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Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1905, p. 2

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l i 3;. , 1" l i I’D-v...- w‘-_ -__ - -'" “Incdvadnonlhlhuntbo an 'eripttr .. e.det to_t.hjs period until I 2ot1t,rtirti Pulling". a i' uristablt Compound; but I M mynheftromtho ameltook the ttrat bot. tis I gndually 1111me took her roam iiertr, sud in an. I m . wall won-I.” Mrs. Hairball. of lean. Mnss.. in- vites all sick and tiling women to write her for advice. Ber great exporieemr in " their service, free of cost. had’hot Weir! my nervous, Be- mpdemd bilitated,rery Irregular in tho monthl Bow, and the blood :11 seemed niacin 111an Ihnd frequent ptupitation andthrob n ofthohenrt;mfnct,mywholo t,W.fn'l.'dle.ijl',re','i', was. _.- _r_._o--M-4o--r..3- ”Rad-gig, TikHiGis. itasturbed my entire system: "I And trot_timrh-y.e..eeiervotty, he Nervous exhaustion invites disease. When everything becomes a burden 0nd you cannot walk a few blockswith- out excessive fatigue. and you break out into perspiration easily, and your lace ttashes. and you grow excited and shaky nt the least provocation. and you cannot bear to be (nosed in any- thing. you are in danger: your nerves have given out; you need building up at once! To build up woman's nerv- ous system and during the period of change of life we know of no better medicine than Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- otnble Compound. Here is In illme tration. Mrs. Mnry J. Dabtrruxz, of 150 Mnin St., Winnipeg. Manitoba, writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham - " Lydia E. Pim'chamY Vegetable Compound has been a. ble-ing to me through that deli- cate wiaikawnetm Ptele. of use For: OFTEHTHE BEST PART or MIT Providence has allotted us each at least sevcuty years in which to fulfill o,trmission in life. And it is generally our own fault. if we die prematurely. Help for Women Passing Through Change of Lilo A REAL???” OLE Mt INTENSATIOSAL LESSON N0. XIII MARCH 2tr1tt. 1005. Hummuy...Lcuon 1. Topic: The wunderfut divine Saviour. Place: Ephe- sus. John’s gospel in written between 80 and 90 A. o. John wu the only apostle living at that time. Be Idea to Christ u the Won! of God; all things We": made by Him; He was the life nod fight of men; "(may is made to John the lfaptint. the forerunner of Christ; he was "nut. that light. but was sent to Gear witness of that. light”; Jesus §unday School. XII. Believe that Jesus is the light of the world. “I am the light of the world" (John ix. 5). A- he opened the eyes of the blind man to the beauties of the natural world, so he opens the eyes of tho new-born babe in Christ to the glories of 12.0 spiritual world. Abbie c. Morrow. -NI. Believe that whomever commit- teth sin is the servant of sin (John viii. 34). He who makes choice of sin; who prefers the way of wickedness before the way of holiness; who makes a covenant with sin; who makes a custom of sin; who walks after the flesh and makes a trade of trin-auth a one does the work of sin and tupports its interests. word of God brings the hlesqingx "And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed and walked." LN. Believe that Jesus is the living bread. "I am the living bread which came down from heaven" (John vi. 5ll. More life is the cure for every ill of spirit, soul or body. Christ the life is food for the hungry, water for the thirsty. medicine for the sick, comfort for the sorrowful. N. Believe and receive the Holy Spirit IJolm vii. 37-89). "Did ye receive the Holy Spirit when " believed '." (Acts xix. 2. R. V.) Do you know what it, is to have the fruit of the Spirit t To be filled by the Spirit , To be led by the Spirit , wrest“ diately mend I' of the water of life freely" (Rev. xxii. 17). A irve gift implies something giv- en without asking or entrenty. Christ was not an olsjeet of desire to the world. No man asked for him. God so loved that. he gave his only begotten tton" -No man asked that he gave (John iii. 16). VII. Believe same power tt was on earth f later tveeivert tTN M' w tt World (Eph. i., 4). v. Believe that ye must be born again. "Except a man be born trom ahove he cannot see the kingdom of Goa" (John iii. G, margin). Jesus "must" be lifted up to oxpiuto sin (v. 14), and we "must kingdt but he sharps in the reward of the broth. n-r he brought to Christ. A. ll. Simpson says: "When f go to the house of many mansions I shall want to 900 Peter, but I shall aim want to see the brother who brought him to Jesus. " will he blessed to inert Morrison, who planted the Gospel in China, but no less bh-swd to find the modest Matcher who spent three suits of olnthos on the little shot-t arab before she got Robert to stay in her class." Cd. Ilolieve that Jesus "manifested forth his glory" (John ii., 11). In a hi mu. the beginning of another home, .',,s. '% W.": "OH his first miraele. The F .h- M (Li: , ia Hm {Er-t ”might in ii:;. 1.131.! IJ iii-J. '5hn L:E.'u .n.’ Li 'n‘I'h I Nl. Topic: Christ’s teaching respecting lo. Place: Jerusalem. Jesus delivered I four discourses during His stay in Jeru- isnlem at the time of the feast of the 'lTabernacles; this discourse we: deliver- ( ed in the court of the women, and my be divided into two rte: l. Christ is the Son of God. 2. firing supreme au. thority even above Abraham. Those who accept. Jesus Christ will know the truth. and the truth will make them fret. XII. Topic: Jesus Christ the light of new. Place: Jerusalem. Jesus saw I blind man; the disciples asked Christi " ho had sinned, this man or his parents; Jesus replied that neither this man nor his parents had sinned; makes clay of) spline; anoints the blind man’s eye“! mmnmnds the man to go to the pool of Miami and wash; he obeys; comes back seeing: his neighbors are stirred; he gives an account of his healing; is ta- ken to the Pharisees; Jesus accused of dericeratiny: the Sabbath. Golden Text.---") these are Written. that ye might believe. that Jesus is the Hurt. the Son of God; and that he. liming ye might have life through his mum" (John NN.. 31). The war! "ire. livw" seems to be the keynote {or the n at Ut [ in tr" lull. ' VI connection with bringihg water from' the pool of Siloam; near the close of the ceremony, Jesus cried, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink"; Ho spake of the gift of the Holy Spifit. 1 Bethesda, who had been sick thirtreight years; asked him if he desired to be made whole; the mu replied that he had no one to put him into the pool; Jessa told him to rise, take Q his bed, and walk; the man did as he was com- mended. I IX. Topic: Jesus supplying htuptut need. Place: Near Bethsaidl, on the northeast tore of the Sea ot Galilee. Jesus and His disciples went into a. des. ert place to be 110119; great multitudes followed thme; Jesus taught them and healed their sick; in the afternoon the disciples suggested that the multitude should be sent away to buy food: Jesus decided to feed them there; a lad was found with five loaves and two flisheuI five thousand men were fed, besides wmuen and children. n X. Topic: Jessa proves Himself the, (Md-Cavionr: Place: Jerusalem. It was the last day of the feast of the Taber. naclps: there was a great. ceremony in 1m] up to cxpiato sin (v. 14), and we ust" b0 horn again to inherit the igdum of God, A spiritual birth is ossoniinl to the enjoyment of heaxen the natural birth is to the enjoyment " " I par iatlr tlin 1rtl hast-n bei (Eyh. i., De ieve Behave that Jesu "whosoever will Believe that Jesus" word has the uwer now that it had when he earth (John iv. 52, 53).A mn- ecvivm a telegram nnnouncmg gowns illness of a beloved sun In 'l'i‘rritory. According to the I. all hope of recovery was gone. rents united in earnest prttycr-- ier on the trains, as they sped Others joined them in UNIT g supplieations. Almost imme- tho waiting patient "began to The case of the nobletttan's Capernaum was literally repeat- he distant territory. Believe that aolwdience to iho. God brings the blessing.. "And " Jesus is the living 'esus wants is only kr let him take y" (Rev. xxii. Hence to lhn wings "And made whole, allcod." is the living bread which v known us There is no Andrvw did, It of the arr-Ices: Cor. Front andi Sept! P. H. suns, Office furniture .. .. .. Agents' balances .. .. , Cash on hand and on (I? Bills receivable .. .. .. Interest- dun prvl accrued pany's 12011413 .. .. .. Other Stacks and Bonds Real Estate-iompany's I iny " "003w. fastened the sheet to an iron bur zwruss the cell door. and hangwd hiiu,,vli. The body was discovered by ihr.sle, who gave the alarm.. The body was cut down. hut the prir- "t'.t'l' mu beyond the Gd of man. Death “1.... mum-d by crangulation. At the moaning mm! Kannmly wonid not dis. United States Govrrnment British America Assurance Company 1'nuurtlforil, Out., March 'h-tspecial.) --lhrttsvurined. to avert the punishment mum-.1 by Mr. Justice Teet:wl. Joseph Kennedy. found guilty of having had carnal knowledge of little Irene Cole, and svntvnm-d to life impriwnnwnt and aeveuy-iive "ripe, committed suicide. in his or” at the jail shortly lu!fore 8 o'clock this morning. A guard was plaeed over the prisoner last night. and to him Kennedy talked frm'ly of the trial. llc protestvd his innom-m-v. but urged hit- tvrly that he had not had " fair trial. This umrning he had breakfast with Felix Doyle. who is charged with mur- dering his umtlu-x’, and for half an hour after this was left alone by the jail officials. Kennedy had his plans well formed, evidently, for he itninudiateiv wvnt to officials. i Tswana. 0m... March '.V Kennedy had his plans wvll formt'drl,uutresu:eievuirs" Ih'pavtttwr rvidvntl.v, for he immediately Wt'rtt toir.ui:v' of 1);; 1lrttee Smith. his tvll, tore a blanket in two and, male! Prisons. this morning. it l ing " Home. fastened the sheet to 1',1ityttiyyteotyyrli.e'nner1 iron bar zwruss the cell door. and hang-d; ford iail would Im the subjs Ilium-If. The body was diecovered byl invvviiwttivn. Tlu. n-gumt Ihr.' le, who gave the alarm.. I that primrn-rs H‘MI'HH‘J to The body was cut down. hut the prir- I men! Inusf he 1s'tosol.V Wlt ot'.t'I' mu beyond the Gd of man. Death jails cf whvwwr who they W,tw, (mm-(l by crangulation. At the vntil arch time s'ty a run-if “mining mm! Kennedy wouid not dis. i1:rthvirrlelu1o.rvnt the pun .-......_.. mm. GEO. A. cox, mm. P------- J. J. KENNY, Vice-President and mum Director. Auous'rus mus. mm. & c. WOOD. mos. LONG. ROBERT JAFFRAY. Jon nosm. K. C., LL. D. Imam-con. M. M. PELLATT. B. w. cox. JOSEPH KENNEDY SUICIDED IN BRANTFORD JAIL Sentenced to life Imprisonment and Ended it This Morning by Hanging. '%t Simply Passably Good” 'iEilil)!lrlijjrliii SEVENTY-FIRST ANNUAL STATEMENT. Capital " . . . Reserve Fund - . " Security to Policy-holders " Losses Paid from the Organiza- CEYLON Tea. Black, Mixed or Natural Greer. Sold o‘nly in sealed lead packets. By all Grocers. Received the highest award and Gold Medal at St. Louis, 1904. tton of the Company to date ttt5.tMbtt,SM.tMt ASSETS bu posit 1 aist DECEMBER, x904. Ttpr $2,043.03 DIRECTORATE: 201 But incc mparably the best. 140.000 ()0 27.514 23 20.200 00 60,904 00 10 JOSEPH 93:3. ,560 CO SM lf bu 72 31550 IR 00 H TORONTO I si-ii/i' Lossos under Dividend -No. . January 5th fteserve Fund KENNEDY. (W mm the apital Stock Sub scribed .. .. .. "RS Calls in c of payment '10. 'er K' LEAIILITEES 1HI Will T adjustment .. '. 122. payable on (in 850,000.00 1,024,042.95 JML7f_,9fi1ti?f.i.. ., March '.).---At the At. , Dopurmn-nt and in UN rum: Smith. Inspttrtnr, of Be Investigated. .. Ihtreh El; an $350,000 00 ,1 Hg. it was said that ennedy in the Brant- hu subject of a strict Ivgulutimm provided new! to life imprison- :vly wotehed in tho so they are detaind. [1 nwipt is obtained thu pvuiientiary. 14,603 C9 ys: Kennedy was J the jailer. This and 8 o'clock hi: t brmkfnst, and procured a Shed J10 bars, of his cell. but " short time. $936231]. 610434578 59 20,644 20 1.024942 " {5835.396 31 168,595 13 of his eell short time 's life Wm P"."e.--mom in roux-Jack 01d precedents die hard! The ancient custom of discriminating against phyer- folk in England still prevails, and seems doubly absurd since they bar the en- trance to St. James' against all actors, oven though thley have been honored with titles. Hon Ttttg and Chris: W . ham, both r{living been tthe, (gt a, "Sir" More thdr named,“ "9 cannot be received at court Ul they abandon the profession mum. --- n abandon the profession which their title... Sam-tine. no mung: seem to run um , Victoria and vanoouver--The improv. ing tone to trade generally Minimizes througUmt the provinee. Wholesale stocks am moving butler, and orzlPrs cover a wider distribution of goods. The demand for lumber and mining camp trunpplies for the interior is active. Bradstreet/s reports from Hamilton any trade conditions there show some improvement over those of a wool; ago. Country trade is more active and whole. sale stocks are moving better. Spring demand' for all lines of goods are heavy and prospects are very encouraging. Re. tail trade is of fair volume and there is little complaint heard on the more of collections. Trade at London shows the activity usual at this time of the Fear, end there he been an improvement in gen- eral conditions owing to the improve- ment in country roads. Ottawa trade reports to “M5 my trede there is in : generally m. factory coalition. Winnipeg-Trade is still a little quiet. Things are recovering, however. As the spring season opons out, the prospects for trade generally continue of the brightest description. Collections are still on the slow side, but improvements in this regard is steady. At Quebec trade conditions in general m reported fairly satisfactory. Travel. lcrs, as a rule, are sending in fair or- ders. Toronto-There has been some im. provement in the activity among whole. Ialo traders here during the past week. The roads of the country are in better condition. The millinery opening of the two last days of February were attend- ed by unusually large numbers of buy- ere. from all over the Dominion. This extended to the drygoods business gen- erally. Hardware trade is showing re. newed activity. The volume of building permits which have been ismed pro- mise great activity in this line through- out the coming season. Receipts of pro- duee here have been much heavier. Prices of butter, eggs and produce gen- emlly have declined sharply. M'hent to-day showed a decline of about M. Oats are scarce and fairly firmly held. Payments do not yet show any improve- ment. and are still only fair. Monueal:---The ' continuous snowfall: of a week or so ago greatly interfered with trade in the country. Despite this the volume of trade has been well up to that of last year. The outlook for the spring trade, too, has been brighter than ever. Farmers have been experienc- ing considerable difficulty in bringing their produce to market. Itrmittaneee have been slow but they are expected to improve when the country trade be- comes more active. British Cattle Markets. London, Much s...-). come Ire quoted " 10% to Ue per 1b.; refrigerator beef, 8 to sue per lb.; sheep 12 to t3c per lb. The Week. Trade reports are still somewhat. con- flietiug, but, on the whole, improvement has followed more settled weather, and the outlook is considered favorable, even in sections where current business is ir. regular. Mercantile collections ttfe not as prompt at the east as elsewhere. but the liabilities of commercial failures in February were much smaller than a year ago. Traffic blockades have been lifted, restoring a normal distribution of mFr. chandise, and railway earnings in Febru- ary were only 5.1 per cent. smaller than last year. despite the severe weather at the start,. Agricultural communities have prospered, cash prices of all farm products maintaining profitable posi- tions, but the speculative markets are erratic. Activity continued in Wall street, sixty railway stocks rising to the highest point of the season at an over- age of $113.59, which was within $2.68 of the high record established in 1902, but subsequently there was more or less re. action and irregularity. Rates for money l continued firm at the recent advance to, about 3 per cent. for call loans, but for- eign exchange became "'i'ci'i'i'c-'0C'i'il Weekly Review. New York Detroit .. Toledo .... Duluth .... St. Louis , Minneapolis Do.. crelmery .. .. mick-nu. swing .. Ducks. per lb. .. .. Turkeys. per lb. .. .. Cnbbage, per dozen .. Potatoes, per bag .. thtulittttwer, per dozen Celery. per dozen .. . Onions. per bag .. .. .. Beer, hindquarters .. Do., foreqmu'ters .. . Do., choice. clrcnse Do., medium. carcuo Mutton, per owt. .. . Veal. per cwt .... .. Lamb. per cm. .. .. “like. No. 1, build .. . Do.. No. 2, bushel .. . Do., No. 8, buuhel .. ... Red clover .... .... ... Timothy .... .... .... . Dressed has .. .. .. ... Apples, per bbl. .. .. .. ... Essa. new laid, dozen .. . Butter, dniry .. .... .. .. . all or you. - Inca nu - - _---" 100 bushels or on: a "tt per bushel. l Har quiet a noun.“ prion. they being we: ot an loads " no to $11.30 s ton tor timothy. and " 87 to . tor mixed. Straw I named. on. load ulna. " m 3 top. I Drona! box: are unchanged, with llght' snags a 87.60 to 81.75. and huvy st 87.25 What, new. butbel .. .. ..8106 to no: s'rl.',"rlr,%iiriTr..._rjldt/,', 108 Do., spring. bulbs! .. .. .. 102 to 103 Do., goose, bushel .. .. .. 090 to 092 Oats, babel .. .. .... .... on to 000 Rye, bulbel .. .. .. ...... 075 to 000 Buckwheat. bushel .. .. .. 066 to 060 Barter, bushel .. .. .. .. 061 to 052 Pens, bushel .. .. .. .. .. 0(1) to 070 Har, timothy. ton .. .... ..1000 to ll 50 Do., mixed, ton .. .. .. .. 700 to 900 Stnw. per ton .... .. .. ..1100 to 000‘! Wyndham -iiarkty Reports The Week.__ From Vest jig? ti, Tnusk New: for Lind Leading Wheat Markets. t Bradetreet's on Trade. and Irving Barred. to 81.15. an luv n W“; Incl .. .. ..$10t to no: riT..T.V..4ttte 108 Ihol......108to 1m 'itreT.U.1..(lt!lt? 092 .. .... .... " to no .. .. ...... 015 to ON bet .. .. .. 066 to 060 .. .. .. .. 051 to 082 ........0Mw 070' in .. .... ..1000 to 1150 F.y.r....Prtlit? 'al, .... .. .. ..1100 to "'l bathe] .. .. 500 to 525 bushel .. .. 400 to 4M ‘uuhel .. .... 350 to 400 .. .... .... 650 to 725 .... .... .. 100 to 130 , .. .. .... 725 to 775 .......... 200to 300 dozen .. .. 025 to ttel .... .. .. .. 025 to 028 .. .. .. .. 028 to 030 " --' .. 012 Wt 013 Evy yin: tie;- Ot2to 013 017 to 018 0Mto 050 080 to 090 075 to tlio 030 ht B40 200to 000 TMt to 850 GOO to 550 7001:. 725 600to 625 660to 760 so!) to 9rgt 1000 to 1100 012 012 017 ',ottfidenees, L 112% 1.17 1.12% 113% 119% 1.10% until the} Ton them Mar. 99!! 0.9896 0.1814 0.93% 1.09% 0.90% 1.01% 013 013 018 Egg: "There is no theft there," mm V. '00 istmte Denison. on; “She phyed this same trick tll"'" 525 least seven others," said Crown At: ' to ney Curry. Among those who 11-51 i' 4 on S. Jarrett, $195; Mr. Varley, $7.3M; 'd', Meldrum, $55; Miss Angell $200; l 'l 'ls Huck, 8200; Dr. Fmwley, 8500. and '00 Cmsahan for a small amount." “The population ot the world," r, Morgan, " composed yummy of kl fools, and mostly fools. When pm to get rid of their money In thic I h very dittievut to prevent them legislator- handed to prevent tr tune: why did they not pus: r. ah tic measure. which. by taking awn: cunluy benefit given to the tortur It could he stopped. Such things under an cloths of religion at chu had other places. This one will lr aunt-sod." “The 1 Morgan. tools, ttt to act r Toronto, March T General Sessions y cue ot Georgmn C Us)! Gypsies. charge tttsh Gy fortune Fraser, unlike-his companion. ll' able to swim, but August collevt floating timber and constructed and pushed it over the long sin seventeen miles to the shore. (if during that time neither man ha or water. London. March 13.--Tr.e Du? publishes the following: Two men, William Fraser and Thm, ust, were sailing recently ts miles off Dungarra, near Frontt West Australit, Fraser lying at August running the boat under Suddenly the mill. came into with a whale and the monster ing enraged turned and made ' tattack upon it, eventually sir and leaving the men with hover masts and oars around them. in the water. After doing this the whale disappeared. ' Fisherman's Seventeen-Mile Shore. ECO rgin London, March It-ie Expren pull- lishers the following: The startling Ut-- emery that the bulkheads of some of our modern warships are perfectly use- less to resist Ben-water pressure mm made during, a recent inspection of the Channel fleet. By order of the Admiral, the steel walls of all the lpiritmme were abor- ed up with battens 1nd uprights, and water mm then pumped in. Long he- fore the compartment: in several of the ships were full the rdt.er2litf, doors um. walls began to give, a buckled Bulkhead: in Modem Fighters Are Per fectly Uncle“. Fall River, March 13.--A male baby. " few days old, wu “adorned on n.. step- of the St. Joseph rectory last nl: by a woman who arrived on a train {rum Providence and took a hack to the rm tory. Pinned to the infat,ths clothing was this letter: " ask you, father, to take my little baby and give it shelter. Its unhappy mother is stoning and sick, and in: lowed by an enemy. Dear father. In: it in a home in this City, or board him somewhere, but, oh. for Grid's wit. dou't lose track of him. His mother “i ' name for him in a few months. il" hm been baptized. I can carry him In: fn, ther, and rather than have. him his» 3:;- faith. 1 give him unto you, father. and may the good Saviour, who said: "lic who giveth one of these little mn-i is, My name, reeeiveth Me. and who rojv: on! them, rejeeteth me,' bless you and lt ward, and may the prayers of an tl"- happy mother be heard for you in Illa- world and the next. Good-by. my (llil'lilv: baby. may tho God of Heaven and P,i.. tOtt A Betrayed Girl's Pathetic Appeal to Her Church. "Perhaps you can make out against her as a common rhea Magistrate, Denison. "But this dismissed.” [at the Woman Kayne aCommcn ' Cheat. Toronto, March ".--3drr. Farah J. Southwood, the proprietress of J. to Queen laundry, 590 Yonge street. I',,,, arraigned in the Police Court yosN-yd. .' on . charge of the theft of 8200 fr, '. Charles Corrie. Mr. T. C. 1tobiswttr. vi. C., appeared for the prisoner, and pltr ' ed not guilty. Got-rte can! he mam-red an advo:‘i.,, month: one of the papers for a m..- user of the Queen Laundry. 11,, P, _ employed, on the stipulation t'urn i." should provide $200 to pay off Hm 'c, out partner.” and half pay for Um il', chinery. The witness took tt new _ his money, and worked for tl 111' . over two months, when thrs lawnm- went into 1iquideti?m.. FORTUNE TELLER GOES FREE WERE WRECKED BY WHALE EEO "FATHER, HELP MY BABY." ONE PERIL OF WARSHIPS may the God of Ile: .l mother watrh over (111. father, father, he a Chileott, a try Judge IT WAS NOT STEALING. "hips are perfect” use sen-water pressure wu- recent inspection of the L Gum. D Morgan. Judge Mom: :l'dn)’. dinpou At. of the lb in: undemk ',, ot the Royal F. h undemkfug to I world." said " unly of have: When people . ' m this mum went them. M "an: telling éhur , my 1n nl vim P will: nnthu vi It t'tt M 'dt M ll " From T TEA. Unsleeph likes every pro: LEAD PACKETS BEST in BLUU. R Th II W10“ “Filled tel-mind "APT! 1m W wr the“ " "

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