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Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1905, p. 2

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i? _ w',. Merchants ce 'al/ra, me sales at country' banks that carry a surplus of perhaps $10,000 or 320,000 are orten riddled by burglars. How is it that the millions quietly reposlgg within the doors of scores of banks Th t is 183" cities are never attempted? For It is a tact that during the last twenty-five years no attack, successful or otherwise, has been Judo on any bank vault Ll,'?, United States in cities ot over 50,000 in abltnnts. Mont ot the bank robberies occurring to-day take! place in towns of 2.500 to 7,500 Inhabitants. In I the larger cities. where the treasure “any" is. no one ever attempts to rob a bank. Ity u this? l . Me" can protect money. That is the! who“; 6:". Tho country bunks depend, on E Bates coughs prim)- n In pundred dollars: i . was when 318000910! . a great city bulk L. . d -its burglar nnd tire-916°! "Unl- Att the" 'vaults are proof. They I" unsound} tin-J Assumable. The ward"); .ot '2!uu't. money . I'y'.t'ee" reduced tt is“. . -..enco thltul ,,..¢vr. tteiftut tmb' ootett the proper pre- f6tittotMt, nevi gives the matter a further nought. though he has millions ot dollars within his dogs. . . n h Worry-Wont cure a can h. When l you tind a cough i2/ga on-- when everything else has failed-. try a . . _ ' , - 'ilia),s, Shiloh s 'A. 3%... Pq o - i'ti?xsastvmptiGari,i wunm nu u'la- The nretrrootttut for a largo unit on be constructed tor from 310.000 to 815.000. It is tttur burglar-pref ateet lining that brings "he cost at VII“. construction up to the six- “guns mark. Think ot a steel door weighin. “I!" tan: or or I hinge alone wni‘hing on: “In. When. “but door consisu_ ot ten inches at drillprnot *'~A- L --_v -a.- Bank Robbers Find it Impossible to nggk Into Them. cure d “In 1807 Great Britain had to break Napoleon's, compulsory alliance, framed ‘by the treaty of Tilait Jry seizing eight- . Hm ”wish and night Portuguese' battle- ehips and by blockading the Russian but. ltlpshipq. Thus a fresh union of over 140 1rattleships was nipped in the bud, .hut such rim-hin- action could not have 'lm-n taken had not Great Britain been ‘in the plmtituda of her naval strength with 212 hatlosships. We learn that with- in a period of twenty-seven years there were lhree European alliances of three or more great powers against Great Bri- l Lmin and all were broken up by the op- eration of sea itowerP'---North American _ Review. This tomidnble door “to. lock that can be tr how: and that can ttttl hour for whlch it Is not furnished with perhaps on. no that it two shot would am he one to c m... ..w.. .u "M-” __-_-- F""""'" - Thu formidable door is lumishod with a tlmo lock that can be set for any number at hours and that can not be opened until the hour tor which it is set arrives. The door is furnished with perhaps three duplicate tim.. ers. BO that it two should, fait to work there would still be one to open the door. Inside the great door a massive grating called the day grate gives access to the vault. To this chamber. which. with it: four-inch walls ot dHttproot steel. is worthy ot Vulcan himself. only tho active oftieitN of tho bank have entrance. Here are the tellers' mtter. where they keep the money for tho day's business Dunn-rue. Here we has: ot gold. 35.000 in ouch, pita! an like so many bass of buttons. ml: has being securely tied and sealed. Here are packages ot bills stacked up "to Nick. The ours and two: in 31.000 pacing” and the terry, and twenties In 810.000 Manges. The bills tn each of these packages have been counted. tied up tttd 99kg by two was let the pre- acnoo at each other. so that the bank can guarantee the nmounts " given on the labels without recounting. Here, inside the teller-3' safes. an compartments when the collat. on the American continent. " tumble to do so singly, nothing bat no. power vii! prevent them from trying to effect “air purpose in combination. They have combined in the put for the partition of Poland. By the Russian declaration of February 26, 1780, Russia, France, Holland. Prussia, Sweden and Denmark, combined to rr-eist the right of search and "the sums- powers were acting togeth- er against Great Britain over this quea- tio- in 1800. "That population and riches ere no ‘match in war agninet such careful or- ganization, we have seen in the case of Russia. It is only the knowledge that the sea barrier is impenetrable which will effectually prevent the expanding Teutonic, Slavonic and Latin races of Europe from contemplating aggression hone-e patrons have no interest. which nflict in my matrinl way, their poli- [Ntiet, are identical In dmither power Fan be successfully stacked except from ”the Bea. Should they Jointly agree to Peome to each other's assistance in the Event of either power being threatened Thy e coalition of three maritime pow- Fers they could each afford to reduce the rate " which, no matters stand, they are compelled to add yearly to the [strength of their respective “vies. Says Lieutenant Bellairl: term in the anus! outlay on the unnu- ahctute of fighting ships. Lieutenant hCulyon Belting, of the royal navy, pro- tgoa a mm between Greet y itain and the United States which Bvould enable both countrieu to effect in» economics by cumming their m- hual naval output, without impairing in inny degree the guarantee of their na- Hionnl or imperial interests which their *-Viel are intended to provide. LEAVE BIG VAULTS ALONTE. ”under existing condition the titan}: Ml {inky for ".1ee7, Pet the sen gnu- up teGaLirtTti iriGiTiii1 anti"; hum. lava! Offteer Sauna Alums in the latent: of homo-y. In have yen: the nun! expenditure M the United States has trebled, while Lthtt of I?rtat Brita)n has doubled, and “r _ "The Lens M.- Dare Tonic - 'CN, . It is guaranteed to cure. " it doesu't, we’ll refund your money. Prices: mm: sax at 101m sun. ' S. C. WELLS & Co. " $1. LeRoy, N.Y.. Toronto, Can. I The loser of a gold watch or a valu-I ) able piece of jewelry or a. roll of bills 125:5; “2*: lo ‘r'if’"°* “‘5 mm Is i 1 g tt '?""1, "iis, or hiring sandwrch _ men to paraa, the streets, or plastering blank falls with flaring posters. m mtyt'iert'tsG his loss in the newnpa'pers, Comgnon sense tells him that he can Kim: the greatest number of tttttple with least expense In the: Way. It is for precisely that realism that the '2'tT,t'"ie is the best med-IX! oi eotnmuiastioit - _tween pmdmrs- and distrlnttora on the one hand W821 consumers on. the other, It gives the advertiser more for his lmoney than he can obtain thmgh any [other channel of publicity. , A Spring Awakeu'mir. te needs not the advent of the spring poet to remind dealers in an endless variety of the necessities of life that the baek'oays of the wigty is brolcen, and that within the next few tteetdi tlee will arise a pressing demand for goods the sale of which hall bei, at, a stand- still for six months or a. year. The mer- chant whose name is never in the news- papers, and the location of whose store is known only to his next-door neigh- bors, will hardly get a look-in on the spring trade unless he turns over a new leaf at once and takes the public into his confidence. The time to begin is Glass sum. - The young man’s skates wbte‘fuade of glass. They glittered like diamonds in the cold winter sunlight, says 'the Minne. apolis Journal. He skated “upon them very skilfully. A very export performer can rapture the snake single handed. though it " hizhiv dangerous. While pinyin: with nnn hand he throws the dust sidewnvs with nu- other, and cuntlxrew the snake with the same hand. Thr whoto artion m at he: "to a ntttttt of mrhtnfrur. for a bait 3mm” o'eiay or the mores: hnnziin: in throwtne ths. dust or curbing the snake would ‘prove fatal to the operator. ' "Glass skates,” he said, "beat steel ones. They Mipahng'bettu than steel; you can skate on_rough ice better with them. Another advutitate is that they never need sharpening. Ground sharp in the begining, they keep sharp as long as they last. A third advantage is that tiurv don't rust. "They are very expensive, though. To make a glass hard enough for skate run- ners is an exgeusive process. Hence, till the process ecomes less cootly, glass skates won‘t be common." Tommy - Pop. what does it menu that riches have wings? Tommy's Pop --It means that rich people can nr from their poor relations. Married life may be one grand, sweet song, but it isn't everyone that can in: it. lid Minlrd’s Linimem for sale everywhere. f The death-dealing cobr- is passionately fond of music, and it is through this means I that its capture is often accomplished. lhe ', men in India who can effect the capture ot , these deadly reptiles must be possessed ot remarkable skill or their lives are.the for- , teit. When a. cobra takes up its abode in the neighborhood of a dwelling house it is customary to send tor the professional make charmer. One at them strikes up a tune near the place where the snake is BUP- posed to be located. No matter what the creature may be doing. it is at once at- tracted by the sound at music. It emerge! slowly from its hiding place, and strikes an attitude in front of the performer. There it is kept engaged with the music while the other man creeps up behind With a handful ot dust. At a convenient mo- ment, when the coin-n is standing motion- less, the man suddenly throws the aunt over the head and eyes of the snake. Im- mediately the cobra falls its length upon the ground and remains there for one short "rond--tmt the second is enough. With I movement like lightning the man seizes the body of the prostrate serpent just below the head. In great anger the cobra winds itself round and round the arm of its van- tor, but to no purpose. for ft cannot turn its head and bite. If the fangs are to be extracted at once. the ettptnr prcases his ‘thumb o nthn throat of the cobra and thus compels ft to open its mouth: the fangs are then drawn with a pair of pincers. if. however. he wishes to keep the snake in.. tact for the present. the musician comes to help him, and forcibly unwindu the coils and places thr, bodv in a hawkct. all but the head. which is firmly held by the other man. He presses down the lid to prevent the cobra from esrnnlnz. and suddenly the snot or thrusts the head in and bangs the The entire neat who] room " made tirt- proof by being rammed ht brlrk or tile or cement walls. between which and the st”! wan! In an air spat-n four or tive Inches thick. Air ls a nonoonductor of but and be- ing frrtrrsposed between the brick nnd the 'ttsurf watt pravents the later from bacon“!!! overheated. So nor-loot Is the tsrnteetion that even whpn a hulldlnl has boon destroyed the onntont‘: of the wall: within have re- mained urwharttted. CAPTURING COBRAS WITH MUSIC Unlimited time. therefore. in which to work would be neoesearv to the ttueeersftn wreat- ing obs drill omit vault by explosives. Por it would be nevessnry to use 3 lone motel- eion of small charges: to work patiently " nlate after Have. and the rrtndititttttt make this Ibsnluteiy immsible. The roman tttteh neat pains are taken to make all join" wat- er titht is to guard attains! the introduction of nilroxlvrnrin. whioh has shout the vow- Pinteurv of honey or common xlyonrin. Nitro.. zlycerin is not effective unless it is inside the gale or vault. The two divisions of the bank form really one chamber with we“: ot (till proof deal The wan ere arm proof. yet ll e matter of flat the up-to-date hurglu does not work with MID. A (aw dich- ot dynunite. Dome nftroelreertn in I home, with alcohol. putty. candles. wires, wire More" and In exhaust hump are the nrlnclpsl items in " outfit. With these tools he often "Irishman imp"!- sion" on a was]! safe. But a single charge of dynamite heavy enough to open the joints _or__a, big vault would wreck the whole o? a 1 building. an! ”hutch-um” hum. Datum bonny no qtgter and» an. "an eta-mitt; beyond in not- 3-". Win. (“villas a. nun In: no fool... No Ills]. oftiedN a. when.“ to the Inner shrine. and one i the (to (mid-ls - My man! and be a. duretor due an; an is the holy of bones. when repose the reserve funds ot the ttata-millions ot and and paper money. The reserve funds are kept in gates on which the locks are timed to open every morning. so that if necessary the bank tellers could hare the none! " . mo- night's moth-P. _ The Most for the Money. HE MEANT EVERY ’ ' WEED EE SAID Was to Crippled the: He Could Hardly Get Around and could Get No Relief trom Doctor' Por Medicines. Dresden. Bnt., March 1lte-ispeei1rt.)-- "Dodd's kidney Pills outed me of Rhiiu. matisit slick and clean." Mr. W. G. Craig, the well4mown merchant and ex- reey.e of this place, was the speaker, and he evidently meant every word he said. 1tonesmoori--The brief period before tet. ENG“: “WIT? Off. c'iotor/etr-sowetothig that doeen't last so long as fame, but brings in more mgey. _ _ _ This tsimple life-The existence led by people who invest in get-rich-quick 'themts.--O. J. O'Connell, in Watson’s Magazine. Ex-Reeve's Rheumatism Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Cured the Baby. Mr. Ind Mrs. James Manlon, of Beach street, Stapleton, S. I., have succeeded where physicians failed in curing their Infant son, "mes. jun., ot tuberculosis. The child, born on you no, In: 3 very puny baby. and the ”tending phynicln informed the want: that it could not live. When I for months old. consumption developed, end the p11,"- cian said that the only hope tor it was plenty of fresh Bir. In W with these ta- etructions, Mrs. [union " once begun the fresh sir cure. Day and night. even during tho blizzard. the child has been kept in the crib on the porch ot the “anion home, home. covered up to the chin with blankets. beincAtnkean enenhthe ?yt!ir smuggling 1vehueirnrortuone that u pot al- wags verified. "It was the inflammatory kind of Rheumatism I had, and it crippled me up so that I con-1d hardly get around to do my work in my store. 1 had the best doctors and tatt/y in the line of medicines I ttttt d hear of, but nothing erep_g'"T m? ““93 __., .. a, remarkable type of beauty, She mar- Tied a tradesman and went to St. Pet- ersburg, where Witte saw her. lier hug- band was induced to allow her to get a divorce, and Witte afterward married her. Later she was concerned in the enormous speculations of Adolph Roth- stein, President of the Imperial Bank of Russia and organizer of the Russo-Chin. we Bank, and was exiled from Russia by the Czar. She is now at Nice. Rumors have been in circulation that Mme. With has been implicated in the plot to sink. off the rule of numeracy, and is in part responsible for the present turmoil in most. . A distant relatice--A rich one. Bargain Counter-A place where wom- en buy things they don't want with money _they do want. tGG"otiGTHire 756121}: that'lho child 56 non strong and robust. the consumption has gm. In] pbgs’NM-a rm'.’ In! tt In! A shay is current in London that the Czar suspects M. Witte's wife of conspir- ing against. the throne. Mme. Witte was born l poqr peasppt giyl, t"It. m of - "3%th I tried Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and six boxes cured 1t1e_comp1et_tlr" A Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rhisumatism by curing the Kidneys. Rheumatism is caused ty Uric Acid in the blood. If the Kidneys are right they will strain all the Urie Acid out of the blood and the Rheumatism will go with it, Fads-Other poople's hobbies. Allowanee--A sum of money we spend before we get it. Pestsirnid--A person who is perfectly happy only when he is perfectly miser- able. Ttuh-money-The kind that talks If the cod fish became extinct it would be a world-wide calam- ity, because the oil that comes how its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving: properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott’s Emul- sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable l taste. Scott’s Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate, people, and all conditions ii] wasting and lost strength. Sand hr the sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Cnmrsrs 7030110, on. We. and $1.00. All drum». T'MlHE above picture of the ii I l man and fish is the trade- l mark of Scott's Emulsion, A"! and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun- tries of the globe. Mr. Witte’s Wife. Elucidation. 'l‘ Inl‘lv TORONTO n".. I'D- A heavy gale freGits all along the British coasts. Comforting Comparison. ' (Washington Star.) "Dtmlt you feel foolish peddling (the nonsensical toys t" asked the man of co- vere ideals. "Yea," answered the street “kit. “I feel rather foolish. But what do you think of the people who buy 'emt" I have handled MIXARD'S LINIMEN T during the past year. It is always the first Liniment asked for here, and un. questionably the best seller of all the different kinds of liniment I handle. Mind's Linimcnt Relieves Neuralgia. Thus it happens that the kind and fashion of dolls which comforted these ancient children is known. All the speci- mens which are kept with so great care behind glass doors in various museums were taken from some tiny tomb. _ Wittatntrtt Post.) (In case the Osler idea. " adopted.) Dear Jim, the crops is doing well. The calf is big enough to sell; I’ve traded ott the brmdle cow And we ain’t got but one just new, The bosses all n tat and sleek , Except that Bob to rather weak. ' But still that isn't nothing queer, “If We've had him nigh on 20 yen. ,', -5 I think I’ll put the bottom field , j] In corn and oats; it orter yield " A heavy crop. The land is rich And just the mini ter oats end nich. There in no new: 0 speak ot, Jim, Miss {Maia Jones is just as trim, A: when you saw her in the (all. The talks are well. I guess thlt'g .11. But stop. I 'most forgot 'bout Did; t 'xpeet the news'll make you and. You know that Dad wee getting old, Just 60 years had o'er him tolled, And so. I much regret to "r. We chloroformed poor dad to-dar. And that's 'bout all the new; until ‘: I write ngin. Your brother, Bill. ' 3 As these Children married when they were very young they played with their dolls until just before' their wedding day. Then they made a sacrifice of all their toys, dolls and clothes included. They dedicated them as a pious offering to some deity. If the little girl died before she was grown up her dolls were buried with her. (Chicago Chronme.) Who 1: it shay: wens a smile, And has a look devoid ot guns, And hands out tafrr all the wine? Tho candidate. Who is it goes from plan t. plates 1'ihu2,'1' 'Gil t,",,1 “1:90! " tace, n sens an s w good , The annexe. "m' Who is it has . gladwme hand. And speeettittrm to beat the band, And on " rival loves to land? The eamtidatet Who is it mixes In the fray. Responds to touches every city. And gins such bud cigars "tsy.' The candidate. Who is tt gives until he's broke, And tNite " last it Is no Joke When an his hopes conclude in Inch? The candidate. The doll; die classic Greek children played with were made of wax and clay decorated with bright colors. One kind had movable limbs and its clothes were made to take off and put on. Every doll had a bed of its own. These dolls represented gods and heroes. but what- ever they meant to represent, they were dressed with loving care by the little Greeks. urea unearthed from the ruins of Baby- lon. They are small figures in terra cotta and ivory, benutifuly carved and must have been fascinating playthings for the little Assyrian children. The little girls of Syria had mechanical dolls. The arms and legs were moved by pulling strings much after the fash- iot'lnof Jumping Jadks. . Children of Ancient Greece Amused With the Playthings. The first dolls of which there is my knowledge were found among the treas- lean be seen when they all): i11gr/t'gi' except tt the natives, w W . the appearance of the water. But .p other lakes the water becomes quite thick and yellow, seeming Tet, or tawny in some parts Ind clear gold m othen. . . This "ttowering" ot the lakes " ,ust what the name denotes, although my of the inhabitants of lake shores do 'et know what it is and cannot up!“ it except by the vague statement that at a. certain time of midsummer the lakes "seem to work." The "ilowering" " 1 real flowering. It is due to the blossom- ing of a water plant, which lives and” the surface all year long till the time for flowering, when it rises towards the top and throws off myriads of an!“ golden yellow spheres which fill the WI- 1 ter.--Jkrston Traveller. o; Qua up; " My mum Blatant-g Water Plant; Argo-e who in ever been It any of tyre. likes in the middle and north ot the [tuned States will know that a certain ‘tlme of July or August they ire aid to 'flower." Fishermen are particulnrly well eequninted with this Met, for " such times very few fish can be induced to ta_ke the hook. In some lakes nothing Marion Bridge, C. B., May M, '02, DOLLS IN BABYLON's RUINS. WmtNI,aEgtsaieggmBLttN& A Letter From Home. The Candidates. NEIL FERG L'SON. The most remarkable part of this por- l formanco was a faet which shows ' wonderful vitality of the animal. Six weeks previous to the lowering of the record, "Dan Patch" “as taken so son'- ously sick at Topeka. lion. that his lite was (Impaired of. lie was soon able. however, to be mmow-d to International l Stock Food Farm and under the and!“ l care of Mr, Savage. his owner, he was‘ quickly reconditioned to the torn neces- _ nary to perform the feat of lowering his l own world‘s record. Home lovers in Canada willbcglnd to learn of the prospective chance of see- t this wonderful beast. He is a mag- [ n'igcent black. A fine color print of him can be had for the asking try any {Inner or stockman writing the international Stock Food Co., Toronto, turd stating the number of head of stock he pos- new. rujo, "FBr goodness' sake give lauds.“ exclaimed . house head ot the min. "or he'n fut." Definite information is to hand that negotiations are progressing favorably for the appearance of "Dan Pateh.'tre famous racing stallion in Canada this year. Last year "Dan Pateh" lowered the world pacing record. proviously held by himself. at Memphis, Toneswo, from 1.titN to Is50 flat. Lounging Outside the Church (LouisviUe Courier Journal.) Waiting s9satitr---Letu walk down to the river and back. Second Ditto-Gosh, it'll take us an hour.' We hain't c, time. Wru'ting t9wain--. es, we have. The rson has just said, 'One word more and Cf, done! _ Pt=rl--A)h, we had a delightful wed. ding and received so many min-r preg- eats. Ruks---That was nice. And did your father gig mething in silver, toot -- __ __ c’ . H-"------.. u- uu‘cl, [A]!!! Pearl-No; he gm: tut a bottle of acid to test the other presents with. Mum‘s Liniment Cures Burns, etc Ward's Unimcnt Cures Bamirtrtt, I Twenty Tons of Klondike Gold. _ (Detroit Tribune.) Twenty tan: or gold have been produce! by the Klondike proper. the district within a radius ot fifty miles of Davaon. since Jan. lat of this year. In other words, the output of the Klondike since the first of this year is $9,200,000. The royalty collected on the gold by the Canaditftt Government tor the year is 8230.300. The banner year in the camp was in IMO, when the output was pinc- ed at $20,000,000. Since that the cream of the richest claims has been taken and lower- nude Areal ere being worked. A lifeguard against infection. aa. mommy tat-tGust-s-a My teeoatmtsmUd by the medial pink-ciao u I Dr. Osler Mates his theory, applied to a career in his own profession, thus: “The teacher’s life should line three reriodtr--tstudy until twenty-five, inves- ligation until forty, profession until six- ty, at which age I would have him re. timtd on a double allowance." Now the ‘Medical Record thinks that maybe this “patiou of the address WM not meant for a. joke at I". "The last paragraph quoted certainly contains the sugare- lion of a hint to the Oxford House of Convocation that in four years from row (Oder was born fifty-six yen" ago) the retirement of the reg-ins Mensa:- of medieine (on a double allowance) would be the correct thing." That is probably l an accurate diagnosis of the use. , Then Re Went. (China Batty No...) Ther were uncaring In the hall “Jaime“ Hal, darling," he meld The Medical Record wake! in guid- naturod banter. at the expense of the distinguished Dr. Oder, whose recent assertions that men do their best work !before, reaching the age of forty, and should be retired-mot eh1oroformed-- at sixty, have attracted more attention than they deserved. He has merely pro- ceeded to elaborate his old-time wrtti- cisn, remarks the Record. And, it eon- tinues, the subtle humor becomes appar- ent when we remember that Harvey was born in 1578, and published his work, "Exetseitatio de Mott: Cordis at sangu- inis," in 1628, when he was fifty years old; that Lister was born in 1827, and was close on to fifty years of age when ‘he began to convert the medical world "to the principles of antiseptic surgery; and that, while Koch was born in l843, and was within one year of forty when he discovered the tube-hole bacillus. even the least appreciative of his admirers v, ill admit that he has done some good work since 1882 . These are only a few in- etances. The list might ne continued indefinitely. and clean. Testing the Wedding Presents. (Modern Society.) 30mm OSLER. s!" It to him, use vole. from the hen “I! to break- Welded: "then l An increase 0 . tent of 2,177 wk??? to thc '? and of unto to the r $3,010.4wdu, 97.952. to amount of 552%.. exclusive of ma tf or.t2,UR.ro':i.c, features of the t'd'lr,1ttitlty, wore tlit, port of the Federal Lin, It,' annual rc. Plny It the elm-chad fawn?“ Con, Hamilton on 'a1',1'2ll',' meeting in shown wu 'iGaG"GlT The F. 'Tlus plus to policyholder. . ' In}! thc wr- called guaranteed ' exclusnc " u“. Purine the year L",t,r,1le.l; 8lti5.y3r.sn. the It!“ 6‘.” pollcles matured to trim ml iiiLfNPe, of “M“ 313-- tunds have been aeituiiysnmes.ait' first-clan bonds, mortgage F _iriti/. and loans on the company's nulls» amply secured by reserves. lar thr' past two months the business " Itte luv been_m “iv-em of that of tl;, "Ctllf, ponding period in 1904. Mr. hand Dexter wu re-electnd Pmidvnt. and Hanging Dim, end Liew "'olonrl Rams and Rev. Dr. Potts, l .r'f' Inna-r dents. .The detailed lutemem will be found In another column. When “may Cetus Bhusk---1vesuer seems to l, lug today. II he going to n my!” "tto," rep'ied Alr?ttvrvrrrssi', let me to drink any mt '. home I like to drink mile,. but It from . ttttttt tuna "ot; clean can. But Cl', get 'ot dirty old cow. know. bee to n." Nikon Alulvnnovltch in a 10 V. ' an r sun who has lived on North Mum. the: he no t ”an old. La-' cult wu take mo the country by (ha S Army tor I two weeku' outing. The " who» lam he vu- .toppinp, thou: the city boy would ttq glad tn m I' fresh milk. but "I much Fl raw! t morning the boy in. there mu; herrgnnk none tor breaktas "Don’t you visit farmer. Room- to letters oeut out by I i Doherty In» been received, and " lulu-lea paid mayors In clues mi: , [In " St. Thom" to be u (011“.- Brattttord--8tm per your. at. Catharittes--4800 per nu. Wittd.otu--0601) per your. Petertroro'-W00 per year. Be1lev01e--820t per your. 13trettttt-8M0 per yen. Tttte t, mm for twenty mu. - to wh W per year wu we. Write L. Drago, 69% Y: Toronto, New York Contra office, for map of New Yuri free on receipt of le. stamp , AM over the city electrically controllml clocks. regulated at short intervals [rum the stellar clock at the observatory. lune been ttred. A manner regulating Clm'h_ aleo controlled trom the observatory, L's tte placed in the town hall. and Mus a; turn controla the public clocks with“. a eerteln radius. The Corporation how to erect about three hundred clock: Rt Yhr.. one points tn the city. and eleo control the tllnekeeplng In otrieqs and large llera e houaee. Within tive year- Glasgow trar, formed Ite tramway. trom horse to Plo "to without adding a penny to the ram Although the (are: have been considrmvix reduced. the yearly protita have mom. t, by nearly $500,000. An extent!" system ot municipal in Inca And municipal tune tor the entire Wuhan ornqlsod In (Hagan. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPA N y White-No. His 'ex-wife is mW'r-uas. w. are parinkiiktGriCiir' York prices. Sell! tor prttte tut. iISSUE no. 12. 1905. $40,000 worth of Fina Fun. clearzrg " toyry_t_trr_ttte,irt gunk. Sand for catniruuo. FREE. A HANDSOME Fonz-mm knife. or beautiful ring. to my all!" twelve packages of the Novelty db Cue " 150 each. Sell like hut, , Write Immodhtely to K. Coleman, L.) Mary street. Toronto. Ont. WANTED. ENGINEERS. ELFY'T hm. firemen, wiremen. and tl. lit. to lead for Splngenberx 8mm "tttttHeat Engineering; 648 “murmur: 035 questions and answers: best Inn,“ publuhod; 'tr-tre pamphlet Ft'tat {no A. Better, ttt. Louis. Mo., U. s. a. a, BASTEDO & co. MAPS OF NEW YORK CITY. h””“‘" tor tree trial of Li/ rn-Q,‘ Inning - relief quick and um Ivr;1 too. Pull Chantal Co.. lllwnukee. IN is If you will send me your name and address I will send you some- thing you should know all about. Send no money. M. S. M'GILL, Simcoe, Ontario. Yam MAN; HONEY MAY m: od.. mum employment " home tiekets; write tor particulars. :1 manned, “dressed envelope. L. J, N W. 13th street. New York. LADIES p2."l,ty MP? $55.33 :15,” DEAR SISTER: "Tk-Fri-ao-qi/ttsue- . n , h . t,',ttghtt u! lot St,'leap Ttlu “I: m “u 'ne e . “It.“ tptdhtfl and" gr 'thiUt',"lt"" " Klng Street Eu: - Tom 85 you: In the fun trade. run MANUFACTURERS. hr rut or Stee ' . p Iloofr p, A W“ tieeproot, quit-LL} an; 'fd', my kid, And cheaper than 'dlfld'""". Send stamp ior _ Hamilton Mica Roofing o. USE ”I'm? 939???? NAVY»; salaries Paid to Mayors Saw Where It Came them m Wynn. mum-I. aimed ' 3 made employment;" 1m]; m: can cor pnmcmm, mm. Lou. wrung: envelope. L. J. N, i, r. no Mme, " York. m WANTED-FEMA LE “LP WANTED-MALE MICA ROOFING Municipal Clocks. WELL MEOUS. our " " 'oromo my ied at EARN " ho " my Gen Lon Not N

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