West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1905, p. 9

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in N H C. L. Grant Two young 't.torthorn, Durham Bulls undaono of imported Cruikshank. for ale. lo mos. and Ir, mos. old. Will trade for suitable colt. Apply to Wu EDGE. Edge Hill P. o. - _-. ., urn. "VII "Elem. i tttite from school. and 1 mile from post omce. Pour miles from Durham. Good brick house with 10 momr, stable with stom- to9ndatior, frame ham, stone pig pen. and good hearing around. Terms touult putcharr. Apply Box ll, Durham P. o. G. RYAN, Prop. ll wm hemld. or rented separatel if desired. that well-known hotel andydo- all-able utock farm " the Rott Roy, tart 10 and ll, Con. l, S. D. R., Glonelg. 90. Rrres in farm, more atlas. Blacksmith tNo on one corner. Hotel across the 1'0an Every tield well watered. lmile from school and I m:'- l_,,, . -- HOTEL. yogi}: 1334 lor SALE .. an," 7â€" -"".." ----y mu n'l that could bl (glimmer of Mr Geo. Firth of "ii.op- I! it,','",',,'.',',",,',",,',',? ttt 2hgtt,thj, :11 yt tk , a th . h Mine Jane Ritchie is " preeent wait [has iiltt,ll;uni,ijt ta Jr""g,rl', iptt on Mrs John Kelly of Durham who I end where “10"” well prepnud to no. is poorly. lab. pusod away at the no at Bayou-e. Sorry to hear of Mr: Samuel Edge 11 monthl. 22 dare 3nd wee foite your: i " ill " resent. worried. She we: n member ot the teeth. be tttt V y p odi lt h " t I'm Duane who in livintt with her ' ';'lh'l'2i'2a 0:0 11'r2tt1lr, 2t niece In m. 22g.it, we T, weeki three than, are Wm Chapman. rural-eel: to any under the in“ - In Baht need of Verney and nine Agne- Itat we hope to hear of or speedy n " home. fone brothen Thomas N Dutch. covery William " home, and John and but: " Mr Alex Jopp leit last week .for I Dnrhem. The innate! will be to-day Owen Souud where he will be starting ~londey. in Z Clerk Varney conducting with the boats shortly. thnlnnenlh “an? ter and nine 12d . . 1'1,.turetttetextwiul; wneeoeeny Mr t).h.ris “Fm It the Rob Roy eall- are Cnreon. The remnin- will be hid in ed on friends in this burg one day last 'rttpUrrood Cemetery. We “tend .ym_ week. l pushy to in Carson and other friende. Mr Will Alexander of Bantinck is -Somo vereee in memos-um will uppeer next working the Allan farm this yen. week. Mr Chris Firth ot the Rob Roy call- ed on friends in this burg one day last week. Mr Alex Jopp left his: week for Owen Sonud where he will be starting with the boats shortly. Spring '05 I'm Butane who in living with her niece In m. Edge is. we are Iorrv to any under the Doiitor'ieare this week but we hope to hear of her speedy re- covery Buy your PRINTS now and got them made up when you hove time. Don‘t 'tttct, sooner you come. t tor the choice. 1'hteraatiGiiii I the thief of time. Footwear A: Spring is Jan thou: here. on will In; coco: NEW MWEAR 1nd in antici- pation of your want: we have ready " your inspection, a large stock of the good de. pendable kind of Boots that wear well such " you have been gelling from as; the kind you can rely on tor style and quality. Mr and Mn Arch. Etstur and Mr Wm F Weir Ind daughter Ethel attended the , wedding of Mice Nellie Flrth young“: , denghter of Mr Geo. Firth of Jason- l . , t I d" __t uri. " lulu-E ruin Sins A --_-. _'.-.- ...- W"""" eon vino r m Gama otNoe. law-mill. The ham of the a!" can ttel mmby and daughter of Mr mad MN Wm heard tor miles around. Bis In!“ Burro ot Egremont. rm Canon had not men .re boarding ttt Mr Gaotge Aljoe tr. born In vars AAA“ L - ._. - ' Things are banning around here I . - this week since Robot-{8min}: came out '.ul,iit'i,';t's"'g,,',re,, to the Banter tarm with " portabje j'Ltt'/'.e -ee, " "" _ I‘I-_li\:ll TL- L__ J _. 55 i,rl,rr,rqiPeylairrntgpriiraax SEEMS: ti .7905”? garnet! - irierirxxriel!imlaeriiinangisii, summon»: BULLS Highest Price: mid for Butter and legs Goods delivered to all parts at town. or to RENT: Just what you want for this weather. sonment, all sizes, modern styles, from. . V" pe -".tBq. "I"! and 1 mile from post 3am. from Durham. Good .ZOI‘ "h-___, .- Ready~made Clothing it well, feel we" and war well not a good cheap suit, but a 1 Popular everywhere with the Bette“ and most stylish drum Why? They have that dressy appearance. are made to it, are manufactured from thoroughly tested good; in all the lust, upto- date styles. Come hem to: that new Spring Suit. We invite you to call and see them anyway. We guarantee to tit you and please you with style, quality and the moderate prices. We also sell the Prints Therein“ oldndn‘ewhieh any. "Wearsomethi new on Easter and good luck mil attend you the Made: (1% ”I.” Let it be be one of our swell new Suits of the best Reedy-nude Clothing, the '0): u, nducadlin’ anyone”: JArg HILL. Gr gamer J'aiti ", _,; ff ra, yoga}; “Wagon! ' ' .9an 'ieGditty ' ' tBrand If well. We can furnish soil in ill-gagi- but a good suit cheap. Try us and see. I It look- dark for those who hue mu mm. A good many have got all their plowing done yet we must mm nu dinn- suco for this cold nacho: nthe spring oponod up very early. ,‘Irlouph Leno: mid than. tom. i2tt4ettuTe' Eel-u. “av-yuan-j [manning Mr Ott8 White was down from town on l Sunday bidding good-bye to all his friends before leaving for Owen Sound where he 2 has gained a fims ponition in the Cement _ mill " a handsome salary. l miss Agno- Sim who has been ill Ate noun time ligating . little Inland " .1101». will soon be around lulu. l It Thou Sim of North would"! lhomo tweak agis an» . (on: you: .5- l .' moo. Bo loch the picture of haul: and I I hope he will remain So. -.-...u up without any trouble and on /iiiiCiL,' morning the femily took the tram for Alpene. Michigan. where we! in. tend to make their home. We wish them every incense. We expect. to lee quite e We in our ,nection before long when the new school gin being built. I expect the hard needs 2 will scratch in... Im-J- --- will scratch thew bonds now Mr Jns Wlnte wu down 1 Sunday bidding good-bye tol bolero leaving for Owen Sou has 'tru'rted u line position i mill at s hsndaomo ' l The tale of the late In stock and implements last an entire mecca. If Sqnil everything ingood order, the . credit. Cows acid from t the horn: sold “cording I prim. After the on]. em ttted up without my tr "-a-. --- , -‘ - vin Bott' and Men's sizes. --_V “.qu tut: "It!!! 01 the late Henry Donne: fur this year. In Annie Donna's “I. which came ott on At nl 6th In: well attended. Prices for every thing ranged high and '38 pleasing to everyone present. , I It has come: it has come thedesth I which has been looked for this but week. Florence luheila. t,tthgtesijiiiitiii'ii; , of Mr and Mrs James cMeeken. aged [ 8 years. 8 months, end 28 digs. he , was born in Bull'slo. N. Y.. on ec. 21st _ 18911 When she was but four weeks old her mother Isabelle McMeeken. wife of Mr Herbert Ash. died and left the little one to hegiven to her grand-moth- er to raise, where she has remained since. She had always been very delicate. not being able to attend school but very eager to learn. The funeral will take Brice on Wedan at 2 P,: m. and will conducted by rZ. clerk. There- maine will be lead in the family plot at anplewood cemetery. We join in I sympathy with the bereaved Fraud par- ents who feel the loss so keen y. The dearest idol I have 'een, Whate'er that idol be; Help me to tear it from my heart And worship only Thee. in Ben Woods has leased the farm of the Isle Hen" Dan-mg f.... a..- --, - _ no quite u but]. in our long when the new school I expect the hard not]: 'itetwat, well prepared to no. any at the no of tNvearu, I. 22 tiny: And In: fodr you- She was a member ot the ruth- h. She In". boymd her no ”may to no " high “I. ”upping w” nts last TeadFGii If spy'" Wino: had 0 stock “it; ptr to $49 3nd 'V'm'" ha, rs: m ' an] my heart Thee. Gag whi d the farm of poli ibis your. vhleh came of Med. Prim " M! and was Tor, ' b 1 Wm Wilder's 11%! Tuesday w“ u I o Wilder had later uock being tttigt 46 to B4tt Int. than. Tles' look 73ftt, "W", m um mome?‘ I say, sir. that havinai achieved each wonderful euc- ", can, "inn won the admiration not only of the People of Canada. but of every land npm the (ace of the globe. I at. ' what. could have been the rea- mhrhie: induced tltr J,'d,t'1fdhi,'iir h " evened from that . been hie been en It 1%.? In: not It I.“ be the use? When ., um pmuon 18 not changed. Sir Wilfred Laurier two years ago. Sir Wilfred Laurier nine years ago was Pnemier of the Dominion of Canada. He then was. as he is today, leuderot the Reform my. and I my to luv-elf if more has n " grant a change in Sir Wilfred Lander there must have. been 1 Mon. there not: Inn been S' motive. and when is the reason and 'hgn in th. --2-, ". ,, -- - nu: y"Puke m tm man who wrote the words? I look a the Prime Minister, and I say t Sure ly his position is not changed. Si: Wilfred Laurier two years ago. Sit Film Lgnrier nine Venn: mm mm um. "I"! Wing able to Mini: "-v- , tttat. LA plume.) ttse%%r "ro "I M” m“ 1fe,thge Ostholic Chung? 'llte't I an if 'iiitlrit','tit M015??? 'ttlite game], mn e butasbei Pull-menu. A,” .et,toesktotetii" ii?" Ema Catholic CWT. a $33: l m...” 't'iieti'h'iti' 'i? Lttit 'fld'N'rt , . What a wonderful on“ . [notllkelymmlyethe 'lUl2 otht,t,t, hell two years? And I ' 30 In I unending 'seltsb." (on; my man who tttig h , ask. In whom [In-eluded mum el um: my; I: mm: can. change 'l'l'0, “ken phure? ' In chafinggfifiumwnfljmfidmflm (lt,'Jltt behaved- ' . tr man of whom 'the we Imp vultlon‘g ttt and: the We: . were Tritton, or is the an...” a.. T9? at 36m 1ella" 'gt'lt'tfe),t',t),,',F2,lfiii,Ecirh"e ,7..7.. - ."u ""uu"M or biographv of Sir Wilfred with pleas- ure and profit flttdine on every page admiration of his purity of life, his nobility, his ability and splendid cour- age. exhibited during his whole career as a citizen and a public man. '. l, have read of his splendid courage ini resisting what appeared to him to be! any undue effort upon the part of the,’ Catholic Church to exercise a control which thev should not in the public and political affairs of this country. .. Who has changed ? "Then, I turn to the columns of The Toronto News, written also and edited b Mr Willison. Ifind in The Tomato " Nina expressions, not of admiration. I: hot nf nnn Anna-‘3“ " . _ been A when; to: 'd'lttt1tt'i'ithiflii' the enthusiasm of heme m and marked him " a coming tome taper- lament. It was freely pelleted by “loose and the searches he gave to Plth',ed'fhtehedi',',"it' the dittrmer ful infumatory cartoons appeal“: "I his paper will be M"! “3'0" lodged an merited, We with“ all Ili! agree with the able angular . South ther, but all will m.m indepen- MI dent spirit exhibited in his closing pes- sages. a $t Mr Miller (Liberal), ofSouth Grey, eve e whole-hearted sup-um. to the w gill. m supported the land clause on m the strength at a letter from s 00"er- ative in the West, wholeared it the been! Lexi-sisters trot control of the ' had they would be toomuch under! [the inflndmse oflarge ranching compr- (tty to deal fairly. He did not be l igl lieve in Separate Schools: At the I lemme time " was not his views which I must decide the question, bntihe 'tsts 1 the at the case; and the fact that f m these people had had Separate Schools ' tor thirty years gave them a strong round“ right. in addition to their ego! rights. This bill simply eon- : lf?) timing the rights the minority had tl enjoyed. was One to which he amid!“ give his hearty support. t' Mr Miller then devoted a good deal (i' of attention to The News, and Mr J. t: ' S. Willison, quoting at length mm the It a "LTe of' Laurier" to show what ad. v miration Mr Willison had for the Pre- 0 , mier two years ago, and from The W _ News to show what he thought of him ti now. In this connetiun, Mr Millerl'" said: "Mr Willison says of the Prime l I') Minister: l "Mr wmma Laurie!"- public camer ig remark- tle,, tor 'iolltfgtttiutii, 'pkthtghdi'difiii' to o emu we nun ee 01 ”map-x of reticulum, talent and un- 1tttttttge'tiitiiitt,ii, of civil and managing; om, e m coma nuisance t,ttitt,i,e,liiiiti tendencies of muslin: and tech In". m." _ ,7" ...-. [mu I!) U! 1.mnttutt will have cause to be thankful. and I doubt not will be thankful. that lesson has not been forgotten by Sir Wilfred Laurie: even to the present day. And sir. I do not doubt bat that to-morrow and throughout the tomorrows of the century, and long into the centuries to come, that hmtory and men will say that when Mr Y’illison wrote these words: "Moderation is the keynote om! his career and the secret of ell his achievements. Me leaned " the threshold of his public lite theta statesman must resist ‘1.)on glamfour hold stand lmpeavlgu: tomonen gun ego amnion-m ta ell .llit.'d.'.i1'iltl',gl'ltree'lg,2otile be based in the reason uthe. than in the emotions, of the people." "Sir. I am glad, I am exceedingly glad, that the Premiersoenrly in " polltlcal career learned that lawn and learned tt so well. lam thank- ful, tur, and the people of Canada will “nun “n--- - . V I’m-last Wednesday“: ‘Nen'we eartmetthetmttrot thespeuchotthe umber for tkthevdeeftmgedintlie IL ILlhlllhsr in the Fray. I t,e,ijiiiiiTiiii'iriiiiiiiii"ii, Alhttttrietsinaetiientse. mono Church. TGi If -ihii'G e wonderful chums Gl i",", 333113: Ink. ‘In whom tesil'tif,thrft zen plated] In i'i'li,illiiilliif! n of whom the words 33933:;1‘: is therdchguui'el in the winner] if we we a. ook " m utoe r, and Isay: Sare. magnum ar"A'"g _ v ----tV -.. "up“. v: nu, Ill-n Who "In mun a 1n . itwfeldiitaaeiliiis.ui (Chan It Inner can- ‘In whom? ttas l, eluded with m Put,', Minnie to the mumm- , 'ttip3ttpir Wilfrid er, when life he hoped we? h, the wouidbe long-pm cognac the tbyttntkdtu bom 'the words hap ynntion bt unity-G Minna. [0110011.] Be . at gown Imid loud Government ngpluue. um . change In the number of Government members. ncludmg Bir fe? I look " Wm unlock pressed about him to tender their I A“. . a." cortgratulBtiomt Fm mo ARCHIVES TORONTO At, the Ciose of the report of his 'peeeh it. addtc- "Mr Miller concluded in a tribute of praise wane prime minister which brought the mlnioterial ranks to their feet. no to any, “when he at don he received 3 "Pro of “who” of Last Ser accorded anyone ands: ‘ "Mr Miner. of South Grey. Liberal. in hte maiden apeech rather surprised the Home and certainly pleased the mini:- torialinta with the Inc-hide faculty of expreeeion and at time. the genuine el- oquence- which he avenged. In a. sin le sveech he mndefood in chin: to n pface in the front an “All: when in the House. , i After referring tome friendly reintiom, between o the Onugemen and Cnholica in his own riding, r I er qu so I mm e I, u A ill owed editor! 1 f th chi-min l- , Guardian, which sroke of the party lush being used to get the bil I through. And added that in 1liii.i three mania the Romaine hndnottGiii I asked by Htyyterrtberotttre PA',ttt,rgte,yifti, whip tovote for my bill. “Here is the lub,’ h at Mr Miller pointing tome Gustaf-n uncle. . "and I, sir, refuse» be driven by my such Ian: " , that (wining) Then lathe Itesttetttiiii,, I (but! I not vacuum writer oltlnt grade: . I"! III-II nan- -e.. -I._u . --- _ . The Ottawa Journal of last Wednem day so descvUresthe speech of H. H. Miller. M. P. in the Ehouseton the dav before We r, note its editorisl com ments on the spent". _ .t I Mr Miller referred to the Massey Hull y meeting at Toronto, attended by several y Protestant clergy. at which a certain - gentleman was suggested " a, suitable I candidate for Centre Toronto. Inus ine such a meeting unrwhere in Qllerlaec r attended by sevem Rowen Chstholie T Bishohs. What a. farormot excitement , there would have been! Next day there . would haye been a. cartoon with the , thrams of a has. long-tailed deed in priest- F iv rubee lending parliament by the nose. l (ImurhlerJAs a Proteotsnt ohiected to ', legls anon being moulded by t e Cath- t,t Church. snare u Ganesha: tt Ted . ttettrxtnttlroppoii, tot e n- LII',',',' of that House being ili'llli'iyQ'lt uny other Church. Sf/tPg,:), Mr Miller next quoted from r MriliumN Life of Lauri”. where the writer show- l ed that the Papal Alumnae had come l out to stop the interference of the Outh- olie niergy with the Political liberties of the people, and Mgr. Merry Del Vul had maiden. "discreet Mid saga-ions inquiry,,' I resultmf in u. “welcome abatement of nnlilh-u Avn:’-----“ " "e "nu-..“ "nu all” lea- islntion. and I think that there are hon, members on the Conservative side of this Home who will admit thatthere is cansldcnhle foundation for that cen- lnr. " lure.” "Hon. Robert. Rogers has said too much or too little. If he can prove the interference of the Papal Ableg'tte in preventing the extension of Manitoba'- boundnriea he owes it to " own Prov- inee and to the rest of the Dominion to do oo." "Furtheriin the some issue I and it stated that Mr Rogers had no ground or 1 evidence whatever; iorumking the state- ments he did. It he been Bald that the newspapers, particularly the Conservat- ive newspapers of Toronto, have not been fair in their criticism of this bill or .ot the men connected with this lee. ielotion. and I think nun. um-.- _.-.- c_, cu in we desk of the Prime Minister, [and the Prime Miniuur. in the garb of a mummy-r he; reudv to do in. bidding. [There you th, the statement. that Sir Wilfred has hecome the slave of the Catholic Church, Mid of Mgr. Sherri-tn. who in here to repnesent that Church.' Surely no man, however anxious, he l may he for party sum-928, if he he at the i came time a. loved respectable Canadian, wm make such appeals. which can only have one ohject, unless he had "refut- able evidence" establishing beyond doubt l that the statement. was founded on fart, But, turn to the inside of that same paper and you will find. not on the front page, where i C would catch everybody'e eye. hut in an obscure space, nail-line paragraph. which reads as follows: e__ ‘lw‘wvlvlll - Fall "I“ hunger end thirat for still greater fame 'sioutr tn qt line? Does unyoue doubt the motive. that utunte Mr Willison? If he does, I would a in him to look " The Toronto News of April 4th. On the outside page he [will and n. sort of kerosene dynunihe lrmtoon. pit" urine M r. .tftysrreitt, cent- (ed at the desk of tie Primo- Minister. and the Prime Miniukr. in the sou-h of a IIIPBM'DRFI’ tg read, todo his bidding. There vou th, the aiutennent that Sir Wilfred has hecome the slave ofthe Catholic Church, and of Mgr. Shun-rem. who in here to repiesenl that Church.' i Surely .30 man, howevpr unuinnn L» "Thu 1 turn to Mr wanna. the. llurker ot e t,htiirtiFieiiGTiiiii hon ' “melanin Bee there Many change m that gentlemen? I than no one an doubt! t lberehnelleen nebula. end te veg-imam] one. g find that 'M'.', r i r'IP'HP,t,.yttNo-rtG, was a member of the Reform pony. Ind had been all hut tifeaRetorink.' But since then he has gone over to the make of the Orpoeition. and, no usual. in each an... I " the man who lenvee one church for “other or one pohtieal pu- V to nlly bun-elf to another, be became more him-r. more when». more extrav- agant than the nun who he. tseen to the mumm- horn and hue renamed in the fold In which he had they. lived. And now that Mr Willisoo is m the employ of u Uoueervetive neweuepea. whose ‘euheruiption list and timsppUt ”We"! depend on ill-yearning the topper: ot the C'1tttserrative party he i. denomin- ed to lane no effort to achieve that "UC- 1 case. I and that he made It boast- perhaps a min hoaet--tmi hound. nev- ertheless. of having been the chief inelrumeut m the overthrow of one Re. _ form Government In the country. and h I Mk the question: Does this men 1 brunt-f um: lhlgrut for still greater lune nun": .hu in“. in. Ind not hon men“. while the tgt'tit and y of the puma 1t'ltu'ha='2ul,t, id 1896. consequently than no no mom: for a change. T "Then I turn to Mr William. the writer at a Magma e I m hon gouge-Aman. _ Bu that: 'dey/e/Ae, 'uxmmMScEE-n 'm the h a” ttttte 'l',','.",'?',,"',':,',",','.',',', M931! m ortheChttmtt of The Many Hall Meeting. i L"Wtf,ts' " Not Alum ot the lab 's'.,"-' ti Ito, attended GiGGiii ' at which a certain '.lrp,r,tt!edy" a_sunahle ' minis- altr of nine el- In at him to when Ipeech I in I . innin- . mks to he at was of l Mr Ar Regulate he; 'tfri, a tpri-----::---:-::-,-----:,,,,,. a music " winton er . be r t _ Man in the right place. FOR SALE. In memory of Mrs N McKechnie l Thom I a.“ Short end sudden was the cell 'hedlgt no“. Ind Ot her. no dearly loved " ell. . All iotered . Her memory will is ever deer. mm. "its”, to Cock and likely eni- And of: refreshed with client tear. TIOI. can. & Son Sleep on dear Mother, take thy rest. Jan. 2, 1905. Rocky an“... P o Neil McMillan was seen on Sundey I going north 1n hot pursuit of Dan " Cennel. We don 't know how far Dan went before he turned oft the main mad. I Mr John Stephenson is in very poor health just now. J Bill sold his driver " I fair price. Charlie Ferguson is engaged with Henry Hennam for 8 mos. I Mn NMcLeod presented her husband on Band-y morning with 0. little datttth- ter. Both no doing well. A few from the 'xieighboénéod ortho. more were through the woods prospect- ing for an. _ Our Bulk Pickle. u Appetizer. Ready for the stlo. BRING AMNG YOUR 8338:}. AND saga c w puctl an up. a [anemia-Cub or M Mrs mule has ten ncres of a . g wheat splmn on the 12th oprril. gnarl is that for Balsam Valley ? I Mr Orchard's saw mill is running! now gnd lsdoing good work. I Tlie tahmm, are about done plough- ing and are waiting for good weather to sow. --. -.- V - tt-ties..,- before I'.xit"""isr.hglt,'t,,Jiiiiiit,ii t1t'i'i1f,tt!cii,,ti; l to 5 eta. e we . “an...“ an him inf... Gingham. Figured Luck... _ etc. K Chin in, Those Read linde- "a Ruins fast. thzglfn. Also our Tdlthr, Boote t " re . sue,',,',,',',',:,': Mute jlrte.e!irqrryra. 5lbl30c BLACK TEA for $1.00 51133 Pmmm tor ....... 25a Highest Price for Produce ,__-., -..,......... I"'":-:"""'---) up to 2.00 French Vollou, New "ttdes--utrht Blue, Navy,'Braee and 1Pec-r--.CC....T.'..'r.'.r.".C'.'...C'..?. 60c to 1.40 Mohair Laurel. in all 'soiors,...... Me, 500,600.13“. a-.. a- and Trimmings, Silks, Laces. ao. The place is jammed full from amend to the other, dcargely roan; t.it 9.139% the 500167.71. endwsys. See our north window. it is nicely draped with up- toodato 8 print Dress Goods. Waistings,and Shirt Waist Suit- l iegpr. And the south window showing some of our House Furnishings. Our windows represent our Stock and Our Bus- iness. People see the nice things and come in and buy them. Fancy Eoliennes "'cyt"o"""---0taNt up to 2.00 French_Volles, New Bhttdes--Lteht an"..- 1mm. 1..--.- " I “W old heavy Fashionable Spring Dress Grocery Bargains for Saturday , ting on her new sub and it becomes as to putnnny "iii. 3 heavy winter garments cud look up fixstrh, bright new ones'. Th]. " thoro never contained as nice an arrav of ASTER TIME bespeaks new life: We see ting on her new garb and it becomes as m n Alex Russell. Contractors, bring I We m Agents for ‘ New Garden Rakes ’1 EASTER OPENING gitwet BOOTHVILLE "T N", , a? 5%. , “Wu. ucd,c brine in your Bllla and we will give you Iowan price It- for DURHAM CEMENT. Rakes, Spades. Shovels. &c. .. ,,-. -ur n "ce. Blue basin Boots & Shoo- tor the we C. McArthur Hardware made "mntremettts to give ONE with every dozen W; Jror God has tailed 2 bottles ENGLISH PICKLBB for 3 Wu CHINESE STARCH for .. The cup was lamina lo- Ievere, '/ L To put with one we loved no dear.' We know this oter of graph will please you: real artistic. THESE LARGE PHOTO- GRAPHS, finished in the latest style. mounted on I beautiful American mount; or: worth 8: .so alone. This is going to adver- tise our Studio tar Ind wide Ind hundreds of people will leg the. We do not say how long we can continue this oler u it menu a lot of extra work and expense, in " t it” To introduce our PINE LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS. we In» HOTOGRAPHS Tttptts make , Cash or Trade :, Boo, 60c. 85c. and " . when he thought Cu it in nature put- an array of Goods "W W"! ck)':.".] V0 Re Rn Rn ltr: Rrr R w " w REV In

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