West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1905, p. 5

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W BFST QUALITY. mes, Dry Goods, Boots hoes, Crockery, to. Winds * . . Me Qatar Bates. Ur "tmas t “first I and r W. a: lace 11) town where 3“ Ret gun Bannde and, Work and Repairing n... ma Town Boot & Shoo Mam, . McIlraith cl/Ito _Irp.. per pair. EDS d; YARNS balance of all I DS reduced 3 BUABY tr, 1905 WINTER b Mo 30hr reams & Bon Dons. sweetest. juicing nsheiled, in great 504a ttweet out at 'est, Mar Saturday can xe bridge ev- nrday. Or t..\1cAnhur's orrsce, WI" Mt minding ttr ample i- . aa 1reiirGaiiiottr cataSIishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see tor yourself. A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe’s store. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. a H. srmsolv . A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection tmade on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed at run-enf rates SAVlNGS BAttts Aster-est. allowed on savings bank deposit' of 'l.00 and up wards Prompt intention and every facilitr afforded customers living at a distance. a KELLY, Agent. " SUITS TO A TI " -i/iorr Gli other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY. cleanjinae reign}: every FIRST of all, w_e u§e only. the finest AGENTS in all principal paints m Ontario. Quebec. Nannolm. United States and England. W. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Ianager. ind therefore we be" nothing but prase for our bread, cake's, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. a. ll. Ml-.""-""-""""'-"' 30931. BAEBRY.- marrow " DURHAM A GENCY CAPITAL, Authorized CAPITAL. Paid up.... RESERVE FUND .... SIMDARD BANK ill: “NADA P99roil-chottt, 1 and 2 yds wide Table: oil-cloth. " in wide, white 7 lee: Berrrtyeta..... 4 ppkce Tulalc Scum. I8erryBorru...C.y.y..' CakendBn-nd Hates Pure Honey and Fresh Groceries "envy Twilled Sheeting 7211: wide....... Large tsize mnneume Dhaka”. white , 'ter....................".'.::", MI 4 -ttiP:t::tCtTtBeaSt"s3 HacFarlane t Co. Huggins d Buoksallm. Jstgertug Cold: Head Office, Toronto. ' Jbo, yard/of: TH TEE AN Jihu,ro Coush th Ptmrt 3mm Carr'a Caulk Cure AMtW GLAOO WARE There in nothing better ttnm Our Emulsnon Cod Liver Oil with the hypo- phosphites. Don't let a cold linger With you. Check it new. Mc per bottle, 3 for " 323' » rm"! L F'Y't Will break up a cold. it tr ken in time, in " bouts. SELLS ans CHEAP ed syrup for the little folks." May be given to the most delicant infant. Try it. Me a bottle. Is just whatju name im- plies-a specially prepar- -.I ------- - A - For recent colds gives splendid results. Alloys all irritation. Pleasant make. ascahottle. u "at the t con-bin- uion lon 'g,te,g emttth Every bottle (all, Ctur- Need- Try it, see bottle "----..........mtt5eeaeh -1rcr.vet00etrndqoeenisti c-cs" "c,2tlrraimHiGiiiiii. REASONS: witte....me usqum white a colond..25c mm BUN}! Blllllll .-....82.000.m0 ...... 1,000M0 ...... 1.000.000 "2ocudiiiGiGii always on hand "I.20 I pr '2.5etsrd Erwin i%rd Mr. FISHER. I sympathize very much with the remarks of my hon. friend (Mr. Miller) in many of the ints he has raised. I may tell him Envy. that, in consequence of the opposition to the detailsot the Bill, I have thought it best to take a step in time. I hope the day will come. and not very long hence. when we shell be able to go further than is provided for in this Bill, but I suppose it will be im- pouible, st one tell swoop to client all the reforms in the seed trede that we would like to see, htgi',",ttige that tmtUhatontigted hitherto wit econ- ttol or supervision. I hope that; in the future, provisions shall, such as my hon. friend spunk! of. be made, but " at. Ifeer. we on herdlygo u If) uhe would like. As toms fimt suggestion concerning . eertiikatet ee- oompenying every ale ot seed. under the t2gglt"t of the Act, there is e In use in secdon 8 I,',h'tlt5),1t,t 3 continents an be given tint pro- visions at the Act do not apply. but. in only ottyetrqqt #11 ttte PJRe yt If there is any way in punishing the man who is guilty oi tsellinttiur tur- nip seed ismnethintt that is utterly worthless for the purpose for which it is purchased, it would be well. [think to cover the case in this Bill. There is another point which may not properly come under this Bill as it is at present, but which could easily he allowed for by some little change in the title and might be provided fur in a Special sec- tion. I would suggest that there should hes provision in the Bill that the man owning or having under his control a threshing machine should be obliged, before he leaves the premises of one farmer to go to those of another. to thorough] y clean his separator. Thorough Brod m and if: 5-305“. 2ifat'nt "Ettitrii York-Mu logs. Smith. fitg,'yu','1't,'lg . pt, " . M m ' " mu. fd "2itr,"d t$toeh and "rt, ““ Oink. 123% F-gher 'a',"al"gg has. Susi & Son: I b-aethmtte Atd2tit Smith. In. 39".” M’mp'q l” v.1.wm. an lest shall afaply to oval-Eh]. with- out a ottrtitittato required or given. . . . " Tici; 11.13:? ?/Ptlflftggf/rl,',u,ilk St' sulfur. then, I say. so let itbe; it isa case of the (ream-st good to the greatest numbec. We Inigmnpplv the same argument and slay 3 We will alloy. every person to sell drugs: we will allow every person to practice medicine. Bat we do not applv the argument in that way. There is another thing that, in my opinion, might be roeided for by the Act and is not. ll have known many cases of farmers purchasing in the spring what they believed to be turnip seed. but what they found out twine to berape seed. It teem: to me that where that is done there mutt have been nut mere negligence bat de- liberate fraud. 7 it, knowing itikGi'iii incurring all the l responsibility under this Act. We should provideturther that any seed sold without such certifieate shall be deemed to have been sold for other than seeding purposes. That would meat the manv objections raised. The objection that this Bill woald drive the trade into the hands of the large deal- ers does not apply. As a iact the ma- jority of seed merchants purchase their seeds from the wholesale seed merch- ants who have the appliances for cleaning. Again. it we say that. in order that the {tarmac PNv,.ytptteetyd by, the to "enfants, from the seller at the etteet that the seller has sold a certain quantity of a certain seed to the pur- chaser for seed purposes and has sold it, knowing thll. ha in inn-1min- ..II n... - H ,1. vw-v-J -|ll-IUI . Ll“! "mm object ot the Bill is to protect the in rm- er who desires to keep his farm chum and to purchase seed tree from noxious weeds. I would suggest that in every case the purcbager should be entitled _ "n --. - mu um at Mr. thor'u bu] respect! the n. spection and Sale otikiids, 'lull will be appreciated by the farmers of South Grey. Hnnuard, pugs 390. hm the (allowing t Mr. MILLER. If the Bill should pan in no present shine, it may lead to name confusion. and some animus penono may gummy Inter. The main object ot the ill is to ttroteet at... in"..- -"-"'. - - no an“ mm k "i -e who. in the diam-ion Ttl,'ngggtt bill “Hun DI“. " I Mr. SPEAKER I can intorm the gallant member who has Jae: spoken gr. Miller) that now, for the tirit time any senior]. there bu been a nice!) furnished cloak room provided upstairs for ladies, and e couple of attendant are thereto eeethn: their mum are provided for.. That In a. move in the right direction. The whole nutter heel been very fully discussed, and I can Cure the Home that I will brine it promptly to the “tendon of the gov- ernment. and perhaps make some tame reference to it. But our Flinn: friend is versatile " well." an hunt. and latair we ttnd m... A Maia-Ion Imam trmtrtttimiiiGGie shoal-don of "etnartt'qttettsthat for Incubus. " Mr mtblpukcr undama- _ t1"ardtetjf,i,i,i2,PthiiLiii,i, l khdmswmmmslhm .C.‘ , mini. w pertt "h Amen: m. mun . “Provo-la. twice whom " thlndiu. 'atdqttttmottoiiditutitrt the worthy member for South Gray. mmitistkiiiiiGiGT.. l f Mr. MILLER. In the constitumcy I neon- tnan we are in the habit ot con- ytuettttt the right- ot the ladies. I hue noticed that there is no xenon] waiting-room in this Home tor the con- venience ot Indies. I think there ought to be such a room for ladies who come here from n distance. no mutter what may be there pollticnl Inning; a room with an the proper conven~ lance. whxeh they would expect to find in connection therewith. t bM FOR SALE. 71;.“ ll I'll m hunt. at? -iiaiui7iii'i'G' t, m: TAus Sr. I-.. Janet Kerr, Nellie Burns. Jr. 4 --Agnes Marshall. Sr. S-Eva McAll- ister, James Wallace. Jr. S-Will" McAlllster. Barry Gray, George Guy. Arthur Gndd. Br. 2LLAi/. Burns. Jr. 2--Mary Backus, Minnie Kellen, TommyWallace. Br. Pt.2--JoetGrn , Neils Marshall. Jr. Pt. SF-lor, Dre Allister, John Kerr. Br. I-Henrietta Kellar. Elmer Fee. Jr. 1-Mahei Wal- s. B. no. 3, emu. Clue 6-9urr Edge. Crar4-rllhsrtrie Firth, Ernie Greenwood. Home Mg: Willie William., Ada. Stages. Br. Fanny Ector. Hey Brutal. erbie Md e. Jr. B2-Mmma Bitch e, Herbie Budge, Arthur Edge, John Greenwood. cum Greenwood. Br. 2--Wiltie Kenney. Arthur Wileon. Robbie Williume. Clarence Staple; Jr. B--Kate Ritchie, Penile Wilson. Roy Welhaeken, Elise Williunl. Jr. Pt.2ure Kenny. None Willime, Vincent Nth. or. l-- _tdstrttte Ritchie. Cutie Ichie, Myrtle Eaton Axum Boon. Teacher. 9. a. no. 10. Burma. Names tn order of merit. Class 4-- Jessie Burrows, Nurlvut'n' Hotshurg, Nellie Reid, Roxana. Hamilton, Ruby Rogers, Maud Ecelett, Leuva Eccles Sr T-Olive Reid, Jennie Mutch, Annie Troup. Annie Shiels, Mabel Paul. Jr. 3 ---Mary Mulch, Henry Moss. Harry Hot-shunt. Alex Whyie, Alex Smith. Milfved 8.1mm. Lulu Hamilton. Robbie Keith, Alv'n Etries. Roy Reid, Hugh Reid, Mamie Keith, Nettie Rosters. Sr. 2--Richard Wailing. UlmenceRotsa, Myrtle Whyte. Howard Horshurg, Flemming Reid, Norman Hamburg, Willie Courts, Robbie Shit-ls, Jim Troup, Pred Eccles. Jr. 2--Nellie Mutch, John Shiels. Joe Bilton. Jennie Bilton, Mary Allen. Winton Keith, Ferd Hamilton, John Smith. Hat vey Grout. Nettie Tron Pt.2--Ethel Match. John Ross, Ohms Hamilton, Scott Et-cles. Georgiana Allen. Annie Rogers. Allan Smith. Pt.l - Wrlttert Ross. Wilbert Paul. Willie Pitul. Arthur Eccles. Glul 5 -Annie Oink. Mark Smith. Sr. I-NM New. fait _eOttemaek, Jon-1081mm. " I-- . chrthur. John Can do. Br 8--witii. Ichny. Albert Lpttpry, Baton McNally, Jr. 3 4m leDgod¢__ Bru8-Baq" #etthtet- Brl A-Mite McKechnie. Mary Me Kechnie. Willie Realm. Cecil McNally, Expilv Lloyd. Jr Pt 2 B--Matttrie Hurllmd and Ray quuhnronn eq. Willie Morton, [an ()mnphell, Frankie Melllraith. Jennie Henton. Jr Pt 2 A-Alfie Sharp». Pearl Mitch. ell, Cassie Russell. Lizzie Hill". Alex Hilderhrnnd. J! 2 B-Mamie Mountain and Milton Mill! H]. Vivien Crawford. Maud Bur- nett, Lian Livingston. Hun-y Gordon and Evylino Levi H]. Mr Ptiveindk Fink". Cecil Guthrie Winnie Warm-r. Annie Vollet. Marion MeKrnaie. Jr 'ticriiGarEGiireiiCgiiiiriiiiii1 mill). Lenard Duane. Tram MncKny. Winifled Brooker. Poem 1-urGOntintrr. Robbie Laid- qaw. Kalle Clark. [any Campbell. Hazel bhudwell. srf _ IwttiAhrdiLG,HGo, Lavetie. Rex cGnmm. Annie McDonnld. De. vepa ' A '"t",1trtogytty1 Neilit Mchogngg gy- t--NeMte smith. Ella mum-e. Cecil tofu“. Charlie Crawford and Bella. Re. i', 'ee., Biirnett, Vnddie ()nldwall, gaze! lunhnll. Lam-n Behrner, “use" , r. g Cl-r-mth, Knllley. Nellie Her bu ' Catherine Methanol". Jam . I't.rqt!ttttrtert, 839d Grant. mun “mm. noun smoker. big \Vulker Form 2--Thos. Allan, Ethel unison. Willie Furquharmm. Keith Newton. 2alues Mc1v'uickiin. DURHAM SCHOOL. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Form fr-clara Aljne. Arthur Weir, Eiith at?utt,itorn Bruoker. Lily Walker o-ue term is abroad in Russia over the imagination of the Ptvettrator--. General of Finisnd. It is feared that this beginning may lead to other re- priuis against the ruling classes. The assassin was attacked try the son of the dead man. and is a wounded prisoner. W rte-cut oudookic not Might. We my ook for 3 Eu reaction in the liquor Interest. we will probably he a con- 'dderahleeedutritmtio"n of scan. t 'stueintt the Influence ot the rum! vote and in- creasing that of the towns." In ‘W‘Iiduly In! wit-My “and." and continues: "So and. oetq of the ‘no‘ut ',1'Shtr.t, tan»! moot t'l'll't'ft M. trio c mime: t u 1le'2'%ll'o"l,P'g IMO Bullish aountry. The than] party In": min-neocons- htteumy in In {that condition and my other 'r,,"dlt,',1' heirlooms which It can tlth_tt.a.er.tatt pr. 09.33% Thu -ahe lama! Wuhan. while not a- casing “Rum may for thou-(cou- w'wr shut the on.” $hmegtg-tt Ann: L. MAchcer. Tnacber. _ r4 TOPIGB OF THE I PHIL“: SCHOOL DEPA‘TIIR'I' s. s. No. l, NORMANBY. a. a. No. 9, Eannxom‘. HONOR ROLLS ALEX. FIRTH. Teacher Draggisf 4--1rrs, PbaFiiiairiii' nun-ea! Be. I-gettin “I. mm. new. " I--. Ernn Atkinson. Ruby 1kdetttt. John A. Gui-n. rm. B. a. no. It 0mm Clan 5~8unuel Menu-mid. Ola-4 ---Omie “county. Inry I Moon-is. Edna ChNHt. Hmld HUhetnaid. Br. 3-John Newborn. [Inc Hooper. Julio McKinnon. Jr HM McDonald. Ada Mob-an. Sarah MeEaehero. Pet." Hartford. Br 2---Knte McCuniz, m. Hooper. Jr B-Ro McDerumid. Ida Me _ Cuuig. (page! 1rkf,,'e,',t.) ' an. In "iii-a-ii ‘ seal-u. Tie. I “in Alia. Alex an. 3... new". Witt New"; Willi- Atkluou. 80.86 Whit-am. Annie mm and Ada Athe. sq. Br B-Wittte Crotch”. Bots li,' bitumen 3:: W', wan. Am m. Cttttd . r B-a- ling-m an. “in. Pt. 'l-t t! P.ittteeeeLt "tAt-ttei. te. ( ataassasassaas)4%assssiisyaa- E _'tFy'd"itttiE4 N a &J IE . "ttttttYeats/tyr/sitter, ' , . cKechmei Wm : f lam j: 'le'"'"'""" 1'liEEhth1tiirh't2"'Pit -', d. a. nun- um. (, , N., G.,& J. McKechnie Glover, and Tldéothy} Seed in Stock Not more than two mats can be sold to any one customer. We have just received the third shipment ot Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at D. MebiiiuiG.Haettre. Import of Seeds from Britain to Arrive Early in March. ..SEEDS.. Out-thus and WATCHMAKER JEWELLER OPTICIAN Wuhan“ 3nd 010.] so (The popular Cash Store.) . GORDON arid I?! FIGS How 00008 HONEST muons HONEST DEALING b TORONTO 1ir'gr:at,'4 Quid. urediimsin, sic CGR:' I All! t Durham1 'ttNo----" TOWI. Doll"... fifimfi‘yxEflfi‘J-{hu‘d Jammy and {than Fund- to uni :- Moet-i. " In”. nu- ot igttqeqet, Vclluion m by noon-ducal “Mu! van-Mt. mun. Sanction, Gunman. c. Money to Loan. w._c_:. PICKERING B. n s., L. B. s. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST O! the Du nun Plum-q We moot. Re-teases Int. door we“ of th old Post on“. Durham. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. “an: of Royal Cones. 91' Dentat Samson- of Ontario. Room. you iiaua" A omuma, - - - - a...“ wan-um I J“... the u" “My; JhT,U'l'd't'dt “I‘m-3g. m. Iatqd , a " M" J'd't Yuri; I'g 'll'd'gelt) on """'"'""2tSr-"- t, Olen-Illa“... .mnhu at tunnelling. '8lrllt'lhMdg". a OHIOIIOUII .-un.m. 2.4"_ 74’... TNOMOCOQMM No.10 . J. a. Ai/Gil .3] '_Wttthe I Wlli'.s%tl'ttttd LICK.” h.l " t'"-u--iaGraiiii. m-. " We, In. No.9. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., Puma“: 1 arm, OM00 W J. C J. Hut-hi”. the. I to " Ll. HOURS:{ 2to 4 In. t to ' P, I. - Ipochl “do: ("an to ”can.“ qtf We... on emu-u. Dr. T. c. HOLT L. D. 8. “RRIOTI’R. ”IOITOR. noumv "we wanna... no. thid-ai-iiNet";")))".";."."",".'.'.' a"ll',fl; I... I. can 4 p. I. C. LEFBOY McCAUL. 319;!!!) 11990 & Thou: MACKAY a: DUNN, DEN TAL. 1Nfl=gDxtttaaL. 'ttriiiriic'iGGiiG"eTiitWGtGTdi"tr. “on: Guardianship Obi-bod. nou- J t J HUNTERS New LEG-AL. Mt. no". DR. BURT New.“ I and Tttron tLd i.a.%i m

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