West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1905, p. 4

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H METHIXG NPAV IN “AHA-Lb : _1l o In“. 2:51;. m1 luv Also \Vilhelm's \Vrihgers. all made hnWatron of Ayr. Raymond; Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. peering Jyarvestors Parker's I?rug Store DURHAM, Odd lots of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Ladies' odd dark Top Skirts, Qream Equivalent $350 worth New Spring Ribbons &Millinery Goods $500 worth Men's and Boys' New Spring Suits. J7ohrt GlarIi. We can awe only " mere list of nut-goods. hm In qualilyand Adupmhilil y to the m eds of Houth (hwy we are not, excelled: Deming Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs. Heney's Har- ness. Palmerston Buggies. annwm-d otticles, tairprices 'ea, (swing Soods C o6vose tBatty The best in WATCH M AKER J E w E L L E ll O P I I C I A N Wntches and Clocks. Ont-glass and Eye-glasses. Jewelery and Silverware HONIET GOODS HON EST PRICES HONEST DEALING . GORDON Jpecia/ fawn/n: in Q The Ideal Preparation For Raising Calves. "Str Call and ged your Clad-o of Wow and Wp-Ia-a’ale 2)ry food: BiBBY’ their line as We handle only the best, Cash and an: yuan. =.-i"irrtd Farm Machinery. For Sale at 'iii':-.'-: on too worth New 'ii,':" Ginghams, Prints, Vie g Lawns, Shirtings, Cot- ? tonade, Flannellettes, and Dress Goods. 'ortock. A fgw iloor, _south.ef the Middaugh Hons-é. Ladies' Mantles. 1PIV ill tre I de or chd The Foreign Silver Nuisance. The proposition which the Canadian Bankerw’ Association have made to the. Dominion Government looking to the alleviation at the United States silver nuisance is one that will readily coni- mend itself to the good judgment of the business men of Canada. It is. in brief, that the Government should arrange forthe banks to take United I States silver from the public. reimhnls- l ing the banks for the charges on ship- ping it out of the country, the banks to take " the some time from the Govern- mentan equivalent amount in Canadian silver. Under such an arrangement the I silver circulation of our country would be quickly relieved of a large proportion of its foreign coin at compthrtttive1y tritting expense, and an immediate de- mand would he created for the product of our new Canadian mint on every dollar of which, it must he remembered. our Government will gunner-onto! nearly titty eenta--ht- There is abundant room in life insur- ance circles fm advancement and it Rev McLennan can keep up the clip he set in the provincial fi,",')?',.',,'",':,', it will not be many years before is feet are on the top round.- Wroxeter Star. y,‘ V -- ___. ...w" (A acu- sos and enter» upon his duties the 'tif.'s't" Pox. at Owen Sound. His pastorate Ens not been " long one, but, was most successful, and he leaves his charges in better shape than when he assumed his chime. On Sunday last Rev M C hieLennnn pastor of the Kippen and Hills Green Presbyterian charges. probably better known to the residents of Huron an the Liberal candidate in South Huron in the recent fl',',?,,'.,",','),"',,'", contest, preached his farewe I sermon to these congregations. He has accepted a Easition in the insur- ance business at $1 IO a PN and expen- Ln; .nA =s.mb- .---- ce, 7 .. .. Rev Jan Farquharson, D. D. Pilot Mound, is this week on his annual visit t , Toronto to attend meetings of the Home Mission Committee of the Pres- byterian church. Mr F. is the Secretary In charge of vart Home Mission interests in the West and his work there has been of great value. He. is expected in Durham towards the end of the week and Will in that case occupy the Free- hytermn pulpit on Sunday. Dr. Ed. 8. Lauder. of Cleveland, made a fl lug visit home to spend a. day with his father. Registrar Lauder. :ll'- riving on Saturday and leaving on Monday. A very short. stay, but the motive does the visitor credit, and the visiz certainly gave visitor and visited the greatest, pleasure. Mr John Kelly, on Monday, received by telegram. the painful new: that. his youngest brother James was dead in Omaha. Deceased was a practising physician there, his brother. Dr. Thos. being In the same city. We havunn further details at this writing. Messrs. Fred Glass, AncilOookund Ed. watson left Monday morning for C:ugary to try their fortunes ‘n the West. Percy Glass left saturday/or Toronto and accompanies them from there. 'tht mm: 'atimatqr", Mr Angus Cameron returned Wed- nvsdny morning to Bottineau. N D after spending the winter with his fam. ily in town. Mr Neil Cameron, near Priceville. accompanied him. Mr. Cardwell, Toronto, spent over Sunday with his wife at her grand- mother's, Mrs. Nohle, UpperTown. She accompanied him buck Monday. Mr. John McLaren, Toronto, and daughter Mrs Williams, of Buffalo. were guests'he past week at Me u L Grant's and Mayor H unter's. Misses Davidson, Mt Forest, are visit- ing their brother in town at presnnt. and took part in the Methodist concert Tuesday evening. Mrs Albert M(Cluunn and Mrs Hep- burn were guests at Mr Wm Mormson's on the occasion of his daughter's mar- riage March 8th. Mr w. J. Coutts, who has been visit- ing relatives at Vickers, returned Thursday to Toronto before leaving for Smirk. Man. Mr. John McLaren, of Buffalo, and daughter visited for a few days last week with the former’s nephew, Mayor A. S. Hunter. Rev. Mr. Farqahartron in in Toronto this week attending the meetings of the Home Minion Conn. of whnch he in a member. Mr. Alex. Binnie left Tuesday as del- egate to the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Farqahartron in in Toronto Mr. Joseph Burnett rammed Monday to the West. via Ceylon. after spending a couple mom h: at home Mr and Mrs John Hampton, Holland, visited Mr and In 8 Scott and other friends hut week. Mr. Wes. Hunt left Tuesday morning for Winnipeg. We with him success in whitey" he undertakes. It And Mrs Arthur McClocklin at- tended the Irvine-Morrison wedding laatwreh. it In. hulk can home (to. romwlutmk. atrNoemngt Titanium-nod My Miro-lamp taxing-I‘M Mr. Chan. leKinnoo lea Honda! for Tomato and is using a w of hours to the West. Wes. Theohdd. of Mt. Pare", van in town. visiting old friends met-tho week and. In I Graham. at Winnipeg. in . [out of In W Odd" this week. Mr, R. a. Irvine. accompanied by " bride. "turned My to Grade“. rg', --The Local Legislature meets on Wedmday of next week and unusual interest, of course. attaches to this opening, the first under Conservative auspices for over 30 years. There will no doubt be aLbrillinnt gathering " on- -== ”.9, - - V, -"e"'9t ‘v w a! lit. I am sure that all good Canadian: will dept-emits any attempt to, for the sake of mere party advantage, stir up any strife or passion of race or creed in con- nection with the present legislation. I am. Sir, Yours very truly. H. H. MILLER. No mutter how our opinions may dif- fer, and while We each have a light to an honest expression of our thought. whatever it may be, and to exercise our intiuence, he it great or little, on the side of whet Iebtlieito ttright. I Upon the. present occasion, even though at first sight the Premier’s opin- ions may seem to differ from our opiu- ions. and perhaps he distasteful to our prejudices (and who of us are lice from prejudice t) we will, I believe, all he will- Ing to wait until we have studied the whole question as he has doubtless studied it. and will wait for his further explanations, and interpretations before we will arrive at any hasty and perhaps unjust. conclusions or allow ourselves to become unduly excited. Au excited man is seldom a wise man. est arid best senseriiriGiG'.niiie man, u good citizen and an able statesman. r The tension, and feeling of excitement and uncertainty in very greatly temper- l etl and relieved by the great confidgnce that exists everywhere in Sir Wilfrid Laurier. His followers have unbounded faith in him and do not believe that he will entertain even a desire, let alone an intention, to do any wrong or ittfiict any injustice to or upon either a "tte; ity or a. minority, in the North l est Territories or elsewhere. It is felt that it would he a. gross injustice and a mean thing to hastily attribute hypocrisy, un- failness, cowardice, lack of patriotism or ervGvement to any power to one who throughout his whole public life, as. for instance. in connection with the Manitoba school question, has shewn‘ and proved himself to he so bold, sol Courageous, so thotoughly independent, of "nyyndye influence, and, in the tru- I DEAR thrt,-Ae you will reudiiy be- lieye, the subject of greatest interest and the one must discussed about the “Homo" in these days is the School Clause of the hills to grant autonomy to the proposed new provint-esof baskntt-h- ewan and Alberta. There has been a keen interest and some excitement and no one yet appears' to know what course Will be adopted. Some Reform mem- bers from Ontario Will support the Government no matter what they door propose but you would perhaps be sur- prised. and certainly would be pleased, to know how many Reform represents tives from the banner provmce are strongly determined to do in the mat- ter What they believe to be fair. right. honorable and patriotic, with justwe to majorities and minorities, regardless of 1 what may he the results, politically, i either to themselves or to the party to which they. belong.‘ _ i Obtawu, March 7th, 1005, To THE EDITOR or T HP. REVIEW. The people of Quebec and of the other pruvinees should try to change places and look at the question through the spectacles ot those who differ from them, and by so doing a solution will be found creditable no this country. which should ever frown down all at- tempts to array race against race or creed against creed. to weigh and to wait Lilithe whole subject is discussed in parliament. The arguments in Mr. Haultain‘s temperate letter are echoed with more or less vehemenee in every province of the Dominion except Quebec. We tnink the whole question ot Education. as we have said before, should be left to the provinces. We are not concern- ed tt the present time to argue tor or against Separate Schools. but the Mar tion of provincial control ot at clearly provincml question will not down till reasons stronger than any yet advanc- ed are iurtheuming. The duty of the hour is not to become excited. Some villainous. iirebrand talk has already taken place. Some most discreditable cartoons have ap- peared, especially in the Toronto News. To Jump at conclusions, to assign unWorthy motives. is ever easv, hat at. present the attitude should be an iil,','ii,i,ihlrj,l,i?ii;'i 1'g,t'tt .. two new di-ard in ittatttqtt, and the led- eu who imminent! the m and the laden whoopgd it have new the norm of f wing we'll“ tlt the mind of the country. Phillie neat- inglotnnn kinds. public mono! all ohudee of opinion here put theme“. on recon! and we shell nee hetore long whet eouue our repreoentntivee in pnrlinment will take. Premier Beultein. ot the Territories, bu undue-ed on open letter to Sir Wilfrid, which my be 'ttgt." to voice the nonunion: ofthe at. He is tirtnly oi theoplnion that thereehould have been only one Province new: ttr, lure been working slang togeth- er or may yum harmonica-1y. and one province would very nearly one half of Legislative expense. Be in flt posed aloo to the plan of receiving on. oidiee iron the Dominion treasury in piece ot Provincial control ot lands, but on both of then points he feels lees otronuiv than on the burning question of Education. open%itr function; "Gi To gran on the new provinces 1 Separate School System. otter which they have no control, is, Mr. Henltein thinks, showing n want at inith in the people ot the new provinces which they don t deserve. The supporters ot the eleven separate schools in the territories now were making no complaint. in feet tg seem to have been well ttatitstied on in no way alarmed that the change in etutne from a terriwrv to a province would work to their injury. The School Question at Ottawa. TORONTO North-Welt chblltll. ek a T Th. My" dUGTiii".", _ -- ' .. ul- mica unimproved. Will rent it not sold noon. I50 Aaron Bum-wk North of Allan Puk Glued chap for quick ale. "Ute, Beretta-tt Near Roeer Wu emm ved and ownernyshue h - her to pd"lit2l'fpe'g m“ tian Durham lie-Idol!“ owned by LL. Browne P . a. 'r',t',t,n',,t?,tt,rd £5333?“ numbe: of nth .. -- - -- - " , _ The Hanover L'onveraneer. LENDS MONEY at very lowest mus. Plnoog [agar-ago. of III kinds in reliable Companies. Collects Debts. Arrange. Bush-Ion LtKyettus, Drawn “mung. Ind Solis c. ER. Tick-ts to all points. Besides other lands he (men the following 3"..lngz IOOAom Norm-uh, South-west ot Var. CJir'niAi1,ll'ygTeod,tittr.tsn extra good num. 126 Acres t%trnta"tto Cott18; Welllotmed Ind improved. Will nut it not sold soon. '50 um “wank Kan}. nl ao, -. - lllilli'rlil()lif0ami YOU PEEL, THE Sili)llllihy s, 7.; ---_-. .w-u-unw mm“! by LL. Browne Phonon her. Also . huge number of oth hm “(from Properties. er The "Penn Esther” Range I f you Travel ',,T,ii,a,u-teturertet" . “the 1ieeeu,t,e. t bur-wad. tt " Making Powder Free It is a common expressio_n among our customers that they are delighted at being able to find so many articles they require in our establishment. Bread M ixcrs Silverware Sap Pails and Spiles 'l-l-lr-let-eff-im-i-a" Koopthouwdo FiitTtC6eU " - '2A'ng8llu"lh'A"= u . .... - -P"'er=r=igr-'ral Hm i"iiiilit31teyil,t,,s,. 0-0409"! Cherry Factor?!" doetoe't Indie!” [or all that.“ d ttte tttmat, hm- chhl tttbee, and I” Sold lot on: " you. 'ZSLE-S' 'g'trkhiE tta'ltillfl-, for 4d,:- Ask your neighbor about our "Penn Esther" Ranges. They are giving great satisfaction with eit- her wood or coal. Our assortment of Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases are worthy of in. spection. We are giving away this week A lb Baking Powder with every 30 cent Snow Shovel. No family should be without one of our bread-mixers. Every person who has one is delighted. When you are getting ready for sugar-making, do not forget that we handle Sap Pails and Spiles. In Silverware we have the variety, and it is no trouble to select a wedding Present. HARDWARE The Great Shoe Sale Is still on at Peel’s. W. BLACK LVNlELER. ' Hmong- bt iii variety. fl" Fancy Chottoiato, we have just placed in stock. atetple supplies of CAI-titan foods; including Curacao” of allkindn. Drugs. the tamrrt. sweetest. juiciwh In". 'ttte and umbelled. in KPH" " .0- We have i alspt Christmas . . . 'toith Ma Qatar We are at the shop at the bridge u _ ery Wednesday 1nd Saturday. Or. ders or enquiries left " C. McArthur; store, or at the Rmrrstw OFFICE. will receive our best attention. We are Well-known and reliable. Giving best satisfaction. Once used. always used. Prices and terms to suit purchasers Ca." and examine. Harvesting Machinery of thisfamoua tirm'g make .Rarn Graeme They are good in every respect. Call and see our Goods. Show Rooms opposite Mid, daugh Stables, Lambton St. BARCLAY d BELL Also In. "Mills. It. t ttt Now that you have a Tudhope Bug p) get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim M " 1'tta.eSt hoo- Hue you noon our Men's Lon Rubber goat with longer in g min I Wed no. “and at “.35. our pm. 34.00. Call and examine goods wt! [at when whether you WNW“ ttot. TERMS. -- CASU- At the down town shoe store. The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so has nearly two carlouds f Tudhope Buggies and the plum. which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up with over a earload of the filmhns TWEEDS & YARNS or BET QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods. Boots l Shoes. Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain' . - We ask inspection of our Ten.“ Is at Hand $mplemenés .7 I s. scorn , Pete, farm/lion ' .7601: 0y. Of all kinds. Examine our TUR. NIP PULPERS: they are the best on the market; also our CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS. bison, Me JihrArr are Iolimt your orders for "i-- _ - m ‘12:de Machinery Gaia. trutrt-airoirt Jl%"g"lad'e tsf MW Goals tor And NOW 18 THE “IE to (at your. By" 2‘3"?“ “to or 'akos, gudhopc Guttrrs --e-'H . VI!“ promise satisfaction Also see our famous . Mollraith Ji%k,r, u Cram“: son bans At mmble mm bstr, th w 'owers, A first class Inn Brand. (taken. P" “my: on hand at Rowe's tr SUITS T FIRST of all, Flour and f SECONDLY. w THIRDLY. do department of m LASTLY, our prices Give us I call an ODEL BAKERY. LO And therefore “1 - for our Mm every desirable A qenerurl It. Drafts issue att paints. I all nllowrd " SAVINGS BANE. Invingu hank do- Wilda I’rnmpl facilitw n.ft'otlu sdi-unmn AGENTS .u Ihttario, (4:11 “at” nml [it DURHAM A G CAPITAL CAPITAL BESERV! (lllliilllil) BANK TIF, 7 riect. Herr 4 New 1:.” Bert) lamb We and ltr row I Floor " blo Met, V) lum- M] /l,' “if. GOOD REA G. H. S TT STEEL???" ' Jihrty' MacFaI-iai dodger/n] Ar Sn)» Head Oifice, Carr": Cough Cure W. F. COW GEO. P. " iruggas w E DDI NG Made to ord Styles on sh 'hurt Jihr/ NEW GLASS ll ph Will b ken in I. just what plies-o up: ed syrup 1 talks. Ma the most de Try it. 2tt In For recent splendid new all imam)! to take. an J REM I. just the g ltion fora it: Every bank Inked. To h “I hull Wt It

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