West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1905, p. 5

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ls reducegl ‘10c to Iti19. ie1, pair. UARY " 190tt ,lrpctirtotrll w I N TE Et D3 de YARNS tamanda I f AY d BELL " k and Repairing Don. Town Mot ct. Shoe Star. M cliraith familial: COTT. Me Qatar me and the Stu-Illa s nearl y two earlood. les and the place h tilled to overflowing nuw being filled up ol of the famous in Vizttare l'udhope Bug " , be in the swim Kerr, Ae. 'aehinerg f on r Teas...“ faker Bargain' m TUR- are the also our (RHWS. "hut Boots t mom, ‘CC tr " oods. rs " ") W. H. BEAN MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN department of our ,establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see Tor yourself. A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY. we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every IT SUITS To A TI And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. SAVINGS BANS. -i‘nzerrst allowed on waving.“ hunk depositn of $1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every t.u-viic~r "irorded cuetonnen living at A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued tend collection trnttdt 01) all points. Deposits received and intet est allowed at rutrren' rate- DURHAM AGENCY AGENTS in all principal Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba Wrap-- arid England. CAPITAL, Authorized I'A PITA“ Paid up.... RhsEHVE FUND ..t. 'i'ji"ii,'i1% BANK OF CANADA HE all; SELLS & CHEAP G. H. STINSON. GOOD REASONS: MI 4 tt' piece Borry sen. . ... piece Table Sets. . . .. ttery Bowls.........: we and Bread Hues STINS ON "e. my 1'y1lleasrretine, 72 MacFarlane d Go. Druggists & Buoksallsrs. mu £Ihyeriny Cold: Head Office, Toronto ‘; wmulhhneting 72 in wide. . .. .m- tlmmeneue lumen. White "er................-, _ Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. Cally/1 Cure FEBRUARY 23, 1906 w EDDING G. Srp, Gatrtet, NEW GLASSWARE 'c/y 's Cough Cure 'tnot galsam 1, I M1112 yds wide... I.. In in wide, white a nd Fre There is nothing better then Our Emulsion Cod Liver Oil with the hypo- phosphites. Don l let a cold linger With you. Check it now. Me per bottle. 3 for tr. J IC E LLY, A gent. Will break up a cold, it ta.. ken in time, in 24 hours. Is just what its name ins plies---a specially prepar- ed syrup for the little folks. May be given to the most delicant infant. Try it. 25c a bottle. For recent colds gives splendid results. Alloys all irritation. Pleasant to take. 25cabottle. Is just the right combin- ation fora stubborn cough Every bottle fully gua- anteed. Try it, see bottle ..................at“each ..-..at40catuitr'0eetttctt "15c',20e,aeami5oceac.ti .-......tiayeand25eeaeh Groceries a! WHERE llljlill DURHAM .2Ge a square y colond..25c y " "tion hand ARES pmnts m . United $2Jllen 1.000.!!! 0 1.000.000 or $1.20 . pr 250 I yd “'nn t'otlt'4rr'trliiuV'u me town on having The two viciit-ug weaken care; we a Mum-r I'm Mayor. fitst he had funny, think. mo" gatiafgcri‘w than any other rehearsed le 1'et).ttitas of niemhershgp pair of their predecessors. irupigr""i;ur",iteftit,gytg,'a,t 0; Supplementary paetings of Eb. Institute Guelph Fair free, ae. He dealt briefly at baintt tteid “In Week. Ftoer " with tom-own salient. points of the] Aron. That-day an Halogen: and at arsAr'ohetnraa'deetumdisatutettai, MM.Dto-ounrnlqm Mr. Wm. anage. as on former occa- sions. contributed of his musical talent opening the progrmmne with “Simon the Hellman" and being warmly encored responded will: "Thi, Gttardship." He was followed bv . MR. BARBER who congratulated the 1o.wn pn. h_nving As to training the foal should not be allowcd to follow mare at work, should exercise the greatest care at fitmt halt- ering. always remembering too that a bud tempered man makes a bad-tem- perul hurse. Iyon't let them Stand on It foot of m:mure,.feed bran and oats. dry or seamed. (flax seed was . od), all they can eat it allowad exercise; and harness them a low times before working, always attaching them to some steady-going mate when first doubled up. Mayor Hunter in the chair opened with a few flattering remarks as to the. part fur mm: had taken in assisting town indnqries. glut-Eva in being a farmer himself, and was highly pleased with tho success of the (My stamens: Mr. Kydd followed with an inteusaly pracrlcal address on fouling time. lie preferred in” colts where mare could not heuscd in winter. Mares should be worked every day avoidine wag- gon tongues and heavy backing. Tame horses should be turned out every day in winter ifnot working. Roomy box stalls shuuld he provided foN‘oaling mares and it was more inr. portant than formerly to be with them, and mares that lose milk days before birth should ham a dose of aloes given them. Ha ve shoes taken off mares before making time, Verv minutely he on'llned the care and steps necessary at the birth of the foal. should be can He would feed only twice a day, roughage in the mormng with meal and pulped roots on before breakfast, water at'cer breakfast and supply them with clover hay. allowing no one ex- eept tt buyer to disturb them till evening when a similar rouvnc is followed. Allfeed except clover hay Let there be a good san-sweetened bite of grass, betore, allowing them out in spring, ma Ke change gradually. Much depends on the feeder, regular- ity, &e and time spent in grooming is wed spent. Sweep down the eubwetw, let the sunshine into the stables, and use the palm of the hand instead ofthe boot toe to admonish. Four points to suCCcss in breediug beef cattle were: I-to discriminate against the dairy sire. 2--Stiek to une line of breeding, Hereford, Polled Angus or Durham being the best beet breeds. 3--ilave a general purpose cow. 4--Generoag feeding. Uuminu- nus growth in the cult was necessary to produce the beat "baby beer," and he cunsiderud the fall the beet season to have cows come in. back to the tail were desimble ; there should be indications ut good lung power. a large nostril and bright eve ; and it shouiu be possible to pick up a handful of flesh in any part of the bod y In a lucid, convincing Way he went over the. whole horse, showing by the diagrams and explanations the good points iron: head to hindmost heel. It was a practical lesson that a news- paper report however ample can not reproduce. and compels the beliet that iarmers as a class have not yet discov- ered the Farmers' Institute, or the Town Hall would not nearly accommo- date those Who might, could, would and should learn much to their ad van- age. Mr. Barbour followed on "Beef Cat.. tic, tr setting tot-tn as an axiom that the "animal must be a machine to convert food products into cash. " To this end animals should be selected that put on fat in places that bring the highest priced cuts, and these were shown in an interesting diagram of a. tat beast with prices ranging from 30 to we a lb. Depth and Wldtll ot body, carried well The first thing to watch in selecting a horse is his wind, next. has he 290d feet, iron: we: round, the irog---ihe cushion of the ieet--in good shape, a sloping platen) better than upright, tiat leg preferable to round lee, putfy 'hocks was the beginning ot bog spawn, ringbone, &c. " spavin he dreaded worse than bone epavin as were were more bones aireeted by the former. The Ail'dPl,t? - r o '10 and mater , when: on J1lt'US"tt, ot ' w.. thi tt Han Than: an m. . x... mm. . nk abo aud u day I litatttatimt _,' too ' "0v, 'L','tl,'t " ttl MUN. we the It: work d“ in ,f . otteat f. hope MW" M." The average JT,',' h/lt i 'l,iiiii'iiii'ii'ii'ii if':',?:,:?,).'?",'.,',-':, .h1 Kyd Ne" Bach m e Inn,“ in the of the I?" F "he Hill d, smog," Frauen est- s'fllleifJ,,tl', a F,':':,)'?,-:.,'.',?,',",!?: 8:" I “gland both and a. are“ ar 2 1'ae'a't', 1:5: 'l'ie,,JfUe,t: i,,,',": Mri y com gentle ihour . P. 02!" "My ly 'se/ht ‘mu meives. ti! K Cl they petettt 'ds',,",',', we‘r- Cm thJiug 1'2a ttan . 'r7,1'lf a“ tttt ' I'l lis an respective. mdem tt thor.. Orin. but th eof taiwial 'Jill/el', C,11 mm his tuid authority , chose ot the "iiiii,i'i'ii't','i pant, t'ilb',,'g,'2; pro for " . than r0380. "' on h . hir e " trthise wedn Whig. I Points, "lemme b0:8éAm I rgli‘se. new; I gas .10qu: It?” 1'll.",'l'/'2, may JI,',.',', "sh-u eye . I, h Sin “chi g te e, at ' ct . a ad g t c tte . ned otte Kr'ams, ea by 1t'i1h1, as mi?” iet 'ii',ii,',ll'"i'i?'c,"/i'i',5',ii, and. t',1eili,',1'/ihT,, Th . oi el ar bei ai In. to inde “his” lt ' e f Inns Jug m be he fa ed "h Ila-e , use b arme and d: fav to t "Her ' "ttld t " his . rai . rmtt " _vyrn1sle ttake . s in) tot oth " or "Sins st, said tsoil. T toretai conditi ys? Le er first the ani election the 3 "atroli odo th am the} ”"5 "till t the the Una] ' the . -p°"ker tat ish “a. as hnsr ms» 'le "Mr par: n the Show indivi . It," h vert" " " t .. 'od ot e 1'adieiee s',iiliii1ii,r?si:l, ll lil/ed; i,i':1ii,i','s,ii?.,i,?i",s!, the": (hall'Pg‘lr 'u',?,.'.' the C-l'lrlurt e t a ' othi , J'. .7.'. We tl 'atuis, ' mm .', w ' n h,. . tsed “My trvrnr. give t tetttt " ttt. %Et Y.1- ttout I" “M715.“ Pure if iriiiri'i', tyy '/J"h"/g,",.it, le,'," t),ir'li'is,'ili,iit.'ayi',tt:'?:)',)i:ill, "ere lt day, by“? [”583de which]? 'al/ll',",'?)':': “191;: 9.0-”; 1ic.cl,. "rl,',?,-',". , My“ Vn . It: to lg n _ In“! um '..,““ki W seit. {try “whiff! cr/ls,", dark Ci'éweeq I ":33 'i',t',ii'ittiti',r,'ct,'ia,t.'),1 hods. Ity', pesrfit . . . ' . ' , s' Ft . ll ~ . Jtlt, “on “3:? Citt1 can“); atsd ifh|)'f:u'n“1"t‘[ high i3: ',"tluvy' “er I 1;?” Gail's?” "1;xl"""f"|" Kin“ ai",',,',? I wlyu t) (ii,')',).)))?,),:".,',',",'))')" III l?,',',':,", "I, I} sired, “In or, till',")..",)," t tto trilsitr. l WI” I Ari“ 'Yl- l THE EVENING MEETING. Fons AND FOALING Farmers' Institute. Mr Geo. Wright won yr for his ability as acetnnpani suing meeting. Mr Geo Binnie's abmnce was frequent- ly noted. His Amie- 1H Crvrutsr auditor climbed wrth this meeting. neatly to his regret we should think. We doubt if he ever missed this meeting since he first be- gan attending. However Mr D Edge proved an eftiemt" secretary substitute for his moro experienced. brother-in-law. and Pres. Young " a host in himself. The National Anthem cfosed a most successzul meeting. "s Near the dos. Mr Frans Irwin was rvdled upon and/gave a rollickmg song “Steve O'Donne 1's Wake" winch brought an encore to winch in turn be had to re- rpund with a third piece. President Wm Young made a brief tthltess thanking all for thu good order and the Interest taken in the prucpedings. He referred to the increasing: iufheenee of tha Ladies' Institutes, there being 6287 members enrolled. He spoke nlse of the good work being done by the McDould Institute in Guelyh. Farmers should enterinto a seientifie investigation of their wmk, then. draw- Gees, 6w. know the origin of fungi. lslisrJtts,andthetr Preventives. Doom". lawyers. mttniaeturert, are always investi- gating. Farmers must not nnlv read of new methods.thes must put them into practice. Mr. Wm Haulage care a lines solo, "The Bravo Guard," and in reaponuu to an encore nan» a stirring piece “Flue Monarch of thn Woods." selling apples and he adrred farmers and packers for dishonest packing, injuring our good name almond. m, had been asked by the Department to find out the “and Menu remaining. All oulmtrieu Curb', Ru-aia. Austria, and. Nurway and Sweden, had no wvod to spare. Supply and demand did not rule he esrst of wood an of pork, and two yrs. from uowthe gun-mm»: will offer " from now the ;:uwrlnneut mil offer sale vouug pine trees [or suiting out at mm“ mm Stitches were lost too in unpainted frame houses. unudot-netl and unpro- tected yards,&c, n. retining intiuence worth more than mom-y attached to the phoning of evergreens. care of atteatlawn, and other aesthetic. feat- uH-s. Sawing should be practiced in the good yours to tide over the. bad ones; find out some leak. and he in- stanced modern methods in factories where everv hv-nrodurt. Is utilized. Again too man" "npr'otitable cons and Cattle are kept. Statistics showed that one-third of the cows kept were failures. He knew of one ”be where 12 row.‘ were kept by ouch of two individuals and tho rvspoctivp pr'olitsw per row $6 and 82A, The important, thing was to keep making good selec- tion. Keep tah closely on each Cow’s Post and t'ettti'its.a species of farm lsooii-kevpins,r badly nes,rlectvd. Purim-rs should leave homo nflener in thetrue interest of their fauna. visit Guelph. visit successful farmers. attend Institutes. &e. They should. like other luninoss men, co-opemto. Cohesion was wanted, Mich as: Cali- t'ot-nin orange growms had henctttted by. Thia wns especially rr.eeupd in selling apples and he scored farmers and packers for dishonest packing, injuring our good unnu- abroad. l Mr Kydd gave a particularly happy address on "A Stitch in Tune Saves Nuw," showing where farmers often dropped stitches. He claimed to speak with some nthority M n faruner having farmed in Sx-ntland on land with a rental of $10 an acre, and In Manitoba Tii miles from u railway. Yet he canw hack to Ontario where, it there were thorns. there were abundance of roses. Hedilnted on the benefits of the Ag. College. on the system of etxpet'iments (untried on there, on hon»; tide fairs, and condemnedthe fakir element. getting too cmmnmn. Spoke of snme of the weaknesses that lead In the popular idea of “hayse-Pds," ynunp: men often lor, n. much here in not having the city man's polish. Mr Irwin, of the Chronicle, was called upon and made a hrlef nddreu pointing out, the advantages to fmuwm and others of such meetings. Miss Ida Wilson, one of Durham’s rising singers, smug "Memories of the Past." She was (moored and gave the pooular melody “My Own Blue Bell." Miss Jeusie Munroe, "lwttys pnpulm', at this stage wad called upon and Rape “Peggy Grady," and her tine voiee gave excellent etrect H) "Unnllt‘u In the Air," which she gave in respuns‘v to a run-Hug em'nre numeral Lu-(myulumhl be "hrle 'o tell. luv, what 100 "ts, of pmk Port. the relative value of alt-h particular unv. He should keep aruulnls lust In Im louse wrty as too one” " Imp” d-nw. He made an ettrttest, nppe d fur attun- tum m‘mnml conditions, the fummtirm ,.n I . _ _ must work to a huh ideal, our mus' go tin-UH l'thnn tho Puhlw HI and if possum:- tttoy Vlll'lild gm " le the host agricul‘urd af'lIHH! Ill Am --thp, Guelph Cullmzv. Hee,, they get wluu ,s r"quired. mow nuanw ell-notion "lonsr, thaw mm lute. farmernf Lu-dayulumhl be "M" 'o MY, whru. lot) Ills. of hulk Port relative value of eat-h particular He should keep arummls but In . V‘ _ --_"-_ _ ""% II'I'FIII' tsumn hetween Cathet. and mm. 9-13“:th poutioenee, give than a sharp of “Nun-n- ihility. give them am maxim-d an line-Fr own and let them enjoy making profit hv adapting the hem tuethodi. ‘ We Ina-At. have- at high Mom) of tho farm luv, the hope ot' the HDUMH)’, and too often fawn-m Ihemm-lvos - u faiteitnpeGUoGGi' the nobility of the (ailing in the presence of their buys. Imhued with a high ideal ourselves. the 'ynihessiomurie minds around us must he tuvumhly affected. I f you are quite Into your boy hm special uptneas fur a “Him: outside of farm won k. place him th-re. hut the pal Shawn-d many errors ofjndgment in this respect. l THE FARMERS sON NOTES Tg the Puhl mum Kt't sz'huu! In '. Her,, \l-'an opinions st at the ev- w ethteobnl, I, our buys Mm Sl'hunI, " a term at " Amer 11-4 " they wall Him“:- in- z m- The h THE 00mm M REVIEW '"'"'"'"'"NltP'"'"'"'"" I; A hmdsomely momma "any. 1mm ie. culntlon of my ”handle trgxli Terms. " . M.trafeogetha." Bo trratty-eirertd [5ill Tun: MAM. Duncan dt neon-yd mange. Anyone-en n I atom In dose" In. quick]! 'l'S','l't'h"/1 our opinion in. tremor tl, Invent on " probably lit.%a2lt Communion t2,'n'Nhrl'.'tlji ttonBdettit nt. amino} on PM um free. dd: tif,',',',',',', for fllfifrPdl."S',S, Paton" taken t roux!) Mum: * o. Noel" mogul Luau. lull?!“ ohm In tho $diiiiffk Jffiiiiitltatt. N,, G.,& J, McKeohnie Not more than two mats can be sold to anyone customer. We have just received the third shipment ot Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are V still selling them at The People's Druggist 13TH; A, GORDON ' 8c J. McKechnie Watches and Clocks. Cut-glass and Eye-glasses~ Jewelery and Silverware IIONEST GOODS HONEST PRICES IIONESTDEALING 50 f?IWik A MAT. (The popular Cash Store. But we doubt if they would be any great- er than our usua] offerings. We sell at such close mar- gins all the time that any lower price than ours should be examined rigidly. There's a loss some- where Look out it isn't on you. DARLING OFFIG E Methods are not " ways the best or most successful. Some may advertise some wonderful bargains in Dashing :100 Acre FIGS 13.2% SUPPLIES VVATCHMAKER J E Mr E L L E R TORONTO Jan.2,1005, All regisrvred Stock and likely uni- nmls. Apply to Edge Hill P. O. I Two young Short horn. Durham Bulls , grandsons of imported Crttjkvmxnes. l for cal». 10 mos. and " mos. old. \Villi trade tor suitable colt. Apply t ' t . A Wu EDGE. Thorough Bred cum and Yorkshire Bogs. SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. FARM for SALEJ’ MEDICAL. TRoa. SCARP & 90x 3 Rocky Snugeeu P. 0 INT. J at: knots, (mun Bum. Wooi/Bvei.YorUr"iGTGii fruit are [Annie In either dwellings or out- buildings. No “can” "tbent-ge, m cum AW" m In the not. " desiring ”a. by. all h , Our Poppy)"pr III-ginning!" Gnu: Mum. Nov. 16, NB, B.sdenham Mutual i Auctioneers JOHN CLARK D. McPHA IL) Notary Public. Commissioner, Convey uncer. Valuawr. lnsunnco Aunt. a Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kind. pmmpt ly alien ded Ln. Purina hough. and sold Licensed Auctioneer foe the County of Grey. Licemed Auctioneer for the Co. ohher. we. 5:11:me Intended to, m m. eriitttetettAttFunMe-t Wage. looms, iiaiLiaiiidKiaii, anthem O ofBee-----MWEtt TOWN. DUKE“. Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. ac. Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance”, Monty‘s; Loan. (Yicm Mrint.vre Block. over the Bank A. G. Mlohyi K.C. W. F Dunn Licensed Auctioneer for Go. Grey. fem: modetnte. mm. tor ale. u to mu, Aw., mm! be made It the Review Ob noe. Durham. 5: (mmdonce mam them, or to Ceylon P. o., will be gum-aptly amended to, linu- aptn'temtio" to HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Snrgosons of Ontario. Rooms. Over J & J HUNTER'H New More Jommy and Na',", Fund. to Lon on Mortgage: “love. rate: of -tttetamt. \‘nluntion mm. "r loommhnt and can“! "ittator. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST or the Du mum Pharmacy Cauder', Block. Residence tirast deor west of to old Post 01110.. Durham. _ ,---‘â€"-vv, 'MI, “Ivy-Jun" Emoornouy pNMM. Ratato- of ace-sod por- wan loukod “tar and Exocutor'u and Ailinis- tmtora' Anaemia prede and ruined Surrogate Court Bun-inns. Prom“ .1 Wit a. latter: of AI- mlnunu'on and Guam-dummy Obtain-0d. sur- chu male in Begin.” omco and Titlo, reporud AI“ to Donation- and Agency promptly nun-dad to fills. Dale“. 1'1eqyitt/oeaoi, “momenta and Live' Smith. trif 111331)}?!- GGiiGi'it'v immune! on content”)! but. Farm hark-- Pte yyel ttt M. “musty took. In a. Late uni-nu: to Hunk-M's (tendon. It") And to Kmpp's Went York) Eye Hospitals. his out. Pinatu- at “noon Oahu-Io. one 5nd Residence cor. than“: and Ge Bt., " foot of Hill. Old loathe (Iona. OFFICE KOUBI F-tt B. m. '2-4 p. II. 7--q p. I Tolophono Gammon No. " J. G. HUTTON. M. D., C or to moo. MoKenzic's Old Stand, Durham Office over Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. fl. '. C, PICKERING D. D s, L. D. S BARRISTER. OOIOITOR. noun" PUBLIC commune-n. t moo. over Gordon's Jewelry Store {19.395 Nose & Throat - and“ “tendon tttmn to Diana 0 Women and Children. ARTHUR GUN, MACKAY & DUNN, DEN TAIL... CtLaEICFaect,,. . LEFROY McCAUL. A. H. JACKSON, muons-u to , J. I. MAID-I In“ be D. MePNAIL, Ceylon P. o. C. IAIAGE. Durham Ceylon has I telephone we: Roots . P. TELFORD M ant-y to Loan. Fire Insurance Co. Piraeus & Summit, DR. BURT & J. Hunter's Sun a to to LI. Moderate u I-a' p xvii H ESE?!

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