West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1905, p. 5

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my pd Repairing Dom n Boot &Shoe Store {NEE}. f reduces? p ,t0,,§_Q<3 pair. tion of our Ten r Goods, Boots frockery, be. "he: you Bargain" a?) M C I lraith QUALITY Cakes S a Bon boas led d: YARNS Wafer as of all 16, t00b 'ader n Tttttt gre- t line est. i O _ And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cakeos, pies. and every desirable variety of pastry. is :; Flour and other ingredients. SECGNDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see mr yourself. A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pu stry, hiways on hand " Rowe's store. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. noFiL'nAknnv. LOWER rows FIRST of ad, w; _ only. tlte finest tr SUITS TO A. T/ SAVINGS BANh. DURHAM AGENCY Atrl'iNIt5 in an p lhstario. Quebec. 4 Realm and England. CA PITAh. Paid up liluSHHVE FUND 'nooroil-cloth, I and 2 yd: wide....25 tu,le oil-cloth, 46 in wide. whin- . Ml Pure no n-, Twilled Shaun: 72 in wide Lame size ttnnnetlette IGGU wh Tyieoe ttttes........................- !.vlttTt't?reseu....C.C.C.'.it ”can!“ 1ei',.y_te,Nt.:ca-L.ldlit'ticyiiii?,iiil;Girs'i'yt, . It‘ll: - nah-m _ A GOOD_ REASONS: HE atts SELLS ‘. CHEAP MI 4 il ati. Git fsiGli . . . iiilii, 'INGS 8.9.85. .merest ttllowed on lugs lmnk deposits of $1.00 and up o',-, Pt'nlnpt attention and every [in afforded customers living " s. TIN SON '8 MacFarlane d Co. ll rnggists t *thnllm. L H. STINSON‘. ITA I.. Authorized H £I'nyeriny Cold; ' J'rp, Gatrut, J??myo Coush Cure y‘é final Jihrarm Carr',, Cough Cure a! I. ., " J. a _ O a -i-I-_--u-..-..-, W. F. COWAN, President GEO. P. REID, Manager. my And new Ggtteehes cad Office, Toronto. AAA BANK AA Jllillll NEW OMOIWARK There is nothing better then Our Emulsion Cod Liver Oil with the hypo- phosphites. Don't let a cold linger with you. Check it now. Mcper bottle. 3 for tr. J KELLY, Agent. Will break up a cold, if ta. ken in time, in " hours. ed syrup for the little folks. May be given to the most delicant infant. Try it. Mc a bottle. Is just what its name im- plies-a Tteia1lt prgpar- For recent colds gives splendid results. Alloys all irritation. Pleasant to take. 25cabottle. . V, ..._-....M-W M in wide, white a colopd Is just the right combin- ation fora stubborn cough Every bottle fully m. anteed. Try it, see bottle all principal points m we, Manitoba.' United (lllllfll'll 8106K $llllllll 'u wtsiii/ifr' 'si'ayetutditre" alwsys on ma 2Ge . '.qttm $2,000.000 i,000,0t It 1,000,000 .3130 1 pr 25c each each etch etch lyd Vii: c---MeEmun.--!rhat the indium In trail their Isl-r]. 010 mntt.--42-ied ggertrenztus---Purvi.--'N" tho "rstak. or’l bill for lam”. " be piue-4hsmud. Carson .-Best--rut John Bias be paid 01.50. his account tor moving Thus. Manders und wife to Hons. of Beluga. -aurrud. MerEenite-Besst--Tut tho unditors‘ report as an", audited by this council be adopted and that 150 copies be printed tor distribastion.-4rried. c-sort.---)---' Joleph Gib. non ha pod 08.87 for repairing roads " order of "evo.--;". Meraniie-Careon--Tlut tho " ndnrd Fuel Co. be notiiUd by the clerk to n- mova weir wood, now an obstruction on the valley roa0,--Carrud. cnrtrott--Betrt--Thttt the no" and clerk be noommlnoe to inquire into tho unf- fuuney and validity of tho tmastrer'tr bond.--Carried, I hrtmnwia ('nmmil me! on Sumrduy liahl. All the nn‘suhera present. tlte wave I m the Ullzlll‘. Minutes of Jmmnn' maiden Wth l" m and conformed. T: _. following cm..m::::lculh us View 1”?le Frmn York [calmly Izmmcil re ttltUlttril automobiles _ on highway ; umnag-“r Bank of Ummllnu. _ re tsuslr_iuur futrl lU MINI hunk: petltmn of l J. B. "lhilv.tdeau rt n' re union selsool with part ' t (Hench: ; 'Nomas Mercer. rt) forming a union H'lnml with part of Flu. phrttsta. Byvaws 647, lo uppulm nn ttr- bitmma‘ In tho muse: of it union selto " with part of 'Jlenelg, and tri8, to apyuint an arbitrator in the matter of ll union school with part of Euphrum, were in- troduced and read a tint and second time and in cmumilzeo of the whole on the thiul reading Bvlaw 647 was filled up with the mum nf Willitc, MoLonghrev, and By- law 648 with the name ol W. J. Bellamy McKenzie-Carson-That thin council nowgo mm committee to fitt.ll, audit the nudilors' report,---'), Merhunzie--Puvvie--- That Sh. new. issue order In favor of Jun" William- lot 311,5 t, bung umount overpaid hammer on Collector‘u roll, 1904, u per nuditw’l _ "oort.-Carried. But, perhaps the greatest blow which they invited is the seeming assurance which has been given that in political contests their Tote, is an an- important one, and, we may be sure that in luturc elections this will be re- membered in their disadvantage. It is not tun much, probablv. to say that prohibition in Ontario has received a setback toy years to eome.--Fyomty Vanc:.uvei' paper. in)... Those who did nut mafia: all or voted for temperance candidates ilk dieated still farther their want of con- fidenee in him. On the other hand. he received very considerable aid, and very cordial support. from the inter. ests which they seek to destroy, from the liquor traffic. and in common grat- itude he may be expected to consider these interests in preference to the cause of temperance rctorm. es. own to consider the question of tem- perance legislation will embnraee the new administration. Mr Whitney ’a Government is entirely " liberty to retratratw appeals which any come from any temperance sources, no mat ter how mild or how reasoneblv couched these appenle mey be. He owes no good wishes to the temperance party. Many adherents of the Prohib- ition faith undoubtedly recorded their votes for his candidates but they were Voting not for any government of which he might be the head but against "the government led by Mr: The Government which will succeed is bound to them in no way whatno- ever. Italeadem ere not recogn‘sed as in sympathy with the movement which they represent. Not only has no bargain been made, but no promis- es. even to consider the (mention nfu-m. ed to gram their utmost demands be. cause he could not do so and retain tt very account-y part of " political following -, who had, however. at n convention of " party outlined n plar Iorm which promised them I very lib- eral slurs ottho reform they sought. Accordingly. u matters have turned out. they have loot e government which we: disposed to make every concession to them which it could make safely. They have twisted in over- throwing a Premier who We: once! themeelvee in his private life and per- sonal convicting. and who only retini- vote. A majority of forty tor Mr. Whitney has however given an entir- tly different complexion lo the matter. It has created a general impression that in sporty election the temper- ance v0te end temperance sentiment cute little or no figure. I They, no doubt expected that Mr. ‘Whitney might secure a majority ot 1 the tents in the legislature. and even be able to form at government with which the business of the country could beamed on tor the next four years. They would he re regarded it ash triumph for themselves had the Conservaes secured a majority of eight or ten. In sucha t'etsttlttheir Weight would have been manifest. and it Would have glven an assurance that the balance ot power in the country lay with them, and that at the next general election, tour years hence. the 1 parties would have to bid for their. - -_- u...“ “it” “WING Fromm pay any Jon “and: no to the councilman that/shay In" 0 a very gnu misc-k0 m Illin- ing such hostility to the Ron-Govern- ment prior to the election “a such efekiene,r in recording the vocaof 1"itttgy " the polls against in and ates. tth - tfiidiHStiGiGiiiiia" 7,3111 f,ttt..t3tfulinit cub. Index-totals UiGiGT gal-I- "lnUfl'l'll'l 'e' in thit "who. 3 Md "n"tt"tattmoiiiiik"iiirii'"r' "Ere-om 'sfttt,0tttneter Artemesla Council sugar; -aiiiiriTCiiG; SHRIIMW -_ trr. F , I_ ' _ my“ _%.'i.'s> : Thorough Bred cutie um t Yorkshire Hogs. registered Stock and likely ani- Apply to + Taco. Scum & 801" has, no: Rocky Surgeon P. o . cut wood by the cord. 200 cords of web wood wanted. For further pa colors apply to Ed: Hill P. O. hro young 8ttorthorn, Durham Bulls grandsons of imported Cruikshanks. for-ale. 10 most. and 15 mm. old. Will true for suitable colt. Apply t , NOTICE. After February 15th, 1503. all parties living in town keeping books out, over 2 veeks, and In the country over 4 works, will he fined ten cents per week or portion thereof. Bee Rule 7. in from of catalogue. C h. FLEMING, Principal Owen Sound will place your services in greater demand. Fon complete courses ot study, Business: shorthand and Typewrlting; Telegraphy and Preparatory. There is no time like the pteseut to enter. This intimation has unexcelled iene,It'2'gi,"i a full and! of competent and pa_ipista' ing teachers. Hundreds who were Just able to spend a few winter months with us are now tiltitig fitst-elass positions. For full particulars address) FINANCE t--Geo. Sparling (Chairman), Wm. Calder, John Livingston. PROPERTY :--D, Kinnee (Chairman). Wm. Calder. Geo. Sparling. PRmrrsG:--John McGowan (Chair- _ man), G. Sparlintr, D. Kinnee. BOARD on Hrtatcrut--.A., S. Hunter (Chairman), G. McKechnie., H Rose, T. G. Holt. RELIEF COMMITTEE r-A. 8. Hunter (Chairman), John Livingston, D. Kinnee. BOARD or WORKS t---T. Moran (Chair- man), D. Kinnee, J. McGowan. FIRE AND IaGrrr:---John Livingston (Chairman), W. Calder, T. Moran. COURT OF REvrsrosr-A. S. Hunter (Chairman), G. Sparling, Wm. Calder, J. McGowan, J. Livingston. [ A TERM IN ANY OF THE DE- \PARTMENTS 0F Ttee /T;t101'sl-t":i.-,(i-,e-'t-,iC,,r, yr . Make the most of your good noinu. aid the campus. Never take sides, but. be round when you're waned, laid the bell, Strive to make A good impression, sold the ml. Turn all things to your advantage. aid the lathe. puke much of small things. aid the microscope. Get. It Road pull with the ring. aid the door-bell. Find u good thing and stick to it, said the, glue. Ttuatto your ata" for/success, laid the night. Aspire to greater things. amid the but- Ina-g. . Never do anything atrium], mid the glow. Be sharp in all your dealings. laid the, tram. Spend much time in 'vtuetlon, aid the mil-rot. Tvltat is the secret of IIIHX'FHH. asked the uphiux. Push, said the button. Never be led, said the pencil. Take pail”. Mid the window. Be up to date, mid the calendar. Always keep cool. said the ice. Do but-inc" on tick. amid the clock. Never lose your heud, said the barrel. Do a. driving hut-tine“, amid the ham- mar. sienna for the expenditure of nuv mom?! that may be nppmprinml for as for ex- :‘oudiuuo u toliows ; Div. I. J A Canon; Div. 2. T. It. McKm-zm; Dav. 8, B. Beat ', Div. l R. D, Purvis-Grried. Conmil o0'ouruw.--hdvnuee F _ Bony-Mucu- and“. hum. “has. and! I!“ de 1tt',tttt: in I. out , do“, sun- in an a up on. 11"!f?eiiOG' ”on. but, W Itch', Ill-ad tho and It... In it m0. Iouollill can " to “can” 'i7iaTurCld'u'lfa “chunk-MM! the “but: ot tttie council ho comma-on lot the "minute of my noun that any " “alumina! tor cup-Muir. in 1905 u follow-z Dir. t, John A. Car-on; Diva S.ti. D. Punk; Div. I. Ruben Benz! DIV. 4. T. B Mektrmmr.--tost, ' tusou--Purvu.-an unanimous lhnl t!" members ot thin conueil b. commis- y Sagan P. o. Gleam Standing Committees of Durham Town Council. HE TOWN COUNCIL meets the first Monday of each month at 8 p. m. MEN WANTED. SHORTH ORN BULLS. By Order Dmxc'rons PUBLIC Luann“: FOR SALE. Secret: of Success E35 MoOomcx 3309.. t-.. Wag Emu. a" ,. citi2t'drii “a "tht ' 'iElir'ieti ' l V A I'll !t.1,t.te.a.....tL_tilrtrtgi, Pending a ntIlement with Ibo "tate of the late Neil McKechnle and a din-ol- tttitat of the partnership hen-tom ex- isting. it now Mum imperative that all account-n and notes should ite settled with as little delay " passable. In aw- cordance with the above tutnoutteettsrttt We have therefore to [WHEEL a settle- ment with all panties iiiliiiG to the ttndertugned. N. u. & J. MCKRCHNIE. l Durham, Feb. I, 1% in?“ has” tfFGiCoiiiirr', ch"? no. Gd“. 5 ”out about“! each on Mat amount; seem». In. Jan. Home: D Ionian. Ptop. Auctioneer in it; ill, G.,& J._Mc_Kechnni'e 19kiiEaisEaiireiiuy. atiaaLsyaaas, N, cy d; J. McKechnie WM '0‘...- AtNttReOm, . 0 tl.Nlh'lt on thr, In: M will he not! by Pause action '.t'Pt1',,t.E1tegietk, an. up WWéfle Not more than two mats can be sold to any one customer. We have just received the third shipment ot, Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at Cream Equivalent DURHAM, ONT. “Ll “18133. _ H, '---ir= NOTICE iio (ITS. A WATCHMAKER J Bl W Bl L I, Bl R O P T I C I A N Wetohee and Clocks. Circle:- end Birch-lee. Jewelery end Silva-were HONEST GOODS HONEST PRICES HONEST DEALING . GORDON (The popular Cash Store.) w The Ideal Preparation For Raising Calves. a L. _ _ 'es 4 V g sh:§ufi -_ _lsetl: . 145:; BIBBY’ FIGS For Sale at TORONTO T" "'l , ,9. ' “p LLQPJ-uw I ”award-nah. Q." Mat In. In. Note. and M !JOHN CLARK '"",2ttrm men-3:53:- an." "2:3...- wag Who. “mama-um 'tttaTegtttttTet: lung. “.."ou. . ' & . 'h"8ttqt I'm Deemed Auctioneer for the County of any. y.t.t?ef.,.eiteeeettur-mr. 3|. tw,"',', net-ded to. an. m. left It I.“ . Malina'oogmcumgng: “In. M, NB. 8, detnhnm_ItNtamt D. McPHA n. Notary Public, fioyttnissiomtconvpr ancer, Valuamr. Insurance Agent. ac Terms m. ”rm-ent- for Isle. " totutes,ae.,amrttt. museum. Ob 'tee,'-. a..- q-ttes-ia-di-aaa there. or to 13erhtet P. o., will In my“, macaw. "er-gi-iid-i-tet' HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univeuity. graduate of Royal Coll.” of Dental Bnrmno of Ontario. Realm. Over J 8 I HUNTERS Now Eton. Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Cotnntiistotter, M. Iv.f, PICKERING o. B s., L. B. S. otBet.----unmt "WN. DUI!" . Jompnny and the, Fund- w Lon Jonas.“ It In". "and ”on“. Wat. made " Aoommuntud will Yunnan. Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance". - Ac. Money to Loan. (y'ice. McIntyr-v Block, over the Bank A. G. Machyr K.C. W. F Dunn Won y ya mm min form, my and lfg get " Inn-chum nuance or; 'jiie'i'ii'ai' has. In: 'iiii men used hm Upon a'l'rno - - '.'ie'h's'i', 1Pedeturtit] 'ttttre ”uuuMR. - - - - 0'9.W. nun. um. I . In... Ann-.- tc. cormuy 'A1t2r."la.'ttt of has.“ re- zon- lookod star and [lantern uni tl',',' l'S; rmn’ About". pupa-0d up can. 'thtt Conn Btteirtee. how of w Joann ot Ad. miuutnuon G7d qtmedtyatahtr Ohm“. - chu mule in Bum" on» sud “the "you“ on late was! to loot-mam Luv-don. In) a“ m 'I-h-l- .n__ _.-. - - .A . D. IGPHAIL. Ceylon P. 0. or to C. “no; Durban Auctioneers. like. Mckenzie'. Old Stand, Dnrham -Wmhnl-plun ”a... smut-um inn. t-ap.a+ ARTHUR GUN. M. D., PIYIIICIAI a sum-on. OM00 ovor J.£J.Hm-hr'o Sun n- !)th Mansion-cola. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8. Private Money to Loan. Cotter. tions of all kinds promptly nttett ded tat. Farms bought and sold mee, over Gordon's Jewelry Store. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey nearer NW6 _ ooivabiiiioU% '--u A. II. 3-4 p. I. '-' p. I 7.1m... Connectio- No. " mu in a the HM lone. Danna. m "t 'rtetteit.ir reach no.“ (to. FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST 0! the Du an: Pharmacy (hula-'0 bet. Residence Int door want of th old Post Olin. Durham. - *teeultstteattttse, am to than. a “acumen“. 1ltt,jilpr,Npus a Throat G. LEFBOY UcCAUL. .E£!5£!_'£Ro-_!9!,°'TOR- DEN TEAL. mount to Moohieid', Leiden. In to Knapp- tNear You) in Ionian. MACKAY & DUNN, A. H. JACKSON, LEG-AL. HOURS . P. TELFORD Fire [mm Co. Money w Loan. " B. 'i."ttif "ii." DR. BURT " no“. t"rto japan to _Loaat on «H pug-pay Atteodod I. Mount. I yt; I!

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