West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1905, p. 4

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_i( Raymond] Sewing :Maohines. MoClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. x ninine Tablets will stop a cold in a few hours. Our Imperial La Q Try them. For Sale only at ON ETHING NEW IN “’ASBERS: gnu» Perforated Drum. onlv in the Idea Darling's Drug Store pear-ins J8htiteitie,:t,," "e, .343. u - Special value in Boys' Suits and Overcocts. It has the Fit, the Hang and the Style,.the Finish that pleases fastidious young fellows. Our business is growing every season because we do give better values throughout and ' 'sp, have the fullest confidence of our customers, beam; we sell every item in our stock on stna1fe'stiietisible margins. Men 'g Black and Fancy sir8pe tweed Tailor-made Overcoats. very fancy and dressy at. . . . .. . . . . ..86.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00 and 14.00 Men's Fancy Tweed: and Black Cheviot Suite at...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... . ......85m 6.50, 8,00, 10.00andi2,00 tNrtieneter ”recur: wcar fray)”: 3mm! thum, Contidenee . . . We can Hive g'lr a were list of our goods. but In quality and adaptability to t e needs ot South Gx-ny we are not excelled: Doom: Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, .".enty'.ts Har- ness, Pulmonton Bu “in. Renowned an ticles, fair pl ices fohrt, Glark. Earling’s Shrug Ettore Also Wilhelm's Wrirutera, all made bnWatsou ot Ayr. The beat in their line',"..',,, We handle only the 'seat. During the past month we have received large shipments of Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats and we are of- fering th am at prices that mean money savers to those who take advantage of them. So many goods are cheaply put together, the pro- per price is not paid for the making, there is no exactness in cutting that the finished gar- ment in outward appearance may seem equal to ours, but after it is worn, the difference is clearly shown. Confldenee between the merchant and his cus- tomers is the surest foundation for his success in business. To merit and retain the conf- dence of cur clothing customers has been our constant aim and we exercise the greatest care in selecting styles and materials that are sure to please the most exacting and then we in an excellent position to supply our custom- ers with Tailor-made Clothing. ' and ' 'bore. - - 'iiitfiii"lu y.tr,udaliiii'Gir If Coughs and Colds are permitted to go on their way of making us miserable, -unrebuked. unmolested. Drive Coughs and Colds out of your system by the use of our celebrated Which we can safely recommend. Others speak highly of its efficacy. Why not you? Price. . .. " can“ " Now is the Winter of our Discontent " _ White Pine and Honey 'ortoch. A few doors South of tEe Middaugh House, me A sumptuous repast was done ample justice to, and up to the third hour in the morning there was chaff and chat, gemes and music. the letterus might be expected being much in evidence. At "certain stage Mr. Geo. Lothian took the chairand ordered attention and then end there at his command every man present had to make e speech. These speeches had In them it dash of humor, ind were of course largely reminiscent end congratulatory in tone and thsvor, Mr. Humane replied on behalf of himself end wife, thanking all for the pleasure of their company that evening and wishing them ell good things. After he had been declared a. "Jolly oodFetiow" and Auld Lena Byne sung with linked hands, the compeny sought their re. spective wreppings and left for home emid meny good wishes. By e heppy coincidence P. John end Miss A. Cleeve cousins of the bride from Nottewe. stepped, in on the eelehratiom and ere remeining for a. few deys' visit with; their aunt and other friends. _ Monday last we: the 20th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Min. Wm. Ramage. N. gremont. and to aignnlize the china. milestone they invited to spend the evening, over so of their early friends and neighbors not a few of whom were associated with their host in the choir: of their J.'dtt"egiitgth,g.t The warmth and em iality of the wel. come inside more than made up for the chills of the zero drive and fratermzation of kindred gnu-its. the recalling of the features an the incidents of 20 years n o and more the placing of the Pass on life saline pedestal as the Present, made up on evening worthy of a. niche in the temple of memory. my “he: we fog', 'tttMt omit tb, ' Wémen's lustful; for one "gt sen“; Thus 'tevent,-" cents murerone the privileges of a. member of the Institute and also one copy of a good up-to-dnte magazine for one year. This advantage can he obtained through the Secretary. who has tote. cure at lent ten suhsmbexa. KATE L, DIXON. Sec‘y, Dromore. Lust yen- wu one of our most success. ful years of the Instituto, we having nearly one hundred members in Bout Grey. and this year our prospects look brighter still. At this meeting we fullv expect every member to renew her membership, and we warmly welcome new members into our Society. In Dnvld Hamilton. our delegate to the Provincial Convention held in Guelph in Dec 1001. is expected to he with " and will given good report of theee meetings. hose wiehing to learn of the neetulneu of these \Vomen’e In. mum. throughout the province should not (nil to attend this meeting on the 16chinet. The President. Mrs Thoe McGirr, Miss Jean Brown and others hive promised to use!» with the program. It has been the cuutom in past. year! for each branch Instmxte to subscribe for one'-. two copies ot "Good House- keetrt monthly magazine. to he _ long the members, but very uhshctory and _rittytlntt thr literature, "tsable for each member tage of the offer 'lfeet at by th ubliah. A meeting of the a. G. Women's In. “lune. commencing " 2 p. m.. will be held in the Durham Town Hall Thun- dny. Feb 10th. the am. dar" the farm- em hold ttteit Immune meeting. Mr Jan A Hunter was in town lest weekend this and met many friends He in cloalng up Bome arranges of business in connection with the J B. Hunter estate. Helm CA Sheppard and John Pars ker are Lhie Ink picking up the “needs of the busines- of their lute relative Me B Parker. The various properties of the decreed will shortly come into the m for "tle. It. Betta Allnn. at Wont. spent My m It. Kahlua Grant. Ii- Iury loom. We the week end with lio- Liule Weir, Glenda. Mr Inc A Black is mad quit: after an illness uialng (ram loud-poisoning. "but lchyden, Edge mn, spent swanky with friends nou- w, Forest. It and in " Atkinson spent ever My with her broth", Mr J Weir our Boothville. Rev. Mr Emulation on Friday and Saturday but. preached preparatory ser- mons for Ree Mr Wilson. of WalkerIon. Mr and Mrs John Hamburg tir, ac unending a. few dayowith their daughter Mrs W Williamson before leaving on Monday for Assn. with their son Dnyid. Nico Helen Andersms, of Blylh. spent the past week with list Jean Ireland. WEDDED TWENTY Y EARS. Women's Institute, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO After February Mth, I“, all parties living in town keeping Inch out over 2 weeks. and III the country aver 4 weeks. will be fined an out. per week or portion thereof. See Rule T. In front of cum ", Cupid.” 'tir, Virgin‘s Woodward Cloud. In Midi on to tttled vol-In. For the young folks. L. nah Bani given an “Alums! Fairy Tue." Once MAL-Gown Cooke . “Son Riley Rabbit" Itory. Linn Board In musing Mme. There no the can! deputmento and other matter of Interest to women within and without the home. ! Containing the timt authentic reports 1of theSBring and Summer styles, the March elineator ll of upecial interest to the woman of (union. and a most attractive number throughout. A die- cuaeion of " The the on Abuse of Ar. morial Bearings, " by Willnm Arm- strong Urozier, in a. noteworthy contrib- ation, containing a fund of information in regard to coat ulnar that is little known or widelv dirretmrdest. N. Hudson Moore's article on "Old Pewter." walnut in In. an? all: llxlndred ttSt,',':: i, w n pea punch-1'7 to co actors, and 'le,' stow of Ohm-latte 'ti1'it/ famous hymn “Just on IAm," " rented by Antubtiutherladd, ll of greenest int-l amt. Other futures are “Robert and ' Clem Schumann.” by Gunny Kobbe. in J the Composed Benet. "The Gem. of Politics " it is rune in Washington”) --and more ttartietilarlr, women's part in ltr-trr “Marie Columhls" and u re- production of minutiae. from the Marie collection. There on two notable plea. of tietion in “the Things Thu Are Real," hf Zone. Gale. nnd "Ell Honor 3.. guy d?', A” Virgini- . Woodward --. _---.__- -- -...-...,.. her relatives over here, and with that object intend. to visit Mull shortly after the new year. It an he added that both Mr. and Mm. 1L,'E,'rz'i',',1 speak. read and write Gaelic. and are intensely enthusiastic in all matters relating to the Highlands.” onumnndl no. of their innt ft'lllllf major? Mick Ban t"ll'lkl'/dl'J. Standing two end 1 half inches over seven feet and 'ttetteeptir propor- tioned. Mr. MncKenzie is a fine specimen of the Canadian Celt. Though horn in Ontario he is closely connected with the Highlands. " ttrahdfather and grand- mother having emigrated from Lochnlsh and Kintuil respectively. Natives of Mull, however, will he more interested in Mm. MacKenzie. who accompanied her husbsnd on the tour. Nee Christina MscDouBall. she is the youngest daugh- ter of uncan McDougalD and Mary MacDonald. who left Mull between 50 and no years Mo. Ber mother, who re- sides in Grey County. Ontario, left be. hind in Mall an only brother, who was subsequently killed on some boat. He left a widow and four children-two sons and two _dqutrtttem-- of whom may still beliving in the island. Mrs. LMncK'engie is _er'r. desirous. of. tracing To Emma. Dunn“: Ruvutw. DEAR Bm,---) following paragraph .1 taken from the Ghana Timer, Scotland, dated December M, 1001. The under- signed wishes to know where theludy spoken at ip the; psrglgruph Nudg- in spoken at in the rut breade- in Greg. and If Atutd'lfl, t'l next, issue of t to Renew might. lead to the net-ec- aary information. Following is the paragraph, which - for itself :-- Such is now the Ippellation of the leader of the Ontario Govemtnent. the formal swearing in having taken place on Tuesday last. Hon. G. W. Rosa and his colleague. having resigned that day. At date of writing we have not the names of his cabinet, which will be interesting new. New: from Ihtu.-Mttt ll the Lady? "Perhaps the moat striking feature about the Canadian Kiltios’ Band. which is at present giving musical exhibitions in the chief town. of chthnd. is the behavior attained to the position of lint mate. Hie ilret trip in that cepecity ie worthy of note. Looming Owen Sound on N " 11, 1873, light Mend for Colline’ Inlet. the vessel encounteoed n violent atoms. which beougtht grief to my late weenie on thnt evenllul night. "ir boat Wu badly need up. the emoteetnch braking when " was: kind. Ott returning to Owen sou it took three d4ye to make rennin. Hie New on this (reunion [on him the nonunion of being in coumxeoue which. It wee “term-m leerned that the City at De. troit had foundened in the (do ieforred to. and ell hood- lost, including at pne- ungerl. Rt, use! went Mn opposite Big Pike _yon the Dance Penineuln. Mr MeAgtttur wee - on “were! lake veneeltnntil the you I!” when he ttttrf, " clerk in the perchenule ee. " u MOM of II Holey. Ptioeville end tifterwadd went into hueioeee for htm. self whickhe hes cutout-fully conducted for the out 25 gem. A grand hunguet mu tendered . McArthur on " re- turn from the county council hut week. o'didrglli't'tlN'llt ','itthti' " ar. . Scotland.” tho m af Inch. sad we the suns yssr via: " was to 0am. They nun-Iss4! about!” in the townshipol Vaughan. Bis who ertoeatedonidt. much ot the Der. bsm Road. Clonal“. and r','alt no Lronghtthe fully to that w leh has since been the aiiiuiiitrho-td. Mr McArthur "coin-d the gusta- pan. ot his edueattoat " the old log schoolhouse. “was! no” the (an. his ttmt teacher hein the In. Dusnld Me. lnnis. then Jnhn S'l'to"lllue'. r. Arch McLellan and John NeJre.Eheie. the [its iiiiiiiiii?iiiiiiP'i'i"""'"n My In nth Grey. - ‘_ - Mr McArthur remained on the (an: until he was eighteen years of Are, fol- lowing timber-ins I few veal-I. then he topk to ailing up br. " mpg and-330‘! THE DELINEATOR FOR MARCH -oettm.tt-ierflo. n-qt-r-at, M.'!hlmOa-W, HON. J. P. WHITNEY. 3151‘”. NOTICE. MALCOLI Mann-n. Non ugh. Ont. 'l'ity gm LIST OF LANDS P rttes Iold. moGFi, '117lltf4.l'ted'loSU, The mnover Convoynncer. be" to lay that he bu mid murky - property included in " 1m. in the an!" but he now oner- the following Wm t "Wt,t,uN'a'rg,t,ts,, Mlh'te. the tMt arm,,."' S,i'i,i?, 1ll,Tlttltatrtt. goo Aaru','d'd'."t'ttgrigttii do“: , oo 1tta,/',yltgtttt 'llMt'attuavtiE In”: At Durham and Owen Sound PEEL’S SHOE STORE 60 Day Sale Don't you forget the Big MISCELLANEOUS. See our Stable Barrows. Stable Brooms, Stable Scrapers, Horse Blankets. Robes. Halters. Chums, Washing Iachinee, Clothes Wring- em, X-Cut Sawa, Buck Saws, Axes, can!» Hooks, Handmade Axe .Handles, etc. COAL OIL. 0n: ttteteh-redttetlon Sale is still going on. consequently we nre giving nut limbs. HAND 8131616. We place our entire atock of Hand Sleigh on sale at clearing prices. Boys' Sleigh: " " cts.. and ss eta {or Coasters. Girla' Sleigh: 40c. STOCK FOOD. TOBOGGANS. SNOW SHOVELS. LADIES' SKATES. _E_L H._3MIILER, dis“; m an and "5-: ii'iiSirlii'i'i"iiil, F'i'iFiE “.53 and wow haula- to magma Alalitlti-tor. tillhir Vigor Fiiiuuir-ytet?: “that“ 'et Mlrt GrGiiiTiFafrtetfttde -iGe'ottrvlete, hm mm hair. m the W my, coupled! can! dan. drul. And It unv- mm oolorlo my ttair, att the reh, am color ot end! an. Falling trail Canadian and American Coal Oil always in stock. W. BLACK One half the amount of ordinary feed will do your stock it you use our Stock Food. Only one Toboggnn left; which you can have for one quarter its value. There is no question " to the val. ue of our 75c ladies' full nickled than. " good serviceable Snow Shovels which we are rattling off at " ct: . «m... 'itlth,?atrri"ib'jiiirats n. n. MILLER, HARDWARE 17.013391". a: new can.“ 7119"" Boning. “and may . if? .. ASA . _rf'i' ' V C .7 - I r a " lu. 115“" ir',, . " , t) F My . 34L." - I '4tt cr u. - “9" . _ .. ' . .5, . ' y, L, J t _ . . _ v _, . _.. nSrdati'iri.teUV . TGhTi7STiui_. Maui's! PAred. - Inma- "nertatditiu. -_ - """'"9 tttet the hunt. moon juiciest. 2.ett natd “am. in ttrent ‘The balance of 21.11 We Christmas . . . 'ttsith Me $7tuker store, or it the 'tstvrGrtiGiGi,"Tiii receive out best attention. We are nt the shop " the bridge ev- ery Wednesday end Saturday. Or ders or enqtsiries left a C. MeArtimr's Price- and Hun-ting Machinery of this famous arm's make our WINTER from 10c to 500 Call GOODS reduced Canon Work and lawn-inc Done At The Down Town loot db Shoe Store BARCLAY d BELL Now that you have a Tudhope Bug gy get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim AUo Maxwell Machinery TWEEDS do YARNS or BET QUALITY. Groceries. Dry Goods. Boots & Shoot. Crockery, ac. We can give you Bargain'. - We at {who ofonr TOMS.“ The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so has nearly two carloads f Tudhope noggin end the plac e which was once so filled to overf1owirt with those rigs in now being filled up with over I mined of the famous S. SCOTT. gmplamanéa I If K léou an iictijjiijiiijp Of all kinds. Examine our TUR. NIP PULPERS; they are un- best on the market; also] out CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS have inst placed in stock supplies of . S. MCllraith Also see our famous Aarn Gracia They are good in every respect. Wakes: fWoerers, E fraur, ”30hr Clrlunu Show Rooms ( daugh Stables, 'dtttlittt your only! for Well-known and relhble. Giving best “Mutton. Once used. than used. We) familial: _cttemes. gnaw“ 3am" 1d term: to unit pamhuers Call and examine. _pfl1l of att kinda, Jihhai,r, l, Gnu-st Ion boas. r kgf, My no. including Mid In St, ' amplc and tttd Stat A gem Draft: all my out an SAVII “Vin. wnrda tarilitl udhu CA pr CA " RESE " SEC THI Bra al wa And pm FIR LAS T pl 4" Ben can AG Tnt HE "on JR

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