West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1905, p. 8

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D nnie Graham, from far B. C, but been a - of Mend: near his earl, I home. A warm heart In]! mien. M r. John McDonald is recovering from the effects of " broken rib. The Sangeen Valley lime burners bad a good year in 1901, with George Craig a few paces in frontot the march- intt line with nearly $450. Dun. Mtsuillivrav(muntnl), who has been poorly, ls recovering. Mrs. John hleCllivmr, happy to say. is showing improved health. Mrs. A. C. McDomld and sou John, of Durham. visited tltelatter's uncle. John McDonald, " the Centre on the 5th inst. A good ale uni that ot John P. wr. lain of: bone to Char. Kennedy for 8,139 Joys P. gbon_ bought from R. " t enmed‘ with b. I“; at tge tooth lino. Wm. Fondue had . noon-ml wood hoe, cutting mth two new: about Le. cords in one am not Matting loot time. A challenge. Mr. 3nd Mm Chas. Arnot. B. Tr., visited Osprey friends last week. People no working hard and feed- ing well. in weather that has been al- most n rxsttorri-breaker tor cold and with considanble wind. Congratuluions to Mr. Geo. Bipnio on being appointed County Auditor. Thgmqnqmoplgce. -- - - _ - tlet? I he tsoiiaink GGiGri" Mr. Editor: Along time since you heard from this part onto country. capital at the township. nevertheles- better late than never. George Staples purchased three good cows last week. Get the noose-keep- " now George and make I fresh start in the spring. _ A A _ - A Mr. Jno. Staples purchased two thoroutrhbred Iheep " the Livingstone sale last week. John behaves in haw ing the right kind of stock. Mr. JUeph Atkinson was busy haul- ing brick last week getting ready for his new house in the spring. Miss Mary McCracken visited friends It Aberdeen for a few days last week. We understand Mr. Thou. Ritchie has purchased the McCracken farm for the neat sum ot $4250. The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church, Durham. intend having a box social " the home of D. Greenwood on Friday, Feb. 17th. Admission 25 eta. Ladies bringing boxes free. in Proton for a few am In: week. John H ' erm" ~"'" "' ""u mrs. A number from mound here intend lysr.t, .',/iltrtrrft,litrniiaiatuiiiiii'iii'; taking in the Joe-lo Maeuehian con- 2,'itt'Pgtt Mit ' W next cert on Fridny night. ',2g,,t,ul.'tal,t. _ m. t .'.r.'he many old neighbors of Mrs! 7,'ltt ' mg gM't,'ilt Diilon wxllbeoorry to hmrofherdeath /Fii 'her sons - in. 'rtig't'd tft', She was sent to the Home of Refuge i'e'd"dli./i;'l'. , rlr‘ ‘ne h'id "1:132 last summer and he: Sands sh V re idin “P ' . y e tte g and pre- breathed her last. Her lemmas were mfg thUin Bola lard cores: last Tuesday morning in dad, had thy “ware "m St. John's burying ground, East Glen.. their al', 'dll: ttt a.» mul,",',,',' of as I. I e Jr. - _ _ tttir 'itr0"o1t,u'lh, Wir,' rTliu',','er"re,ite Mr. Rob; Eetor Jr. and two cousins. Mr. and MI. MeCallurn, visited friends in Proton for a for d": In: week. Arrived too late tor laet week. liiiiaiiirf ii' Mr. Wm. Ritchie Sr. was in Mt. I men can eta Forest one day he; week. [80. Mr. Ed Mr. cm H. Mom: is at present the present: visiting friends in Toronto. IW. Russ " Mince M. and K. McFeyden visited -- Mend- in Mt, Forest one day he: week. A 1 Mi- Pinder. of Orcberd. is " present visiting " Mr. D. Greenwood‘s. I A T Char. MoGillivrqy. 789130ch Y.. in Highest prices paid-in Cash or Trade-for Butter, Eggs and Fowl. G LEN ELG CENTRE. Freshest stock of Groceries in can. Yon are sure to be sa- titgled with quality and price. THE PEOPLE’S STORE on-.. tRobert tj%mett HILL. I It has been and always feat and victorv, victorv ek. ‘Whitney in and Ron out. in Mt. 1min on stand defeat In a "lo, Mr. Editor, we an I Sroesras We wish ft P the travellers a. plenum journey and health and hatppineu while there. and regret. we land not time to recurred mono! "who of the My settlers. near wolf runways or likelv places. They prepared 3 pieces with due caution and placed it at intervals along a run and next day were ttratified to find the ruse had "ut'eeedeii, for they trot five dead wolves and *ixth got may for I. time but was shortly after found dead. '6.00 a piece bounl and 8f.00 for etch 2e nudes nice flute pile for than ‘were numerous m than dayt. and I bounty of II ahead made their extinc- tion proflttthle. While on u trip to Guelph with his father, they picked up a paper in which they saw a poison re- oblpt for killing fdxes. The poison, strychmno. was to be put in fat and moulded into square chunks then left near wolf runways or likelv places. They prepared 5 pieces with due caution and placed it at intervals along a run and next day ware ttratified to find the ruse had arm-eroded. for they got. tive dead rolvn and ahixth Rot may for I Ohm- .-. --- . _ - Mm. [Ionian-g. to whom he was married 57 year- ago. in a native of On- tario havin been born on the “Gov. 'trttor'e Rod” near Stamford. over 75 can ago. Sin is all] hate and beauty. P. nor-burg in 82. mental? bright. but nomowhat crippled in the up. Be ulna good wolf stony. Wolve- Mr. Homburg‘e father kept the tirset hush-Irv in the place, the next being T. Smith's. These were the days of "tar- erns."end Mr. H. at one time could name " taverns on the road between Mt. Forest and Arthur. Be drew the timber for the titat store which was ererted by one P. Grieves. Grieves sold out to s McDonald who kept the P. ottiee in the place. Previove to this Ither had to go 7miles south to what is now Feniiwiirth, for their mail. He. Donald wss succeeded by Dunbar and he, Hr. H. thinks, by the" present poet- mater. T. G. Smith. He hes s vivid recollection of Rankin, the nun who "ran" the Gmfrns Road to the north end his knowledge of the eerlv layout of the piece was used s few years ego In s low-court to determine the lite of en old bridge and his testimony proved velnshle. They took up {.0 acres, 200 on each side of the road, neat the bridge, but there was no bridge there till IMO, ehortlgv after which time. on adventurer name Hunter paused through and planted his etukes 16 miles north on the hunk-- of the Bungee". now Durham. Robert Hewitt, a. greet hunter flow Guelph. was, Mr. Hamburg 33%|. the tlrst to give the name “Mount crest" to the little hamlet, but this not till 1847. F argue then loomed Image to the men ol the north for it had 2 or 3 taverns, stores. etc anda mill, the impormnce of the Utter failing when “Edge Mills” in Dog-hag: were eetahliehed. Mr. John Her-burg is a native of Gall. Water district in tscotland, was born there in 1822 and with his parents, 2 brown", 3 sisters and a. brother-inudw mum to Cunndn n few years before the McKenzie Rehelhon. residing fora while on Dundu tit., Tp. of Trafalgar. at GAIL. and in 1838 unwed to the " of the “Quem’s Busb"where Mt. Rm; now stundu. becoming the very first settler- of the now thriving town. In W. v..- .-- "r."" 'h8""'H'i" only Mr. yl/.;"Vciiit, "tse future bin- togian rill vnluc. _ ‘4 " " idin car sid re- . a: chasm Bola p m d, had the ensure arm tll . - with these g: ome of '.,'a',".eyl'h"tu.ye t 'iriic,jrtt-rtiiii9iir't'/s Mnnday mag-ling ak ati. ttnd Mrs, o... u-_.|__.-, in. _ " . A Taltrot lg Forest. A PIONEER’S STORY oeen And always will be, de- victorv, victor-v and defeat. in and Race out. Yet a grand trtand defeat In a good cause. Editor, we say good bye for mt, hoping tolive toeee G. attain in power. “my. Wolyel §l interested in the new FiiGiiFGrroG. P-tttte-over will explain. Au! was born and raised on the Durban Probably. in receiving this letter. you will be at a loss to know why any person up in Northern Muchimn should he idterested in the news column. " um". We are pleased to number among our subscribers the intelligent young man who sends us the following graphic dmrcruption of native copper mining, and must thank him for the glimpse» he gives us of his duties and ,arrouttdintta. He isa non of Mr. and Mrs. John Me- Arthur of the Glen and a. brother of A. B. McArthur, a. gent. of this town. ME. 1ilmTpn,---. I Inn: any that We were one day and n few our: behind time of arrive! " Bermuda. I have not lee!) much of the blend yet. my have time to antigen more particular. about this beau fol blend further on. Excumng for this lengthy article. but you Editors have the faculty of making long stories short. We deem it our duty to place on re- cord and to conyei toyou an expression of our gratitude or buying so success- fully brought us out of peril into safely and of our profound adimration for the admirable management of your vessel in A heavy lea. While much may he “in of the oxcellent nomanship of your once", yet we feel that upon you per- oomlly In: the i,et,'r'g"gt,u,tg; manly cost. and to you who for two It ole (his and night: never left your dpout on t a bridge the credit ll mninly ue." During the past: four days the pull- sengers iudymlr good steamship hnvo encounters a hurricane and have puss- ed through one of the worst and most protracted storms ever ex rionced on the West Indian route. r, the midst of the storm we were also in danger of collision with another <etuntship--ts rol- lision only averted by the prompt and skillful manipulation of your vessel. Left Halifax on Monday morning 9:30 per steamer Dahome for Bermuda (Pickford and Black Line), haying fifty ll'l'l,"lie,f,T commanded by Unptiun 'ucklen. On Monday morning there W18 a. good breeze and fair weather, which continued until Thursday after- noon On Tueadnv nightn hurricane was! encountered which rendered it almost impossible for the crew to see anything forward. Hail stones and lightning. accompanied by heavy peals of thunder, were ex‘rerienced. On Wednesday night tremen our: seas were shipped which carried away the sheep pens, eight sheep and a quantitv of deck cargo. The storm Listed until Thursday evening. The ship made the light at 8 o’clock on Fride morning. During the height of the gale the wind reached a velocity of 60 miles an hour. The captain was presented with the following address by ousengers on land- ing " Bermuda. t " Dun tme,-. of I was going to church to-morrow; if so, he would be pleased to have me come to his per, giving me their minister’s name "ndrchurcti. Thanking him, I said I would, be ple ed to avail meIelf of the orport nity And on the fo low- ing Sub lath torm 1 was pleased to r tt'tirru at, ur . and on parting he Sadly Invited me to have dinner with ' m. I did not. however, accept his ti'rtueioue offer. I. was not long sitting In) church when I noticeda Tablet. erect- ed by the congregation in memory of Dr. Burns, anon of late Professor Burns, of Knox College. Toronto. I knew Dr. Burns and heard him preach In Tot-onlo. for Halifax. I wan pleased to nuke the acquaintance of Senator McNee, who lives in Halifax. He was on his WK: home. and I was not long talking wit him when I discovered he was a "Rank Torry," but was pleased to learn, how- ever, agood Presbyterian. After dis- cussing both church and State we patted In.the beat of terms. The Senator naked tor' Left Toronto on Thursday night at 10:30 per Grunt! Trunk Railway. Co stepping "board the cur was met by the Pullman car waiter, and on presenting him With my ticket he immediately brought me to my sleeper. Thinking than it was ample time to neural aw- cmdingly was soon stretched in my sleeper. Arriving In Mouteeal " 7:30 next morning. havin four and as hulf hours at Montreal 'eu', the Intercol. onial leaves for Halifax. ample lime to have breakfast and visit our Company’s large and commodious otticen on Mc- Gil Sheet, Mr. Cursweil, our Manager, there, showed me round their various departments, after which I made my yuyntgjshe ligation and boarded train News from a Mining Camp. Mr. Cameron, at date of writing, Jam yet, was waiting for the steamer to take him from Hamilton, Bermuda, in rotation to St. Kitts, Antigua, Mcntscrrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Bar- badoes, St. Vincent. Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad, Demerara " Where the remote Bermuda ride On the ocean’s bosom uncalled." 2'l"',g'.r,,,'htn'yg,"p,'g,'Ng'g'gr. There's more truth than poetry in the parady of the last two lines, but we were pleased to have a few days ago the following letter from our neighbor, I who is on a business trip to Bermuda l and the West India Islands in the in. terest of the trade journals of the Mc- Lean Publishing Co. There is patriot- : ism as well as business in this new , venture of the enterprising firm, for the f more closely Canada can be linked in . business with her tropical neighbors of 1 British connection. the stronger is the ‘link of empire embracing the whole. We notice in a Bermuda paper, which mentions Mr. Cameron 'tt mission Very kindly, that With three exceptions, the numerous hotel arrivals are all from the United States. Canada has not disccv- ered Bermuda yet, and we hope this mission may be a help to bring closer the temperate and the tropical zones of British influence on this continent. We hope also Mr. Cameron may tind n time to send us other interesting bnd- 1 gets. and that the enterprise of the “J. _ McLean Co" may be amply reward- Tuvalu- John Cannon on the West Indian Tour. By a Glen Boy. I‘m-Farm Jam: CAIRRON. ONTARIO ARCHT TORONTO oReotttt_e-ttsu.inmstmin school; Inland; orisntheeettimri. 1" ttmms-tate-ttee. mammary. Cormorant-I‘M“ Pttn-1. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST F! Wm.Jqttrtqtetn ole'., tt animal. Intending Student: should best ning of the terrtt it possible. 1glM,t,', meow; can 'T/et',',')',,".' are: Ilurham in a healthy and 'rl,tn,1',fgt,'e,r"" m: ing it . most deaimtriis phuse for Mdeuoe. SM and Equipment The school is thoroughly Gaulrped In Ouch: tlfl'tUt t tt'h'i'lt,'lWyt'i'fltl a: 'iiiii'il'f. t of n 1',ritt: m tailoring mm: It! In In M I 1808. ALLAN, 1'tCiamCertaente, Hindu] was L. h. roman. B. A., Clam and Mo em. as A. JOHNSTON B. A., Mttthestsaties an KI Commercial. ' /f,i,li,ii,','iii,ifiiiiii)'a, Another thing which I would mention in the pastime Tort in this part of the country. In Winter hockey in the prim cinal game . it is an old Canadian game but it, is taken up Terr much in this rel of the country and a great mnnv ockvy-pla yen from Canada ore induced to come over here for the high calories they receive. In hurt on the wholesome of the most honorable and best paying positions are held by Canada’s nohie tForts-ttten that were educated in Can- rurnuces and can; in moulds and barrel- led and shipped on the market. Of course this is on! s very slight idea of the handling of the copper. (lo under- -tand it thoroughly you would have to see for yourself. Anyway. it won't he of harm' to Know that there are a, great Emmy men employed in mining in this istrict. ,.V__...,~ w... “I. -u- n ur- un- til the tr, "iG ground opiate" up enoughy d stout hoisting. They lay rails and make a skipwny. and when the shaft house and engine house are up and nmchineiy installed they commence hoisting the rock out of the mine. It us then Shipped to the stamp mills by rail. road and put through steam ammo henna (one of which can treat from coo I to Boo tons of rock in 24 bouts) and in |some mills there are its nmnv as ten steam stump heads, on that it takes a l number of men to handle the rock from (the time it is mined until it us put throtnzh the trftning process When this rock goes through these heads it is all broken up tine so that it can go through th screen ' mesh with the force of water that is used. Then it is carried by water onto separating machines snd the rock is separated from the copper, which is then" shipped to the refining plant or smelting works and put in ( futnscés where the copper and what rock that is not taken out in the mill process and melted and there it Is sepse- acted or the rock is skimmed " the top of the red hot metal when itis melted and which sinks to the bottom on ac- count of being heavier than the rock. Then the copper is drawn from these furnaces and can; in moulds and hunt. Durham School We hue Boon end shoes which we shall all " Cost to clear out. When we any " Cort that In whet we new. Frank Green-In always on hand Boys' iieeee-liued underwen- " 25 cents per piece l and elude rib underwear for child- ren are goods to which we all your Attention Sanitary nll-wool u_qsttHnkable, non" felting ted underwear " 75 cu per piece or 31.50 permit. Lt bundling the copper to start they sink what in known att test pits and teat the win to know exactly the way the cop?” vein runs. Then they mtuu . aha. land keep stinking on an and Ite un- Here, in what is known as the copper country. are some of the deepest copper mines In the world. The [nines are very numerou~ and still new ones art-opening up in different parts of Houghlun, Ke- weennn and Onmnugon continues; But, the deepest mines are in Huugbton County, which is on the south shore of Lake Superior. Thelnl-gest and deepest. ""an are the Fnummc. Osceola and Calumet, and Hecla. These mines are about, 8000feet down in the bowels of the earth. The mining is carried on Iyii,',t"t'gy, by eastern c,apitalist" (New ork and Boslon), but there are n grout many people hold clock in ditrerent mines here for investments. They start. the. shares on the umrket in a low tigure god it advances, as the richness of the mine is proved. There melots of mines started in this district which are of very little account. UNDERWEAR Native copper mining is the printnpal occupation that is of importance " lhough there is some farming done but not very extensively. Raul about“ Illa m " Dubai. when my menu " It". I tttoqtbt tho easiest way of getting " the new: would he nah-ugh your pupa. t'gt'grt. 1 receive _nevn from home 1+3qu r. Au " isnhout 8 yen-u since I have been in Durham I an not pofittro that Mr. (3. [amuse is still the editar of the Dur. lmm Renew . if he is. I know he is well tuu,uainted with my father, John Mc.. Arthur. M. Bunesaait, as he always was a renderof the Review. As I have now given you an idea who the Wt iter of this missive is, I will also try and give. you an idea of what we do fora living inthis neck of the woods TORONTO. ONT. FEES: 81 per month in tan-not *. McArthur Lsdiec' Oxfords at 75c to $0C per pair, Blbles' Bibbl " toe each. that will b can treat from uyo in 24 boms)and in we as nmnv mi ten V IQ thet it takes a WEAR . Ram-go, Secret." w. J. ram. Pennant. Local Speakers will also address the evening meetings. A good prom of music will also be provided. An entrance fee of roe. will be chuged to non-members " the evening meeting " Durham. Everybody is invited to listen to the addresses and take part in the dilcuw “one. I Afternoon Session ..--Mr W. P. Kydd, Simcoe, " Am I raising the most Pro- fitable Horse?" Mr. G. Barbour, Cross Hill, " Cultivation of the Soil. FF Evening Session t---Mr. Kydd, "A Stitch in Time ;" Mr. Barbour, “Farm- . TOWN HALL, DURHAMI’on -'___ WED, a mans. FEB. 15 a 16. tthm At 1:30 p. m. each day. Regular Meetings of the South Grey Farmers' Institute will be held in TEL- FtW.?'.CHyhLJt,. EANQYER. and FARMERS’ INSTITUTE! As this writing may he of very little importance to you, Mr. Editor, I will now draw to a close hoping you Will excuse poor writing and not tire read.. ing thiiletter. I remain, Respectfully you". [diam schools and worked themselves up to the position. they now hold. One for instance is J. D. McNaughton. who is PEgtee,1tet, of the great Calumet and ecla. mine; another in Alex. G. Andrews. who was brought up in Owen Sound and tstarted tttt an npprenllce in Owen Sound. now he is Supt. of a large mining and milling plant here. l Groceries Men's Suits Whitewear -r---- ----- Items 18th Feb. Saturday l8th Feb. Big Store Program tor Both Meetings : Having just finished Stocktaking, we have unearth.. ed a few good things for you: Remnants, short lines of different goods such as Whitewear. Men's Suits, Underwear for men 9nd women, &c. These we are bound to clear before the Spring Goods arrive. Yon must see the goods to appreciate the Prices. LADIES' BLUE FELT UNDERSKIRTS. Saturday . . LADIRS' WHITE UNDERSKIRTS. the cotton alone is worth twiccthe price weak. Saturday ........... ...... .... LADIES‘UNDERSKIRTS. better quality, with lace insertion. Batttrday........C..,r......l.c' 35:11: Alex. pussell,, l (The as; Store and Little Prices Everything in our Winter Stock must go. We do not consider what they cost; all we think of is "They must be sold" at your own price. ALEX. D. McArvrmm. P": , A; no. 31ml. 163533??? Cash for Produce Bargain Three pounds Seeded Raisins . . . . . . Four pounds Currants ...... ...... Malta Vita, Swiss Food, each per p Eancy plaid and stripe effects. Just a few odd lines; were 88. 50. Saturday V.-..........“.W. IOP‘LW Menu Black all Felt Laced Bantam... ",r.',r'r-:.rr-....82.uo, tot-31.50 Men’s Heavy Rubbermhut Mm... -----:.Tairi,T, 31.90 CA'""'-"'""'-""".-, l Inn'almltuiou Lambda“. mum... 1iry.-v..-.oum, 110.8120" (Men's Heavy Frieze Com. wa...... ".U"rr--....6.00, now $5.00 All Men's Suits that were 'tun...... ",iicyircrrc'"ye0nakiifii, All others " equally low prices. t Ladies' Furs. new troodtu87.00 to...... Ment We Quote " Follow: 1 thtat Robe, Mania. mu a In order to reduce our stock of Winter Good: wewilloell tor ash orits eNttivitaatt att Clothing. Fun. Felt Boob. Heavy Rubbers. Cups, &c.. at a bi; reduction. This in a gen- uine ftg','tLa,ii,k, no come and .getthebu'n ;theyuveforyou. CLEARING SALE 0f Seasonable Dry Goods Winter Millinery f Miss 1. Dick, We make special mention this week of the Big Millincry Sale. We have about Faxed Luce l00 READY-TO-WEARS per pkg.... Grant. “VI-w. now 35,00 Felt _B_oottr,...... .o...?.w' for81.go ......Saturday 26e 'e.a"g.00...... a "how ".lio $6.50 _ and $.50 " I! " CIC] I] A“?! " V01 L] O autifu Raw: It: VI It tG'tt EV” an: N21 tte wor Ttt W Ir "

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