West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1905, p. 8

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TAKE NOTICE that the dul ap- pointed Fumnrinl Agent of Bavid Jamie-son. M D. is C. L Grant of the Town of Durham. and of John Mr.. Kan-tunic is John It. Bunterol the Town at Durham. lbted F eb. 190t. Wm.gorunnton "Jr., c. Ram-go. Chtsirmart. Secretary Intending Students should enter " the begin ning of the term it possible. Board can he obtain ed at remmhle rates. Durham is a hnlthy and attractive town. making it I most desirable place for residence The school ls thoroughly equipped in touching tstrility, in chemical and electrical pupil!" and " tings, Jun. tor full Junior Lenin: an unmoun- “I?“ work. The following competent sun we in o urge t C. A. FLEIING. Principal Owen Sound To whom it may cancel!) wth place you: -teeq in mm demand. You comp? 'il',hTf, oanludy. t"'2fridtg2te. nu. pew-nu g: gear-p y m tau-tori. There in no time like the went to enter. Th institution in. unexcelled iSliliteg"i I full staff ot compeu-nt and puma ing when. iiumimi- who were just able to spend 3 few winter months with us my now tihitig tint-clan positions. For tall [annulus ”dress. A TERM IN ANY OF THE IE. \PARTMENTS 0F HIE" tT PAYS TO ATTEND TEE Durnam School C. McArthur Don't forget about those SUIT LENGTHS. MISS A. JOHNSTON, B. A., Mathematics and Commercial. THOR. ALLAN, IstC!tuo Certitleate, Principal SUSS L. M. FOR! "R, B. A., Classics Ind Mo dems. we, are selling our HEAVY RUB- BE RS now cheap for cash. ifP"dlaia"nai=iillairgtaimrglrinnarwr Itil, THE PEOPLE'S STORE iii' &och-takhtg Jnaps IT IS IMPOSSIBLE Also l'nderweur that will wpqr i", J?oihvi J?hoveme 5mm THE PEOPLE'S STORE a FEES: $1 per month in dance Now begun. Rumce to say we have something to suit ,verypurehnteer. First come has tirat choice. soars AND""sij'65§é which we offer at a In the up“? at our disposal to describe the "rieties of Special Sale Staff and Equipment Highest prices paid-in Cash or Trade--for Butter Eggs and Fowl. _ Freshest stuck of eruries in town timed with quality and price. ELECTION NOTICE The IMPERIAL Shoe, to This is one of the best fitting at Try a pair. Prices very reason of Jaw Wat’s VIRAVIIIA Arch. Davidson Returning cam. a few Neck Furs, Dress Goods, Flannels, Cottons. Underwear. &c. We have slaughter- ed prices to clear out all Winter Goods and any week day at present, you will find is bargain day here. As we are now through Stock-taking. we find we have a lot of remnants and Win- ter Goods to be disposed of at once, including be best fitting and ,reariliiiriL yguméan Prices very reasonable J??oot, and au,, and JPoas' Jud: " to aotd very Cheer, Trk Sroesriss Miss Tenn Smack in lad c'iahtlr improving, We have on our sick list Mr. D3716 Sturick. one of the oldest settler: he". t em a swan}. Word came by telephone Saturday that Dnnvlalk school Ins burnt down. Some ”pruned svmpathy tor them but others aunt-tamed the idea that they were no worse " now than Hopeville, Died-On Friday morning the 10th, Alexander McLean, Jr., son of Alex. McLean Sr., ot Con. 14. He was buried on Saturdav afternoon " Swinton Park. Although the roads were bad the fun- eral was large. He was ailing for about 7 years in a decline and tmfrered mach. He was born on the farm where he died: he was married about nine veers ago to Miss Armstrong, near Dundalk where he lived, but a few years ago he came to live and end his days with hisfather and mother on the old homestead. Property tthanged--- Joseph Love sold bistarm toJohn Russel and De. zell's mill has been sold by Wm. Dezell to Chas. Dezell. Ham Allen of our village superintends the machinery. Wm. Dezell will start farming again. 12th, both at 11 a. m. The weather was 1'0th and the roads heavy but the. pluekv minister came through, and the. people turned out well, considering she wads. The church is still increas- ing in membership. The Rev. Mr. Little of Holstein, held cnmm union service here in the Esplin Church ; preparatory on Saturday the 1tth and communion on Sunday the " l The large number of fiftyrfivo attend- led the Bihie Class on 5th'ins', and 113 _ in Suhlmth School which knot, unusual. Our sister congregation at Fairbnirn is also prosperous. They have Miser! for all purposes last year $800. Altogether we have great reason for thankfnlness. Our Christian Endeavor is flourishing undo-r the inspiration and good guiding hand of our deservedly respected Pres- ident, Dv.Brown. Mr. Little, itat home is alwavs present and helps on the good work, all of which goes to prove that we are " favored people and that we duly appreciate all the efforts that are being put forth for our advancement and mowth . t gave. The minister’s salaly was raised last yen- to 8000 and the Holstein congre- gation contributed last year fm various schemes of the church more than $500. It has raised for all purposes in 190t more than 81400, and it is expected early in April to wipe out the last pay- ment of debt on the name. This was agreed to at the social teahat. or annual meeting and although t e A ', seven-v one and only a 3M.- 5ctk8 " subscription lint Was set ttoite m: the grenterpart promised. Yiit%iiii rcom with a capacity for 42 rigs is not "tttcient. When we read the encouraging le- Porter of the various congregations around. we feel that we should with? nilent. The following has been gleaned from Rey J. Little. re the united charg- es of Holstein and Fairlmirn. Made it? Catltda." is our leader l] y'Ol annua More Successful Churches Intenoed for Ian This week's budget, a seboo' here, Children can- les to school in this weather re plenty children here to Yon are sure to be sa HOPEVILL‘E. "mating " HOLSTEIN the Hopeyille up. but in storm s sider. tl: li tiff Lust week the Campbell iamily gave the young' folk a farewell party which X was largely attended, and true to 5: their expectation their reception was lkllX tll that could be desired. The team- SIers who were interested in stock took 1ee1er ttme to beshown through the buildings which are among the most np-to date in this township and tolook over the live ttock which are now in winter _ quarters and in the pink of condition. We came to tho conclusion that Mr. 'narte- Campbell is an up-to-date farmer, and ations the man coming after him gets things notbe in apple pie order. The Campbells .'i11tf intend moving away about the lst of, tharg- March. On going to the house undl ud mt entering the Commodious kitchen we mere- found from twelve tosixteen ample srinu.c tripping the light tantastic. The . my music was furnished by A. Wilson, J. 1 190t Hill and D. Ferguson. Then pass in- tet'ted to the parlor where you would find Hm?- up todate-I games in progress. Mr. 51x2? th"nRbell,.1/isimsselt; interested others P g; on olden tunes, and some good stories "tr-viiti,ii5air-'i; Hopeville. We soon m I-e‘l'mi’iie up our mind that is was a case Ll cintir' “(11”. l;:-l‘.:: (d' " _ "c'i'tnC'.:i'it. (n, 1:1 tlzcoxyul'icrzcuH: Mud 31(1le:lH‘nl'zwfng bu: Le tiii' 52mm “sun-p. 11:: mm!- ful lunar: pl Aided. on” much ~1‘.I"-"l>(,'d that he “us mt Ila-wring from behind ; once in a while, until he came to a I familiar shod where he thought he ', would goinoutuf the storm for a while, F and wait to see if his master would re- , cover. There was a chilly breeze blowing from the east and the slumber- er soon began to feel as it he had let the tiregoout, bat was much disap- l minted when he ttatm' to realize that had got but put at the way home, that he and hp chilly hone had been - One of oar most popular young men had a cool experience a short time ago, It appears he had taken a drive east and no doubt struck a very cum- formble quarter to spend a short time. and w We th There will be evangelistic meetings held in Amos church every night this week and next. Rev. Mr. Little of Hulatein and Mr. Matheson of Prlceville are the assisting ministers. All are invited to attend the meetings at 7.30 A few from here took in the Scotch concert at Priceville lasmFriday night and report a good time. Others would like to have got there but oh. the storm! and Mr John Wilson, carpenter. who has been slightly ill all winter, is not im- proving as fast as many of his friends would like. Well Mr. Editor, it is snow, snow and blow, blow: We thought We would get oifa little milder this winter, but ever since government changed we have been getting pretty solid winter. The roads are had and that makes business dull However we are not alone and after the experience cf last winter we can face almost anything. Bat we are getting along very well as our faithful mail-carrier. Mr. P. Stern, has not missed a trip here yet. We. are also pleased to hear that he has a- gain the contract of carrying the mail for tne next, four years at an increased salary. We can surely say that there is np110re trustworthy person in his majesty 's service than Mr. P. Stern. "We won't go home till morning," which certainly proved true. At mid- night an enjoyable lunch was served by Mrs. Campbell and her two fair daughters, after which amusement was again resumed and kept up till morning. After moving a vote of thanks to the host and hostess and singing “For he'sa Jolly Good Fel- low,' others felt like singing sh We Won't go home at all" tor it was stormy to turn out. H. Huffman has great experience with the snow shovel these Lituc-s. He sucks to it like a man. Oar school was closed for a few days this week. The school room had to be disinfected owing to several cases of scarlet tever at Balsa lit Valley. We are sorry to write this week the death of Sandy McLean, eldest son or Alex. McLean, Proton. who died on t Feb. 9th, 1905, " his fatherh residence. He had been in poor health for seven years. He had several hemorrhages of the lungs. Up till Christmas he was fairly well hat since then he was unable to rest in bed, and till the end came did not leave the chair. He learnt his trade, harness-making, in Dundalk, and was working at his trade in Eaton's. Toronto, when his illness began by a sudden hemorrhage of the lungs. which is believed to be causvd by playing on one of the large band instruments, of which he was a mem- ber. Sandy, as he was always called. was well liked and resneeted by all who knew him. All through his long illness he was never known to com- plain but bore it all with Christian Asaticnee. The iuneral on Saturday _ Was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Matheson spoke at the house, and in ', the church a service was held. He; took " his text Mark 13th chap. 37th yerse, and as his pastor he could testifv as to love and faith in Christ. The iavorite hvmn of the deceased. "Oh Happy Day that fixed my Chemo." was sung. The pall bearers were Robert Kinnel. Arch. Ferguson. Neil McFadden. Neil McKechnie, Alex McDonald and John Parslow. Mr. McLean Wttit in his 29th year, and leaves to mourn his death hrs lather. mother, wife, 3 brothers, Arch. Hugh and , hn, 4 sisters, Sella, Katie, Annie and Tenn. Arrived too late for last week Mm! rat forgot 'llMlllllllrllill-lllll-llllllllllllllllllrlllllMlllllll-lllllllllllll ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO ll W DROMORE. BOOTHVILLE w " 110m e " w . In the titling of the ire house the floor should he covered about a foot deep with sawdust or dry chopped straw. The ice my then be laid upon this, having . spare all mound between an sun-mgr. A mm- may ist' constructed of sinus-L pieces of plank kept in place on the inside " the we itself and on the outside by the pasta. As the ice is used the boards closing the doorway may be taken down une after the other. The roof may he made anal-any fuhlon to suit. the builder. The shanty rout shingled would parimps be as cheap and satisfactury as any. (By Prof. J. B. Reynolds.) THE mnmza’s ICE 110083. The season of the year has arrived when the ice home may be ftlled. There is no reason why most farm Muses "my not have a. continuous suppl‘g of ice throughout the summer. here a stream or sheet of water is within reach the cost is but ttnfiing. An Ice house can be constructed very cheaply a'tet the following fmlnnn: lax-gr: pm. 4 six m- "ight inv'ws in Miam- Press Bulletin From Ontario Agricul- tural College. Pwtndkeurets--stsorue Skein, John W Swim, Tums Binlev, T1205 Hutton, James W Johnstone. Geo Scherk. new Butternut: Jr, Robb Leslie. John Dodsworuh, John Leesou. Henry Geisel. Fence Tiewers--Neit McLean. Itohert erlen Sr, Jno W Smith, Mathew Gunp- lmll, Wm Hunt, Wu: Griersou, Andrew Myer. John Patterson, Robert. Brigham. Wm Irvme. Louis Dietz, Thos Clutk. - a -_- -..-.\. “an uuu. out) ”(Jub- Worth. Thus Clerk, Snmuel Omens. James Walker, Henry Boyce. John Sherwin). Con 14 & L5--Jotm Caleman. James Anderson, John Creunriee, Arcluo Camp. bed, Gen Talc-bard. Coruelais Canar Jr, James Heniesun, Joseph Hodgrou, Wm Ledmgham. Con lo & Ir-tmis Dietz, Jno Magus. Geo Copy, John Henderson, Alex McDon- ald St, Alex Campbell. (Jon 12 & 1ilr-pavid B.ntou. Jno Dods- Garteiraxa 1toar--Douaid Smith, James Ledlugham, Duncan McAnhur, William Noble. Neil McLean. John Vessie. Hobs Lawson, Janus Burt, Join Ritchie. Con 2 * 8, W a ll-Jolt/srl), Robb Hay, David Watson. Walter Hurstnuv.is, Duncan Campbell. Samuel Puluorbougn. Geo Gasman. George Campbell, Donald McLean, Ed Crozier, Wat Cuff, Thomas Hutton. Elijah Armstrong, Bobt Webber, Br. Valeutlue Bauer. Durham 1hnui--Jolan Hoerle, James 1"ursman, Jae Marshall Jr, Wm Briguum, Frank Wise, Arthur hunt. Con 2 & 3, S D It-August), George Leslie. Ephmuw Furstuau, Rum Winte- Itoril, Wm Mill's, Asa-X Archibald, James Mather. Wm Gru.srsou. 'i' business. I) .. _ .- - --- -"""-.r fare and expense bending net to we Slates. 326 b, John Cooper. bang , c "" of grav- elutr,4 on townlmu Beuunck and Norman- hy. agrnut of $5 was “Hula the Elmwoud Publu: Lilmury. By-law NH 4 aboublnu: humus tot' the construction of wue tintce., and making ulterulimu iu the couall'ucunu lrr of equalizmg the B‘Seia'mneut of U S ti No 8, B. and G., was ordered to be adup- twd and their account. of " paid, The foil .Wmu accounts was ordered to be paid, Hz: $2 to each of the pulling gamers newt tu the but Uumuio cchDlUu. the new: and Auditor Victim's $1.50 curb, VHUJlllillOd m 'l‘rean-urer's 5nreuau and Itegxsmy otiiee 31 lot Semen. $7.50 tt, Wm Brigham tor clutmuu tor Mrs Wm Laurence, an indigent, 86.95 tor railway 5,.4“....l _"__, _ . The foil .wmg _ be paid, Hz: $2 places newt tu L Applica'lons for the offiee of At-or received from Home Juckhn um! John Unrulck. On mutton Mr Jackllu was unpainted at same satarv " inst year. The "ward at N W Campbell. Moses Jursit and Jamew Staples. arbitrators m blue mat- ter of ettuaiimrro tho n-e-g.‘.,n..s A; " a c Met in Elmwood on Monday. Fobruany 18. Mcmbvra all present, the Iuevtiu the chain Minutes ot Jumury meeuug read and ptuscH. Cummlue» on Frem- mer'u wttreties reported tune same as Mtn, and tmffieieut. The report of the Audi- tras on the Receipts and Expenditure far the pun! Vear lulu.” (“nun ..... A. A; ... read and punsal. Gouttnttte.. on Prem- uuer'u Nineties reported we same " HOT and tmffieient. The report of the Andi- uzrs on the Receipts and Expenditure far the pun! year being, found murlnctaii- ans ordered to be teetuyed and map ed. 200 copies of it printed and the audi on plat! their salary of $6 each. having a quiet nap in n lonely shed. We taney we see him turn that home out and make for home before daylight made public his weakness. As there were no more sheds on the mad he managed to get home. “ e w-nld advise him not to try such' a (in) serous experience again this win. ter.. better wait until summer when the wan m weather comes. Bentinck Council. posts. on each side would nsids the pvt-ts two inch nailed on. the posts and dating the Walls of the P may he constructed of plank Ve in place on PATHMASTERS. I.” J to the It Fred. W. keisey) c ONE with every dozen Cabinets. It is best to fill the ice house after cold weather, when the ice is most likely to he sound and solid. What is called rotten ice is ico- filled with air. sputum. which will not lust nearly as long as Solid ice. ANS CLEARING SALE PHOTOGR :0f Seasonable w {Dry Goods A huilding twelve feet '"luv'e and] eight feet high. affording s‘pau- within I for ice 10 ft by 10 tr. by b' it.. will can-I lain about 15lons of ice. which would l undoubtedly be ample forull pun-paws] on the farm. The material ivquired [3' construct. this building would he only 8' tritiing cost, and a few trim to the nonrpsr. pond or creek would luring I enough of Ice to fill the house. l The sit" toe tho hourse should he (taro- fullv chosen so that. good drainage is provided. It is Important that the ground below the ice should he kept dry. ice and the wall about. one foot wide. l As the ice is filled in, this space should , he ttlied with saw-dust or strnw. which- i ever' is used. As each layer of ice is) completed the vvevictts lwnvevn the Marks should he filled in with ice chips _ and soft, snow, NI as to exclude. all fill", from among the ice. Aftevthe full sup- 3 ply of we is in plau- the mp slvutld Ire) covered a foo! (tut-5| with straw or saw- dust. I Groceries Men's Suits :5. Whitewear -----F0R----- 25th Feb. Saturday 25th Feb. Big Store We know this style of P graph will please you. as real artistic. THESE LARGE PHOTO- GRAPHS, finished in the latest style, mounted on a beautiful American mount, are worth Sr. so Kelis "3%”; iit To introduce our FINE LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS, we have made arrangements to give a Having just finished Stocktaking,.we have unearth- ed a few good things for you: Remnants, short lines of different goods such as Whitewear. Men's Suits, Underwear for men and women, fc. These we are bound to clear before the Spring Goods arrive. Yon must see the goods to appreciate the Prices. LADIES' WHITE UNDERSKIR'm, the cotton alone is worth twice the price we ask. Saturday ....... .... s..... .... LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS. better quality, with lace insertion. Saturday..... '"".'............. 3lica, LADIES' BLUE FELT UNDERSKIRTS. Saturday. ... .. . . Alex. Russell. Everything in our Winter Stock must go. We do not consider what they cost; all we think of is "They must be sold" at your our: price. The Big tetoreGnd Little Prices Ab"% yle of Photo. In“; Cash for Produce Bargain Three pounds Seeded Raisins . . . . . . .. . . . . Saturday 25e I'_oypouttdsCurrants......CV. ... " 25e Malta Vita, SwIss Food, each Der nice. _ _ _ " Ifttt _ 2' Emcy plaid and stripe effects. Just a few odd lines; were 88. so. Saturday it is i Menu Menu We Quote as Follows: l Gent Robe. huge size, was I: In orger to reduce Winter Millinery“ . - Miss 1. Dick uucr to reduce our stock of Winter Goods we will sell for cash or its equivilant all Clothing. Furs, Felt Boots, Heavy Rubbers. Caps, tkc., at a big reduction. This is a gen- ulne Clearing Sale. so come and get the bargains ; they are for van He These hats are very stylish and a good quality. Colors: Brown, Navy. Champign and White. Made hats ttt Velvet and Plush at a bargain. Black Hats that were Hats that were $2 to sell at a great reduction. We will quote some prices: week of the-Big Millinery She We have about n'g Sn loo READY-TO-WEARS Heavy rs at equally low prices. Pum. new goods, 87.00 to '-..-...62.to. now 'oxed Luce Feleot,. My Rubbers. he; i, each per pkg. ... Items nakg special mention this all Felt ue) Lid Fine .. " . . . . asi.'iii,"i1'/ir.ii, ..... ... ..fdr99c were $1.50 &.... ......5125 fr79e h Grant. size. Wit-39m ...........now ar, were 88 usd 8tl.00, n In“. Caps, ac., It. This is a gen- tie, so come and ; they are for you. 37 W, mm #2256336 51166 'MiiTiircii, 75&$3.... 35c and $M0 $8.00 tlttW Wu: Wu S 1W $6.50 812.01 81.90 35.00 Ae 86m 85.00 .50 12c Wa' mu iii-DE V0 REV Rev Rev lt EV! REV R an REV It an " EV! REV!

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