West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1905, p. 5

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Ladics‘ Sstrap lown, to make @oods arriving _ pairs Misses Bals lets and : the following n these sizes : Le a Tudhope Bug gy ter & be in the swim D lown 'h"e yA ara ade &:ndv cllraith YÂ¥ 23, 1905 QUALITY. : Goods, Boots rockery, &c. s nearly ies and + filled to now bei mad of o PRPaker | Repairing Done Boot & Shoe Store ne and the Summer s nearly two carloads ies and the place filled to overflowing now being filled up ad of the famon» you Bargaip ut 70.777 thus Creams & Bon bons 11 rket & YARNS 1, the ROaker ind 4 at. .. .{$1.00 fPTechinery samine our TUR 'enqy. deors Wower:, inst ents l amlton oods Lald Bag a BELL UffeTrs J hev are the Cake ir leas LC i ble resype® Mi Juiciest, in great D ch roods 1aSsCTs imous m pi" UJ aing T To C p4 Wishes its many triends and patrons a _ _ STASOAR) BAKK OF GAMDA CAPITAuL, Paid up. RESERVE FUND . CAPITAL, Authorized...... @@m AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, â€" Quebec, Mamtoba, United States and England. DURMAM AGENCY A general Banking nusiness trapsacted Drafts issued and collectior +made on all points,. Deposits received ard intet est allowed at evrrent rates SAVINGS BANa _ .aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards â€" Prompt attention and every facilit?> afforded customers living at 5 dtutemee. o8 83 on Lo & pr°RIAPY 2, 19"N§6 Wal) Paper Sale MacFarlane & Go. I+t suits Tto a T / And therefore we heat prase for our bread, cake every desirable variety GooD REASONS: FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SsECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, sur prices are absolutelyfair, Give us a call and see 1or yourself. A â€" first _ class line of Bread,. Cakes, Pestry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. PDPU as a Tr ~Q The Big 4 Druggists & Booksellors G- H o ST’N sw' MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN Head Office, Toronto. The Big 4. Come and let us show you. â€" ' To make room for our new spring stock of wall paper expect.â€" ed about Feb. 1st, We are determined to sacrifice balance of stock on band this month. â€" We simply must have the roum ; out it goes. W. F. COWAKN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. Happy and Pr osperous New â€" Year J KELLY, Agent. wEDDING _ CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. hear nothing but , cake"s, pies, and ariety of pestry. *A ues 1,000,01 0 1,000,000 P SiT datine The January session of the ()mm:‘ council of Grey wet in accordance wi «tatute at the court house on Tuescay af:ernoon. The members were all presâ€" ent and made their declarations as folâ€" lows : < Applicntinn for Orangeyille High ichool Board for $9.941 under School et. Courcil adjourned until Wednesday )t 10 30 i. m.] ’-’ Div_1â€"J W Frost, ()wen Sound, and Robt L Frost, Brookbolin. Div 3â€"Robt J Ball, Hanover, and Neil McCannel; Priceville. Divy _ 2â€"Jos Pringle, CUChatswortb, and W in Westaway, Kemble. Div 5â€"John McArthcr, Priceville, and 8 Beli, Dundalk. Div 4â€"Jas Allan, Varney, and George H Senenk. Ayton. Div 6â€"O K Preston, Maxwell, and Neil McColman, Thornbury. Div 7â€"A C Patterson and G A Brown, Meaford. NDiv 8â€"Jas M Thompson, Bognor, and A Sbute, Hoband Centre. Clerk Rutherford took the chair and called for election of a warden when the following nominations were made : After the movers and seconders bad spoken in brief in bebalf of their claims of cheir nominees, Mesars Thompson and Patterson asked permission to wirhâ€" draw and this being granted Mr Mcâ€" Arthur was declared duly elected warâ€" den for 1905 by a standing vote. Mr. MeArthur, nominated MceColman and Schenk. Mr Thomson, nominated Allin and Pattermon, Mr Patrerson, nominated Brown and Preston. The warden elect was escoried to the chair by ns mover and seconder and brietly thanked the council for the honâ€" or conferred upon him. The minutes of the last days meeting of the Novembersession wereconfirmed. A motion by Mes=rs Boyd and Westâ€" away tor appointment of committee to strike standing committees for the year was lost and on motion of Messrs Mcâ€" Colman and Schenk the following were appointed the committee for that purâ€" pose : Messrs Allan, Paterson, Thomson, Preston, Bell, J W Frost, and the mover. _ At the Wednesday session the memâ€" ‘ bers present were the Warden and Me«sra Allan. BHell, Brown, J. W. Frost, \ McOannel, McColman, Preston, Pringle, | Scheuk, Shute. Westaway. The Clerk read the following docuâ€" ments among others : County Treasurer‘s statement of non resident land fund tor 1905. Circular from Secretary of Trastee Association of Ontario asking that deleâ€" gates be appointed to attend the annual couvention. Communication from Mayor Urqubart ot Toronto in reference to Government control of railway lines and municipal countrol of the erection of telephone poles and Iaying of conduits for teleâ€" phone wires on streets. Cowmunicatien from York County councii in reference to municipal conâ€" troul of regalating and anverninithe speed of motor vehicles on the highâ€" ways. Presentment of the Grand Jury at the December sessions. m A letter from MacKay, Simpson and Telford was presented acceirppanied hy an account in the Baxter suit of $110 and $12. ; The Owen Sound collegiate institute ?resvmed a statement for mainten«nce or 1905. Dr® Ego physician at house of refuge . applied for an increase of salary. The Meaford High School presented a statement for maintenance for 1905, George Binnie and R Agnew applied for appointment as couniy auditors. An application for grant to S § No 1, Glenelg for continuation classes were made by Mro Bitmie, secretary, Mr Allan presented report of the comâ€" mittee appointed to strike standing committees for 1905, ard on his motion seconded by Mtr J W Frost the same was adopted without change. NrJohn MeArshur, of Priceville Eon es oo The council was then called off to alâ€" low the committees to retire and elect their chairman which was done and the following are the standing comunviitâ€" tee for the year and their chairman thus appointed : dlus uie dos Oe qi ho 5o9 a in ige EAMgeie 2 o te CC Firxaxcurâ€"All the members of the council. Mr Preston, chairman. Roaps axp Burparsâ€"Messre Pringle, MceColman, â€" Beli, _ Brown, McCannel, Shute, Schenk and R. L. Frost, Mr Shute, chairman. W Elected Warden. County Council, soiLe s M resll ts MWW::;; poak ( oreal ioi Bepsciinie W omm tm is ts s ut ,»_-;;wkff‘!.,,;,.,fl‘i-é” by Mesare by Mesasrs by Mesers Moj The last named report contained a recommendation in reference to the payment of certain accounts for railway. fates to the house of refuge for memhers of tue grand jury and was considered in committee with MrJ W Frost in the chair. â€" It was argued that the coum‘ council was not justified in paying sue accounts as the grang juries would largely muke recommendations and find fault with the work of the council in coopection with the honse of Refuge, The atove report was adopted. Mr Preston presented the r* of Finance and Mr Allen pnuenum'e te port of judical sudit comtnittee. _ _ BSome informal / discussion took place in reference to the house of refuge, Mr. J W Fros. expressing the cpinon that the committee in charge of that indusâ€" try should consist of more than three members, as it was a large institution and would hbecome of more importance as time went on. ~ In the course of the discussion Mr Pringle made the startiing announcement that the whole $4,000 pumping plaut of the house of refuge was frozen ubn and water was being bauled for use of the instututrion. _ This statement drew forth an ejaculation from Mr McColwan and Mr brown sard it was a most serious etate of affairs As a motion for adjouw nment was pul Mr Brown asked for a statement from Exâ€"Waurden Pringle relative to the freezing up of the plant, but Wardeu MeArrhur raled that the motion for adâ€" j urnment was carried and the meetin‘g roke up at noon to meet again on Friâ€" day at 10 a in. G Miss Martha Wilson spent two weeks nl\z bome returniug to Toronto Saturday ast. B Miss Bertha Wilson spent a tew days at home. Mrs Jas. Marshall is gaining now ; also Mr. Hill is improving a little. } Jack IHill and David Ferguson tradâ€" ed drivers. They are both well suited wi h their bargain. We are glad that Mr. W. J. Wilson teok unto hbimselt a wife. Con»ratlâ€" lations, Willie. We welcome Mrs. Wilson to onur neighborhood. _ All ye other bachelors in that neighborhood do likewise, Mr. Farquhar McKinnon was badly burt by a falling tree. Weare glad to hear that he is improving. Jan. 25th was a cold day for the Libe:als, for once in 32 years they were left out in the cold. Egremont Div 2 done well, retarning 6 of a inaâ€" jority for McKechnie. we are sorry to say that Mr. Alex. McLean, Jr., is very poorly at present. His brother Archie, from Owen Sound, and sisters, Katvie and Annic, trom Turonto, are home. .. On Tuesday evening the 21th, of Janâ€" uary a number of the nearest neighbors and friends assembied at the house of Mr. Robeit Fisher, South Line Glenelg for the purpose of presenting Mr. and wirs. Thos. Fisher ( who imade their bome at Robert‘s for the last seven years and now are about to moye to their own home at Pricevilie ) with a purse containing a certain amount of moneyv. WThe tallowins address was read by The following address was read by Miss Kate Mc Donald : To Mxr. aAnp Mrs. Tnos. FisuER. Drar FrIEXDS,â€"A few mouths ago we were informed that it was your inâ€" tention to move away from our widst to your own home at Priceville, bug Owing to sickness intervening, you were prevented â€" from secomplishing â€" your expectations, which now must be deâ€" ferred o some future time. We, being desiztous of showing our appreciation of of your sojourn with us for the last sevâ€" en years, have come together this evenâ€" _ing for the purpose of presenting you with this purse and contents in the hopes that it will meet with your pleas* ure to accept of it, Trusting that y9u both may be long spared together fightâ€" ing life‘s baitles and facing the difficulâ€" ties that are associated with your sojourn in this life, and finally when vhe tronbles aund trials of this world are oyer, may you both herr the joyfai ‘snuud * Well done good and faithful ‘selvant enter ye into the joys of your Lord. " ‘ Signed in behalf of the neighborhood: MacarE® McCaNnNEL. | Hrcror H. McDoxaLp. As wommen are generally braver than men Mrs. Fisher replied thanking them for the kindness manifestéd to herself and Mr. Fisher on this occasion and hoping all would enjoy themselves durâ€" ing the evening, x After partaking of the good things provided by the ladies a shert program was the order of the evening, Miss Kate McKinnon being present gave an intererting accouut of her visit recently to the Ancient C.ty of Jerusalem which was well listened to by the sudience as Miss McKinnon is quite an oratress, She also gave a Gaelic recitation. Phe evening was pleasantly spent by several ;:»;;sâ€""from those present. All went home about 12, satisfied with the evenâ€" ing‘s entertainment.â€"Com. ( Continued neat week.) Address and Presentation. in t en "Abp e nriigh Py k BOOTHVILLE A bandsomely Ninttraige movach Werps. 95 a To?. Tour monthis, $L 'a'”“‘.."m.‘.""? MONN VURKMKHAMâ€" REVIERW _ â€" . Patents n 5.7 â€"~ o & l BE * it t+nrdMicat : 4 K%*t%» T * es USHH¢400¢ * w | gosys Y f ff/fE Clover and Timdthfy.,.Skd in Stock . N., G.,&J. McKechnie § Car se DURFAM, N,c&J. McKechnie} Es ss | pprangpn in ponipapdedes n$ â€" eereszemses | ‘b ‘ 3. iL. deFfATOCK, Darhan [ . . SEEDS .. Import of Seeds from Britain to Arrive Early in March. Not more than two mats can be customer. sersrostew New YQrk ;‘;;;P E’g Watches and . UCIOcks, Cutâ€"glass and â€" Eyeâ€"glasses, Jewelery â€"and Silverware HONEST â€"GOODS HONEST PRICES HONEST DEALING . GORDON (The popular Cash Store.) 50 CTS. A WATCHMAKER J E W E L L ER 0o P T IC IA N ; received the third shipment of eeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at F I G S TORONTO Je sold to any one U}’}“E-Et $ Durkham. A L. R. C. P., London, Englang Graduate of London,.New York and Chicago. Diseases of EKye, Kar, Nose, and Throa t# Will be at Knapp House, Durham, the 2ne Baturds in each month. _ Hours, 1â€"6 p .=®."6 Late assistant to Moorfeld‘s (London, Fng) and to Knapp‘s (New, York) Eye Hospitals Office, 18 Frost Bt, _ â€" â€"â€" 9â€"11 a. m. 2â€"4 p. m. Tâ€"9p. m Telephone Cennecstion No. 10 ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Puvslciax® & SurczoN, Office ever J. & J. HMurter‘s Store ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST O the Du nam Pharmacy COalder Block. â€" Residence first deor west of th old Post Office, Durham. HoNOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J & J HUNTER‘S3 New Store. DMLETESBLODLO@apadâ€"s. #@r Bpecial attention given to Diseases of Women and Children, Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month {rom sous IOGDRER RIDT RIC -T"a T mEK B t tratore‘ Accounts prepared an urrogate f wnfl. Lettere of Adâ€" o8 and 2s Omee band Titles reported ches.uade in peyiuws Omce® aieupe .. private Funds to Loan on '";’:::.“‘{ ,‘&o-tnm of interest, Valuation Iude y .:'_ Anetent and careful Valuator. A» Charges ACoderate J Fye, Far, Nose & Throat Barristers, SOM:OI'l. Conveyancers e. Money to Loan. A. G. MacKay. K. C. pommnesiioniensemeaa mm mataerememmameneememnctemmem n ++ . Licensed Auctioneer Terms moderate. | wster 60. mast Srwale at 1 fice, Durham., +=" Correspond ' w“m Ceylon P. O., wil | ed to, Terms on applicat } D. -CPWL{ 20‘ ‘ dE it T Terms moderate. f 1 | Inmisnic ns Somminarint etin.os fice, Durbham, 43 wddcemr-d '[ w e‘: ':? o.yan..o.. will bewprompuy I D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0. F ar to C. RAMAGE, Durhax Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &e. Notary Public. Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &e D. McPHAIL._+# JOHN CLARK + DTEIALT T.A .._ 8y denhmm‘_!lt!lll s Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. Bales Pided Taar be jeft at his Implement Ware: 0reem MPAY, fron‘s old stand, or at the REVIEW HOURS : Gee, McIntyre Block, over the Bank PICKERING D.DS.,L.D.S. Auctioncersâ€" MACKAY & DUNN, Private Money to Loan. Collec tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Farms bough« and sold DR. BROWN, DR. BURT Money to Loan. over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store, McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Dorbham . P. TELFORD . 16, ‘0. . JACKSON, Fire Insurance Co. market value for Grain, Hay _ Hay in stacks is covered by _. _ â€" Owen Sound for Co. tGrey. W. F Dunn JK 49 w7 i # |

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