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Durham Review (1897), 9 Mar 1905, p. 2

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Li?: . 1953 "I new Heaven to-dar. end he was very much under the innuenee ot drink," remark- Id Nugget. “Well. there's some excuse for him." re- ‘tlled In. Nugget. "He lost. his wife tart week." “The! were both there. clean uneven and prirapet up like dandles. Every not was occupied. and the steward mule n collection thy “gauging: tTie'; "f,,9"i tau meet- .dareued a but? -- " Tttet ° “"9" tentire crowd. "or .mw. “5mm .35: the reports ot lawlessness out our way were neatly overrated. A committee or the best cltlzene. 'enloonkeepers. ‘bartenl ere. poker dealers and other. accompanied him to the depot the next day and gun him a sendmlt that would have been an honor to a Grand Duke. I could see It tickled him immensely. Within ten minutes alter his train had gone the card tables and bars were in lull blast again. hint year I was removed to Wntrnus. m) miles away. and only visited Loo Cer- lllns once a month to preach. One rough night. when a melting snow was coming down In great sheets. I was waltlng 'tor the Santa Fe train to take me home. The train was late. There was no operMor in the little station. and no place to so except the soloons to get warm. The thin wisp somewhere down the llne. only the wlnae and nhelterless coyotes knowing lta tttet" "on. Bo I yolked_up 3nd 1tl"ut,t,t,t ltr/ht'.'.' shivering. Once when l passed Bill's saloon he shied me. 'r'"""' in and get warm. Parson,' he in . " I can't. Bill; you know why.‘ "'Yes. I know. but thov shan't bother you: you come in an' l’ll fix it nll regttt.' Ind he grabbed my arm and led me into a big room. what-e some thirty or forty cow- boys and miners were (hulking. “laying rard- Ind tolling yarns. Bill rapped loudly on the counter. .. teuors.' he said. 'the parson's hid out by his train. what ain't come. nn' he's no pike to go 'erpt in this hash gin palace un' poker puller. He'll on 'round ut umoke with us. In' swap tate.-. the right sort. you understand - but thar'll be no and: sold over this bar. nn' no end: played till his in: come hiking 'tone. Ho's our gut-gt. Parson _Wh¢eler. mntlemen.’ "Thaw wasn‘t a mote-at from a man. l W» ammlated With most of them, and won 'tttP made friends with the others. We mm of 10699. pay dirt, methods ot drilling. be" v” to break brooches. Tint- monts for haunt gunshot wounds. outn- ties of tho different nukes of "teams. compared the veraclty of the mam: and use Moxie-n. and finatty it wound up by me of the cowpunchers from ”to" the mountain: “king me to pulp u-Imle It’s": on the Iubjoct ot my profession. I wouldn‘t hue wanted that. became so their gum i in" the in" of hosplmiity dam-ad” that I follow their tend. but I w” more tun glad of the opportunity tthe eowman "muted. i mounted on of the nrd tabla. and in their ovn picturesque Inn- nnn. " T ind learned it from them. told of the hint” of Cnivury and the Comps-- stonnte Father. As i went on they threw Ivar their cigars. and several removed mn- hnts. Not a sound ereatt" them. Thor were on their honor. and T believe they wouM have roughiv handled any mun show- in: the, slick!_nt_discogrte~y. .....-.. ,.......,-.,. “Sometimes a man would throw in n dime or a quarter, and it my etownrd didn't think he had put up as the Lord had proa- pored him, he'd tench significnntiy to- ward his hip pocket and '.'/"l'G something that resulted in a material a ditlon to the r~hurch's revenue. Collections try the new- ard's persuasive system were nlwnyn good. much better than l've ever had them Iiuce l returnmi to Missouri, nnd he uncontesti- My demonstrated his titttetMg for the office. "One day the presiding elder gttttigied the he win coming to Los Gerriliol. I knew he had never been up against "I. oort ot moral ntmoephere thnt blew over our volley. Ind I hustled around to get things in - for n serious-minded shepherd who might not appreciate the broad spirit or the citizens. I went first to "Bill and Ike," who ran thIed two saloons and poker rooms, and a! ', .. ‘Boys. the boss is coming over to preach Sunday. and I'd sorter feel good it you fellows Hosea up during service: and com. out with your familles.' "The two men eyed etch other curiouIiy a minute, and Bill said. as he hit " trig tist down hard on the table: . .. 'Damned " I don't do it, Parson'. What say you, Ike'.' "'i'm in,' said We. 'you cnn't get the btrtze on me when It_comos_to 'iigiohz' " "The two men 3 minute, and E tist down hard o " 'Damned it 1 any you. Ike? _ "t don't hello" I "or soon! a more nmfnablo hour In my lite, or M- who" 'ttr mutual “layman! urns mater. Mr wrung-Mon v“ busllv than: "Jam. law-r of Mr Soul! when m. whistle of the belated train w” heard Ind the meeting brroot “a. "'iUGtiiri a um: . womb"- of my ”hon nuance shot Ind killed three men. but it was in a tirttt he hurl not sought." "we ...,., -_-....,. “So I made him newud. He us no proud of Ms job " he could have been over 3 brand new Winchester. The col- lections were made In " virtual look- Ing sombrero, Ind be any." got. results. I could hear " hoarse whisper u he wont fromApew to pew:_ . .. _ '" u "rmfGiin"rdiiriheu out." he'd ay. it . Iorlhlpper didn't show a disposition to con- mbuu promptly. ___." “_A_ ' .. ‘suinrdP l exchlmod. ‘Whu Willa 1 award do?’ " 'Why,’ he said, “In in the In": corner In' take up the collection. Give an the job. Parson. nu' you'll Lad n healthy Into In the - story sandy! = u "I know. but a nun should be able to cele- brnta without making . hog of him-en." "My first appointment by a commute matercnce was In the lair at In bad men at the West." rem-rhea the luv. W. u. Wheeler. lormerly pastor we ot use Meth- odist. Episcopal Church (South). to t Gum» u; conuponaantrd the Kan-u (an: “my, “The, lad taken him new“ Ind locked him up In his room "W. B. Willis, one ot the no metr in the camp, cum to and ell he wanted to be stew: ...n._ --a0' . -_-I-|....A In "I was they thought because I bar DIS and hrawny I could lean to shoot amt my when neceuuy to chime peace at meeting. hoe Cerrllloe. m. M.. In 1583 and MN, was a town ot uhout M strenuous 'nhabitants, most at when gun's to“. whet a preacher looked like till came. There were two “loom. whlch m twenty- tour hours a day. lncludlh‘ 8w. 1 cluttered a schoolhouse tor new amt Beqan to get acquainted. Among my ttrat thud! were the proprietors ot the two lemons. The cowbowu would ride In on out day end 'shoot up' the town. On one at theee occasions. I wu push. down Main street and l recelved e bullet hole thrown my hat. I took it on. Onmlhed u. and went on. A justice suggested that I light ewehrAput a wtrtrtote..tru.1 I told Pin} ML port " remember one day during oer-vices. there mm o Hale commotion In tho hock end. A an fellow, Stewart by name. who no a splendid record " I dud shot, nose "f, “J '. tn u . * not. stop a m mg person. you _ ' "Then he and mother man led a tallow out. many at! returned. .. 'Atl right. brother,' and Stuart; ‘Tom'l mu drunk o little, but no won't, bother you it won an old hat, and I didn't. care about. menu to law over tunes. Somehow the but men began to ovlnco o son of coaut- tory mun-t In the union. They would “win bring their guns along, bat would never shoot. 'em during muting. I no": mended In sewn; more than tour men:- borg, but tho constant)“: yoga rm. ' Too Much of a Celebration. mum. on of the molt desper- the cunp, cane to In. on. day wanted to be steward. t' l exclaimed. 'What would I 1 there, clean maven and dandies. Every not was steward made n collection would. After the meet- I'-. we me he had never to the tavern There are no less than 545,000 coffee treetuin the State of Sao Paulo, Bra- zil. As the people of the United States nre, as a nation, the greatest coffee drinkers in the world, it may be a. source of some satisfaction to them to know, says a foreign contemporary that Sam Paulo has nearly seven coffee trees for every American man. woman and child, to say nothing of an additional 140,000 trees under four years of age which will supply the demand of the coming generation. The coffee plantations of the State of Son Paulo have a value of approximately $320.000.000. What is a Patent Medicine? The establishment of a proprietary medicine business differs in this from the making of a rabbit pie. The last thing, n.ot the first, is to get your medi. cine. Get it from a book, get it from any doctor, get it out of your own head. It makes little difference. Not long ago a tonic which bore some such name as "Elixir of Pepsin" became very popular in the middle west. One. of the large manufacturers of pepsin thought he saw a possible market and sent an agent to the makers of the Elixir. "Good Lord'." they exclaimed. "what do we want of pepsin? We don't use a grain of it." creed that f . tftlPel5 out of their pr) t their color should he 11iint ny plums for solv- ing this pl‘nh.‘ lore brought forward, and at last SI “awn hit upon this Idea of making them 'of various materials uhich would resemble the real flowers. tutor. in the middle ages, the nxtltmial so far superseded the natural that both men and wmnm decked their heads with imitation flowers of cambrie, glass, paper wax and metal. Tho must beautiful anti- ficinl bloomnn are made in Paris, and their making ii one of the chief indus- tries of that city. 'ahe preparation contains no honey," reported the analyst of a certain "Honey Cream," but it " probably much more valuable than if it did"ieitom Leslie's Magazine for March. \ Minard's Linimcnt for sale web/where. Reindeer migrate with the same regu- larity as swallows. They move smith when winter sets in, but as soon as ever the snow begins to melt they travel steadily north, sometimes for as much as a thousand miles. To end a holida ' by deliberate suicide is so strange a phenomenon that for a long time naturalists looked upon the stories of the migration of the lemmings as an improbable fiction. Yet the facts are bevond dispute. At irregular inter- vals these rat-like creatures start out from their homes in the fastnesses of Northern Scandinavia in huge droves, numbering tens of thousands, and travel steadily southward. Death ursues them in a hundred forms. JIIWES and other birds of prey hover above them. Thous- ands are drowned in rivers. Yet the rest struggle on until they reach the sea. They do not stop. They plunge in, swim out and struggle on until at last their strength fails and they drown. Not one ever returns from this journey of death.-London Answers. Mlnard's Linimcnt Cures Battdrtttt. Wisdom of a Baby. .- All the world loves a baby. Fine fathers do not make swear words. llonoy makes the tears go. The more waste the less feed. A penny swallowed is a. penny saved. The wages of sin is bed. Neighbors rush in where father fears to tread. Let hom that standeth take heed while I crawl. Nothing sueeeeds like crying. Present company alwa.s's' inspected. He that is down with measles need not fear spanking. What ean't be cured must be kissed. Children should be cleaned, not hurt. One bunch of candy makes the whole world kin. A little baby goes a great way in a night. Parental pride goeth before a. squall. Colic doth make cowards of them all. They're never too old to learn. Charity covers a multitude of shins (I got twelve pairs of booties when I landed.) Will have. to sleep the night Mray.-- He who fights the livelong day Newark News. Country Home and Town louse Fable Bu Foundation in Fact. The fable 0! the country mouse and the town mouse has a lounultiun in tact. Mice occasionally migrate in large num- bers when tood grows scarce, and travel considerable distances to iresn houses. farmers m a part of Perthslnre had a good reason to become aware of this tact when, a couple of years ago, vast warm: ot mice invaded their cornfield: at harvest tune. But the mouse only travels when it has to. The rat, on the contrary, seems to take a yearly outing, in very much the same fashion as do human beings. Rats are the most migratory creatures in the world. Troops of rats leave the towns at the end of summer and spend a month or two in the country, appar- ently in order to enjoy the change of food which the country affords at that time of the year in the way of fresh fruit and grain. Before the cold wea- ther sets in they are all back again in their old quarters, The First Artificial Flows”. ANIMAL? WANDERINGS. Coffee Trees in Brazil. There has been an amusing sequel to the recent adventure of the two corpor- ate one of whom passed himself off upon the Mayor of Obrenovats as the Servian Crown Prince, and was royally enter- Imme‘ The rown Prime, rather nettled at a ‘dmmon soldier being mistaken for him. sel’ resolved to ride with an escort to Obrrmovats to show the Mayor the dir, ference between a royal prince and an adventurer. Unfortunately, the Mayor had been made the butt of the country since his meeting with the corporals, and had re- ceived hundreds of picture post cards ot the Prince. When, therefore, the Prince arrived, the Mayor had a lurking suspi- cion that another joke was about to be played upon him, and. instead of receiv- ing the royal visitor at once. asked him to wait until he telegraphed for informa. tion to Belgrade. A _ "Well, Mr. " I had PM]! a eir'e. l rhnun treat it tar-cording to my prams-40ml mum and then ettarze mm ' 'tiieved . tttir in. Do I Ink- myself plain.” Second Time Mayor of Obreuovats Was His Own Victim. (Cleveund Loader.) "Say. doc." luslnuate‘u the man who was trying to ttet 3 little free medical advice. "supposing you but] a can of chrome an- peptria, now; what.) you comm" the best mug-3: to put-[Jeri 7 The Fringe. highly incensed. rode off, Ind now the Mayor is more unhappy WHEN ALL ELSE HAD FAILED Jamel atwen Proves Hun numb-go and Bladder Troubles are Caused by Diseased Kidneys. Campbellford, Ont., Feb. '27.--(spee- ul.-Thnt Lumbago and Bladder Trou. ble are caused by diseased Kidneys “as been shown in the case of Mr. James Atwal, of this place. Mr. Atwell says: Let him that standeth take heed while of which hatch, but few ever live to grow up. This is not the fault of the mother, for she carries them about, with her for nearly a year, and with admirable in- stinct guards them as she does her own life. When the young are set free, her duty is done. for they must then shift for themselves. Though hardly larger than mosquit oe,q. being about one-third of an inch long, the little ones leave their parents on the bottom and swim toward the light-to the surface. where, from one to two months, if fortune favors them, they lead a free roving life. The. open sea is a poor nursery for such weak. linger, which become the sport. of every storm and the prey of nmnberless hun. gry mouths. Out of a brood of 10,000 it would be a rare chance for more than one or two lobsters to reach maturity, or finally to ond their career in the kit- chen or the eGfing-dish.--yrom Nature and Science in March St. Nicholas. Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cured His Bladder Troubles. "l had Lumbago and Bladder Trouble. in passing my urine would hurt me so u to almost cause tears to come to my eyes. I used medicines and a. band- nge prescribed by my doctor but got no relief. Then I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, and they cured me for good and all. I will never be without Dodd's Kid- ney Pills in the house.” Cure your Kidneys with Dodd’s Kidney Pills and they will strain the causes of Lumbago, Rheumatism, Drops." or Bladder Troubles out of the blood. I Every l Two Minutes WOULDN’T BE FOOLED TWICE. Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be- comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di- gested before it enters the stomach; a double advan- tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos: sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be- fore you expect it. SCOTT'S EMULSION Handing Out 1 Strong Hint. ever. Lobster Mortality High. VI! I "It-v no - a. I We willund you I ample free. Be sure that this picture in the form of 1 label in on the wrap- per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scorr & Bowul Chemists Toronto, Ont. so can“ and ‘I. on All amnion TORONTO The Origin of "Cocktail." There has been much curiosity as to the origin of the name "eoekUil." At last some one has come forward With an answer to this question which may be pure. invention or truth, but at any rate sounds plausible. In the early days when doctors psed strenuous methods and medicines in the cure of disease, there was a habit among them of treat- ing certain diseases of the throat with a tip of a long feather plucked from a rock's tail. 1n course pf time this rem- edy came to he used as a gargle, still re- taining its old name. During the course of its evolution the gargle gained most of the present ingrediants-apirits, su- gar, hitters and so on-till it became the highly esteemed beverage. of to-day. Wash many duh”; pots or purl with Lover’s Dry Soup 9. powder. It will re- mthe grease with the greatest use. " Work" on the Appian Way is progres- sing finely. - - Some fiend in human form entered the house of Cornelia, Tuesday, and abstract- ed many of her valuable jewels. the us- mon is still at large, but the constable has his eye on him, he thinks. Our gen- erally quiet city is seldom thus Jiiturb- ed, and we hope this is an end of crime. Fine skating on the Tiber these nights. Lydia was out riding Sunday. Ah, there, Horace! The reputation of the club has now become widespread and since the holding ot the ban- quet the club damaels have received many letters trom bachelors all over Europe asking for invitations to next year's least. The women of Ecuassines are, however, nothing it not patriotic, and are opposed to interna- tional matrimonial alliances; tueir list ot in- vited guests for the coming banquet will, therefore, it is declared, be confined strictly to their own eountrymen.--New York Tri- FROM THE ROME "TRIBUNE." News is as scarce as hon's teeth this week. f'iberiu2 Graeehlus, who was on the ailing list last week, is some better at this writing. J. Ceasar-, of this berg, has a new toga. It's a beaut, Jule. Several cits from here attends Cicero’s stereopticon lecture last night. Cie, is a swell talker, and a lovely time is re- ported as having been.had by all pre- sent. Cassius is on the sick list. For instruction on the violin consult Neda. Above the post oftiee.--Advt. Cato is taking Grim: lessons and mak. ing progresst _ _ A The Spinners ot the Belgian town of Beam. sine: have in their way done more tor the cause ot women’s rights than ha. been ei- iected by parliamentary legislation tor years past in that kingdom. Wby, argued “195° young women, in a country like Belgium, where men are in a minority, should not feminine privileges, hitherto confined to leap year, be extended to every year of race? Being ot a practical turn of mind. these marriagenble young women proceeded a few months ago to organize a matrimonial club ct sixty members. Once duly constituted. the question remained as to the best man- to attract desirable luitors. After much discus- "eit,rt that would-be matrons ot Ecaugsine: ICU! Bao." [Mbll atvmvw _.w_'r__M__ V_.fe Perfect decorum prevailed throughout the unique repast, notwithstanding the absence ot cnaperons to reprove anything in the shape of sldelong looks ot love. The success of the bachelor girls' venture, however, may be judged by the tact that fourteen weddings resulted from the banquet. An open " ball brought the festivities to a close, this dance being particularly intend- ed to give bashful suitors an opportunity to chose their Ute partners. As a matter of tact, it seems that most of the proposing did take place at this ball, according to conti- dentlal information on the subject, conveyed bythe club president. ' h - e- . A '- ____..._ -- . _ u, the u-.. ...w...-..-. Although the prime mover in organizing the club. the president did not find her "better half" at this year's banquet, the succeu of the Ecaussines bachelor girls’ venture has proved such, however. that the club has now been organized on a permanent basis. the fourteen departing members being duly re- placed by new recruits. Hereafter, conso- quentiy, the Ecaussines banquet will become an annual affair. - As we go to press war is an“ raging in Carthage. This high-school eleven was beaten Nat. urday by Athens by a score cl 86 to " Tough luck, boys. - Augustus Caesar was a pleasant caller at this office yesterday, and left us three sestertin to pay for a year's subscription to the Tirblme. Come again, Crus--Judge. Girls’ Matrimonial Club Invites . Bachelon. bune A German expert on gymnastics an- nounces that one need not go to is Well equipped gymnasium in search of 1 course in health giving exercises. Deep yawning practised as a regular exercise is the cheapest and surest road to per- feet health.' We are all familiu with the theory that systematic deep breathing is an excellent thing for the lungs, and it is on similar grounds that yawning is recommended. The expension of the breast bones and the stretching of the arms, which accompany a whole hearted yawn, together with the filling of the lungs, form a splendid daily exercise. A bachelor girlris' merely what we can an old maid to her face. fy, FEAST IS SPINSTERS' TRAP. Yawning " an Exercise. Eligible When the Jesuits had their troubles, years ago, many of the proscribed ones took to medicine as a pursuit. Now that the Congregation of the Propaganda has decided that priest under some condi- tions may practice medicine. it is pom-si- ble that a certain clerical element may enter into the schools again. This ue, cision will be good news to the congre- gations that have been disbanded, and; it is possible that science may profit by ite-From a Paris letter to the New York Medical Journal. The satisfaction of having the washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every User of Sunlight Soap. ma Of convictions for wife beating in the District of Columbia there were, in the year 1900, 124 cases; 1901, 104 use” 1902, 127 cases. These figures do not in- elude any use, of which there were quite a. number, in which the wife withdrew the charge before trial, and no convic- tion was had, but only cases where there were actual convictions either by a plea of guilty or trial by the eourt.-CReport from Judge I._G. Kimball, to the District Eminent religious leaders agree in the opinion that the great religious awak- ening in Wales is to affect this coun- try. Dr. Charles E. Jefferson says: "No one sensitive to spiritual atmospheres, can fail to note the increasing signs of the approach of a great spiritual awak- ening. Among them are the wonderful revivals during the Inst year in England, in Wiles, and the indications of I. great awakening in Scotland." Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, who leads the Presbyterian evangelistic works-ya "The revival spirit is deepening in our country with each day. I have not in all my ministry Been such awakening. The distinguishing feature has been the un- paralleled interest of men in spiritual thintP."---Tho Christian Intelligencer. Gentlemem--Theodore Dornis, a cus- tomer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism after five years of suffering, by the judicious use of MINARD’S LIN!- MENT. if7ioiGGik Commissioners. The above facts can be verified by writing to him, to the Parish Priest or lny of his neighbors. A story of Lord Balfour has been go- ing the rounds of the London clubs. It is said that Lord Balfour presented a document to the King for his signature. It had to do with the appointment of an important office. the appointee being un- me come to the King, but who, owing to political reasons. must receive the post. When asked whose name he would be pleased to have fill the post his majesty said: "‘Oh, the devil's." "And shall the document run as usual," said the earl. "our trusty, well beloved counsellor t" The King signed the grant. Miami's Liniment Cures Burns. etc. MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & CO., The geographical department of the French General Staff hes just pub- lished a. report, according to which the area of France is now 536391 square kilometers, while at the close of the Frtrneo-Germtut war it was only ti20,600 squire kilimetres. The growth is ex- plained by the fact that coniderable tracts of land has been recovered on the Bay of liismy. These reclaiming works have been carried on for more than " years, and have been very successful. "Not than: dill $305 in see a hen porcelain egg?" Shiloh’s Consumption Cure Te',g"* Does Not Hold Good Aways. (Brooklyn Lilo.) "There's nothing “to mover-lace; tt Mpg Tst. In the_tpntr run.” Minard's Linlment Relieves Neuralgia. A. COTE. Merchant. St. Isadore, Que., 12th May, 'M. w cr T , 34% is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn't benefit you, the druggist will give you your money back. Prices: s. C. WELLS & Co. we 25c. 50c. $1 LeRor, N. Y., Toronto.Can. The harder you cough, the worse the cough gets. Wife Revival Spirit Spreading, Good, But is It True? France's Area Growing, Priests and Medicine. Beating in Washington. fl} .. “III. 1m". in“ - “I..- In, to and tor Spmenm M and Iloctrlcal Engineering; " ititotmtttttts; 1,- 035 questtort. und “we": beat book ever published; 40-qu punphlet sent tree. an A. teller. Bt, Inuit, Mm, U. tr. In. Vladow'o Doom-c fl’rup one-um dvm Is. not! tor cmmu nothing. I. not” “new ei"dutttrf,ueTap' can. an I. an Lu and! Durrha=. "0,000 worth ot Flue Fun. clearing a love-t prim In Canaan. Bad tor eataiogue RAW PURE. We no paying highest. New York prion. Send tor prion In. It was some time titer me that. for the nuke ot convenience. the degrees were di- vided into two, end time the body heat was " above tern end boiling point 63. When, nanny 'ev. niterwnrd. Fahrenheit made his Instrument md used mercury instead oi lin- used oil, which wee far more convenient. no min divided these degrees into tour, so if the number be multiplied acrordiugiy we End 21: tor the boiling point and 96 tor body out. Acct-ding to Mr Samuel Wilkes, Fuhrer hen constructed his thermomotar tron on. In“. many yam baton by " In“: New ton. 7 A _ -- - _ _ . _ “In the traruaetimttt of the Raul Society for 1701 will he found the pnper written by " lane Newton, who we: " that time ee _. retery to the society.” sen Mr Samuel. “He invented en inetrument for meuuring the degrees ot heat in fluid: by akin; e tube end filling it with "used oil. tht this he marked the freezing point as zero by putting the tube in tee, end in the ume way he merited the point when placed in boiling Inter. The very ewkwerd Icele which we now use is evidently thnt ot Newton, tor. (he decimnl system not being then in use. he took the number 12 to denote the heat ot the body; this he found, end made it the starting point ot " ecele. both upward and downwerd. "Ptthrentteit. finding he could get a Iowan- tempemture thnn freezing, mule this point tel-w which brought the number s of New- ton’s to " of Fahrenheit. In this “1y the thermometer wu constructed." The President. Hon. Geo. A. Cox, am nounced that the Canada Life policy re serves are now greater than the present Dominion Government standard by about $3,000,000. In the course of a masterlv address he pointed out that while this great fund must necessarily be accumulated at the expense of Bur. plus, yet the interest of old policyhold- ers had been conserved, end they will henceforth receive materially Inger cash surrender and loan values then here- tofore, notwithstanding the lower pro miums they pay as compared with those chimed My. _ A The report. announces that the new business written in 1904 wu greater than that of my previous year, the amount actually paid for exceeding $11,. 200,000. The Insets were increased by $1,894.- 000, this being the greatest tum in any single year in the company’s history The assets are now over four times as Inge us they were twenty years agoand ample over $29,000,090. Perhaps the most striking future of the report to the lay mind is the state- ment that the Canada Life has since its inception paid or credited policyholders with over “MM more than has beer paid in by then. This fumble showing illustrates the careful selection of lives, and the sound conservative mlnngement which have always eumeterixed the Canada. Life. New York Central is the poople's faw orite line to New York City, Boston and all points in the Eastern States. In only trunk line when trains enter New York City. (Chic-(o Record-Hernia) In a “joke" published in (hi column I M WI I30 tt 'u “(towed that Solomon was but: been“. than were no department “or“ in " ttme. Reterrttte to this matter, H, A. IeCudleu. ot Perry, Oklahoma. "It”: SIX TRACK LINE OF AMERICA. “We hue e greet den of plenum reading you column tn the Record-Herald, and usu~ en: [In you neonate In your etatemenm. I: you item “you: 'solomou'n Luck.’ you "r. 'What would hue happened to him if were but been department store:- m in: dart' There Ind been department runes has before Solomon's time. Is you will he? by realm; the Book of Job. In tho tour- teenth chapter end fourteenth verse he says 'Att the days ot my appointed Claw w111 I we“. till my chm“ comes." The Canada Lite Enter. a New [in in In History. The Canada Life has entered on I new era, having within the last year passed the $100,000,000 mark. But while its size has increased three-fold in the past twenty years that is overshadowed in importance by the remarkable strength the company’s reserve funda have acquired. D. H. BASTEDO a CO. (Mon Transcript.) The performing we " I Brookiyn tttrMN et-red " use belonging to his miner last week: but some ot the counters) and evolved member- ot the family have bun known to chew " 't00.000 at . single dim-rt party Great Philosopher Inventor of Ther MPKE0NABLE STRENGTH. " King Btreot East - Toronto 85 you" In the menu. m WFACTURERS. NEWTONS SCALE or HEAT. Performing and Other Apes, mometer Before Immune“. For Flat or Steep Roofs. It waterproof, fireproof, quickly I very easily laid, and cheaper th other roofing. Send lump I sample. USE Hamilton Mica Roofing co. 'l" Ithaca Strqet. Elam“ Had the Proof MICA ROOFING N0. IO, 1905. for Health “-00.0960... Gorio t a Sex e loudly C'cet Q ie"' ' x si"t _ " f A...' Ts Subject (lL")', LI Futu h of

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