West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1905, p. 4

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I , i] Cl Li TTI Wm. Johnston. Jr.. C. Ram... Staff and Equipment. The school h thoroughly gent,', in teaching ability. in chemical and elcculm supine: and tit- tttttP, ae., tor lull Junior Leaving nu Marimb- tton work. The following comietent mt! He in can: a 1805. ALLAN, Ist Glut cm. Principal: 31$ L. h. PO”..B, B. A., Chalet 1nd Mo Intending Students should enter " the begin min: of the torn if pubic. Bond on be chain» can with rug. Durban Is I balmy and attmetise town. mm " a - Mable phe- tor n sidcnce. During A? arvesters Raymond] Sewing :Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. 3335;; geasaaaaaaaaaaaasaaa a?" Durham School METHINC, NEW IN “’ASHFBS: The P'tftttt_d Ihttrv.bmlv in the We f6:6t. F.ttt.tt.t'.t.t.t.t.6.t.t:i'. GEE. Fit., Ilsa A. 108391033, B. A.. Innuendo. and -egent. -el."'.-""""'""'"'-'"T *~_.‘_#u~ The Famers’ M’f’g 81 Supply (h, Save Your Money This is the season tor renovating your homes. New Cur- tains will be required. See our great stock before buying. 8's gang them from.... .... ur I umin a “me: I]. th? per pr. A, 5. 00 “in: $1 par mum Minna BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every hand HERE. Departments all complete with foods attractive, becoming and moderate y priced. I,adies' gar/my W/u'le Waist; A complete showing of Spring and Summer White Lewn Wtu'ttta, made in dainty fashions and.markea specially low. 13's; vale of time and money to look elsewhere. We have decided to sell these Waist: " each Wilding 6/9,“: d £00947 Waiting/1am £aoe Curtains. JUhn Glaxk. We can give ”mg a more list of our-goods hm In qualitynnd adaptability to t e needs of Smith Grey we are upt. excelled: Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies, Renowned anticles. fair pt ices 0teautitut Jpriny a1pparet Also Wilhelm'" Writuters, all made iFiw-aiCoGrfAsr." If yo u are not already a Shareholder, it will pay you to become one at once. The Shareholders of the Co. who have bought goods are well satisfied. Drop in and see for yourself. If you are going to buy a Windmill, see our prices before you buy. We are not sol- tciting, orders but are ready to fill your order and save you money. fist our Binder twine prices before going elsewhere The best in their line :3 we handle only the best. I Jr. War/06%. Cash and an: frat-o. Our Order Book pluinly allows the Tgl' i',', Hitl- ncry Open ox cc . Such a brilliant display was worthy of 1 much larger town than Dar. ham. Our Hats were greatlv admired and were designed by our Milliners who won an- stinted praise for ele- gance. novelty and good taste. t _ Martrdret Janette ttiiafiifiiO'tt 'o't . ! Swlnlon Park. in machine! . ms my! pm. I AtrmtstpHhtows---At ghe resadence of Ttie, 5/, 1.25 to 2.50 the htide’s parents, 2nd con Emont. Wed April 6, by the Ree Mr Little, Holstein. Mr Wm Aithens. 14th con. to Miss Rebeca Brown. eldest. daughter of Mr end In Jno Brown. Aoaatr--Ecctartr-At, the residence of the bride’s parents. Me and Mn In Eula. Dreinoee. on Etl."Eukgt 3. " Rev Mr Campbell. Mr rank Adams to Mi." May Eccles. " of Egremont. GgtaaErt.-.Ecci- At the residence of the bride’s punts. Mr end In Jen Ehcleu. Dunno". on Wake-dag. Aye E ' Dan Ba.. 'N-...-.-." n- -__j Sand ftarm Maahinery. RAw-MAcMu.LAs-At Swinton Park. an gnu-c1; m__hy 831.} A Matt-oo. any: 3" A" taynpuiirlri-t'iri"F'ii, Egremont. 12.D., mic-mm; -ft'iuieriLTiiGF.rTsi A few doors Bouth of tEe i'rartrurrtrtGiuTe'. Mil/inlay Modesty fut-ed Limited Durham THE DURHAM RENEE hAiliia and l clou- and [axial u'ndel- ltmdms. and it may be prop eeied that hewill ll the one. withmenlspo peomi." He is of the materfnl of which Minis- ters of the Interior should be made. Be "timiliar with the problems that con- front the builders of the West. He has shown " faith in it as the home of men sud hit huh has been triumphmtly iustttud. Xr Oliver hay.inetrrenit "G Pew men livmg know more about Western Canada than Mr Frank Oliver, the newly appointed Minister of the In- termr. He IS tge/gtg of the pioneers, He settled " monton and began the puhllcntlon of The Bulletin st. 3 time when it would have been ditBeuit to Im- agine where naumcient number of aub- ccriherc could have drummed up to keep it alive. It. was long famous!" the smallest newupaper published in Canada and trphoiipiphiciulr the neat- est. It is now A dolly. Mr Oliver’s faith never altered, though subjected to trial: thnt might have doomed ales: dogged man. When he began the pub- lication of his newspaper he threw in his Wnnently with the count" and hove f1oiirlahed, though the tart was u long and to most. men we have been n ditteouratdntt one. Uawsaal interest has been aroused over the. appointment of Frank Oliver of Ed- monton, to the very Important. ottice of Minister of the Interior. The election takes place about May 2. The following apply-lathe sk..etch it from the Globe: Rat-in Arthur March 13th to Mr and In Collin Ray. a son. CAcrowFam-rn Normanhy. on April2, to Mr. and Mrs. B. Caldwell. a daugh- merrmmew--rn ifg.'"it.'la on April I, to Mr. and Mrs, R. etligrew. a If» Bathe. Martial] was in Guelph Tawny on a hmineu trip. Mr Chan Lat: left for Preston Tun- dar to visit his mother who " very ill. in Is Montgomery, Dom-ch. left Sum-day for Peter-burg. Ont. blaster Ed Glue left for Georgetown Monday. where he has secured employ- ment, Mrs E Linun, Miss Ethel and Mr A. J Limm visited Mount Forest friends last thsturday. Mr Geo Baird, of Winnipeg, is round the old home at " Baird's COPHEIS " in Egremont. after an absence of 18 years. He intends in a few weeks, in compnnv with his mother, to visit his broth" John at Kingston, New York State. We were pleased to have a. call from him and to find him looking well. Like all Westerners he speaks of great ew' pansiou in Winnipeg. MARtrrrArm---In Normnnhy. on March 17. to Mr and Mrs David Marshall, a son. MeLAwry--rn Owen Sound. on Sunday. April a to Mr and Mrs James McLar- my. daughter. [Mrs MeLarty is a sis- ter of Mrs. John Clark.] Mr Will Buchan went to Moorefield Monday to resume work at. his former position. Mia: Jessie M unto left Monday morn- ing to take acourse as nurse in Slx'atfuld Hospital. Mr Jack Shaw left Saturday for Dun- das, where he has secured a position in the .. Star" ottice. Mr and Mrs Just. Boddy and daughter, W oodstock. were guests last week end at Mr John Kelly's. MI A. J. Limin. Hamilton, was a guest from Friday to Tuesday at his brother's, Mr Ed Limin. Messrs Robt. and Pat Burns and sis- ter, Mrs Galloway, Duluth, returned home Tuesday after attending their father'a funeral. Mr R B Ledingham, Divinity Student, passed his final examumtions last week. Congratulations. He is to have a field near Orangeville this summer. Mr Walter Nichol, M. A., son of Mr. John Nichol, Priceyille. secured a tuna elling scholarship. value 8400 at the recent University examinations. He was also paired for another minor scholarship. We congratvlate Mr Nichol on his brilliant success. Mr Chas McKinnon came home (I: Saturdav from the West having dis.. posed of his horses profitably, Plough- ing mm in progress when he went out and when he left considerable seeding was done. He speaks of an immense Wave of immigration from the Snake and elsewhere, many of them the very best class of settlers, Sat urdny morning. In Currie is laying tttis week on a. ' iait to Humilton ft lands. Mr Sheppard. who is representing the Parker Estate here, left Thuradnv to spend a week at his home in Barrie. Mr A G Mackay, M.P.P., North Grey was in town Wednesday on business and lett Thursday for Toronto. . He in- tends going on to Ottawa to assist in securing the Owen Sound-Meatmd Ry. Mr and Mrs John Wilkie and Mr and Mrs Wm. Quinn left Tuesdar for their new home in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Mr Peter Gannon. now of Mt Forest. Inn in town over Bandar. Mr R. J. Ball and daughter Elm of Maoover, were in town Snturday. Mr Chas IcKinnon Is in Toronto t couple of days this week. Frank Oliver Succeeds Sifton. BORN Went to Berlin 'tto ARCHIVES TORONTO rune] '"Wih Ohm .. In it" iiik ting for modes-us people to enter a wwwnwsmr The Toronto Star-The men who are encouraging this furious religious hue- snd-crz we may? a great responsibility u nt eir ghoul ers. It is spnitie fire 'lt'i'l,tl it is emit-r to light than to limit or stop. We all have our religious p". induces and pasions. and the contagion of the mob is not a madness manner, which any of us are secured. One of the meet foolish episodes in English history ir the Gordon grits: unlit yet they ngfromno worse igiom a than Ill2 yhigh il_uow 'all"fldlll't.7o'S',' --60,000 settlers from the United States are expected in Canada this year. all the other provinces. whereas as an opposition representative of the Protestant city ot Toronto he is now apparently arguing to the contrary. Bat Sir William rose to a lottier plane when he appealed toour sense of tol- erance and fair play. Having secured the amplest constitutional protection for their brethren of the minority in the Province of Quebec. Protestants are scarcely jastified in seeking to overthrow the protection afforded to the Roman Catholic minorities else- where. Such a course is not in accord- ance with the golden rule, doing as it would be done by. nor, as he ob- served, it isota piece with the pol- icy ofEngland in treating the different races and different creeds tound in the Empire; and, finally, is it not allne ot action calculated to ensure to Canada that {new and concord which anaes- Ientia it she is to enjoy her full meas- ure of material well being. --Coat. A new situation taken the attention this week. The Baltic fleet which leit home about trrrtoettttottos undonoomo North Sea inhuman in I'tedi,' manned through the Gibraltar mt: and the Suez Canal, and “and at “adapter tor a month or two. has turned up in the China Bea. It has ttttmod the Indian Oman, railed through the Straits of Malacca. pant Singapore Ind is heading north and north-east, no doubt with the aim of joining with the Vladivostook aqnad- Where is Togo ? Not known for sure. but almost certainly in mom-e Edition to strike hard and swift. St. eteuhurg magi-ts think Rojest~ vensky has outwitted him. The 1st- ter sent some oolliers sud smell ships, some hundred miles sway to one ot the many straits in the East Indies. quite ostentatiously, and by so doing gut Togo off the scent. allowing the useian main fleet to get through the narrow strait ot'Malacca and past Sing. apore without a shot. Togo now has the Baltic fleet to the south ot him, Vladivostock fleet on the north. and his fate between two fites is risky and un- certain. This is the St Petersburg View. Bat other strategists say Togo has them just where he wants them. the Russians. owing to barnscles on their ships are slow sailors. while Togo's are in splendid shape. and though he has only tour battle ships to the Ruminas’ seven his snperiorltv in cruisers and torpedo boats and the "wine of victory" more than muss up. In any event a great nsval battle is expected soon. one that may astonish the world and grove the greatest struggle of modern tunes. Not much comes to light ot the doings in Manchuria. Linevitch, who took Kuropetkin’s place, has won no victory and tmirered no great defeat. The Ops, are planning to capture both Harbin and Vladivostock and they have proved that they plan not in vain. Weather and roads are at their worst for marches and movements. The average layman who finds it diNettlt to follow the lawvers in Parl- iament through the constxtntional arg- uments involved in the Northwest school controversy cannot do better than procure Hansard copies ot the recent speeches of Sir Wm Melock and Mr Fielding who dealt with the sub- Jeet from the standpoint of religious toleration. Sir William " the outset expounded the constitutional issues in a manner that brings them within the compre- hension of all ; but principallv devoted himseltto pleading for a Keener reu lization on the pnrt of most ot us of the necessity, in a. mixed community like this, for a large and liberal tolerance of the opinions, religious and other- wise, of those belonging to a different race or creed. He spoke in appropriate language of the duplicity o certain Coniervat'wea--sone firing the Protes- tant heart of Ontario while others head- ed by the Jacques Cartier Club of Montreal are urging the Roman Cath- olics ot Quebec to insist that the Eda, cation clause of the Autonomy bills does not do justice to the interests of their church. He also made a happy reference to the position of Mr Foster. who, when the Manitoba school que- tion was being dealt with by the Ad- ministration ot which he was a member in 1896, took the ground that the Sep- arate School compact of 1867 applies not to Ontario and Quebec al.one bat to Peace seems yet in the tar distance, for the Japs are planning to have a million men in the field in tho fall. The war is a great teacher of geog- raphy. We will all be able to pass an examination on eastern Asia by the time Togo and Rojestvensky have set- tled their little (inferences. TOPICS OF THE WEEK iToleration. The War. tW,u"?ll?it't'sTi?,. Catalogue free Corner Yonge and Alexander Bu. A highchair commercial fehoor-the has! in Canada. Enter now. Open the entire year. Distingulund {or ”Thorou'hnm" -tleele.e"riTk"r.".TC'GiT'hGrapa tt ',iiiriirS"i,,Ri"att" " I”. _ 'tttWt m p ouch ti;';?: IRE. gagifigfifi'fi hSlilllii-. for -'tsliitgh1'l'li; Sifsaparilla em no! your blood I: all. our - can you are threatened with a nervous sundown. He ord_ery this 'GTriiifh1iif -3939." TAN SHOES PEEL, Weak Nerves In Durham this month, April I905 I878 ~ue939. Watchmaker, Jeweller. Optician A. GORDON, gee or “Family Cook" Stové. Ask your neighbor about them. When in need of a Set of Har. ness of any description give us tt call. In the Spring a wise man's fancy always turns to paint. We sell the best, " The Sher- win Williams. " A 3mm paint for every purpose. k " our paint window. Before getting ready for Gard- ening see our stock of Rakes. Hoes, Spades. Speding Forks. Shovels and Barrows. Just received a Me asscrtment of Bird Cages. . Clip your horses before you start spring plowing. and you will be tgatittied " the end of the season. Horse Clippers tram 75 eta up. No home is com lete without one ot our " Penn Ether " Ran- TORONTO. ONT. The very latest Styles and [urgent variety " Peel's. Moderatepritsas Durham & Owen Sound 27 Yrs. in Business Our Stock has been re. cently replenished in all our lines, and we are cer- taun our values will please you. To commemmnw that. we are Mining 5 HARDWARE l0 per cent discount " Anniversary Sales W. BLACK ELLIOTT qrtl"dlt m be the. may d “no“, and Your - are net-vane W. J. ELLIOTT. Prlndpll THE SHOEMAN Order: dhstt Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any 'brow Jury/anon“ . . Plough, Hm Drills. ticufBers etc. Enquire ntthis ngency. 3Groesting Ware-Ahoy . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous fimt'ts make. They give great utiohctiou. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. We are cmying in neck nyer At linen of the moat. popular dressings, m block. white and tan, in liquid , paste; rile“. be to Me. With one 25c in we or. giving I Silver Spoon slum pod with the Victoria Silver CWe trade mark which prove: they ere genuine. With the 150 Site Bllck Cat we lune a nice Scribbler for the school children. It " the ten. quickest. and cheap- at pale shine we have ever seen. Try I box sud be convinced. Only In In Ind " the down town shoe stare. OF HIST QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods, Boots a: Shoes. Crockery, day We can give you Bargainr. - We ask inspection of our Teas.“ Pete, Jtamitton 21901203; . . . 1rW1il1ilDii1 & YARNS S. SCOTT. A.W.Watson Bum tad Bl‘miu in great variety All that oftktrm made to order. WINDING CAKE “amenity- 1lllllflllllllllillf Ptre. Pretsh and Reliable. Watson’s Bread It has all the goodness of home mede breed and We elnye uni- formly excellent. Never heavy. never tour. never stale. Beet mambo. Flour need. Bread delivered only " your door. tgitglltgltl"lltHtt" When you want the BEST, use . S. MCIlraith With R. McMzcken at the Hahn Home Sable or at the REVIEW OFFICE. mil receive our best attention. T If D H il P E CARRIAGES Seem to be nil the " They-vellum: and they no the most dur- able rig on the market. Call and examine them. ...ASUSUAL..o WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. Shoe Dressings BARCLAY d BELL TERMS: CASH. APRIL IS, loot, Leo/Ian The "a! C. A. FL LEN Pincus Outlaw WI" se" IHERE 126 Acn 100 Ac Three f H ill ll V. 100 Ac Hvy mm White ttml Tum:- um t " Durh- (Budd. M Willie _ Jr 2nc- .|immy l Allison Hem-in Hair t bib Jun-e»: Mu All tirith- -h' lh irttrstoo Akita (any. G Jr Pt 1 MG \P M" a "itt H " Mat ll. Do Ho' Tl h Ac I‘m Ma bu n

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