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Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1905, p. 1

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‘tle Pr:ices sell. Grant. OÂ¥( a~ connnennenenee ~ mmnenuuns: we Millinery® 25th Feb. nt 178 35¢ and nearthâ€" $6.50 1 $1.50 £0€ ®( )C ts §Wwwwwwwwmwwmml l as The Cash Store H. H. Mockler fl S Just a Few e e e e o o o o io i e e on We beetedeatien on wl se se d wan en nemeg rem on rele on on es w on praue on eartedt ren m ane w Chtuie CCCR VOL. XXVIIL NO 9 Cretonnesâ€"â€"in new colors,â€"all weights, from NEW ART SATEENS AND CRETUNNES DAINTY EMBROIDERIES FOR SPRING â€"mbroidery Edgings and Flouncings . ... . .5¢ to 40¢ yd. * Insertlons and Breadings. . . ...5¢ to 30¢ yd. New Goods for Spring & New Raincoats New Dress Goods James Ireland.~ ~£ ® , ~ dn diitaiesri io pitis iL codafan = / us for room. ‘That‘s one reason why we‘re giving such bargains in sall lines of winter goodsâ€"genuine bargains on good goods. The sateens are in new and pretty patterns quilts, cushiods, &e, light and dark colors. Are constauntly arriving and are crowding fls 9@ Lull & Fashion tor 1905 favors very strot{gl y the lovely new Emâ€" broideries. _ We are prepared with a large range in all widths, close and open patterns; also Insertions and Breadings. j The garment that above all urites handsome appearance. _ These new c bearutiful than these of other seasons. The prices are very reasonable too, for the cravenettes in new styles are trom Department. _ The latest fabrics are now in stock the popula: colors are well represented. _ Some of the favored goods are viole. crepeâ€"deâ€"chene, mohairs, arma as well as the heavier Tweeds and Suitings. L We wish to draw special attention to our Dress Goods Py ce edi Ecss wipus h Wc nies These new ones are even more l urites usefulness with a lors, 20 & 25¢ ydâ€" «> ... .10c yd up $5 to 12 , suitable \ Wednesday, Feb, 2. was the date of | a pleasant gathering at Mrs E McClockâ€" lin‘s, Sr, to witness the marriage of her daughter, Cora, to Mr John Nicholls of Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev Rural Dean Ryan, after which congratulations were offered and dinner partaken of. The bride looked her hest in blue voile over red taffetaisilk and was attended by her sister, Miss Minnie. Mr Thos McClocklin supported the groom. The happy couple left on the 3 p. m. train for their future home in Torontoâ€" where a reception awaitad them. The bride‘s going away dress was brown broadcloth, tailorâ€"made, brown beaver hat with white plume, pSoll *A | ' Then there was Mr. George Fox, the genius of the yiolin. The shadows were ifullimz in the church and the last rays of light were being filtered through the siained glass windows as he played his second numkler, "Storia de au Ore" (Bevern) in the afternoon. As he drew the bow across the strings, the theme rose like a prayer of faith and hope. Until the last thrilling note, the audiâ€" ence listened motionless and absolutely quiet, and only the restriction, "Please refrain from applause," kept him from receiying an ovation.â€"Detroit Free Pree. Will appear in the Town Hall, Durham, Thursday, March 9th, at the Violinâ€"Piano Revital. a | hxÂ¥ | eSel | _ Mr. Alf. Jack, the obliging driver of the Durham stage, met with a painful {accident on Friday evening. He and f some other young fellows were scuffiing | when Alf, fell upon a bottle of medicine | which he had in his hip pocket and the broken glass made an ugly cut in fleshy lpart of his right hip. Dr. McCullongh dressed the wound, and he remained at the Campbell House until Tuesday, when he was taken to the Owen Sound 1 Hospital,â€"Chatsworth News, J 0d | , Buy or BUILD.â€"A meeting of the session, trustees and managers of the | Presbyterran Church was held on Tuesâ€" day to discuss the Manse question, l While the church has an eligible site of its own to build on where the old Presâ€" ‘ byterian church stood, the sense of the meeting was that it would be cheaper to buy than to build and a committee consisting of C L Grant, Jas Ireland, and R MacFarlane, Jr, were appcinted J to receiye offers from anyone having‘ suitable property, l parents over the loss of their loved one. ’ The soft, dreamy gliding of the bow |husked away all other sounds and ;thoughts, and the voice of the violin [ had the room to itself. Thereare times ‘when Mr. Fox seems especially inspired, | and this last effort was a good instance, | Prolonged and sager applause succeeaed in reâ€"calling once more the popular vioeâ€" ;linist. whose talent is only equalied by his generosity.â€"London Free Press, [DP(-emher 1904, Will appear in Town Hall, Durhaim, Thursday, March 9th, t Violinâ€"P1ano Recital, ‘ | . BSCARLATINA.â€"Mr. and Mrs, J. W, ‘Blvth, Varney, have been severely aftâ€" flicted by the death of their little fourâ€" yearâ€"old son, Willie, on Sunday last from the above disease. Two other members of their family are ill, but we trust may soon be restored to vigorous health. _ We join in the sincere sympaâ€" thy being extended to the sorrowing parents over the loss of their Inved ana |_ _ SEEDING In ;S(nuh Grey, w | Snow is all gone east ploughing [ gress. _ Our time |_ PEEDING IN MANITOBSA. â€" Act ually ;S(mib Grey, what do think of that ? | Snow is all gone at Calgary, and further east ploughing and seeding is in proâ€" ’ gress. Our time‘s coming, A very successful Box Social was held last Thursday evening at Mr Dan G1eenâ€" wood‘s, Edge Hill, under the auspices of the Methodists of town. A large crowd principally young townspeople, were ‘ hospitably entertained, and the proceeds amounted to over $20, l _ Congratulations to Miss Lizzie Adams , Dromore, who toâ€"day, Wednesday, in | the‘ brigh est of sunshine, is uniting hand and heart with Mr Philips, of Galt .i Amongst the number reported ill this week is Mr. John McCalmon, of Varney, father of Mrs, James Ferguson. We bope the genial but aged pioneer has healthy days still in store. Good heavy serviceable team for sale, Apply to J. W. CRawrorp., Durham, March 2nd, 1905. A budget from our busy Priceville correspondent, received just as we are made up. We will do it justice next week. Extra ‘Choice Clover, Timothy and other grass seeds at MacFarlane‘s Drug Store, March came in like hope it will close as ir saw to the contrary. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 9 ~0OwW NE ZOPICS ns to Miss Lizze Adams toâ€"day, Wednesday, in f sunshine, is uniting with Mr Philips, of Galt like a lamb, and we as innocently, the old m Review. | VALENTINE SOCIAL.â€"On Friday evâ€" ening last, the workers of Trinity church had a unique affaur in Calder‘s Hall which passed off most successfully., As the gentlemen came in at the door they were presented with valentines containâ€" ing verses duplicated by others in the possession of the Iadies, and the mating of these verses and their owners furnâ€" ished no little amusement. There was a good turn out and & literary program carried out of some excellence, Speechâ€" es were barred. MrH H Mockler sang a couple nf songs in good style, being assisted in the chorus by some of the company. Perhaps the crowning piece of the evening was the selection from Shakespeare, in which was displayed to good advantage the fine dramatic talent of Mr Ed McClocklin. Miss Brooker gave a humorous reading from "Mrs. Wiggs in the Cabbage Patch," which aroused enthusiasm and fine songs were sung by Misses Kress and Davis and by the McUlocklin twins in natty sailor suits. Refreshments were served at a halfâ€"way stage in the program. 1 THr New AssEssmExTt Act.â€"A great ! deal of interest atta‘ches to the work of the Assessors this year, owing to the | New Assessment Act and the variations 'from the old. The distinctive feature | is the recording separate values for land ! and buildings, and the fixing of the \"Business Assessments" on a percentage of the Real Estate value, this is 35 per cent for retail establishments, 60 per cent on wholesale, higher on hotels and . we are told as high as 150 per cent on breweries, We welcome to our columns & letter from Mr David Allan, Clerk of Egremont, who writes it up lucidly, and has opinions of his own as to ite merits. Onsuch an important matter we think Mr Allan‘s suggestion of a school or Conference of Assessors is an excellent one. Our columns are open to any who can speak from experience on this matter, i A Growing MARKET.â€"Just lately we asked Clerk Vollet what the market | fees of 1904 amounted to, and were . sup prised to learn that the town revenue was benefitted to the extent of $368 from this scurcer This represents a large volume of business and is an index of the prosperity of the district. The sum is nearly double what was obtained { not so many years ago, and nearly $100 I ahead of 1903. By the number of deliv-l eries taking place, 1905 promises to break the reécord: Yia nrm»raanlaka town and country on this indicates. __Dox‘r MaxK® COnERsE.â€"We have reâ€" ceived a circular from the Montreal Produce Merchant‘s Association warnâ€" ing daityâ€"men against the practice of making fodder cheese. It is generally of an inferior quality, injures our repuâ€" tation on the British market and during the present season with its shp;"t : mil«k, of much less val im .l, Wherever possihle: M should be manufactured from milk« ml Nov. 15 to May 1. This is the snhst‘abgpi of the cirealar. Ew _ ALMOST a BLAzr:.â€"Saturduy night in the absence of Mr E. Dean and his eldest daughter, two of his younger children attempted to mend the fire, To hurry it up they had recourse to the coal oil can, and after using some on the fire placed the can on the stove, ~It soon exploded and a passerâ€"by hearing the report went in and saved malters, One of the youngsters, whose hair got: afire, ran out and stuck his head in ai snowâ€"bank ! _A "Violinâ€"Piano Recital" w en in the Town Hali, Durhan day, March 9, by Mr. Geo. Fox, Violinist, and Mrs. Newton, Concert Pianiste. Dr. Brown, and other talented yocalists w As there has been a request for seats the plan of the hall may at McFarlane‘s Drug Store. i and 35 cts. GOSBIPPING.â€"One of _ New â€" York‘s ministers advises women not to marry any man unless they know his past. That would be no difficulty in Dundalk for some of the neighbors would be deâ€" lighted to supply history of that kind to all that ask, and frequently | without asking.â€"Herald. Assessor John McDonald of Glenelg is on h‘s rounds and so we presnme are David McIntyre, of Egremont, and Mr Jacklin, of Bentinck. They‘ll have lots of explanation to make. or on subscription, would deliyer it at once, WELCOME LtGnxts.â€"After two weeks * oiling up, " citizens welcomed the 1eâ€" turn of the lights on Tuesday night, the burnt out part having been repaired. A Song Service will be held in the Baptist church next Sunday eyening, March 5th. All are invited. Woop.â€"We will be obliged i who promisedâ€" us wood either fo D.â€"we will be obliged if those romisedâ€" us wood either for cash subscription, would deliyer it at record. We congraaulate E* ""'""l\' -vufi?llfi C e1 MiSTIreL Ano dHEng | ow nqder Bay and Rainv River 1 with its shortage.of |stBet$) in <Ontario‘, and Mr Whin s valge thay .1 ._ y h ; to it that they are not sto tured froin milkâ€" fpml "e ~ â€"O:sens@ion, more or Tess favoratb This is the substancte â€"Ageswn intthe press over the inserti *~ 'J 4 ene%.gpruvincml Constitations \REET â€"Just . lately| Sep&®ate '?11001 clauses, and the pr let what the market |PPEA! @0 annual subsidy from o( rane 1 were sa2"| DoBiW#n in lieu of Provincial cont ed to, and were. sur | of lan@s. . The discussion in the Hor Eothe knurn mmbremis: 1 t % ONTA next Sunday eyening, ire invited. McDonald of Glenelg r. Geo. Fox, Toronto, . Newton, Durham, Dr. Brown, Holstein, Recital" will he giv the prosperity , Durham, Thursâ€" quest tor reserved hall may be seen Store. lickets 25 alists will assist. TORONTO TERMS :â€"Sums of $5 and ander, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ eredit on approved joint notes 4 per cent discount for cash in lieu of notes. Jaxues McVrEAix, _ Hucon MacKay, All will be gold without reserve as the property has been sold. Sale will commence at 1 o‘cleck, sharp. rack, Fanning mill with bag attachâ€" ment, set double harness, 2 set plough harness, wheel barrow, 10 or 12 tons good hay, a quantity of turnips, grain cradle, water trough. torks, chains and other articles too numerous to mention. Implements &c.: Masseyâ€"Harris binâ€" der, McCormick mowar (good), grain sower, cultivator, horse rake, plâ€"ugh, set iron harrows, scuffier, gang plough, turnip sower, nearly new, set bobâ€" sleiggs,“neag'l y new, waggon, waggon The following valuable Farm Stock, Implements, &e¢.: Horse 7 yrs old, horse rising 12 yrs. old, 2 aged horses, 3 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 heifer rising 3 years old in calf, 4steers rising 3 years old, 2 heifers rising 2 years old, heifer rising 1 year old, 2 steers rising 1 year old, 7 ewes supposed to be in lamb, brood The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Pablic Auction at Lots 26 & 27, Con. 2, Normanby, on Farm Stock and Implements. d1, con. 1, N D R, Glenelg, offers for sale his Farm Stock and Implements and Household Furniture. Sale at 1 o‘clock sharp, Terms :10 months credit on apâ€" proved joint notes, 5 per cent discount tor cash. D. McPHAIL, Auctioneer Durham, Feb, 22, 1905, About 7 miles from Durham on the Garafraxa Road. â€" Title good. _ Possesâ€" sion at once, must be sold. Apply to 100 Acre FARM for SALE 1 EY (unilliietteaii T 017C t e 0areet Tt cmzme ‘ea â€"~U n, more or lessfavorable, | _ ‘Heathep Brae Farm " tor Sate : on infthe press ove: the inserting the newâ€"Provincial Constitations of yan R Sepmeute Sghoo! clauses, and the prinâ€" %m?.l.‘fnn‘i"?:ffi'.fi'fffi’,\.'1",'5.': o ie k. _g’opfl' f an annual subsidv from the GCon. 1J ; u; No 15, Con, 13and S} I Domison in lieu of Provincial control 16, con 13 all in the township of Es of lan@. , The discussion in the House : mont, County of Grey, Ont., in ail in q week or so promises to be an inâ€" Iancres of first class well watered farm: tercstifi® one. } lands of which about 225 a2cres are un niy"p, 71 ?Ne manchurian plains for 10| days back and Russia is being driven | baek on Mukden. _ As all the reports | comle through Russian sources, it will‘ Certainly: be no better than reported. | *# i . Nv I "£â€"Manitoba is casting longing eyes | Thuader.Bay and Rainy River Disâ€" | in rio . and Mr W hitney | * Fhat they are not stolen | tâ€"A great battle bas been in p gress on the Manchurian plains for Unlne d L. c uns c c n O is e Friday, March 10.â€"John â€"The Legislature is called to meet on March 22, promptly announced as soon as Mr Whitney‘s cabinet had all been returned by acclamation. day.â€"Confed Credit Auction Sale VX vaus : uqe nc 0200 000 9 prrPel about 6 yrs, of age, living for time near Cheltenbam, Ont., a moving to the 14th con. of E; at i time when all the hardship early settlers were felt, She m ried in Jan. 1879 to Ar A. C Arthur Tp. She was much lo respected by all who knew her Friday, March 10th, 1905, op, . _ / ; _ "Cfe while only $100 exempâ€" tion is given under the same conditions to ‘‘nonâ€"householders." With an even handed justice, however, we hasten to say that it works both ways i. e. applies to hoth sexes, so that a ‘union of t wo **nonâ€"householders" would be a clear saving $600 in their assessment. He was a longâ€"headed chap that drew that up. Mts. Alex Calder, who died in Arthur Tr.. on Monday after a very painful illness, was horn in Islay, Scotland, and oame to Canaidin wirh mLL 2. . . "1 OS d ‘ AERTP CV ETX ~~"~ reatures of the A«=sessment Act is virtually a tax on bachelorsâ€"long spoken of, here it is at last. It works this way : Ap exemption of $700 1s given under certain â€" conditions to "househ »lders" while on!ly $400 exempâ€" tion 1s given under the same ennditina . Pucdiw cil & I , 1905. i _ We still have some bargains in Wall ! Paper left.â€"MacFarlane & Co. We jom in the s mpathy which is being extend=d to lf'r C Mclnnes, Yeoâ€" vil, and family over the loss of his daughter as recorded in our obit cary not:ices this week. l THE Axxcar MERTING of the Shareâ€" _bolders of The National Portland Ce». ment ‘Co. is in progress in Toronto this week, Director G. McKechnie went down Monday morning. _ MrCalder is also in attendance, leaving Monday afâ€" ternoon. We have no report. A Tax ox BACHRLORS â€"One of the new features of the A«=sessment Act is virtually a tax on Imohelurs-lung spoken of, here it is at last. It works fh‘s way : \ An exemunricls 9" Soutks Proprietor. _ Auctioneer SALE REGISTER, 18 J. P. TErrorp. fhg t Mclonis, lot been in proâ€" reels for little money. Here we n:t some of the goods that will go | very last : | Jardinieres Flower Pots. Shells, Fancy \Plates, Pipes. Purses, Hand Bags* , Mouth O?'am, Violins, Razors, Lead \Penecils, Envelopes and Pads. | Also a lot of Silverware of the best Makes. 48 Waltham Watches Ladies‘ land Men‘s Sizes. 103 Solid Gold Ihnf:. Children‘s, Ladies‘ and Men‘s _ A lot |of high class Jewelery, conststin{r of \Chains, Lockets, Brooches, Bracelets, Charms, Cuff Links and Tie Pins. We will also put 150 CLOCKS in this Sale, which we bought very ; ch;:g some time ago. Watch onr I Window. R. B. KEELER i SQN$ Two Thousand Dollars wor th of Brand New Goods bought by us at 50c on the Dollar. Just halt what they are worth i nulcg s im SOC emany osp iice, \Church, Sawmill, and other convenien | ces within one mile. _ Bell Telephone |Co‘s line on the premises, The above HMands are well urupted for ether grain | growing or Dairy Farming as it is beanâ€" |tifumly watered by a branch of the Sau. geen river and never failing springs ’u.nd four wells, _ About 7 acres under Fall Wheat ; possession given in uiume for spring work. The farms will be sold separately if required. Title unâ€" disputable. Terms to suit purchaser at 5 per cent per aunum. Inspection inâ€" vited. Apply to Chu:,Mcl'r.u't,i",nOwner, or Chas, Ramage | fNCsS 0f which about 225 acres are under ‘cul(iwuiun. balance 10 arcres maple sugar bush and seyeral acres cedar !swum . _ The farm is situated 10 miies | from fit. Forest, 5 miles from Holstein, !g(l'_hoo! House on â€" farm, Post Oflice, Yeovil P. 0, Feb. 14th, 1905. MA | MARRIED. McLraxâ€"MCARTHRURâ€"At the Baptist , Parsuonage, Muloch, Feb, Ist, by Rey, | C, E. Pineo, Duncan McLean, of Benâ€" MclxxrEsâ€"At Yeovil, on J Elizabeth Deck, eldest Charles Melones, J. P., 25 yrs., 8 mos,, 15 days. nawnhErNcEâ€"inwileneig, on the 20th inst,, to Mr and Mrs James Lawrence, a daughter. BWEIGERâ€" In Sullivan, on the 21th inst, to Mr and Mrs John Sweiger, a son, uy 6e ~~ P porra® and be able, not only to meet all enâ€" gagements, but to pay a reasonable dividend. [Elsewhere will be found another acâ€" count kindly furnished us by one of the auditors.â€"REd.] Our Handsome Illustrated HOLâ€" IDAY NUMBER is given free to all â€"who pay or have paid their subscription to the REvi®Ew up to and for 1905. Bariance of the year free to new subscribers for 85c. NOW is the time to renew or subâ€" scrihe. Address a" s»rders to THE REVIEW, DUKMHAM, Ont. ‘ Onlyâ€"â€"â€"$1.00â€"â€"â€"Aâ€"â€"Year. ““““ml Now for the greatest bargains Durham ever put out. Come with the crowd and carry away big uP y avtss l Nt A Huasd cfount, it can easily be sees what a fit to the town such aa industry is we may be permitted to hope that added experience and the turnout excellent article it may #0 an nracn 4A WRENCRBâ€"I n Glenela NY . H. Lauder resigned Calder was appointed in other four members bein tinck, to Je Glenelg, i looa uy 2220 00 CoF Ceameurse OL $15,800 and with a profit of over $3,000 against similar totails for 1903 of 60 000 dollars‘ worth, at an expense of $106,000 and profits of $5,000, Owing to stopâ€" pages and other drawhnolre tha Yhs ai._l.. The Annual meeting of the Darham Furmture :« , limited, was held in the Town Hall l+st week, Owing to the regrettable illness of Bec‘y Redford, Manager Catton had more than his share of the presentation. During the year about 50000 dollar‘s worth of furniâ€" m:v had been sold at an expense of MCY $ COTLODC Ond on tss PA (C . Landed! Furniture Co. Annual Meeting. They Have â€"FREEâ€"FREEâ€"FREEâ€" CHAS RAMAGE, Perater axo Posursuce, CALDER A DIRECTOR anneite MacArthur, of me unpreparedness with ts a postponement of the proposed but ultimately, DIED e and the turnout of «n it may go on prospering t only to meet all enâ€" to pay a reasonable BORN +0 4 Revirw Office, Durham . Feb. 23, 1905, . daughter of Yeovil, aged that with ind p# Va

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