West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1905, p. 8

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This Sohool u mm); o mat-ole record this you for plating in "adults in good positions. College open the erttige you. Enter now. Handsome unique the. W. J. ELLIOTT. SPR [NU TERM FROM Wil, rum: your service. In (may: demand. Four 1ll'l"ttt com ot "lady. J','tri,et,te. Bua pew?!“ ', Tour. y . There in no than!“ the m! to chum; institution bu unexcelled gi'l2'itt"i . full "" ot competent and pins ine teaetters. Hundreds who were Just Able to Ipend . few winter months with us we now mun; ant-elm pouiuonu. For tullpnrucuhn Mums. A TERM IN ANY OF THE IE. \PARTMENTS 0F Tttii---! il L. Grant ',. A. "iiGii.Giiiiiiii Oan Sound !tl friltXllfiLl53lSltXllSgglgl8ptgggggggggggii, 'fi 333mg Jtobert garnet? P'msiiiil mgxxwxaxaxxaamax " " The remntnder of our stock of Boyr Spring '05 60 pairs to choose from. We have a Barguin table of this stock. Call Ind see the assortment. Some- thing to suit any and every pur- chuer. All must go very cheap for Cub. 'tgag PRINTS now and ttet In made up when you have time. Don 't at)": the nnoncr you come. the better the choice. Procrastination h the thief of time. Comm M Carry Away kind you can rely on tor style and quality. Footwear As Spring in just. about here. you will want toga: NEW FOOTWEAR and in antici- pation of your wont: we have may for your inspection. u lam “k ot the good de. pendohlo kind of Bug that wear we" not: no you have but! gutting from on: we You" um Aleatandee nu. rrtneiiat, TORONTO. ONT. Those Boots and Shoes at 90 cts per pair lytyry I‘LWEFEEE per pr Boys' Heavy Rubbers ~. M CArthur '34 APR IL ttgeo " unwvllll’, we returned recently. The friends Ind neizhbon around this put gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Alex Bell. lat Thu-eds] night to spend e " [1'an in triendly chat as they are going to more My to Durham' when they inundtolive. They reamed them with e heath! . We whiz them much 'qttt amines in the" {more home. y will be much mined as they were kind might!!! In Wm. Young and 1111rAt, Tlt?." Ill-e L1'llUtatg noir'"PrieuvnoTJe u7iG'Gait when. ..m noun-V. WW um " Niagara Fall-onwe loco! lurch and buried on Sum-city, whither, the remains were fellowed by lure number of sort-owing friends and mt- atives. A number Tame from . dietancew y their autumn one 't,.'iii)i1.'e?)ie' loved and reamed. m“ -.- .-m__q__, __.., -- Miss Eau; iiGiiGiiiiii"G triends for a week. Katie 1 tine off to see her old when Min Kate Firth spent . u !,iTtvi.ue.. and _returned Mn Wm. Britten spent 1 few as" with her mother. who is living with her titerMnWm. Kearney. We tympnthiu deeply with Mr and Mrs Chas MacArthur. in the duthot their daughter Mina Annie. who died " Niagara Ihuloonttte Into! lurch and buried on Sum-city, whither. the remains warn mun-.1 '-g-, Mr Chas Kennedy who has boon laid up for several months is improving Mad ia looking found for the warm weather. to bring health and vigor tekein. er at his life in and around old Glenda. m is visiting at Mr Dan McCormiek'I " present Mn Thou Gr" of the Poet Cam in in verv poor health, hope she will soon be herself aggin. a pleasant week with her singer, In Albert Leslie of Mt. Forest. Mr Neil Cameron after living in North Dakota for several years. has made up his mind to live the remaind- er at " life in and nmnml an m---“ _ Mr Dan mKwhuio of Wandby, nun an Cuariie ucKecbuie of Durham. re- uewad old acquaintances in this Vicinity Ion Sunday In“. We understand Charlie lintends gonna out wast in a week or 1iio" bat anyway we take this oppunun- in of informing him that "Ibsen" Inn-ken the lie-in grow fond-r. " Cull again before you an. Charlie. I The marriage M Mr Archie Brown. ot Sauna. North Dakota, Ind Ilia Ivy {chounlul of this place will Ink. pine. ion Wednesnlny evening of this week. Full Miss Magic Melanes of the old Poet Office returned home after spending a pleasant week with her sister, In Albert Leslie of Mt. Forest. puniculnrl Gn weeE. Mr Neil New. of Tobermory. visited at Dong-dd MrDon-Id'a, Jr. on Sunday. Quite a number ftom around Hero “tended Hugh McKechnie'n sale on Monday. I Mr Wm Cooke bad the mintowtnejo lose a very serviceable horse on' Friday tasa. If Roby Robertson. who had been waged With at Rota Tmme., for the pan: year. thinking to better his position no Info. took I trip over to England‘ to see his parents and to look aronmd. However "ietin,e, conditions not quite meeting mm in Rnlverlst u'a approbation. he rammed to Canada and has again engaged on“! Mr Tw-mley. “Canada in gm d enough for me. " Mr Angus McDMgall loft last week for N, nun Dakutn where he intends to ppend the spring and nummer months. Mr hound and Miss Finn McDonald mmted at Owen Bound has Wonk. We were very much planed to learn that Ales, their brother, who is attending Business College than is getting on very m.“ we“ Miro, Flora McDonald, of Hamilton, came home an Saturday for a short 'ttstt. a week. we was; see her old schooling... ROB ROY CRAWFORD {gent , few week. it"? » ig' ..n.teo1Rot.trtmu, l.'1of1'f,f"'T'r1'S'rffr1"'"""'" pro-an T.' iatrerturoiormttit mnygood thin.- -fittt,sdtret 'tit,"Wucgrg. 4 um communion“ winch my. and t2agoad A'gitttt s.- B-Jotu, :51 ‘MH bo, 5".“ 1t..rtod - h when. Chas McDonald. Jul... Alexia. dtuhtttw . se. "n" “a 'tttt ttto non. Inge Hooper, Jr Hus-ab Mc- "wk". Baehem, Ada III-Loan. te 2-rrate Tm nhjouoava-yiud Clout Isthmus. Wm Hooper. Jr b-us Ind no noon-I . Fabian." by It “COMM; Iona-mid. Bertie Me- Warren at Auto..." "it-tmir but Cong. , cKlnnon. Maps. The we: spoke upon ttto DIcDonnn. rm. 'beufmto bold”! huh plowing at John Brown and tamily are mov- ing to the ttorth-weat when they are hung up . me: of land Proton Council held I meeting on Sammy last, .tshietly abnuc drains. Mr Rob: Campbell, of Beer St. has rented his farm, sold of his stock and intends to trwel through thumb: md western part. this summer coming He Inna to we the west. Mr Wnrden Shand is giving up the Pride Furm on the 9th con and tented the Dozen farm on the am: eon. Mr Geo Cameron has given up the Daze“ form and hes pnreheeed one in Egremont near Holstein. Mr Cameron and family will be mach missed here " good (Mixingr neighbors, and the Presbyterian church will also miss worthy members, but lees here will be pin to Holstein. and everyone wishes them well in their new home. Wm. Dezell has changed his mm and is not going farming but will go into the cement business. Thos Spence has sold " farm to Wm Waltz. i V_vâ€" -iNe.l.- v Jul. I ago. and he leaves " mourners three daughters. Mrs Scrimger. who kept house for him. Mrs. McWilliams. of Dromore. Mrs. Gllks. near Hopeville. and Wm. Scrimger. a grandson, who has managed the farm lately, with some younger grandchildren. The funeral took place on Monday, the 6th, to the church where Rev Mr Campbell. or Dromore. held a service, assisted by the veteran Rev. Mr. Morrison, Cedar.. ville, " old pastor. and Mr. Baird, the pastor of the Hopeville church. The funeral was very large consider: l lug roads and weather, all wanting to i about respect to the eldest Iettler here. Bv industry and carefulness he, with big family, cleared up the farm, nnd he pan: from it now leaving a record in the neighborhood hard to excel as a kind and obliging neighbor and warm friend. In religion he was Presbyterian. in politics a eunuch Re. former. Aii.witis died about? your: One of the oldest pioneers of Proton, Mr. David Scurick. died on March 3rd at his residence, lot 8, con. 11, at the age of 79 years, u days. Mr. Sturick came to this countrv from near Paisley, Scotland. about 48 years ago and set- Lled or? this lot when it was so'id bash. Married, on Wednesday, March l, " the residence Ot the bride's parents. Mr. Peter McPherson, son of Mr. Alex. McPherson, J. P., to Miss Tenn Me 8nurrie, daughter at Mr. Hector " uarrie. of Ventry. all being of Pro- ton. Rev. Mr Buchanan, of Dundalk, performed the ceremony in the pres- ence of a number of friends ot the omtraeting parties. Mr Robt Alice loaves this week for the West where he intends to remain for some time. Mr Alex McQuarrie and Mr Ed Me. Phee of Mt Korist, spent. Fauprday and Sunday mth Mr D McFaydeu of the nouns. Mr Dave Allan of Hopeville spent a. couple of days with his mother, Mrs Jas AGn, ut this burg. Miss Lake of Welbeck spent a couple of days the guest of her sister Mrs Chris. Sheurmun. the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Ritn.e be the youth and beauty at this neighborhood by music,gnmes and dancing until the wee small hours ot the morning. Mr Jan. Staph: was auctioneer at the pie "nd boat social st toe towaship hull Friday night Much 3rd. Proceeds amounted to $94. Friday evening of March 10th was spent_ in a (egg enquable manner at Frf,211 We understand Mrs James Me.. Cracken bl! bought a house in town and will likely be moving in shortly after tlic ttalt,. Mr C. C. McFayden visited friends m Normandv tor aconplo of weeks lately. A number from thus PU't attended the luneml of Miss Annie McArthur of the Glen which wok place last Sat- urday. The sympathy ofthia neigh- borhood was out to the bereaved put-en's and family. Ms Wm. Watt. who spent the last ten years with Mr John Collier is now engaged with Mr Geo. Ritchie for the spring months, Mr Joseph Noble and family moved Monday to their new home in Domino): sorry to lose them from our midst as thee were kind chiming neighbors A very enjovable time was spent in musie, guns and dancing " the hus- piuble home of Mr and Mrs Rube. Eda. last Friday nihht. Mr Charles Goodeve of Acton is at present visiting at Mr D. Greenwood and other friends in thin burg. Por in Nature's book 'tie written "Ice mutt melt and Spring that reign. " Miss Martha lit Firth spent I ,turrut' of weeks visiting Mend: in Marirthile. " Winter reign. in All it! fury. Snow arm- oold end white and deep Cover woodland hills and meadows at here the green and fio were sleep Yet in spite at storm and tempest. Flowers will bloom wnere - has HONOR ROLLS BOPEVILL'E. MI BILL A very mucus!!! institute media vu I hold on Fruity last in Banal! gull. tl Inn-:0 and commodxom building.“ Ming; In}! mind. both " afternoon sod wan-9 In; manna. Tho fine wombat punit- l inaht the time Ind during an MJ cu unduly conducive to . lug. turnout. I To those whomusedit through inability] touted... as" full ampuhv. Io;' than. who “In“ the meeting. ani known“ tut sham the whim midi won. web" can! sympathy. To any 2N"ll,1 of ffi','t'gT,,ts't."'t could I no! no.“ 130000 on pro-ml kWh-wow”! my»! tool We; Farmers lugtitnte Meeting at The baskets of provident which the ladle- brought were now 'sett to, sud 'sfter all Ind punk» ot the good this“ they contu’nod. tho tomoinder of the ov- onine was spent in manic. gun“. he, Moat exquisite manic In given by In". Goo Eon-n. violin ', W J Brown, Kilian“, Mau., ("5.0: nod F. Forrester. wnouri. we pray that for you may come the glad and mellowirittiMuehees of the Christian’s afternoon and eventide of life. May His Almigblv arm uphold you, His loving hand guide you through the entire Journey of life. and may He who seem the heart and understarideth the purpose thereof my unto you st last, " Well done good and faithful servant. enter thou into the ltr of thy Lord. " the wish and pmyer o your friends in Yeovil Methodist' Church. J Ann Rum. Mrs n. lawn. Mr and Mrs Sinchir replied in suitable terms. thenkmu them for their beautiful present. and expressing their regret that they had not done more to men! so much kindness. I We have gathered in vour house this evening to upress our esteem and ap- predation of your devoted services in our midst. Although we have not, al- wnys put our thoughts into worde--l believe us dear friends -we noticed how 1 freely and unselfishly you worked for the good of our church. Sunday School ( and League. To-night we wish in a. tangible way to give evidence of our best wishes, and we ask Mrs Sinclair to accept this clock as a memento and to value". not for its intrinsic monetary, worth but as» token of our love to- wards her. We trust that you mayf both be spared to continue your good! work among us. As the ticking re-l minds WP. that; time is swuftly passing § On Monday evening of Int week. the} home of Mr and Mrs John Sinclair was! the .0000 of a genuine .. surprise " when I over forty members of the Yeovil Moth? odist Church gathered there and present- , ad Mrs Sinclair with a. beautiful " Ada-i alumina clock " accompanied by the fol- ' lowing midi-ass. read by Mrs W. H. Sim I, Mn AND Mas JOHN SINCLAIR: I TORONTO Address & Presentation at Yeovil. Eva Ritchie eq. Sr 2--Rohbie Williams. ,' Willie Kenny, Clarence Staples. Willie ) Ector. Artnur Wilson. Jr 2-Pearliei' Wilson, Kate Ritchie, Bo McCracken.; Eliza. William. Je Pt Ja,,',',': William“ Jog Kenny, Vincent. Paylor. Sr Pt l--- ! Maggie Ritchie, Cuasie Ritchie. Myrtle i Ector. Average "tentunce--N l ANNA Bcorr, Teacher. ! Fanny Bum-,May Spine", Herbie Edge. J: 8L-hhnma Ritchie. Hertue. Ritchie. Jyhnfrerpwood, our; Greenwood. and Neale: in ordered merit. Clan 4--nsa.ie But-mun. Nat-bun Bur-burg, Nellie Reid. Linn. Bceks, nouns Hamilton. Mend Keel-e. Br 8-- Olive Reid, Jennie Hutch, Annie Troop. Jr 8-ttarr Match, 1Grry Hon-elm . ll-~my no... Alex Whyte, Hill's-ed M'. Lin... Alex Swill). Alvm Eccleu. Hugh Rem. Mamie Keith, Lulu Hnmulwn, Roy “Add. “cubic Kenn. te 2--Utismstsci, Mu, Meaning Reid. Kitchen] Wailing. Myrtle W'hvte. Bonn! Homstru, ' Nor- "um Hamburg. 1Vithe Uourtr, h,'l,'dt Shiell. Jun Truup. Wed Eccles. gr2-- Nellie Hutch. John bhielu. Jennie Billon Joe Bilum, Winlow Keith. Mary All". Ferd Hamilton. Hervey: Grunt. Pt 2- Ethel Match, John Ross. Scott Berle-n, Gland Huuiiltml. Georgunm Alleu. Pt 1-wiltrert Ross, Arthur Eccles, Wtl- but Paal and Willie Paul, eq. Gland Hamilton. Geormanas All“. Pil Il'l any to WI“ quality and pro- 1-Wiltrert Ross, Arthur Eccles, Wai-! . . hen Paul and Wtilie Paul, eq. deco style In thou. What you van} a M. M. Nauru-a, Teacher. Each Ire,', :nduryle Il t tfur?:, becomb ton qua y In .f e B. s. so 3 ennui 1 ' ' . has made the SLATER Clan 5-510" Edge. Clam, 4...“. t In moderate cost , Firth. Ada Stuyvln. Ernie Green 2,S'tliiii0ii fnmous Ill over Uanada. Maggie Edge, Willie William». Be 8Cl a. I. aria. iruiarosv. .0..-.r â€".â€". .0-.- . " ll ‘u-IWII V| IIIU auu ‘1' "H VI UIIJVIII' '" ”no 1'",Tff.., le? l, full, as enriching the so l, as well " g l, Lreuptttmtitis or awelled lee In treated upon us being duo to so ill. door-"d I condition of the blood, or improper eie. _ col-lion. lantivo 'ttttd ohnnldho given [ with modern:- quiche for All" or two (allowed " doom dual" or other houn- ine medicine. to Which . little ultpetn may ho nddod. Blindnou in bon-u In 'rhutflr due to bondinry mum. though bad light Indimpropor "amnion ll no doubt conducive to it. . Julio Philips one ot our local lumen I [no n that. talk on the growing of shite ' clover sud the tmtmmt of the amend m Giiil to in in. from weed reeds. had ( nulls“ .19u.oo from mun um last you ' and hot! ant pain Iron: deal." In Toromo authored qnllilyd the and not I down and mink: money can be mule by ‘ i lumen growing“ mmhtllr. I moon my " m Illllllrurau'UAu'f""" Pm, Wm. J. Young warmed the elm.- 'hl'. an energetic tua. Ir G. Bums. took 3 In". an uber of am down as member: We dou't no how my (m can rein... to pin 5 can u moor-hip [color In but mount ot would. fouling - “my“ one u well " 'ttttate adult-nu to In bath, “but a! the Ionian. . Ihoineh-tteidsr-ittetn tho innk mud! chub: Mush. m. I Per Pee, 'ter'. and Mum . ( “On the cure Ind feeding of huraul ',rtith n WOW to preventing disease" contended that the bone uIIonM not be "ting-ttil the time, that tons on tom, of bag are unleash arttid during winter. {causing improper digestion. A horse would be watered the fires! thine in the summing and Ilwcye before fouling. u {hot-o being "Mom too but to be water- gml. Ho waged iatenern u being e'uutly to Winn. for cunning heaven in how“. by (overftseditur, of buy as much as bv {wading fmuuty hey. Ray of thin deucripunu fshould be moiutened with lune water, To“: nhould ha fed whole, tho actinn oi I 'snlivn In allowing 'eitstittg caudally in l digestion.but prefer-crushed one to al .110!” that boltahin food. I." devices to: :pnvont not bung very ntiafmmry.I Aeataritsdietiot, caused by change of food or an overfoed of the an)! ruions itven through a spool-.1 kinda“. at the driver. He Was much doubted no his Interment that it in unclean to drug A bone for indignation it is now largely or nltm tuber discarded by vou- u unclean through the r utmty ot the thin-chin such a condition. hypodormlc injection. an ro- und to inn-d. [ or three time! durttw the dnv. fmnllv .dniwing it in before sun-at. as lying 'conducive to a hue quahty of buy. nvme [pettvrm In! had for purge-mu «I fowl althotarlt Dr.. Raoul thiuk, a fine quail-v of fimothv [my better tor the workiusr home, Quito u diaeusuion fullowed on the treatment acavrded dove: the preparation of th- ground by growing 90m. momma. clamor of it, He recommended the [outing at clover for hav. other dew mu '.oft in the morning. using a tedder two iloyn of tht ltttd c_rop or, clover in the LEADERS m eve-waging that u upidate. SLATER SHOE For Men Alex Russell. l The Big Store The Rush in your Butter and Eggs while the prices are good. 3mm CHINESE sTARCH............ 4 pm KING CORN '3TA1tCH.... .... 3 Pktttt uuLAREN's JELLY...... .... Let us figure on your Hardware Bilis Groceries forSaturday HARDWARE The Happy Thought A prize-winner wherever shmm. a gen- eral Ignoring with the heat hoooekcepon. A work of m and will In: a life time. We can ttive you testitnonit0 from a dozen or more use" in mun. ,' Fred. W. ONE PHOTOGRAPHS (winter Millinery Miss I. Dick. to sell at a great reduction. We will quote some prices: Hats that were $2.75 & $3 . . . . .... . .. ..... .. ..Ior99c Hats that were $1.50 &.... .... .... ......33 as fr79e These hats are very stylish and a good quality. Colors.. Brown, Navy, Champign and White Made hats In Velvet and Plush " u hernia. We make special mention this week of the Big Millinery Sale. We have about THESE LARGE PHOTO- GRAPHS. firstuhed in the latent style. mounted on a beautiful ' Ameticnn mount. are worth 3: .50 alone. This in going to adver- tire our Studio in: 3nd wide and hundreds of people will lee them We do not say how long we can continne this ole: " it - . lot of extn work And expense. We know thin Itylc of Photo- graph will plea. yon}:- it is 1ftttverr down cum To introduceour FINE LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS. we have nude amusements to give l00 READY-TO-WEA RS 300'! spunk“. Yms'1l know it duty: by the Makers' __ ttie si-at-seed. damped GTtriau-c" "T he Slater Shoe" Range Your may tttteh irtrete we not “tilled. _ sfii V0 N'I Ru Rm REV REV lbw REV Rev Itttv "Irv RI J Cr: NI W II I) "

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