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Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1905, p. 9

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r. boom»; s n dull , 1tCr'ttlfrtm 1w... As MUFACTURERS. Iton 4ing Co. KICK t. soul-u tho "no. aiaG.tid bou "not" tor Dunk... liter. be: t "'"""""--- STEDO&. CO. 'lld an East - Toronto In the mm W LCELL M1088. NO. o, 1905 Novelist: Miaasetas" trr my”: _ " 3:20. nun ' fro mm as our -iiiii. elle gulch In no. Dert. n Co., winch... " In ' M... f Fine Furs. elm-3 n nada. send for ell-log: are paylpg mug; HNG " In“: B. on non. " pu EVERY WOMAN 1'0 ring styles Ind - may In cloth. um and stamp Are " Maetion tho ll- u. Rider ','ttN v the Secret: at to proceed to u. re into and report d character at the Itrial land um.- hy the Salado. m of immigrgm 'per m the aha-peat sublets. Gub- nong woman 3 It. is bad enough , mania extend. l tighter in it. special reason Probably thug I?" the vogue um of fashion. han it is now. women so. rivate house. are hurried any my the and some of uu at; his where. a Q). qtws Tt mp an old Tt, pri ms tor m- s in I most Iaustivo ire agriculture Ice for the e question, [granulated recognition rated exer- III or- F.0d" " tn. anthem m 'salis- tend r for 18”. " an ‘YIO In non- r788 " hi: -artd mm. idle Mr. Cheney day about the of securities t admits that it Due Yesterday. Boston. Feb. 27.--Yrsterday forenoon the machinery of justice was resorted to for the first time 2 Herman Stanley Cheney, of Southbri go, in connection with his loss of securities valued at $285,000. Attorneys for Mr. Cheney 't peared before Judge Hardy in the Equity Session of the Superior Court and secur- ed a temporary injunction to prevent the payment of the G. Henry WhiteonIb note for $5,000, which was Stat, mining securities, nod was pup today st the American Loan and but ftetier: Payment n the circumstances, to act G he did. 'lhe commission refer to the Ru:- Arm Government's engagements to in- 4lt'llllllfy the victims of the deplorable incident. The report will be sent to- nmrrow by special messengers to the Illusion and the British Governments, not Ireeaure it is liable to modifications at the instance of one or the other of the Governments. the comimssion’s de- ui.‘iun being without appeal. but the commissioners do not wish the. powers inn-rested to simply learn through the ‘11?va of the last public action and the corwlusiont, arrived " There is noth- ing in the preliminary communication or report except an act of deference. The public sitting for the reading ofl the conclusions will probably be held on Saturday. The admiral, will not be in full uniform. The proceedings prolsulri.v will be closed by a. speech oft thanks by Admiral Fournier (the presi- dent of the commission), to his col- lmigun-s. Members of the commission who were seen to-night, refused either to confirm or deny the statement, but officials having favorable opportunities to judge of the results ot the 'g,",t'lg u'nhillt-r the report to be nub-tent elly correct. British Press lndignant at the Outcome. Was Within His Rights in firing on Fishermen. . Cheney was more concerned to- about the distppeennce od the box entities than ever before, and now tn that it was stolen from him. For in use tbqr In vim-c to W North Sea Commission ihr. cides for Rojestvensky. RUSSIA WINS, BRITAIN MG, THE has“? ROBBERY. Ordered Stopped on a Note P -_. iiaiaeGGnta Inning mind, the village 1:: attended. The final (e- mu is not yet known. -riiriutgariG, wail: refuge in the houses, from which t y threw bombs st the soldiers. - _ - - __ Brigand Bands Attack Greek! While Leaving Church. Salomon, Feb. 27.--A party of well- armed Bulgarian brigade surprised a number of Greeks leaving church " the village of Mismer, in the district of Vo- dena. Three were killed and seven wounded. A Bulgrian band, under the leader- shi of chengobe, entered the may. of Llu'fat in the district of Strun- niua, ad was there “tacked try a de- taehmept 9! regulars. . . - - (hallo Gandolfo, among numerous oth- or villas. contains the summer i.iifiiii'i, of the Popes. which has not been used as such since Pius IX. shut himself It in the Vatican as a protest against the]: deprivation of his temporal powers and the occupation of Rome by the Italian troops in 1870. ( Toronto, Felt. 27.-A number of inter. esting reports WPre read at the annual meeting of the Toronto branch of the local Council of Women, Miss FitzGib. bon, the President, in her annual re- port devoted eonsiderable attention to the servant problem. She pointed out that the local Council of Women had brought out some 100 young women from the old country and placed them all in good comfortable homes. The lo. cal association worked in conjunction with the British Women's Immigration Association. The girls brought to Can. ada were of a. most desirable class, and their mistresses were well pleased with them. Each girl, before leaving the old country, borrowed a. sufficient am- ount of money from a special fund in connection with the British Women’sl Immigration Association. When shcl had been placed in a position here she1 repaid the money at the rate of $2 per month. through the local Council of Women. 1 Madrid. Feb. 27.--T he roblem of pro- viding a wife for King Alfonso is pros" ling a very delicate one. It is believed Ithat Alfonso's preference is for Princess Victoria Louise, only daughter of Em. peror William, if she will consent to abandon the Lutheran and embrace the Roman Catholic faith. To this the Kat. ser in strongly oppose... The alternatives are Princess Patricia, daughter of the Duke of Conmtught, and Arehduehvss Gabrielle of Austria. The latter is favor. ed by cx-Queen Christina. who, however, does not intend to interfere with her son’s choice. Princess Patricia is a Protestant, hat it is alleged that she is willing to turn Catholic. The court is divided into cliques on the question of the king's marriage, and political and family influences are being vigorouqu exerted against each other. Meantime Alfonso is satisfied to remain unmarried for the present. llc thinks that two years hence will be won enough for him to take a wife. it is understoml that the delay in the king making his foreign visits is direct. ly owing to the marriage problem. Miss Fitz Gibbons' Report to Council of Women. m is Not Disposed to Wed His Daugh- . ter to King Alfonso. Those who witnessed the incident believe that he merely sought to shake hands with the President. He had run parallel with the carriage for more than a block and Secret Service Agent Tyree, who rode with the Presi- dent, had ordered him to get out of the way. Tyree finally called to a trooper, who quickly drew his saber, and as the man refused to stop, struck him a sound blow on the back. BY TROOPER FOR CHASING PRESI- DENT ROOSEVELT’S CARRIAGE. Philadelphia, Feb. 27.---After President Roosevelt and Emperor William had re- ceived the degree of Doctor of Law yes- terday from the University of Pennsyl- vanit, an incident occurred while he was driving from the Academy of Music to the Armory, where he was the guest of; the City Troop at luncheon. Before the, Presidential party reached the Armory an unknown man dashed into the street and got within eight or ten feet of the President's carriage. There he was struck with the flat of a saber by one of the four troopers who sur- rounded the President's carriage, and checked by the force of the blow, he staggered back and was lost sight of in the crowd. The man appeared to be a laborer about 45 years old. an, were Idppeared to be a chance of immediate erelopments; but it is ap- parent that the detectives found that they were on a wrong trail. Mr. Hyde said to-day: “I deny that there is o. feud in my family. Before my father died it w“ understood by the family that I was to have control of the 119 shares of Amer. ican Optical Company stock, since I was the only son. Mrs. Wilber called at my home in Southbridge yesterday, simply because she was naturally interest ti in the loss of my securities. .Her tron, who has come from Mexico, has telemumed me that he will see me this week in ref. ereuce to the $10.)” loan he desires for investment purposes in Mexieo." an, there 'r, immediate i Parent that they were o said to-day: lot previous theft. from the Cheney home {It Sonthbridge, and add that eome myo- ‘terioue piuerer he been " work in Mr. Cheney’s house for some time. They did not think this this! was quite up to the audacity required for the larceny of the strong box. Last night, with the suspi- cions directed toward a man and n wom- DOMESTICS FROM ENGLAND. POPE TO TAKE HOLIDAY. KAISER OPPOSES MATCH. BOLGAWAN RAIDS. HIT WITH SABER man and a vain. be, a chance of Mi“??? The follm‘v’ing resolution ,1": GG,ue -. unanimously: As it was felt that the pause of the bill would add I hurdenlto the mining end and of the ow e gre- of, this 1'a't,rS,2 it ','ggrft Workingmen of Trail Resolve Against the Smelter Bills. . Trail, B. C.. Feb. 27.---A large mass- meeting was held in the, Opera House here last night. Mayor Schofield pre- siding, for the purpose of discussing the eight hours smelter day ‘bins, "about 300 in attendance oonpiqtjng of mnp,lor, cc: of the smelter and business mint Trail. The merits of the an "wan- oughly discussed and the quéstibhfwu'a voted on by secret mama»? int 89.10! tinneigint hour 9114188 atrnirrif y, There was every mink-life thaee,m, man had not it'Hsa vio)tmrly when: he was found. lhe (-lothm ' Warn! undis- turbed, the lend um Is' Biéihk'MMh Mp sat squarely on has had ‘andmt'ér um! wood pile agaiast wh'tththscbodvu.v was not dinturbad, not " stick being knocked from the even 1' Hrs ot iqui 1g, Thrown over the man's ,lower, limbs was a heavy meal bag. _ rThere, is tvefy reason to believe that the map was HL eyes were Homily torn from the sockets, and the light checkupgpnly eaten away My tlte \‘u‘uuls rwdents Tlpe body was fully -lvessed and 'he cap was placed on the 131‘. new} head. There was no blood sputtered about the wood or on the earthen flu-Jr -;.-r on the dead, man's person. Tlu. lm-Iy was:pa,rtly m a sitting and partly in A 'lyin‘g Waning with the head 2nd Incl; ot. the ttritl; resting against the woojufy.. , _ - On the earthen "for, near the dead man's hand, was a J8-calibre revolver, with one chamber discharged, The man's face was so terribly torn and mum by rats that he was almost un- recognizable. . The man had been missing for two days, and his relatives had notified the police to look for hint. Yesterday after- noon Joseph Cumpugna, the ddad man's brother-in-law, had occasion to, go to the basement to get some wood, and there he found the lrts'y ct Rizzo, lying against the wood pile On the earthen "for, near the dead man's hand, was a 38-calibre revolver. Buffalo. Feb. 27.--A crime which has ------_---- m'vry evidence of being another myster- WANDERED WITH BABIES. inns Italian murder was unearthed short- Insane Woman and aa, Out All Night ly after 1 o'cloek yesterday afternoon, in the Wet. when the dead body of James Iuzzo, an New York Feb 27.--A lv Iri h ltnhnn laborer, 2s5 years old, “jag-found woman mu" red Gi"iikf all"",', ",,dh"/, lying at the foot. of a wood pile m the of black hair walked into Bellevue Hos- basement of the squalid tenement at Fly {WWI early -yesterday morning, carrying and Water streets. a young child in, each arm, with an Tho hum hut] Iusssr, n1kainzr for fxvo I olti boy anl.giri hanging on Mr tskirts His Face Terrlbly Tom and Eaten by Rats. Man Had Been Missing Two Days When Discovered. Dead Body of an Italian . Found in a Cellar. Judge Sedgwiek- That is right; I quite agree with you, but the act was passed before confederation, and it is in force to-day, and any employee of the Mr. Paterson ---We want to make it clear that it is within our powers. We think it is within our powers absolutely. The Attorney-General has thought so, the Private Bills Comittee thought so, but still there are people who do not think Bo, and if your Lordships would be good enough to settle the question once and forever it would be a great advan- tage to the public generally and to the Province of Ontario. Mr. Paterson went on to discuss the question of contract between a corporation and employees, and argued that the Grand Trunk. for example could not contract with their cmployees to come to Ontario andl work on Sundays. ' MURDER ill BUY [If BUFFAU]. Judge Sedgewiek--A Local Legislature can authorize a company to build a Pro- vincial railway, and they can add a clause saying that no employee of the company shall work on any of the seven days of the week. " "‘".' "u..- JV.- u-u "'"'""NV Judge Nesbitt-Now, what right has the Governor-General to ask what charters a. Provincial Government can grant.' Judge Sedgewick -The Governor-in- Council has no right to ask me how you can recover a promissory note. That in practically what you are asking. - Mr. Paterson-It has come up now, my Lord. Judge 8edgewiek--When that question comes before me I will answer it. bill. Question 5 deals with the right of Provincial Legislatures to impose com ditions relating to Sunday observant in the charters of incorporation of their own creation. _ . bill. An Ottawa report: The Supreme 001m: Judge regard the draft bill of the Lord’- Day Alliance ultra wires. In theceourse of the proceedings Mr. Patterson said .that question 5 was part of the dmft Ask Some Pertinent Questi'ims Re the Afliance's Draft Bill. rut SUPREME" COURT JUDGE] OPPOSE EIGHT-HOUR DAY. toethemto Jokes end the Sl'g'd'th'1Lgr,',"erll,r: acetate. Ittr;it leached,“ _ we; the business men of Trail and employees of the Cannibal smelting works, in mm meeting Humbled, do petition the Gov- ernment to avoid any legislation which my have the effect of bringing on these auditions ing reduction in wages, or else imrge labor disputes, and t e closing orminiiu, and shelters for an 1tsittrtiiht, period, manning in great iimncinl loan to our- Whereas a bill had been introduced in tho Provincial Legislature providing for a" maxim eight hmmUn makers. which bill, if panned; will in our opinion, have the citect of disturbing the exist. ing pleasant relations batween smelter .employees here and the smelter my" gaunt, ste,rty,tlreither in {cow-d- The wagon,” one; sent. the woman had: tu,.,l's.llyiu,c,, w, it I,.) ,9; , Wu htnec 'eiJifhr'il,,'.i 'ici),.', (tt'l',tll,rnC)ii'i'tl 1-39”- fitter tom Jfr." Tnp‘rrlph esfivlt'5..ytj 3:th patitio%iul tiidt 'itil v'i'i'i,ir'i1osil"i'/lhi"iltt; Nellie (new ph '-'fttr' ' hair's 'sive pt phen- moniu. .Shgy declared "thet the biby died. through: Ai. "oiff: "iuttrpssriégir' 'trf pot' drtysi.rWiCtyttetuttntnrgh. ' , F' "Can you give me and my little ones a place to sleep?” she asked Gatekeeper Nugent, and then burst into tears. "I had trouble With my husband last ni .rlat and took my babes out into the rain fl') ( muse I couldn't live at home any longer. We've been walking the streets for six hour's, and We’re so tired and wet and hungry." . The gatekeeper di'rected her to the city lodging house, where she described her. self as Bridget-McLaughlin, of 402 Third‘ avenue. she said, that her husband, Barney, worked in a livery stable at Fourth avenue'and Thirticth street, , The Gei-ry society Was notified to send for the twd elder children, Mamie, 'aged., o, and Stephen"; l. turf-1.x" 1rtrdtWitit, kept 2c.reir'oltr'Nelihy a'tilrNh'th7,', , mootlvs. C ' The woman had 'Bearei4yr!grme-toMotrg with her little one! snuggled tohee breast when she began-to scream fran- tically. aihrs.rr.mu,rosrrrort in.to quiet hen; "'Dona’t. not. them slartmumterimv",uh. Failed, 'TsiiM't manta Jet little Mars, irarft (he. I thought I hturdrmssed her warm enough"’.~ I ,r,... l .;, tir ""tr my" Joseph Campagma, the dead man" brothei'-iniaw, who found the body, was taken to the Franklin street sta- tion by Detective Sullivan, and ex amined. Medical Examiner Danser was summoned, and he took charge of the case. Detectives from both street station and police were summoned, and are gating the affair. The revolve}, it was noticed, was found with the barrel towards the body and was not clenched in the hand. A suicide generally retains a. death grip on a. revolver, or on falling the gun is always found with the handle honest the body. Rizzo came to this country about tén months ago. He was unmarried and had been employed as a laborer. Ho lived with the family of his brother-in- law. It was not known that he had any enemies. _ Judge Sedgewick -m, have decided that the whole draft bill is ultra vireq of the Provincial Legislature. Do you want us to argue the qubstlons? killed and then dragged into the squalid basement and the gun placed near him so as to influence. the idea that Rizzo had made away with himself. Judge Bedgewiek---Ag to factories, I have grave doubts whether these acts are ultra, vires or not. What right has n Legislature to control a particular trade? Judge ldington-You want the same power in connection with the factdries act? Mr. Paterson - Yes, my Lord. The t'aptprinfMle. _ - - 7 _ Mr. Paterson-I am not arguing any such thing, but that the Legislature has the right to prevent unnecessary labor on Sunday. A man shaving himself is a matter of his own convenience. Judge Sedgewick '--Do you contend that the Local Legislature could send me to the penitentiary for shaving my- self on Sunday'. Mr. Piitertson--Tife, get of prfvate_tu!d lotta) right. Judge Sedgewick-What right has the Provincial Legislature to make it a greater erlme'for a man to shave me than for me to shave mysel? Where do you get that right? Mr. Paterson directed attention to the Provineiat Prohibition of the right of electric companies chartered by the Pro- vince, to open parks on Sundays and also to the prohibition of Sunday shaving. Mr: Paterson - I accept that with great pleasure as . dictum of your Lord- ships, and I would be delighted. if it could be made so. F Judge Itt'tt -,The Privy Council has said so. t has said -“that the Lord’s Day law of the Province was in force in 1878," also that the Load Legislature had no power to repeal that act, and it is therefore in full force and effect. l Grand Trunk or Canadian Pacific Rail- way, or any person, is liable to fine or imprisonment, if hé violates the act as it was before Itl67.Crliat is part of the criminal law. Mr. Aitersum-t do my lord anpw Jhtt td blame? and T deserve the Franklin headquarters nuw investr ns a. matter 'N Wand. .51“. time“: followed the Cm Bank” to; more than e mile to tld n. wefnhhon, "rhente 71h. body 'ikitt? shipped to the coachmen's late home for buriel. The eoechman in now included in the mice " the Clmdoff Monastery. After the mention of Grand Duke Bel-gins he is described by the priests u the “may no.» The train, which was running tieGCii Nelson ind Proctor, twenty miles gun was carrying passengers to connect, with the Crow’s Nest Pass branch. The pas- senger coach was overturned, and lies bottom up. The heat from the" stove caught the wdodtvork, but the train crew put tturttre out. There was no a " punt cause for the car 'jumping_ TL switch 3-1de . . ' . Grand Bum Followed Murdered Conch- . Ian's Coffin on Foot. Moscow, Pitt: 27.-Grnnit Dueling numb. widow of Grand Duke Bers ifus, nM-theufmfhl' “when of tumult-mi who wu may», the “my ,7“ch aged 'thg a.» 015.: "0:0. tttii'ehrtha'i / iititi ‘3 “(Tn-t for ER; Which 'lf11)'haili/it fl' 'ed',fJhlf'il wftif thelead 'lf'",":',)',",)',',',"-", shMten th but thd other fiht fed Rut tstilriniGr hiytrtws that'they renewed their journey 1sefore their' may: It", -aecund by the rpm“. 'I‘Vx‘inmuver. Feb. 2r.-a-Beren passe-"gen mu, 'ot "ttettJserewtiere inittrtW6tt'h a . ' ' . t [ l " Fr Ff _ r, Lauadnan A'aelfle, hwy 437*)?” {he "WM 'tts, WERE Pt v_l?st.cct,ii,r/s.si'i'nt,.is.rr't.-', may Titkr/. iwsittiifiiiay.' Only one "when?! the/it te,Tiv,t.rs, in'u'y. PW”)? _ may; "tttttbeg. ngg _'i'lii,r,',c',ii'piiiii, i/ht", my“? 'i,')'))';))'?;:.')).",,)')) "rs win an 71.15“er backl- Southampton, Eng.-George w. Ray. non captain of the turbine stun! ytteht Lorena, owned by A. L. Barber. of New Yank. Was kilkd to~duy'by a fahiirmn the .otegps leading'hm" the chart mum touta, lower deck! The Lorena 61.11er on,xa. throermosttbts't {3111535 Iyectqday 'uttW,,eloarter of A. st'. Singer. Serioug Accident oicae c. P. R. at _" q". t" Koptgw‘baka... 1,r-tt w" San 1?ratieiseo.--The mail steamer Von- tum, sailing toHay for syfiney, N. S. W., carries a large number of deer, elk, get-so, and ducks. They Were purchased in this country by the' New haland Govern. mont. which has appropriated 8t.'?rToyor. stocking the country With dtHeiertt: kinds'of game. _ ' _ F , Chicago.- President Wm. R. Harper, of the University of Chicago, passed a vom- fortable night at the Presbyterian hos. pital, following yesterday’s surgical op- eration for cancer. His condition to-uay, according to the physicians was favor, able. St. JohmsurriAhtuthtut Itosss, ior. mer Chief Juslico htthc Supreme Court of the Stato of Vermont. and former U. S. senator, died. at a hospital to-day of injuries received on Tuesday afternoon, when his slt-igli was struck by a train and Mrs. lines was killed. Residing, Pa.---;,) guests at' tu, Hotel Penu, had a narrow escape early to-day from a fire which originated in the clothes closet mod by the bell Days on the first floor. Washingun.-lhe Senate Committee on thei’?‘ inc; to-dny authorized a favq‘blg 'i'iirf,'.tt2,' House bill reris- Pitili Wham]. mg: Cape May, Va--- in the vicinity of (I wvlre destroyed by which broke out in More. Columbia, Mo.--ilvv. Dr. J. A. Lefevre, at one time Moderator of the Presbyter- ian General Synod of the United States, is dead here, aged 75 years. Lrndon.--The rate of discount of the Bank of Enghuur was unchanged Lrday at 3 per cent. I "Chicago, Itt tr-A silent prayer for the amount“ President Harper, of the _ University Milling, who has been op- _ erated upon ' (tle Presbyterian Htwpital. was offered thtt.tpdiehee atmembled in Orchestra t l to eelebrdte the birthday anniversary ' Washington. The pro- grunme wags arranged by th Union League Clu§.; Before pronounehg- tit final benedimn and with his head still bowed, Dr. Stone. of St. James' Episco- pal Chureh,htrked that the audience ni- main “811% "Let us for a, moment invoke the axing of God upon that man, eminentmcholar, that friend of us all, President Harper. who is undergoing such a serious operation, that he speed- ily may be matured to us and to his work." Ik'..Stone, after a moment‘s silence, began to repeat the Lord's, prayer. The audience followed him. Alrout2.tot persons thutfatdded their petitions to those that had been offered at the Uni. versity of Chicago and over the city. two mousum‘ PEOPLE PLEAD not UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT. the ci PASSENGER. CAR UPSET. TORONTO A, woman PRAYQFOR HARPER. NEWS IN BRIEF Twenty-one buildinL's 1pe May Court howe, fire early to-day Yuungson's hardware TRIBUTE. 'r'2'r.Ct.trtrr-----., -----.-_i-" e Home bill rows» tariff laws of the " an. Mrs. Williama' toe was amputated Boon ma it We! injured. She arrived from Cleveland yesterday inflating from Mood poison and the physician she . malted mold her that her f t would h to u bummed. nu. wmliam. w in bulb t"Keiitetd nary ro'om wheat 'r shot herself. She had not been (low to baddest, and her meal was ttnfl2t her try her 'tine-rear-old dn . ' " tt'S,tti','l"t; Tth 'tletter' vu the room _ lick - 300314)}. navy/W Idf‘l . Philadelphia, Feb. 27,4qu. Mary Wil- liams, a chorus girl, who was kmm't: on the stage as Miss Marv Wientz, hum a toe three years ago. The injury result- 104 in 'eomp1ieavicns that recently have prevented her f mm t1apeiupr. Jim-3mm ofvthkisbe shot and killed herw0f to-dly ttet. lube or he": mother on Blur-wood . . ' ' Chorus Girl Kills Herself on Learning That Amputation is Necessary. tii/ir riii,lik, 811m“; 'h/ands' k (' _ ' WWWNN .r-' I :U "'fr Some tradesmén have recuuuy brtm, suit: against Mrs. Brady in the dim 'Coupt.se over unpaid hills. Mrs. Br: refused to pay the billn and referred chlvimaqts to het. hudmnd, who in l' retdsed to pttruithe ground that itts will]: his wife alimony. When court nihouruod" for rocoqx. a young man followed Mu. Brody " Chambers street and as she was abnuL to step into her marriage lapped her on the "WouHer with a. paper. Mrs. tMvdy brushed him aside and stopped into the oaraiage. 'Jhon the young man thtvtr lhe paper into tbc carriage. ”I: nah! in- dus lag-ting for n law firm, but rotuwd' toutlet any other-informal ion. (Jousmel for ,Brady said that he knew of no Ptitor that mttitwrved on Mrs. Brady. Thr. Hull ittrht itonthrtted' to-morrow. _ George W. Steamy. proprietor of tho Hotel \‘idoriu testified that Brady came to Mm on November l, and mid that a lady was coming to town on trttro tnm and asked to have a suite rem-n- ed for her. The young woman was Miss Mackenzie. The price of the tmite was to a day. ' Brady’s counsel, after denying amu- lutoly that the defendant ever "annuit- ted any wrong with the (“respondent put him on the witness stand. Brady said that he met Miss MneKonzio first It a. supper table in the lyttted Statu- Hotel in Boston, in lkcrmlmr. 1903: Hunt he had soon her at Itvisenewbvru Howl; at her parents' home in Toronto and in Milwaukee. He had gone to Milwaukee on business. lw said. mu trip to lilgm. also. he dwlared Km on busineli, to Bell the products of his btetory. "hell hole," he and his wife had mum.) on different Pmom. Gus. W. Solkey, who shadowed Br uly in this city and in the Wvret, totd of having foliawed him on the night of Au- gust Mr through Chinatown and back to the Circle Ilotnl in Wost Fift.v-ei,urlr1lt street, whore Miss MacKeMie was liv. ittg..L'rtuly threatened to have him M'- rested after returning lo the hotel. 'ar. key said on crow examination that Ln was a native of Boston; that he had been a. pnwnhrokor and that he had surv- ad time in Mitr-maeltutatttr, for tummy, but was not guilty and had been pardon. ed. He is now a law clerk. SUICIDE BECAUSE " A FOOT. Not less than il dozen private demo- tiven were culled to tell of automobile trips and cab drives Brady had talu-u with the co-respondvnt. Mary O’chfc. a maid, tsstiftml LII“ Mrs. Brady, an fur back as August of last your, notion! that her husband was growing eold Io- ward her. On July 6 Brady n-fluwd to do the carving. and said run words which Mary refused to row-t in the court room, outer that nutter” any where else. When Mr. Brady left home. declaring that he “his going to law the "hell hole," hp and his wife had rooms New Yahweh. 4WG'sh mum MI- ed the Supreme Court room, Part ll. and flowed out into the corridor, listta. ed yesterday to the testimony in the shit of Sadie I',. Brady, the grand- ‘ln'b'ht‘T. Pl 1“ M. tsipkrrthe lowing whachixw men, hr an dhtotite divorce from her husband, Daniel M. Brady, pm sidvnt of the Brady Brass Company. The former Fairy Queen in "The Sleep- ing Bounty and the Beast," Gertrude Man-Kunzlo, who in named as correspond- ent, bang guilty, it is alleged, of impro- prietivs with Mr. Brady in the Ctrcle Hotel in this city, and in a hotel in lil- gin, Ml.. was again in the court mum, as were also Brady and Mrs. Brady. lun' mother, Mrs. Isaac M. Sing”. Ind 40" oral of Mrs. Pmuly's relatives. Wherever He Has Gone With Toronto Woman. 'l?stiifi,lt"jPiiyii)iiiiii! X $300923.» momma , . i Dozen Private Detective: Have Been Trailing Him AGRA DIAMOND IS SOLD "re- Gt', © - 'ing from , she mid l it, v a ttJe, H31." he if

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