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Durham Review (1897), 30 Mar 1905, p. 1

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Ehance irls ' play ot. Week dav onlv nula rade Pars / A . vrcPrr thlll‘l l "I""-"""'"""----- 5% L 1.x}: LARGE n "t if‘ we have 4; thuxgixc 'very dozen Cabinets. 1 l 'i'-' Y MUTU- ic, c- ~i 'r, C:, :xtest _ _ . . d Tnzxtzful . . _.; :111$;.;o _ V ' 'w “.1 " ": I 'rr..' “J'Ul >~ l I'.", 'n‘.’ Ax " nit-MN a , N ., . I ',m I " ii is, W. Kelsey. are roam Glory will be Here sell. and under tore l7 lbs l?edpath's ugar for SH!) hat it IS ap- off the atmos- ng over with " of Dru-n We simply now w 38.99 w 31.99 10a.m w ak W 40c IX) 50 I.) u, u gmmmg 1% _ NEW _ 'fi, g Spring Boots & Shoes iif VOL. XXVII. N0. 13 55:43:xxmxmammmmmmgmmmmmfi Just a Few ihhiiivihihhhihMhihrthhhhhhhiihhiMmtE, The Cash Store _l1._ll._lili_)_iilrlip '52 Are lines we have tested thoroughly and they are splendid Shoes for both appearance and wear. Men's, all prices to 4.50 Ladies, l.50 to 3.25 STERLINGS SHOES for Hard Wear We have a full line of these splendid and well-known Boots and Shoes. They outwear all others. Are undoubtably the best made, most stylish shoes to be had in Canada. The best leather and the best workmanship " ant unto them and the shapes are absolutely new. The .. ALBERT t sell! for 4dl0,4di0,lL00. The "vrCTt/R1A" sells for 2.50 to " OXFORDS. 2.50, 2.75. What an important part the window trimmings have in the beautifying of the home? These prices may help you arrange them Lace Curtains.. .50e to 82.50 per pr. Art Muslim . . . . 6e to 30e yd Frilled bobbinet, makes very dainty curtains. . . . . . 25e and 500 yd Curtain Scrim, lace edges, very wide ...... ...'. ... . ...25c yd We can save you money on Floor Coverings and we can help you decide on a suitable piece for any room whether you want a Brussels, Tapestry, Wool or Union. All prices from Me to I, so yd ' Or if you think of Linoleum, we have a large number of pat- terns to select from in handsome floral patterns, light or dark grounds Heavy r 30 c These are onh taking set you in James Ireland. THE " ALBERT " SHOE tor Men THE " VICTORIA " SHOE for Women THE “KING EDWARD " SHOE for Men THE " QUEEN ALEXANDRA " SHOE for Women Carpets and Linoleums LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN GOODS 1 Specially good) iii') tttttitat I l Nswsmpns nut marr.---The two i greatest circus proprietors in the world, sBarnum & Bailey and Ringling Brow, 'have decided that this year they will [spend very little money on hill hoard advertising. They claim thetaewstutper , going as it does into the homes of the people, is the best advertising medium Iand they intend henceforth to spend i the money they have put into expensive 1 lithographs and huge bills into newspa- I per publicity. 5 The A. O. U. W. Grand rlodgize meet- ing in Toronto last week Wats one of the fmoet important in the history of the Order, lweause A material increase was made in the rates by adopting what is known in insurance circles as the Hunter lScale. Thin will out. the Order on I :hopefnl financial tun-is. hutit is feared that it will go hard with many of the ‘old members. Some estimate that it I wlll mean It lone of several thousand of i the senior members. The new sale will so into effect on Mar let. next. Mr A Binnie was the de mete from the l Durham Lodge. , TEE PRECIOUS Cow.--ierioneer Cass while sellin n cow, recently eul- ogined the ffl'I'lft follows: "Ot nil [the animal friends of man she is the greeted. I wish that I. us Jf," are about to sit down to your Sun " din- ‘ner, might take from if,',',',',',' table what she has placed placed t, ereon. I would aremove the cup of milk waiting at the Atlrlt chair. Pd take the. cream. the cheese. the butter. the custard pie. the =creun biscuits. the mat of beef. and i leave you s meal of potatoes end tooth- l picks. Every sci-up of her. from nose to I tell is used by men. We use her horns 'to comb our hair, her skin upon our let. her hair keeps the plaster on our in"; iikfiaNiueotttisnnd, her all {makes soup. m. hloodisused to make 1rurrttt.E_irttltt, her bones are ground to fertilize our soil. She has [one lwlthusn tro- mater Isa to Heaths ,Bound. tGFaFtGF"iasituttomauho ‘zsodin thesettler’selssrl 'it Ins her 1de:th 'lhftllh'4417r, for The prize list for the eleventh annual Canadian Horse Show is now out. The show will he held in the Armories. Tor- onto. on Wednesday. Thursday. Friday and Saturdsw. April M to 29.h inclus- ive. Entries close on Wednesday. April the 12th. and should he addressed to Ben" Wade. Parliament Buildings. Toronto. Single tare tickets will he issued to pusengers attending the fair iriiiistri, we A pj,tittthgtisatbt iy_rrii'iiaiiitritir of t . tity , _ A o- It is reported that tt Maple Sugar Makers' Association is to he formed. The mam ohjoct of those who me talk- ing organization is to prevent the ruin of their tttdtvatry by the mom of bogus stuff which tioods the market every spring. PROPERTY CHANGE. .-- The Messrs Firth brothers have bought the old Parker Store in Upper Town with "Able and land in ronnectlonfnr '1260. Twice thnt_stum didn't putit there__nnd the We regret to notice the death of Mr. John Cami-mu of Dundalk, who with his family were formerly residents of this place. PROPERTY FOR SALrt---Th" undersign- ed offers for sale that very desirable store propertv on Garnfmxa. Bt., now moupled hv James Ireland. Also the store and dwelling on Mill St.. at pren- ont occupied by F. Seiqner. The" are first class business locations. Apply personally or by let tor to Nor vrr tporar,--Owintr to the state of roads and weather, day of Chas. Me. Innes' sale at Yeovil. the Young Short, horn bulls were not sold. There, is still an opportunity to get. one of these fine animals by any of our progressive farm- A letter was received hv a friend in town last week from Mrs Camp. at Dornoch. who has been spending the past few months with a brother uni sister in Mmden, informing her of the death of Mrs C's daughter Dorothy who died suddenly In Toronto. Fort 14Atat.--A Colt, rising 3 vrs.. and one Colt rising 2 yrs, full brother and sister and well matched. Also a. few head of young cattle in good ahapo. 20 stora- Digs. so to 100 lbs each, Row with litter 2 weeks old. Apply to We conmtulnte the purchasers on ie.. curing a. tine property. Dr Burt will he at the Middaugh House Durham. Wed. Apr. 5th for consultation in eve our. throat and none cues. Eyes geared and glasses fitted. Hours 10 to 1!. m. nnil Canada. Pirmer and t Jan. l, 1906, Send todar. The tiyer here is now free of ice and in flood. the falls at Mt-Gownn’s mill presenting a. romantic appearance. The "break up" has been a. good one, mow leaving gradually. SPECIAL thrrrm.-The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer and the Review to Jan. I, 1906, only 81.00. Fon NALE.--1 heavy draught Mare, 5yens old. Apply to -_- - -- Dromore P. O. Mnroh 4, 1905. Many are the compliments being paid to the (lPlightful spring opening. It has been an excellent month and bids fair to go out litre a lamb. the ',iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy,iieid the followed. and when day‘s much was done also woman-"her mllk to feed the bah. that m ”can to became the at d this country. 81.00 will W. for the Weekly Globe "l Canads Amer apd the Review to DURHAM, THURSDAY. MARCH so, 19%. Har. LAIDLAW. Proprietor, 6PM? Wu. J. ADAMS. w. J, DERBY. Vicken. Ont. Dr. Jamieson, President of the Com- pany, came In on the evening tram. In Toronto there wasn't much doing and he had no call for home. yet it seemed borne in upon him that home he must, go and he went. Was it a preuentiment? Four cat-loads of goods for Manitoba-- one for British columhtu-were packed and waiting for some enclosured ttom other points. Early in the tutht Mayor Hunter wired to Palmerston and the boys there loyal- ly landed up and got no fares Mt Forest with their engine but were stopped there, it being seen then that the fire was under control. The engine never worked better. the hare seeuwd perfection. and the firemen were doera and dare" to be proud of, but Cluef Torry thinks that with a new nozzle lately brought out mom effective work could he done. The loss involved is estimated to be about mm. covered by insurance to nearly half that umountin several companies. The Directors, thoughtfullv. . - ed refreshments for the '/Je,'g,'J"ivel'i1'ii were partaken of m Mr Calder’s home near by, As the beams of the roof fell in they brought, with them the greater part of the upper story wall, but the lower story With basement is nearly intact IInd will form a good beginning fur a renew- ed structure which will almost surely take its place. Messrs Edwards and Powers, agents and experts of the Underwriters' Assoc- iation Were in town on Tue-do and took stock of the fire situation 'flh'll'e, examining the ruins, the comp-,ny'g books, etc., agreed. to recognize the full amount of the Insurance. which is placed” follows: Economics] Hamel...” .. "4000 m Perth Mutual...... ........ 400000 London Mutual............. 400000 Western .... ...... ......... 2000 (I) Queen.......... ........... 2110000 Northern amen Nonnch Union............. 100000 Ottawa..................... Ml0000 Bun........................ moo Rapidly hooks and papers were got out of the office while the raging tire above was finding read food in the combustible nuture of tge place, and fast spreading to the north favored, as the windows burned in, hy the wind, a. south east one, the. very worst that could be for the factory. hut the best for the safety of surrounding properly. The exertions of the firemen were for it time directed to confine it to the upper tint and possibly save the expensive machinery below,' hut despite their ex- ertions the fiertw wind engendered swept. the whole length of the building. Lat- er, " roof felt in, the firewall, separating the store room from the rest of the building. failed. though provided with iron d and every insurance device, and wands of dollars’ worth of tine finishe coda were gone. The fire started in the south west cor- ner tip-stairs. in the finishing room and apparently from deFctive wiring or from a cause known in eponmnooue combustion. for every thing was normal at. lt m. The manager Mr Catton and Mr och. who has been assisting in Bee. retary work in the evening: of late, had hoth come hack after ten and were at work in the. "lee when Miss Jessie Burnett followed by a. son of Mr La- velle who had seen at blaze at a distance rushed in to give them their first intima- tions. A rush up-stairs was made but the devouring fire had made such progress that fighting " with puile Won out of the question and retreat had to be made. The whistle was made to srteech out the danger, and soon the flretse0 joined in the clamor. bringing we should my three fourths of the citizens to the scene. It soon became evident that all the building was doomed and a supreme elicit. was nmdeto save the surround- ings. Happily this In» moutnhm vnlue of the the en inc, -tiFiGdatGiir" without it all woufd have burned. When the about" pipe from the boiler to the engine broke or burned the noise ot the escaping steam in the ftamea was some- thing frightful and overmnntering. The alarm of Fire never milled the Brignde and the citizens of Durham to fight and to witness a more disulroua 1t'a1Tit,t.1'?, than on Thuisduv night lint. w en, about 7.11) in the evening, the alarm announced the flu-tow on tire. The firemen with creditable sienna-n. considering the awe of the streets got the engine to the pond near the factory and noon had three stream: playing an the hurning pile. was m uhel. . rousing meeting was convened in the Town Ball, celled by the layer to consider the eitnntion ere- eted by the ttru. The town in n cred- itwdtheOompnyto theater“ of 010,000, . loan muted it " vest! and fully neared he Wee. mall the terms of repeylnent at this [an hue not been chewed. then wee no enxiety, for the greet tteneiit. derived by the town from the inatte- tion. through: use bill of '16,000 to ammo annually. wee Very npperent and there we: unmet e tstsruinrr that Says the Pastor, Inst tre Rebuilt. The Furniture Factéry in Ash; Within " hours after the factory A Rousing Meeting. siea1MutttaL........H00000 Mutual.............. 400000 "ttttual............. 400000 n m.................. 200000 hUnion............. 100000 1tgil,,li, NOT ES, $50,000 worth of Property) Destroyed. TORONTO The by-law will require a two-thirds vote, of resident property owners (not tenants) to be legal, and when the alternative is eontsidetesd---n perman- ent min and an eyesore. property de- precietionoffrom 10 to 25 per cent. numbers of good citizens leaving-- there should be no question of its carrying. With commendable promptneu the; council have prepared and submitted a By-law to grant assistance to the Durham Furniture Company, Limited, t in time tonppenr in this issue, which I contains the first notice of the great) fire. Polling is on Friday, April 21) and citizens will in that time haul ample opportunity to give thought to I the question. 2 The arguments for reconstruction are l strong: about 26 heads of families are1 employed who already are being tempted to go elsewhere but will re- ' “here and do almost any work if l , is rebuilt. rather then move I 'iiyi'i'Jiiii'tr,! 60 employee _ r the it the -irtiiiG,l and'merchante tell of a less buoyantl trade already and the cancellation of l contempls purchases. I The tstaff is almost entirely local and I said to be a splendid class of workmen. The boiler house and smoke stack. the l drv kiln and every pile of lumber are i saved. The foundation and first story i walls can be utilized. the big fiy) wheel of the engine and possibly some ‘> other parts ofthe machinery may yet) be useful. and above all the reputation l of the factory in its output being f'ust- I class. there seems to be r. “call " for rebuilding. which cannot be refused. l The explanations given by the Di- rectors at the mass meeting see med to justify the rectum they made trom the town, and t e unanimity apparent then and since gives good ground for hope that the by-law will pass the people " it did the council. The terms were somewhat onerous. but the meeting, judging by the speakers and the applause they met with was a unit in desiring action. Mr Gilbert McKechnie voiced a cautious note but would be willing to re issue the loan. Mr Arthur Jackson thought a cancellation of $5000 instead of 010000 would be traftieient but almost all the other speakers took the directors at their word and a unanimous res ulntion was carried expressing the hope that the council would at once take the necessary steps to have a conference with the Directors and submit a by-lsw forthwith. Now the disaster to our pioneer in. dustrv has put a new face on matters, and the interest in the uestion was shown by s crowded Lt on a few hour notice. Mayor Hunter was in the chair and in the unavoidable " sence of Pres Jamieson, Me Calder get/ea lucid statement of the standing of the company and its obligtvuoni.' When the bank, interest, and all outstanding obligations are met, there i may gtill be a small balance on hand. [ but totally inadequate to begin opera- tions. This Directors had met that day l and mine to the conclusion that to put ', themm a sure beats it was necessarv, to ask the town to cancel the timt loan l (or accept new stock tor it), to grant a new lust: of 010.01), this would furnish I; 820,000' and by issuing stock for 810000 more; a new and vigorous start could I be made and the wheels running an gain in three months. with better, prospects that. ever. This wss con- tirttted by the other Directors present, and later by Dr Jamieson. } There being no alternative scheme in sight pnomising ntl Mantegna for lees outley. there ing no uncer- tainty u to the benefit. the factory will be. unit has been to the town, there being no doubt as to the desirability ot mining as many a pouible of the present all " can weather over the mternl. the duty eeeme cleer marry the bylew uttai1titrtoraly and encourage the [steam ettieient and experienced Boo to get to work the day after. The hy-lew, to curry. mustbe voted for by two-third. of the resident tPt erty-ownerp (end Je' incident A " chm-ad of 1905 repayment would begin. _ once or over ooettidmtetr. min mm the trr-law period of ten years.) tnpstrqueattlr are must be who that it is ngt_ killed by mama. Boouu Fun Pttmtgt--Ahrmt Sound pound! and Inn-{neg men an extreme- 1 active " tin plum to have t'kl'gl'fMf6Tll,',ll'At'l,t'if,t'.'ltht ind from the” full- tununltmd to Owen Sound. The place balm-n 83 who. Ther had but: Wed by the company wont to develop the mud In" granted them the me of poleu. t,t"'4Sa,hg,t,t,t.,tz'tt eoeiMdemtton. owing lake civic activ- ity. The By-Iaw. - l, Waiter James Brown, B. ti. A., L L B, itt,T three years Principe! of the Ceuta. |diam t9orieatpoastencet College and ii graduate of the Ontario Agricultural ‘mllege. trle: has been impound Rd.. iitot of The \ ’eeklv Globe and Canadn Farmer of Toronto. The intere-tu of {the nttrieulturatista and honieinokei-s of this country IN rapidly assuming rom- /Jt,1ey.C"it,re.teiit: and The Weekly Globe and Cumin Farmer, with it: new {com ot editors end assistants. will de. {vote ita energies to the eolution of the problem: infecting the promotion of NV "trieultural industries and the develop- (tty, of Ulnadiun homes. The Review bu made 'uttutCtttetttts whii-eby The , Weekly Globe And Quintin Farmer and ji.?, Review may he him by any sub- teriher in Canada. United Sun-u or iGret" Britain until Jan. lat. Milk fol one dollar. A more liberal new-illumi- (Gee) but never been made. ': Landed! Ftrlng Millinery Opening On Wed. & Thurs., March 29 & 30 Humilton -- Durham Trustee Bd. - Over a ditterence u to wage-I. Verdict for defendants. The Weakly Globe & Canaan rumor. Petsone having furniture. pian u m otguns that require ve-tini:,' my»! ishm will do well In call on the nu er- ;T','ei and have the work dune Int-for.- Itiiusre-riemnine sen-on. Orders may tre left with Edward Kress. or with Sin-w- all and (Amman. All goods called for nnd returned. This in an opportunity to have your old furniture made like new. Change- moderate. Koch-Belt estnte---Aetiottto compel pnvmnu. of Incas. Amount claimed 327. Grunt-Q8101”. Calder - Smith - Action to recon-r value torn power taken in pan-c pay- ment. of attot her machine Ina dammed to defendant. Defendant dilpuu-d de- liverv. Verdict for defendant. “It: mam: otttheBtmrCeme. Koch-Beit otttutte--Actiott to move-r tent for house on defendant's muted plwuisel. Verdict for dvfeudams. Two Thousand Dollars worth of Brand New Goods bought by us at 500 on the Dollar. Just half what they are worth Judge Harrison held court last week and dis osed of quite a docket of can. A we? MON] of some of the- in u follows I Now for the greatest berzeins Barium ever put oat. Come with the crowd and carry swsy big retools for little money. Here we in some ofthe goods that will go very tttat t Judinleres Flower Pots. Shells. Fency Plates. Pipes. Purses. Head Bur loath Organs. Violins. more been Pencils. nvelopes end nu Also . lot of Silverware of the best lakes. es Welthem Washes taAhee' end Ian‘s Sizes. we Solid Gold ling Children's. ladle' end len‘s. A of high elus Jewelery, consisti of Chains. when. Brooches. 'd'r'lllllUl', Me. Our Links end Tie fine. m 31" smug}: 150 Pdfe, in tttig e. w '0 how my , cheep some time ego. etch our R. B. KEELER'ud SONS E wish to make special w mention this week that our Millinery Depart- ment is now in rapid progress. We are already busy with spring orders. We have the largest stock this spring than of any previous season-al- most Slooo worth of New Spring Goods. We are in a better position than ever to meet the demands of our cus- tomers having secured the best available help, a head trimmer from Toronto, and 7 assistants We have a large stock of trim. med Hats, made in advanced styles, both in color and black to accomodate early purchasers We invite you to visit this de. partment at your earliest con- venience. CHAS BAMAGE. Old Furniture Made New They Have Punt: no PUILlIIII. DIVISION ( ‘OURT Faun W. Sm um

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