West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Apr 1905, p. 9

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K [E > * s« | lC. L. Grant Two young Shorthorn, Durham Bulls grandsons of imported Cruikshanks, for sale, 19 mos. and 15 mos, old. _ Wili trade for suitable colt. Apply t» Thorough Bred Cattle and Yorkshire Hogs. All registered Stock and likel; mals. Apply to _ Lot 12, Con. 1, 8. D. t., Glenelg, con sisting of 50 acres, weil watered, well lvnceg, and mostly seeded down, comâ€" fortable house and stables, } wmile from school, $# from Bunessan P. O and four from Durham. _ An excellent pasture farm, or would suit anyone wishing to engage in smali farming, Apply on the premises or by letter to An. 2, T k 2 is ies o Ee Cmed Four miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 room#s, stable with stone foundatior, frame barn, stone pig pen, and good bearing orchard. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply Box 11, Durbam P. 0. G. RÂ¥xaAx, Prop, HOTEL & F ARM for SALE or to RENT. Will be sold, or rented separately if desired, that wellâ€"known hotel and deâ€" sirable astock farm at the Rob Roy, Lot 10 and 11, Con., 1, 8. D. R., Gleneig, 994 acres in farru, more or l=ss. Blacksmith fob‘(‘)r on one corner, Hotel across the «_ Every field well watered. 4 mile from school, and 1 mile from post office. Four miles from â€" Nurham: anA Spring ‘05 Durhkam, Feb. About 7 miles from Durham on the Garafraxa Road. Title good. _ Possesâ€" sion at once, must be sold. Apply to Buy your PRINTS now and get them made up when you have time. Don‘t delay; the sooner you come, the better the choice. Procrastination is the thief of time. 100 Acre FARM for SALEi kind you can rely op for style and quality. ready for your inspection, a large szoe{ot the good deâ€" pendable kind of Boots that wear well such as you have been getting from us; the Footwear As Spring is just about here, you will wane to get NEW FOOTWEAR and in anticiâ€" pation of your wants we have ready for your inspection. a FARM FOR SALE sHORTHORN BULLS Wax« Epox. Edge Hill P. 0. FOR SALE. Prints ITnos. Scarr & Soxs, Rocky Saugeen P. 0 ALEX. FirtH, BuxEssax, Ont J. P. TEurrorp. likely aniâ€" Ne are sorry this week to report the death of Mr John Cameron, of Dundaik, which occurred there on Sunday, March 21. Mr Cameron was born and raised in this neighborhood and while here had gained as well as elsewhere many warm friends. He leaves, besides his wife and family, to mourn his loss his aged mother and two sisters, Mrs Malcom McMillan of this place and Mrs H Leeguard of Flesherton, and two brothers, Donald at Corbetton Robert in ‘Toronto. We : all extend our sympathv to the beâ€" reaved family, the :rd mother, and sisters and brothers of the depnartad a? Traplaintihty vainyy Affatartennmirtcnired Th .. g‘ix:idicker of a goat for the great sum Mr John MeDonald visited with friends in your town over Wednesday and Thursday last week. Mr Dancan McNab, Saugeen Vali left for the West on Monday, the 19:; inst and intends to remain for some time. Mrand Mrs Robert Allen, Con 4, visited at Dave Brown‘s on Sunday last. Mr Jonn A McDonald, assessor for this township, is going hbis rounds. The usual amount of chewing no doubt will be done. 1 At the time of writing the weather is very much like spring : the past rains and warm winds have melted the snow quickly and dear knows we are not sorry. Mr Wim Fallaise bought lately from A B McLellan Agent for the Peter Hamilton firm, an upâ€"ioâ€"date spring tooth Harrow. _ Now as Arch has gained the agentship we wish to offer vuar congratulations. Success, Arch. Mr George Binnie was in Toronto last week un business und pleasaré combined. __ Mr Pau! Nelson, Con 4, bought from James Hastie, Traverston, a fineâ€"lookâ€" ing horse 8 years old for the sum of $125. MrJohn Fallaise, Gambol l?nrchued from Geo E Arrowsmith, omona, a J}lg;dicker of a goat for the great sam Messrs Michael Casey and Charles Shewell left on Monday to seek their fortunes in the progressive West. last. ; Hale and hearty as of yore is Mr Wm Corlett who is spending a few holidays in this burg after an absence of five months shiptimbering at Hillsâ€" dale. Atter spending three weeks at his home, recuperating from an attack of indisposition, Mr _ Wm Dargavel reâ€" turned to the Queen City on Friday luflr |_ We regret the departure to the Queen city of Miss Alice Smith whose ’ioviul diss)ueicion and winning personâ€" ‘ality will be much missad in social circles. ’ Mr JoseMph Pryle, accompanied by his sister Miss Alice and Miss Magpie Malone, left on Monday morning for the Prairie Province, â€"Miss Pr{vle‘l winning manner will be much m seed in tke burg. Atter spending three pieasant month# in this burg and community Mr Geo; Mclntosh lett on Monday morning to resume his work as engineer at Doluth. ke the heantamine maria«... 3 )0 O° DHMf Like the beauteous m-gic wand of springâ€" Life and growth of a higher kind, And ennobling thoughts to fill the mind. Spring with all hercharms is here ; Tge meadows, late so bleak and drear Will soon be decked with Nature‘s green, With flow‘rets sprinkled in bet ween. This is the time of growth and life, Bo we amidst inz uaily strife Should strive for ideals which Would bring Tika tha heniramine wessnds ulc C Ee GLENELG CENTRE DORNOCH. _ On Friday the 24th inst Professor w, T. MceCoun addressed the Committee. In the absence of the Hon, Mr Greenwayv, who went away that morning to celebrate Eie sizty seventh birthday, and who is the t chairman of the Comumitâ€" teo. Mr Poter MeKenzio, the lover headed member for Sonth Bruce, was honored by hoinvotullt:u:gomgwtbofimo.md very capably 1 aties pertaining to the position, ‘ The profeesor spole of the absolute $ s e n es C able crops, and inquired whether it is really the same grain as the " Spelts " so largely advertised a fow years ago by Toronto and other seedsman, He saya that it is just the same and that it has not proved to be a generally profitable crop for the Ontario farmer to grow, ealthough sueceeding comparatively well sometimes on & a dry soil and in dry weather. He eaid that they had grown some good crope of the grain at the Experimental Farm at Brandon, He told of new Varieties of wheat, oate and bar‘ey that the Farm has introduced fro.n Europe, Australia and India, and of experiments for their proper testing and also shewed a considerable number of semples of different varieties of wheat and of bread baked therefrom. I asked the profersor about * Emmor " econcerning which I have noticed letter® in recent issues of The Farmers‘ Advocate fi:: men who ol’u'zn to have grown profitâ€" Red Fife flonr has too white a gluten for good soda biscuit, tea biscvit or pies. The very qualities that make for a good " dougeh " flour give flour unfitted for a good fiaky. Softer wheat gives a better pastry flour. 1 The speaker said that one large Canadiâ€" an Milline Co‘y is now bleaching its first grade flour by electrically generated gasâ€" es but that he noticed that another large company is advertising * We use wheat so good that ble=ching is not required. " and that it remains to be seen which the public will prefer. _ He does not think that the bleaching process in any way deâ€" tracts from the value or eood qualities of the flour or thas it improves the flonr in any wayv srve as to color. hi w alde ied in ie c in rcitt sls 6 To the Editor of the Review, Drzar Siz.â€" On Tuesday the 21st inst, Professor Dr.Chas E Sannders gave evidence be. fore the Asricultural Committee of the House of Commons and spoke principally nnon wheat, milling tests, varieties, &c. His remarks were largely, thongh by no means altocether, upon matters of more particnlar interest to wheat growers ot our Cansdian West and I will not attem pt to give you any ot that part of his talk as it wonld be of no use to most of voor readers. Messrs D K McArthur and Wm Dezell have been in Toronto on business Mr John Brown, who was farming on con 15, has left with his family tor the N. W. We understand a dog farm is started here and quite a number of the fancy canine is seen around the place. A man from Beer Street a few days ago suggested that we should change the name of our village to Dogtown. Mr Joseph Coulter of Dundalk is visiting around here for some time. He is talking of going to Durkam or Qwen Sound to tollow his trade, tailorâ€" ing. Mrs Snell of Muskoka was bere visâ€" iting and staying with her son James at the faneral of his wite and arranging abont the children. She has now reâ€" turned to her home. Mrs Baird spent the winter months with her daughter Mrs Jacob Burrows of Paisley and arrived home on Wedâ€" nesday, Mr Wm McMeekin has completed his contract. ‘He has taken out a great déal of titnber of one kind and ‘@nother. © garipay y ._Someâ€"people say: that farm la borers are scarce but it does nut look like it ln Mr Edward Johnston cannot get time these days to talk to all the men that come wanting to hire with him. Little Florence Ash, grandâ€"dzughter of Mr and Mrs Jas McMeekin, has been lying for the past five weeks ill with pus in the head. She has been operaâ€" . ated on twice but she still lies in a dangerous cundition. There is a nurse Mss Copland from Stratford, waiting on ber; * . / o ts Mr George Baird of Winnipeg is visiting his brothars and sisters and renewing old acquaintances after an absence of twenty years. qa 23 000 CCC070+ 02., Vau & wuuuâ€"0eC on Friday and we understand he got a good lot of wood cut. _ * Mr Will Allen, Jr., bad a woodâ€"bee "TTC (/ 07. 5 ie sulaptad weaaiiant h4 tz ng 4. dow Aivse Mr Editor, Agricultural Topics. Octawva, March 27th, 1905. ROPEVILL®. HILLYDALE. Nxb e stt un 5 +. on l n M omm nvlg o f oane Thecus e \q' h m Cne : " on te C ouan c us ul on O ore _| gradually. Even at that the high water caused great damage to the Hanover ‘ Pm't.hng Cement Co‘s property, Erxâ€" pense was not spared to endeaver to avert a similar :{)etiuon this year but it bas not prov successful, â€" The ceâ€" ment lining that was put in the race has rot proven so efficient as it was hoped and expected that it would, Early Tuesday mormngh.it was noticed that the yue{hfron:h uvollo'n r& was pouring thro cracks in cement wall W kl:mcang . tearing up the on wa ‘ meet the water on the atha» 1.3. *J & Co7 vuan inst owing to the continued -’urm weather and &e absence of frost at night. Last -gring there was a greater (Lua.nticy of snow to be got rid of, but the weather man did it more gradually. Even atthat the high aratar m 1avor of tne Eovernment taking charge of the telephone system and runâ€" ning it in connection with the post office department. If this suggestion is acted upon it will not he many years before everzos;\rmer will have the telephone in his se, and willbosh(etoullmn‘ doctor or transact a good deal of other business without having to leave his own house. If the goyernment takes charge of the telephone, every houseâ€" bholder will haye his own instrument, and the cost will be next thing to nothâ€" ing. This is what every farmer ought to agitate for until the thing becomes an accomplished fact.â€"Ex, Hior® WarEr Cavsrs Daxaors.â€" The water is if anything higher this year than last owing to the contimmnad [ 0 O S S TC PC C Y TNPLIUUS they consider advisable, but in the course of his remarks declared himself in favor of the government takins Cns ae ce . reeve be so enormous as to place it beyond reach. The other matter is that of pubâ€" lic telephonce, and there seems to be more hope of an early realization of this convenience. Last week the Postmasâ€" :er G:nen.l not only moved a resolution hP tha amwaateil 10. . _ prg o O GC 7 It iB teared, will reach ye PUBLIC TELEPHONEâ€"There are two,l'”‘H("’ proportions and the end is no things that the farmers of Ontario yet.. "lhe. .Hlnm;]vet'- Pq;:lnnd '(/(-n;:in have been asking the government for L“ihm ;)Prt.:lm Yt ?\lnkl Ow'l",h rou tt" Ti qbe o horelOepar last rear or | mt the advent of, aptime " The wate WO, ne 0 ese is what is nown as ‘ x x Rural Free Delivery of m;{ilh n}_:latter. 'lg:" V:;g:‘i U‘Eslb; 2"‘:2;] 'l’::gnt“&”’;n”:l;" During the present session of the House e road as ha cel he € the Pfismmgter General bas expressed | Past. Nothing is visible but the tops of his mind pretty definitely on this sub,.| the boat houses and the heads of the ject, and he holds out no hope that the | muskrats. â€"Hanover Post, sytsem will be introduced into any part a of Canada inkthe immediate fut ure. â€" He| Tt «an=tammnaâ€"â€"â€"mmmmcmmmmenmemmae w + smmee. has been makin investigations into the working of l,heg system in the United ONTARIO ELEGTIO"S 1905 States un;‘i finds that a;]ltgough the popâ€" M ulation there is muc anser than in & s Canada that the scheme is a financia} In the Provincial Election for the failure, and in our case the cost would | Province of Onturio, A. D. 1905. be so enormous as to place it beyond Statement of the expenses of John Nap midk bermage e i eP‘ akt of PM | McKechnie, one of the candidatos in ic telephonce, and there seems to be |, & more hope of an early realization of this the said El::‘ém in the Electora 1 di"l eonvenience. Last week the Portmas.| trict of Sou rev. + ter Generalnot only moved a resolution | Hall Rents $ 40 5o for the appointment of a committee to | Posting Bills 10 90 inquire into and report regarding the Livery Hire 98 05 various telephone rystems in operation Pripnti Postage and Stationâ€" n Canada and elsewhere and to advise | * DtiDg, \ 9 in whac changes in the present methods ery ace‘t haw (nrurulmbne o .l _ h CACIOS E76 L _ _On Wednesday morning of last week Mr R. Trimble Teceived a letter from a genleman residing in Holland township, the letter being posted at Markdale, The contents of this letter were a surâ€" prise to Mr Trimble, and were wort hy of being made public. They consisted of, a dollar bill and a note to the effect that the writer some 48 years ago had purchased half a pound of tobaceo, price "ten pence," and which had never been paid for. _ The note quaintly ended with the following postscript: "Quit tobacco 20 yrs. " At the time of this put-chuw‘ Mr I‘rimhll‘c kept a store about a mile meameh a#air:o onl o Avi 1P y, ; _ j 1 . [[30, "‘f oame was Joseph ‘l‘Vright ard that be had no home, but when Chief McCauley of Owen Sound saw bhim he at once recognized him as Gilbert, a denizen of *"*mud town," who served three years in penitentiary for stealing $500 in Regina and other terms for theft, and had only been out of jarl a few weeks.â€"Chatsworth News. Walter James Brown, B.8. A., L L B, for three years Principal of the Caunâ€". dian â€" Correspondence College and a graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College, Gnuelpb, bas been appointed Edâ€" itor of The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer of Toronto. _ The interets of the agriculturalists and homemakers of this country are rmpidly assuming comâ€" manding importance, and The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer, with its new corps of editors and assistants, will deâ€" vote its energies to the solution of the problems affecting the promotion of agâ€" gricultural industries and the developâ€" ment of Canadian homes. The Review bhas made .arrangments whereby The | Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer and | The Review may be had by any subâ€" acriber in Canada, United Stales or Great Britain until Jan. 1st. 1906, for one dollar. A more liberal newspaper offer has never been wade. i0 ARCHIVES TORONTO The Weekly Globe & Canada Farmer. peces«ity of spraying in order to grow alâ€" most any of our fruite successfally and profitably and devoted conâ€"iderable time to the fungus dissases which injure the grape and of meane of preventing injary therefrom, all of which is of more interest Ltake it, o ftarmers and fruit growers of 8ontheru Ontario than to those of Grey anc Brace. E.0 100C RACVIERE us way to water on the Qt?l:l' eide ol’ the Conscience Money. Exchange Echoes. Ftole $47.00 to the continued *= <Gi+ â€" H, H. Mrmuge. M " power house. The reason assigned for ffi_ftd‘"’,’:r;ff: this 18 "Th«at during the frosty nights of land township the Eauz winter t e ice hecgme so thick at Markdale, | °0 tbe race and solid that it refused to ter were a sup. | 8!Â¥e and the preesure from the water 1‘ were worthy underneat h proved so strong that someâ€" hey consisted thln&; had to give. Ice formed and e to the effect | hlled in the cracks and the holes were years ago had |DOt votieed until the water began to tobaceo, price | PQUr t{hyuugh as mentioned. _ At time| ad never been of writing sand ‘lmgs.ure being hauled / lv ended with and everything is 'h_etng done to tide| "Quit tobaceo | MAtters over the crisis. _ The dam, Lno.‘l this ‘purchase | !8 C@Using a great deal of trouble, anxâ€" about a mile | °ty and damage, k hreach.hus been ' e Toronto and torn by Lhe water in lhe far side of the | on Advance dam and it is also being sand bagged. | The water, it is feared, will reach yet | here are two | larger proportions and the end is not , s of Ontario | YÂ¥et. The Hanover Portland Cement ; vernment for | Co. is certainly having its own troubles | e last year or | With the advent of spring. _ The wu.terl' t is known as |is also exceptionally high this year to | mail matter, | the west of the town, being away over | of the House|the roud as has been instanced in the | 1as expressed | Past. Nothing is visible but the tops of | y on this sub.|the boat houses and the heads of the | mope that the | muskrats. â€"Hanover Post. | I eu-zifyorthbz above to l;e;: ;;ne statement of the account me as Agent on behalf of Dr Jamnyin the above named Election. ‘ Du:edAa;) ll);g:-am. tb:l 2ith )dcy of C L Graxt, Financial Amt.i Certified a true y of statements furnished to me. °P Statement of mm of Dr Jamieson, one of the candidates in the said Election in the Electoral district of South Grey. Rentatfldls&flchool-bonlus 34 50 Livery account 80 00 . t3 Tmph'ng 1 50 ] Telephoning 16 an Personal Expenses I certify the aboye to be a true statement of the accounts paid by me as Agent on behalf of John McKechnie in the above named Election. Daced at Darham, this 27th day of lan':h. A'P é%. _ (Bigned) A. DAVIDSON, A Returning Officer, South Grey Joax H HuxTerR, Finsneial Agent. [ | : __â€"__ If you are hungry for bargains you shall have Readyâ€"madeâ€"Clothing, Gent‘s Furnishing, Groceries ware, in fact in everything, and the trade we won we . keep and what‘s more to increase. + ~___ We‘ never remember a time when goods of a] were so fine, good cr cheap. We absolutely refuse t, inferior goods. If you care a rap about economy, we t} following bargains will interest youâ€"but that‘s for you Glance over the prices and see. 3 pkgs MeLAREN JELLIES Nn aribs a sn 488 s 5 a 448 n 10c pkg RED CROSS BAKING PoOwDBERr...... ..... 5 pkgs 8e KING CORN C TARCONM .........}..;.... 3 bottles 10c TRILBY SHOE POLISH ... â€" SATURDAY BARGAINS It was a corker, our Bargain Days, last two weeks. We had ‘great expectation, but we surprised ourselves and the people too. Many had to leaveâ€"â€"couldn‘t be waited on â€"but on Saturday we will have better accommodation and better bar. gains. Everybody is invited. Our visitors are ail welcomed our patrons esteemed. 300 yds FANCY GINGHAMS, were 10c and 12%¢ 50 yds BLACK DRESS (1O0DS, were 50c ...... .. 75 ydse COLORED DRESS GOQODS, were 50c .. . . . DRESS ENDS, were TDG.â€":.¢ss :s nslal in .ls 2. L. SKIRTâ€"ENDS, waerne T5e.,,, .3 surs. o .‘ MEN‘S RFADYâ€"TOâ€"WEAR SUITS, were ; Alex Russell. Red d wak i All Bargains must be Cash or Produce. and the holes w'rere | e water began to‘ .-ntionefl. At time | $ 348 11 $ 356 55 16 40 150 OO 207 10 w0 GROCERIES DRY GOODS | P f FHOTOGRAPHS We have a u;rl'(et for 700 dozen Fresh Eggs per week. Bring them In me o wy. [ 0_ TV i We‘ve a complete stock of brand new Spring Goods, just the kind that every practical houseâ€"keeper requires, ‘"Ye have a Bargain Table Boots, Shoes and Leggings at 5( 90c per pr. We are Se“il-l; off Readyâ€"Mades at gre prices. T Taal‘ "'-'.ow tise our Studio far and wide and hundreds of people will see them wedon““yho'm"‘ can continue this offer as it means a lot of extra work and ex s We know this style of Photoâ€" mmnÂ¥ Li i+ Items to Remember THESE LARGE rPHOTO. GRAPHS, finished in the latest style, mounted on a beautiful American mount, are worth $1.50 Supach mus a L P with every dozen Cabinets. To introduce our FINE LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS. we â€" have made arrangements to give e have Sawrday on]y. viutely refuse to handle it economy, we think the but that‘s for you to say, â€" Kelsey, IIT IT O °S wik £iÂ¥e you , from 2 to 3 p. m goods of all kinds off on Stock of greatly reduced we will give » ... .. for 35¢ «... . .for 35e ++« .. .tor 50¢ â€"+ .. .. for 50¢ «... for $6.50 tor 25¢ for be for 25¢ for 25e p Hard- mean to for tbem in |acele ols elece Cpur‘ 3 the VOL. e ae Rev seas here wisl ed C ENT and the â€" aual Ta line valy in d ID

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