West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1905, p. 5

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D H (l PE ’RIAGES its in ttreat variety Res made word”. KIS our specialty- Ive you Bargaiw:. CLAY ' BELL be all the go. handsome and ttrodr knows. the most dam on the market. examine them. at. quickest and cheap-- ye have eve: we". Try "meed. Only to be yin: in stock on! N [ popular (housings, m tan, m liquid & pun: 35c. W tth om 35. g a Silver Spoon sull- ttoria Sulter Co's trade us they are genuine. e Black Cat we have I r the school children. ;son's read Shoe ssinas ration of our T038... S d: YARNS l III .. [loll Tgit" T 1!i'ALITY. 'ry Goods, Boots Crockery, to. not": Natson M fc I lraith USUAI . L 13, 190tt 'amilton HI 'r'. Fresh and Reliable. 2569 [Ian D hoe store ASH ans ttttF er heavy. Ir. Beat Bread ables p, ite .\ for the want any he Hahn Scu filers REV I " mr beat They rises of ll) LACE CURTAINS '-1.vBrrls long. 26 inches with. . . . .... . . .. W. H. BEAN HE - SELLS ans CHE MI 4 Ladies LENDS MONEY at very lowest rates. P'.°.. Ingufgn... ot Ill kinds ln reliable t'ormnuties, Collects Debts. Arrange. Boll"... OHM-Mon, Draws “mango and Sells C.P. R. Ticket: to tall Points. Besides other lmds he offers the following agnglng: 100 Ann. Normanby south-west of Var "ey ', "ell imlproved and an extra good Farm Owner boum to so West. 125 Ag"; Nepmgnby Conn}: Well located and improved. Will rent if not sold soon. tSO Acrg. Bantinck North of Allaul’nrk offered cheap for quick sale. 100 Ag". Bontlnct Your Rocky Sanger): Well improved and ownu my; has enough tim Mr to pay priceasked. but...” RI'I‘CROO (tuned by J.L. Itrott ne 2"/tei','th"ii; Also a large number of other Farm am Town Properties. Illfili'(lljlllllirialf()u(lil thy twilled cotton 'ttteen), 72 in wide.. .me uyd White Bedrpeeadtt, large ulna... . .... . . . 41.40 each Tuble Linen........................'?." tutdMcarr4 Floor Ollclo'h. I um! '2 yd: wide. . . .2:'Icl square yd 'uttbiroilClottt.................... ...........l.'ucuyd Juli-mesa Hitting...........................20c|vd H: bp M " ..........u.oo " LI Curtains, except 2Nt & 4te, have worked edges Pure Honey and he”: Groceries “wuss on hand The Hanover Conveyance. Hanover A TERM IN ANY OF THE DE. -sPARTMENTS 0F Trier“ ”If!!! 21 n7 . _ 'fyd _///2’/ will place your services in grater demand. Four gi','yt,"i "il'llt'itt of Alt','; J',"".",',',?,;,,'."',".',":,',',,",". gm Mg tug: e n y I per-ton. Them no timelike the preset" to enter. This hummer: has tit't,tPueg'l2'i'lg'ti I full on! ot competent um ing when. Hundreds who were jun nble to spend a. few " inn-r months with us Fre. now_t:llling tirst-cUss, iGiiiiiriii." "is: tdiii-tiiniuus “any: c. A. “SING. Principal Owen Sound Re opt "t S. S. No. l, Notmanhy, for Marci. Sr 4th--3nnet Kerr. Jr tth-- Agnes Marshall. t"rr8rd--Ests MeAlh. ter. Violu Bechtpr. Jr Irrd-y3rthur Gadd. Willie McAllister, Arthur Bachus. Willie \anlace. Sr 2nd--Lizate Burns. Jr 2nd-Minnie Kenn. Tommy Wullace. Jimmy Manila". Br Pt 2nd-f-Mar, Me- Allister, Neil; Int-hall. Jr Pt Sind-- Henrietta Kellar. Harry Caldwell. Sr. ut-Mattel W'allace. Am! “ACCRA!!!” Teacher. Honor will of " No 3, Beutinck. Sr 4tts--Beket Put. J Corbett. Jr 4th --M Derh . R Linda}. Sr ir-W Liv- ioguone. 5 “chm. r8rd--A1 Corbett M Bunsen. J Put. 8 Livingston, B Ray. Br bd-B Wioe K. Park. R. AW. Jr 29--A Wise: D Donn- AThr"ii2. “if? - Ti; - e L y. m. Jfr"i't%d--'Alhtiltr, fh . SrPtl -Joho Derry. N ke'ttti'e'i1',fi Exam: Don't forget that we keep Pure Mixed Paints. Abbas tme. Furniture Polish. Ena- mels and)Windr.w Shades lllittllttlat & (h How Inch Paper Do You Want? H. II. NIILLER. Druggists ' Booksellars. H. H. MILLER. The Hanover Conveyancer. 1tverrktgtr...... 921]) l Blue-k Sateen Fudcrskins .. mum. . . . " Black Sateen rmderskirts. . . . . . . . 1.00 out: .. Waitttr.....tGet um! 1.00mh White Wnists. . . . . .... .. . . .Mte 3nd 75c each " Nixhtgowns. . .....7."vc ttnd 1.00 each rt Comet (rovers. . . . . .25c-nd Mte cub A simple and teen-tie way of thsdingt out the required manhunt roll- of Well Pa. per for n room in u {allow-z “Multiply the length neocmd the room in feet by the height deducting an tor ml) opening and divide the remainder by 30 This will give you the amount in single rothc" Having done this, come and see our large stack of new and Megan" designs in all the latest mum-inns. Our new stock is verr much admired by all who have seen it. T, A I)! EH' w PIA ll School Reports AA It (llll,l)ill'll all BMW 02.00. 3.50 and 4.50 each 250 a pair 4Oe A: 70p EA P AND WHEREAS the said Com- patty has applied to the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of tham, for aid by way of bonus of the said Sum of Sloooo and also by way of a loan to the said Com- pany in addition thereto, of the further sum of 310.000. in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions and stipulations mentioned in an agree- ment for repayment of the last men. tioned sum as hereinafter set out. AND WHEREAS the said Company] is desirious of rebuilding their said factory, and of having the same com- pleted and in running order during the season of 1905. AND WHEREAS the factory and premises of the sand Company were destroyed by fire on or about the 23rd day of March A. D. 1905, and the amount of $io.ooo portion of the tire Insurance thereon has become pay-- able to the said Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS it is deemed ad visable and expedient to grant aid by way of bonus of said sum of 8to.ooo, and also by way of loan of the further sum of $10,000, in addition thereto, to the said The Durham Furniture Com- pany (Limited) for the purpose here- mbefore mentioned. WHEREAS by By-law No 354 of the Town of Durham. the said Town did grant aid by way of loan of the sum of $10,000.00 to the Durham Furniture Co. (Limited) repayment oi which loan to the said Town was secured by mortgage on the premises of the said The Durham Furniture Company (Limited) and by transfer to Insurance thereon to the autumn: of $ro.ooo to the said Town of Durham: AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Town of Durham, for the sum of $ro,ooo as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this Bylaw) the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the said purpose and no other. A bylawlom‘d nun-id TheDurlmm Mtg" Contrary (gm?) d1}budd- m a craniuaa rn are actory ,t','Sd Town of Durham. , AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of ten years, being the cur- rency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregrate amount payable in each year for principal and interest shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nine years of the said period (as shown in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. l 2--For the purpose of musing the Isaid last mentioned sum of 810,000 , debentures of the said Town of Durham l to the amount of $10,000 as aforesaid in sums of not less than $100 each i shall be issued on the day of l 1905, each of which de. bentures shall be dated on the date of I the issue thereof, and shall be payable t Within ten years thereafter at the of- ifiee of the Standard Bank of Canada I at the said Town of Durham. ttf the municipal Common of the Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS the total amount required by "The Municipal Act"to be raised annually by special rate for for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is the sum of $1263.74. . AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole ruteable property of the said Town of Durham, according to the last revised assessment toll there-. of is t646433.oo. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is 947661.41 whereof no part of the principal or interest is in arrear. THEREFORE the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham, enacts as follows i--- 1--m shall and may be lawful for the Municipal Council of the Town of Durham, to grant aid by way of bonus to The Durham Furniture Company (Limited) by way of gift to the said Company of the sum of $10,000, and also to grant aid by way of loan to the said The Durham Furniture Company (Limited) of the further sum oi $10,000 to aid in the re-erection and completion of a factory for the manufacture of furniture within the limits of the Cor- poration of the Town of Durham, the last mentioned sum of $10,000 to be repayable by the said Company to the said Town of Durham, without the in- terest in ten equal consecutive annual instalments oi $1000 each the first in- stalment to become due at the expira- tion of one year from the final passing of this Bylaw, in accordance with the terms of an agreement to be entered into between the said The Durham Furniture Company (Limited) and the said Town of Durham, and ‘repayment of the last mentioned sum, of $10,000 to be secured by a first mortgage on the factory and plant of the said Com- pany. 3--Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town of Durham, and by the Treasurer thereof. and the Clerk of the said Town of Durham shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the Municipality. per centum per annum, payable yeuly at the said Bank on the day of in each and every yen. during the gum meted, and 311:1]! iiiG"'aiaia ""Yd'tliem coupons' tori payment of the aid, interest; which wi-The said debentures shall bear interest " the rate of four an_d_ one-ha}! By-law No. 490 iii-1&3} I?“ i by H H Mockler, D. R. O. In the West ward at Siius P. Saun- der's shop by John Smith, D R. o. 8--On Thursday, the 20th day of April next, rhe Mayor of the said Town of Durham, shall attend at the office of the Clerk of the said Town of Durham. to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places, aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons in- terested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this Bylaw respectively. 9--The Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Durham, shall attend " his office in the Town of Durham, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Saturday the 22nd day of April A D 1905 to sum up the number of votes for and against this Bylaw. r-The votes of the electors of the said Town of Durham. entitled tovote. shall be taken on this Bylaw at the following times and places. that is to say ;-On Friday the not day of April next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon. and continuing till five o'eloek in the afternoon of the same day by the following deputy re- turning officers. r-During the currency of the said debentures. there shall be raised annual- ly by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Town of Durham, the mm at $1263 " for the purpose at paying the amount due in each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt (as shewn in the Schedule " A " hereto annexed). - 6--This Bylaw shall tnke"efrect on the day ot the, iitutl passing thereof by the Municipal Council of the Town of In the North ward at Archibald Davidson's office by Clifton Elvidge. caupous shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Town of Dated at the Council Chamber in the Town of Durham, this day of A D 1905. Referred to in the Imagining By-law. Showing how the amount of $1263.74 thereby required to he raised annually be special rate " apportioned. Year Principal Interest Total 1910 191 l 1912 1913 1914 1915 TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed Bylaw, which has been taken into consideration, and which will be finally passed hy the Council of the Municipality, (in the event ot the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication in the "Durham Review tt the date of which first publi- cation was Thursday the 30th day of March A D 1905. and that the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on the day and 2nd at the hours and places therein xed. Rev C. W. Gordon. of Winning addressed a Toronto Audience on Snn av night taking for his topic Ibo burning question of the Autonomy Blils and the Sopumte School clan-n. He is: a cham- pion of Provincial Rights, hut not of the fire brand clans. for his address is a model of calm treAtment of a dangerous quotation. A few quotations from it will show its temper: "l woul.d.tesptt- fully and oarnestlv ask my fellow-cit- Izons of this city," he said. "to refrain fwm coming to any settled opinion on this last. phase until alt the tnets are clearly before in. Personally. from what I know of the political situation in the W eat. I want to my. I am quite sure we have not begun to get at all the facts that lie under this last revel- ation. I believe that when we come to know nll that has passed all that not-ur- ed, we shall perhaps "ink! up our minds very differentiy and hold a different opinon from what we might hold to- night." Again. after saying the Premier was quite within his right, even if he had consulted the Papal Minute. he says: "They had a right to uk him if. before its introduction. he bad rnmutlted Mgr. tumrretti, and could not tind fault if e said he had. But if, in suave:- to further questions he rrplied that the oroposted loghlatinn was not the malt of the heat judgment of himself nnd his colleagues, “if lie any. um hill is introduced became it in dd. nut-dad by tho ttenttttt!tt at n . - ___ --,..-_ " ...... A -.. “no... Urge sr-cli'nn of our fellow-citizens, then." continued Mr Gordon ' I must ask the Premier to ahdioafp his pmMnn because we have elected hum to do our will. to give “pm-non to out regard. to put on the 'ttattte books the In!" we consider wise. We have voted tum and his supporters to power for the» things. and I ”(use to have the vow of my neighbors or an.“ neutralized by the “to of my indindud man.” Be demented the attempts of my newspaper; Individuals. or pal-tie: to make political capital out of the QM ion behad dealt with. “m. “not. matter to] he nt",', by many mg, 2; menuefu man. My men, t Christian men and Canadian.“ --Ttte fearful august. in India. i,',2,,tr'gti,tttf, Mags-1m poope. t tet",',',"',',,',',"') gnaw volume has . on out in, Conga} 1.33:]. Giuduigt other mat it ,meGeethtN0etheothtihc In the East ward at the Town Hall 810000 00 8 813 74 928 61 970 40 1014 07 1059 70 1107 '39 1157 22 1209 89 SCHEDULE " A " WM. B. VOLLETT, Clerk. Be Calm. NOTICE. $490, Ill! 413 38 375 12 335 13 PA9 67 2or 04 150 35 106 re, CLERK. MAYOR. 81m 40 81268 " 1263 " 1% 74 1% 74 1233 74 1263 74 1263 74 12tB 74 par, " 1263 74 THE uuumm REVIEW sisaasaasaiseas8ltaaiisaiissausg, , !;"_..;'Acg;g_& 9mm, N., G.,& J. McKechnie qitMtttatMteh1htht N, C: dril. McKechnie We have just received the third shipment at Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at Not more than two mats eanhoolirto anyone customer. Earling’s Drug Sisere FARMERS and STOCKMEN will be more than interested in the Great British Nationll Stock Food. £5.00 for the beat grade Spring Calf fed on this food 2)arlfng's Drug Stare Drugs. Stationery, and Druggist's Sundries (The popular Cash Store.) i50 CTS. A. MAT. Only Those Make Success in the strenuom days. Old tashion- ed, easy-going methods will not avail. Our success is due to our way of retailing We give the public the very best value for their money. We handle goods that make a customer come again when more are wanted. You will be interested in our way if you will give it a trial. FIGS --iiOR SALE ONLY AT--- Who Drive Things ONTARIO ARCHiVE TORONTO sg tm.ttt tttttrg.". tthttxalJe..- onto: - '-tta.gt.. 2-drum. 'r-is. TM. 60000000- No. " J. e. HUTTON. M. D., C. once. " has! at. - - - - 0m In“. Will be“ the madman Home. Duh... ttte In! Valued-y etch man: (In. 10-. I. titt 4 p. a. late autumn: to Moahteld'. (loudon. Eng) “I to Knapp's (New York) Eye Hospital. ”and We! Yoda-CMV - M cl lye. Rar, Note. and um ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST or the Du nun Pharmacy Calder'. Block. Random:- tlrtrt door wrat of th old Port Ollice. Durham. 1erittrei.ttotm. DtrN-,tHme Munch-cum. dm14u.-.'- W. C. PICKERING o. D S., L. B. S. ‘IBU'HMPS. Somalia-s. Conveywcen c. 1 Money to Loan. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. gradual: of Royal Collette of Dental Sum-mm of Ontario. Rooms. Over J & J HUNTERS New Store otBee---i.0WER IOWN. DUN“. laydenham Mutual BNrot [nil Jammy 3nd {than Fundn to Lon on Km“ “In.“ nu- ol luau-c. Vclunuol lnndo " lacuna-It and ouch! anutwr. Flt-lou- a Inn-Ion. OM00 om J. CA. Hut-ur- than 77 I 8 to " A... Co‘locuonl and Annoy promptly ntundod to Wines, Doom. Mom-nu. but", Agra-unt- amoonootly pin-pond. Elm. of deco-ad rer- :0!!! look“ that sad Executox'l Ind se',' lu- ruou' Account. top-rod u: Luna 11:ch Court. and.“ P200“. ot wu Jan.” " Ad. mtumuo. GTd macaw.) Ohm-Ml. - ohu and. in may one. Ind Tm.- upon“ JOHN CLARK) Durham. Nov. 16, m A. G. Mucky! KC. W. F Dunn on Camry if”. what vuue I. mun. my nod ve wek. my in nacks" covered by Instance on content; of burn. n:- lat: menu and vtut'.'ti (warm hols. . mug-m . 'iFGT(rketmsy.t,htrtHtf Swisher. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commlmoner. lac. Notary Public. Commissioner. Convey the", anuumr. Insurance mm. to Private Money to ma. Collec- tions of I" kinds prompt Iy alto-u. ded to. Funn- bought and sold It "Grail-ii-s-tox-tsn their contact ai-tt-"rirl""""t. nae-mu -r-eo,dr-"ttir LI. custom "an. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., - Spechl “an“ sm- to [than 0 Women and Chum. MVT' iiirhsiiGGuriGd, big: up mm Terms modenste. Amtmontu to: lulu " wanes. Ac., mm! be made In an ”WOW ot. “cc, Durham. 3.: (Wynndeueew them, or to Ceylon P.0., will he [no-pay attended to, In on applicant to WAmionea for the Co.ofoeer. his Mgr,', m“ to. w“ mi-tau.. my be left At ttirprnpler.esttlee: 'e-u"'"".".'..-'..-- Eye. Ear, Nose a: Throat. CARRIQTIR. OOICITOR. uonrnv - commune... cc. MEDICAL. G. LEFROY McCAUL. iGaIdiisn km. tnatt a: guy-ale was-u- mmv-nv Ita Am" " but“. am- " a, (lice. Mrlntyn Block, over the Bank fBce. Mckenzie'" Old Sand. Durham Auctioneers. moo. over Gordon'n Jewelry Store. DEN TAIL... . McPHAIL/ or to c. BAIAGI, ya - (Jeylon has-(elephant clog. Licensed Auctioneer for Go. Grey. HOK'RS LEG-AI... A. B. JACKSON. DB. BROWN, J . P. TELFORD D. treport., “nylon P. 0 C. BAIAGE. Durban DR. BURT Money to Loan. ihAs Insurance Go. Licensed Audio-cor to the County of Grey. mammal-Weak! ','ii"CiiGriiGiiirii -'--. - GF out. Mow-x. ll

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