West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Mar 1905, p. 1

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Pa per " re hbinets. Butter. ick. ms Dr mer MIS 3.333935:gamxgmxsxmgmmmmfi Ji New Dress Goods I New Goods for Spring iiii_ ?,iriiimsitsiaaaaesixiismggnrzggsnsiiasrxii" VOL. xxvu. No. 10 NEW ART SATEENS AND CRETUNNES DAINTY EMBROIDERIES FOR SPRING Embroidery Edgings and Flouncings. . . . . dk to 4h yd. " Insertions and Breadings. . . ...5c to ak yd. New Raincoats James Ireland. Are constantly arriving and are crowding us for room. That's one reason why we're giving such bargains in all lines of winter goods-genuine bargains on good goods. Fashion tor 1905 favors very strongly the lovely new Ear. broideries. We are prepared witha large range in alt widths, close and open patterns; also Insertions and Brcndings. The garment that above all unites handsome appearance. These new I hvnmiml than thaseof other seasons. The prices are l erv reasonable too, for the cravenetces in. new styles are trom . --e ___ '"eV -- -- vu- Ivr-VVVIIVU‘C. Yum“ V. M favored goods are viola. erepe-de chene. mohnirs, armnm as well as the heavier Tweeds and Suitings. ' F We wish to draw special attention to our Dress Goods Department. The latest fabrics are now in stock and the PTula colnrs {we well represented. Some of the igr These new ones are even more I iiiiititttrit unites unefulness with $5 to 12 Epeg Business Coilege a. week ago last might. for organization purposes air. i' M. W. McBride occupied the chair. The . election of omcers was the most import- 'ant business looked after, and it was Heft with the committee to arrange for , future meetings. The oMeers am: Put. iron. EarlGrey; hon. pres, J. H. Ash- ‘down; hon. vice-pres" Theo. Adair, C. F. Brown; pres.. Dr. J. J. white; lat _ vice-pres., George W. Donald; 2nd vice- pres., A. L. Bond; 2rd yice-pres., James Hunter; sec.. Willard P. Malone; treats. Jos. A. Christie: historian, Theo. Adair; chaplain, Rev. Geo McDougal; auditors, W. McQuaker and J. E. Atkins; repre- f sentativeq of the townships: Artemesia, F Henderson; Bentinck, It, S. Brown; Collingwood township, A. E. Brown; Derby, D A. McKenzie; Egremont. A. ;E. Rae; Euphmsia. Thomas Paynter; ‘Glenelg, Chas. Lang; Holland, William IMcUride; Ke pol. I. A. trtivertttotne; Normanhy. van. Warden; Osprey. w. i”rinkwater; Proton, Geo. B. Horton; a? Crigtr.ent, 3.0% "deal-IL: 'urwnh, IA. L. Bond; Mnrkdale. J. mtnter.---O, {Bound Bun. [Where's Durham we 'wonld like to know? We nominate Billy thrilow.-Md.) l THAT NEW RAunrAt-Ltsat week’s 'Hanover Post has ii letter from H. H. Miller, M. P, which gives army view 'of the pro-ipects for an east and west 3riiilway passing through Durham from l Hanover to the east. The Review al- .ways held that the company first to ;come through here has a good thing. I and we hope to see this 66 walkertcn and i & Lucknow Railway,” as the name is at [ present, take a more ambitious title be. ‘fore long. The terms of the. hill are: tThe name, as above; may extend trom 1 Hanover through Durham to a. point on l the U P R between Flesherton and Dun- Edalk; from Lucknow to Winghtun ', ‘from Teeswater to Kincardine; each to he commenced within two years and completed Within fire. MrMiller's let. "er states that the Act. has passed the _ Railway Committee, will llllllOif. surely paw the Senate and he thinks the work Will be proceeded with without delay, and hopes it may contribute to the growth and prosperity of Hanover and the district supplied. R. J .Stinson l Sullivan. Dr. Rom. Craw- ford; Sydenham, E. H. Newman, Jr. The representatives of the towns are- (Ewen §oun_d. fi. W. Dough}; Mental-d. Co. GREY m WrsNrmro.-Over two two hundred enthu.eastie Grey Old Boys pet Ill tt.te Ateas.ylr Hall of the Winni- l I'here never' was a panel m any local- ity that gave all the news. Persons often come and go that the reporter does not see. It often happens that. a [family IS mined several times. They get the impression that the paper does ’not care to mention them. It is a mis. take. The paper has no ill-feeling. nor Hapite nor enmity against. anybody. Do not he afraid to Rive us items of Interest. Perhaps you think the paper shows parlin ity, hut trv and see if it doean't treat you well it given achnuce, If you l don't see us to tell us of any happening: I or news items at. your homes, call Itl the ofBee or drop it in the potttotttee, hut don't fail to give your name so we I will know there is no mistake about it. waNreo.--An experiem-ed girl at once. Apply to Mrs. DI. Jamieson. We regret that several budgets of correspondence and other important matter have to he held ovpr mi. ' DURHAM, THURSDAY. MARCH tr, 1905 may 'e"tT ii'i?i)ottrrqgte iiii2Sihiiét'i tit TERMS :--Silrttt, of 85 under, cash ; over that amount 10 months' credit on approved joint notes. 5 per cent. dis. count for cub in lieu of notes. HUGH WgSriortmir Jumping The following valuable Farm Stock, Implements, tke... Spun working mares 9 and 10 veers, Span mare colts rising 3 years, well matched. Three-year-old horse, Horse celt rising 2 years old, Mere colt rising 1 veer old, 7 Cows supposed to be in calf. 2 Steers rising 3 yrs old, 6 Steers rising 2 years old, 3 heifers rising 2 years old, 3 Calves, Fat cow, 10 Ewes, 1 Ram, Massey-Harris binder, Massey- Harris seed drill, Frost & Wood Mower. Pea harvester, Horse rake, Turnip alper, Turnip drill, Percival plough, gunning-mill. Gang plow, Summer. Two seated carriage, Top buggy, Cat. ter, Single buggy withouttop. Lumber Waggon. Hay rack, Set scales 2000 lbs ' Grain cradle, Scythes, Boring machine. 2 Broad axes, 2 Set bob sleigbs. Cooking stove. Heating stove, 2Bet heavy harness, Set single bar- ness, Forks, chthes. Hoes, Shovels, and other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve, evervthinz must be sold as the Proprietor is going West. Sale will commence at , o'eluok, sharp. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at Lot 3 of 13. Con. I, W. G. R., Bentinelq just west oi Rocky Church, on Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. Niagara Camp begins June 13th. As all lists must. be sent In by May 1, those who intend gonng must. apply at. once, stating age, height, etc. ’lhere is mom for a few more desirable men. Ite- member the improved conditions and increased pay. Apply to or R Tomev, CAPT 0 M thumsn, Durham. Humpden Lteoa'rat--DrcE-on Wednesday, March Ist, at the Manse, Durham, by Rev. Wm Fratquuavsou, Wm. Ham-v Leg- ate to Julia, daughter of John Adam Once, all of Bentinck. . McDosArm--McKEszre-At the resi- dence of Dr. Jamiewn on Wednes- day Mar. lst. Mr. Dan McDonald to Miss Flora Me Kenzle. Last Chance for Niagara Camp. Monday, March l3tl1, I905, Credit Auction Sale The stockhnlden of the National Port- land Cement Co will. no doubt. be inter- ested in theremtlt ofthe annual meeting held in Toronto last, week. The out- ntanding Gets are that there's no dim": dend yet, that. Pres anhum had resigned and) i? enpirelyuout _of the the, Cement. Amniotic)". TORONTO e!Po'e-N/rk.erpro, "P rugby. 7th Alymer. the six months old son of Mr and Mts Percy Lawrence, died on Saturday last at their home here. The son-owing parents had the remains of their little one buried at Swinton Park on Tuesday. near the home of Mrs. Lawrence, who was Miss Parslow. Saturday last a large number of rela- tives and friends paid the last tribute of respect to Miss Annie McArthur. eldest daughter of Mr Chas McArthur, Bnnesun, who died at Niagara Falls, N. Y., three days before. The deceased had been ailing for about a year and when home about six months ego, was very low. Her sisters. Mrs Anderson and Miss Lizzie, came home with the remains. and the funeral took place from her early home. The sorrowing parents. sisters and brothers have the sympathy of many friends in their grief. We have no other particulars at this writing. l Domoch and vicinity has lost a well- known resident and one of the worthy pioneers of the district in the death of the above lady, which occurred on Thursday last, March 2, from a stomach trouble She was an ardent worker in church circles and took special interest in the W P M S of the Dornoch Pres- byterian church, her missionary spirit finding its chiefexponent in her Son Alexander, ttow' at Indore; India. She was married to Mr Ledingham in 1858 and has lived near Dornoch ever since. Her husband. (now the last of his gen- eration) seven sons and one daughter are the surviving mourners. The sons are the well-known J B Jackson, Cana- _ dian Commissioner in England, James on lot 2, Alex in India, William and Robert in the West, George on the homestead, Archie in business at Williamsford and the daughter is Mrs. Boyle, Glenelg. ‘ For some years back his life has been leisurely. but he found spheres for his activity in several congenial ways. and wan. a well-known figure on our streets. He is to be buried to-day, Wednesday, all his family being present. "t9HJN--chb rot-onto. on Tuesday. 7th I ins, Isobel Dun. telnet of the Ute' David Gordon of Carleton Pure and motherot AGmdon, Jeweller. aged' inn-n. Mr " . ye was born in Paisley, til,?,?,. a? . 4mm this country with Hi 'iumii when about IO years old. Hiiqou‘h was spent chiefly in Brant- ford where he was married and he moved to Durham in 1862. opening a business as blacksmith and carpenter and succeeded in making for himself a comfortable home. Muss ANNIE MC ARTHUR. . Fr -. -VM-9r. v- un-pm‘uu Hurt“! W" .We little thought last week when Siernhgy , 3:482:11" from I. 'slettth . mte hopefully of the above gen- mum in contact with 'd'Ta Hex; hm man. that the chariots of De th was carried I no. " ' a were mo a drug 'More hut died ' my, and that "lower name was to before touching it. Fred. her it you old I added to the long roll of those who 'tott, who mu with her maxed unhort. tttt "In". have pattaed from world] ' Mr. Bulge-s mu in Mnrkd e and the we. He died on Monday morning Iron): 'l'J.'itl!Pgt,'g w" t"t'1Ait md he _ 'realm . one at . p m. Owl-n dt',')' ',d'retlrt,,,f,o1oii,ilir," tseveral xgad'dc ',g,tt,'lg uddem-d and all who Heb his ph siei y rouble, t mpg) " lpnpectm- wull deeply h y an: “a tnattyfriends 1r"T,N.hiie.kttt. him and his (wily Eh :ped he would Burmouut, but In? their inntimnhle loss. Mr. and 'll',' It proved fatal. frigid '/,'pa'"'g' (lininsluell. Intimate r McFarlane was o In e "mi y. row to Owen In of human life 2T,,t,1,'tei/1ttetg1. Sound Monthly evening E31311, and vigorous; for one :51); -o- . is w: e, for who l . med. died about Jltt"Wchtos,r i (ttly. rtheir SIX children will alwa s h ' I ' . the men: y c er. Three ranks of Uurhun cut-len- drove ble cry of parents whose ex- to \Vulkerlon on Munduv m tr [hi-Ind. 1'"2,rtt,rt, were precious bene- of the lmmmand sumo of rli1'd'iU' town man. is sons are David. Caledon ; Thrs Won a great. victory, mnkin 57 h e, Glencoe: Robert, in business Wim- to thmr 25. as recorded telf,,".'. and Archie of Brussels. Mrs J . Minimum curlers excelload themselves 11th and Mrs A. H. Jackson. Ci In every courtesy to the visitors. like "owli, are daughters. Outside f til-m» TIll',',: And A mun-n match will be “Galactic sphere. where 'tr/did,',,' p Aye Item. this week. The some: grandchildren sincerely mourn DURHAM No. l WALKERTUN bony who will long remember a, “r Hutton It L (mevright lily qualities of head and heart that Juh'" McGowan H " McKay b%te'/Gii the deceased as n . l b A’\‘Hnnnlu'm It RicGvdtion if . l. elgx or L " Calderekip, " N Rolsertsou skip. ll hi public life th i . No, 2 tpirited ,0 a 't,sd,erg.asef/eT,satpre glam”: 1:: who." r, yeers in the council and no pug: J P r'J///h'" (A Igniting“ rufstiom. even up to the last ,TG Holt, skip. 18 g Movtuyot,skip. tl , to receive his attention or awakcxi ‘y N .terest. Ha took an active part in E Brooke . o. 3 R . es in his younger days and was I: Search". I; {1325: inhale 'S'trength to the Reform ht' Lauder . . c, " Lount lf I which he always identified as Ireland, skip, K, I? J Palmer. skip, 0 Mus. Gm. Lxmxmuu. Mn DIED Roar. MACFARLASR. In Memoriam. her- Three rinlu of Durham curlers drove ex- to Mrauerton on Monng to try tin-lulu Ene- of the broom and sum- of that good town m . They won a. grant. victory, math” " ' who: to (hour 25. as recorded 0". Ietut durum curlers excelled themselvn ' J. in every rout-My to the visitors. like of (Neutrons. and a. return much will be of play here this week. The more: ren DURHAM No. I WALKERTON r121, Ur Hutton R L Chenwright t e John McGowan U D McKay tat A V Hamilton It Richm-dson yor I IV Colder skip. " N Robertson skip. ll l No. 2 tb.. W D Milli F, \Vuhmn for T It Whelan G M Weld, th- J P Telford A Collins st, :zTG Holt, skip. 18 J Morrison, skip. tl Sn l - _ 7 No. 3 .Two Thousand Dollars worth ‘of Brand New Goods bought Elly us at BOe on the Dollar. gJust halt what they are worth The My” oattheBttorcmuer, R. B. KEELER and SONS rowel- for little money. Here we let some of the goods that will go very last t Jammie”: Flower Pots. Shells. Fancy Plates, Pipes. Purses. "and Bags' loath can.“ Violins. Razors, Lead Pencils. nvelopes and Pads. Also 3 lot of Silverware of the best lakes. " Welthun watches Lndies' and [en's Slut. t08 Solld Gold lungs, Children's. ladies' one len's. A lot of blah elm Jewelery. consisting of Chains. Dockets Brooches. Bracelets. Chums. Gut unto and Tle Plus. Lot 12. Goa. I, S. D. It., Gland“. con listing of 50 up”, well watered. well fenced. and mostly seeded down. com- fortable house and cables. i mile from school, i from Runes-an P. O and four from Durham. An excellent pasture farm. or would unit. anyone wishing to engage in mull farming. Apply on the premises or by letter to 7 - wm he sold, or rented separately if desired, thnt well-known hotel and dr- m'ratrie stock farm at the Rol- Roy. Lot llhmd ll, Con. l. B. D. R., Gletseig, 995 acres in farm. more or Inns. Blacksmith She on one corner. Hotel across the rout Every held well watered. Four miles from school and post nah-o. Good lurk-k house with 10 moms. stable with stone foundation. frame ham. stone pig per. and good hearing orchard. Terms to aunt purchaser. Apply Box ll. Durham P. o, G. RYAN. Prop. HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. We will Butt out. 150 CDOCKS in this Bale, which we bought very tatt some tiene Mo. Wnteh our WI ow. Now for the greatest bargains Durham ever put out. Come with the 9")!de wry way his Mondty in Owen Sound Mm. H. 'tgrrt wife ot Imp-Nor bur-gm I 4.4 _ I._:. -- .1 - FARM FOR SALE Landed ! They Have CHAS SAMMIE. Plan-n an Panama. DEN-OR ABLE FATAL”! ALEX Fume. Bvxmu’. Ont. k

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