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Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1905, p. 6

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A company I.” M,=iorme ton. New York and London I for th nuta ure an inatg Iilhitlt,tl,hr,ltalril.'iiil/it and .,') 941nm u' ' the arid sections a ‘ -.- it" in, Arizona. Utah a laiut‘ " Abbi) atc. wNg,ilteth'illFdieiS, 3301111 q .JAOIEa IUAO [I b" . t, md 1-,..- 'irteermrctuvsaiTi ' , x, il." P. her edt',',','; axon-ts can I n! and! ~4thout ttgg ut gush? u e errant o t o _ ' ' , m.‘ 4tyttv.Sttatl'i Fthe Batistae the winning contestants over thet In the Neil”, the dgglrg for, pre-t '-' -. .-r.i- -qtreerfirqrrrrtntr"qrtrirr?rtti mat rs must devolve u n her Maj y si gly, and .sa:as'i',ii,ivi,tiiii,'iiirie'itiii, ate r in re- "8pekt o em rests upo the Ling. r, N Therefore, if’xuch B. ing could,t , _ . ed 9 tt true n debts :Q J iuttfrttiut,'Je,, t ' g W1. .u‘mblm i a , ll at,rHeet,erett9-Ir-sted m. , 13‘. . fiUii LUFi,Tr, _ , ',1.' t .hwww . Pye _' INK]! it, tCal., Col. JImblL’u not be responsible for: Alitiak g tS IL; 1yrte,','eheS'i2',t't2,1 unless e a I , rejtssrtis,a.ertedrr ototimttt adesmen and all '.orf . ,5, “hrmhmfid ,HI-lihb would for the I t I -l In“!!! Mutt) settle all such accounts. If the Kin};l contracted debts, the law which says , tt liis'lejesty can d.no s_att I w ffr,t8 r ti 'any1rod Nom 1 ' il “3mm; in g‘zégsg' of 'tt%,,l',(,','l ', , [dill-gum MUM rotection is granted . ewr . “may; 'ir1tr'otisii,e,u,id be proceeded _ w,giti'h'i,t, P, /ltitg,5t , manner. She , ' . iStt' trtl 3t: fit $11811] and So i. " 'str. we . {unto emsént her in allle matters, though, of course, except for ""Cr.""T"5lle.T2lPS'7',l'lele'i." their services "P" c. at y r neede . L:r.aeu"-'agaectgst'1"iliet, is glad to re- cognize the Queen as part of the mon- A r a , 'hc not ‘lose sight of the fact I AO J M th (a ':thTe/t"i'l'si't'i'l'l is limhitu} to " 't . , opt at nsort, and t ere ore :1. Al".",'). dds?i?,!id/irg,' sense one of his Majest 's sub'ects, and in certai rl, 'MP. 4-: If ih'lll'i'Jiiiu'lrld mrrhtfthtm possibmm , ' _ A; .' . a}; these: times, she should be ,' J”; in“). ambjeet.wBut in other re- "ry.', "' s'-yiieyttrfrhel.eirmediprivi1eg'e? by the, W Mod. T J ' arr --r-t"T una. "cm I . . his of th ' w6 ili,ihtititt,i $33.92!“ exp: . I ' "g,r,f,,t) 'ttteg',?,',!"?,,':?,::"?,?.] l _~_ J:' w-.. .1 A, ' be t , ( " 1'ttitiut ttti/gee' iit) _ ';!§9;w_hmmod and " C . with! ii,laW'dilu.r7rhFet TP3qy tit new (ttth/il, for the 4p“ up, .hl ' “but”, Queen Vlad) Weir“ sovereign pan gt1t1'p'2'tl, ttyt'ti' . P,ie,8 T, _ _ head any”: "'n 'wu {gal-gig:- course“: 'emttrrtik- eue. Except w n t','igid.qe2titigtc't the hh gn , v reign): i; emu ‘4 {)8 fiat's1irftT of the st-iii «up a . yogition of her own which is Se,f1t unique. Whme-i-nttH-' , ..4 m "are: irtehhng, . Jules. {ton that of any othe y, mm or single or of any , and in e material ways it is . diff eat ttll that of previous Qieen nsi . 2? One of the? most cutie an inter t- in; provisions in the en customs of the state is that the ' een , for pri- _ , ' r . ass purposes,. t r rded as L h' ”itam lady at all. he . the only _ taAr..iw9ests-itqiF:.w doe not come " oerithincthet-rtFof the Irl'i women's V. r rt t. F . prin e o the law 2 oBttl'dd1 we e ely different from all othgg hind? en, nd that his time is t tft; a n u with the ','r 5 ~fmof'1m' wt im; hav any left I l "t3it9sito, aMmic d airs, and that . thire' ore the whole me. m t of the F , oteerfeprrmttr"Btrtrrtre, mat rs must ',ts'pglvs", tl n her Maj y si gly, and . _s-:,i1ii.'i,iii,'iti,it'i', ate r in re- s. qerAl mm rests uvo the Ling. --- '. Eeftif Ftiriiiiieu" i'ikiri'ii',iiiriiiitt, sev t . . . _.-- _ Cawston. 4 r.? - sevenl'Tl'r- "W. WriitagrlCltto,t,". of 'El'lJf,h,1 a multimillionaire. is also interested. and is formyr.p, a company to operatr in Egypt. South Africa, India and Aun- train. - Thir" Queen should survive Mic. King, a nun) M the primil-hieh at pre- gnant: panama mmld’bc with fw't from her, only nominally in somq "eases but actually in others, whilst c itutionnl law provides that ome cutie p restrie. tiong shall be JIU (ugm h Ht would no longer be high troaSOn to against her. and it is held 'by at lea: Jone high Authority that she could ‘t marry in, if the wi hed to witho the spec~ atli'i'Lu"tnutdientihilvd ofw-Je King's ' ,' 'testT,ttttt ' _ )tetsr.ded 'pri titltt1rtll?it(ttt,'ityt to in?“ Msk attrdctiG, 'iririr,tiicLhiiwidiiiiu cousy'etc t ly r P, th 1 ads me 63!!!! d ta)': spin r adven- r ' 0v 0 x for itt 'n sake, the instinctive rebellion of minds t humdrum. commonplu xistence tttlllk'tp modems operate to 7 ke dan- In“. A an. -.b---6t-, _ _ b , . I. .3- t ---,' g motile? iiiipriefiriiacri/ strongly med by the medical “ion a: successor. J". l All thin. in Gumballma . clear. is unwary strict Undone-tinny, ga1rasuas which the constitution, ha regard to '.tt,lietr' whim: have wed in tttj,???)))?':,':)',; necessary take in thobry . the ptrsiition of the ttteen; but in th’ hearts of the people; we all Now, she exercises" A2l2'iitt nnd su- preme authority as the first GF, and one upon whom there can bank limita- tions whilst England is govor. d as it is-Tit-Bits. C El k It it tmderrrcod that the Shuthexn pu. ~vu-vcyawm. Je The irignature "Edward R , is at- .mua~op all, state figume importance as to d. nd , E nominal.“ .wMe'ver tt corresponding one "Alexand Regina" be allowed to be attached. ei tr in con- 'unctjon with that of his iesty or £331 in I. ti it should h en that {he 9Queen should survive ’. e- King. LIME“ Mai-mm. Alf ciuto..tts of British monarchs havecuurcguudi2ite, this privilege. When Philip of Spain" r r it was denied to E,Wmtime after; the .1119:- m ' "eital 1m t oi d'urliaitent ., in paid in which he was gmsted the toyessm It 'f5rre'P"e"r".' ”sl'ln‘nlhn ' Hri 5 "l that“ King B, We only '/',,'.lt,t','.iit? it 1t',aitt'J'tr,'t, to plot " ainst; but it ' ' "ughm mason-6L. 15,74va Ldiriiis'iisi sham. y . ass purposes,i t r Itat lady at all. he . W.iIfGl€MaW5l-,W doe withinnmetuqib-oi the lrri r n t. F b prin e o B%'hdl we) e ely from all othg ,mami d en, his time is 1’63 tft ql n u I'm-0119'“); .sq' imf lyw sum: yen tgear' 'tir. $0va a; may. " Aim . ion-mmunutw iiiih, as (a “an!“ ”to“. '.Pottt; satisfactory as a. . Jun WAN ttttSerie,,'..), The mammal of Eager. d 'tttilit' Writ Sun.) ,'; Ith' t'lg Jh'mstornotri "racing is ' , 'ttm tts I itr, rra8itrAttl't,'te)i. f/vrrtilrt'ie.5ri,tg ”@Bfux‘fm. ' i - Kits In? [83th ',sttlit,Q'at no “othei‘per: N." , iF." “11:4sz gi-Pr'""?,' 'um'rm' I f . , ,q- ' "H.!.H' m 5””, 1yjjiia"Giiiirttcjikul 'iik pr “1%” Dont Mental: 9 V/d FGirrTiTa7/ii"t" is, accordingly, danger- ous, as, by slaying all your microbes you may kill yourself likewise. The aim of science in this respect. must be to find an eff ctual memo distino - ishing our 'iii.iie, f gurlgmi¢tli the the bact . waxya'nd t to éx- terminate trPPerm'rttiitithyqEf'-'t tering the former. l Bo e rabbi . re fsml entirely? on, 'ttiii/iii')])?,') 2'p,'),)eri1te :9 1 s r pr Mites w "T. .. f " ngapcdctx. Viirv~ ""'""V'"""""J tn _ QC“ - Dr. Chaaain's infere 'ifi'iiiy7i,' as regards the human tthigiti gge theory that the freer food 1:143: Ep, " the better is erroneous _ iiBKrElt'Ur')e, certain bacilli are is 'glial? , to the given the same food. In this case, how- ever, the veg.e,teble, tiger haying been 1'i'r'li;7criiriei'tCiii'G1 emitting”: a broth in which bacteria had beets arti- tisirlly,,,epl,tjyt,ued, 9inics.rpriulaidtyer them. Instead of dying from one or more of many possible mierobian infections this lot of rabbits flourished and grew fat. The others, on the contrary, who absorbed no bacteria whatever with their food, soon perished of enterie af- fections produced by nonassimiliation of their antispetically trggted food. ettitif,',,tc5iii,: in t bendic 'tIle-l',",",',',',',,'; iitniintmrtitedN'f trim cos by Professor Bo'u. Saga rabbrigmre 1 I wa.trui2tlrftiiii .', x" The " Tints." br t 1111141014"! to, F ith] Bled! I An' toys all slilijti!,'/rrclt,; I don't care no on. an .. On thick “350?“ fee: In” Tttyt,?.,?..'.! no danger any more. a- “Hahn "-, -- xuelc uxu . no manger any more, So skatin' has no spice; It itrn't fair. an' I dou't care. _ I -.....n ' Aqnn . ' _ in "harrin, of'l’uriag hog; ome Curt . w 4... “my 1xpeririteilY "A ten-inc ser has n diameter pt three an as. 'tt,eg,frtiiit? 200 fathoms weigh 3.600 poun a, a new Manila bawser of this slzg will. stun-1 an less; "g 2 haw: that the my!" gleam-mad " an " H n as e L chas- P.rilt te ' ot bo 0 d " of; in i din 'dt a; I e . o I er a " ' e. _ _ - _ - - - le, elggt-lnch banner is, 'yJ,"'dt,filt a g an H a t'lrg", ot 'e'..ltl,rth!l1tttsy, 1&0: ' poun s; a. oi ot 200 o eight-Inch 'tata aim-.11 an 'atlitnLt', po.yyds, consl4tTaplr mathemg ttyb . ' fa"i 'eistsor Meg .13. ij/tl!, 'rtrr,1,jpi; " tl cteria, w 7'01] are pt beneficial, and, i: aud,' rusrsgs‘gkgwfi;:'I’:.....x¥.‘-;x,iééag, aauttgito I‘d _ -_.wmv:nm- .,ittir,'r'it,,'el"t,' . otiatMrqr,W,,iut ""111: Marduk; MM». In. in»: il ,yiitiiarilteptgrr t"d"tttt.'ahite; ,stiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ia grit pipe not” J, t JP,' m in»? Jgu'nat,g'it 'il,tlgktit1rikt'iit-,itii, 2.2133. riiitirii,' T I rr~~ -- TG - "a77i'eaT1t"iiir,Gri't ittt,ii?/fhl,1, )'i')'i'itft1lhi'yrt'i,y:t,'.ii." was” “a? _ 2w Isr5 Ne. - g a at» . l a; "In! W, ',ie,tg,',.e, :04“. “3131:? tru," m;- i'r.'tl'lStlgii't! 'd'h'yl'fL'.'h,,' 'hawser Jffgiv, Inks a packthread. So he wonders how I attrto-'eme_umiiHiitiF'iritrziriiaiF suelp I awn, - 'v. ' I bk " T 7 7 . (V TAt r,'." t4 hen 'Ib W U: c"siiitilsgti,.ti1h.",jptr,tuyg,tt2s com right a number at than“, ii)'liiririi2c1l"t?t;',i,yi,lii,Fi't1' r ot ren s n a rope var ea ac- mm s". Tti ed b.1565; ii2iREi :2 Inezk ot a NO. 'r-riot man I has» Mt,tttrrrtyt 2211;! 149122. 9t.r. 1 ailGry' or S'c'ien hard. iii 73 'diammAvm 181‘?) "It'll IAMIN SIT F- who opruaesit. Nor have nience w th chase men of in- l and education it may be, fo'I ttd tiesslaitttitttt gains: a "iitrrt, '-, Servant Turned the Tabies, F 'it,vi,it,i_"i,ii,_':i'3i;:ii,i story is told of a high _Artlp-itiliut' , big officer. who was in the habit of'stnini1ly 59m threshing his mutants whetttltr, dis- ig,t3, 11:3 Mow ooiday he ordtyrtrtr a "ser- ways found trrotine w1th"or house in the nat oprucesit. Nor hare him there. Pm; ewe w th those mount in- “Wavy horsir md education it 'ttttY be, mote offc'mdef: 'td (Acclaim mime . rad 303313113; '53” 'i.aauriLpete A 92191.” .5523, Irt dt ' ”snag; FLW 316’!!ng 's".', J/ 1113 'e1et'ttroi'khui java _ padveis " popular for adverth ' .t urpbség j,kuy.t. the gas-flash has be‘filfig‘ncwéhifi is said to answer the: ~me demandn at 6N7lghth the cost. talent-14v “midi" ItrgtitifCThTR'rTi'iiTfTtmf " iatiea, . him , got no relief from anythi he gatN,mt. At last a friend of my h and indagcpd me. to give Dodd'a Kidnq L[Pills a trial! I had no faith in the “ nfor I thorqrhtyt, never would got bett but after taking three boxes of them "wasrable to do my work. I have had, btood health ever sihce I used Dodd's She did not Believe “Them, but. Ib- day She Is Swan“ nd woo.: , ' Collingwood, 0nt., . 30.+ksf’écial.) ---Mrg. Thos. Adams, yho vae' , 'her'e about two years ago m Burt’s £7qu is one of the many . 'dians whoopce had Bright's disease and are now gtrong and well. Like all my; others pm WN', cured by Dodd's KitrnirPillts.' , tt l ' r "I was eight moythy/jn invalid}? says Mrs. Adams, "and nist'"oru, can tell me win}. I suffered. sl,lh'i'dlu. snid'Ihml tr W my, _ 3 in 3:} r-.,].)].],!,,,')",? CURE .pfdd's KidryT.P(ts Cured Mrt A Adams' Bright Disease; .7 .. , a FK 1itj'ltitht,t'-,' ful physique, F led, natih, e dike. "Sub troll alumna ot, _ ' _s,+.ettt" I r!' rry, "Yes, you seoifftdFot I've i.broughtr l yo', hero on purpose." .. .,,r,r:' v. ' '""rmthrrmtr,"crtfttmrtrtiresh you.” _Aasd he did it so thoroughly that hiazmlstnr was not visible for a week.-itamaa. mg" I Eiiy build ul Mtwasted ‘ other foods fail you are run dosi, give it a trial t' ' .. H .. P, .urt not ill. I End Yul! *"H' . " "iif iertiila 4 'CaiG'G'i' Te “WWW mgfigmmfiufifii _i(i',t',ii'iti,i.jfit.tfti'tit/j,iiiii, (',','tt',.tft,t?, '.jy'lt/',t'l',"'T21tt"'c ii /ii,",ii; 'i'yi'ii,i,',,tjfij,ii,iu'iiiii,ii,i'i, "Vt .Ldié‘senwmm‘ggm ['suitiuuhriiiiiitrdubre,i, the 997i (le)ltlli':r'llll,'j'iiilii?] 9 '5ill',il'J': iiuiii; 'r1iitrmredrhtitss bewido immybnewxmflf ' Ciiis'hi,itl' 1u.ir'.aiistlit Enid best' adVisch,*fla‘gflififiiflfiiWflaififififi' 1rir1'tt!1)k'lit'rkiiii.'iirrtitt,roit '3iti't "Mi,' adiiiiirsiii,' 'tTele/at :36: Ijiviiitidici'iieiihait my youiiuééd icueiniriteif tit rod. 4.-artrieh--yerter-uood and tone is 1qu such a foo tiititjrciri! A me system. " SIMS . 1int'_issioii of Cod , Wax-v.2: ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 50c. and SI SCOTT &,:BQWNEI of Emul's'ion yiilju'y'.' Be sure that' tiiilifltA' in the form of, 18rttt8 a" in the form of, " l) A the wrapper ot. gygbzta. Chem Ics:. Toronto, not,A ' Liv bod, to it _ar.y,tt,i,,.hi,tt.'; if}; ihswkiat. iit,iltrj.9e 'ramiiiitithiitis./: lin tractor said , Jud ggtica,.};ut,'l got w: y Billy '.1;~,11.-15 "eslitlriiit' (r,' E‘XMYTH'T. Wine” $753713" 10 3mm - g ___ v~-~-~-‘;-r"'"r§ Vr , 'l In.._Grca.t: Britain t‘wBomd of (had; takes the place ori.yiimijrirtaie. Com. merge qptphiissim.r. The chief inspector argue mayday” Ihikuicis his mung just ,tioixrrf-l.i,, gentlgnuau‘rqf hiili'taogz‘ Jitly'ts) and whgé he 1t_vt:Rot 21M}; . 'imih till", Algnhmd’him hymm'hold (ms? eg'qutbg 1,i,t,i,'i1,tgr,ti: Km Imaging an: in'spettnn WWW“: wneemin imam (ms mnditinns isip1iairiJi,'Uhhr, Londqp. Subway. tolophohM Cal. Yorke'. This", colonel. in not given lo exposattelntin,e,v or mrresp9ndjng,; JIr {any p,erempttsrr/ora'i titerst to .dt p/the, /ry1nlpsCof. all:britimr, '01! We: gndiwnd, not.» i)ioet waprdrir, ea, til}, tt #itit., WM Jrrr,!sterlrt, Lesliovg . may; _ am; for Emu-pl 'iiitiantriinuetir'caiottriet i, Coy) “in i triiih accident. The may»? it ii] 'a1ttatthey do ‘things in the atit6iuiitk, arbitrary,; Englisiu 'mantetc"which' 'tiita)ti' disregard; th¢ in'fxliépzxme yt','hti,o't A citizen tolbe: massaged .be the railroiuis. Jtuli'amtuih, compels the adoption of the J?ltrelcrtjistirim. A. sypervjsiqn is main" taine'él which has 139 parallpl in thegUni¢ ;todl.‘{'avtgp. JIe.re in America, the nil- wo, ii!.iitktoj"ri,prt% hpudrod than}, 4mg yyuetut.milrii4 new” 1'vtfis,1it, number, Hcrc p0 .pitieiii1irxl,isu whd 9 as a duty or even isygthpp'zcd to my to a railway offiqer,~_~"logx. an operathrtrr, your railway 1rit1titthr','g1ti'ii'" .. .n; InHGxLQat: Britain thaBoWl of Tub} ",T.'A.. I A _,1‘,~, _p .\ - . . 'rife: 3mm- nat'iYazé’g'; minim m1- " ' mag Lthe‘SaIest is.srttti,Wtrnd. F .' tr Thet @831,ch 1ho Wweiis NEW is 'highiii11: 4th 'e'iiei'shtii,/'irur mil”, but. with. many. Mme our density“ pas}, smger‘ travel, 'lttvgtishmert ltgve ' 'a'eooi-d oi /iPty, months withoiitjsine a: rde' mifGuii, GEL 'nm‘t'i i :.'-'~"n: 'y.‘ 't :Tlvt,qhiiiiip,Attiitip Pacific and Hertha western ' Jinn F runs , throw f.ihri-iridiu, Bulbs” gnd Touxi'st sleeping furs to ointiwin; olitotatia. . Parsons"! eon- Emma; excumioqs. (mom; CNeago every week Lowest rates. Choice of routes. Fittrsbrsttetttry. Special attention, given tq {$1933 may”. Foqzmapsi illgstfat- a agiyte d a. al 'atjveJ (tllt)tiii,iii; y'.'tlifit' . th Giicikti 51:1 i,rp'lli. e _itili'it,tl't; if 'r' I ii7.l,'/, h) gag-W11 'V/ly/n'.,', _ . (ktfil'tifi, (tfr).).',).?)).'),'.?,]'),) [tlt . . . l V I . :Wfiflgdfibfimmmmm . jitijty1v?MutJ-kots,tofMinetaire, l Wail swung wht3lasalt chemist , _ ut, "t,ur-oyyev, human“ mm yt, paiq, "tfdi'rtiiet.'v't/i':i 'atrtirg, 'tttil 0?ch thump-s "usualemd r {new a ",'.ve1tr't,ttdthzte,ti2/'itfft,t 15 0% regart1ed.detits tacfmw' hidltht'"1.is' - refiarded.‘:lttin1flelwl§1w"v'h’dl‘fiqsgg- ,gd memo"). ( .to. momma. limterlfitV' A ”356911.111 [thigh menotinh‘. " Emu Oh Mttdimwy. MOM“: ulrlnlu'lh is; melons than thy atronihkv Mani brrtlje autumn, tHer, may: putntIlllt in."hrhrhnoittlt, [ "rlticls "rWtuiresAaorthiw Wainuj'blt " least, ha gets some physimt» !r,tiite9oii,o/', plea,- auei.iir" rtf'?rloi4xx1url.- di,ngeicii/m/ is , tv:ttphtartutyert'th tty.ph,vii1iiir.e / f j (A,/i,.iiie.iiii,i,lii, iiehi,ii.,i, iiiiisFi'ii,Ti 'ipif"ioiii'i (iiii rttifyi"itt er 11t'i, “if ieftrt-first; camp] , . disorder t 31 '8 0th and jifil)siltil,riptilii,'iti,t; ll i(("i'j:lii/iiriii,r2ii:; This result tirttitl,,filiis', (riyivr" tl, tW.,ttht9ttt/f 1stlihii". ik, “It! aimed' at? “a cause-of the habit is negrly‘lll; w h k e. "Gineerista? an péo' e sur-Uhr'?,,'.';.,,','), aid 2'udl'il'?'ll?l,1! nee1rr.ri1io 599]; alliation of that will! "ttt trteitw'irik:' 'ull, know that;- . not w: u humus, chloral, Maud /th1?r,tom1 Axe accumulative in; their- eh: autumn than human: mum. they haw 'g1s'/iie'if.,1 ginger was the ttik, "my; a ”at t!tcehtltattr..2ti,te,i,t' fiiry'iyi/ gestzibn, i 7 "gingerUim 'id)fi'ilrFiirtito fife duWit, 90%;}:th doses, v'_aatitorr9lt "it 'i,isisiiCiidtriiii.iiiGiiiTirt “$37.37* ,'. ',"t'i2ttiitt,L"/tigt'.S, a.‘ fyjil .4 jirji." Mrwmmhzq .iittVii)sii7iiyiiiiiff': __ --------------e-------uu--e"'"H." . " ' .os,ntqetNtgtterme. "-thargtrti Mt t", -igttagfi.r'(hrky onwash- v '11:: [hxadiJ "dt may? I) "nun-”mp al _ y" . _A n 7 4hsi.,'d,ai1'r', 4iiiG"t" WW“!!! 9.?" tlet; isin" was increased from ten , 'iit 'a' 'pile in =m-_odm_<ss*bp‘-mm " f,'" 3““ thughx therhtptttertr"tnttttt' Mum/4H :thb TNitretr:Btuteiemhai'tii "ttttOla tgI,ttatt1'ttf inhuman-I» go»; $11.9; it,rtltuiutt.turrrmrsuyr PrtfyetmAt.u.tit pqsqrmtt, ""e'F' “a!” £51,,09WWU- has ganatitie "a y wee . - v. _ Wino-'3' "- " pun; undid "tftuau'co. H nu..e.:up I'. WV“! . "N no ri%.'tretef,ttrttitt.atytttti' N: 1 a IM.t,, I r Min" 1",tW,tltr',i'n"irjy,iiyy1 I an . . t "r, try am op. ' 25mm! "t l “A, Iterd muggy)!!! . ' 'ir " n 2,titii,Irgtt,'ftGt,' il.iji:'ih,'tj,itti dint _ "t'it1' .... . - _,aetti'tr"'tt,riti't,1, We Asmm fitlihill' M?. ' . 'il, Min: “iffy", --"e "an V Guf: ‘7' - ism-7.. a . was. *Wmarwifmgm u ' "PII r . g. ..r. it “It 037”)”.- i,';',,';,)');')]'!',,';,;,)'.'.)',;,';)';,. _)';)'))',')';") G'iihiit Soap. F¥~§.Wimfll*.m'fl~§9fimfe tta. jt8 W mum "hrtAiromaattrrinoMttstat- n .' ' w, UH." :m'B-f z-u’h. " ”I” ‘Ifd od ri' bl ' :- AX.‘ 'tsrvhLh.stcrcc.iihad iiiy1is'i2tMpteI,tth; "" i'aisiflitiviii"i 'Exéunsmn. wank mm :8 ESTEEMED. ttjr: mtfirpiiir, Ca? xenon an? ll aw! mi ,___, Tria: " ”mm mi!!!" In 'i,rii,siic,i.'ie,i.'s Jiipty and - --- “H,- in; . tatt,tt: before the pub- “amen than“! on the part of Will” . than recap- Cllll1"Ca2h"l'iii'e,tut tr “minimum Necessities. hn dtg.iiirFGs,eiwiql,l Le a r'e.sit, _b"ecb,ti,iitt,eisitf, ',t1.i'i"'ti',1,'i'fp :06; _l"thihilut1eiie,1?,rtf,'t ljiwiity is the least J.' “dating a] (lit, ' ' in common use, (it))))), fi ihiili'it “rumba, seldom TErNo%t _'.ttertirtus-wspaper ad. WWVWQmmIivex-ul need for “mm mMnt. - iid m... yre.tet m 1iatFr upon the re. ititteabtsuteiraruaii'ifit their Wares, "ttrhittasut.,thss,isaraucaii in keep. 'Gii.ia.iiu.cc __u,. . - j/ttVid, iiiiii.iiiFa"iiiiGs' acre l/pl, It! ‘93?th k War, its base '/g f _ 'e ri,l2ft:,'s)r," the tooth: s :liii'jiii,it'i'jij1'it',i? mm?” H - e ' I!” are I 1li'l)itl',thl'ptit2 may be J, thertofior Managing“ News I ' ' " 'w""- "u. JUUUBLH “It ,yi1r'jieitii,,i.sytisrLiytg are elevated so " to apornutih scraping motion. t sftis'fty, 't1ttmtehiiit organs are attach- £3311 thqA‘fore’yings. The hind wings tire1tstsd'eiirr, (oi t11u1ig. The fore wings orttie-trrriCetlfd'r" the most part “ympdfy ',tit',t,t1grep,'.iiisi, tight- It htttilyfrtryrkt a part h strong- lg Irtittiigtdcrnlt the, toothed ft 'iprtms 'rtttr.rly across this , 1233;??? ti"tisieti bane. The s',Eihltl,'ai! ' tis 'y: e toothed how D _ a"viiyrii, ”My. 'c" ‘“ ,'.?..C' _a,g,ty 1Elta?.tilil,i9, Tf,rm I . The ttit/ein performers are the 1t"riek'tttkttth iilii't,l',iifi, grarshoppetur. or "rotsitoltiii'a, " Mia-1. the katydid is a thardeteetstttt 'lpt%ientative. These fel- MM” 'rlrthta.vs the males. the 'Ports-d lovetwot the inseet world--. perform soronadeplby the hour on what. might be called living fiddies. Most in. 's¢ct's 'i.rt'd.dilebrhiiaring. The locusts and ‘etickobs Mess aeut/e hearing. Their toutisltiIr_iwiitrtied on entirely through tummdium of their serenades. The ma]ea.r¢mdq.in (we spot playing upon] let wacky]? , The females undoubt. 1 ti,llhrhilry9ii, 'ht these songs, seek the ttati; 7000-" - "Gamma. ”8 It9, We.» Anetta. Attoththavit'ness said thit si/Inari,,, hid nomdntivm. and the only one who had any regard for her was her old tab an". _ _ , . TFrlrPiraP.i.eiijyittiH;rr' ,m _ FF"rrG'GGtCCdiisi, a". " ser\'ant " “Yeg'; but she failed in busi- _tt'estr, and their I101: her to live with me, and Shiv-hm! lived with me ever sinc°." 'Miurdfiuahcni dire, Distemper. ', _ oA.tr, _ttt3" Servant's Devotion. . 'rA,tmttgiutttist.orT of an old retainer's dumb}: ' limes of adversity was told i, ththMarl+yw Coroner's Court, Lon- 'ill'ts, when; in pres; was held on Mar- t ’ 'ngtbngfbg. .anglmm street, west, who j,fe'5r/,ii't)jite,',u,r,g,'ii,e and bronchitis. Weeping btterh tis she gave her evidence Emma Turner, an old woman, said the dpteaaed:hmVlived with her for a tong ara" Sim y In lumen times a cum was Fwy. itntitrtVF" , (“rs old, because '1. tttstq t really a We nun then. , ' LN roderly constructed child a'sflth') 1% t the t,t,urtt,hcehl'l e ex cc Ive W: (at :45 2. A Inn be- tt'3.lt3G) tr',',,'.: tid," m: "swat“: e s tt " strength. at} '/,lff,',te,i gurl,, mirage u ' . a II l ver t come 'jtiittig,yfdk'.tm, Ml in & props: man” - Al' . At 7x111. . Ian?” A __J -u..- o no ”on n! . ' " br . ' ' 23153310116 t', cl" ". ". '1 .' '. ," o '3tritidiitiriptolpn 17'itt(ilit' $2.2m ; Rm ""9"? . r . h 1 ~..mt%%tfza%‘:£n€2;°:;;.°fiit§e; '0" _ _ may: be 9.pr truth in it. . 1.1 (Mi ter'thit'tougit ol yours. iiiiii5itiaielilept, for " [studs ot ' e or gross o crayons tgt mgommd‘lgb tor 320.000 lunches. f',2, off It fiyuti obuiar. hildu.dauslioon- s o , . . " u, n ite has: ye'.',',", ' a ' " i'ii'iiffiit7ieliil'sJ,,' tEt" m 1tiiflrArtretif', tifCffft t,iitt 't JtMhrr.lep. me later cumu- w t19, MCI] 7 plan so Important {I'M ,t 'T mun It: bound out to IM') '/l1'J.'i'4,i'li, "Ur,'?.'", 1'o"Jiu'o'li n r. ”In, I or Icon . 0 “net Sl .- In Gd,1 _titp,ets anal}!!! . "j' 1-6?!“ mm Seven. yin-mam fru- any. mm a Import- a. a . tt m be Interesting ml t"c1E to u I" ot the tt1tCiii'itr, gun-“2;;- 73 t w, t' on a " o ‘m ' are '3 n holy observance 1j,lt,ri'i 'dl Ctia] "il'ilti'il'P,' 'tite, In l V 1n n or tttttlf 1i,i,,ttet1tt,'i't'r,' I'", I you g,', rest. . , mu em L a tti/ht, 553%: wg m: yum 21:91am ”1551-110 . . PM you the" was I idrPlW"rrf'11 dob: nad bond-men were 'CSL than “new old In". In the tt,".i,itf, i'tttiW'? clue Inter'mcufamll c: lyl BO 0 n {3.3m tiidtf man ',"d,', bound amt?!» MUSIC mu! INSECT WORLD, at A: mam.“ F a, (ingli"gliiiiiiiii'it': :2 I awn . -' s. C. i'lnnisozu. 310 ifgastBc.0tu, “Roy. NA'., Toronto, Can. ii',;liti,i,ifitij,iit,r,t9,'n1tPtat" o g; r-PYears ago I believe yuu "t, _1 . ' m 11cm - Ir not. 1ttnrever. placed tn time. but an no Imam mtg...” fuck dar, bola. ' his In an. '.r'irr.etll li It. mp 'tiaaiir.'"ui""iiy "8.1; it has utter that, ”cording WI, y; he 1. unto down " hy, "dlttt1s I h t EMS w. '.tiir'tNOltl tretetgtpftt outlay, 4 orgnns are attach- (lt. The hind wings ing. The fore wings for the most part margin. The are "when, ths used foe need for (MTG: BO ”'" "at dun afiq“ a an 'illlLh% been not“. 1trrtttgt the ulna VII ("and M a. ltr,','. t'li:tt?,/ilfii52iiiilritietit 'tttlt that In. . Q"... - itll'd2'lt 5.0”". tt w“ . -, mt. he ‘ " ’ liste his...” .; 1 A duck-Ouch; rum vu- km“ ttt (I. PM mum. In INreutd Put "a..." Tlihtl'f an] le '.er>mbuF. i The Dominion Government did a g i u' '. thing for the farmers oCCuvuda pl-.. E it placed certain grades of fence wir" w: the free list a few years ago. Since Hm f galvanized smooth wire Nov. 9, ic'. an P 13, which are more used in farm frw _ ing, has been kept down to a price ll 1m rg enabled thousands of farm,-., to xvi-n: I ',' old, unsightly, wasteful liooden 1m .- i with at, now we're structures, thl'fvxr} improving their own property and 'h : lurucing the value of the surrounulm neighborhood. Now it tn ires 13...: 'r pro-euro ll MI. 'etytht tam“ mm" the Government to to heck to on» on L duty on the“ grades of win. Tim , such a change would work injury to Um I farming community um.» no up: I merit. At present, [tactically lone of the grades of wire on the fro. list art etteutufaetumd in “It“, so that on) duty that would be put on the Wire would prove an equal tax upon the "ontstnnee--the farmer. A tariff of say 25 per cent. would tty rilbtedly on- hnnce the cost of feter, .-r!iy ten It fifteen cents per rod. I.... uwid mm: that. the owner of a med :l-eizcd farm would have to bear on "wt. 'ax of fully 3150 to fence his fur... i. te fencing, an unimportant mat I' tlmn- would he no reuon f, r alarm, but with the pass in: ot the l Ms. '..., and the {naming attention to eLocli raising, new fencing is on absolute necessity. In the older parta of the Dominion the improvement' of farm buii‘lings and the ooMmction of new fence, Line been akin very tepid-{rides during the putt few yours, And it Would (Wire 0 very unfortunate matter it a check were gim to this lunch-needed Advance by the imp-Mon of I. tax that omld work no benefit to the former and at the some time have: the Omaha unnatur- ‘eu of fencing who one wire as. no Inter-kl. Ritter “paling“ farm in- venunt, t" deaitoiatik in “new, Ei'ili' More, , ”an: we. ll low admitted be. of d .t on the duttata, list. it would be In“: 2ettetijrii7hrriTia't'uli"3 ,rereuiirl"r" and ll.-I-in|- eoit. wonild enable fur-lave}. style of fence with. 3W Objected to a Ride. (Indianapolis News.) An old color“ won-n 'rlipped ttm'. m: the sidewalk 'wny out In Indium 4“.»an 1' night. Two pan-omen hurried to h r as. an. [at her on her hot and Prr'tyared at. her In I new” More. Th: (ml won: run very much excited as she was m. mined along. “Soc but. um Pmeemun," "tie rrzr "ttatt you so ml: to our fur no nvalaxm I Ill't ‘03. MAR an: M no 3-.aluucm Bo no IVIIIIICIIO wu lent tor. aud men took ttar to... FENCE Getttis,--After suffering for sou-1. ‘M-ni- with inflammatory rheumatisnn, Ft) k. that I w“ eleven months comm-a t my room, and for two yours (sunk! 11' dress myself without help. your ago gnve me a bottle of MINARD‘S LIN MEET in May. 1897, and asked mu ' try it, which I did. and was so m, pleased with the results, I procured mun Pit 1geHr,ttt,t%eir,P.,itast, $3 I Ive 'etmitrc the ain 0: aitrhtaten moaths. The above film: an well known to everybody in this \Lftluve Ind 'teighborhaad. P .A curious led-er at 'the. ”301;:an kingdom has ban discovered in tho lar East. It is . 5 its of acacia. which gm to c begged about eight 1 _turd when full grown doses its l, ttits together in curls each day at suns.“ sud curls itqu in the form of a wall. Af (the tree has settled it, In in this 'at'; a. night] steep. liko tslee rs objechtnbei di~1mh a.” It tack“ it will 'nude,'.",,: if :m- tated and immtient It the interrupt, m of it. clumbers.‘ The oftener the {Mme is molested the more violent bevoo, . the shaking of the branches. and ut length the tree omit: u nauseating: odor which, inhaled for a. few moments, w?! cause I. violent headache. MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & IT) I WOULD LIKE EVERY WOMAN To "It; for or ”an; styles lnd samples of our use to $t2 win, In cloth, 'silk " ,0 1Eitt?,i raincoat, ','/g"sdt', wast . Nu. aaegre u Jott h I o" .'rir'Giea76rt."" c u) HIV. m can IT? WHAT? LEE If Phttetqe. Rocha; 3.000 secrets tor In! W. “In. laboratory. workshop. Ind our, “port-oat " how “donor; with tull m- dex to contact, u m. bound In Now m0 I out; for I copy. and it you mm. mm to not vent the money and tt back old your moody will be rotor-nod: than " L mod ciao-Hue for mono-on. William Briggs Metttodtet Book Room. Toronto. Ont. Ani,'7,','cf,'d"l LINE " JUST WHAI the purple want: our prices are low, mu ind that -trodr In"; writ. tor full It1, annual. William Imus. Wesley Building mu. on. therrttt III Pttm " lowest prices. Serll tor 'a'N,l'Mll', CATALOGUI RA“ PURE. We will In: high-t New You price: for link. Stun . Coon, Fox. and m. other Fun. a.“ tor one. In. LADIES -WHEN IN NEED, Slffxn tttt Mr lord's” Vi“ 0,: our anvp can ", r cue an BIYO in"; a. M Chemical cc... Milwaukee. Wis. ' always _ mocha! ”bulb o. tt. BASIEDO & C0. iiisqy gm; "Y/y 905. A. DAIRT St. Timothee, Que, 16th Mav --'-e. “ - Mlb ILI'U of fence without increasing In». ‘11;th in». M " King St. East, IOROMO. MANUFACTURERS (lf F088 Tree, Which Can-e Headache ul- muun-neeoed ndmncr by ion of a. tax that amid work o the farmer and at the mm. at the Cundiu: maitufact.ar. ing who use wire as a raw lather than hamper farm in- and ftegt,li,ts td Mum-y to Ignaz tare, y pk rug lumbar. tdeittad tree at d " Y3! Your: gratefully. KISCELLANEOU S. u be put on the wire an equal tax Iron the farm. A tarif of say would an t .ubuedly en. ; of (cabin. .iIHy ten t, I Md. T...., wtsssld meal r ot a mad: :l-cizcd farm but "$1.. tax of fully his gm. s, Te fencing t mat. I' there would be Hum. but with the pus- i _',.. shad lhe (naming ock tailing, new fencing rung; I SHOULD NOT BE TAXED. U!!!” e"-"""'" -- it would be m a a Present mm " r Ind ll, ,ehiey do get . ctr-anger ' ecu-i116 “who; g (he m.---. '99 OI " ' hell. uilty 5 nt. l etmutd, Yen to ituuiy, t it Conrtl 1 Remark a hm th In" bt bl ihl y tl It v tl is M id, 11 out, , nation th yembly, lea t mam . The tr, was l 1towina ' d hart"! t ti an ftth in” tut. If! M Dell I‘M in the I row an forgotu n last bether We b to c.0111 one!!! : “In a politicul otsghly I nan tomi tends Iolstoi Japanes Bat JAP h l “in: b and at hHuBee M h IOBILXZ that it i Gen. Ron If WE iii

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