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Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1905, p. 8

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H CI af, Mt Two young Shorthorn, Durham Bulls gnndaonn of imported Cruikshank. for "tio. lo moo. arid 15 mon. old. Witt trade for nuiuhle colt. Apply t ' Jan. s, “INS. Thorough Brod can. and Yorkshire Hogs. All registered Stock and likely ani. nuls. Apply to _ _ - - __ Lot 12. Con. l. B. D. R., Glenda. con mating of 50 um, well watered, well fen . and mostly seeded down, com- fortable house and stables. 1 mile from school. t from Bunnsan P. 0 and four from Durham. An excellent pasture farm, or would suit. anyone wishing to come in mm“ farming. Apply on the premises or by lettrr to ALEX FIRTH. Bvxlssax.0nt. road. Every Held well watered. i mile from school, and 1 mile from post once. Pour miles from Durhtun. Good brick house with 10 roomy, stable with stone toundatiorr, frame harm atone Pitt pen. and good baring orchard. Term. to amt purchaser. Apply Box ll, Durban, P. o. G. RYAN, Prop. HOTEL & FARM for SALE or to BEN T. wut be sold. or rented tenants? if desired, that well-known hotel an de- ninble stock farm a the Rob Roy, Lot 1onod ll. (Jon. l, B. D. R., Glam-lg. so; are. in farm, more or lass. Blacksmith Shop on one corner. "1tttel “you; ttyt G. L. Grant Durham. Feb. 22, 1006, About. 7 miles from Durham on the GUrafraxa Road. Title good. Poun- gion at once. must he to“. Apply to 100 Acre FARM for SALE Spring '05 iathtstttiefottima. Save time. Dmt'idVtttit may you conga. thtbetter BetrymtrPRJN'N-and wear well such a you have been getting from an: the kind you can rely on tor style and quality. As Spring is just about here. you will Inns to so: NEW FOOTWEAR and in amid. potion ot your want. we have rudy for your inspection. I Inge stock of the good do. permuttltkind, of Boob "tsat FARM. FOR SALE SHORTHORN BULLS. r your PRINTS now and tteen "so 'ytythen 3M “In EDOE. Edge Hill P. o. FOR SALE. race. SCARF a Sons. Rocky Sultana P. o. ' Mr Alex Jopp came down from Durham on p)iii, Sound hat week to spend a g.oods Mt,"" mupIenfweeka mth hit.Htrandittrrsna, . p” o Mr and Mrs Jas Eda before starting J. P. TILFOBD. , on the MI. attain. Jeek McMillan visited Gembol ltriGiiiiod Sundny had pertuok of Ia.. ' pie Syrup. I It Hugh Melanie of Planck Hollow V n: a "darsrittourtmnttl"idri. $2: Mo. I We are pleased to learn tint Hooter ‘Ichinnon duh in improving I ma. ham 8 long and levere illneu. t Iii-A hie Morrison and her deter, ' lire 1ft',','i'll, Halley, left for Park In: week, when the letter join. her huh-ad and they (the nphome keep- m" - --t"N"'""- “I. w. ttheat', loan be in n.- m Paddy Hailey wishes to know who W H Arrowun ah had in hia company a tottttitthtneo on his way home from Durham. We are ot the opinion that Billy was no: stock to any extreme on the company. In Donald Beam at Durham accom- panied by Stanley Graham paced through our bug on Sunday. Ila-ea Annie Iowa: and “a Black. accompanied by A J Hack. " ofPtmoem, were canon on friend; in on: but: on Sunday "Cling Ian. It Jan Doheny h in excellent ham. or " prawn: rejoicing over the ttttttOtt at Many in the near Mun We laminates. of Johnnie Ban- on’a Att girl- Ifdtt, 9mm. We ing. Messrs A Cole and Geordie Heertwell ere spending a few weeks in your town. Mine Ida Benton. captured I fittes Northern Bird on Sundev " the centre and remained with her till the wee hour: of the mom when they both sung in a low voice "The Mt of friends must pert. " Coma main noon. - -i"i-H_"NeeV -- ..--uu "SVM* In t g " home on sahort aiiiiiiii1 'iiGG"tidl and hearty as of yore. we. Annie McMillan ot thiijuitTii Hotel, Durham. t'figi'rf/tf by her yncle Alexander Spent unday in our Angus J Mesnnan"ot your town is engaged with John J Black for the summer " , handsome wage. Mr and Mrs Neil Black Gre callers with Pomona friends on Sabbath last. Mr John A McMillan is still on the sick list. We hope the warm weather will improve him in health and that he will soon be himself again. . . . -..vâ€"v- -rie W"'".""? "T'" mg 15 likely to commence m tall swing this mouth. Mr Ham Allen, Hopeville. visited his mother here a couple of davs lam. week He purchased one cf W E Mc- Allisterh fast drivers, while here: - Mr William 1yitehieGumhaaat a tine three year old trom Mr Orchard of Holstein. Mr Wm McNally and sister of Trev venton moved on to the Williams farm latelv vacated by Mr Joe Noble. We welcome them to our burg. Mr Dave Allan of Hopeville visited friende on this line tor a few days recently. Miss Tens Firth in " present learn. ing dreaune'xlng in town. Mr John Harbottle' and daughter Min Lottie of Durham Sundnyed " Mr John Collier’s of the Avenue. Pleased to hear shut Mrs C Williams in improving after her recent illness. gigs Sara!) A McInnjs, from Tara, i Pey,1.tl.tt,l weather " pungent. - Seed' SCOTCHTOWN. EDGE BILL .iB The Song Service " Ebenezer we: Wally presentedandin addition tttthe home talent vulneble existence vagina by none member- ot Dro- mohair. manmm' In bl service on hater evening. at 'rtgtitrtsattottdgr-ofaa em -ortt1tteetrem. Item! In Bobble Henry dRobb Mgttuoverttteoreek qqttt at " per- ell-hue. 'tt'lMigdttfdtrgtT,t,2p amnesia-adult; line Minnie Hooper bu again Mr. cnred a large clue in music on the linetotheweetmd nonhofns. audit meeting with (and 'tttttNME T the ymus qstaii [eGFiii; -GFiTiiF: an 'iis'ii'i'?.rv'ltlt Ir Funk Ad. m: and o. The ale of Mr Chan McKenzie wu 1'gllt'tghdgg prices ing 22e a g amoun to our woo were mused. Mr Ilu'. Renwiok has the pine rentddibra term of years. Manors D McKelvie nod Jun Geddeo, Jr., Wen In Markdale on Monday on balloon in connection with the Bell 'tgtata, Mr Wm Adams 3nd " mother, who hue long been reddonu hem, moved into Durham on Thur-d" last. Their moo mll be mined in church and tel?! circles. Thai; plyer is named an: Mame Hay and ME. Oomph. (nee Jean Latter) of Tomato, are home on 5 visit worn-um and Mend. hero. Mr John Wilson who has been in at- tendance tor7 weeks " the Gen. Hos. tel,' Toronto, for treatment ot cancer. returned and sorry to say not a: much imgoved as we would wish to report. e hope that he may soon be restored to health and strength. Mm Riley who has been visiting " the home of Mr John Ronton returned last week to her home in Priceville. Mrs Peter Liteter (nee J can Renwiek} Drotnore’s sweet singer, now of Bel- mont, Menu is home for an extended visit to her parents here and looks " if the game plains had agreed with her. e are all glad to welcome her beck. eepedielly the Dromore choir. who lost so much in her removal to the West. Mr Harry' Sterne was in London 2 days of last week on business. Mr Thea Patton, late shoemaker hem; renewed old aeqtuintantses last wee ' 'uutttinnBrm.ttni-uaest" Miss Eliza Wilson who is teaching near Markaale, visited tor about ten days at her parental home. Mr Gillies’ gift to " bride m A gold watch, and to May a gold heart brooch with pearl laid wish bone inter- wined. Mr Adams’ gift to his bride was a gold bracelet and to Mary an inlaid pearl gold brooch. In addition to these. e' were fiven to Msry of s gin-lined fruit spoon, utter kn te and fish fork, Hudsnger table cover. 2 pairs hoe curtains, dome. fruit dis , X doe servers. And to Ms '. s fancy li/gt', h ten t, - spoon 3nd butter' kn fe, amt,“ Rad towel. psir lsce cumulus. center piece ot drawn work for table bedroom set dishes; fruit dish, dos servers, breed knife, armchair end rocker, cushion Following is tb list of Present: which were in etch one dupiicnted: Foncy colored water set, china pol-lot lung‘-sh fruit dilh ond nerve“, butter dish, ttr coke , crymi nlt and pepper "andI trait in: and I doa servers, doilie no". smoothing Your. fil,'ite, (ram! tea an. 1 dos diver tea spoons. ibiel m f,t','/'g,1', Ecol”. collar nnd hsw-eile boxu, gold time-L med table covers. , 'tdlp/W, poir towels. a table cloths. crystal 101 , cake stand, pair bionic“. bedroom suite, china. tea set. Thereafter a pleasant and agreeable time was spent in mirth and song. Instrumenta music was furnished by Mrs A H Haw and vocal by Wm Rum- age to whom, " the chm. hearty votes ot thanks were tendered by those present. After bt Auld Lang Syne " had been duly honored congratulations and well wishes were again showered upon the happy couples who have be- gun life so suspiciously. After each had been pmclaimed mm and wife, 'ld',"',',',',",,",'",',':,','?", was served up of the many at things which the ladies of the house know well how to provide. A couple of bridescakes graced the table. ’Ench bride carried in her hand beautiful boquets of white carnatione and asparagus ferns. . The other- were Mr Funk H Adena to Mar, the tooond daughter, who was also beautifully attired to white trench organelle eklrt and valet. with all our lace yoke of "lemsienmis. Her tmp. elllng salt of blue broadcloth with a white tllk waist looked pretty to our on splendid arch of Giiiiiiiia and meet. when to the stains of the wed- dine march amused by the accom- trlttl In A a udaon Haw. the two doe in A eutelv end becoming manner marched in ttttattended, fol- owed ehortly by the bridegroome, and at their laces truth 'thtgit tdllt"Aslllfll'llu were v Gilli-of the 10th eon. our Robb, to Mary the olden: (Ingmar, who was caudally dreamt in s akin ot blue Much _vollle and l watt of white when”: and white tthilton meme. Promptly " 6 o'élock the Rev. Mr. 031111393]! see up. hit. position in from. Itdoennotmliy fan to the lot at pennuto put with twoot their dangh. ten in one night by marriage, yet not: was the use " the home of Mr and Mr: Jon Eeelea, near Dmmore. on Wednesday owning last. Bat used a they have been to receiving two into the home at one time. in the shape Gt twins-one ot whom Was one of the ptrrtietpanu--it is not so much to be wondered " and in keeping with I statement made by no in reporting some three months ago, that Drolnore never does things by halves. Btsa*tetteedsatIhrmoee some migration: Mt thin connection which to the stove otttrterm" donut. "r','dlMlru'l'vWu'ldf,'sgg grip“: was!” tAeaeA.ek...rttkh is in "the oerG." Mink-in; 317833: With the uniform high chm for an. “tendon _hoedrayftrttiimo.t expensive pteee of hominid machine" and u Manned“ it balcon- It.» new " housekeeper. x. o In iii" 'ii0i?iii'iii'i under u use Mem-tor K Jul-she! Coda: Cam In: Dix-Thou Davis went nptoworkin the Ichonu mumps uGlenmden lat not. We undermine! Mr Robt Aljoo got tothe and at his journey in the Neat safe. One poor girl looks lonesome. The roadsdrlod up amidst-able Inst week, but didn't notice any dust iUitttt yet. Mr Bert Ritchie is named with Mr Joseph Atkinson forthe spring manila. Mt Hound loGirr ot Michigan is at present renewing old sequintsnees nronnd has. laugh now 3nd we tmttiiiitttirikiiit grape to begin loading. now since you got any new. from our little corner hem. I thought I would try and give you I few items. no you know we no still living. Whnt we would like to know: If the two boys got their clothing dry yet after falling in the creek one night lately. Mr Bob Britton of Bentinck visited " brother William here one day lass week. Mr Thus $ifiht,pggett a fine driver from Will Me adden, this with a new buggy which he bought from {Align Bell, he will surely make things w y. Mia Leah MoComb is in town at green“ keeping house for her brother rant. From what we can learn, Grant will won have somebody eloe‘s sispgr tloiptt, house-hold dunes for him. Mr Chas Watson agent couple of day: recently visiting itrgtandritother here. Mr Dave Brown has been under the wenther of late with kidney trouble. Mrs Brown returned home on Friday of last week after spending the past 4 months visiting her son Johnnie in Daluthtusddauithter Mary of Hamilton. Mr Archie McArchur has hired with Sun Lawrence of the south line for the summer months. . l . yMr Wm Britton is eonfined to the house " present with weaknas of the heart but we:hope to see him around soon in his usual health. Gray Wilson lets a week ago to work onthlsKpsstnie farm for the summer. Mr Dan McInnes had the in'iiGriiGis to loose a fltMs young mare some tow days ago. Mr Neil McLean of Bentinck visited the McCormack family one day recent- This Week fipdtt most of people ploughing except two or three who are unflinching meme syrup. We are pleased tdtu, ire Donald Me- Kinnon and family back in our neigh- borhOod after I Year living in Egre- moot. Mr Ed. it is some time since any new: :1pr in the Review from our burg. a will try and give you what has hsppenod in the past week or two. Well Mr Editor "it is sometime nu- Chu ucKochnio of Glonolg spent Sunday with the Hohkirk hmily. In Alex ucDonuld. Jr, in home main after completing his successful basin." at timbarinn. The Ins-es Hutton visited at Ir Stinson's Sunday. Ir Jack Lombko of Win-ton spout Bun- day " home. I!“ Flor: 11000an but “an returned to Humilton that visiting Amongst friend: foe the In» {on rocks In W Bur..- hu the contact (or building In My law's has and KIA “Donald" been be the “in nuance. Thou won . low not. build- ing. tonal: mend hm thin "no" but owing to an - things not on In. teh."" tumor: hue decidod not to bull . Plead tony tint " Boyoo " thin to In mud "im. Mr Jan In Dong-J! spent and" with Glen-lg (fiends. Mm late McKinuon a. it2iiiiiiiit but under tho mmcnt of De an " hope to noon no not around again. was Inui- Ital-chub in who; (can . ton on. Rev Mr chocn. ot/Nm, will punch in .tlr?te chateau-hen 9n gnarl-y next. Quite . number from Hound here nt. tended the tun-valet the late Thomas McLuhan: on Monday. Mr and Mrs Dunc”: “than; of Abel- dam. "sued a: McDouglcl'u on Sunday Mr Jum- Nubn has invested in i drill. Mr ll Gown. of Owen Sound visited {new}. here In: week. Mr Dan "3-! Miss Cassia Mekeehnid visited u Donald McDouIld‘u on Sun- day. . "liable animal from Mr Donald " Qneon. Cad-"ilk. of the Durham liexse4, with a view to still further in- proving their fine stock of cattle. They have recently diesd of a tltte hunch of cattle, " a handsome figure o .30 per lb. mo ARCHIVES TORONTO Indian Economy. .a-.. BUN ESSAN. CRAWFORD If," an all, tytrr. gt the kg fl'hfd'd'tt'il",1ttf'i, m an no in or any t'lst,T,1t,'7ATll,?r,'eluhu"dg one”! 2.ettft't,p'g2et'.t of tmehr, mto.ttal hm ”an; 'M osda.thtedtmattet_rrkuerg.. REVIEW h Jul 1, 'ilt Poe In yam in mecca-ion. an expor- iznont bu bun conducted by noting spun. wheat, barley, om. and pen. on diluent an... in the spam; of the you. The tUst “ding took plan n own as the ground I“ tuytrierietK.'y yum cud dry to work to good manage. Ono week Wu “lowed between -tit two rulings, The ”It: indie-u an importance of min. ”up; wlttt, baby. out. and pen. ”in _ ttm" order lieu 35:711.? nigh; nth spring when.“ Milking with “I. Inc “I.“ it on honor-undyin Opting u the had In nibble. "" if tho 800d"). " followed byeoldweuhuma snow noun. Forty-thru "rtutiem of spring when ‘Iud [our "ristim of sprung rye were 90'!) on the "petimental plot: " the Guelph Collage on Much 80. In 19.8 the spring wheat. wmoown on latch 87th. has no the only two muons within the put "all, pun in which the Ipdu “in. n the Gouge could be “radium month at lunch. It in "my and" " Mg» 't - opting who“ In Ont. to your. It is probable that there In an annual 1935 of fully three million bur-hell: of out: in Outnno through the injury to.the crop canned be smut. This could be lnrgely prevented if the need one were Immersed for twenty women In 1 solution made by mixing one pint of formaldehyde, (formul- in) in from {any to forty-five nllone of warm. This solution Im- the power of {killing the spam of smut and leaving the onto uninjured. It the trentment is mnde seven! days [More teeding taker putter, the one should be opmd on . i1oor end thoroughly dried; but if it in mule immed- , Lately before soaring, it is only necemry to validly dry the seed. Great care should be tnken to prevent atuttt spores from huge, bins, grain modern. etc.. Ire. counng .uixed with the ante titer the formal in hm been used. This treatment in ewlv performed. comparntively cheap. and very afuetttal, end it thoroughly per- I formed. need not be repented from year wife." Other topics of domestic interest I in the saute number are " A Crown oft Lumh,” illmlmled'for Easter setvice. . Leftovers," also illustrated, and n fund I of kitchen lore and recipes under the headings "A Neat ot‘ERgs.” "Novel Methods for Prepnrlng iirapefruit," "New Fillings for Layvr Cakes." and " Household Hints" 3 pkg: McLAREN JELLIfiB...... ""'"'........., ..... la, pkg REDCROSS BAKING POWDER...... ..... .. 5pkgs 83 KING CORN MARCH... ...... ...... .. ... 3 bottles 10e TRILBY SHOE POLISH...... .... .... . ... To give the farmers a. chance as well " townspeople, " lbs Redpath’s Granulated sugar tor81, tro No more than " worth to any one person. Saturday onl, We never remember a time when goods of all kinds were so fines good cr cheap. We absolutely refuse to handle inferior goods. If you are a rap about economy. We think the following bargains will interest Jrotr--but that's for you to say. Glance over the prices and see. Spring When Sewn In larch. SATURDAY BARGAINS If you ere hnnm’y for bargains tt shall have th . Ready-mule Clothing, Qent's Furnishing, Groceries, 13:: ware, in feet in everything, and the trade we won we mean to keep, and what's more to Increase. It was a eorker, our Bargain Days, last two weeks. We had great expectation, but we snrrrised ourselves and the people too. Many had to leave- Mott du't be waited on-hut on Saturday we will have better accommodation and better bar. gains Everybody is invited. our Vlsitors are all welcomed our patrons esteemed. 800 yd: FANCY GINGHAMB. were tths Ind 12its 50ydo BLACKDRESGWIB. msmlkht......, 75M. tX3MlttrDDRiimatyom,wemsa,.... DRBSENIB, wore750........ m..... ...... ... SKIRTENIB. worn ms.......... .".... w-.---, ums READYTO-WEAR sun‘s. were 850.5.)- -- 'r- u.-~o-. Alex Russell. The Big Store Smut in Oats. All Bargains must be Cash tProduce. GROCERIES DRY GOODS {PHOTOGRAPHS ONE 3,22% Stove. Whitewuh Brushes Sm... Daabs, m We keep them ull. Try our BULK PICK LES. mixed lady for table use, at Ith, per pint. Come to u. for excellent BUNER Life Bun? (Judie: Borax. eurline,‘ 9056s These are some of the things ne- cessary at home-cleaning time t A Certainly. But it is no newt that we have n tine sack of New Prints, Om. Materials. Grnghouner, etc. Can a Woman Keep a Secret t staph. Lt!?, plan-E AT: l'tPtt.teotruetrua.. Myte, mounted on . WM American mount, “M8160 alone. This “My, ndver. f"errfttdiotirkkii"iiii hundreds of Mkaleetha ""uextm-a-teiiiiii"ii. THESE LARGE 930m. cums. "iatsed in the I.” 1tlthttttrd-tu-ts. To introduce our PINE LARGE PHOTOGRAP HS, we ha and: arguments to give 'e McArthur Saturdny only. Town Slight; eopln, we will gm ' tram 2 to 3 p. '. Kelsey. tlight. Soap Citiiai', le. fl,t,s,,Thg: em, ', Was thtgt Boda. ly?, 00'9me .........tor 25e .... .....for tie .........for 2lhs .........for 2lie "ttin frehlt) ':':3, 300 erii% <i,'t" m Ff/xx V0 200 Run Im Rum vau Ruvu an: Rum {gum an: Ram

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