West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1905, p. 4

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m Um- Imperial Lax Quinine Tablets will stop a cold in a few hours. Try them. For Sale only at Raymond; Sewing :Machines oummxu M.“ n “As-mm: -1rt, Itt,rfrr1tt1_rly_rtr_1Cy, in arm-135 Alan Wi1hetm's Wriusterm all made by “datum of Ayr. Daring 2tl?se1yr-' s v Darling's Drug Store gags: -e.iett:k't."'t".,FiFttttt: ass. s The hymn' 1i'i't tl Sq)plfili).,i Where does the Money come from? Special value in Iloys' Suizs and Overcoats. It has the Fit, the Hang and the Style, the Finish that pleases fastidious young fellows. Our business is growing every season because we do give better values throughout and have the fullest cotsfidtmce of our customers, because we sell every item in our stock on smallest possible margins. Men's Black and Fancy stripe tweed Tailor-made Overeoats, very fancy and dressy at... ... .....8b'.00, 8.00. 1U.00, 12.00 and 14.00 Men's Fancy Tweeds and Black Cheviot Suits an. .... .. . . .. .... ...... ...... ...... -..........t5.00, 6.50, 8.00,10.iX)and12.00 Partieutar Dressers wear Progress Fund Ctothing Confidence . . ' Write for particulars to We can give only a more list of nnrgmxls. but m qu'tlity and ndaptahiliiy to the needs of Emu}, Utwy we are not rxrgsttedt Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney'n Hal'- ness, Palmerston Buggies. [(Pnhwncd articles, fair l" ices WHAT MONEY.' The money that makes millionaires of the manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery ? Why, out of the pockets ot the farmers who buy and finally pay for the machine. Why not save some:of this money for yourself by securing shares in the Farmers' MTg and Supply Co., Limited ? What you don't save III the price paid for your machinery you receive yourself in dividends which otherwise would otherwise go into the pockets ot the wealthy manufacturers. '7ehr. Glark. The best in they hne t)aruts's 3mg Sie, 2te many goods are cheaply put together, the pro- per price is not paid for the making, there is no exactness In cutting that the finished gar- ment in outward appearance may seem equal to ours, but after it is worn, the difference is clearly shown. ins! :Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or chd Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. During the past month we have received large shipments of Men's and Boys' Suits and Men's and Boys' Overcoats and we are of- fering them at prices that mean money savers to those who take advantage of them. So Cotsfldeitee between the merchant and his cus- tomers is the surest foundaticn for his success in business. To merit and retain the confr. dence of cur clothing customers has been our Constant aim and we exercise the greatest care in selecting styles and materials that are sure to please the most exacting and then we in an excellent position to supply our custom- ers with Tailor-made Clothing. '. f Warlock. Cash and One $7799. we we handle only the best? If Coughs and Colds are permitted to go on their way of making us miserable, --unrebuked. unmolested. Drive Coughs and Colds out of your system by the use of our celebrated 1Vhifh, w? ftati,side1y recommend. Others speak highly of its ehicacr Why not you? Price. . .. " Now is the Winter of our Discontent" White Pine and Honey law gain. A few doors Smith of the M xddaugh Home. 25 cents After February 16th, 1906, all parties living in town keeping Dunks out over 2 works, and In the country over 4 weeks, will be fined ten can-a per week or portion thereof. See Rule 7, in from. of “Hague. THE BUREAU REVIEW Riding Mniority 410. The Tote for each candidate Jamieson...............) McKechnie...... ......19& 1 Allan's 2 Dromore 3 Holstein, 4 Yeovil 5 Mt. Forest Wd 6 Drewry’s Iteturningoftieer Davidson on Mon- day made his offleial declaration. which shows that Dr. Jamieson has the above auhstonthl majority, 28 less than he ha“ 1lmwconsuerinsr the way the country has gone, the Reform party has reason to plume itsed that things WPrc no worse. When majorities of 1000 were turned into minorities, to even hold our own is notable. The following table gives yota m tall mth nuioWOIeu‘ '1idatec, Mr. Chas. Cooper cf Cat-hale, Assn” is home on a. visit to relatives and friends m-ur Hampden and Durham after an absence of 4 yrs. He intends returning shortly. Mrs. Williams and children, Bad Axe, Mich., have been guests of her sister Mrs. Rom. Curran here, and other rel. atives hex-eulmum for. some Weeks and intend returning this week end. Complete Returns of South Grey. l Cedar-ville 2 Hupcville 3 Swinton Park 4 Venn'y G Dundalk Wd. " Sep. School 7 Kingsvmr- 8 Proton hit. Mr. sud Mrs. Arthur McDonald re- unued Monday evening how their honeyluooll trip and we now settling down to housekeeping. Miss Laura Adlam. Toronto, daughter of Mr. Robb. Adieu", was in Durham on the occasion of he! grandfather), death, and is visiting among her many friends. Mr. Jun. A. Black mus confined to the huuu for " week, through an illness caused by lead pommmg but in at Trot k again. Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard. of Barrie and a nephew of Mr, Purk-r from o.s. were here u. tenuing the funeral of the late M B. Parker. Mia Lizzie McIntpah of Toronto is home on a visit to her mother and sister here ht present. Muster Arthur Allan passed through th v-ry critical week but his parents and friends rejoice at prospects of recovery. Conttrtstttlattorvt to warden John Me Arthur. Priceville, on attaining the cov- eted distinction He will honor the position us much as the position honors him. Mr. Geo. Maine Is Ipending a week with Paisley triendo. Miss Minus Wright of Priceville is. aunt of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Hutton. P. Mayor Hunter " in Toronto to-dar and to-morrow. NORMANHY. Jtitnioson majo ity 191. 1 Alsfeldt 45 76 2 Aymn 78 135 3 Neustadt 43 " 4 Hnmpdon 44 60 5 Blyth’s 25 74 6 Itdbingon's 30 57 BENTXNCK. Jamieson mujnrity, I Tohermory M 30 2 H Itton Hill 26 75 3 Allan Park 40 87 4 Campbell’s Cur 21 50 G Lamlwsh 48 ‘75 6 Lnuise 56 48 7 Elmwocd 38 31 1 Dundnlk 1 North 2 East, 3 West gt" HANOVER. / McKechnic maJmity, 87, 1 North 114 87 2 South 147 87 Dr. Jamieson's Majority. 410. EGREHONT. McKechnie majority 40. PROTON. Jamieson majority 'r. Istrit" Jam’ Gi.7 maj DURHAM. '1’ Jamieson maiorqtr ru. DUNDA LK. Jamieson nmjmity, 2f; NOTICE Total vote 4331 Br Orda- a: il Gl i7 Y, i 97 63) 33 52 w, 47 (H 37 33 Kr, l 48 lft?, 48 31 'Al if., i. 120. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 18 30 17 d 20 oo 43 13 52 71 56 27 57 ll 16 49 31 144 49 47 27 I? ~18 70 mAaaeoer--At..her home In Dnrhsm,’ II. EE MILLER. mam Btttim-dnttmttar yous. The 111mm Comm. Rum Lawmmcrr.--8aoday. a. little Haughter ,' of Mr and Mr- Chas Lawrence, ofi Rhianna Bill. resulting from appendi-l .. . 'i innit" "k nulj "i' 'i/il/er,',,',? 'ii.' "v 'ilhTrn%7 jtiii?1'ih'li'lroi'fl'll'itrdtt', . . . , ev. . . . . I Benttneg C 'r',",),,.');',',.,;,". Robert Pumluw of Arte- '00 ott,'tra, can" it hangs; if?“ dt,',, mania. to Maggie J. Sunth, ufSwmton ' too A. in lament. about " tandem. P k i ed. mum bush Ind munp umber. very ttP . h " Price good mug? and {mm with like 'I'lt - n , - I had. com. we. Gd 1u,t,oF---1raHrtm-: At t e ',"'l'l', J A. ! ad “I“ tmhgtew 'lhu'l"M m viile, on "a nzathA’d by “v." . of Bt h ttt Infill A "105:2: meson, . .. "In " ' " p31 'f' other a.“ 512m, to rumba“: Walker, of ( 'Ili 'l'dlt"lad2Pi. ot of Prrrrertiei, Toronto. ' PARsrayw--tim'rm-At-the residence of W. Aldcorn. Esq . Swinton Park, on Jan. ll. by Rev. J. A. Matheson, B. D ' Priceville. Robert Put-slow of Arte- maria, to Maggie J. Suutb, of Smnton Park. ated. The work done " the Liberal party for the cause of education, for in- stance, is very great, and far-reaching and the change in government will not prevent that great work going on. It, is for us to claim the credit for laying the fnundation." I . a - Dr. John Ferguson says: -"The rr- -' suits of Wednesday’s election was that outcome of one of those waves of feeling ( MI which from time to time puss oven at community. and which when looked i back upon in the light of future years I At D dispassionzttely analyzed, prove to have j nothing in them. I think that the On-) tario Government did not receive proper i E recognition at the hands of the electors. i but Its good points will be recognized in ’ time, for the records cannot, be ohliter- mMii' Hon. Geo. P. Graham saidr-"I am never so happy as when attending to mv own newspaper business. and for personal and tiurtneiul reasons it hold, out grenter inducements to me than political life. However, I have. no in- tention at present of retiring tron: unli- tics, because this is the time above all when the Liberal party tequires steadi- ness and courage. The Opposition In the Legislature will not he large. it is true, hut it will probably he found 'err lively. l have no rem-eta for the part I 1 took in the campaign. While I still 'Y: lieve the people made a mistake. yet I I hope the progressive policy inaugurated i by the Liheml Administration will he, prosecuted with vigor hy the incoming . Government." 3 "I have nothing to say of " personal Chaim-tut since the individual never counts In a general contest. I much prefer to acknowledge kindnesses rather than to express rounds." "In both pin-Lien the great umjnrnty earnesely desires, above everythin else, gum! government and clean ME "tmisttation. Before manymoona o try, and when sober reason will MEG the place of campaign declumatinn. our opponents will he forced to admit that every hit, of eviaence, ducumem- my and otherwise. in every depart- ment at the government. points con- clusively to absolutely careful. prudent and upitnpeacGlrle administration. I hope that this state of things will van- tinue. 9ttropponents will he compelled by puhlic opinion In adopts; pulir-ynf [imam-ea and develnpnwvt to which hitherto they have not taken kindly. "A few digs n20 I had ahounding cotafidence in nmiorities. To-day I have. less faith than formerly in the vux popull, and more huth in what, we mil the saving remnant. Speaking hnnre seriously. since we have had the lung": innings on tecovd, and our op- ponents are now to have their chance, one cannot reasonably complain. The Grits downcast? Why! No. Much better as it is than see Ross elected with a scratching majority of 3or less. Though it’s against us. we admit the truth ofa statement in a. Detroit paper that "it'g refreshing to see the people lick a government now and attain." Some Opinions On The Liberal Defeat. Hon. Richard Harcourt. waking of “I?! G'overntnent's defeat cdnesday. nan t--- We are inclined to think our mn- frcie of the Chronicle must have been out of sorts over something last week, when in the exuberance of victory. he eofnr forgot himself as to "rub it in " on us in his characteristic way. Dear Brer Irwin was it not enough to lose country and candidate. but that we must belucerated when down? Why, even the Russians rescue the Japs in extremis. Bruised and bleeding un- der your cruel. cruel wounds, we are still trving to do business in the old stand, enjoying life and gaining in weutht under a Tory government, and it you don't believe it just ask George Kress. On our luslda pages will be found . list ot the members elected last week. The majorities are not correct in many cases and it was the Liberal that was :md in Port Arthur and Rainy Ivor. Had he stuppad at this nothing could been“. bat. we hear the bovs forgot themselves and handled Constable Curson mughlv while in rhe line of his duty, a wrv era ve charge being plac- ed on a prominent citizen of areged inst'trutiui, to ruughness. The mujnrity in the new house will nor. be less than 40. The old ministry are buy clearing up arrears. and Mr. Whitney will be called on this week to form his cabinet. Numerous unprofitable guesses are being made new the, new men. Lucxs is popular, Imp. Hughes is sp»ken or as " Minister of Fkiucutiou, Emmy Nis bet tand Gamay will be shouldered oat though each has friends. Dr; Jamieaou'a majoritv in S. Grey is 410 and menu's to be no recuunt. Night tollnwing the election large numbers came m town to enter into legitimate reioieirurs over the vietory, and the exaherant boy with the horn Was much in evidence and enjoyed himso-ll'. Hon. G W. Ross has 113 majoriW. McKay 271. Harcourt nearly an. G'rw ham about IN the other tive ministers were defeated. The Election --httd After. MARRIED -0- Hwy.“ _ - properties sold. man-:0 tend, insur- Bttee plum-d lid-t: cullw'vd. writing. dawn. Bu-innu "uhlilht’d m - - - siinurrai ufiteTeGi'Gii'Ure'T" so a In F. mom an Itgtg,d (8n"ll'll 'lgWg'f2t,t, I oo c In Bannock n (gag-s owner is 'ih,'2,",H,t ttet, The Hanover Convovnm-or. b that he has mld nearly every included in his In! in the Rir he now offers the following ha 2oo.?yt.r.s,,it E's-19hr. ml in: NEW LIST OF LANDS At Durham and Owen Sound 60 Day Sale Don't you forget the Big COAL OIL. Canadian and American Coal Oil always in sLock. Our Stock-reduction Sale is still going on. consequently we are giving great bargains. HAND SLEIGHS. We place our entire stoc_k of H.and Sleighs on sale " clearing prices. Boys' Sleighs " " cts . and 55 cts for Coasters. Girls' Sleigh: 40c. TOBOGGANS. Only one Toboggan left, whi.th you can have for one quarter its value. ' STOCK FOOD. MISCELLANEOUS. See our Stable Barrows, Stable Brooms, Stable Scrapers, Horse Blankets, Robes, Halters, Chums, Washing Machines. Clothes Wring- ers, x-Cut Saws, Buck Saws, Axes. Cant Hooks, Handmade Axe Handles, etc. SNOW SHOVELS. LADIES' SKATES One u on PM! u igapiiplil.iWG Ff,'iii,l"iij.,,'i,,s,,i,,,i, 'ltiu'r'tifltt: f All,Araiqltlh- or Doctors In: pray-w..- Arer's Cherry Poem-l over 60 year: no. Tiny use It today more than ever. They vlt,5:"i3, rely upon It for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you hour " heals Intumed lungs. - u m. ttLu%dSmlraanTryLi mwv-muwae .“ujtw m a. a. "I!!!” EL’S SHOE STORE 75 good serviceable Snow Shovels which we are rattling off at 25 cts each. One half the amount of ordinary feed will do your stock if you use our Stock Food. . . 1- Th re IS no nation " to thy va 11er our 75% ladies' full melded skates. Old tiutlgi Cherry .’ectoral 2giit 'Sgi"t'llll'%Glla". i TWEEDS 80 YARNS HARDWARE W. BLACK ‘. H. MILLER, NI-""'""-"" In! _vrcI¢£‘b°" _ - -- AI." "want-or. begs to “y ettrly every Pmpeny in the Ravmw hut 'ollowing banning: At----- wed. Orr. In Piet p. -_- hm mum Confections of m k 0mm the lumen Ruta. lbs-lied “a u (Lined Bag Christmas ' . . 'toith Me Qatar We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur'., store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, ml] receive our best attention. Prices and We In" . fought Ill-ea and Boo Lined In leh tutd will loll them " the following reduced price. Mt these sizes ' 4 pain Buys’. sizes 3 and 4 at. . . 1.1.01- ”alum-03'. " 1 ond Itat.... 750 [Investing Machinery of this {unclu- arm‘s mu ke Custom Work and Rewiring Donc At The Down Town Boot e. Shoe Store Th are ood in eve ' _ ey Ceef2esiea' Call and see our OF' BEST QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods, Boots a: Shoes, Crockery, dm. We can give you Bargain: - We ask inspection of our Tens.” The Spring has come and the Summer has gape and go hat nearly. "T earloads Now that you have a Tudhope Bug :3 get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim BARCLAY d BELL Also Maxwell machinery f Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled tooverf1owing with those rigs in now being filled up with over a atrload of the famous S. SCOTT. gmplements I I Pete, familial: " 2997: 0y. have just placed in stock supplies of chm-u soda, im Of all kinds. Examine our TUR. NIP PULPERS; they are the best on the market; also om CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. Also a low pairs Ladies‘ Strap Slippers away down, to make room tor Spring goods arriving shortly. "snow! 2, We noliclt ynur order: for 'TN-a-UC", - Show Rooms opposite Mid. daugh Stables, Lambton St. Well-known and reliable. Giving best satiatnctiun. Once used. always used. 'akess, flhrdhopo Gutters d terms to suit purchasers. Call and examine. proitrit7rGtisi Jinn. (3rgixae Also see our Mons . Mcllraith of all kinda, w, 7I/awers, gtinders _', Cum-c Bott hon: b fde 31hr t, "we“. fair-inst uohettrd, in mm see our Goods it 'esf, thu, union, for Jaltloe.s _ including {351m ' mph” Wishes its t AG E NI Onumu. Slut»: a w CAPITAI CA I’ITAI RESIN! V {Ili:!,)','?); q DURHA M A Reneval Drafts in.- all points. on 'Ulowe SAVINGS e “wings ha wards P farm" " I (“It um. ITSUI And ther We for; FIRST of all, Flour and c SECONDLY, w THIRDLY. cle A first C? Bread. . Yul “ways on hand “CURL BAR depart LASTLY, [ GOOD MacFarl The Bruggists FG‘QR" Wa, Pap Sah hvc u TIN tttt GEO. P Ham Pro: New Show Made Style out Wtut must mom stock sact of w: ed a WI 'm a

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