West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1905, p. 5

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Soot. & at.” nim- , renewable m his & Bon bong. Lents .7 I V's, m Shoe. m";- V. have 0M 0. tof new Gad. tor hmz'llon L272 M w ion of our Team.“ r Menu Lon with leather in ranted edge, .ng mans, - use. wn shoe store, cllraith JUALITY. Goods, Boots ockery, &c. d: YARNS M'aehaerg mine our TUR- Pure andy WWI!!! on Bargain, every respect ', our pm, and examine :es whether v: £3;an d BELL Cake up: mm {on TS e faker and Eater omens, 611/. bridge cw rday. Or- McArthuf's ’FFICE. Wm m r Goods. st. junkie“. I. in great \ R ROWS able '.tion, archangel! " IN Mid n St. MO unload; the place pe Bug 3y 1 the 3mm , famous are the Iso our India: ample erfkywinr tilled up , famous Summer ace Give 'us a a, and see tor yotirseif. A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry. always on hand " Rowe’s store. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. Flour and other ingredients. . SECINDLY, we are artists in our line. T 11 I BDLY, clcaqlincss reignsjn evgry STINS ON' s tr suns TO A TV FIRST of all, we use only the finest department of our esta8tishment. L A S'ITY, our prjpes Ire absolutelyfu} O DEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN A general Banking business trnntatctod Drafts issued and collection tmade on all pyjtttn. _ Deposits recéived and inlet out known! at /crrent rates SAVINGS BASH. -nterest allowed on mvinga bank deposits of 81.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every Lu-ililv rsfrorded customen living at a disunce. J KELLY, Agent. AGENTS in all principal points m Unlm‘iu. Quebec, Manitoba. United Mum: and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. DURHAM AGENCY o'APITAL Paid up RESERVE FUND \nd therefore we hear nothjng but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies. and every desirable variety of pastry. (lfllliilllli) BANK AA CANADA l'un- Honey ind Fresh Groceries lungs 5:139 s,lr,,,l,l'jliil,ll GOOD REASONS: G. H. STINSON. l PITAL. Authorized rim-v Perry Sets I it“: labia Set! ill (-rry Emily”: Vii: "e and Bread Hate: " Tnillrd Shun-tin: 7211: wide.. . ,'t' size "nnellette 'iilGiG", white r oil-eloth, 1 and 2 yds wide ....'..'0 I "it't'N y q-uil-(-loth.451n wide, white a 1o.'trtd..riie v MacFarlane & Co. It'llyerzhy tut, Head Office, Toronto. tho. Jbo, Fab/ct: J8miru Gnerh am, . H. BEAN final dihrara, Cdriea .-us.-,' Cough Cure la itrst the right combin- ation lonstubbom cough a',',t'g."t',',e tlt m.- 'rnggists & Bunksallers NEW GLASSWARE There is nothing better then Our Emulsion Cod Liver Oil with the hypo- phosphites. Don 't let a cold linger With you. Check it now. Me per bottle. 3 for h. Will break up a cold, if ta- ken in time, in 24 hours. ed symp for the hrme folks. May be given to the most delicant infant. Try it. 25c a bottle. Injust what/te name in. -eetcteeiyt Pte'- For recent colds gives splendid malts. Alloys all irritation. Pleasant to take. Mc ybottle. .........ttt We tstli5c,2oc,,"gk .........M20¢ ..at Cic each and we each and Me each and 25c each $2,000,000 1,000.0! 0 1,0t all!) of tt on hand 25e a yd " say 'liotfine" ig the unwholeoomeneas ot the part " human food. Such blows should be scrupulously avoided. mun rum. This is one of our most pex1titntrlo brmhes at industry. It MtiDtntattt The Americans are death on horned cattle and will nut bay such except " a discount of 25 Cents per 100 lbs live weight " eompared with dehorned cattle. This is a great loss in donuts and cents. besides. it makes our mar- kets a place that the American does not like to patronize as our horned cattle do not suit him. Our American cousins also complain of our cattle being bruised, Too many ct our farmers, in taking their cattle to market, pound them freely with 1 heavy stick. This is not only s cruel practice and punishment, but it has a very bad effect upon the appertee of the carcass when it is timed. Ev- ery blow bruises the tender membrane underlying the hide, a local tuihuntna. tiou isprodnoed which gives s very unsightly appeersnce to the flesh, to Mr McDonald says, "I spent the greater part of last month in Chicago and New York looking utter the cattle and sheep trade. " The result ot his visit may be summed up as follows '.- Dehorn Your battle-irate roar Lambs. This is, in brief, the substance of a circular issued to the farmers of Out- ario by D McDonald, Esq., of the tirm McDonald & May bee of Toronto Com- mission dealers in cattle, sheep and hogs. In no part of Ontario would the, advice above given be ot greater val- ue than in South Grey, where the farmers depend almost entirely upon the production ot live stock. Mr Bell replied appropriately and Reeve McFadden being appointed an improumtu chairman, called on Messrs Wm Young and Geo Aljoe for brief addresses. The ladies present pro vided ample refreshments and a very pleasant evening was Spent. 'i'ohelp to show, in mow than more words. nur appreciation of you both we present you ms h theso rhairs, wiahxng you many yeatts' comfml in their Use. and hoping" that us yon recline therein you will sometime think of yuur old neighbors. And as you mule m-nrlv approach "that hum-he from which nu traveller returns " may your spirits gruw lighter, and may you have an abundant entrance into thnl Home tshove to whlch we all at last hope to go. Having heard that you me about. to move hon: amongst, us to spend your declining )enru Hi Durham We have. gathered this evening to visit you " last, time. express our regret "r your depart ore. show you in a. measure with what esteem you have lu-en regarded by you- tteisrlti"ors,aud to wists you God ”we, on leaving. You have been con- nected with this district, now fun unmy years, and have shown yourself evrr ready to lend a helping hand to those: in need. You have lived In peace and quietness with all. have sorrowed with our sorrows, nod been glad wuh our gladness. You, Mr Bell. in van» capac- ity of Assessor for solong a time, Ly your faithfulnesa and complete knou- ledge of dlenelz hare the msulztnre that no one else in your place has ever done hie work with tower mistakes or more autisl‘action to the people and couan of qunelg. _ Abnuz 10 days ago a number of the friends and neighbors ot Mr and Mrs. Alex Bell, near Rub Roy, met to spend an evening With them previous to their petttoval to town. They Were warmiv we corned by the hospitable couple. and in the course of the evening the ioliowing address was read which speaks tor itself. . MR. AND Mus. BELL," Should Knropatkin succeed in as- caping with his army as far as Tie Pass the agony may be prolonged a hale but the final result is not In doubt, wounded and hunted by shot and shell and dyiugio he: and now; living soldier- mking intricacies at their dead and dvinx comrade- 'ttttttee gruesome though“. which an to horrify amid the glumour .oi victorv or our favorite aide. Russia has been driven out at linden, at the wan out of Lino Yang. by ntrategy of the very highest order on the part of Quinn. who is already called the Napoleon of . Japan. A battle front of 100 miles we: the problem being him. but he man- aged tootttthsnk it on both'ends with- _ out unduly weakening his centre, and not only cutfianked it but got around on the north of them, cut the railway and " this writing the bulk ot the Ruseinn army. about 200.(ID men. is Emotion“)! surrounded and possibly uropatkin a prisoner. This, in conjunction with 'he tron. bles ot the deepest kind at home. may lead to peace. The Russian tieet at Madagascar appears to be planning to go back to the Baltic, beaten without a blow, and this humiliation henped on other troubles will compel even Russian autocracy to do some think-l mg. ' . The H .trrturrttftt"Utiitmt-aie/ s" J' a. '"'.'- _. __.'"-." ": ~â€"-;-:.m'sar-:mwa . 'l,tra the; vagfizzunmmu‘u'u 1m it." ",'a',trts'! “what.“ i),'.l'llt)itrt'tdtlfgliiliiti were '3.Pft1v9.-1titiiiiziiiiiiaii,Gii m _ frthe MMntt . Mets lug duck-“I‘M _ 'tNtt,tt1eig/,l,iji(jiiiiit “mm” nt.ii; _ '1:wa “would not have” W hf2t,rnttt , “I "h httititutth.Nrititd if they were in, 'ytettrttorritiodadiiGaii I Petite: ( dared lblo 'l/ttl and new r Toronlo lambs” more Irewomwi enterprises. barely having " cat back: ‘m that. Somethin- u the ite 'orlytmattiaintt. Thou-add many tamper can; rf the lambs lent 'ste 'trl shot dead, . happier lot, t,'eitettt'2ttit,, 'lttgt,tl.i,ii r . t n t . St ' . f can 7J.'l.lllkltl “almlndgy 1flg pa: bulgirod lea for fl12h'lld. FARMERS, A MENTION! Address and Presentation. .. Tans A CFADDEN. tiiKned fll' J Ytlwrm. -irtrimm,roeuutrrGsniriGdiif.' May with an farm, acting mam sud - .dny dulyil} le Tot? that the while you sleep. who rioens the gram white you rest. and transforms our orchard Into a bank ”count througgthe Wm sun and run. You know no boss. If you went to the on” you would become one of the mob who work by the clock and the whistle. Now vou can taken day and no one well dock you. If you went to the shop you would become part of the machine. They would tell you to do this and you would have to do it, to do that and you would have to obeyorders. You. young man, would be an employs working for wages, for so much a day. Now, gou are on employer in league wilh “one, who serves and works You have seen the great houses of the rich and their carriages, their sleighs and flying when. You have gone to thumb on Sundav evening. to the. big church, bright with tlectricity with- the choir nhove, and the organ town- ing over all. You hare gone to the theatre, yon have seen the comedy and wele pleased, you have seen the tragedy ond were stirred, and here you are now sittin?‘ by the kitchen btove in your quiet. ome, andina little while you will have to go out and look after the stock. You are tired of tt all. Don't say that; you are the most. in- dependent and most Important. man on Grid's footstpol. - You didn't see behind the scenes. It was onlv the world on show, it was but the dress parade. They tell me, young man. that you are thinking of leaving the farm. Don't do it l keep close to the so”. You are tired feeding the cattle, the the sheep, and the pigs, tired of cho - ping the wood, tired of cleaning Z, stable out.t.ired ot the store on the corner-tired of it all. You have visited the city and its roar fascinated you. every one seemed well dressed and happy, and the laughter and conversa- tion of the passer: by were music to in)!" enl., - - - - or news Much he at. a long Uistnnee Iron: the buildings. and the owner is anxious to nae a. mixture of graham“ and cloyers which will make a pr-rmaneuc pasture. From twenty years' reunite in timing dif- lereui 1arieties of masses and clovers. both “ugly and in combination, we would suggest the fullowirg mixture for perman- rut pasture (in an average mil: Orchard Grass, 4 lbs.; Meadow Funcuo. 4 IIs.; Tall Oat Grass. 31b5.; Timothy. 2 lbs.; Meadow Foxml. 2 hm; Lucnrne, 5 lbs,; Alaike Clover, 2 lbs.; and White Clover, 2 lbw thus making " total of 24 pounds of seed per new. Some of these varieties produee gum very early in the spring t while when: are later and lurmsh a good lute duringthe hot dry weather which occura frequently in the mouths ofJuiy and Aux. us:, The seed can be sewn in early spring either with or without. u grain crop. Such a mixture an thin when once well estab- lished on suitable land. should form a pau- ture nlmudant in growth. excellent in quality. and permanent. in character. I Fatauernirequeutiy write in the sprimt ot the year, htuuuu that through lack of germination ol the grass aud duvet Seed. the Isl-hug of the plants by the hot dry weather of the summer. or the heaving of the clover in the early wrung, the pasture crop m likely to beucfits,ut m the cumin: Manor, and asking what they can sow In tLe wring of the year that wl turuish tlm heat puxsluru in um mum: Manon. In euch of tour ytars we cuudnctm an ex- pert-hunt m [eating lama-en different lauds Mumps far the prmlucxinu of pus- ture in the mama seam: in which the seed was wwn. As " result of these vsperi- ments we ihul that We can get heucr re- turns from a combination of varieties than from uuv one variety sown by itself. The following mixture. when mm» III the wrung. is likely to be ready for use at Rhout six weeks after the seed is how” and to qnc good satisfaction In lm-uiahiug pasture thruughunt the summer; Oat-, one and one-half bunhels; Early Amber Sugar Cane, thirty pounds; and Common lied Closer, seven pmwds; thus making: a total of eighty night pounds of seed per acre. Sometime“ a. farm c'mlaieva n tyrnsidrr. able mnonnt of .totralnrativr-ly runxll land, or iiel:ls which lie at a long: distance 1mm mm m plume t r a. tho Valli I the abort rolatiuu on the Colltrce an Ioilowa: Red Clover, 7 Mm; Clover. 2 1198.; Tlulolhy 4 Hm; and Guam. 51b... making a "stat at It note. This mleuro can aim he I hay, but when the chief aim in the tion ot buy. the Orchard Gram; Is eluded and only L, ll,, ot reed 1 are "own. The In: of eluted hurl down-d to pu- mu in Ontario amount: to nutty was million urn. and um. anon-d to buy and clout to Mount We and one-half million new: annually, A huge unmtver at gun- on sud elm-era have been grown In tae Ex. perimental Depamuoul. ol the Ontario Bttrtetstsurat College. mm mug!)- and in Cumlunuion. for [mums and tor buy. The minuw ot mod now use-l tor the produc- tion ot [mums t r a no yum mum! in pl... L _. By attending to the lamb. more! y theitrimutrim ot 840,000 wand be [tuned soon-11v by sh: sheep ulcers ot Ontario. There are [any other ad- unugel to be derived from the eu- tration at the lamb. that awry farmer knows. Runners no to it. that your came and sheep an, fitted for the beat market and the profit will be you own.-Com. ith Stay Where You Are. Pasture Crops. 1-. tub” Its In heed per ll far I.“ is Alelko - , a", ' ' N til.)'. The Farmers ill 1g til Supply (h, Latte? 3; '9aas 'S:dt'a'S.'9.S.9.9S:a:a:a.ar.aa:,a,.tua. 23:33 sf.)" it) .ti.fAy.'Jitr.i tF:tS6t.tF.t.,"6:..ttttt.t.t.tt: eggs; tif -.. - A " 'ii"""""'""-"""'""- ttt9ritthtbeeie-trre. I". h tia. -'--------r---- tttek-dh-tredo-ew" mat, when 51.31an w you can not what' you mt when you want, and than in non. who will criti- Tpulzcr can“! for 8. ciao. any with the farm. with it; spir- NIN-llt. Why“. thd not treat and trio-dun... from tho "and ' male ”or colli- ybo {allow you u and down dNtqMtteqteq My" M ll an lino to the swallow It, build. in on out. exMenco and n surgici ",ii?Jtrdti,iitiiijyiiiit 's'itiir' to to than n can. Wd', 'l2ll'ta'l,".t Dump“ ati u!- - a" in Got. mac-Inn; when you nod no medicine to who; aeisassaaassassiauaaasssaea, at . , 1elirltto W tuiartirtair" N, Cl & J. McKechnie company's representative at the wariri;arsiiiii he will be pleased to furnish any information desired. N, G.,&J. MoKechnie§ The first carldad of Buggies is expected to arrive Sewing Machines To Shareholders, $18.70 to 25.00 To Others, $25.00 to These are hot a cheap grade machine but are first-cl every respect. A guarantee goes with each machine. We have put up a sign. It means low prices to shareholders The shares are being taken up fast and why not? You could not make a better or safer investment. Look at the saving on the fol- lowing t To Shareholders, $4 5 The Farmers Mfg & Supply 00., Limited Not more than two mats can be sold to any one customer. We have just received the third shipmentlot Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at L19tlerAle::.' When in town, fall all}; see for yourself. You will find the 0mm." P. RAYIOID. BO CTS. A (The popular Cash Store.) Darling’s Drug Store £5.00 for" FARMERS and B'NCKMEN will be more than interested in (we, Great British National Stock food, A ._- .l.- L..; ___.I- 0,",- - n u. .. . Earling’a Shrug scam like Success in the strenuous dun Old lushion- ed, any-going methods will not "all. Our sum is due to our way of mailing l)rugs. Stationery, and Drugg’ist’s Sundries We give the public the very best value for their money. We handle node that make 3 customer come again when more we wanted. You will he lntemted in our way if you will give it u ' Only Those IPICFEg L ream Separators 00 to 68.00 To Others, $70.00 to 110.00 Prices according to size. the beat ttradrgikiirir" Calf $571715; ---hOR SALE ONLY AT'-- Who Drive Things ,,,--_ -- u. w. - - - Nn' Booth“ Helical. 'ttmt or accountant. sunk ”can. Omit. to e0qMtegtee April M M Applicant. u! out. expog'ence Angular, expectant I100 Acre raid :5, 'ticiiij' “Patna. ‘5‘: , abhor... out Gull-gnu. 'ttid Ph- '1'l'rdL'?'Saseit"d2'ie' TORONTO " gonna WANTED than: any. "iue.hiiii. fran early date. .00 to 35.00 first-class in H: Noch In- J. P. futon. and Lee" w. mimiotiéh'u was“; manna on antenna of ham. Fun: ling:- menu and hand. Caveman- Tools, Ro . Boon. il.ris',2'ii' Wool, Beef. Pork, Flour-ad nun-up In ettherdwelitng-oub. hills-a. lo My lanthanum their can“ 4%" 'tttttet, b no In. u “an an... up. out to "f Our Com Durham. Nov. 16, '03. By denham_ylutyal JOHN CLARK D. McPHA IL.) Notary Public. Commissioner. Convey sneer. Valuator, lnsunnoe Agent, ac Private Money to Loan. Collec- tiomr of all kinda promptly atten. ded to. Farms bouglu and sold 0ttiee----LOWEtt TOWN. DURHII. Jumpnny and Wt", Fund. to Lon on Mon-Lune. at love: rate. of Menu. anuuuon made My snowman: and 'sandal Yul-nun. HONOR GRADUATE of Tmunlo UNiYPI'Hlly. gI-uduuw of Rnyul College of Dental Sumo-mm of Ontario. Rooms. Own J & J HUNTER's New Store Runners. Solicitors. Conveynncers Ae. Money to Loan. A. G. MooK-yi K.C. w. F Dunn Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. a. Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. uemtetAuesieertorttaeor.otoees. we. WE. be 1:11: 3-1111!le 1tle: 592... A%glUflUU"h', anhkmn FFY l ) the mucus. - --ee- , --Be- V- -.... In“ null-I‘ll. Court Rulinou Prob-lo of Win-Jamar» 01 Ad. mimtrnuon and Gandhi-ship Obtained. sou- chu undo ite Mai-My Ottim, And Titles repolud [In -. _v.--‘v-. un‘w-4 'H.""""-' “mortally prepared. Ensue- of deceased pop IOBI looked um and Executor'. Ind Admin):- trnton' Ir.,ttyt,eyyerei, and paged tiuttito Hun" than... ....._.A -* ...r. - . A. A _ - once, " but a. Tm moderate. Arrangements for salrm a} to Gates, Ac., mttttt be made at tho Review of- tita?e"ty bafi1'.T.'r,'v"it'T' 1f,",l'i'i,tr,' _ or to (by '.0. wil In pro- y .tteatded to. n- on mine-non to p. a. Human. 11.13., annotation: nnd Agency promptly “bonded to :VDII. 2.ttfy. long-gel. 1M, Ann-menu A! MD...) " ....____A; .. . - - - In. mum: to loot-Mich ”new. In: to Knapp'. (New York) in Ila-malt 0 ..o"iirirf'i"iiti. Won-2". - In": 'rdlNtttg'ttttg. _ Llc.P..I-Iu.w fd-urei;atdiCrgl'I.'. ”Niko. In. Nme.aaohmet Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. b F-tta. I. NO‘YkV runuc _ oo/Ga invic'nn like. Mrkenzie's Old Stand, Dnrhnm Auctioneers. D. MttPEAiL, Urylun P. o or to C. BAIAGE. Durham - Ceylon Inc I telephone oMce. Money to Loan. mce. over Gordon's Jewelry Store. like. Mclnlyre Block, over the Bank 17131012 FIRST _nooR EAST Will be u the 1t'r'f Home. Durham, the urn Wane-u)- o each month "on 10.. a. an 1 p. I. ""--'-N-Pel- ‘v.‘. -‘ yo. luv-cu- Glut-Ion. who "or J.h.g.Maertoru “on lano‘... IOUuzi in Cr.- tto n... '-"rtttt-oaesreeo.m......,,, Walt-admit... . nun-u: 'o uoorueld'o (In-don. [on Q“ to Knapp'. (New York) Eye Hannah. lltt,._iihrr,tnne & Throat argon can. u. TLaSlCFuec:gu. . G. LEFROY meciun,. BARRIS f/rue. - _ gown-on. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey. MACKAY & DUNN, DEN TEAL. an... 24’... 7-4p.tm. Yum-0M No. to PICKERING I). I) s., L. o. S A. H. JACKSON, Du mun - t'ifiFiicCi1u7rr.. Iteeuience flrst dour was! of In old Post Ottice, Durham. u. ”not! . . P. TELFORD DR. BURT Fire Insurance Co. DB. 330". uninc_nl_ne_fqr Gnln, y.ar ----- Omw‘ 395 "ss" Meant-x. ll + tda' in; o) 'ea'

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