" in the ”Hindi“ Church on Monday evening is “so voted to have been a great nur- cens. We have not details but. have been told that the young men nmde deft. caterers and waiters and that the 1tocittGttttosphere was delightful. On Sunday next. the surmment of the Lordgt Supper will he oliserved. The Annual meeting of the Prexliy- h let-inn church was held on Tuesday TJJ/A',,, and proved to he one of the mast. successful ever held. The reporte all indicated substantial [lrttgtt‘V-x md notwithstanding the increase of $200 in the stipend and puyuients of on un- urtustml nature amounting to murlv $lwthet-e was reported it hlll'pllN on Mid oiover 800. Hide, the I-o-tzulnr m > ,asurerhasbm :quimod 'r a Eill'i,!, j%libt--wlprse isaltti- "1’.“ ' the offiee "one will dispute may w v I. mukv a worthr 14ttt'eesf4or to ulna _ my gentlemm now r1 tiring) The Assssor is again Mr C. Elviqlge whose owl: Ye)” lw year serum to glv‘e guneml sarisftuvion. Cnnsr-zbla Carson for another war wields the baton and the Revs, thottgtt we understand there Were six appli- 2, 1905. All pmr'ies owing mu ' or mtte gunman uro- reel and thIle with ttte on or my lllh. After the da placed In other hands for Durham. Feb. Pending a. nottlomvnt with the "can _ of the late Neil Mt-Kw-hnie nnd n die-0|. uliou of the pn-uwruhip heretofore ex- ishng. it now ttetu"ttee imperative that a" "eroanti an" "otsan' uhumld he settle, with an littlo- duluv an wwmh'e. In At - oorulam‘e with the och-w» mmnum-wuunt We! ha"- Ihervfmo to "Em-q! 0. aettle- ment with Ml psi-Hen in Mitt-d to the. undo-ruined. N. G. t J. HORNE”: P 'aliRallES Monster hit. 1905 NOTICE. NOTICE, 11 um either by book uro- "nun-(pd to call u- on or Mfure FPO-ru- the date thee will he mda fur eoltectiort. R. T. McUmchm Butcher. free to new tsuhserthrm tor%e. NOW it the time to ten": or Inh- .eribe. Addr- a" nth-n- to THE REVIEW. DURHAI, Ont. Only------" oo-i-Year, - I. I. “M In order to make room for our large Spring Stock to come in soon. we will give unheard of Bargains in Watches, Jewelery, Silverware, Clocks, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Rings, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Books, Pipes, Purses, Brushes, Musical Instruments. Razors, School Books and Supplies, February SALE Now on at keeler's On the Busy Comer, I Two young Sharlhnm. Durhtm B jzrnndnuna of imported (Trudi-In [fur valo- m ulna. Mid I5 mm. old. 1 trade for suitable cult. Anulv t u WM Emu: LCfjnrifif0llf MEWS _ . - The annual nun-Ling of the Grey and Bruce Mutual Pu? hum-rum tht, wtll hr held in Miller's Hail. Hamwur. on wedtaemdisr, the In day of February next. "outttu'tM'ttW, ul the hour of 0m- o’clvck in the nfn mmm. DUNCAN CAIPBRLL. Manger. 9th January. HMS. The underaigned will moiw- applica- 'iona up to Feh. am. Mt06, for the office of Aswunm- fur the anuvshop of (Henri; for the vurwnt year. Appllcuutn will ileum- nm In uncu- ','t,t.'i,r, Nquirvd. baled this 25m dour of . nnuury, 1905. J. B. BLACK, Tp filerk. Edge: Hill P O. PHOTOGRAPHS ONE with every dozen Cabinets. fit " (il - I 'V)') _"'r. t (r taillt , u crr'Ct,ycijri.ii,Rji' It/l., Big stock of New Valentines for Valentine Day, February 14, also included in this monster Sale Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books Fred. W. Kelsey. APPLICA l ION FOR ASSESSOR CHAS BAHAGI. Pun-u an Pom To introduce our Fl NE LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS, we have made arrangements to give SHORT " OWN B U' LLS THESE LARGE P Horo. GRAPHS. finished in the latest style, mounted on a beautiful American mount, are worth ts .50 alone. This is going to adver- tise our Studio in end wide and hundreds of people will see them We do not say how long we can continue this offer u it new: a lot of extra work and expenee. We know this Arie of Photo- graph will please you In it is real utistic. _---------""- NOTICE. .m Durham V tttttttHb Bulls Wdl Er,

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