West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Mar 1905, p. 8

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(fl {Spring Ri" Two young Shorthorn. Durham Bulls grandsons of imported Cruikshank, for sale. 10 mos. and 15 mos. old. Wilt trade for suitable colt. Apply to Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. All registéred Stock and likely ani- mals. Apply to runs. SCARF & Sores. Jan. 2, lihG. Rocky Saugeen P. o. C. L. Grant U- "TAN, crop. a large turnout of neighbors and - - _ __ -------------__..r- friends paid their respects and tender. - led their sym thies tothe mourning FARM FOR SALE ;relatives and fly/fit Four uncles ot Lot 12. Coo. 1. S. Ir. It., Glenelg, con ithe deceased acted as pall-bearers, Sistine of 50 an“. well watered, well Messrs. John and James Snell. George fenced, and mostly tseeded fiow.Y com’ I Binnie and Thos. Tucker. Mr. Peter r',)',",?,:)'."',,,",.':,',",',' t,1dngttlde'"i, 'o'"a"t, tee. ILothinn acted as undertaker in the Flt-0:110 'oi/Ji,',:',',.' An excellent pasture absence ot.hir. Colin MeMillan, who farm. or would suit anyone wishing to was ttttttdine the funeral ot a. Mrs. engage in small farming. Apply on the Snell 1n Proton same day. premises or by letter to - - “I. h... n... " an..- KN____r, _ - " road. Every field well watered. hmile from school, and 1 mile from poet office. Four miles from Durham.' Good brick house with 10 room", stable with stone fottndation, frame harm stone pig pen. and good hearing orchard. Terms to Milt purchaser. Apply Box ll, Durham P. o. G. RYAN, Prop. HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to RENT. wm be sold, or rented separately if desired, that well-known hotel and de.. sirable stock farm at the, Roh Roy, Lot 10 and ll, con. I. S. D. R., Ulvnelg. an acre- in farm, more orb-as. Blacksmith Shop 02 one cog-per. _Hote1 across the THE Dunn“: FURNITURE Co; LmrrED To cut and pile 400.000 ftof lumber more or less. mostly hard wood. Also tenders for a good second hand saw-mill either Band or Circular. the entice. Pm is the tttietot time. get' them made up when you burn time. Don‘t dong the may you cogs. tht. gar Buy your PRINTS n_ow and Footwear As Spring is just about here, you will went to get NEW FOOTWEAR and in entici- pation ot your went: we have ready for your inspection. . large stock ot the good de. penduble kind of Boots that wear well such as you have been getting from us; the kind you can rely on tor style and quality. TENDERS WANTED. SHORTHORN BULLS wae EDGE. Edge Hill P. 0. FOR SALE. ALEX. Fmaar, BCNESSAN. Ont. b Ftt,tgttpg tgiiiliiae 002an y V .NRttteoetViiiirTG'it deneeot ttprttmitUr, dttyttrtmmitm, on load; y 20th 13%.. and the "we won marred cemetety e her little daughter. Mary Dewer, who died Jan. 4 1901. end whom she deep- ly mourned. The funeral 'rtortterfr encoded showing the 1ruarit in which the deceased wee 1d. The gl-beu'en were Adam Andenon. Jae plee. Jae Nelson, John Baboon. Wm 1mg week we are called upon to re- lcord the pacing away at Mrs John Ire. ‘Gillivray, nee Grace McNab. who died on the 17th inst, after a lingering ill- ness of two years. " the age of39, She was a woman of sterling Christian character, loved God 'tt word and house of worship and was highly respected by all that knew her. She found much comfort in the miniatrations of Rev. Mr Farqnhamn, Who mils! hm- luv-m r'arqnmuson, who visiting iUCGe7v' 2nd week through her long illness. showing every kindness. The Messrs. Harerave have been doing a. rushing business in saw logs this last three weeks, having taken in (“WP 150 logs. and all good sized ones. to MeLeanfi mill. Mr. Herbert Pepper, of Mt. Ii'orest, is at present staying with the Menu. Hargrave and renewing old acquaint- ances. He is one of Mt. Forest’s en thasiastie militia men and belongs to that Company of the Jinnbo Bum. so called from its having 10 companies within its establishment, l We hear that a Song Service is to be held at the Ebenezer church on a com- rl1'l Sunday. Special preparation is jbeing made for the event by the choir ‘who have lately increased their num- ber and effieieiiey by the addition of Messrs. Angus McDonald and Thomas Harrison, J r., and Miss Louisa Hooper. We welcome back in our midst Mrs. James Baxter after a wmter's sojourn at her datqthter's in Durham, who feels that a quiet lite in the country is pre- terable to the turmoil of a town. John Baxter also arrived home from several month’s visit with friends in 1 Toronto and Adjaln, with not as much _ improvement in his health as might be i wished for. I The funeral of the late Wm Wilder. l whose death has already been referred to in these columns. Was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Campbell, Dromore, and was buried in the family burying ground on his own farm The com. templation of his death creates a mel- anchol y interest in the fact of his pur- posing moving to Michigan and spend- ing his last days with his sons. A quiet, inoffensive, old man, kind and hOspitahle, when in the early days new settlers in moving in made his place their home for weeks " a time, Much sympathy is also felt tor Mr. and Mrs. Al red Tucker in the loss of their oldest boy, Alfred J " at the age of 5 years and 6 months, from what ap- Eared to be an attack ot typhoid fever. v. Mr. Roach. Pritseviiid, conducted [ the services and took for his text The calling of Samuel. The funeral was held on Friday, the 17th March. when This week GLENELG CENTRE. 33M NORTH EGREIONT. . -""""r"PRe o . _ f" . ' Tty-tr-ai-, Ruling. Dominion nnd Marfhtmr. Bow and Mt and box or hot bod about the middle of April Transplant in the open sir when dunner of front in put. 1hen1aot_une--Huntmriat, Honey Ind 0010': Barb. Punt when dingo: of fro-tin Min well propnred bills 8 foet &trrAsrr--guatmer, Crookneck and White Bush Scullop. Winter, Huhbud. Do not plan: until dang"- of spring frost u over. But: Varietie- reqmn 4 feet of up“ between hills- Hubbard should In" " [out 8 foot. tuvsrrr---Long White. Sow as early " puniblo and thin to 4 incbea apart in the row. Put of the crop may be left in the ground out winter for spring use. Bmmasm-.-vietoris or any carefully selected seeding variety. Plant 4 feet up". Manure liberally, cultlvne thor- ouvhly, and break out seed stocks as they eppeer. - ___ PoraroEs--1iurly, Enrly Ohio, Late, Empire State. Keep potatoes for early planting in a warm room in the light for three weeks before planting. Plant a few for only one u soon as the ground is tlt to work, and follow WIN] others when danger of frost is put. Plant late "tie- tiee about the 24th of May. PEAs-Etsrly, Steele Brigus' extra Early Medium, Gradus, Late, Champion of England. Sow early kinda " early as possible, and other, " intervals of two weeks to obtain succession of crops. fhaoss-Yellow Deuvers, Prize-Taker. and Red Weatioersfield. Sow seed as early as possible, The tbmnings may be used " mean onions. MvsucorsLos--Roelty Ford or Emerald Gem and Montreal Market. Sow seed In enriched and well-prepared soil when dan. ger of frost It? past. Hills 5 or 6 feet apart. LErrrrcE-.-Toronto Gem and California Cream Batter. Sow seed as early as possible and at intervals of one mouth for succession of crops. Thin plants to 6 or 8 inches apart to secure good heads. thJcmemut-For slicing, White Spine; for pickling and slicing. Cool and Crisp. Sow In bills about four feet apart. when danger of front is over. Coax-Early. Golden Bantam & Write Cory; Medium, Matropolitau. Country Gentleman Lane and Suwell's Evergreen, Sow about first of May and if plantm are injured by cold or frost, now again shout. the 24th of MM. CELmw--Earlv, White Plume ; Medium Paris Golden Yellow; Late. Giant Pus- ci-sow seed in seed box or hot bod about Ist of May. Prick out into flats or cold frame when about. an incl: high. and transplant into trenches tour or five lest apart about first ot July. casmaar:-Early, Wituoingsttu1t; Late, Flat Dutch and Savoy; Bod, Mammoth Itoclr--sow seed of iutrrly variety inhot bed about middle of March, and tuna- plnnt to open ground about and of April. Sow seed oflate varieties in the open ground about the end ot May, and trans- plant about the tirat of July. t3acaarLowRR--Extra Early Erfnrt and Early suowball.---Treat the same as Cabbage. Camtors--clsantanay and Scarlet Nan, tets.--h'ow early and thin the name as beets. - Bswrs--Globe,k1v,yptuus Turnip;Loug Long Smooth 1uood.-S'ow as soon as ground is fit to work. Thin when mun]! to8 inches apart and take oat every other one as soon as they are large enough to use BEamr-.thumuer. Golden Wax, Aut. umn, Burpee’a Bush Lima, Winter, Navy. -Sow when danger of spling host is pet. _ AsPARAaus- Couover's Colossal and Pelmetto.-Plarn in rows 4 that apart. and 2 feet apart In the rows; Apply mau- ure liberally and cultivate thoroughly. At tho season at the year the question of the farmer‘s garden cornea. Too often the arrangements for the making at the home garden are neglected till we law. and especially mthis so in regard to the ordering of the needs. It frequently oc- curs that it is necessary to order some varieties of seeds from a distance and thereiore it is wtsll to decide early what varieties are to be planted. The follow- mg he: of varieties of vegetables has been prepared with a View of aiding in the chance of kinda suitable for the home garden, and very brief culture notes have been appended to each. I Mr and Mrs Chris Sherman left the Banter house luau. week for a. short time as he got a job in the McKenna swamp above Gleuroadeu. A large number ot the youth and beautv of this burg gathered to the home of Mr George Ritchie last Friday evening and surprised him very much by presenting him with a beautiiul rocking (their tor his kindness in suppiviug them with music at the parties through the winter. Mr Richard Barker is to have his sale Thursday ut sins week. He intends leaving the following week for the Wear. Success, Dick. Mrs Me Craeken's sale last Wednes- day, was a great success. Everything went well, especially the cows which went from $40 to $48. The sale amounted to 81050. Mr Thas Ritchie and family will be moving to their new home, the Me- Cracken farm, next week. We wel- come them to our burg, Nelson. Pun! Nelson. Tho-o let: to mourn are her husband. phen- on_ly_child_ John Ewan. three sir ', an and Uree hotbed. ------- The roads are in a miner: ble eon- dision just " present and likely to be for some time yet, judging from the amount of snow that is on]! on them Leading Varieties of “enables For a. Home Garden. Not too soon to begin. I008 HILL. Mayan-m fdLtuWipwaai'ac, _ r. :xgsmid; TORONTO A meeting of the directors of Artem- eeie. v'E,ie'd,"gel and“, use held " Prieevi ie lately, " which there was full representation of directors. The hneineee More the meeting was the receiving of on excellent report hom the delegate, Mr John MeAithur, who attended the Agriculture and Arte meeting at Toronto. and "vi-inc the priuliet. The list this yen- hu been l a great many years, Lut Mr Kirchner succeeded in convincing the board that Durham had Itil",',,', right, to a. monoply of the thing. an that in the interests of fair ploy it was only right that Hanover should have I turn. The show is being well worked up. it promises to he a. suc- cess. and It will welt repay the farmers of the surrounding country to make it a point to be in Hanover on the above _ mentioned date. Liberal prizes will be given, hut further particulate will be given in future inure end by poster-9.1 A point of interest is thatnGovernmenc judge will he appointed whwh will in- sure no partialltv and fair treatment to all We notice that the North Grey Agricultural Society contemplate hold- ing neimilnr show in Owen Sound but do not propane to give money prize. as the fiGnéinl position of the society I would not till? the expenditure of the society’s node for that purpose. The show to be held here therefore will out- elninelthe ."tC.?t! n event in that aspect. l 1“". n. n... M!... ___--:-._- - W HORSE strow.--Throuteh the aggres- sive civic spirit of Mr Val. Kirchner who is one of the directors of the South Grey Farmers' Institute, the annual spying stallion show will he held in Hanover on “'ednesday April 20th This show has been held ituhirluun for l’ittuhurg. Atoll. and Catherine in Egle- mom. and Neil near Lindsay. Silvia also survived by her youngest sister- who lives in Camprie. Scotland. The funeral on \Vednesduy, the liith was Very largely attended, the pull-hearers hemp her fnus sane and Alex and Nicol McIntyre. two lifelong neighbors. The Rey Mr. Little, of Holstein, and Rev John Morrison. of Cedurvnlle, officiated at the house Mid at the grave.--Cobfed. l THE LATE Mus McrrAcurms--Mm, Me. Em-ltern, who died at. the residence of her son-inlnw, Mr Peter McQueen, con. IO, Egremont, on the 13th inst., WASH. u tmtnve of lslnv. Scotland. and was In her 87th vear at the time of her death. Un coming to this country the family settled in the townships of Collingwood and Fine, hut moved to Egremont' about 35'veurs ago. settling on the ' lot in the 8th con. where they lived till the death of Mr N. MeEuchern. six yen: ago. Since then the den-need lived with her youngest. daughter. She was nine mild and most kindly disposition, Well l and widely known. highly esteemed and l, respected by .all who knew her. Ofa family of thirteen nine survive her, i viz:--- Peter In Holland Lnnding. Wm. l in Guelph. John in New You. James in| flednrville. Flora in Stuyuer. Alex in I 2'.c- ,I_,.r . . " __ A - Art-mesh Atacama Society P Shaw has had a sale and intended to leave here bat did not get one farm sold-Finnell farm. He has moved on it and is expected to farm it this coming summer. There has been considerable sickness here the last week hat they are im. proving tast. Adam Scarlett had a child sick and Wm Dingwcll who has not long ago reovered from on attack at sickness. has caught a cold and has had a fresh attack bat Is now out of danger. We have not much news this week as times are very dull now. The thaw has made the roads very soft and al. most impassable. The Messenger of death has visited this neighborhood lately and taken away Mrs. James Snell. ofthe 8th con. who lanes behind her to mourn her loss a husband and eight small child- ren, the eldest rising 13 years. Mrs. Snell's age was 33 years. She died ’an Wednesday, 15th, and was buried on Friday, 17th, at the FAplin come tery. The Rev. Mr. Little, Holstein, and Mr. Band. of our village. attended at the house and church. service being held in the church. Mr. and Mrs. Snell. with their family, came from Muskoka about 8 years ago and pur- chased 200 acres of wild land and by industry has made a good comfortable home and a big clearance. But the death, after a law days' illness, leaves a want that cannot be filled. The family nave the, sympathy ot the peo- ple in this neighborhood. The funeral was very large. _"---- -- - _ .u. u. tun-L [WWI ch for farther 'mrtieuiaes.--Pat l Last Wednesdnv, Miss Katherine, :daughter of Mrs Thos Mighton ot this ghee was united in marriage to Mt eil McNeil of Allan Park. Rev Mr Badge tied the nuptial knot. The bride was unattended and took her place besde the groom leaning on the arm of her brother George. She was dress- ed in white lustre. trimmed with applique and lace. and wore the bridal vet". After the ceremony end usual congratulations, the guests portook of a sumptuous wedding supper. The remainder of the evening was spent by the young folk in games. music and dancing. The bride reeeived a num- ber of usetul presents. The young couple intend to take up house-keep- ing at Allan Park. Mr Amos Edmonds rumpled to the West recently. ufcer spcndmg the Witt- ter in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs Wm Summon and d-nzhter Ellie ofAllan Park have re- turned to their farm in Bruce. alter gaming two or three years in Allan ark. Mr Wm Vickers left fur the West on Ttttslay morning and intends to re- main in} some tide. "is Mary Waters of Durham VIIB~ ed the parental home last week. nia- Rebeeea Ballot Hampdon smt ttree days last week with the tt I Hwy. Mr and Mrs Wm Leggette visited BU Leggette of this neighborhood. Arrived foo late tor (ant week. This week‘s budget. BOPEVILL'i. Wat m. This School is I Mole Ntttted this for 'lfllut'lrd2LU. In good “no... i'll'llr%'fll thy cadre var. In. new. 't'lt'ro'a8'tlfrru2urra'."agi; SPRING TERI! I"); aAriirai, I certify the above to be I an summenc ot the account paid by me u Agent on behalf of Dr Jamie-on in the above named Election. Dated " Durham, this 27th dcy of March. A D was. (tAtlstd) C L Gun. Ml Agent. Certified . one copy at statements furnished to no. " Statement of the e_xpenses of Dr Jamieson, one ott.he, candidutes in the said Election in the' Electoral district ofSouth Grey. 1.t,t1t_otrhtu."sehooi-ttouae" 34 50 Livery aocOnnt 80 oo Printing " 53 91 Postage 11 so Telegrnphing 1 tio Teleihoitimt 16 40 Pomona] Expenses 150 oo I certify the above to be a true statement ot the accounts paid by me as Agent on behalf of John McKechnie in the above named Election. Ihued " Durham, this 27th day of March, A D1905. (Signed) JOHN H HUNTER. Financial Agent. Statement of the expenses of John Mekeehnie, one of this candidates in the said Election in the Electoral dia. trict of South Grev. mu Rents 8 40 50 Posting Bills 10 90 Livery Hire ' 98 ()5 Printing, Postage and Station- . ery aee't 207 10 In the Provincial Election for the Province of Ontario, A. D. 1905. ONTARIO ELECTIONS, 1905 I t Was Also CGiaalrem ploy govern ment Jude' thits "ear.--Aavsurtfe. eryyiderahly changed. more prizes being I added. In cattle and bones u. third 'i prize has been added. also several third third prizes in swine. The vim-era ot,' unmety for tee prewnt year "tte.----), i ident. Donald McMillan'. Ir" Vice Pres. John Nichol: 2nd Vice Pres W. J. Meade. Directors-John MeArthur. Herm Wat, snn, Neil McKinnon. Alex Muir, David I Harrow, James Oliver, James Paton. D, i McUnrnmck. Geo. Lothian. Auditors-- ! DI: Dixon, D. McArthur. ' acum- 1oe LUKN mr.... .. 2 qt We bottle CATSUP " 6 lbs PRUNES for 4 lbs RAISINS m iteanrilie CORN f, A. DAVIIBON, Returning Omar. Ladies Skirts Reduced , LADIES' _JACKETS, il GIRLS' TWEED JACKETS, alt sizes 4‘ u i put you need not wait for the weather to clear to realize that it is ap- lproaclnng. Call and new: aback l ..rf it mmt take the chill off the atmos- 'phere .and warm you up. nothing 17111. We are just bubbling over mm enthusiasm. hWhy (trt',','?, we ? We have the best selected lot of Drag. Good. we ave ever 5 own. Don't expect us to describe ll . '., -' _ . Icanuot. Prices can l be beat. mu ll C 'irmply 1 only LADIES' ASTRACHAN JACKET. . . 2only MEN’S COON COATS,...... . ..... SPRING 10m. 0'1. so yards colored SERGES. up-to-date, oo II ll oo l' colored TWEEDS, " The Big Store Alex Russell. Ladies' Jackets at Cost and under ITS} Groceries for Saturday only Parting Prices on high-grade Furs " All Bargains must be Cash or An unrivalled Display of Bargains for this Week Mothers! here'tra0ha,nce to Jacket your Girls ! ', a”? (my, 53%;;45? 25c I 1640 15000 834811 $356 55 In all its Glory will Soon be Here MEL... ..... ......wu47.oo. now 34.99 ........ ...... ......wcre 50.00, now 34.99 ONE with every do“. Cabinet; PHOTOGRAPHS il"lhu1 wants but little here balmy M Nor wants that little lag." I The prudent hmwife pur- chases early in the Spring. See our supply of Shirtimrii. Ginghams Cottous, Prints, Chambnys. Art Muslims, Window Muslins, etc. Yet while it is necessary WC are prepared to provide it in the Best of Simple Goods We do not profess to keep every- thing but what we do will bear in- spection. and our Goods and prices will bear comparison with similar lines anywhete. Give us a call and judge for yourself. .uuulClll mount, are worth $1.50 alone. This is going to adver- tine our Studio far and wide end hundred. of people will see them We do not any how long we can continue this otter u it menu a lot of extn work end expenee. We in. thin style of Photo- graph Ill please you: as it in tea} em THESE LARGE “RAMS. finished in tstyle, mounted on . American 'nmmt, Ire I “me. Thin ,u uni-.- To introduce our FINE LA PHOTOGRAPHS. we made arrangements to give ' McArthur .... .... ...... ..wcne4.00, now200 .......wcre4.50nnd 5.00. now 2.50 ........... ....wcle5.25. now 2.75 .... ........ ..wcre5.5o, now 2.85 U were $5.50, now were 7.00, now 3 packages 10c CHINESE Starchlor ..... ....: 2 can: toe Stove Polish, . . NONSUCII for.... ..1 Produce. L Kelsey. LARGE P HOTO - finished in the, Giit our FINE LARGE . . . were 6.00, now . .were tt.oo, now ..were 10.00. now ..were 35c. now AK .were Soc, now 25e .. were Soc, now 3lie ..were 60c, now 40c u ve $4.50 5.0! 3.7!) 5.00 6.5o 10e "n #59:}: i“? It; It It RI

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