West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1905, p. 4

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w , M, ., . m St. The Farmers mfg ttim)lrih,u,tit! ill it) t.i.) w w it) “a . ii.i1yf,fttit1s_iptrug Store A'eice,rct. '. . -~. . o'l'n'u . - . c'. o . ---_ If'" "i, ff ""e""kita-".t.t.ttrt.t:s.t.t.t.. GEE $3 METHINU NEW IN “'ASI!PHS:_'J16- 1tt1.r,..re.trt_Dstrty:e rd, Also \Vilbelm's Wrinsters, all made by “'atroxn of Ayr Raymond: Sewing :Machinei. McClary Stoves for Coal Agent for the Dmon nge Stay Fence. bearing 2/?arvsasters were -"-""""g w... was“ muuonaires of the manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery? Why, out of the pockets of the farmers who buy and finally pay for the machine. Why not save some of this money for youle by securing shares in the Farmers' M T'g and Supply Co., Limited? What you don't save in tho price paid for your machinery you receive yourself in dividends which otherwise would otherwise 20 into the “who“: " n... --- --- ' otherwise go into the pockets of the Write for particulars to Gream Equivalent Odd lots of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Ladies' odd dark Top Skirts, WHAT MONEY? The J7ohrt, Glark. Deming narrows, Wilkinson P noes, Palmerston Buggies. Reno $500iworth Men's and Boys' New Spring Suits. $350 worth New Spring Ribbons &Millinery Goods We can Rive only " "mm list of adaptability to the needs of Sun The best in their line 'ea, Nsriug Spods .71 "rrhehsr fDaity does the ,Eioney some from? w' The Ideal Preparation For Raising Calves. a] Jpecl'a/ waryal'ns in Call and ya! you” Chou,, of 8%, and 'ur-to-des p, Sood, BIIIY’ Cam and ' Pruse. For Sale at money that VWUUWA'O " a', I i _ ' "Q 'd - - ‘ - VIA" FN "s, as we handle only the _'nii. Tiii, t of nurmmds. but In qu-dityand Snuth (hwy we are not excolled: on Ploughs. Heney’s Har- Renowned an tides, fair pr ices wealthy Pnknug Drum. 'g NV in treid, 3' I00 worth New Ginghams, Prints, Vie Lawns, Shtrtings, Cot- tonade, Flannellettes, an'd Dress Goods. 'ortoeh. makes millionaires A tr: goon South“ the Middaugh Home. ur machinery erwise would anufacturers. Ladies' M antles. .1. . or Weed provinces, would decide fa i Deceased was as well and as active as set {cs usual up to a few days of his death. He possessed all the alncrily and vim of 1r1"rre"r"rerree-rrr------- youth. and w.“ a true type of the High- NOTICE land physique. He contracted aalight ' cold which devyloped into pneumonia Ppndinga settlement with t] to which he succumlpd ina few hours. of the late Neil 1lckechnie and The harbinger of death arrived shortly nlicn of the pu-tnership hereo after midnight Jan. i31trt, and with a istmm it now lwmtnm imperm gentle smumona like the zaphvrs which all accounts and notes should b How soft o'ee the '. Bountiful Isle of with as little drlay as possible. Botnewhswre,"eaudd " spirit home. cor-dams»: 12 like above annoui we nve t ere ore to out "t.p,tiillitPt',1thTtt,tgt,t ellfesnt sort 'l,' went with all parties melted Ont. a. m horn in thopaiUhotDiF, t under-ed. N. a. " “CK pull-I. M l. I“ " in the persumge of Mr. Donald "otrs McIntosh, passed 1Mdenlyawtss on the morning of Feb. lst, at his home, Dor- noch. Ont. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not. want." With an implicit trust, in theGod of his fathers and in Him who is the true Shepherd of the world, one of the oldest and most esvemned citizens of Grey Co. it) the persumge of Mr. Donald “use Cardwell, Mrs. George Blair, and Miss, Martha shepherd. all of Burlington. GO tqrttnd-childiett and 11 great grand- children are living. . "Mrs. Martha Shepherd. an old and respected resident of the village, passed away at her home on Tuesday evening last shortly after six o'eloek. She was 92. years of age, and had she lived until March 15th, would have been 93. She had been an invalid for the past six years, and contracted the infhaeima cold A few days ago. and this attack, com- bined with old age, was the cause of death. The deceased was born In York- shire County. England, on March 15th. 1818. Her maiden name was Martha Stephenson. in 1832 she was united in 'nmlriuge to tho Lars, John Shepherd. and in ISGS, with their family, they‘ came, to Canada and settled in Nelson township. For the past 22 years the old lady has been a tesident of Burling- ' ton. Her husdand predeceased her! about ten years ago. The deceased was a constant member. of the Methodist! church. She is survived by eleven children, eight sons and three (iiitiiii.,'-l ters. They pare Wilhuil, of Hamilton; Henry. of Appleby; John, George, and ( Robelt. of Nelson Towmhip; Alfred. of . Brantford; Edward. of Portland, Ore-I F,om,anf, Thomas, of Burlington; Mrs. IF: A late issue of the Hurlingmn Cry/.939 contains a reference to the death of Mrs Martha Shepherd. grandmother of Mrs. It. Torry. of this town. Previous to moving to Burlington. she was a res:- dent of the 4th con. 13eutinck. having lived there for a number of years with her husband and three or four of the younger members of her family, and wore much respected by all who Knew them. Neatly all their old neighbors, with the exception of three or four, have gone to their, long rest. Following is the notice: 1 THE BUREAU REVIEW After nearly fifty-live years residence on the farm on which he died, Mr John Vauey passed away at. his home in the township of Sullivan, near Dnrnoch. on Thursday morning, February 2nd. at the age of77 years and 11 months. De- ceased had been In poor health for about. two years. hut he was seriously ill for five weeks, hearttroublehmmt the cause of his death. and during his lone. illness he preserved the same even temper and _ manly disposition which characterized l his everyday life in health, and never once complained. He was horn in the County of Mayo, Ireland. in 1828. and in 1847 came to Owen Sound and immed- iately afterwards settled in Sullivan. He was one of a family of large hearted courageous. powerful men. who went into the Wilderness and hewed out com- fortable homes for themselves. never failing to extend to prospective settlers and travellers the right hand of tellow.. qrltip and words of cheer. He was an honest, upright man, known all over the country and highly respected. He leaves a widow and seven children, three (-llildren having predeceased him, the surviving members of the family being John, Joseph, James and George. Mrs T. Travers. and Mrs. L. O’Connor, of Sudbury, and Miss Mary, the younpeut. of the family. and the only ildnt home. air. Wm. Vasey is the l?, 57 'rartri..ttelfIyttluw of the deceased. _ onmn Catholic cilurrh and WM] inter. red in the Roman t'utholie ('emeH-rv at Dornoch on Saturulrry, lib inst, tho Rev 1?ath_evHuck1eyomiiliuu,/ Tmnnmpml Was‘ largely attended. The aged widow and members of the family have the sympathy of a Very huge circle ot friends in their severe hvsm--News Mr. A. W. Hunter passedlutely his 3rd yeur examination at. McGill College with honors, and stands fourth in a class of 117. This is a. continuation of his previous successes having in his earlier years always taken honors. Our young townsman is of the stuff to make a brilliant career. Congratulations Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Banks, Owen Sound. spent the past week with the Robertson family, Upper Town, and are now visiting friends in the country. Congratulations to the Hon. Thos. Swallow. who, tn-day, Tuesday. Informs u" that he has completed his 69th year. If the flesh Wer° as willing as the spirit he would be good for 50 years yet. As it is may he see many more years to cheer " voungei generation. Mr. Don. McCormack is this year teachmgat Uttertrom in Markov, being Principal of the school there at a good "Jury. Mr and Miss Irvine of Grenfell. N W T spent the first part of the week with there relatives. Mrs Olchard and Mrs Arthur McClocklin, Min Erma Schwenk is visit“)! Miss Lizzie [under in Tm ontotor a couple ot weeks. Mr. and In. John Mona are spend- ing A few days in Palmemtott. DONALD B. MCINTOBH. MRS. SHEPHERD. JOHN VASEY. Obituaries. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO , -The Dominion Parliament has before I it the knotty question of fopming new provmces out of the territories. A- mong the minor snags is the question of the capital. the struggle being keen between Edmonton and Calgary for the honor oi being capital of Alberta. Neither may get it. A burning question is that of Separate schools. a matter we think the territories. or new provinces. should decide for them. 1 eel yes. 1 be made to enable Canada to man proporlv her defences at Halifax and Esquimult from which the British Government is withdrawing its garri- sons. This will be a suitable col tribu- tion to empire, while doing something tor ourselves. --king Edward last week opened parliament in person : the sixth session of the Ist, Parliament of his reign. --Great complaints reach Canada from Britah Importers that goods sent. from here are not up to samples. espec- ially in the matter of fruit. This lack of common honesty in selling is one way ot killing me goose that lays the golden 65,12. ---An appropriation of ".,000,0ao be made to enable Canada m --llon. G. W. Ross is reported in very poor health and going to.'the Bahama. Islands. So the round of argument ttoes,hut. the moral of the wholo is that, all classes have their, triaN, that some men with hig salaries who even live in pal- "ceq are not so "Ch as they seem to be, and that the load of anxiety and care is more evenly divided than at first sight 'tppears.---Corn. Out of this statement an intermting discusqion has arisen over an item of 233, 7s, 2d. for mpers.ll)O(:ks and maga- glues. Yt""sm; hath hri'mgr'i'e.i1s: "My marl)? that the bishop out of till I his income should he mentally starved with no more to spend on books than this paltry cum. thn all kinds of pen. ple letters have been pouring in till the British Weekly 3'qu. .. We have been overwhelmed with lvttm-a 'ttt the Huh. ject." Latin-'3 have Written thut "their hnslmnai’s purchase (if hunks is unpav- erishing the whole household." Same husbands may they .. do not like to shitt- how much they Hand foe fearot' im- pet'illing the donwutic peace." Some think "in public Lihmrieu everything that is necessary may he wad " and some even think that Ab reading of hooks I item waste of time and that ministers l in nut-tit'ular depend ten mnvh on hll-l mun learning," Some weeks ago the Bishop of Lon- don nrldressing a. body of working men spoke of himself as u. 66 working man." Ata meeting of the trades sometime after, the working men ridiculed the Bishop's claim to belong to theireinsm. " At least," they asserted " he is not a. working man in the sense that he has any anxiety as to his daily bread since he lives in a palace and has du0,000 a year." (850,000.) To this the bishop replied by publishing no itemized n- mount of his expenditure in 190t most of which IS forced on him by the posi- tion which he fills, These amounts show an expenditure totalling some £700 in excess of his yearly salary. the con- (-lusion being drawn that his .. hnsmess " paid no better than mmt of theirs. But his strongest quality was his life in the home and the neighborhood. His humility, his integritv. his charity for one and all. his resignation. faith and pravenfnl life, stand out as a beacon light to those who are lrft behind to mourn the irreparable loss of father. brother. and ft'iehd.--Com. In religion he was a. staunch Paesbyter- ian, being at his death ohe of the oldest members of the Dornnch church, which is built on the old home~teud. "n n ar- cel of land gvatttituously resented" to the congregation by Ins fuller. whowns the patriarch Presbyterian of the place. In politics he was always it Liberal. He was one of the Brst three, "T'lett of Sullivan township and one of th tirw three white men who rafts-d the Saugeen from Walkerton to Port Elgin. He also held, hater, the positions of Councillor and Assessor of Sullivan. of whom miss tlr/a/ic/i/ical, of him who was "true to the kindred points of Heaven and home” Early in the sixties. he mu married to Miss Mary Cameron. of Lntunn. who predeceased him by 3 vrs. 5 mos. 12 dys. He leaves n family of five. Angu=, Mar- garet. and Susie at home. Chrielena (now. Mrs. Heft of Sault, Ste. Mtwira, Ont,), and Cameron, principal of the Model Schopl at: Athen_n, Leeds Co., all Damned and bit rents only-Med toCaanda in May. Mt Deming at St. Anthems yillme. near Cornwall. Glen- guriy Go. In 189. he and his father moved to “Glands West," and settled at. Dornoeb, Grey Oo., then a continuous wilderness. He was the ttrut boy, there- fore, in mi: part, and had the trying experience of driving through the al- most. unbroken forests from Glengiirry to Grey, adiatance of over 400 miles. The rest of the family arrived in the following summer. In all there w“ a family of ten, five. of whom survive him. namely: Philip. postmaster at Dornoch, Hughie of Ruhippelle, Assn., N. IV. T , Mrs. w. McDonald. Toronto. Mrs. A. McDonald. Pariv Sound. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell. of Bentinck. mach. tyutherHodshiee. Scotland. Sept. lat, M This latter county in justly “mom for the many religion mental nod physical lproducts which it has inn the word. He was thus at his 5nd: the ripe old use of so years 3nd 5 months. TOPICS OF THE WEEK ------ w. -------. Trials of " Salaries. Wi u t J. nexum; huie and a divrol.. tip heretofore ex- a imperative that should be settled possible. In no " announcement nest. I; settle- mehted to the with the estate y he read " and reading of books i that ministers n mnvh on hu- 'i's"i,'i?a's SHOE STORE The Huron:- omreraiiri" - - - I U ' 3 The Hanover Conveyancer, LENDS MONEY at very lowest tau-s. Places Insurance: of all kinds in reliable Companies, Collects Debts. Arrange- l Bushes: t?"rtetuttus, Drawn wilting. Wind Sells C. P.R. Ticket; to all points. Besides other lands he offers the following B.f'-In.: 100 Acres Norm-Mu South-west of Var. my ', rte2?g,"p/,t And tn extra, ood F . Owner boun to go west. g am 125 Acres Norm-ruby Con 18; Well located mdlmproved. Wilt rem ff not sold soon. tSO Acre. “thick North of Alltrn Puk , Mend cheap for quick sale. I too Acres Bontlnck Near Rocky Bungee)! Well improved And owner says has cum tt u - ber to my prlce salted. 1g m Durham Residence Owned by LL. Browne Phenom: her. Also I e number of at hm Jun Ataltg her fillllf'lllll)lifhm At Durham and Owen Iii-112mm, 60 Day Sale Don't you forget the Big 'sk Our Pocket Knife show case is well filled. You should see our Society Knives. In Silverware we excel. Every piece stamped $q W. Black" is guaran- teed. and the prices are lower than elsewhere. You get your choice in Xcut Saws and Axes. Our handled Axes suit nearly every person. Just received another stock of Cant Hooks and Peavys. Saw-logging done much easier with one. We are selling the right kind of Steck Food. Every farmer should have a package. Have you seen our variety of Raz- ors, ranging in price from 25c to 83. The " safety is great value. We have some bargains in Table Cut- lery, which cannot be equalled. A sett of white handled knives with nickled Forks for " so. Odd knives, 8 cts each. When in search of Hardware, come to the store where you can get any- thing you require. Ihiir Vigor a“. " Mr "et, fd'lrT 'UWA";"."'"'.-"?., 1 A boh- Iona. $153)" “I: m MI In”; ' a "an trp' mm almost 'iitit,tt'x,e'sfr! a w. J. H. a. 0. Am 00.. £100 . .. W". _ Alt drtt m. for -iiiitBMt- "l""?!'"';"'",))")]):)),, Short Httir..: Feed your hair; nourish it; give it Mill ttt n" o" Thea it " no MW: attd will new In and heavy. Ayer's Halt Yteor itt the only hair food you can buy. Form Years it has been doing just what we claim It will do. It will not disappoint you. _ F q na hand-Wyvd and Goa, I103- 'tiA% stock from " 50. Ci, --" - imIM'I _ , 1eretr.yePtltg . short “I HARDWARE 1....M.I LLER, i we "cf', (ite) . BLACK (ii)(g) Ati (lfit YOU I TE Sound magma $33..” Fancy Chdégigztes We have just placed in stock, supplies of Clrl'dmc: you» inc Confections of ttil kinds, orasttNe. the larttest, swatch-t. , Nuts. "ttttlied and unshelled. in variety. Christmas . ' . 'tnah Me J??miz,, receive We are at the shop at the bridge ev ery Wednesday and Saturday. O: ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur' store, or at the Ravmw nth-nau- ...., Well-known and reliable Giving best satisfaction Once used, always used Prices and terms to suit nnml Harvesting Machinery of film's make Also see our famous Jbsrn Organs They are good in every respect, Call and see our com BARCLAY d BELL Also Now that you have a Tudhope Bug gy get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so has nearly two earloads f Tudhope Buggies and the mac e which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up with over a earload of the famom Custom Work and Repairing Done At The Down Town Boot & Shoe Store ftom 100 to 500 our WINTER The balance of all GOODS reduced OF BEST QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods, Boots; a: Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain'. a We ask inspection ofour Teas., TWEEDS & YARN E; gmplcmenés I .7 S. SCOTT. , nu can Kot Pur tt (t'i'iu"s1'L'd'L Candy bison, Mo ghuatr Only place in town where you can go! Pure "a... A-” - " - -- can Of all kinds. Examine our TUR- NIP PULPERS; they are the best on the market; also our CHURNS & WHEELBARR0wti. . S??. '0leaGthu,, We solicit. your orders "I, I - enqumes left at C. Mchrthurt I at the REVXEW OFFICE. ml our best attention. Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Lambton St, We) familial: __J{gency. Maxwell Machinery 'mas, Waivers, JWa,r, 95ndhopc Gutters Kl terms to suit purchaser Call and examine. pram Tir ,,ttt.p..iytts f.' Chi;- petpapt . MCIlraith ' Cream“: Bon Dons t, Innocent. jnin’m umhelled. in grl‘: shtist7/.GCti inchxdi this famou 'nr ' 100t ample " iw: MODEL BA I) ttit l It HI‘ L MI G. H. bl 'i,1'llii Q! " Mac M, th, N

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