West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1905, p. 4

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' s',"- I' Ft. _-"-"--" if" ___ - ’V -- --rr" "') Duh. W." f'l " ninine Tablets will stop a cold in a few hours Our Imperial In Q Try them. For Sale only a; OMETHING NEW IN TTASHEHS: The Parte _rttrtpsvrr, M" in ll? HI Also \Vilhelm's Wrineers, all made hy Watsouwuf Ayr. Raymond] Sewing 'Machinea. McClary Stoves for Coal or “cod Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. 2)arlyng's Drug Store peering Jj)aaneaaurs gift»: .:.'..ttt:tF:6.t..t...t.tt...t: EEG. q : Where does the Money come from? w The Farmers’ H’fg & Supply 60.,L Odd lots of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Ladies' odd dark Top Skirts, 8600 worth Men's and Boys' New Spring Suits. $350 worth New Spring Ribbons &Millinery Goods We can Rive (3an a mere. list of our goods. hm m quality and adnptnhilily to t a needs of South Grny We are not, exeeHedtt Bearing Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney’s Her-J ness. Palmerston Bugmea. Renowned articles, fairptieest Jhohrt Glark. WHAT MONEY? The money that makes millionaires of the manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery ? Why, out of the pockets ot the farmers who buy and finally pay for the machine. Why not save some of this money for yourself by securing shares in the Farmers’ M'f'tr and Supply Co., Limited? What you don't save in the price paid for your machinery you receive yourself in dividends which otherwise would otherwise go into the pockets of the wealthy manufacturers. Write for particulars to marling’s 9mg $120129 flrre'"'"'r""'"e"'erteBlqltiq6' - ' r _, w». my; l Tho hast 3n G, Jprl'ny Soods sfrwwhsr Qalzy especial Jtargaots in Call and ged your Club. of F- and 'ttr-s-iw 2rw ' or“- te-.. -- -- Cant and ' $700. If Coughs and Colds are permitted to go on their way of making us miserable, --unrebuked, unmolested. Drive Coughs and Colds out of your system by the use of our celebrated Which we can safely recommend. Others speak highly of its efficacy. Why not you ? Price. . .. 25 cents " Now is the Winter of our Discontent" White Pine and Honey ., " o worth New Ginghams, Prints, Vic Lawns, Shlrtings, Cot- tonade, Flannellcttes, and Dress Goods. 'orlock. A_tow doors South of ttii, Middaugh House. Ladies' Mantles. 3% _v..- u.-. “nay-J caulth go. Mr, Cowan must look elsewhere. Another good thing is that progress- ive funnels prepare tttemselvei, to show " Invent (air: the beat of their stuck and produce. and an... exhibits are daemons! in 1le0rt1ettttqt a they no “I. Then there's the World’s fair, Hol- stein. W: ll Mr. Comm, it you know what’s good for you, don't propose to wipe off this within the precincts ot the [ township. It stands unique. Where else can you roam the woods and tiod tie-ropes on the trees and horses and heilers on the other end ? Who would miss the delightful crush in the hall as you are borne on amidst a wealth ot women's work and the best at the best: in the township? Let Holstein stand. And would anyone dare to suggest Priceville ? Growing from year to year-Witt, the best sheep in the coun- try, splendid young horses. fine build- ing and grounds. supported by tour townships ? No, Priceville must go on. And then there ’s Bentinck and Nor. manby and Glenelg shows. each with some Ity,.; element that simpl y cannot The proposed reduction is matter oi common remark every fall season. ' Too many shows" trips lightly oi't'the 'ongue, bat to be practical. which one of them is going to drop oat? Not the South Grey Show certainly, with its active Board, tine grounds and baild- ings, and fairly judicious distribution oi prizes. Besides would Mr. Cowan dare throw a damper on the delightful experience of seeing and being seen on the best annual outing of the year; whereas nowhere else, the youth ot both sexes pair in public and mix their love and lolly pope while they game on fruits and roots and bans and batter. No Sir, hands off B. Grey. 1 The leading Agricultural societies of the Province are evineing consider- able interest in the suggestions made by Mr. fl. B. Cowan, Provincial Sup- erintendent of Agricultural societies. that the number ct exhibibitions held annually in Ontarioshould be materi- ally reduced. and that the Agricultur- al societies should receive their grant: in proportion to the amounts they ex-' pend for agricultural purposes. Such l a change would do away with all distinction between the township andl district societies. l -rl,ir., Whitney 's Minister of Agricul- tts/till, ttttd it hard_ to , better the Meg. " Him Mr. Dryden} lp mam ml; as tyltAh,piar. hgg lift. tir,idral on province which is, after all, largely agricultural. His policy at Guelph Agricultural College has always been progressive ', and his experiments and enquiries into matters of interest to the "arming community have been constant and valuable It is a pity that the services of such a man cannot be re mined for nine people in some wo.'.-- Montreal Star. (Conservative) Agricultural Society Exhibitions. out, Prtfirt,W., during the Lenten season. are " "motive Fla for Lenten Dnyn." illustrating and dewrihing u number of delicate 17qu of preparing Hub, and a variety of recipes under the headings " Ftattt and Vegetable Salads.” " Codtiih Variations,” and " Eggs-from a Hygien- ic Standpoint." Wm. Hunter of Durham, was in town Tuesday renewing tequnintunces and took in the hockey match nt night Min Mockler of Duahnm was the mint this week of “in Hatnpton.--Mt, Fort-at Younq housekeepers will discover a fund of nformstion in the papers con- tributed to The Delineated , Isabel Gordon Curtis under the title "The Nnkintt ofu Honqewife," giving in the Much number a lawn in the meat market. The hints are pruriical and helpful. prtter: topics of domestic inter- In. Laura Adiam, daughter of Mr. Rom. Adlam, Chelmygnn, who - home on the occasion of her grandfath- er'l death, left for Toronto on Monday morning. M r. Chll. Mc-chhnlo. Waudhy, vis" ited his uncle Mr. Hugh Nekephnie and other hiendu in town this week. Mr and Mrs John McGowan have made an improvement in that home, by installing it fine new Heinlzuun piano last week. EARL GREY, Governor-General ot Canada, and CUUN'I‘ESS GREY. A LESSON IN THE MARKET. TgiIIi-oexNrrAIm+tgDBATtMA1tai. - ------_ .n - (By courtesy of The Youth’a Companion. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I to enter political hie was unsuccessful Dr. Chamberlain defeating: him in Dundas at the general election of 1886 bv 25) yotes. Dr. Chamberlain was unseuted in 1888, and Mr. Whitney was returned at the bye-eleetiori. Uundas has ever since been as faithful to Mr. Whitnev as he has been Ioyal to Dundas, he being the popular choice at the general elections of 180C, 1894, 1898, 1002, and 1905. In April, 1896, the new Premier was the unanimous selection as leader of the Conservative rty in the legislature in succession to Ill!'. G. F Marten Mr. Whitney in- tused vigor nut only in his followers at Queen's Park, bat grad uallv wore the Liberal party in the country down, l and in 1898, only two years alter assuming his new position " chief, Premier Hardy was returned by a narrow mujc-ritv, whilst it will still be fresh ‘n the public mind how in 1902 Premier Ross imd a somewhat tietitiotm renewal of power by a majority of two and a minority of the popular vote of over 7,000. In 1889 Mr. Whitney was appointed a member of the committee to revise the Ontario statutes, and an important piece of legislation for which he was directly responsible was a Bill for punishment of bribery by imprison ment. Be is a staunch ttdliereriot the Anglican Church. and a delegate to the Synod of the Diocese ot Ottawa. Be re- ceived the degree of L L D. from To. rents University on June 13, 1902. Mr. Whitney was married April 3. 1877. to Alice. third daughter“ Mr. William M. Pure, of Cornwsli. Be is: lieutenant- eolonei a! the reserve ninth nudes s who: tfttte whim be men mar-oath during the his t James Pliny Whitney, ICC, L.L.D. M.P.P., the new Premier, was born at ,'irliarnsbarg, Ontario, on October 2, 1843. He was educated at the Corn- wall Grammar School. studied law in the ofliee ot'Julm b'andtieid MacDOnald. was called to the Bar in 1876. and re- ceived silk' in 1890. His tirst attempt In onto» m :f:nnl 14A _--,--, __ __ - however, how largely religion enter-a into partrttun when the most brilliant men cf a putty such as we think have been chosen are found in one church. Lust census showed Methodists leading in Ontario With 666.388. Presbyterinns 477,380, Roman Utuhohcs390,mi, Ang. limits 367.937. Baptists 116.281. We mentions these facts merely to snow that if denoruintttiontuistn ism count in cabinets there would have to hen consulevatrle re-arrangenwnt. The cry has been raised in the past but we hone the day IS fur distant when public ser- vice must he measured by such a test. Toronto, as wilt beset-n gets two mem- bers and the others are distributed fair- ly well tteogmptticuuly. Some one has pointed out that not one of the minis- ters with portfolios could pass an exam- ination on the Shorter Catechism meaning tlmtthe new cabinet has no Presbyterian in its ranks I it comprises 4 Anglicans. 2 Roman Catholics and 1 Methodist but no one supposes Presby- terians and Isr1ittt..teyrt been purp- It will heseen that in stew respects this list ditteto from any of the guesses made, notably the Minister ot Educa- tion. However a rearrangement is promised before long. and in the mean- time they return to their‘constitutu- melee for reelection on Feb. 2m, pol- ling if any one week later, with." _ -" -- "V ----_ev Mmiuterof Public Works, Dr. Rename Ministers without Portfolio. Adam Beck, Dr. Willoughhy, Major Hendrie. We announced last week that Mr. Whitney had received his communion. to tom: 1: anvennment. He wu pre- pared " once. and submitted the follow- ing names and all have been duly sworn n t Premier Ind Attorney General. J. P. Whitney. Communion” of Crown Lands, J. J. Fay. K. C. M mister of Educatinn. Dr. Pym. Provincial Secretary. W. J. Hanna. Provincial Treasurer, Col. Muthmn. Mintster.of Agriculture. Nelson Non. THE ONTARIO b'ABittM', The New Premier, cri, ly, A 124 v . g FFP- m‘ "w. ' , Prop tie. sold. moms? to Itmd, insur- an placed debts col ectod. writing. d wn. Business established 1884. ,V_. ... u".- ILEVI'W but he no otters the following bug-in- ' t N In , " In . 2°01: 'lnTn"ldf'i'l'd'2r,gpe, all. oe in Itire n Home . 50 Jun. " 1'i)l'lsll,rlrttttattt. tn bunch n (out '00 LFirl'r"ll'li'2rrfar. '8lladttt 100 no: “than. M“: ---_, _ Bile} The novel- Conveyancer. ham to say that has mid trendy every property inch) in his but in the RB?!" but he no on." tho A,tL-t..L" L“, . lillt LIST OF LANDS At Durham and Owen Sound PEEL’S SHOE STORE 60 Day Sale Don’t you forget the -NriiHinsivr"2,t,e,-l'rNph “3:223; Coal on Scales For Travelling kirOur aim is to satisfy our customers and we do not consi- der showing goods any trouble Wares Lanterns " doc Lanterns to clear out, nug- ing in price from 15: up. Fancy Lamps Mitts and Gloves Afew strings of Belts and Shaft Gongs still offering, reduced prices Snow Shovels Who would be without 1 Snow Shovel when you can get a good one for ase? Bells hair Yitpr iiEiirfS".a1'Al1ll.ShTurar" - - fifiilii.ii55t5et?ee '1... - '.qr.sNeP_t W for -ritt'liattt 5331-} it!!! f M 7a"'niiFitrteh", iahGiieitEed?Pf.'e h'llGGhTiiFrit?tef 'Geriiitr"iiibiri""r 11Tomurimt, mammal-M9? Pom years It has been dttittg Mt what we cull! It " do. It will not disappoint you. “I!” bit - Id“ iil.t2i?a1lli btr73'iiiiitit?itii.'i. . " 1mm...” 'ii1thl'alttrret other mm, Canadian and American Coal Oil always in stock. Now is the time to buy Scales. We have them nearly every size. See our Fancy Lamp, unequalled for style. finish, quality & price. .We stock nearly everything that " manufactured in Granite. tinned enameled, galvanized and Inpu- ned Ware. Every person should see what we are offering in Mitts and Gloves. LLri"'""""ooummt. a: in among “madame,” 1'tll2reAie,,Eiiri'tiiilg?r,e'fflt 2,P1tt,iiiiiii, 1% “a, 1:.” agd. “m- use: “a: f.?yteunFiiirtiiG1"GTr"'ee'l'fl'. - ----- - HARDWARE W. BLACK l H. MILLER, a“. ... " 'a."-"---------"" At== 'ef", Big 1‘an Ila-um GU -iGiaii." 57;}??? variety. . My Chemist“. Cause Ion bans. We have just placed in stock, ample supplies of Chin-n: Soda, including Confections of all kinda. My“. the largest. "new“. juiciost. In“ -L _n - " . - Christmas * . . Mitt, Me Qatar We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or. ders or enquiries left at C. M eArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. Well~known and reliable. Giving best tsatisfaction, Once used, always used. Prices and terms to suit purchasers Call and examine. The bungee °.___f gill our GOODS reduced from 100 to 500 Harvesting Machinery of' tirtn't, make cum- Work and 309.1an Done At The Down Town Boot ' Shoe Store TWEEDS d; YARNS or BEST QUALITY. Grocones. Dry Goods. Boots * Shoes, Crockery, ac. We can give you Bargain". at We out inspection of our Teas.“ The Spring ha come mt! the Summer buggy: nudge ut new): tr.o curloads Alto see our lemons Jtarn Organs They are good in every respect. Call and see our Goods. Show Rooms opposite tdd. -' r -railore Buggies and the place which was once so filled tooverf1owine with those rigs it now being filled up with over n enticed of the famous Now that you have I Tudhope Bug " get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim Aitto Atasaoett Machinery S. SCOTT. $mplcmcnts I t Biiiiii."ii'i'r' d iiihi' ' Pete, familial: - cr1grntey. Of all kinda. Exmine our TUR- NH? PULPERS ; they are the best on the market; also; our CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. . S. MCIlraith Only Place in town when :2“ “a m Pin-n bison, a. 3.1., Ate Ioliclt your ordor- for "I. __. - - 'akes, $1:de Gutters Plltlllu . Cami prumlue satisfaction. per pttiir. P3, -qrou'ers, Winder: E13 'crGthu, this famous Shll Mth DURHAM Dru Wit ITSUI And th pulse f SEC“) TH 1R1 FII Floor oi I “It oi LAS Fun In 7 piece Ben-y Sr" 1 Wang-v: Bola Bury w I. .. . q Ike and Btu-ad e, IODEL BAK no Tmlledbhl Latvian tuntteile MI I'M fir new! ways Q GOOD INGS I K HacF. n rugs; Jbar ther Jihrg our ND W. F, GEO. I WIU NFW Wttt Cat phc cold Che bot Th thl Wi he: fol the Tr Pl'l a 't "

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