West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Mar 1905, p. 5

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EDS dl: YARNS laments I 39927031.. Light Boots & Shoes and Slippers be 7 farm/lion " " he “not w _ Ar reasonable prion. 1(MW, lt, MRI .0 see our Famous '3, mowers, 0tirtders 2151‘ QITAIJ'I‘Y. Dry Goods, Boots s, Crockery, " arn ' 4. I" 6 made dWif, JW IS THE TIME to got lots and Shoes made or 1. We have opened on stock of new Gocds toe Ilcllraith .t.mass . .Caké not! Machinery AY d BELL GOTT. " I . 917/ 0.27) (All) " ing h qt mas o fe, .24 .CH M, u see 'ttte and the Summer as nearly two carlo-l. r,ies and the place " filled to overflowing nuw being filled up oad of the famous ' Me we!!! r Men’s Long with leather in rugated edge, 3, nnr price. and examine um whether you you Bargainr. ion of our Teas.‘ cums ar Bon ttons, both, includil. and 3573‘ n every respect pposite Mid Lambton St, Sutters 1'udhope Buggy & be in the swim .b' MI. juicing riled. in - where our Goods. stag at hvrct'amo- u re base". v. or- Irthary ct., wttt n lze cw CASH (t I / w. H. BEAN BIG ii, HF, dts SELLS atts UIIEAI’ 7 piece Betty Sets I pieve Tuhle Sen "etry Boy}. . . l 'A SIANDARD BANK (lf GAMMA CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . 32,000,000 CAPITAL. Paldnp........... 1.000.000 RESERVE FUND..........._ 1.000.000 t tooroil-chsth, t and 2 yds wide “.3250 a muue y Table oil-cloth, t.', in wide, white .9 toloted..'c5e y ”Mn y TMlk-d sheeting. 7'2h1wido....... anc size Iiannellene lankels. white or AGENTS in ali principal pmnta an Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba. United States and England. W. r. COWAX. President. GEO. P. REID, Hunger. Pure Houey and Fresh Groceries always on hand A general Banking amines: transacted Drafts issued and collection mmde on all points. Deposits received and fate: teet allowed at Inn-rem rates DURHAM AGENCY SAVINGS BANE -nterest allowed on mvings hank deposits of 81.00 and up wards Prompt. attention and every facilitv afforded customers living at a, distance. J KELLY, Agent. uh: Lid Bread Hale: rr SUITS "re tTl And thcfsidre we but nothing but pray; tot out bread, esaeus.tties, and every Jesirrable variety ot pastry. AA MacFarlane 81 (h cplmeriean 8tock food L fancy Awore Clover and 'tiiousthy er . For prevention Janna/m of smut. Ev- ery farmer should use it. ODEL BAKERY. tza:ttsrtBCraSt"S3 Druggists t Booksellers. any Head Office, Toronto. NEW GLASSWARE 6 lbs for 25c. Try it There is none better. These are the best grades obtainable. Examine our stock before purchasing. iiaTe" 10 order it Styles on shortest Al " ‘. STYNSQN: ..............”Maureen?! ........mt40eandtneetu?tt at 15e, 200. Mc um] Me each ........mtayctuui25cmtett REASONS: Will's BUNK ()l2llllll use only tFe finest iOWER TOWN it; -itest st notice. 91.20 a pr 25(- a yd WHEREAS by By-law No 354 of the Town of Durham, the said Town did grant aid by way of loan of the sum of $to,ooo.oo to the Durham Furniture Co. (Limited) repayment ot which loan to the aid Town was secured by mortgage on the premises of the said The Durham Furniture Company (Limited) and by transfer to Insurance thereon to the amount of $10,000 to the said Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS the factory and premises of the stud Company were destroyed by fire on or about the 23rd day of March A. D. 1905. and the amount of 310,000 portion of the fire Insurance thereon has become pay- able to the said Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS the said Company. is desirious of rebuilding their said factory, and of having the same com- pleted and in running order during the season of 1905. _ AND WHEREAS the said Com- pany has applied to the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham. for aid byway of bonus of the said sum of 'io.ooo and also by way of a loan to the said Com- pany in addition thereto. of the further sum of 3:0.000. in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions and stipulations mentioned in an agree- ment for repayment of the last men. tioned sum as hereinafter set out AND WHEREAS it is deemed ad visable and expedient to grant aid by way of bonus of said sum of 510.000. and also by way of loan of the further sum of 810.000, in addition thereto, to the said The Durham Furniture Com- pany (Limited) for the purpose here inbef0te mentioned. AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Town of Durham, for the sum of $10,000 as hereinafter provided fyy9 is the amount of _ the debt .otended to be created by this Bylaw) the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the said purpose and no other. A bylaw tun-u aatdaamut Manama». bravura 90"”me tttmit i/dt',.'.",'),":',,','.',-, "lg an opera ing a . an ac cry in the Town of Itgtgt 'ttmiitiiiiiiiC", AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of ten years, being the cur- rency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregrate amount payable in each year for principal and interest shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nine years oi the said period (as shown in Schedule “A" hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the total amount required by "The Municipal Act" to be raised annually' by special rate for for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is the sum of $1263.74. . AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Durham, according to the last revised agseatttttettt 1oll there- of is t646433.oo. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is ”7661.4! whereof no part of the principal or interest is in arrear. THEREFORE the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham, enacts as follows p-- t--It shall and may be lawful for the Municipal Council of the Town ot Durham, to pant lid by. way of bonus to The Durham Furniture Company (Limited) by way of gift to the said Company of the sum of $0,000, and also to grant aid by way of loan to the said The Durham Furniture Company (Limited) of the further sum oftro,ooo to aid in the re-erection and completion of a factory for the manufacture of furniture within_the limits oi the Cor- [Luna-nan» wr.-"" --_ 7 _ poration of the Town of Durham. the last mentioned sum of $10,000 to be repayahle by the said Company to the said Town of Durham, without the in- terest in ten equal consecutive annual instalments of 61000 each the first in.. stalment to become due at the expira- tion of one year from the final passing of this Bylaw, in accordance with the terms of an agreement to be entered into between the said The Durham Furniture Company (Limited) and the said Town of Durham, and repayment of the last mentiewl sum of $10,930 I l, MAJueM-A ho g flret ttitytttttttte ott to be secured by a fltgt mortgage ottl. the factory and plant of the said Com. 1 Pan,- a-ttor the shtrit8f. qt raising thel ttald last tttlt, mm of 'ro,ooo" debentures of the.“ Town of Durham to the amount a $10,000 as aforesaid in sums dt yet less than ttoo each shall be iieset on the day of [ V 1905, each of which de. benyptet t,hall be dated on the date of 'ttttttAe thereof) and shell be payane Jim ten years thereafter It the of- .. A _e A- eon-dart] Bank of Canada trenytret 'Shall be dated on me u.“ v. 'tttMet thereof, and shall be payable ‘m ten years thereafter at the ob 'tt of the Standard Bank of cattadal 'tlt'the aid Town of Durham. 3--Each of the said debentures shall l be signed by the Mayor of the said I Town of Durham, and by the Treasurer thereof; and the Clerk of the said 'Down of Durham shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the Municipality. 4--The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of tour and one-half per centum per annum, payable yearly at the said Bank on the day of in each and every year, - "‘“"‘ "ml and shall ot -- '“‘ during the “new? thereof, have attached to them a payment ot the said inte1 Arilaar, m. 490 " Sacha, and 'shall , them coupons for said interest, which: .ity'i'i! tii" coupon!“ be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Town of Dutlmn, s-During the currency of the said debentures. there shell be raised sauna}. ly by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Town of Durham, the sum at $263 74 for the purpose ot paying the amount due in each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt (as shewu in the Schedule " A " hereto annexed). ti-This Bylaw shall take effect on the day of the final pissing thereof by the Municipal Council of the Town of Durham. 7-The votes of the electors of the said Town of Durham. entitled to vote, shall be taken on this Bylaw at the following times and places. that is to say ;-0n Friday the 2tst day of April next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon. and continuing till five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day by the following deputy re- turning officers. In the East ward at the Town Hall by H H Mockler, D. R. O. In the West ward at Silas P. Saun- der's shop by John Smith, I) R. O. 8--On Thursday, the 20th day of April next, rhe Mayor of the said Town of Durham, shall attend at the office of the Clerk of the said Town of Durham. to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places, aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons in- terested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this Bylaw respectively. 9--The Clerk of the Council of the said Town oi Durham, shall attend at his office in the Town of Durham, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Saturday the 22nd day of April A D 1905 to sum up the number of votes for and against this Bylaw. . In the North wad at Archibald Davidson's office by Clifton Elvidge. Dated at the Council Chamber in the Town of Durham, this day of A D 1905. 1910 191 1 1012 1913 1914 1915 NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed Bylaw, which has been taken into consideration, and which will be fiua11y passed by the Council of the Municipality. (in the event ot the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication in the "Durham Review tt the date of which first publi- cation was Thursday the 30th day of March A D 1905. and that the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on the day and and at the hours and places therein fixed. We announced last week that Mr Jno Graham. teucher at present in No 9, Glenelg. had resigned his school to take a commercial panitinn in the " Bee of the N. P. Uement Ct . here. Mr. Graham has lwen at the blackboard for about 20 year: and has been renmrkahly mere-aft)! ind the loss of his experience and ability, natural and acquired. to the teaching profession calls for more than passing comment. Mr. Graham has used nearly 100 pupils through the tr,'l,e,,'l,C, Pub. lie School Leaving and Third class examinations. and some. of his earlier ones now hold important and respon- sible positions. In the twenty years he has had no break through ill health or otherwise and never could he be ac- cused of " Undermining " for he raised ttte salary of every school be "eepted, SIX of his 20 {ears were spent in limes Co., the rem: nder in Grey. and though devoted to the Work end enjoying It. the future rewards of the profession have not been alluring enou h to retain even him with such It recon, of success. Twent years ago the proportion of! the sexesy attending the Norms! Schools was nearly equal: in 1001 at Toronto, Normal School. there were. 18 men and over 100 women, with the prospect of less than half the number of men for 1005. The same process is gain}: on in most port! of the province and will likely Co on as long as the rewards in industrial pursuits are so much more generous t hen in the teaching profession. Twice of late Durham School Boned has lost two excellent teachers owing to this cease and Mr. :Grshsm‘s is the latest instance. . Some strange thing, come to light. In horse trading. hat the following Is a case where a. man 5915] anorLse‘for S,m upddhy Where a "mu emu .. uu-_- -_"- F - - trading got him back for $6. Judge Colter held Division Court " Rodney the other day when thia ietereatitttt cue Lusty vs. Lamont. we: tried before u Lory. The defendant sold plaintiff e one for ‘75. then purchased enotner for 815: he then traded this one With putntiff for hie old horse. receiving 89 to boot, so that he trot 375 in cash and his horse back for w. The cmoccu- pied all day. and et 11 p. m. the jury "returned a verdict that it was justa horse trade and plaintiff must abide by what he had dorie.--th'and Valley Star GETTING OUT or THE RANKS 810000 00 928 ttl 970 41) 1014 07 10.39 70 1107 39 1157 22 1200 89 Wu B. VOLLETT, Clerk. 82037 40 4 Der Itl me 1 day of I u? u- CLERK. tl MAYOR. . . E: By-luw. w f $1263.74 . . annually u Total w $1263 74 . . 125%: :1 (i' 1333 74 . . $31 ilit i'iiiri 74 W 1263 " W 1253 74 w 1263 " w $126137 40 W above is a t.T.i aw, which tur., THE DURHAM REVIEW 'e,htegt','Mi reign" and new. There no use in the p33: to enter. u institution In unemllod equl em: . full ml! of comment and M1%'lrllfl We". Bundled: who wen just style to spend I few winter months “thus we now tilting tmrreiaa. posmonl. For full Mimics “that. 'rittN-rmtr-ttsesittgr-.r demand. Four 991991.02 agape. o!_.a_udy. '.htatnesy..ttntoette' C. A. PLEIING. Principal Owen Sound A TERM IN ANY OF THE Ina/100 Acre \PAR‘I’MENTS 0F war A...” T .., i/; _,,i,,i,,iiiiiiiii, 'abasa 'a:9aS:9.S:9.9.S: 33333;? LEEEE F...t6:tFt.rr66.tt6.tt..t6'. GEE. $45 ataigyiEa6biliiediS' 4ltsasaaaassasas, if Save Your Money human we gamma The Farmers’ lll'l"g , Supply 60.,1 N., G.,& J. McKechnie N, Go t, J. McKechnie We have just received the third shipmentlot Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at Not more than two mats otuiu..tsoldito anyone customer. The Shareholders of the Co. who have bought goods are well satisfied. Drop in and see for yourself. If you are going to buy a Windmill, see our prices before you buy. We are not aol- iciting orders but are ready to fill your order and save you money. , If you are not already a Shareholder, it will pay you to become one at once. Get our Binder twine prices before going elsewhere Darling's Drug Store r",rii,TW.% FARMERS and STOCKMEN will be more than interested in the Great British thionnl Stock Food. t5.00 for the best trade Spring Calf fed on this food Only Those l)I-ugs. Stationary, and Druggist’s Sundries (The popular Cash Store.) GO (ITS. Make Success in the strenuous davs. Old fashion- ed, easy-going methods will not avail. Our success is due to our way' of mailing We give the public the very best value for their money. We Gndle goods that make a. cusmmer Come again when more ure wanted. You will be interested in our way if you will give it A trial. arlfng's Eras Store "-'atkurcs,t'.ieu, _ FIGS --NR SALE ONLY AT-. Who Drive Things Teacher wanted for S. S. No. u, El!- nemunt. Bonthvtlle School. Finn or mud clan. nnle preferred. Duties to commence April 3rd. “In Applicants to state exporimce and may oxpeotrd. HERIAR HAW. Sea-Treat. Dun-tore. emu-sum my? _ kr/Oat-ee. don at once. mutt be 'd'a.ootJ,' to - J. P. Tluronn. Durham. Feb. " 1006. Alma: T mile. from Durham on the TE ACHER WANTED. ONTARIO h7iErlrf/ TORONTO FARM for SALE I J. G. HUTTON. M.D-. th I. In.” Coll. rum and Burnou- Ola-Ho. oe and Battle-cc not. Gqmttwta and (in M., a foot ot Wit. old Noodle (m. OFFICE [1003' b-tt B. In. t--q p. In. T-q p. I. Tolophono 000000006 No. " once. " has: M, - - - - Owen soul Will be " the 1it't"f Home. Im. the am Wednesday o e.ett month (to. lo B. I. an 4 p. I. Lam suntan: to MoorfieM's (Lo-don. Fry) at to Ila-ppm (New York) Eye Rupiah. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST or the Du mun Pharmacy Cauderu Block. Resident-o Brat door west of th old Post 19ttiee. Durham. W. C. PICKERING D. D s., L. o. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate ot Boyd College of Dental Surgeon- of Ontario. Room., Over J & J HUNTERS New Store OtBtNt--iAMlimt TOWN. DURH‘I. PlYIlClAl I: Brannon. OM00 over J.A9.r4t"tter'. Sun Jump.” um tite, Fund- to kt,tt on Home. nth)... run u “been. oluum and. hv . “much-tun can!” vans". wan. hoods. Iona-sou. bonus, Amman“ be. corned: propurod. Eutun u deco-cod roc- wnu look-d am: and Eucutor‘o and Mn III- trntorl' Account: prepared artad PM m3.“ Court Bun-inn. Prob.“ of Wit I. Am ot M. minim-scion uni (in-Munch“) abut-M. - chu and. I- may 0600 tad Tith- upon“ Dunstan. Solicitors. Convoytnoon. Ac. Money to loan. 0mm McIntyre Block. over the Bulk A. G. Mucky! the. W. F I)... Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., Barrister, Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. u. .f?.t'ietiote as Apnoy prgmptly {Luna-d}: " Speck! amnion given to mum on Women and Chum. inwhm. Noe. 16. " - Public. Commissioner. Convoy m. Yunnan Mme. Agent. a: Private Honey to In“. Collec- tions of All kinds promptly amen. ded to. Fm bought and odd 1 Our Com I market "In hr can. In, ( sud Kayak. Ilny in Mum-d " ', maul-Inc: on comm" of hurl. lu- Mt [ menu used b . hand. (WWI his. 1 mum-rain lit.', Wool. Ila-d. M. non-d; mm an pynb e In either a“ u up mum. No otheltcompnv nu the “an. M w A“Bydenhun" policy but. an. - 1m”. amp. gui_9 D. Mes, Eye. Ear, Nose & Throat. JOHN CLARK) IARRIITER. OOICI TOR. uoarnv - coarnraacun. ac. sydenham Mutual I)!“ Inul LEG-AL. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Terms mu. Awemenu [or an " idantes.Aes.,trutrt, ban on the Item of. tice, Durham. or correspoutlettrw mama there, at to Ceylon P. o., will be pup-pay attended m. u- - "rtiemettret to Licenced Minuet- to the County at any. WAuaioueulloedeM- Illa-l iiiiiiie2"trl;l1 Su, 1-” . . 'me, iitiiiii2ifuu'heRrldNWi DEN TAL- Money to Loan. nice, over Gordon's Jewelry Store. mce. McKonnie‘n Old Band. Dal-lu- Auctioneers. MACKAY & DUNN, orto In“); 50mm! tto 1r. Licenced Auctioneer for, Co. Grey. A. B. JACKSON, J . P. TELFORD DR. BURT E haunt}; Ceylon P. 0 l c. IAIAOE. Durham - u g m M. ik but”! :PHAIL.) F7513 Insurance Co. “our.“ II Owen Sound. In tor - q " a". to Mr is go. . ce- . in- 'tdit Mark 'rut. T 45" um:

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