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Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1905, p. 1

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s of all kinds refuse t, handle Â¥y, we think the ‘s for you to say. GAINS omm * t 2 to tvile of Remember RAPHS zen Cabinets. nte t 1ce Ore are w elsey, W INF in the late I1. thui 1 we M W Ne as 1es ve iOTO give you 3 p. in ‘â€"Jut on tter bar. velcomed for or 25e » Hard- mean to for tor for tor R(. them in to 1a Ve 86 _A D st ut 50e 35¢ ) )C We the VOL. XXVII NO. 15 s @ $1.80 w k $1.85 I $4.50 ] $1.60 $1.15 * $1.60 + $1.75 §1.75 $1.60 #° _ Praxt Trresâ€"Mr 8. ijcCracken has ! taken time by the fovelock and planted ' out some nice maples fronting his pr’l?g- erty at the old Moody corner. e i southern row will be a decided town imâ€" f vement. We hope many more will | m time and tzrortunit.y to attend to , this species of adornment by replacing i dead trees and plantin'f many new ones. | Members of the Horticultural Society ‘can secure pines and spruces at a few jcents each and in certain places the { mixture of the everg{eens with the deâ€" iciduous varieties makes a decided imâ€" | provement. Trees planted 25 or more years ago such as are found at the Jackâ€" , son propert{. near Mr Jas. Brown‘s, and in parts of the town west. are things of ; beauty which it would be sacrilege to |destrov. Similar beauties ean be rro- 'vldod for our successors by a little trouble now, for the sdyice of the dying I + ‘Laird of Dmnhed‘fi- to his son in Bcott‘s *‘Heart of Lothian" is ever \true: "Aye be sticking in a tree Jock. |it‘ll be growin‘ whenye‘redeid," The | Moplg hy i‘hfimt riding that ‘al Siyn pro. am Y Wy cbon’ be fron.‘ hllfi ..mm.fl' applying to Messrs. Gilbert McKechâ€" nie or C, Firth information about pines ‘etc., can be secured, and :hn.y second krwtl bush can ] :l-li-. * suule-udqm”n used. _ Our wedding notices toâ€"day record a double wedding at the heme of Mr Jas. Eccles near Dromotre, two of his fair daughters becoming the wives of proâ€" gressive Egremont farmers. Mr Frank ‘ Adams, one of the hap&y swains, has ' bought from his brother Williawm J, the "Rosedale Farm". (Lot 11, Con, 18) and and balf of the "Springdale Farm," a short distance west. Another event of the same kind enriches}Mr Wim. Aitkens while depriving Mr John Brown, cattle | buyer, of a daughter who was her fathâ€" (er‘s financial standby as cashier in his | extensive business,. Hearty congratâ€" | ulations to all the newly wed. The Toronto Globe has this bit of information which is cheering news to all CUbristian bodies and eKecinlly to disciples of John Knox:â€"The Presbyâ€" terians have no place in Premier Wb?l- ney‘s Cabmnet, but. they console themâ€" selvee with their recognition in other quarters, Admiral Togo is a member of the Presbyterian Cburch and Viceâ€" Admiral Uriu is a Presbyterian elder. Field Marsha!l Oyama is an adherent of the church and generous in its support. while his wife, a Vassar graduate, is a devout Christian worker. General Kurâ€" oki and General Oku are both members in full communion with the Preshyâ€" terian Church, as are others of Japan‘s leaders in the present struggle, in which the perseverance of the saints is finding illustration. Failing Ontario politics, the Shorter Catechism is coming to its own in the Orient. PertEr Hamtrroxn Acrxncy.â€"Mr A B Mclellan, of Glenelg, has now charge of this agency in Durham, and will make a wort hy succession to the other " A B", A B McArthur, who has been promoted by the firm to a general agency covyering a large territory. His advertisement in the Review from time to time will have important announcements, and the shop at the hridge will be open on Wedâ€" ne:uYaye aud Saturdays as usual. To LET.â€"The rooms above A Mcâ€" Lachlan‘s store, recently occupied by Ur Gun as office. To rent on easy terms. Appch y H BEax, P Sec‘y A. F. & A. M. For SALE.â€"A Colt, rising 3 yrs., and one Colt rising 2 yrs, full brother and eister and well matched, Also a few head of.you’g‘g cattle in good shape, 20 store ;iks, 80 to 100 lbs each, Sow with litter 2 weeks old. Apply to : , A_few 50 ib pkgs. F. W, H erring left. xAt Barnett‘s. Upper Town. + _ Read Barclay & Bell‘s ad this week. !_ Good Friday April 21st, Easter Sun Lday Aprl 23. A. Gordon is offering 10 per cent disâ€" count for the Anniversary Sales, comâ€" memorating the 27th Anniversary of the establishment of the business in Durham. Call and examine. Chatswortb, not {et a yearâ€"old village carried a $4000.00 byâ€"law to make Ceâ€" ment sidewalks, but deteated another intended to_ inake their Public Library into a Free Library, James Ireland is prepared to save you consideratile mcney on your new carpet â€"whether Union, Wool, Tapestry or Brussels, some nice patterns in Jap matting Warr ParEr HINT.â€"MacFarlane & Co. this weoi"k give niflmplfe rx;lfi for esâ€" timating the quantity of w paper u-quirecg See their ad{ Bee page 5, A good thing to have by you,. for a rainy dayâ€"onegof the Ne\yv Umbrellas or parusols, and a handsome New Raincoatâ€"bought right at Jas Ireland‘s J L Flarity has imt ordered a full line otf Ladies‘ Coats of the finest make. Do not buy your Spring Coat until you have a look at them. The Review and Daily Star to new Subscribers to end of year for only $1.00. Easily remitted, Do it now. Did you notice the Percival Plow sold l:z lll:‘udlay & Bell. It certainly takes e k DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1905. Ga is ~OW MNKkS ZOoPICS Wx, J. Apaxrxs. l fl‘tntl have been arriving in this rrov~ nce, but few of them as ret have found their way into this locality. For the most part they have found homes with farmers around Toronto. One at all eventsâ€" has at last reached the township of Brant. His name is Frink Moore and he.has come to "jearn farming" with Ww Ellis near Maple Hill, fie has been with Ellis about two weeks, and doesn‘t know any imore about farmâ€" ing than the average man knows about building a steam boat, But he knows it and is willing to admit it, and these are hopeful signs. . On other matters than farming, he is reasonably intelligent, and is possessed of a fit:od education. He expects it will take him sbout three years to "learn the trade." Almost any farmer can get one of these immiâ€" grants. All he needs to do is to send in his application to the Bureau of Imâ€" migration, Toronto. ‘This is a departâ€" ment of the Provincial g:;ernment. ided over hy ‘Thos thworth, Eee'applicafiom are attended to in turn the immigrant beingsent on for a month on trial. At the .:lpiuflou of the month, the farmer the immigrant can arrange their owa terms, or at the expiration of the month, if the farmer is not satisfied with his man, he can tell him to go. Some of these immigrants will turn out well, ‘The first year the tarmer will no doubt find lII‘Il{ thi :o gfimo him but nfurt#c tofi o be pretty clear sailing. e hear a number of other farmers in this localâ€" ity have already sent in applications.â€" ENGLISEKIMMIGRANTS.â€"It seemslikely that the Ontario farm labor question will be solved by the Englishimmigrant. Recently, large numbers of these immiâ€" ges, &c, though dark and smoky, is fm:?idexed heoa!lttl;y. and streets in the .usiness part e town are kept perâ€" fectly clean by haying the hose turned on every night ! Mr Hugh McCormack. son of Alex., Mull Corners, now of Pittsburg, Penn., in remitting for the Review last week ives a glimpse of the great activity of §he lron City, Wages have advanced 10 per cent, and numerous contracts from all parts of the world promises activity for four years, This ci,t.{r of fine churches, hospitals. libraries, bridâ€" A Busy SProt,â€"We had tbhe privilege last week of a walk through the Cream Separator Works of the Farme.s‘ Manuâ€" facturing and Supply Co. and the change fro m a quiet exterior to the busy hum ins‘de is quite striking to a novice. About 45 men are emploved. and the tendency being for more rather than fewer .ndicates a successful business, Shipments are going on constantly and if t%e product is as good in use as it looks to the eye it is certainly of high value, That it is good numerous tesâ€" timonials seem to bear out, prove our progressiveness by making it unanimous. WIur CarrRyÂ¥ â€"The Chesloy Enterâ€" prise, referring approvingly to the prompt manner in which Durham town and council acted after the fire, says : * The citizens of Durham are progressâ€" ive in their ideas and if we are not misâ€" taken the byâ€"law will carry," _ Let us F e Oniterembeiss mauie? Axrndra‘ i.i d 3rd Con. N. Glenelg, was in Durham last week, paying his 20 annual subscripâ€" tion to the Review and he is always aâ€" head too. We hayve quite a number on ont lists yet who have taken it from the beginning in 1878. To Mr Murchison and all of that class, here‘s a wishâ€"May you take it and enjoy it twice as long at least. 900 acres of land have been purchased by Saskatoon council to create a public Ei\rk. Several acres were offered to arriston but the town would not take the land.â€"Harriston Tribune. â€" Just watch what, Durham council would do sbould some public spirited citizen make an offer, HléWrn YEAR,â€"Mr Alex Murchison, 3rd Con. N. Glenelo®. was in Nurhan, Regular Meeting of Ben Nevis Camp will be held on Friday evening, 14th inst. A full attendance is requested as considâ€" ation of the 1st of July demonstration is on hand and other important business. RoYAL: SCARLET,â€"A Royal Scarlet meeting will be held in Caltfver’s Hall at 8 p. m., on Friday, April 14. All memâ€" bers are urged to attend as important business is to be transacted. J. W. B.yxTH, Scribe. The Junior League intend holdinf an open meetinig on Good Fridaz evening. An interesting feature of the meeting will be the preserce of the Rev Wray R. Smith. Silver collection will be taken. During April Gordon the Jeweller is giving greut bargains in all lines to comâ€" memorate the 27th Anniversary of his business in Durham. Genuine goods at popular prices, A. GORDOX, Jeweller. Lorp‘s Day Arr.1aAnck,â€"MrT. Albert Moore, General Secetary of the Lord‘s Day Alliance will address a meeting in the Methodist Church on Tuesday evenâ€" iug the I8th inst., at 8 p. in. Lots of daintvy Lace Curtains and curtain goods, hoth white and coloredâ€" ;u-t wha. you are looking for to beautiâ€" fy your windows this spring.â€"At Jas. A Chi physician says a one per cent. solntion of carbolic acid used as a mmr for the throut will prevent spinal meningitis or "spotted fever." SPECIAL OFFER.â€"The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer and the Review to Jan, 1, 1906, only $1.00. First To Buirp.â€"Mrs R Marshail, Uplpef Town has had a commodiouns adâ€" dition built to her residence this rpring, Ther have bandsome new designs in Linoleutms, Floor Oils and Jap Mattings at Jas Ireland‘s. A good set 210 lb Platform Scales for ?le. Apply at Burnett‘s Store, Upper own. Now for the National cream separator at Barclay & Bell‘s. Review. soon as the inoistore is out of the lumâ€" ber and the weather settled. The careâ€" ful houseeholder has ail the details of the work arranged many woerks ahoad. Auother point in connection with seâ€" lecting colore is thar an early decision will enable the dealer to order any special colors â€"he may not regulerly carry in stock. There is economy, lnenglfil.oq. m before the :.30. rush is on the ‘painter bas many Jobs abcsel it is m many often a matter of speculation when your work can be taken care of, Painting Karly preparation, the deciding on the kinds of paint, the colors to l;eund. engaging a practical painter, insures gt:lnadn work done on time, and ing the benelit of the improved ance eof your bouse from the beâ€" ;‘nnmg of the season. The combinations of colors used on a house are of considerable moment and should not he decided upon hurrledlr. A single trimmirg not in harmony will often make a house an aggravation Several paint manufacturers, apprecâ€" iating the value of this feature, have an organized department of artists and architects whase sole duty is to specify good color combinations. Local dealers report that it 1s a common practice now for paint vm to give them a photo or drawing of their houses to submit to paint makers for celor specifications. Mr Wim Black, who handles the Sherâ€" Tollowite printad hints te apricg paint D nts re aotâ€" ing. 'l‘ge rumt dealers and t:g paintâ€" ers are looking forward to a busy season. *«*Itis notable that both paint dealers and painters strongly advovate the imâ€" on their painting early. before the regâ€" ular pdng‘n‘: lei:‘oon opene, The reasons put forth are sound, Miss A McKen-}On Roll zie‘s Room Aver, Miss M HcKen-}On Roll zie‘ s Room Aver, Miss Gun‘s \On Roll From the report of the Principal we learn that the school fees for the first 3 months of the year amount to $158.50 The attendance on roll and ayerage of the rooms is given below : 410010 ) Aver. Miss Meredith's} On Roll RKoom Aver, F uhh vtuats 0 s ) lt Pesi h stcls cA s ssins4 on Mo‘day, trusting to tind in congenial work &A restorative to the depression caused by his late troubles, His son Arthur is now sitting up and making good progrees towards recovery. The two lady teachers, Misses Forfar and Johnston, have manfully filled the breach at considerable extra trouble to themselves, and being both experts and enthusiastic the classes haye kept on forging ahead. We are sure the pupils who have loyally assisted them in the crisis are the stuff to come out successful at the examinations. At a meetu;fi of Durham Trustee Board on Thursday last it was decided to extend Prin Allan‘s enforeed bhohday to May 1, so as to allow him more time to recuperate after the severe domestic tension and trouble he has had for alâ€" most three months,. He, however, havitk the interests of his cluss much uth‘e‘ut:‘ determiqed to go to work again If the byâ€"law is defeated on the evenâ€" ing of April 21, there will be sad homes in town, which will not be relieved by the knowledge that a few are gratified and that the town passes the insurance money into the treasury. _â€" Room _ j Ayer. Miss Grant‘s }On Roll Ronm Aver, Vote for thr byâ€"law, aud remove the eyesore which every traveller and stranâ€" gers sees lirst as he steps off the train. The yote will require enthusiasm for in aproportionate votesuch as this is, nonâ€"voters count against it, ww P o n C Nerepeenecyt that would enable it with confldene'e to meet the inevitable pay day, The question is not can we afford it? but can we afford to do without it? There is no uncertainty about this, no guess work,â€"we know | just what it means in retaining good citizens and the purchasâ€" ing powwer of their earnings. High Schoor, » Roll Rooms \ er. Mr Koch‘s }fl ifloll Room Aver. I Wnuin and Co,., Boot & Shoe Manufactâ€" Friday of next week property owners urers, The vote stands 473 to 25, in town have to vote on the question of mudalom to aid the Directors in _ Now Fror BRICK.â€"Mr Wm. Black lding the burued factory or of leayâ€" has sold the Brickâ€"making plant to Mr ing as a picturesque ruin the remains of | Ayling of Mimico, an expert, who is goâ€" our pioneer industry. Such we take it ing to begin business tight away, :“.h:b:';::'t‘::;," |‘h;db(’b4ft: o&“&':;‘: |__ WaAaxtTs16000 Barrers â€"A gentieman ‘uufltywocmonhwd- employed and was in town Tuesday looking for ceâ€" an anpual wage hill of $16000, oryt.he‘l:‘ ment in the above quantity. He is inâ€" law defeated. with mossâ€"grown ruin, ‘°"®*ted in building a dam at the Credit to temind us of what onf?-... "@nd | river. | The National brand is making a what might have been. If there io;]"‘m' tor itself. third course by which «Amu or better| The Provincial Educational Associaâ€" benefits can be secured than by voting |tion meets at the University, Tornpto for the byâ€"law. it should be known at | on Tuesday, April 25th, and will contin= unce, \ ue for 3 days, Topics of ve great imâ€" The gift of moneÂ¥ of course goes hard portance come hefore this gdumu‘onul but the directors from past experience | Parliament in all its sections. The Proâ€" know how difficult it is to finance such j vincial Library Association meets the a work with funds low and they also | Monday and Tuesday forencon previous. knew what it was to put their han‘is inâ€" l to their own pockets to tide over a crisis | _ THAT NEW Ramway.â€"Last week‘s orudullmarfz:dny. The gift of course, Walkerton Telescope announces the is !:h.hx over the insurance money, larrlv;l of eome C P R surveyors in which secured the town, and this with Walkerton ready to pinceed with the the new loan, would enable a robust |new railway, but at present awaiting start to be made which would give the"he arrival of the head engineer. It town a new hoost and a new selfmmt ‘continues * But we do not sunmnee 41. . Total on Roll Average Furniture Factory Byâ€" Re School Affairs. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO property owners figuring AW. Perth town carried Mondsy a byâ€"law to grant $20000 by way of loan to Messrs Winun and Co.. ‘oot & Shoe Manufactâ€" myllfl'l' urers. The vote stanas 473 to 25. t mam al The Busy Store Oa the Basy Cora: Are you going to do any Papering ? If you mure, we can save you money. R. B. LEELER «i SONS NEW Wall Paper Notice is hereby given that Legislation will be applied for at the present session of the I1i.ln.ure to legalize Byâ€"law, No 490 of the Town of Durham. â€" Any personor persons having objections to the said byâ€"daw will goyern themselves accordingly. Spring Millinery Wednesday of last week smoke began issuing from three of the eight chimneys at the rotaries indicating that burning had begun, and since then more of them haye been kindled. Great stores of clay are on hand, the lake is open, and night aud day the famihiar smoke cloud is visâ€" ible. We learn that the 20â€"foot extenâ€" sion of the smoke stacks is proving a decided advantage, and certainly from the color of the clonds, not nearly so dark as formerly, better combustion must be going on. The many share» houlders will he pleased to see dpmnpec's of a successful year, with dividends appreciably nearer. river, The National hbrand is making a [ uame tor itself. ] The Provincial Educational Associaâ€" tion meets at the University, Tornpto on Tuesday, April 25th, and will contin« ue for 3 days, Topics of very great imâ€" iporunu- come hefore ufl:?dumu'oml | Parliament in all its sections, The Proâ€" |vincial Library Association meets the I Monday ana Tuesday forencon previous. TrRaAT NEew Ramway.â€"Last week‘s Walkerton Telescope announces the lnrrivnl of eome C P R surveyors in Walkerton ready to pinceed with the new railway, but at present awaiting ‘the arrival of the head engineer. It continues * But we do not suppose the C P R company are maintaining surveyâ€" ing parties just for fun, Evidently tne C P R mean business, It is evidently their intention to build a line from Flesherton to Walkerton and from Walkerton to Teeswater and probably thence on to Lucknow and Kincardine, * This week, comprising patâ€" tern hats, ribbons, trimmings, Summer Hats, &s. _ we can tfurnish you with a fashionable piece of head wear, trimmed in the latest and most becoming style at a moderate‘ price. Try us. Miss I. Dick. Tus Dernaar Forxttor® Co, LtD, Our large Bpring Stosk of CANADIAN and AMERICAN Wall Paper has arrived and we can now show you the larâ€" gest stock of upâ€"toâ€"date Wall Paper eyer shown in Darham All paper bonght from us trimâ€" med free. SEE OUR SOUTH WINDOW THIS WEEK. Our Millinery Opening last week was a grand success, the tasteful and beautiral hats beâ€" ing admired by all. Our busâ€" iness is now "greater than has been, " as is evidenced by the fact that our head trimmer and 7 assistants haye baen kept yery busy. If you have not yet bought your spring hat, come now, as we have NEW sTOCKS®S TNX CHAS RAMAGE, Perster axo Posursnar. Cement Works. h i# @#> NOTICE, mruy n ~menecmech on a ryte 4A 14

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