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Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1905, p. 1

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ire 'twherever shnwn. a gen- he but hmuhoepon. A (i': last» life time. We mials from adorn or V. Kelsey. oI iacrthes'nape, ad width you need. but stick to it-- speculate. pprTlPt!gl.li.,..t,,. ange z Slater Shoe" WARE {orSaturday aggs DY-TO-WEA RS eriment till you n miformlz good ni know it Away: rd on the sole-- ARCH . . . ' STAR“! l JELLY .. JO RAPHS M It dozen Cabinets. " twin, cut ell. Millinery [E Hardware Bins E] Dick. Your may hack in you I" not sass-M. expense we can tis ave 25c Tat (t "m 5:33;;Exammmmmmgmmmmfi _lfif New Dress Goods WEMEEEEWEEEEEEEEEEEEE , = New Goods for Spring iiifriiii, NEW ART SATEENS AND CRETUNNES Embroidery Edgings and Flouncings. . . . . .Sc to Ak yd. " Insertions and Breadings. . . ...5c to 30c yd.. DAINTY EMBROIDERIES FOR SPRING New Raincoats Jaméé Ireland. Are constantly arriving and are crowding us for room. That's one reason why we're giving such bargains in all hues of winter goods-genuine bargains on good goods. Fashion tor 1905 favors very strongly the lovely new Em- broiueries. We are prepared witha large range in all. widths, close and open patterns; also Insertions and Bread ings. ' The garment that above all unites usefulness with I. handsome appearance. These new ones are even more' beautiful than "use of other seasons. The prices are verv reasonable too, for $5 to 12 the cmvenettas in new styles are trom We wish redraw special attention to our Dress Goods Department. The Ines: fabrics are now in stock and the 'ale,' colors are well represented. Some of the. favor goods are viola. orepe-de chene, mohair; armures " well as the heavier Tweeds and Suitings. NO. R [2/ Raves l Bar 81.” . u . few: 81$ .. . . . 31.1!) pin. 81.75 riser Cl.” .. ... $1.75 Bur 81.75 in. . . OLG) ertld.81.16 't ,r:2 I FOR. BAtat.-A Colt, rising 8 vrs.. and one Colt rising 2 yrs, full brother and mister and well matched. IAlan n. few tXl,' bend of young cattle in good shape. 20 otorn 2pigs. 80 to 100 lbs each, Sow with a l litter weuks old. Apply to {and returned hut evening, having visit- l ed all but four of the hotell within their _ i jurisdiction. Chairman Cleland aid _ Ethat the bar-room loafer was too much l l in evidence: " In runny of the hotel- we visited we found a crowd of tor-room .’ loafers, sitting in the her and apmnnt- , ly Uniting for some one to treat them." I A: a. remedy for this Mr. Cleland advo- , eater the abolition of those time-honorea I country institutions. the bar-room chairs. He believes the but should be iseparate from lotsfintr-phures, and in many cases the bar-room could then be much smaller. As it is at present, a man who enters a bar room where there l I Was a crowd of loafers whom he known, ' treats all if he treats one or sonienne l, feels ofUnded. if men mnlt loaf on I hotel premises, they should loaf in some I lace se unite from the bar, contends; gin 'cf'2'll,i'l. There are about forty- ; {our licenses in North Perth riding. It is rumored that two or three hotels out- side of the city Will lose their licenses. 1 and others will have to show A decided improvement The Commissioners l found that Listhel hotels averaged i ‘hetter than the others visited. In the] City there may he a slight reduction in t the number of licenses. now seventeen. [but the Commissioners decline to com- mit title-Sid“; "Ste thing is gore,” I . W. - ttdiet licence eth',llirlliti'/'i; to _tAtNtaatd hare MAPLE SUGAR. INDUSTRY Tauntin- ED,--A Canadian Maple Sugsr Maker’s Association is a possihle organization. The 0 erntinns of a number of Toronto isnd NEmtreml syrup manufacturers ere [injuring legitimate sugar makers' in. ‘dmtry. They are compounding and aiii"ti'riariiir' maple syrups and selling (thom as the real article at a price at. a wnich the farmer cannot compete. The gresult is that many farmers both in Ontario and eastern provinces are cut- ting down their maple orchards and going out of the business. There should be regulations prohibiting the use ofthe term maple syrup or sugar on s com. l pounded or adulterated on ticle. or even Gi lithographed representation of s [ Hosp]. orchard, s - rsmp. or says angering operation that might lead the l public to believe that the syrup coutnin- l ed in the package was maple syrup or I' sugar. BAR Roox CHAuta.--A recent issue of the Slmtford Herald says t "The re- cently appointed License Commissioners of North Perth started out on a drivmg trig throng]: At riding on .ngneodny i WINTER Gorem.-hiday morning l last every shrub and tree was a frosted 1 picture indicating a change In Lenny-I'- lature which Cattte, in the t'wst genuine ithaw since winter set in. Saturday it i rained heavily and the snow want down an. great rate, roads at the same time becoming very had. " check mine Sunday when the thermometer dipped again but old Sol is getting powerful, I winter has lost his grip, and before long [we will see mother earth in her green i beauty t a welcome change. . ' New Mrar-.s-Mt Fielding was waited upon Wednesday morning by a deputation including representa- tiVes of seventeen cement companies situnted in Ontario and Quebec, asking toran increase of the duty on rement from 12l cenls per cwt to 171 cenls per rwt. 1'hedeptitatum placed its views brieity before Me Fielding. who pro- lnised consuiepation. Mt John Ehrhurdt represented the Durham company. f PROPERTY FOR SAta--.Thss undersign- (ed offers for sale that vety desim tie istore property on Gnrnfmxa, Bt., now occupied by James Ireland. Also the Istow and dwelling on Mill tit . at pres- ,eut occupied by F. Seigner. These are first clams business locations. Apply i personally or hy let ter. to ,! Dromore P. O. Marrh 4, Igrri. l, A party of young people spent a. pleasant evenuur at the home of Mr. {and Mrs. Wm. Smith. Jr.. 2nd Con. :Bentinck. An mtnrenting feature ofthe [drive was the upsets the putty rem-Wed fwhich happily had no other resul' than ', a laugh and a scrnllllnle and a Mack eye l to one of the ladies. SENT UP-Chief Constable Carson went to Owen Bound Wednesday lastin charge ofa boy named Manly Mclut re a e. 16 son of n widow who lives in Kit. 'lltid't. who had heen convicted of househreaking and theft, It, appears he broke into Geo, Staples’ house and took a watch chain and other valuables hut was diucovered nud has arrest followed. He gets three months. Lent‘s comma so late this your will offer especially favorahle opportunities for exploiting that artistic crenliml. the Easter bonnet. and the milllners will no. doubt take full uduumuge of the oppor- tunity. Hubby can practice self-denial during Lent by cutting off his supply of cigars or some other luxury, and the money swed will help pay for the hon- net, and he will feel better also. Everything in np-to-dale millinory at. Mm Dick’s establishment on anhton Br. Seven skilled employees help to keelp up With the rush of orders. Call cur v. Iron tiALtt.-1 heavy draught Mare, 5 yen” old. Apply to Visit Mia: Dick’s millinery rooms and see the new upring models in mourning millinery. DURHAM, _rmmniii,'7qiiiiiiiijii "iiir," 1905 hm" which? ihrtil7/C I. LAIDLAW. Proprietor, opiC§ xk's'rsiuNNt _ls i 5‘. Wu. J. ADAMS. Vickers. oin. m . At seven o'clork the guests enteled the spacious dining hall. which '13 decorated with oversaw-n3 Ind row-n. l and took their places at the sumptuous i tables. which were devalued With pink I and white, while a large and Nautlful l five story bride's cake occupied the pine? of honour at om- ond. After all F present had done ample justice to the I itond things provided for them that part 'clnwtl with spam-hm and tom-1t which ware mm h etuoys'd by all. The re- I mainder of evening was very pleasantly ispent in music, - ate. and the ' Ruesta took their dnpnrture in them 3 sum. hours. The numerous costly and i beautiful pro-outs quote volume-alto l the place which the young couple hold in the esteem of the community. The lgroom'u Rift to Manbmeh of diamonds and smithnts. and to the bridesmaid.. necklace of penal. and billion“. Ir and In“ have!“ their new home in the Wool, followed by the but I“. d but. otedattge. .iit"_,-.ottqn. F A verv pleasant, event occurred at the l veeidence of Mrand Mrs Dougald Muc- _ Donald, 8th con. Bentinck, on March 15. 1905. when their second eldest. daughter Mary, was united in marri e to the man of her choice. Mr 'lTilSu'd of West Hope, N. D. in the presence of 126 invited guests. including some from Hamilton. Milton. Owen Bound, Chm- ley, and Hanover, The bridal part en- tered the parlor to the strain: of, the wedding march, pinged by Ilia mm. McKee hie. cousin tt the bride. and took their places Ingdera handsome arch of eve-[greens an roses with knots of white satin ribbon. In a few minutes the my- stic words, pronounced by Rev A Leslie of Elmwood, made the Ite,', couple man and Wife. The bride. w o w.- giv- en away by her father. wan sttgf,,i',i,i,'e'I dressed in cream crepe dogma. trimm with a bettha of eilk. chi on lace. with encn trimming. and carried a boquet of white cautious and maiden hair fern. tied with white satin ribbon. The bridesmaid. Mile Katherine leDonqld. sister of the bride, was dreued in white I'i. (ix-gaudy. trimmed with insertions and valenclennee over pale blue silk end carried a boquet of pink carnation- and maiden hair fern tied with Rink ribbon. and did her part admirab ' while the groom‘s brother. Mr Alex Brown, ably performed hituttrt.. . . _ There are people who sit and murder 1 why they don't rise more rapidly insult-ii business world. They seem to ch _ I they are unjustly held down helo proper apheie of life. While they in _ reasons why the business members M society are not. tumbling over one in. other to secure their services a lens Ententious oneie invited to the position l e felt, himself created for and designed I to fill. A man mustn’t think he can enter' in tl Winner in the free-for-alt race. I as soon as he has learned to ttsk wages and to shun work. The honest toner who isn't afraid to sod his fingers and who givesns good service when alone in the vineyard as if he Were placed under the eagle eye of his employer, will soon find his sevvices in demand. It does not hike a very big head to see why some of the egoistic nobodies are never in demand and why they never rise above a position of mediocrity. A fellow that wants to get. to the top of the ladder ha to do a little climbing. and the fellow with the right kind of not! in him is pretty sure to get there ahead of the one who waits for someone to give him a "oost.--Ex. No 1, NORMANBY.-Very successful Wins the pie and box social held in No l Normanhv on Frid 1y evening last. Mr Jae Watwou occupied the chair accept- ably while Mr Geo Marshall acted as auctioneer and got fairly good prices from the crowd. Songs were given by Ethel and Lottie Fee, Janet. Kerr and Viola Backus. The choir Was in Rood form and Rave several numbers. while the children had been carefully trained in several musical selections. Dialogues Were performed by Mien McCraekeri the teacher, Ida Backus. Lydia Gndd. Jack McNiece and John Leith, a second one. by Bitdie and Jack Me Niece and John Leith. Mr It. Watt with voice and violin end accompanied by Mrs Watt were brilliant features of the evening. At the. close with lights: out. the choir sang etfectively "Tenting on the old‘ Camp Ground. ’ I Don’t MI 6%“: Inrlock'a luminary (awning of alumna-Id Thumday, ' ( Wham». , W' ai, “.5 Sin-mg Tia m e "N ' Bunions Col ,pr/r,ttdp,i Ott' g I ril t 1906. Spring lay)” excellent ' h I no hetp'.naeotirse.' Va . t I The tall chimney “(he éower Home " of the Cement wags. now day by ' r [gay ghowing signs 7 tivitv. and he. c. Y' mng Pap." ' 98' 'l "m Bitfimcgtggom'aomamm ril3.~1906. Spring it“ germ-ht , to begun n course. .--"’ fThu. tl chimnowy “(he 1t,vgtrie ote 'tt.Wo+itteowdtthr day shows}; signs 1tuutp. nag hit fore long we ttopeNo so: the My chimneys belching firth their activity” Brown --NeDonaid HYIENEAL licGn totoditerm,ea, TORONTO 'uv-tttr-rn I?qthaqbtututlur, Mar "th to It and In PM lathe-on MeLeeat-it.-.n, Dav-hum. on Wed- nesday, Int-15th inthe Bnptistchnroh by h, Mr Newton Mr Robert Mc- Lean. It. laud Bill. Our mt landing place will he. Bur-ha- doe, l dasr mail from St Lucia. Ar, I was: to catch the mail vi. Barbados, I will hare to_glme this time. mum On leading you he" to mete an appointment with them to he at the wharf " e certain hour to row you hack to the steamer again. Four of my fellow museum-re and myeelf went ashore in one of these boats. On landing I made " for business as the time In limited to four hours. After tth eon-rel order- the time arrtrrd that I ad to make tracks to get back to the Met. I any any tint I wee not Able to visit All the' business house: before leevlng but u the nteemer- cell- et St Lucie on her we, heck I trust to a: ohle to do ample justice to busines- en. " We in e most charming islend. 35 i by 12 mite. eud contains 248 squere [ mile. t there ere 43.310 people on the II- 1 lend and their harbor. they my. is a i f,'fte, Gibraltar. It is teg", hfor itai t woe tppeemnce rom t e an. l rf,'.",'.' I. much cultivated land and many I hills. mountains and beautiful valleys l i em told. There is a. large Roman Cath. olic (luhodrnl. the inhabitants being . mostly of thet persuasion. The town ttns '0', ttood stores! hut it " very hot! end one woo" tires of trying to lump cool. After tive days pleasant sail from Bermuda. our steamer. Omani, arrived In the harbor of St Lucia, where she anchored for four hours, not being able to land her passengers and cergo at the wharf owing to other steamers being in before her arrival. An opportunity was given to an of the pauengera who were desirous ofygoing ashore to do so by paying a. fee of 40 cents. A number of row boats crowded round our steamer calling out " a. boat. air; a boat, sir. " Any one who desired a bout signified 1.oy lifting? their hand, and immediately the le, " they are celled. rowed up clone to the “gamer and the unseen- Ber then made his way to the steamer “do where he won shown a ladder lend. mg down a very “an: descent to the row boat. After netting comfortably In l this lutjou ere toott rowed u_hore by} Traveller Cameron in the We st Indies St. George, Barbados, Feb. 23, 1903, Dun Mn. R-,.-.- ed against the casket, and at the ‘0! the service the. nmnyd friends of I t tk, were rmitte to I . ran ($2 house all); tarke a. last viz: A ("mm from St. Martin's thumb sang. More than 200 members of the local lodge of Eagles, Aerie LU, were present. nnd marched to the railroad station in this city With the body, which was placed on tt North WPSlA‘l'll train for Chicago. Dr. Thos. Kellv. brother of the deceased. accompanied [he body, which will be interred after further cer- emonies at the old home in Chutada.' The Omaha Bee, of Wednesday says '. " A large concourse of people attended the funeral of Dr. James A Kelly mt, the home of L. U. Manning, 1015 North T entyfourth St. ' yesterday aftern'yon. IGI'. JU. Wiee of St. Martin's church hed a In tef funeral sermon. Num- gnd henutifu} floral offerings were In addition to the brief notice we had ( last Week we add the followin : Thol deceased died in Omaha on Monguy 131 h T init after only it few days" illness with k".'il','."he,it and his brother. Dr Thom ', ally. also of Omaha. at once made ttr- } mngments to have the remains hrought home and himself accompanied them.‘ He reached Durham on Thursday and his charge was taken to the home of the l narrowing brother here. Me John Kelly. I where also the aged mother mourned? deeply for her youngest son. The fun- i end took place on Friday, and was at- ', tended amongst others by many tlyi had been schoolmates of the deceased l in his early Duihiun days. Rey Mn; Ryan conducted an impressive service; and the remains were interred in they English church cemetery, where his i'; father lies. L MC V. ..-... -._%. "In DIUUJ]. ana a Jhtrter--Wm Smith. s L Scott, In“. White oats-g w Smith, Wm Smith, S L Scott. Blue Pena-Wen Smith. ttta' W thnsth, Wm Smith. “by Seed- w J Adams. (only ample Ihown, of extra. good quality.) 'tii-u-i-lit J Adams. Arts Potatoes-s L scam w Smith. we Potatoes-Wm Smith. S L Scott. V,._.-....- _ w_..w. '" “null-cunt! WI") “he Parmree Institute was held last 31¢!"ng in the Town Hall here under just the wont condition of roads and Weather. A healthy than had been twelve hours in prom-m milking conn- tr, fouls “Dunk through" and it was aim: My most of the time. However A few of the old stand-hm were on hand with “mph-s of excellent quality. so the Jurdstem-'-Mayor Hunter and aoo. _strnrluurckverred. The prize tut, kindlv supplied by Nec'y Binnie. will " follow: t Tttlt annual event The Late James Kelly. In Sunny St. Lucia. Yours isincorejy, Wtteat-lst Wm Smith, 2nd S Seed Fair. c-.. J I CAMERON. T connection with F 'riii,"q2it nd w fun_l "Mo . many“ M’ Fyer, I: “Noun". . decewb" "3’8 T “on in d I an“ tl . Revt'ufd 1mm. Drill L,'/i'd'd", miumafvt: of Inn IV r. tr l _ ti . y To?! s.ervice I :2" preferzjfh'fl'es Ire 2?. April, s/tyt, w ttt the td Que or w, " P" I tue i IS In." here hi (lfl', v .turbttntt rltittrtg “pew... " new.“ “low was” tue" cr tLe M l"', adn . to on). ifienti ourtue utll le y at g. mum an n. Ire lot". 1 uud “I 'iiir,tiiE't', having ?i?:'i,U:,iiie,bi,.?, "1 in,“ aud 'asr tut the the trtusk eeo cre " “'0 “mum, an! 0N ' " .Th atsefr one t if: orthir tttas Ind “m om tl _crow" m' e"Won Ihied P" "ul . mottlus te front ' Io; Chum]; tha 2','flf/i', In 'ld 91010.; or lmt it: roll bo trt' . Nam. Oven ‘wp‘i‘ble euln’dv mm. “In ed 2'lf,1 We” 0w... P tun.‘ “wavy ctrriod ou ped, r If): " the tt ptug Bro nd Itute W. While it i t Itt lend. “we: tmd ta. tttt I lo " wu d to of “Sm mm with .15 crown “Ida“ plutno Llyt Va.“ lied you, In. n oruBm ftotteoesd " . inth . br . tent or church Alli . ' an.“ _ aide m roaette, 154," the has Mi 2,'Tldtt"g iiiiiiici'iii:' "' .it,"iiii2i'illairte, wa- u um: el , od "HM Mimi I Ind “I m m " up n {'Vhtch moduli trimttet, T"" Ida in dutch hr PtMtt for ch; color., m “an med to Hy [Ether of Brtt ”Pun, ll",', blue, br e. Anion the e bod ' tuiaoeia a green own,bu g tlie u y " t d tte ruteree ' He " P In I; . Ilrow r "or land“ , r. I "Pl toplets ot 1'lt' oftlte L", tuad an»: ' . {and "mm of e luillin ' on tttt . C er n. "- tt ‘Well n" " all unq feathers u art I c l12 . " In El "' Hum nre tttucl I -_ will; are i "Idea ette "HEM" ml 1 usid I ' Pr.avy t on “lid MW!" at. ._voo,,I In .-" _ ud fret! “L311. Hem“. tw- . I) l In for little money. Here we E ttl mo of the goods that will go I very tut: Manuela-es Flower Pots. Shells, Fency Mates. Pipes Purses, "and Buy loath Gianna. Vlollns, Bezel-s. Lew (r'ittei1s, nvelcpes end Pads. .Also a lot ot Silverware of the best lakes. " Welthnm Watches Ladies' and len's Sizes. 103 Solid Gold Rm s. lemme“ ballot um [en's A fit of high class Jewelery. consisting of' Chains. Lockets. Brooches. Bracelets. fChemo. Out Mun end “no Pine. ' We will also out 150 CLOCKQ in : thls Sale. which we bought very l chug none time Mo. Wench our ', Win ow. it In. Bo Illllullmi Mus 'heB-ttttteeoatt3teB-rCtteme' J nut halt what they are worth Two Thousand Dollars worth of Brand New Goods bought by III at Boe on the Dollar. Quins are in favor, too. and frequently two I will be Attached to the rolled edge " a but brim by I knot of ribbon. or hum-u- a by a cuckude or buckle. Shaded eilocts no mo" popular Brush m . modo trimmittgon hm for ordmu-y war. nud whoa “muted Wm: the new ttott sad beautifully colored ribbons. they an moat. effective." We.“ pay. Apply to or R. Tout turr 0 M Emma, Darhou. Hunpden Niagara Camp begin- June 13th An all list; must, be sent in by May l, those who intend going must. apply at once. stain: age. height. etc. There is rcotu for I. few more desirable "It'll Ile- .meatheryhe improved conditions and Last Chance for Niagara Camp. 0n .lyttist79rrs.ourctot & 30 Spring Millinery Now for the greatest bunk" Durumemtrptuout. Come with the (33-03(9de carry Aggy big E wish to make special w mention this week that our Milli-e Depart- ment is now in _'k'l,eilrpdt','e,'/ We are already busy with spring orders. We have the largest stock this spring than of any previous mean-al- most $rooo worth of New Spring Goods. We are in a better position than ever to meet the demands of our cus- tomers having secured the best available help, a head trimmer from Toronto. and 7 assistants We have a large stock of trim. med Hats, made in advanced styles, both in color and black to accomodate early purchasers We invite you to visit this de. partment at your earliest coir venicnce Miss I. Dick. MODISH SPRING MILLINERY Landed , They Have Gags mums. Opening An Penn-n. r, n

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