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Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1905, p. 2

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[a ll ['I "an..- M . ing. enter-The last part of t 3 and all at i should be omitted fro Xe text, as i ot o part. of the Bible. Whether " tre ”tin reality any healing power 'the waters we are not told, but the eomiasion of verse 4 in no way weakens the truths taught in this lagoon. II. Jenni heals " thotent man (vs. 5-9). 6. An intirmity--The original implies rather a loss of power than a positive disease; probably it was a nervous disease of 'paralytic type.--Alr hott. Thirty and eight years-ie dura. tion of the illness is mentioned, either Poultry raising with a Chatham incubator is a very profitable and mail}; managed occupation. Univ» you want to go into it extcnsiwly it "on; take but very little of your tine. l Ucn-mmcnt reports show that the . drama for chickens in Canaan is greatly in excess of the supply and tircxt Hrimln is always clcunorin;, , foe more. That means a steady ma, ket and good prices for chickens. You cannot raise. chickens surnam- 'r/ly with a setting hen. She is wnst- in." time setting when she should b, lnix.‘:. While she is hatching 9nd 1tttiii,th)W,ttr: spoken " the time. not the ol ebrew of the i'sdriptures.-. lhid. "othesdta---This name does not oc- cur MscWhPre. It means "house of nzPrcy." The site is not islentified with certainty. 3. Multitu . The pick ccn~ grr'pptted here in grad ngmbers. Wait- was the expression “alter this Ell ." A feast --'ihere has hon meets millage of opinion as to wht {mm this W”, but it " the opinion new a the" beat writers that it was the Passover. The Hobww tonpus---ucbrew here means Ar- disciples went , their homes during this time. When t e Passover drew near, Jesus. in common with many Jews, went from w-wmmmm Heretofore there has been but little evi- that» of hostility to Christ, b15705: now an atfttt 'til his: will' tre- qurntly n. but an! joie'prowke contradiction M unity; "otnvnrmtary.---l. Jesus at the (east, (vs Al, l. Alta: ttsis-Mft" these things 4 It. Some tur6 “I sqben John it win. none event Whu'tollmvs iumuulbtely after the last narrative, he (3haiham lncubaféfr lit; 332% to pay until i'hstdlser, 1905. We wil for profit without 0 until next We will start you raising poultry for profit with a Chatham Incubatug without one cent of mopcy from you uutil next Fall. That means that you can take off seven or eight hatchcs and‘make cortmderabte mega-y out ot the rbe . .' li 1 mil“: tttte t't ttt Wc couldn't rnaiteinik. offer if we T ou Ibis is a straightforward oCcr. Ws who it to show our suprmm curl dance in the Chatham Incubator. w, v tnt you to accept this oCcr as trf are and the sat'tMLetioa our “mu 'cator will give. Every machine he havc put cut so far has nude other sites in [be same noitrhborhotyl. _ "Our utter is to aenii you a Ulmtlmm Incubator at and freight prepaid by us uithoqt one cent trf trash from my. '/,.a. make your fist pa'ymenf in , 'etiuiii. 1905. The balanoq to barmaid l 2eaREiajtt.fj. eiit',fleii iiter. .'is."" . ' "mam" “ma-1mm a w couldn't make'this' c5 not certain that if you i viii get cottwiea!irdi. :rc not "ositicc that thet Il get comp! I: not positic, 2or will pay ittc'otttth ill n Incubator, ".tt ot impor trttctiort that few chickens she could t or six dozen eggs. TI of chickens she hatches {m that produced by tl scchnir. 2 to owl, a for you a contain anu- in in inc " V.)-They ignore the miracle, and at.- taclc the command. Knew not (R. V.)-- Jesus had been in Jerusalem but little, and the man who was healed had grtlt ably never seen Him. Conveyod hints away-Better, withdrew. . IV. Jesus gives advice and warning". l4.) T , . it. Afterward-Prose.'. soon 8.1 ward; in a day or w. A‘I'WIIOc-th hi 11'. He....said--"Unquethionably the words seem to say that. one who could do such a. wonder as heating me, must certainly have the right to tell me what to do. He had bee'n authorized by one endorsed as sent from God. And this was indeed the very ground which Christ Himself took." 12. Who is the man; (R. Jesus had His" (we on the ' work with hirif was not ye this meeting Was not tumiderr V. The U". bears hastily" l5. Told the”, "is, etzt.----h inquiry they ‘.made 9' hum bofor . 's 111W III. Persecution by the Jews (vs. 10- m). 10. Not lawful-Jeremiah had com- manded, "Take heed to yourselves, and boar no burden on the Sabbath day" (xvi. 21), and the Jews interpreted this as forbidding the carrying of the lighboit weight. But Jeremiah', meaning is made clear by Nah. xiii. Ir. Trending wine. presses on the Sabbath, and bringing in sheaves, and luding asses,” etc. "To for- bid this man from carrying his bed wua like forbidding a modern man to move a campetool or a. elixir." low. 'lho Lam can mum- mun-i uw u.- you on your cot than on your feet.' I] was thankful for the brother's words. I looked sourcllingly into my heart. 1‘ ihonestly answerml, "No, I am not ttDX' I ions to get well. If the heat of the Ifm'nacn was increased a thousand-fold, I I could say, Thy will he donenond pain lwmihl be sweet if fully shown to mei I that it is the Father's will that I iiLiiii, , suffer. And I believe the time has come; liar me to know that will.' Up to this'; .110th there was not that oneness of, 1 mind that I felt there must be. I saidi , to those who remained, 'Can, you tarry; lwith me until the morning‘if need be” i lo waiting, our Father will give us the! 'lrlcssing. Are we of one aeeord?' My; Hihysician. Dr. Morgan, was the first to! ' say. ‘1 will stay. and I fully agree withl lyou.’ They gathered about my chair} lNever can that little group forget that! i season. It was after 9 o'eloek. We con-I ltinned waiting before the Lord. Occa- g sionnlly one would quote, without conv‘ ment, an appropriate text of scripture, or engage in a brief prayer, I lay in' quiet expectancy. still suffering, but with a remarkable sense of the divine] presence. much of the time almost ob- livious to my surroundings, so engaged1 in communion with my heovenly Father. l About 11 o'eloek I vocally offered my- i self to God in fresh tumiseeratiott, soy- ing: " give this body anew-there eye- to see, that! lips to talk, the-rein to hear.nd,i!itheThyw.ill,tle-rleet to r,r.a1iii"ttu?,.ri All that of." -"'.r a t his “into-l! It Thr Wm "rill b and. Mdter I W silence than {lulled vuugw view of the healing of t withered an. l-Ito-it-ttsea-rho-tte Holy Spirit bestowed on .y not] o faith toiioi_trarNrFttttFTfett - itely the $Ttu'h'll,1 No “It a! we a: - _ “no 9-3": neieitt' mum of g- r PR. \PPLICATB Faith is Minty oi man's alpro _ ',lird; the link uniting the Irysmn o.‘ 'ln- divine. Unbelief shut mm out Eden. Faith brings man bmkahrunio with God. A wheat bank h eve draft presented for payryentw hi ms the faith of every mini. -“Awoa'di to your faith" is a true, unfailing maxi'r o. Knew-Ah. word “knew" if. tu.. iginnl indict w of ' ', - eons percep - , came knot " i Al Me." e task of the l") P? 14 will show u -~ Bolt ht sufferer is p i l a LI eye H! , as that ri' ' . _ Wilt 01$ r 'lar"iiGil' to which the answer was so obvious? Probably in order to House the sick man out of his lethargy and d - 'll' went ' he must be ins ired wit some 8th? on be- ing cuEed. , I .. " Q 7. .,'f/Hytg,l,hety)tiiPt,1r't,tsr, well “if 531:, is tron ---This spring, prob. ably the fountain of therVirgin, is in- termitteht to this day, and various tra- velers have seen it suddenly rise from tive inches to I. foot in five minutes.--- Pelouoet. Whedon thinks that the mov- ing of the waters arose from an under- !round connection of the pool with the city waterworks. "The occasional and in- termittent disturbance of the water is not to be understood as 3 regular oc- currence, but as something sudden and iuickly passing away. Hnece the man’s waiting and eompllint. - 8. Rise, ete.--Comrnarto like these would test the man’s faith and obedi- onco. “As in the case of the paralytic, Christ makes no enquiry as to the man's faith. Christ knew that he had faith; and the man's attempting to rise snd carry his bed after thirty-eight years of impotency was an open confession of faith. "Wilt bhou be made whole?" (v. ti. This question is pat to a poor paratrt c, waiting by the troubled waters at the pool of Bethesda. It Was the time of the feast of Purim, a. feast. celebrated by works of bencflcouce and .g'raciaus gifts. Christ entered into the spirit of the feast. was to heat, or uphill the d sion with which Jesus wu meets! on behohiing the_ynhappt 1yrac---3iodtt.- to show how inveterate Ind diftieutt it limb. sup “nod in heave Wt suffering EH}; iii' iiarGAiirrAGii' Grsait to' s sitting posture. The Chsrrhp" bro- than sprang forward_to yysist me, Ting iicGiGWidrArd. to assist Ge. This -iairi iii-Th my win-MW! mum “on"! D'v‘mw “I... 1tdr""agA1'tt an nun-yr; nun-n‘vvucvo '-The word "knew" in 'iiiA. ntes of hose but: - ?ti . _ mth t s ht I e 1 e 9m T n _ . e »w ha 9 'hole . pf ' it:' to eye 'H b, _ 4'5 . "he Ilk _ I (rs, etc.-lx _ made o" V in '6’ iaftlrr ye on the P arm-1 was not ye?! ttiirstr', not iiiisiyals/. . ' testipr" i, Jhve FFstFt7 “IV“ _ human 'a bl mam out i " to uni 1 none“ eve . t. God h " .“Acconlh g Ming maxix I. rlet" (V. Il). 3W to '1 forward and let down the footboard, and I rose and stood on my feet. Sister Fan- nie was so startled she threw up both hands, exelaiming, "Oh, Jennie'." No words can express my feelings. My being yet thrills with praise as I think of that hour." 'errr'ozttsteuee. ,rttiig6 sol-- elm . aviators of Psrt Ar- aiiA, equas . it t" with any certa nty at victory. Indeed, there have been incidentsI in the siege. like the storm of Nanshan or of 203-Meter Mil, which have, compelled ex- perierieed soldiers to doubt whether the Jap- anese are not the finest soldiers in the world Ind whether Kouropatkin is not right in de- manding a grand superiority in numbers as the tirst, indeed the essential, condition for any yictory tor the troops under his com- three injurea. There have Been no rur- ther deaths, and it is now believed that all of the injured, with the possible ex- ception of Mrs. B: IL-Rowley, who is suffering from two fractures of the legs, one a compound fracture, and internal injuries, will recover. The bodies of the victims are being removed to their late homes as fast as they are viewed by the coroner, who has arranged to begin an investigation at once. No definite ar- rangements hive as yet been made. for the funerals of the victims. but. there is talk of a general funeral, during which the business houses of the city will be closed. "Jesus findeth him in the temple" (v. 14). This man was found in the temple praising God for his wonderful deliver- ance. To praise is the natural instinct of a redesaed soul. A Hindoo mission- arywaa once royusetstrttting with a na- f' "wistian iwlm Wag singing at the vnim. "Sing softly.'hrotller.” Ir, softly," was the answer; . father, who tells me to l yor ‘ever hear us sing ur llinddo gods? how we . héadafand shouted. And I as to whisper? aims if We cannot.' Igl', C. mind 1.4.} -.. .u-.aruwsL- gNtqt"tNtme"".""""'r'-eTT,r-T" c-, ee .-._e ..7-. Homellsville, N. Y., Feb. 6.---Thii, city is in the deepeat gloom owing to the terrible accident to the sleighing party of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Uni- versal Church at. a grade crossing of the Pittsburg, Shawmut. & Northern Rail- way. in which togiladies were killed and 0f Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, the Great Woman’s Remedy for Woman’s Ills. gee!!eel==iGiiG=ad 9" V r up! k', Ti l" . -eee='=%T.=trAr-'"t . m pr t. , t _ “In You May Tat: Our Word for It I , . - C", . an "ts'lrtitfil. 'aiiiii2ii"r-o"t Its _ %' I . “It.“ T."" '., . I Ie,", :2; no": iift,' r r ' 'S' bulk“: tr, 1'f "e' ' " ', 'ii] ‘ , landon. Feb. 6,--Hon. ere atane , p . . l P (“AK . ' 1 Ira" f " ’ "" "tbltiirs, smug“ at Gnimrborough, , _' , ", A Cd ‘r r L ‘ T, . I!!!“ 'port his gum re the desirttbil. . rr r, , p = -- tll '” XI ity ad thinking ttnterthtly, without w- " E _ "j "sl , _ a ' 'iE rr c, " Mam-e t6 antiquated conditions of I _ I i " ,_ Ci _ , s. h , . a- I. _ "gebl ‘ 'beitrtr.tte.eer, that eoyttr.y.. Referring 1 _ q , I " 'l. . M, 'i2r.f I iFitii M will" N to isolfiniaLypiyyt gin-mg up late war. of iU MINI. ot . It. “at "Sd I -tlitnt tik this rat time made pm» , at $1.01. an MO tttPut', ulu " aitti---tiqtrd qqKrm of MI the dit, 'ii 'te. WM feront Jellies, of the British empire for ' - A» . tth - or ID tm . n mo "s . eta. He again quoted the -= ' __. " .,'r. ... _ .. "V ' ' _ ', A - ,. “A ", an In “chum I.“ - all” It',',,",',, of Sir mlfrid Laurier. Mr. Ihey Begged in Vain for the Driver to Cross the Tracks. unqtlaliiitrd eudoee.men.t. '"'h"CaC,ririiii"gri'rii'L such t record of cure: of few trouble! or lull hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complninu. all Ova-ha Troubles, 1niummation and Ulceration. Filling and Dits Wt of the Womb, th it','.""'"'"" Spinal Weakness. and in l,e,u'd'l'lr1 adapted to, the Chm o 1 e. ' It uncured more can of Backnche and Lenoon'hm thing can: run- dy the world has ever Imowtt. It is almost inhuibb in may, It (Blokes and expels tumors from the Uterus in na. early the. at de. velo ment. . 'fl'll','l'u'1ur, Suppressed or PM! Menstruation, Weakne- of the' Stomach. Indigestion, Bloating. Flooding. Nervous Ptostmtioat, Rachelle. Gene“! Dan: " (midi-afield to it. Womb troubles; causing pin. weight MW. he ghastly bved tsrgttte,', cured by luau. Under men-mm " "ttttgr, f tet',",' and hum-inter. tqnieHym " Baring-down. Fooling. extent ”do, "atm't an" and “widow-mum” feeling. My. was». -- a... Business. Mame-{deem ”My. Inch-behave: use " blue." “Wag“mmmwoélw Wuhan-armed.- "er"?' ten-JIM undid“ w: our: they thnqtahtts .4 iiaEAuofitther 'lt"lld'Wl'a'1'lhtlB'lfl"=,t"l'llh','. ' s.'..". Mmyhogd-njogmg “Mal-m .mii_hrmar" THE DISCOVERER iii;iriiii'f% suféd 1333 eAiii, ii 7 ”(www.mw --._. 'teehed the 'fttgl"l,'dlr'a1't'iaFi kflge', at St. gong, gm No other tennis medicine in the world has received such WW - 'ii-ii-ii/ii-iii-iii-iii-id, (iiititiiir., may! )untd ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tti,ti1tC1i, Latence wh . sol- I I Superintendent of Hospital at Tracadie so Reports. Ottawa, Felt. G.-Dr. Smith, medical superintendent of the Leper Hospital at Tracadie, N. B., presented his annual re- port. The register of the institution shows the names of fifteen inmates, ten males and five females. Classifying-the Irpers in the luzaretto the number in tht first stage is six; in the second, sev- en; and in the third, one. The youngest, patient in lo and the oldest 62 years oi age. There were four deaths during the past twelve months, and three new cases were admitted, one from without the Pt evince. Of those on the register nine are of French, three of Icelandic, and three of-English origin. V During the year Fiiiulmaagro oil, in mml.inntion. introduced two years ago, Zines hden freely used by the inmates and with very beneficial effects. During u wont tour of investigation through ad- iuining parishes the doctor found one undoubted case of leprosy. This person has not yet been admitted. He also found three persons showing suspicious premonitory symptoms. Notwithstanding this, he has again to report that, leprosy i; rapidly decreasing. As " result, of careful investigation Dr. Smith is more and more convinced of the communica- hility of leprosy through contagion. The party was given in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Graves, who was 75 years of age. She was mother-in-law of the liveryman who furnished the team and sleighic She was killed, being one of those who rode in the last sleigh. Two mothers and two daughters were among those killed. Mrs. Cantos was the mother of Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. Patchen was tho mother of Mrs. Hallett. Buffalo, s. Y., Feb. 2.--A lpecinl to the News from Horaellwille uys: "Mrs. Rouley has made an nnte~mortem state- ment, in which she blames the driver for the disaster. She said: "The ladies beg- ged Quick not to drivee on the tracks, but he paid no attention to them. The train was in plain sight, and anybody could see that we could not beat it across. but Quick kept right on, al- though everybody was screaming to him to 'stop, and those in the first aleigil were shouting to him not to cross.” Ten Women Killed. F EWER LEPERS. ot Toronto reports to Bradstreet’a say: The campaign consequent upon the Pro- vincial elections has in a considerable manner interfered with wholesale trade during the past week. But, notwith- standing this, there has been some in. crease in activity in nearly all lines. In dry goods the volume or trade is steadily owing, and a good business is being g,',': on account of the spring trade. Values of farm products are maintain- ing their position. Wheat and hogs have appreciated very considerably, and oats are here bringing as high as 40 cents a bushel. The farmers are making heavy deliveries and the prospects for all lines of trade are bright. Leathers and sugars show another advance during the past week. Collections are generally fair to At Quebec, trade conditions are nor- mal. Some wholesalers report receiving fair orders from their travellers. Some atorekeeperl are curtailing their orders. Remittances show no improvement. Ont- side of a few, manufacturers are not busy. In some lines city trade is fairly active. - - . 0n”... _ m .. .. .. - ”than .. .. Boot. indent“?! .. .. Do., manner! .. .. Do.. @0109. are“. .. Do., medium, elm Hutton. W eqrt. .. .. Vet]. per "I. .. .n .. Lamb, We "t. .. .. .. at. Louis' .... .... a... .... luau" “7" Detroit .... .. .. .... .. .. 1.2055 1.03% Toledo .. .. .. ...... .. .. 1.18% 1.01% Duluth .... .. .. .... .... .. 1.16% 1.13% Hlnnouoom .. .. .... .. .. .. 1.15% 1.13% Brannon on Trade. Bradatroet's advice: from Montreal say: There ore signs of Improvement In the volume of wooleoale made here, tuuwugh bounces in moat une- has an“ a. gum. was as is usual " this time of the your. Order. for delivery of spring goon» are commencing to come forward m fair volume, but it in not likely there wilt be a general movement in this re- gard until towards the end of next month. Retail merchants in the coun- try__hnve been carrying light stocks, Ind ,,,__1 w"-... -.-...tu, mun- " Winnipeg reports to Brudstreet’s any: There in every. evidence that the spring trade here will open out with unusual mtivity. Trade in most lines has been I “we quiet during the past week or two but there is a better tone in the lit. The wholesale houses here are tak- ing active measures to keep as much of the trade of the West, as is possible (may from Eastern houses and with the advantages of position on their side it is not surprising if the volume of trade done by Eastern wholesalers here should decline. Collections are slow, ell de- partments of trade complaining on this score. Victoria and Vancouver reports say: Trade It the coast here is fairly active Ind the wholesalers are doing a moder- ntely food trade. Some lines of indus- try m l suffer from depression and there is little hope of improvement until the opening of spring. anuee of commo- dities at steady to firm and collections, while . little slow in some lines, are gen- erally fair. _ - _ -- - _ pip, however, bu interfered with trade In tomb manure. Sorting orders are more frequent, The manufacturers eon- thrue busy Bhd the outlook for I ring truly}: good. Collections are furl- to iii'tiiiraG-t Gr seno' 'mble goo"d . in more native there is some imam in the volume of sorting Irdert. -iiiairia advice! to Bndstmt's Bar. There is a somewhat better tone to whole-Ole trade here. The election cam- an I. lie. 1ur tn ‘ooa lull]!!!- - !ii,i?'y'?tiiih't,'f,,lti,f)t told It " " ijmi.?rchi, WT Tar" m u got.” 'pt, £335}; Tooth Bra _ and Bootiacir Pound In. e of Alligator. Lhtteiitntttii _" 0., Feb, .6.--Nuar, the eighteen 'iiiitiiiGioireni', largest spec:- men‘mer "'ihi in this "part of the coun- try, died at'We mo yesterday after an ‘illness extedMng. our; the winter. An jumpy fettled Riel-mt that during the time win the animnl sowed his wild oats ballad 'subjected his gastric organs to my extrema, as the follow- :gg list of Wicks was found within nu: 'q One fish Book an” and one-half inches long, suppomd to be the remnan! of trfitsh enter: in his native Florida bayou. 7 One meteor, weighing two and one-half ounces. Three of an iron reg, rake. held strr the origin: back line: of iron. M tys%lteen1%oth brushes, presumed to have hepn dhpped netidentaiV into hi com what on exhibition at Orlando. ru., And “the Boo. nm putt., of specuclel, without theVieamu.-r 7 ma. doll“! nnd eighteeu ants in silver Indwies. w Nine rublier combo. One door knob. One pair ot Icislora. One Mntslt inn boo inek. Ainx' 1tad., tpttt La: the m of an ulligltor a, . woman u Or. lémg “In from whom in m m- undo, FU., from whom he wuv pm. chum! two wars Mo. m m lup- “inhuman. Leading Wheat Markets. LIKE A Yrirk SHOP. HEN}: _i:fi'?lsl.1iif, T not." " ttas. to. m -pete.ei 1. n ”don. Feb. A-afdes. ' tttHFrt, swim at C 'ttmed w big undispu- t ttr ad thinking Imperial”. fiance " antiquated o tteigttti,',t qr their eentr: coon a In“ $165" 'lr/ 3.3? td 'm. Mal- with the colonial offer. He said: L out: y, dig-Lyon and make a {in with‘ you by which you shall treat Ila and we will treat you a little better than a? le' treat utlhe frt,i':'..id' (army. grow funigm [iti1'iC't"l;1f,i,eti? Mr. am'r,1,'l't"ir',', T ".N.mtat 30 bring you all h t the colonies can give. I want to trArttr about closer intercourse Ito. t _ the colonies and ourselvs in ‘33: that our great empire may he maintained. What do the colonic» ask from you in uturn for this? They ask that oertuin advantage rhould be given to them on some of their prin- cipal products. They don't ask it on nil, but they do aak that that ativan. tag'e should be given them on corn, meat. dairy products and fruit. In order to give it to them we should ‘havo but a small tax on these "rticles. They don't want a big tax. All they ask is for a turn of tho senle in Undo ;As no one knows better than tho great ‘industrial and manufacturing (‘llllovrn.~. (the majority of which "re entirely in favor of this policy. the turn of the Neale is a eonsideratiort." A London cable: The bulletin issued this morning by the physicians bunched t,0 the Princess Victoria who wu oper- and on for appendicitis at Buckingham [Mince yt'storday says she parored a-‘Nlr men night, but otherwise is as well o.s ca " PASSES A RESTLESS NIGHT, BUT OTHERWISE FAIRLY WELL. Ottawa, Fob. 6.--The cast- of Rev, Father Cmteau. of Buckingham. \gninst, C. w. Pearson. a Separate <chool Commissioner of the town, for 25300 for public insult and slandnr. was heard to-day in the Hull Superior Court. The action had ita origin in the trouble some time ago over the employ- ‘ilent of the Christian Brothers. Thom had been a meeting in eonneetion with he matter after mass. at which Ifath. " Croteau gave an nddrons. The following Friday at a meeting of the Separate School Commissioners. 'uirman Lahuie invited the reverend gentleman to speak, hut defendant ob- Detroit, Mich. Petr. B.--1t ls stated noon rumble information that " I result of the unification ot the New York Central. Lake more, tucking Comm. and " Foul- ul- tema, a tunnel will be immodlntely con- ducted under the Detroit River to tttttttttttte the tnnsporuuon of an and avoid the de- lan that are on.“ a the loo an" victor. The can“! will be m by the Vanderbilt i'1t',tttct1rfttqtff1tt pe 0950' 'rmdr. All necenu-y 7m. has been gathered for the eomstrttctlott ot the tunnel. the equip- ment " which I- to In tho tinert that Incin- eerlng Iklll cm devise. The ,'li'itlitt',t, Cen.. tral Havel-wan on both awe: ot a river will be and tor the tun-cl. “a than will be no. drugs- ln Attptet gunman. This statement of the whool commis- ‘ioner the reverend gentleman claim- to Use done him injury, and hence ther duit. . Alleges 1 Separate School Commicaioner Shndered Him. It In tho an that VII“. this you every In“. of It“: truck Het mm Detroit and Chicago on the new“ Cantu! will tut."""""", m a block "ma club- 'reted, uying that {he priest “hid lied md made a fool of himself," on n tofu- , occasion. the PRINCESS VlCT'JRlA PRIEST sEiiktriiiGrkGzs, Vanderbilt Interests Will Under.. tnke It: Construction. DETROIT Riiriiit TUNNEL , e tr " _ f, $M3m’l x pert ed, [ii 1“!!! of ttt the thr, Beitith empiT knee the desimbil pithy, without lt? tad oonditieo lr, eotantrr. Referrin} , Without re. onditimt. of s. Referring th late W. 299546 It": cove fear." int: t's turns this; It. to think I by dim tt,) run," _ you w‘ on "i Anna; atutl wan dross " stored nuke 1 im men. hr Bloc. and N on" m rclu Wat boy ot cor. Sign“. Mn, n k: Mae Mean “KAI it in t my sh mud tho C tou" that at on th, on the " t, ttt hr The} " We "’5 W " IV In Rt" In " on " If Ir IN

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