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Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1905, p. 1

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le Prices INO SALE sonable ods Grant n ems as an 18th Feb. was 89.00 och of Winter for cash or its as. Furs, Felt TS, Caps, &e., This is a 3:... so come and ey are for you. Dick M er DOW arth- " 812.oo 8tM0 tht .00 JO o l) ;:§W§WWWWWWMWWWWW :-::-::»::-::-::-;:-::c:-:5:3m:nzzmmmmmmfi 's',';' Furs iiiiiii After Stock=Taking£§ 33335433?) yon orarvir"iiir"ii {4 Ar-tr. f“ l" MEN 'S HEAVY RUBBERS Overcoa is 1 piece WHITE WOOL per yd, unclear at Stock-taking has brought to light different: lines where our stock is too heavy. We 'inteutg lighten them by giving substantial reductions ". , James Ireland. The quality of these rubbers is the best we're selling them at Reg. $2 75 line for.. $2.50 Reg. $2.0 Reg, 2.50 .' . .. .2.25 Reg, 1.5 -broken lines. appearance and w very little money A lot of about Men's Overcoats, regular We have a splendid line of Men’s It, Coats of dark grey cloth, reg " value, ash Store We're giving BIG " Knits "tyu) iiiifniriis, Not a great many left. They are "“124 I " - REDUCTION on all winter-we Suitings. Flannels. Ladies'attt Ladies' and Girls' Cloth Coats mmxmm3321-2:3::3::4::a:::a.73:§.N _ 0;- " m 1 o l .ljlr' :1) Mill' OPICE 35 New Overcoats, Ulsters and Reefers . ---------- We know they're all right in fit and we're ready to put them on your back for SHEETING, reg. price 650 price $12.00, . .to clear 10.00, .. " 8.50, . . " . 81.&) 81.85 34.50 81.60 . 81.75 31.60 81.75 $1.75 $1.00 81.15: D... V, __ ... 'e-i""'."--..-." VI III 'N winter-weighg‘ press Goods and5 S, all good, uirto-date' $612; EDUCTIONS to clear them oat. Mtn's Reefers, good heavy Reg. $2.00 line for... Reg, 1-50 " ... Ill...,?,, Mockler i'l"iii, and Cliildren's Undé}w_e;§ CC."." ssc per " l Reduction of l5 od: to clear at Caperiqes, Caps, can buy and at $10.00 ...$I.75 ....I.35 y RI" ~suffering with two bro 0 : home in Owen Sound, u a ping backwards into i J 1'i'i'l.id'i'i1'r' his duties in 3 I Alliutnn. He is prom-es . X l -Ncws. ' mi Chesley Council pasw l itory resolution to Mr. Vi . [editor of the Enterprise. §Ition to the Wardenship a done their village by ttr lone so well qualified to p ilri'i;i'i,l,i,'.er,i'li, of that im I Ive are not, quite sure ifl m I rhimed in in approval of E i we now congratulate Bre I the honor of Wardenship E Hon. G. W. Ross will a for th . i - git-.119 opening of the Louis] i' when he does arrive he m A place in leader of the Op M f Brockville Recorderhillln: l , r. ms ill be on, et M .G. , _ w e A A 53$ W: Mr.JuR. Murdoch. Inspector ot E I. and measures for this district an m (has been coming to Chatsworth a ,’ capacity foe the past, several , isuffe-rmg with two broken ribs m i home in Owen Bound, the result m , ping backwards into a chute 1'i'v1'.id'i1C'r' his duties in an eles 'Alli‘tnn. He is Drotrressins, fun M 9 a --". "lull-Jul... w : mll he the Concert Principal. Admis- X 1 lion 25 cls. Under the auspices: of the 'younq people of the Baptist church. El Further notice will he given. I My - wettl, to strumgthen the local rhurch V Chair. tle was over 50 year; old and unmarried. His aged father, now sev-' eral yous past the fourscore, has bad, many and severe trials. His wife, two l daughters, and now one of hrs two sons I has preceded him. To him and all the! hen-aved (mes we extend our svmpathy. l, He was buried in Mapxewood cemetery, l amid many tokens of respect. Rev. Mr. i, Newton conducting the services in the mavoldsblo Absence of " putor. Mer. D. L. Campbell, .. Tun: LATE GEORGE JoaNtrros.-..On Friday evening last this well-known resident of N orth-east N ormanby passed away after a brief illness, ceased by blood-poisoning. He had been misting Mr. Robt. Morice in some winter duties and died " " home. Deemed was the youngest son of Wm. Johnston, Sr., and brother of Wm. Johnston. Jr. of this town. Besides these, the chief mourners are three sisters, Mrs, Dickie- mnn(Mary),and Janet. on the home farm, Mrs. wut. Walker (Lizzie). of Holstein. and a niece, Miss Thomasena Byers. George for some years hack h is been in indifferent health, and latterly because ofa retiring Jiuprrsitiou. AR We remember him {mm a ten year's’ new; horship he was an industrious and kindly disposittoned young m-tn, with a musical talent which for many years In Mlle exposition of the plumb-line in- cident in the 7tlt chapter of Amos, the speaker applying it to everyday life in modern conditions. Mr. Campbell is a clear and ready speaker, and he has been warmly congratulated on his effort. place at evening service harp. Mr. Campbell reluctantly consented and Mr Fnrquharson wont " to Hanover Those prPScnt at the servicu Jisrened to A Goon Stmsrrrtrre.--At, related elsewhere an urgent messenger from Hanover on Sunday afternoon naked Rev. Mr. liarquhatson to filt a. vacancy that Evening in Hannver ttt, their church opening. About 5 p. tn. he saw Insp. Cumploll and asked him to take. his stories. The REVIEW and Weekly Globe for one your for 81.00." By subscribing at once, the first of the series may be obtained. SHERLOCK HOLMES‘ tN'rotums.--Mrith the issue of Feb. 15. the Weekly Globe has begun a svries of Snorlutk Holmes' detective "torues, (the last to he publish- ed), by the well-known author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. One will appear in each lame for three months, in all 13 tfl, Fox Cosrma.--A Violin-l will lw given on March 9th Hall. Mr. George Fox, of' be the violinist, Mrs. Newu mll he the Dunbar-r D-.=....:- _ Sir \Vllliam Maedonai, gave $7,500 on Monday than sf the building an! the Macdonald Institute Hall at the Agricultural, This makes 8182,500 wh Hated to the Ontario Ag lege.-Ex. If-ynu want a new hi the latest style. call on E tic-date Furnishing Store Sip IODOI‘ DURHAM mm Institute and Macdokaid Agricnh urn! Uolowe,Gueiph. ng m Uhntsworlh inhhat Ite. past several years is two broken ribs at hue Bound, the result of amp- rds into a chute while a duties in an elevator at is progressing favorably. “82,500 which he has no. Ontario Agricultural Col- 'ir-i-roy/Pita.. I. 1itrdlhll'?l'l I a new but. agood hat, u call on Flat-icy. the up- Inspector ot weights rob 9th in the Town 70x, of Toronto. will 1. Newton, Durham, iolin-Piano Reeitnt district and ao and furnitbing- of '-=="-=-"-="-ehe-e'-e--P-eSCel'.LeeI-- ', THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1905 -eeLe.er----,.-, CAN'T BE bhrtrcm--Rer. Mr Far- quharson had some weather experiences last week. Thursday he Went to Mt. Forest, where usociated ivith Mr. Hun- na. he had some church ltllalllPra to attend to at Conn. This dune lit'Vl, thing: wasntr) get home. ttC easy (risk with the train blocked hiautrilay arrived and train was prouiisvi. but with trotueuncertaiuty. A hiery ms prorated intending, d Holstein could promiseatraiu to wait there for it. Train there was, hut proyokinqly fun, for it passed through Holstein before our travellers could hail it, and there was nothing for it but drive the whole way. He got hoaseahottt9 p m, was on duty next morning. attended a funeral in the afternoon, and whisked ofrtoHnnover In the evening a told ”he" Romania PM“; FIGHTING SNow.--Lvst work was the worst. of the winter so Grand taavelling by road or rail was a precarious per- formmce. In the country the highways in some places have to be given up. and strangers have the greatest difficulty in finding their way through field or hush roads. The railways too have had a week of it and great hardship has here and there resulted from tied-up lines. Our own line was blocked Thursday and Friday, and no mail from the south reached us until Saturday evening, giv- ing post ofBeith a taste of trouble also in handling congested mails. At Shel- burne a deplorable accident occurred, one man, Frank Hartley, being killed, and several others fatally injured. hy 1 colliding engines. _ l ALBERT IG'AItsEv,--Much qympathy is expressed and felt for Mrs Beggs and family over the loss of son and broth- er Albert Kearney, who on Thursday lust. succumbed to an attack of pneu- monia. The young man was twenty years of age just entering upon life as a druzgisr. and Rave promise of a useful career. It was the intention to bury him in Merhn beside his father. but, the blocked railways interfered and he tra s laid to rest In the Saugeen Cemetery on Sunday. a large number paying the last tribute of respect. Rev. Mr. Farquhur- son conducted the services. , There will he a Box 80cm! at the home b of Mr. Dan Greenwood in Glenelg town- . ship next Thursday evening. Feb. 23nd. Free ride. Gentlemen 25c. ladies pro- , vide. boxes. Teams leave the Methodint church at 7:30 o'clock. All welcome. Annnnss ON JAPAs.---Rev. Mr, Par.. quharson will give an address on thie subject a Monday evening In the , Presbyterian church under the, auspices I of the Guild. Everyone welcome. Sure I to be highly interesting as Mr. F', has I been domg special reading up on £11151 I highly interesting country. . I -' -- ~..- |‘ "Chiidren " was also read, and n few igl- thouglnfn! rmumks on the subject welv , (,1, I given by Mrs. C. McAvthur. Next 1 mm meeting of the Institute will be held! TI mst Thursday in May at the home of : WU: Mrs. James MeGirv. I I'm" the previous meeting. Mrs. D. " ton, who went as delegate to Buoy Convention in December, gavean P," cellent and lengthv report on ma meaty ings she attended. A short paper on Owing to tmfavor ' attendance at the W held in the Taim It yir.'1Prtiee. gomewh , Mrs. D. Jirc'ttFiirhrvittY The trustees of overlooked the nee teacher for the on this little brmch Magistrate Lewes t and costs each.- E LAnres'Coars-,r. L Flat ite is putting in stock for same in the very newest shades and pauernl, suitnhle for either long or shurt coats and IS prepared to give Rood "tisfaction in Uutiesp Tailor-made Coats. .. ""'""""% march l, George 8. Bart I will he at tste Midduugh Home, Dur- l ham, for consultation in eye. ear, throat and nose cases. Eves tested and glasses fitted. Hours 10 m 4. Mr. Chas McInnis, Yeovil. advertises his splendid property fol sale in this, issue. It has many advantages either for the man who aims at intensive farming, or who simply wishes a good 1 home. {a Wednesday, March I, George S will he at me Middnugh Home, ham, for consultation in eye. ear, t and nose cases. Eves tested and g fitted. Hours 10 m ' - ....V.. "nu. till: A-UO- lic School " Dundalk was destroyed by fire, a heavy tttrio loss. We have no particulars. DUNDALK evening last lic School at Noun'untmua are being day, Feb. 21, polling. ifan: the "ye-election. rendered those. accepting oMce in istry. the necessity of engaging a . the current year. and for breach of etiquette Pohee Lewes Muted two of them 320 ...L Wm ii'ibtoitjiti). s msmy advantages either 1 who aims at intensive who simply wishes a good SCHOOL " are (wing held on Tues polling. ifany, Feb. 28, for on: rendered necessary by ng omce in the new min- are informed. the Pub- ONT? s. No, le, Peel, mrRsurn.--ri'ridts, . ”V- .u "cu DICK. . . . the well hid plums were tttr " putting I But "a gem] swordsman very newest ' Want ofu Weapon,"and so vie fo, either {Andreas-id hiulsrlt to "tg."; b . mg In Mt mun-mu . r. d 'r.Y.tdto 3'". of 1ltelteriuruG 'll'urd',,1 He Tailor-made secured for the ufwrnuou, [Emu "Yule. to reach nun-hm TORONTO . I u - u: are" W Ice. w. n herecm hire , [waking has hi my "mum . ' ' 1 ms part Chis . r'S.0tt.nectio . ' tvet' peopl . Aitried, Mt I _ 1 ' 'thl a), I, " T , NY" Ki) .g r a ' , ' - mu. ety - ML l t . tra . 'oirg, ' t [m a! te-l-ire' iii. Fun an] thn ymhvlin. tl ew l iic',rii'1'!,'i,'F:rr --A L'HHHI story hum Russia but. Fri- dav. (MIMI Dulu- ticrv,rius, [Lu-Iv, w: tld. Cznr. Was riding thruugh the streets ml If-Ms' in a orr"ic,.rss, wl, -n an “swam: jinn: v. b ml: Which How him to Mums. tSearls' killed the cmch- man. killed Hm [nurses wounded the assassin, and has put all Russia in a terror 'I‘lwdeath was planned. 50 is the Czar's, and sinee Fridav. three or tour assassinacio s of Governors have taken place in SSuthern Russia. The Czar and every Grand Duke are prac- ticallv prisoners in their palaces. being atmid to move out, and the taneral or Sergius is to be a private one to a vault in u mmuterv in the newline. In the throbbing of a peoplo " liberty than is any: to than who alto- the my mu at ft-tttat. ---A feudal day. Ural the Czar. streets of M Altogether Mr. Budge and the Hanover conne- gation are to be eonttratulauNi on the comfortable and beautiful building they hive crecwd. The pews-not the Dundu mute gothic ends In gunner cut out. 1'15 choir occupy c sullen below the pair“. nested ith open chain and has a wooden all ng In from. The pulpit is of quarter opt oak, with gothic arches in from and on the Sides, the book-hoard being made Adjmtable to the height of the weaker. Good allergen! " while, on similarly tupported scroll: to t right them u the corresponding text-- " Me giveth bl- life for the sheep." Below read. the touehing inscription '. Itt LOVING Mano-Y or Nun: Hutu. BY m Hun AND Moral. This Iteautittt1 window was the tmmitutettt gm of Dr. and In. learns And not only cottttttetnoeqbteg their own deer dnutrhter but laments the Good Shepherd who done an loathe the are: and heal the wounds of Bil the son-owing children of men. On I. series of scrolls held on the stalk of u lily- like tiower there is to the left the text .. I am the Ite,', 1ter..yht'thAlep, on _slt11i1trly .eunwned a crown. On tho 'sumllvr Window; In the west there are the dove with wines outspread and the Author. Homo's sym- bol, while on tht Re In the south ttt'e a clueter of grapes and the burning hush. The chief window is the large one to the south looking out on the main sweet. On the upper part of it them {engendwed all the symbols “Te-ring on the other si es Ind in the centre below 5 a tir- ure of the Good Shepherd with his amok. He hm“ It lunb In his bosom And the sheep “and by e. V- -~--\u\7uc AILQ’I' sgwclul "wast-tiger brought the ti hut Mr. Furquhu-sou in turn I to [Gaye his evening sewn-v. Tl ( however. contained the quggesl the Kindness of Mr. N. W. ( could be relied on on see the meeting over, The suggestion in "in. and. though with rel Mr. Campbell felt the claim oi tunic; and conaented. But h Mr. xrquhmson to get to H It was half port five-.' service seven} and the road Wm.- um. an [ nut-r1100”, was m bed sick, And so "ll ‘the well laid plans Were overturned. But "n gouu uWordsmnn is new)! in want ofa weapon,"und Bo Mr. Budge undressed himsrlt to the work of preach- ing in the morning. Mr. McLaughlin, of 1ltelteriuruii,t" church, Hanover, mm secured for the af_uatr_toou, and etfurt was made to reach Durham for Mr. Fm-quhusun tor the evening. Fsve times the telegraph wire-sucked out, the number for Durham), hul Durham was not thus to he reached. Attet. dunner A m.......'..| .A. _ '....v we Hue to U I that ur. Slewal-l .hume Ile hard ( but after a fruit! _ mun for the 0ch l Pok.ute return " nun: In M. mm in 1 saga-{mm Walker Mr. Wilson, why utter-noon. was m f I - RT""" w u" "ev. IJr l_...... m. mummy and Manda mew-art. o C inwu. On Saturday Mr. ' Budge duly hauled for Clinton expect- ”The death occurred lull t,", "IR to meet DI. Btewart by the Way. o ganlleman named hum ll but when he got to titratfoRi he fuuud of Bentinck, ttear Allan Pave, égn: bile 2t to Clinton Wu: blocked and for same time been under the a r. . tewnrl was com ortuhle at his . . .. {unmet He hardly knew when to (in cnI-v-nmllhey In“ him decettti, II" n Inn. l. ., .. I AND“! Jnrkson , .u we lull Uter the atouns of nst. , ttrep 'fthetou I week the Hanover Presbyterian chum-h 1tt': in: resi ned l Wu "t dedicated Lu the worship of e F, “ I God. he ",vertiotyitstt S""ktetratior, th kimn that Msmllhled morning. nan-noon and It TfnnalghF. 9 ll -. ennlng showed not a um of the war eb'. ' r '"Nu tat of the elements, though farts of the present a the repo P'Osmhme Ind to he "ales, As un- avrvicps of the Han noun a week ago. t e unor- "fthe . . . t Qpeumg was to he given to the Rev._1)r (bunt) on Sunday ttl glow-art. Mann“... nu u _ . - In the lull after week the Hanover I wan duly dedicated God. The overtto that “8&1"!le hm... The Hanover an}; mason tor the ”@1333" Fm; l le, WORK “APE IGsv.--The f: r.the belegmph wires nuke out the l era of Canada are Indehted to the F, ter for Durham. hut Durham was 7 ly Herald and Weekly Star of Mom bus to he reached. Atter dunner u for one of the nest. agricultural pa cl tnessengerlumtghtthe summons 1 . . , I . lr, Fnrquh-u'aou in turn !rtitrtediev'sritmued. The Issue of IN n mu we his evening service. The letter. .of that, great pupa ty largely dun Per, contained the suxzeouou that la, the im t t ti f In , . I pm an ques mu o Ityinee ot Mr. N. W. full?“ , saving methods on the flu-m I be relied on u) see the eveuuml . . " over, The suggegtion was not l wonderfully instructive. hath-r that in. and. though With ,'tp',.',te,?:itty, agricultural meetings and exln :'"l'ei'ed,nQgtf,t.s 1'ti' t'o,ipt,t,- 5 of farm uluchinet'y ever held in _ ' ' . ' JH VquharidG to get to iiituiT.ucountr.v. The melv up... " hull _-»A " ' 7. --.. uu-wt'u‘L my the way. en he got to Strutfurd he fuuud a line to Clinton was “locked and '. Stewart was cotufortuhle at his He hardly knew what tn do, ft. " t'rtutless attempt to tind " P the occasion In Strum-d. he P return train for Hanover. Ret- " twu in the "turning A men- I' \Vulket'tott infuruted him “mt. from Russia last F'ri at nun-lung A mea- ou infurmcd him that was In preach an the "__, . . - After dinner " ht the summons I turn hesiluled rice. The letter. u_ug_gee§ton that alortuhle m his , what to do, -mpt to tind a Smuford. he Hysuoyev, Ret- app: Ire yu) Weekly Star should W,', I' wind. Apiuy to m If In,, spite of th 1 last weel l Windows The Busy Store On the Busy Corner; A tarioed of Mil! Goods to Ind It Within week. ll, B. KEELER and SONS Our FRIDAY - AND - SATURDAY H)n’s line (m the premises The 'uhtwo Hands are well adapted for either gnu" lgrowingnr Dam-y Fanning In it is Imm- tifluly watered by a branch of the HM:- iReert river and never failing springs Gnd four wells. Aboul 7 nun-ow undou- [Full Wheat; palm-min" ttivett in unu- ifor spring work. The bum", will he isold separate” if require-d. Title un- !diupmuhle. Terms to suit put-cum” at Hee': cept pfr uunum. Inspection in.. ', wuuruue [arms (-mImsng ot' Lot No IG, fron. 14; Lot No IG, L'on. 13aud til Lot '16. can 13 all in the lownshipnf Earn mom, County of Grev. Ont.. in all 250 M198 of ttmst, (-lnss well wictered fanning I lands of which about 223ncm-sure ttrtdete ieultivation, balance 10 norm [lupin [sugar bush and sever-ml 1mm: cedar “moms. The Inna is situated 10mum, ,from t Forest, 5 miles from Holstein, School Home ott farm. Port "ttice, ‘Church, Sawmill. and other (-nnvenivn- can within one mile. "all Telephone Icot line "" [huh premium The above Bargain Window Feb. 14t h, 1905 Chm- $dcinni-, Owner, or Chan. Rumuge Yeovil P. o. ltnvww ottlcr, -- M. -_-- Dun-hum. é Teacher wanted for S. & No. It, Eg- rcmunt, Boothville Schuul. Furs-I m- iuecond class, 'tttle-ttrefered. hum-s 1.0 icommence April 3M. INS. Applicants to estate experience- mud salary expected HERMAN HAW. '4eevTreas.. . Dmmore. The undersigned 017mm f, valuable farms cntyittittq of All town taxes must be paid on or hefmethe lst of March, otherwise the law must take its course. --- arasNeNs!htsFaeeg-r.--- -- l every farmer in Cum should write at once! 22 issue. " alone is charge for a full pe (one dollu.) large South Window will be full of the best goods for 2.5c ever placed in a Durham Window. Be on hand early for these goods will go with a great darts. 'on1y------trt "tif-rl-ri-i-r-iii'"..; “uncommon-cud Lent begin: this year on the 8th of ,Mnmh. and amid on the 22nd "t Atrril.--- [ Enter will he on thetii "f April. The [ last plausible date that Eula-r may occur in April " h. and it is only at long per- imls that Euler tall: aaUte an (hut. In Mm. Eula-r came on April 25th, and it, WI" not auxin fatl upon that date until 1942. Euler has not fallen on April 23mt since 1848. and after lllin your will not, {all on that dale until mm. “Heather Brae Farm " tor Sale his week Leele ""I or the Town Council on Mundny. Mr. Arthur Jan-Rum was continued " Tremeurevotthe town in place of Mr. I7_II_, I . --AT KEELER’S this Bumper FEB. 24th and 25th CHAS HAMAGE PRINTER um I The Family Herald very stormv we ere near t the kindneaa and courtesy quhnmn 'tre are able tine report of the oneni LOOK OUT! Ii tone is worth all they full year's suhocriptlou ”v qucllwu to me Fami- l Weekly Star of Mont real a host Agricultural papers The iuue of 1"bruaty 22 paper " largely devoted should he rem-Wed by Canada. Our retubws once tor I copy of Petr. nth-rs for mule his manna and courtesy of human we are 'ttste to report of the opening Hanover t'rxshyrteriaa ' and Monday Int. decently inlerred Poms-n. 25c an of Inhal‘ farm. It " Her (Inn it" "mt exhibits held in this the meeting week of an In a mident II. He Ind te comm"- The farm and

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