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Durham Review (1897), 6 Apr 1905, p. 4

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i/ ;# T)eering [farvesters Raymond, Sewing ‘Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. Wm. Johaston, Jr., C. Ramage, Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equi in teaching ability, in chemical and electflmm%)uel and fitâ€" tings, &c., for full Junior Leaving an Matriculaâ€" tion work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal® MISS L. . FORF.R, B. A., Classics and Mo Intending Students should enter at themn ning of the term if possible. Board can be o ~ ed at reasonable rates. _ Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence 3yz3 33 B 73 B 2B 3 B B 3BB B B i g =3 & 1 B 3 METHING NEW IN WASBHBERS;:; The Perforated Prvum. feniv in the Ide Durham School SASELC C CECCCECEECECECCCCCCEC LEPC derns. MISS A.JOHNSTON, B. A., Mathematics and Commercial. The Farmers‘ M°C§ & Supply Co., Save Your Money This is the season for renovoting your homes. New Carâ€" tains will be required. See our great stock before buying. g;‘e l;ave sthem from.... ... . r $1 Curtain is i ersiner, #41.00 per pr. to 5.00 A complete showing of Spring and Summer White La’wn Waists, made in dainty fashions and markea specially low. It‘s a waste of time and money to look elsewhere, _ We have decided to sell these Waists at each MLadies‘ @az’nty White Warsts FEES: $1 par month in advance BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every hand HERE. Departments all complete with goods attractive, becoming and moderately priced. Y}ittinery Clegant d ALovely Gohn Glark. Iottingham ALace Cartains We can give rmlfi a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair prices Also Wilheim‘s Wringers, all made byyWatson of Ayr. RBeautiful dpring Apparel The best,.in theirfline a« we handle only the best. The Shareholders of the Co. who have bought goods are well satisfied. Drop in and see for yourself, If you are going to buy a Windmill, see our prices before you buy. We are not solâ€" iciting orders but are ready to fill your order and save you money. If you are not already a Shareholder, it will pay you to become one at once. Get our Binder twine prices before going elsewhere , 4 Hlortock. Cask and One Price. Our Order Book plainly 'nibows the result °€V Milâ€" nery Opening eek. Snch a brilliant display was worthy of a much larger town than Durâ€" ham. â€" Our Hats were greatlvy admired and were designed by our Milliners who won unâ€" stinted praise for eleâ€" gance, novelty and good tm _ ${1d Farm «fachinery. 75¢e, #1, 1.25 to 2.50 AJ)plicMions will be received up to Friday April 7th, for an experienced teacher, male or iemale tor S. 8. No. 9, Glenelg, Duties to commence May l1st. Apply, stating qualifications to any of the tiustees, Jxo, M. BELL, Durham, Jas. McGinR, Jr, «* GEO, ALJOER, Secy, * â€"An intolerable report is abroad â€"â€" which we hope is merely a bluffâ€"that Mon. Sbarretti. a kind of Papal Amâ€" bassador hbere, bhad assured certain Manitoban authorties that if they would reâ€"establish Separate schools he would see that their boundaries were extended. If their is a grain of truth in this report, the Italian gentleman should be shown to the door. A re port like this should not be allowed to grow by repetrition and the governâ€" ment should inyvestigate its source and insist on denial or withdrawal. TEACHER WANTED. A tew doors South of the Middaugh House. Iffittinery HYodestly Priced Linited Durham THE ~DURHAK REVIEW Bell Rer Mr Aitchison, Dornoch, was laid up for a week with La Grippe so that te could not make his preaching roundsg last week and was even forced to forego the wedding of Mr Wilkie Wednesdays. We are glad to know that he is now quite better and able and willing to dis pose of the weddings as fast as they come McGirr, 3rdâ€"Ernest McGirr, Victoria Aljoe, Clara Ititchie, Howard Whitmore Will Atkinson, James McGirr, Alex BHell James Crutcbleg. Sr2â€"Will Crutchley Margeret Ann Ritchie, John Weir, Robâ€" ert Lawrence, Nellie Collier, Myrtie Crutchly. _ Jr2â€"James Atkinson, Thos. Bell,. Pt2â€"Herb Atkinson, May Patâ€" terson, Irene Ritchie and Lorne Aljoe equal. _ Sr 1â€"John E. Bell, Willie WJeir and Willie McGirr equal. Jr 1â€"Ruby Meenagh, Emma Atkinson, Blanche Mr Irwin of the Chronicle got a teleâ€" gram on Monday conveying the sad intelligence that his sister at Clarksburg was dying. She was very ill when he yisited the old home abr~ut a month ago and he bas gone again to her bedside, mfir R Ledingham, Divinity Student, was a guest with his sister, Mrs John Clark, ‘over the week end. He has written on his final examination and will know the result on Wednesday evening when the Annual dinner of the graduates takes place in Toronto. His many friends here are certain of his success. Class 5â€"Alex A. Aljoe, Fred Ritchie, 4thâ€"Ma€V B. Horkins. Agues McGirr, Maggie Welr, Will Patterson, Flovrence Miss (Mary> Forman is home from Hamilton, where she spent the winter, She reports Mrs Arrowsmith as recoverâ€" ed ftrom an accident to her knee and enjoying Hamilton life, baving old friends of Durham near ber in the Andersons, Parks, and others. Mr Jas. Vasey is moving this week from Yeovil to reside with Mr Robt. Watson, Bentinck, a short distance north of Durham. He enjoyed Yeovil in summer but having been used so long to be near Durham he chafed under the tie up of a long hard winter. He brings his bees with him and we wish prosâ€" perity to the worthy pioneer under the new conditions. Messrs Robt. and Patrick Burns and sister Mrs. Galloway of Duluth. came home on Monday to attend the funeral of their father the late Joseph Burns. They return home on Monday next. Mr Wm. Romanes passed through Durham, on Monday, on his way from the Home at Murkdale to his old home pear Holstein Given leisure some tools and a shop the old gentleman could do some nsefnl work yet. HarKnxnrssâ€"At Teeswater, on March 21 to Mr and Mrs Jas. Harkness, a son,. WILKIE â€" HrsLr â€" On Wednesday, March 20, at the residence of the bmide‘s parents by the Rev Wm Farquharson, Mr Jas Marshall, Normanby. and son Thomas left on Tuesday for Assiniboin, where the latter took np land on his visit last year,. Mr Marshali, Sr,, will remain a month or two, Miss Jessie Beaton of Toronto, after spending a couple of weeks with her parents in town. returned Saturday to Torouto. Mr and Mrs Arch Little and daughter Miss Jewel, left Wednesday to settle in Luimsden, Assa. where his brother Adam now resides. Mr. and Mrs. James> Marshall and son, who were residents of town the past half year, left Saturday for their g‘)x"mer home in Port Howan, on Lake tie. Mrs A Turner and family left on Tuesday morning for the Northâ€"West, whither Mr Turner went a week ago REveryone wishes them success in their new Western home. Mrs Davidson, Hamilton, is spending a few weeks with her brotherâ€"inâ€"law and family, Mr Hugh Rose of town. Mr Angus McUormack returned Wed. nesday to London after spending the winter with his parents at Aberdeen, MrJohn Brown was in Holstein last week. Mrs J Fiddis of Owen Sound is visiting for a month at her father‘s, Mr Colin McDougall, Mes<rs Chas Shewel!, Welbeck, and Mike Casey, Dornooch, left for Langdon, N. D., on Tuesday. Miss Mary Renton came home on Friday from Toronto and will be aasistâ€" ing ner mother for a while. Miss Colling has been appointed orâ€" ganist of the Methodist Church. Mr 8. G. Kitchen of St George. visitâ€" ed at Mrs Jas. Burnett‘s over Sunday. Miss Bray, of Hanover, was the guest of hersister Mroe Sheppard in town last week. Mr Sam McComb went to Regina Wednesday morning. Mrs Dr.and Miss Margaret Gun left yesterday for a two weeks‘ visit with Toronto friends. parents by the hev Wim Farquharson, John Wilkie to Sarah Ann, daughter of Robert Heslip, Glenelg. LOWER RITCHIE SCHOOL REPORT JOKN A, GRAHEAXM, Teacher. MARRIED. BORN _ 110 c â€"Go< apisriale Then follows a lengthy deseription of the procession to the church, four of the clergy walking, band playing the Dead March, two lodges of Masons about one hundred strong, immediate relatives and a long line of vehicles and citizens on foot. Service over a similar procession took place to the grave, where, after the church service be was given a Masonic tuneral. The casket was covered with many beautiâ€". fal floral designs, and on all sides were ‘ many indications of genuine sorrow. _ On Wednecda&m vpan of Mr and Mrs bt Heslip, 20d Con. E. G. R., Glenelg, (near Glenroaden), was the scene of one of these happ{ events which send a responsive thrill through the youth of the community, and give reminders to the middleâ€"aged of the fliight of time. This was the marriage of the second eldest dnungter of the home, Miss Sarah A.â€" to Mr John Wilkie, of Bentinck,. Deceased being a member of the Masonic Order, the lodges at Grenfel] and Sintaluta took charge of the funerâ€" al arrangements, and the funcral un Monday afternoon was by far the largest in the bistory. of the town. | All business was suspended. at noun and olinds drawn and remained so until nearly 5 o‘clock." Deceased came to the west from Durham, Ont. about the year 1897 and hasalways been well and favorably known during his residence bere, At the time of his death he was proprieâ€" tor of a livery business in town and manager at this point for the Western Packing Co... His age was a few days short of 46 years. The ceremony took place at 4 p. m., the officiating clergyman being Rey Mr Faquharson, the bride‘s pastor, Rev. Mr Aitchison being ill. Avout 50 relaâ€" tives and intimate friends were present while the solemn yows were being taken and hearty congratulations were exâ€" tended to the happy young couple on their auspicious union. The following appreciative sketch ot tha above gentleman appears in the Wolseley News of March 30 : ‘‘Rarely has a town been moved to sach a degree as VY‘olselev . was on Samrd:z when it was learned that Mr. A M Dargayel had passed away that morning from the: effects of the accident that happened to him on Thursday afternoon. _ It appears he was riding a horse, of which he apparâ€" ently lost coutrol, and when opposite the Leland Hotel he was thrown viâ€" olently against the sidewalk. <â€" He was at once picked up and carried to a bed in the hotel, and the best of medical aid was soon in attendance. But all that could be done was of no avail, his internal injuries being of too serions a nature and he expired about six o‘clock Saturday morning. leaving a widow and seven children to mourn his loss. The bride was attractively attired in blue velvet, white silk waist, trimmed with lace and insertion, while the bridesâ€" maid, Miss Aunnie Wilkie looked equally handsome in wauite organdie, trimined with valenciennes lace. The groom was supported by the bride‘s brotner, Mr. Jas Heslip. Following the congratulations a sumptuous dinner was served in the Misses Heslip‘s best style. the table being graced by a handsome 5 storey wedding cake, the work of the bride anu her sisâ€" ter. Aimple justice having been done to the toothsome vianas, evening drew on and many more of the youth and beauty commenced to arrive to join in the fesâ€" uvities and honor the union of their associates. JOn into the night there were games and song and aancing to inspir‘ted music supplied by W m Johnâ€" ston, Jr, and others on the violin and W in Johnston, tertius, and Miss Jenkins accompanying on the organ. Mr and Mis Wilkie intend to leave for their new homwe in the West at an early date and many good wishes will follow them amongst them being those of the Review. A number of the friends and neigh, bors of Mr and Mrs John Mcinnes met at their home lately to say good bye and the following speaks for itself;â€" Mr. and Mrs, John McJanes, Priceville, Ontario, DEar FRIENDS ;â€" It was with sincere regret we bheard of your intention to go toa new home in the distant west, thus severing your connection with us as friends and neighhbors. While we hope the change may be very beneficial to you, sullt you will be sorely missed by many in this locality, not ouly for the kind bhospitality which you extended so affably and cordially to each and all, of a large circle of friends but also, for your readiness to assist in any good work and to perform kind neighborly deeds. So at t&xis time when our regrets at your proposed abâ€" sence are mingled with apprec.ation for your help and presence in the past, we prefer that this appreciation should take some material form, webave much to remember, and we wish to be rememâ€" bered so ask you to accept this tea serâ€" vice as a token of our esteem and reâ€" gard but not in any degree as the measâ€" ure of it, The presents were numerous, useful and beautiful, betokening the high esâ€" teem in which the bride was held. While deeply regretting your departâ€" ure from our neighhborhood, we assure you of our best wishes for your prosâ€" {::rnty and h:gpiness. Hoping you may surrounded by kind friends in your new home, we now wish you a safe and pleasant journey and trust you and yours may be spared fo. many years to do good work and to live useful happy livesâ€" enriched by many of Heaven‘s choicest blessings. Signed on behalf of friends and neighâ€" bors. JoOHN NICHOL, JR, kftywters Axaus McARTHUR March 20, 1905, TORONTO Address and Presentation. Death of A. M. Dargavel. AYH 4 aâ€"4 Catalogue free Corner Yonge and Alexander 8Sts. A highâ€"class Commercial Schoolâ€"the best in Canada. Enter now. Open the entire year. **Nor merely good but the best that â€" can be made. " Pnat is what :s said of Sherwinâ€" Williams Paint. _ We have just received an immensge shipment of the celeâ€" brated Paint and our customers are carrying it away every day. Houseâ€"cleaning Articles We are also weli stocked with eyerything for house cleaning, such as : Gillet‘s Lve, Alabastine, Asbestine, Whiting, Varnish Stain, Crack Filler, Furniture Polish, Paint Brushes of every description, Varnish _ Brushes, Whiteâ€"wash Brushes, Scrub Brushes, etc. Coal Oil. American and Canadian Coal Oil always in stock. Distinguished for *‘ Thoroughness ‘‘ Paint Evelrf'thinz in Season at THE ARDWARE STORE. Sarsaparilla Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chilâ€" dren become strong and well by taking Ayer‘s Sarsaparilla. Smail doses, for a few days. Preil fo" t. Bucuurmer®®, Vincland, N. J. g1.40 a boitie. J. 0. AYER 00., iess FOT B _ The change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it is. He has our formula and will explain. "When 13 years old, for many menths 20 g‘mflurmodm:.h:: M.Mmhl‘l'x:. NeR .9 / %Z ELLIOTT % TORONTO, ONT. PEEL, The Children TAN SHOES & 1905 1878 In Durham this month, April Watchmaker, Jeweller, Optician A. GORDON, 27 Yrs. in Business Du rham & Owen Sound The very latest Styles and largest variety at Peel‘s. Moderate prices To commemortate this we : are _ offering : OQur Stock has been reâ€" cently replenisbed in all our lhines, and we are cerâ€" tain our values will please you. 10 per cent discount on Anniversary Sales HARDWARE W. BLACK ess,constipation provent reâ€" Cure these with Ayor‘s Pills. ho We ' 1 l W sfi W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal THE SHOEMAN Is at Hand And NOW IS THE TIME to get your Boots and Shoes made or reflcired. We have opened out a large stock of new Gocods tor Spring in Heavy & light Boots & Shoes Oxfords and Slippers Trunks. Volises. ClubBags, . in stock Haye you seen our Men‘s Long Rubber Boot with leather in nersole and corrugated edge, listed at $4.35, our price, $4.00. Call and examine goods and get prices whether you purchase or O _ pppyg, _ CAS(J At the down town shoe store, TWEEDS & YARNS OoF BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain‘. »pa~ We ask inspection of our Teas. «y We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur‘s store, or at the REviEw OrFICE, will receive our best attention. Wellâ€"known and reliable. Giyving best satisfaction. Once used, always used. Prices and terms to suit purchasers Call and examine. S$. SCOTT. Harvesting Machinery of this?famouse â€" firm‘s make D0 YOU NEED A NEW RANGE 7? BARCLAY & BELL A. W. W atson Buns and Biscuits in great variety All kinds of Cakes made to order. WEDDING CAKES our specialty â€" Opposite Middaugh House Stables. Watson‘s Bread delivered early at your duor. It has all the goodness of homeâ€" made bread and it‘s always uniâ€" tormly excellent. Never beavy, never sour, never stale. Best Manitoba Flour used. â€" Bread When you want the BEST, Rakes, Wowers, RBinders We bhave in stock 25 New Stoves and Ranges, all kinds and all Styles. Handsome in appearance with the very latest appliances atâ€" tached. To see them is to admire them. _ We‘re bound they‘ll go price, quality, appearance and usefulness will sell them. We inâ€" vite your inspection before going elsewhere. Call in, look them over, and take your choice. otor MHamilton __ HAgency. . Mcllraith At reasonable prices. oA thus and Reliable. ]T SuU1 A general Bi Drafts issue all points,. L est allowed « SAVINGS B: AGENTS i Ontario, Qu States and & STMD\ CAPTTAL, A CAPITA, I RESERVE P savings bhank wards _ Proj facilit® affor a distance. DURVH A And therefoi prase for on FIRST SECONI THIRD] + pioce BHel 4 piece Ta) Berry Bow Citke and 1 UE w# Floor oil Table oil BIG Pure BHoney and LASI Bread always < Heavy 1 Large «i MyQDEL BA GOOD TT Ame drtock SJor and Drugg Head g7 1‘} 8t

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