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Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1905, p. 1

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SSS aper :ANADA. elsey. Hnery V EA RS )ick. if? Cabinets utter. DHC kiiiiiiiniii if *mm VOL. .é..-.....u.m.,.m.uu.,....u.,-mm" iii, New Goods for Spring; NO 11 iiiititttrtttit l Dun: or Inn. (03.) *mmu 9Thnreduy last the and new. reached iDnrhntu that Mrs. Mums, wife"! the [popular Mayor of Hemover. and died "he night previons, aftern long illness borne with Christian resignation. leav- ing besides the sort-owing husband one son to mourn her loss. Slut-e the death of their widely lamented daughter. Nel- lie, lust yeast. deceased WM: never strong [and the end was anticipated, and yet, X when the separation has collie it aroused l meat. sympathy for the mourners. The funeral was one of the largest. ever {seen in Hanover and was attended by "may from outside points. From Dur. Ihum there went Messrs. J. P. Telford, ”no H. Hunter, W. D. Mills, J J Smith, ’and Dr. Jamiesnn and sun Brad. The 1 Review extends its sympathy. s A Fm: Commnt--'rharud" evening ‘ Hunt the Violin-Piano concert. under the I 2 tttr, of the Bnptist church. wns held {in e Town Hall And was a rettoed nod l?aniorhhLe, entertainment. Mt. George Fox. of Waikerton, thefmom violinist. we: present and of course "r.tt?""ht', ,the audience with his great ski I. Hie t matt.ipuitttiot? of the how to produce two ports In music at one and the some time Is exceedingly clever and perfectly done. In common with 3 Rood runny. how- .ever, we felt the charm of his perform- 'nnce most in the two nonmet- lyrics. ’ " Annie Laurie” and "Rome, sweet I home.” One could almost fancy the 4st were falling from the bow, no “expressively were they rendered. We , i hove no doubt the more eliminate pieces .! to the trained one exhibited similar ex- ‘ceilences. Mrs. Newton at the piano is t n [manta of excellence. now well- ' known, and the warmth of the spplnuse I was not less than " tiyltr, nppese- dances. lmAA. fb l Lender an: Oman TO b'cainoL.-Ti", omission of , few Words to 1leo. Ryan’s But-m ad. last week. made- hie pr--perly appear 4 mile-s [mm school and P. 0 Foul miles from Unllmm was meant. See on last column this page. and if you want a. good farm go and see it. SPRING Ttmar-The Spring term in the m polar Ellioll. Business College, Tomato. opens on Aprel 3rd. This school is thoroughly up to date and en- jnya a 'splendid Miendnnce. The princi- pal. Mr. w. J. Elliott. will he pleased to send u catalogue to all intending to so- eupe on hummus or shorthand education. PROPERTY FOR Sum-Thu ,'"te.i'.',lf,t, ed "tters for sale that vmy deitrn tie store mopert on Unratmxa St., now unsupmi by fumes Irolund. Also the stow-nu! dwellin on Mill St... at pres- Hlt "ceupied hy F, Seigner. These are Btnrt class mum-an Mentions. Apply personally or by lelt 'r In PARKER. FARM t4oLD.---The. Parker amok farm just west of the town limits has been snld to the Scarf Bros. with stock. gram and fixtures. just as it utnuds, the price being mmrthing over 85000. The Scarf Bros. already take an inIo-lligent interem In stock. and with the Pkrkee herd and m-w facilities Will come still farther to the front. We wish them greatsucceas in thear venture. _ MrAsrtm.-Au experienced girl at once. Apply to Mrs. M. Jamieson. Iron tlALtt.-A Colt, rising ft m., and on? Colt rirdrg 2 yrs, full brother and sister and well matched. Also a few bend of young cattle in gond shape. 20 nun-9 figs. 80 tn 100 lbs each, Row with litter weak-s old. Apply to The inspector for the Ontario Under- writer's Association visited the. town Saturday afternoon and cullednut the the brigade on u. test. There was a. quick marine. only minute and a. half inttpitng rum thrtime the minim mu rung until the Lretnen had nlltbeir connections made and a stream of Inter going in front of the post-other. The Inspector pronounced the teat very ut- 'tiorp.--M enford Mirror. THe LATE Wat. wILDeR.--We. hear from a reliable source that last week the Mame gentleman passed away and was buried on Saturday. His taking off was Iturtingly sudden. He was at the barn in the evening and came in not feeling well but retired about as us- ual. About I a. m. his wife discovered him breathing heavily and found that he was dying. The deceased we. the last otn family oi nine hroihers who back in the 50't settled on land touching or near the lake in North Egremnnt ever since known " "Wild- er’s Lake." At one tune there wo- over one hundred person. of that name in the vicinity, and the oe,',Q whool registers of ti. S. No. 12 show almost half of that name in attendance. A: pioneers they picked upon good farms, and were good settlers but gradually they withdrew rnd genenlly to Mouton. Kant-no or Michigan or some other part where pioneer work was to he'done. Mr Wilder was well-known in town, and quite recently was doing business here nod intended we believe to move to Michigan at an early date. We sympathize with his widow. fiire sons and five daughter“. the younger ones of whom will "HHS his guiding hand. The farm hna been acid to Mr Andrews of the 10th con, and the {wily we hear are going to Michigan, where their eldo eat Ion, Squire in. Drmuore P. O. Mart-b i "G Maideat, " and In warmly ”mod for both in .euetbtet and per- formance she :ppeurd to and adraint- an and wu hen-1217 mound. It. B. Crawford an; "lor nu Etc-RV.” and yet the surname punts! he; to_atrq foam, atte he!” also moored. Hind: {assuming . voice control“ up!" don 'bIchenaNuhu-tomkm u . soloist. Dr. Brown. Holstein, P3'l, IT,rStAalilefa) (rl-j-li'-)'):-':.":,!]']-!-)?]?!?)"??' DURHAM, THURSDAY. MARCH 16, 1905. War. LAIDLAW. Proprietor. Wu. J. ADAMS. IMPROVING sLowLY.-the operation of removing pus: from the lung: of Mr. Arthur Allan. which vu- mentioned Inst week. wan wrongfully preformed hut tho patient hm bean very low since. Hnwevm at, latest amounts he In improving and we hope the wnrthv Principal nnd Mm Allan may soon have their anxiety removed. DEAR Stimulant: " your label up- tn-datr? We have this week made all ettosnR" and if we have not done you inStice let " know at once. If you are in III-roar. plate remit " the amount due and oblige. - - - A FINE LtrrrtrR,-Thone who know nndtbme who don't know Mr John Cameron, traveller for the Mom" trnde journals, will heartily nppmiule his fine pen picture of Bermuda. given in this issue. We have nnmlwr for next week dealing with St Lucia. equally good vxcrpt that. it in too shnrt. Pusamo LAm-Mr. John Atkinson. non of Jan Atkinson, near town. went Went but, your like manv anothvr and writes home hopeful letters He ha: tuko-n up land. two qunrtet sections. near a railway junction. that soon Mt to he, and has boon honored with the nom- tion of School Tut-toe in his neighbor- hood. Snowman. John. Cnom Cowman-A very sueeenful choir concert was held in theMothodNt Church on Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr Culling Occupied the chair. The full Methodist choir gave well rendered anthems at the awning and clawing, while the remainder of the prngramme mneisl ed of quartettes by Messrs Flarity Glass. MeRie and Manson, trios hy Mr Duvndmn end sisters of Mt. Forest, duel: by Masses Ada and Bessie Brown palm by Rev. Mr Mnsunn and Miss Crawford. Chm-uses by young men of the ttttterin and All well rendered. making it one ofthe pleasantest con- certs h-lll for some time. Mr Geo. Wright accompanied all in his usual able styieaadtdok partin one of the quartettea. A pie and In: social is to he hold in tho school B. B. No. lNormnnhy on Friday March 17th Indie" bringing boxes free. Admission 16 cents. BearttttEAI..--Ahout eighty guests an- unibled in the hospitable home of Mr and In Wm Morrison. south of Varney on Monday. Mar. 8th.»; 5 'o'ii'iieG3 m.. to witness the marriage of their daughter. Ida, to Mr Herbert Irvine. from near Grenfell. N W T, The bride looked her prettiest In a lovely gown of cream lustre trimmed with cream lace and ribbon and wore a bridal veil fas- tened with a. spray of orange blossoms. The ceremony was performed b Rev. Thos. Coiling. astor of Durham Mtl: dist. church. Elisa Clara Irvine. sister of the groom. also of G'renfell, and Mr Wm Morrison, Jr.. brother of the bride. attended the young couple. Numerous. beautiful and useful were the presents which go to help furnish tho new home on the distant prairie. Mr Irvine iss prosperous young farmer in the West and second sonof Mr Richard brvine, formerly well-known In Varney and Egremont. After all had been served from tables laden with choice delieneiea the evening was spent in music. games and socml conversation. Mr and Mrs Irvine and sister left for the West on Monday. - A Walker-ton curlers came over Thurs Str, evening last and avenged their de out. at. home hy Durham. Du! ham cutters wete at little off their noun] fm m and so was the ice but our boy. man- aged to pull out one ahead In one rink and Were snowed under in the other. The score: DURHAM , J no McGowan W 8 Hunter J P Tetrprd T G Holt. skip, 20 E Brooker T G Lauder W Calder J21: Ireland, sk, 7 Grey and Bruce Mutual. The annual meeting of this Insurance Society was held recently and ream presented showed the Society to . in good shape. The premiums and interest for the year were “I“ WI, looses w.- 88, all other expenees “782.04.. the dif- t,,'t','arti,','f, to swell Mgr-ah balance on ban up memes. here new policies in force, covering 82,113.“ In- surance. D. McDougall. Bentinck. Is President. R. Richardson Vies-Pres.. Duncan Campbell Manager. and Direc- tom are John Standish. Adam Seems!“- lex. Archie Meeting. Jao Picken. Louis til',,i5'ht Wm. Marshall. Henry Batter. man, Jo n McMillan, Wm. Irvme. , a O'Neill. Fred Frock. Ephraim I'm-small. Henry McNally. Thursdny. March 16, 1006.--gohn Me. Arthur. lot 4, con 2, N D R, Armenia-in. (It miles north of Pricevillo) will tell ivy public auction, Fm Stock. Imple- ments, Ac. Some extra Rood cows. Sole " 1 o'etoce. Tenn: t 10 no... 5 out cent for cab in lieu of notes. D. ManuL. Auctioneer Fad”. larch " - Char. IcKensle In: n. Con. M, Ell-uncut. (1} mile. west of Dream) willie“ by Ptgtrtut A3600. [on Shock Highlight-9mg Terms, 12 months credit. meant discount for cull. 8110 " 1 o' D lanuL. Auctioneer sands . Inch W-C. [clone- Yeovll. ',itiiiririii'hg'i'l, bred peak"!!! stock. we and. a Isl-go number at pip. on“ ID no. and“. M tr pa- geant! he. of notebrqah. “at 29.13; SALE REGISTER. Your Label. Curling. D Hem 4m. No2 - No l WALKIRTON if Chetsmight J Spence A Morrieon o A Collins. skip. 19 R lemon C H Lount A mititarruon, 3k. 27 R Leonard Tm: PUBLISHER. 'tttttrar-utter-a, TORONTO There is only two weeks' service between Halifax. Bermuda, and the Wert Indies tram Halifax, an in my coming off 'he grommet at. Bcl'mudl i had to remaln there for two weeks be- fore I could get another steamer tor St Kim. the fitut port afoul! after leaving Bermuda. I mulled vou n eottttmmieation from Hamilton. Bermuda. and trust you have received it alright Aher the exceedingly stormy voyage trom Halifax I telt in a bad mood to write. However as you wanted me, to do Bo I give you at short sketch of what mm- splred on my way to the Briush West India Islands. While in Hamilton. Bermuda, time did not permit. On leaving Halifax my intentions were to continue my juurney on board the Dnhome steamer until I unwed at Demenm and on my return take In ttll the 'slands. viz, St Kitts, Antigua. Motuaerrat, Dominica, St Luci... Bar. Indus. St Vincent: Grenada, Tubman Trinidad and Demerara. Demeruru inhalant port in this direction that the Pickth and Black steamer cu Ila " The Ocamo steamer whereI write', does not call at all the islands that I, have on my list but in her return she l, calls at all the islands I mentioned. I In thin way I will have an opportunity 1 given the for business in them all. I I beg to say that I was pleased with my 1 vist to Bermuda both in business; point of View and also delighted with 1 its charming scenery' The island re- ; minded me torcibly of our own Musko- 3 " I was informed that there are no in. than 365 islands in the Bermuda: group. equal to the number of days in our calendar year l there are even! me than 365 counting the Rocky Ids'; betthey count only those that trees‘ . w upon. Their houses are mostlyI Eiiii't, awhite stone which is quar- l no t "Island e5?,ty,1PStt,r/ Maud dwellings are all painted, white, looking very picturesque espcc- l ially country dwellings. Butt green; cedar-clad hills sioPing gently down', to the sea throw into relief and make 5 the loveliest background for the pretty l white villas dotted here and there and l everywhere. Pretty too, is the little town of Hamilton, lying as it does on I the slope ofa hill. There are three , large imposing hotels and smaller ones also tine public buildings. VIZ, Pais liament Buildings and Post office. The Governor) residence is near the town, and within walking distance is Prospect where the offieerg ot the Royal Artil- lery are quartered. The view from this point is panoramic. Bermuda is English. the English Church helm: the strongest denomina- tton on the island. The Presbyterian figures nexc in number. There are two Preohyterinn churches l one of the min- isters is a. numesnke. Dr Cameron. Bet. tled here h the Home Mission Commit- tee of 'il',e"U,'l', Church 18 months ago. 2t,'t',e,y,e " settlement hire. he has! c u o it congregstjon in dinhurg . 'lf1%',,'elS,"d", very good delivery. Bermuda is 25 miles long and only 4 Wide. Contains It,000 acres. and 19.000 people. It lies south ot the Gulf St ream And about 600 miles out. of ts. Carolina. There are. besides Hamilton. 4 villages on the island. viz; St George. tit David'. Some-remand lrelend. tit George in 12 miles south of Hamilton sud Somerset 12 miles west. I visited both of those villas and did a. verygood business. The roads are good. no northern blizzard: penetrate here- ice and snow are things unknown. The eves-m temperature from November to April is between (I) toN, in summer it seldom repute: a more then so in the shade. The shots product: no the onion. po- tato and arrowroot. The farmers were busy weeding them. Field after new appears on (ls-win]: glam; the road. The valet-0m - ysllcolond people. Dun In 1tateaoE,-- Welle me very few and the water nu p- ply for all purposes in rain water. which " caught. in big tanks lined with cement. whlch one attached to every home. Ir John Cameron gives " manning Description of Renaud; Should the steamer arrive an Bermuda Into In the duet-noon. she must tutchor at - Bar. 00 numerous ere the reefs and on nun-row in the Intel-w”. and not. eyenjyhh anpilog they the tr? .up _w Hamilton. Kamila»: Stu-hourl- lovely. Fur form, stamping and “Quinta color- ing. it glands unrivalled. Smdlwonder tourist» Bock mule “laud t it an exactly meets the most normal conditions of the human nee. I my at, before closing, two lady (dead: bonded the 0mm to hid me stub”. panama. me with a. moat vely bouquet of wen. They Were so greatly admired by " output-octagon (halt-we than moor-uncut“. card arud eruttteooaood-ieetteyn in water nndgt than on the “loan diu- in. table wh she graciously did. and they were mu loohng fresh any. after You will please "eu" this lets th cpl-dc. You an clip the will” Gh'N youtunkit too he. to Inca-nu your vulnoluleluper. weamtretottettitemr that port. Bt unit. (m mug. ulna-alum posting this. - ItwN at. the new iiaiiiiitiAGirl - iaiiCiAitriiitui - _ hon but. I)... Good-m Mr 'u-. tht Board Steamer Gama. You! My. J. 0m Wm Pibt\'r" ".ee!l!EE February u, 1905 M’I’w'm be 5., the on1r----91 oo-A----- l Last Chance for Niagara Camp. _ Niagara Uan in-uinaJune 13th As an" list; must he an! In by May i, thoe iwho intend gong must, apply at once. ‘ntntim: age. height, ctr. here in [Tom Ifor a few more desirable mm Ite" 'memher the improved condition- and liTGCii"iid pny. Apply to i or RToan. CAPT o M Sum“. I Durban). Hnospden i To cut and pile 400.000 ft of lumber hum! or less. mostly hard wood. Also i tenders for a good second hand mw-mill 'either Band or Civcul u. -arrM1al---arReab----arm1lB , Mht1 he sold, or rank-d 'tettttrtttasl ' if desired. Illa! wall-known hotel Ith,?, nimble stock farm on the Roh Roy, but “hard ll. (Jun. i. ti. D. H ' (iluvwla. 'tol urn-d in farm, more or l-ret. Blnvluunitb Shy on one corner. Hotel “from: the In . Every field well wtsterwd. §mile from tsehoot, and t mile from post 063M. (Pour miles from Durham. Good l brick house with 10 mmm, Humble with :stone foundation, frame ham. shone pig ‘pm. and good hearing orchnrd. Terms , to aunt pumhmr. Apply I Bor ll. Durham P. 0. i 0. RYAN. Prop. 'r," Landed! Rev, M C. Cacti-um gut quvo ot than"? from his cot-ttttttion fur nix womb-I. He mund- lo 'tod his var-anion in me North West And in mum-ct of hind». ”THIN was. 2",',,u'u',"."i"/t and wish-u {mm ull hil hn-lhnm. thyturv afdjourm-d to meet in “urn-tor. on the 4th of July nettt. The Suntan Presbytery met on Thteedav of tut. week u Mount Fun-at the Kee. W. G. Hanna math-cunt in the duh. The "now-Mule Nther of rho Puwtvytrry. the Rev. Juhu Inn-icon In. no hu- mwen-d from his meant illum an to be able to he present. An vncour- wing report in Sabbath Schoot work wan presented hy Rev. D. L. Omnptu-ll and tbe mun general ”New of Chum}: Life and Work was given by Rev. M. C. (foam-mu. In connection with the luttn-r the burning quantiun of Educatiml in the proposed new Provinces wan imm. dueed by u rvmlutinn ”grating: the enforcement of Separate Schum- in the newly (-rwurd Puwincon and Culling upon our repretteutaiive tostat.d firmly (m the principle of pmvinvinl rights. Rev. W. Fun-quhmnn reported 0n behalf ofthe “mum and 'utttttteettatiott cmumiveou m: to the work in Mllduuy and Ayum, and Cedar-ville and E-plm. In connection with thelatur titere in the punt-part of ngu‘ou- living "tPtr"t: ed h-nm that [map of "an ion. and Juilu‘d to UVeudnle u tantion in the Unmar- ville thvu-ry. The cougnmuiun of Mount Forest reported the cotupl . m of their mun-u- and their nisinc Ili? tttinitttrr'r, gala" v.31” node man . Pte-tterr-un Durham, on the 11th inn-L. In Mr and Ari H Pettigrew, a daughter. Tait Dunn“! FURNITURE Co; Linn-run HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. Lot 12. Can. L B. D. R., Glam-lg. con lusting of 50 Mm. well watered. well fencedumd mle seeded down, com- fortable house t'lell't'iell".'l, ' mile- from schnol. 9 from Bunessan P. 0 and four from Durham. An excellmn "Asturl‘ farm, or would suit. anyone unshmz m can? in cum." “mint. Apply on the prem no: or by letter to Aux. hm. Bananas. Ont Two Thon Dollars wor th of Brand New Goods bought by III at 500 on the Dollar. J lust halt what they are worth retools " little money. Here we in some of the good. that will go very tut: Jul-dialer“. Flower Pots. Shells. Fatter Flues. up“. Purses. ma Bags) loath M,'lt Vlollns. have. been Pencils. avelcpes all m Wm” CihTFiiuiiGiiifrui - mo . ioLot.pi.iottmEtltty. 2et, AG't."tiWirtiti"ii7rVikiiA.epe' sud len's Sizes. 108 Solid Gold Tfl' Children‘s. Lsdies' and len‘s. A " of him: class Jewelery. consisting of Chains. Molten. lunches. Bracelets. cums. Gui! Links and no Pins. We willsisem MO CIDCKS is this Bale. which we bowl» very cheep some the up. such on: mmmmthculm‘ free to new salsa-Ilia! toeic. NOW in the Lime to no" or wh- scrihe. Addm. up "dorm to THE REVIEW. DUluiAI. Ont. l B. 1llllult.al SIN' Our BMW Illustrated Mot, IDAY NUMBER in given free to All who my or In." paid their suhucription to the Elm " up to Yui for 1005. Delano; of tbe Fffffr TENDERS WANTED. CHAS BAIAUE. Puma no Wan. . Now for the trtmtert hernia: Durham ever put out. Come with the crowd and any "s" big FARM FOR SALE They Have Pmbyury of Sutton BORN

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