West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Mar 1905, p. 4

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if ' i.‘ , Raymond. Sewing jMachines. McClaIy Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dihon nge Stay Fence. bearing Jf arvesters METHING NEW IN M'AFkih BE: , Fr I'M-f1 tutu} lh, nr. " nlT in H t- I de Parker's Drug Store Odd lots of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Ladies' odd dark Top Skirts, $350 worth New Spring Ribbons &Millinery Goods $500 worth Men's and Boys' Nov Spring Suits. geam Equivalent f ohn eurh. DURHAM, ONT: We can give only a were list of our goods. but m qualilyand adaptability to the needs of South Grey We are not excelled.. Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney's Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fairptices A. GORDON Also wilhelm's Wriraters, all made by (GEE!) ot Ayn 'ea, hring Soods The In “'ATCHNIAKER J E w E L L E ll o P T I C I A N Watches and Clocks. Cut-glass and Eye-glasses. Jewelery and Silverware HONEST GOODS IION EST PRICES HONEST DEALIN G {lpeeiat 0targuirts in I f. Warlock. t)tres The Ideal Preparation For Raising Calves. "5EXt stiin their line Call and go! your Choier. of Wow and Wp-to-dafo 923! Sooo BIBBY’S Cash and tu, yucca ' c',/Trtd (Farm For Sale at ofrpostsr gala we handle only the best. s, I00 worth New Ginghams, Prints, Vic Lawns, Shtrtings, Cot- tonade, Flannellettes, and Dress Goods. A few doors South of a)? "iiiTd TGiiifi Hari, Ladies' M antles. Mk finers,r, ._'..' Feb. 14th, 1%. mom, County of Grey. Ont., in all250 acres of first class wel watered farming lands of which about 225acrcs are under cultivation. balance 10 acres maple sugar bush and several acres cedar swung. The farm is situated lOmiies from t. Forest; ii miles from Holstein, School House on farm. Post Ofliee, Church, Sawmill, and other convenien- ces within one mile. Bell Telephone Co's line on the “premises. The above lands are well lifted for either grain growingor Dani aiming as it is been- tifully watered y a branch of the Sau, geen river and never failing springs and four wells. About 7 acres under Fall Wheat,. Pension given in time for spring wor . The farms will he sold separately It required. Title. un- disputehle. Terms to suit purchaser at 5per cent per sunum. Inspection in- vited. Apply to Chas Mclnnir, Owner, or Chan. Ramon Yeovil P. o, Runny Mee, The undersigned offers for sale his valuable farms consisting of Lot No 15. Con. 14; Lot No 15. Con. 13and it Lot 16. connlii allin_t!1e towpshin of 1319: Mr. M G Dippel informs the Telescope that eggs of the Tussock moth are dis- celnahle on the dead leaves in sufficient quantities to justify the fear that we are in for another plague during the coming summer, as bad, or worse than the caterpillar plague ot three years ago. This tussock moth resembles the forest caterpillar in appearance, but is not quite as large. They have a vom- cious appetite, and once they attm-k the foliage of a. tree they soon make short, work of it. Lastsummer they wrought great havoc among toe shade trees in Toronto. The only remedy is the spray. and Mr Dippel thinks that people who wish to save their trees should not omit to get them sprayed early in the trprintr.-Teletwope. What can't School Inspector Camp- bell do, anyway ? On a recent Sunday he took the service in the Pteslsytevian Church, Durham, and did so well that he has been warmly congratulated on his effort. He never undertook any- thing yet that he did not do thorough! 5.. --Fletsherton Advance. I Mr. Shirl. Asus., formerly of South Normanhy, has been visiting for a week _ or two around the old home, He spent m day or two with Mr Calder who was *yimate sebum-mute 25 Fears ago. "i, “$.50 .tstrs distance of the 1 Mo rt 'llllrfrr:dCt, George of ‘Glencne. Dare of Caledun and Archie of Brussels. are home this week to attend the funeral of their father The Inst named ls accompanied by his wifeand daughter. Mrs. N. McKechnie leturnod frnn atbree- week's visit with friends and relatives Brantford, Hamilton, Toronto and Rochester. Whlle in Hamilton the spent some time with Mrs Arrow- smith who has a responsible position in an "Old Ladies' Home," there, and still keeps her Review subscription punctually paid up. Miss Lizzie McArthur and Mrs. Anderson, of Niagara Falls N. Y. attended the funeral of their sister, Miss Annie McArthur. last Snuuday at Bunossan. Mr A G Cameron has moved into one of the McKechnie residences, Upper Town. lately vacated by Mr Thompson, who now occupies Mr W Connor's house. Me Roht Watt. Id, this week, visiting friends um Ayum. Mr. Ben Mnil " Among the number on the tick list this week Mr. Alert. Nevin and family moved to Durham hm week, from Priceville. Mm Sweet. of Exeter, spent two or three days Huang friends in town lately. Mr Mack. McDonald. of Palmerston, upent Monday with his parents in town. Mr Alex Gordon left for Toronto Wednesday to attend his mother's funeral, Mr Harry Aldred arrived home Satur- day from Toronto for a. short visit be- fore leaving for the West in the spring. Congratulations to Mr. and Mus. Dan McDonald who last week entered in wedlock's bonds. Long life and happi- new to the happy couple. Mrs Forbes and little daughter, of - Manitoba, were guests of Mrs McIntosh, Upper Town. Tuesday on their way to visit relatives In and near Uhesley. Miss Aggie Han guest of her friend this week. Mrs Caldwell. (nee Miss Sadie Noble), of Toronto. is the guest. of her grand- mother in town. Mums Geo, Legate and H. Fitzsitn- mums. Bentinck intend having for the West in a few weeks Mr, Lachlan McKenzie was in Minto Inst week visiting his mother who is uncovering from a recent illness. Mr. Thos. Crchurd and daughter Miss Tenn spent Sunday with their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McUlm-klin. Mr. Percy McFarlane, Campbellford is home on the occasion of his grand- fathers funeral. m. and Mrs Wm Williamson left last, week to visit relatives in Mt Forest, prior to their departure for the West. “Heather Brae Farm " tor Sale. BUREAU RENE! Hunter, Drouwre, is the -iend.Misa Jean Brown, TORONTO 3 All persons a§erequired to give to the It shall he the duty of every person emplo ing any other person in his trade manufacture or business within 10 days after demand therefore to furnish to the Assessor information concerning the names, and wages or salary of all persons employed it, him whose wages or salary exceed $1 per year in towns and cities having a population of 10000 or over. and 8700 in other mumei lities in the case of householders, andniln all municipalities min the case of non- householders. Assessors will in uire and take the date of same, if any girth or death has taken place in the family Within the last year. ‘m passing the business tax on doctors. lawyers, notary public. conveyancet'. dentists. veterinarians. &C.. I forgot to mention that they must be assessed foe any income from the business to the amount that such income exceeds the statutory exemption and business as- sessment combined. Telegraph Co's, Telephone Co's, Elec- trical Ity, tramway, transmission (if ml water, steam. heat, gas. electricity) the purpose of light for a sum equal to Ki per cent of assessed valuation exclu- sive of machinery. In addition Tele- graph Co's in towns, kc. to be avowed for a sum equal to 50 per cent, of grow receipts for tho preceding year. Tilt-- phone Uo's to he assessed for. a sum equal to00 per cent, of gross receipts. Telephone Companies In townships to Ire assessed 8135 per' mile for lst line of wire, $7.50 per mile for each additional line. Telegraph Co's 810 per mile for lst line and $5 per mile for each addi- tional line of wire. flg1t,9i,e: plants in townships, as well as elsew ere, are to he assessed 25 per cent of valuation of land. exclusive of machinery, and added thereto in the same manner as business assessment of merchants, &c. Wires erected on poles running through towns and townships to he aesessed for the amount that another Uo having the same powers would give for the proper- ty. Distillers, 150 per cent of valuation of prvperty,Breweis,wholesale Merchants, Insurance Co's, Trust Co's. Express Co's and Banks- 75 per rent added, Manufac- turers 60 per cent. Iaithogrrtphers, Print- ers and Publishers 50 per' cent, Lawyers, Doctors, Solicitors, Dentists, Engineers, Surveyors and Commercial Agents, Veterinarians, Conveyanrers and Not- ary Public 50 per cent. Photographer, Theatre, Concert Hall, Skating Rink, Boarding or Livery Stable. or the letting of Vehicles or other property for hire. Restaurants, Hotels (Many other trade or business not before mentioned 25 per cent. To the Editor of the an"!!! t Dun Bm t In your - last. week " well u in the Chronicle appeared a notice of the Anna“ Meeting of tho Durham Furniture 00. and in both there is a. dis- respectful allusion to Wm Calder for nu alleged desire to he on the Directorate, The diiferent i%rtrentages under busi- ness assessments are as follows t-- The new Ant hits the landlord, lets oft the big merchant with less than l, the assessment he should pay, and the Mun- icipality is the loser. 4rh--.. Business Assessment-Under this heading we find the greatest change in all the new Act. Hevetofove assessm-a could walk into aRroeer's, dry goods and other stores. Printing offices, &c., value the goods or stock nt so much. enter the amount on his roll and he was done. The merchant with it 810000.00 stock, of goods was certainly assessed more for hie stock than his neighbor with a 82000.00 stock goods, tre. Under the new Act stocks are assessed at 35 per cent of the valuation of the property they occupy', hat no assessment to he less than $250. A merchant doing hust- ness in a store valued at 84000 will he assessed 35per cent on 84000 or $1400. He may have a stock worth 810000. or he may have a stock worth only $500. it's all the same assessment. Here is where ahig injtveticelooms up. Take for instance. 2 stores side by side, each vnlued at $3000: in one " dry goods hus- incss is being dc he with a stock valued at 83000, in the other' a groceiy hltsines's is "eine done with a stock valued at $600. Under the new Act lhev emh pay taxes on an assessment of 81050. Under the old Act, allowingeach ofthem 20 percent off for goods in stock not paid for, the Inelchnnt would have to pav taxes on $2400 and the grocer would pay on $480. Which appears to you to he the fairest assessment P This ts pretty small potatoes. Why should not on? stockholder unite to the position who eels that he but the con- tidenee of the peoxla 'r' Time and win tt mu shown at mum! Meetings that he was the popular choice, but the vote of the heavy stockholders was plumped against him. Now that the tables have turned there is u, whine that does the writers sum)! credit. Mr Calder needs no favors and asks no consideration. His '1ttand,'t spanks for itself. HIS uhihlivs have men Pe- cogmzed, and it may safely be aswru-d that any public duty he undertakes will be well and ctouscientiously done. To TUE Em'run ()FTuv: DURHAM RIC- vmw. DURHAM. DEAR S'iit,-F'ov the "enefit of ths, ralvpnvore of Durham I'd lw pleased if you would awe there few remarks on the New Ausc-smwnt Act publicalicm. Taking the Act, 3H it ic. we have. 1st Land, which includes all trees, mums and minerals, gas, oil. salt. and all lmilal- imp: and any tixtureq placed upon or "fBxed thereto. Land and buildings shall be valued s"parately and at their actual value. '2nd---rntrome-All householders or bends of families are exempt, to the amount of 3720. Any income over that, amount (no matter from what sour-re received, interest from stock, mout- gnges. &e.,) is assessable. All who are not householders, &c.. are pxenipt to the amount. of 8400 only. All mcom: over that amount. no matter from what ource received, is assessable. 3vd--Land Exempt. from paying tates ---These include all property of the Crown and of the Mupiiripkhrf. Colleges, Publir and Sept: rate Schools. Hospitals, Churches, Burying Grounds, Public Libraries. and all fixed machinery used for nmnufactut ing or farming purposes. BElt"tllltfiti'-, _ K. r "tiilf91't9.r. Thanking you Mr Editor: Durham. March 6th, 1905. FAIR PLAY. I We can supply you with Whisks. .' Brooms. Batter spoons. butler labels. I batter bowls, butter workers, dash and :barrel churns. clothes racks, clothes I horses. clothes pins, hat racKs. towel rollers, rolling ping, vinegar measures. grain measures. bread boards, Pails, Tubs. Washing Machines, Wringers. I Step Ladders, etc. At Durham and Owen Sound Mln SHOE STORE 60 Day Sale Don't you forget There is nothing to equal our Stock Food as a preventative for distemper. Pans, Fume Pots. Milk PitdiieL,hidi Pans, Chamber Betts, Soap Dishes and several other articles. We have some bargains to offer in Soup and Pie Plates, Caps, Saucers. Bowls, round and oval Padding Dishes Rice Boilers, Milk Pitchers, Tea and Presorling Kitties. Tea Pots, Frying 11...... .A,.L- -A‘ II!!! n-_ . _ - Ask your neighbor about the "Penn ther" range and “Family Cook" stove. They're selling fast. We were compelled to secure another lot this week. A few second-hand heating stoves in stock. Come to the store where you can get everything you require. nae-nor my information that no only require to help him to make as proper gunmen: of their property or than». it required, and: Informant»! to be made in wriun within 10 day. after demand and ",'e'l'L'l by oath under penalty of $100 thu, and 810 per day for each day td default. Any person knowinzly stat- "* anything [likely in any such umbe- ment or In furnishing such information shall incur a tine of 'soo. In conclusion. I wish to inform the ratepayers of Durham that their um- menu for this year will he mined. but understand that because You: uses:- ment is mined (providing al proper” in gusset-d equal according to lot-anon Aw.) it i. not ii'iaiaFi to rim. the moount of an»: you are now paying. " your propert is mined now Wand I raise it to 'IG, and use the same percentage on all property in town and the Town Council requires the some amount of Inonry to nun the town on as laet yrur. the rate would amp m 14 mills for 1905 against 21 mills for 1904. " the Town Council requires more mom-y for tttN your than for lost, your tuillage will cer- tainly raise in hot ll cases. With the aid of tho mlonnyrr in wiv- ing "te as much correct ittt'ortnatitrtt as he can in regard to his property and in- Citttlt', I hope to he Mlle to u-mrn an :lswssnumi roll sutisCutory in all (1n:- cerned. Thanking you for your vulnuhh- spat-r. I am The t'ace of Mr and Mrs McDonald versus Dr Pulling, all of Barrio. suing for dmnagos in tho death of their mu. Reginald, |hrnugh negligence in not placarding hnnse where diptheriu n;- irted and causing plaintiffs a grant dual of trouble was et-uled out of Court m fmvouiof plaintiffs. E, F. B. Johnston 'of Toronto acting on behalf of plaintiffs. and 11. Lennox of Barrie for defendant. -Ex. thiiCoy -riTspa Pills at bedtime will hasten recovery. Gently laxative. Hard Coughs 1)ill,.,y..tp.t.'sjji, you how it quiet: the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. PArer'g Chery Pecan-u In won him In our “may. We mm It . tho but man.- In the '0!" for Te,'. and colds.” KAT]. I'D-I-OI, Inn-I...- nu! We know what tMrd doc- tors think of Aye tt Cherry Pectoral. Ask yourown doo- tor and f1mt out. He will all Cherry Pectoral Stoves and Ra nges HARDWARE ,rfM9ftr.' Woodenwaro Stock Fund Graniteware Yours reupeotfully, . BLACK CLIP-MN ELVIDG Ir. Asses.“ r for Du: h-un. .0- the Big variety. -"-"- -""""" B.. h...“ Pulley Choeotates, Creams 12 Bon bans We have just placed in stock, ample supplies of Chitin“ 3toois, including Confections of all kinda, Owns. the largest. sweetest. juiciml. Nuts. singled and unobelled. in great Christmas & * ' 'toith the ,fitaker We are at the shop at the bridge m ery Wednesday and Saturday. 01 ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur' store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, ml receive our best attention. Prices and Harvesting Machinery of this tirm'a make Heavy a light Boots & Shoes Oxford. and Slippers Mt 1lillltttilltMit lit, , tui Call and see our Goods Spring Have you been our Men’s Long Rubber Boot with leather in nemle and corrugated edge. listed " IW.85, our price. 84.00. Call and examine goods and get prices wlutthtw you purchase ol' not. TERMS. CAtill At the down town sin-v Numb BARCLAY d BELL Is at Hand Now that you .have a Tudhope Bug p.y get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim Also The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so has nearly two carloads f Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up with over a carload of the famous TWEEDS d; YARNS OF BEST QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods, Bcuis * Shoes, Crockery, bu, We can give you Bargain'. JMt" We ask inspection of our Teas...” %mplements .7 .’ S. SCOTT. Pete, 3tumittu, " cttge,tey. Of all kinds. Examine our TUP, NIP PULPERS; they are the best on the market; also 011: CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. Aarn organs They are good in every respect . J??, Wchll/uu Only place in town where you can get guru; Home-made andy bison, Me JPater Show Rooms opposite Mid- daugh Stables, Lambton St. Maxwdl Machinery We solicit your orders for n... " - Well-known and reliable Giving best satisfaction Once used, always used And NOW 18 THE TIME to ttet your Boot- nnd Shoe- made or re ind. We have opened out A {we stock of new Gords tor Spring in S. M cllraith gudhopc Gutters 'akes, 'ttlowers, tBinders d terms on suit purch Call and examine. Also see our famous dating. . Cake prunnue satisfaction, was it, loot, At Runnable prices 3010!]: RSOT lef iiiiiiii CAI RF} bit" Draft: all [mi oat all DURHA SAVINGS caving. h WI! Mn ltr', OD " " " MI ITSU SECrt.NI THIRDI FIRST Bread. ( always on ha " LAST] And tt ht Eette I'll GOOE tlf) Drugg' yfab Head M tnt. 'm ll') Ma: Styl o

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