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Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1905, p. 1

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o weeks. We Eves and the kd on-but on AINS have them in cones, Hard.. m we mean to trth tll d better bar- all welcomed let will give you .e to " " an pm": “his, ltr um. eh elsey. *cret f at of all kinds se to handle We think the 'r you to say. ll. APHS re " “a " for tor tot for for J; tne 50c Al Emacmamamammmgmofi VOL. XXVlI. N0. 16 iil Review Clubbing Ram l Run"! and iomnto 0-.in Bur 01.8) . It"!!! and Toronto Duly News 314% Run" and Daily Globe. . . . . . . . 84.50 _ vamw and \Voekly Globe...... .15) zvucw and W. Mail & Empire. 31.75 xvuw And Western Advertiser 81.0) :vxzw And Weekly Sun . .. . ..". 81.75 RIVIIW gnd Fun. Her & W Star 81.75 uvuw and E,t'.W, Wntnm... 81.00 Rmuw and Mon. only Berald.gi.1t, ---- RIVIIW and 1omnto 0-.in Stu 3m" and Toronto Dally News Raw" and Daily Globe. . . . . . . . vaulw and 159ehrr Globe" . . . . xvmw and W. Moil a Empire. Evilw and Western Ad "diner lvmw and Weekly Sun . . . . . ... Rvalw and Pam. Her & W Btar :vuw and Week” Wanna... Rmuw and Mon. only Herald We have the daintiest curtain materials youll wish to see in either white or colored goods. Color- ed Curtain Goods 8 to 26o; White 12 y; c to 500 yd Large Variety of Nottingham Lace Curtains here. We have them all prices from 50c per yd up CURTAIN GOODS and 6 ft widths. . . . . . . . . .25c, 40e,"ardtitjdper yd JAPAN MATTINGS This floor covering is more popular than ever is season. It is 3 ft wide. Prices 20, 25 and 30c " Oar store is well and favorably known for its Linoleums. We aim to have exclusive patterns (tl the most handsome designs we can procure-g d quality, dark and sight colors... . . .. . . . . 50c " yd We have just completed our assortment of Floor Oilcloths in block and floral designs, in 3 ft, 4ft 6 in and 6 ft widths. . . . . . . . . Atfio.. dtht_stnd 500 um- val Our Carpet Department is filled with a complete line of Carpets of all kinds. We are showing special yalues in Car ets just at the season they are most " demand fluion Carpets, Me to Mk " . Wool Carpets. 50c to $1 " Tmstry and Brussels Carpets, 500 to $1 25 yd. House=Furnishings James Ireland. 'iaae'ii'lf?"ie5elre8=rrlfi=irlirifilifMrliilriegqii, iiiiiliiiit8lrtt? . E; " ll It OPICS ae-NEW SPRING.) ET thtritga-.ita-_-, . Lace Curtains Linoleums FLOOR OILS Carpets 81.8) $1.75 81.00 81.75 3115‘ new (iii)" 'ill) - __-....v.., m. W... V; . nruuy. nun jonly lately was vowing to murder him. chic and other actions to other people i made the loss of his freedom a necessity. to Dram New Land Rollers, new Disc Hm from Bisael of Eloru‘ just arrived a warerooms at the bridge. Also Buggies from Barber of Halton--] ties, call and see them, 77 I The Junior League intend holding an open meeting on Good Friday evening. le interesting feature of the meeting will he the presence of the Rev Wray :R. Smith. Silver collection Will be ' - W H Bess, Sec’y A. F. d: A. M. Her friends will svmpathize wuh Mrs J. W. Scott U per town in the death of her two tl;Aft'l',fli. young men-Alma son of John Scott of Tut-onto, and John Milan son of Ida, Mrs Milan of Roch- ester. taken. Good Uenerat Set van! Wtutred--appt y at once to Mrs Jno. Kelly. Mr Fred A Lewis. piano tuner of Ber- lm, expects to be in Durham about the middle' of May. The Review and Daily Subscribera to end ot you Easily remitted. Do tt n aunscnm'ra to end ot you: for only $1106. Easily remitted, Do u now. LIGHTS t','ichttgr, to a burn-om. at the power house Mon " night the elec- tric lights will be of! for a few nights. The Junior League mtend holding an open meetimr on {hum '?'.,tA., --_--- s, - DURHAM, THURSDAY.APRIL 20, 1995. [ the bridge. Also No 1 Barber of Httltorv--Beau. Daily " Star . Lt pgw B. MCLELLAN arrived at, nu r “any evening. of thy? merging tt Burrows --trpply Tuesday, April2a--Geo Marshall, Lot IS, Con. 2. Normanhv. offers stock and Implements for sale. without reset Ve. on shove date. Me at 1 o’clock. Tom 10 mos. credit, Oper cent " for cash on an“: menu.- D. 1cm Auctioneer. ,,,, -__'- - _-..-uumu. Lul- ". Kelly. Hon. President-H. H. Farr. Hon VicirPrer-Dr Jamicson, M P P Preaident-Juo. A. Darling. bet Vice-Pres.-) McCrucken. 2nd Srtee-Presc--Thos Livingston. Treaover--g no Rose. theca'etary---H H Mockler. NanngeF.--E. D. McClorklin. Managing Committee-ir. Lenshun. W D Hills. T 8 Mote. It In: left with the Imaging Com- mittee to appoint n delegate to the 0 L Annual meeting on Good [with]. and there in - mm of Durban har. ing th winning team this, summer. ti: m, purpose of reorganizing the Durham Lacrosse Club for the comma season. A team will be entered in the Junior eerie. C. L. A. t The following were the ofB. ceN elected: Patrons-Messrs, W Calder. N Mun- tyre, Sn. w Laidlaw, Dr Hutton. Patroneases-ahns Dr Jumieoon, Mrs 2 J/rum, Mrs A McLachlan, Mn J. An enthusiastic meeting was held TLuesday gun-ink in the. E_hurrt, Hpule for . ,,, __. u.» "mu-v, u. nunu Park. working eaetward towards the town. The intention as we have sever- al timeq pointed out is to build cross country from Lucknow through Walk- erton, Hanover, Durham to Proton Station, possibly using the line to the Lake. We voice the sentiment of the. whole community in hoping to see a. branch of the U P R in our town. Shall We be able shortly to welcome a new railway , A gang of smveyors ale camped to the south of the town and is. present 'l','?', in the vlqinity of_A1un "e ....-u‘ ... yulc ratllu' ates of the new Provincial Government for the current year. The mgiven npiece to the Cattle, Swine, and Sheep Association, and the 82000 to the Pour. try Asnoriattott, are cut out. all together, and 35500 is set apart for the Guelfh winter show. The appropriation or the MacDonald Institute is increased from 8P2.000 to 323.000. The salaries of the chief professors at Guelph are in- creased 8100. The professor of Beid husbandry. physics and English. and biology. gets $181) the professor of horticulture, bacteriology and Chemis- try 31700. the lecturer in Chemiatry 81300 and the professor of veterinary science 81100. Several changes in the appropriations for agriculture' are made m the estim- _..,._ " ac, --_ n . - A "_"-- _.....v ... In": " Ill? event itat!) f L when} _ chute te'i'Mia'trrttttit it dSutt ed to arouse. Both Parliunentary bod- ies take a. holiday in olraervaneis, and morennd more the home feehng seems to be strengthened at this as well as at the other Christian date, Christmas. for family reunions are now common, heing of course grantiy facilitated by cheap railway rates. Ey.my.t.--punday next the Christian world will Ghee: ve with more or less " tention the Anniversary of thn mum- tlon of the Saviour o mankind. The exact dpte ' of little copaeqqenqerif the The trustees of B. S. No 9, Glenelg have secured as snwmor to Mr Jno. A. Graham. Mr Tolrhard, at present teach- ing in a. Business College in Toronto. He taughc in Buntinck tor a. time and is a gentlemauly, capable teacher. Rev T Albert Moore. Beer. of the Lord’s Day Alliance addressed a. meet- ing in the Methodist Church Tueulny tttthte', outlined the present position of the lllance in regard to e,tttttr,'s He gave an encouraging stimu us to the local society. popular prices," -i.%oi'iiat"ie'cfi"i; SPECIAL orrrtrrt.--The Weekly aloha and Conudu Furnwr and the Review to Jan. l, 1916. only $111). The Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co. through its agent. W. Calder, was the tirat of the companies iuterestedin the Furniture Factory to pay its claim. It cashed up in full on Saturday. Traveller John Cameron bus trrtstitted us and Review readers by another in- teresting letter from the tropics. His letter contained a lwauliful lily no doubt plucked in the open air. 1 During Anril Gordon the Jeweller is l giving great bargains in all lines to com- memorate the 27th Anniversary of his husmeas in Durham. Genuine mmrla at Lacrosse Club Re-organizes, Easter couldn't, help coming if it tried after Darling and Xavier but umde ouch attractive Easter windows. I‘D-marrow. Frldoy. is the day of voting. We are still of the opmion that. the whole duty of ovary property nwn~ er, male and female, ia to support the by-lsw. Every iota FOR will he a vote of faith in the future and a pructacnlly unanimous vote in favor would he the best tuirer,timaertt the town has had for a long time. ' SALE REGISTER. Vote tor the By.j duke it unanimous Read the letter on page l .‘-p- Wm mm f"',: V0.30 " Genuine GGiiat- The coolie figures hugely on the any: esutes. One owning I jumped on a shoot cu taking me out of the city a little, di-mnco to: coolie settlement. known " the ' Bung. " On “the: ado of the road in: km not. or ditch and beyond in tho P09050000“ with the load by One of Georgetown! distinct charms is ita tron; they are endless. they grace the aqua... they surround the hon-en and they line the street. in rows and rows. The' town looks as If it were built In I forest. Another of ite nttractiom is the canal: which run through many at its trtreets. I was very much struck to notice the water lily flmstirt,ur on one of these cunnls. leave- so large and strong, round ttathe moon In shape. n In a current saying that the have: nre so lugs and “(than baby can bout. on onol without any fear of it breaking the loot? Some of the street: I am told are our 100 feet widennddlvidod up u the) no brl, museum‘s!“ n man of Ci:',?,?'.',? which no vary lowly. A drivo than!!!) l one!“ tttt"ttthoaen nu in a per-l madam. in “did-nee 15m" "iiaiiiir-i'i" Gi madman tad 'rl't"d',u",'t2,1'i'L undon- on the whim“ of the city. (hometown, Duncan. is truly I tro in! city; ite streets broad And well barons to the sweep of the sen-breezes. - when tmptal plum. some of omitting ,brilliuey and "ee 'ste" a}. Dementia in said to he one of the richest of the West Indian Colonies and hears more of the character of the old plantation than any other. The 1'i','e sugar estate: are ruainly owned by n- don capitaliata. The trade in moot? with Great Brita"). There is a conui - erahle feeling in favor of confederation With Canada. not only in Denier-am hut Trinidad and Barludoeaod some of the other islands. Since Canada ut it our tax on German an " and die United I States have. favored: Port Rico, British West Indian - has heenroming Into Canada. Demerara alone is a huge country MO miles: long from north to south with an average breadth from east to west of some 300 miles. ( The coolies live largely on rice and the ' women are taller and much finer-looking than the men. When a woman zeta i married she wears the ring. not on herj tirrger. hut in her nose. I saw no indi-I cation in particular that the location ot the ring made a great deal of difference! suggestive as the coolie's Idea may he of l a willingness to he led The morals of’ the coolne- aro mach preferable to tho-cl of the darkiea. in fact there is no coar! parison, though if one believes the starts I ies one hears on a tour through this” semi-ti apical region a good deal of lati- I tude is allowed and if not allowed ? is taken. . The level of Georgetown in lower than that of the sea. a great dvke or sea wall yrotectinz it from the tide. The sea wall arms a delightful promenade where one may see the life. heaut and color pe- culiar to the dime. 'Ad hand plays. [height-om; wonders about little gardens ms e, I After having made choice of our I mom. for which we paid ’12:. week. I In. not a liltle our-prised to hnd my bed _ covered over with (outrun: netting to prevent these insects mm devouring (on. They are w, troutrieeome, espec- ally in Trinidad, urhudos and Denier- nn but the nets are a tine institution. S'togtt,','d bu about 60,000 inhabit- 1lllltk ° S'trGttir, lem ?iri'liri,lt. this population MAXIM Ind one. cooliel 113411], Formation 11.000 and native Indian. 7000. The classes separ- ate ihemselvec to I considerable extent. the coolies doing the bud work and the colored working as little as they can. bonding house; We going by “lea-ca r, getting amusement warning the coolies with the luggage. the heaviest grip being placed on his head, others in in hands. and it Is wonderful what they cm carry in this wny. The passengers were handed at Pick- ford and Buck's pier, Georgetown, amid the scrambling of East Indium coolies, Portuguedw, waives. Indium. &c all eager to get hold of your luggage Io take it to your stopping place. The steward kindly accompanied three other} mid myoelf to " comfortable i l and In; memory fail. me to remem- f ber . an sent. you the int. 1',','l,'1',ut'til catt It IT, memory been me out, I f think: probin- y I told you about my; mind from Halifax It Bermuda. 0% i lite to the very seven tttorttt our steam- er Dahome encountered on our way} from Halifax, i decided to come oft the; steamer and wait for the next summer. l Gel-mo. this allowing me two Weeks 1 maple time to get through with bunnies- _ in the city of Hamilton. Bermuda. i; , found however that Ocumo steamer- did _ t ‘ not call at all the islands oing south. ; out of the twalve groups d llilnds be- ll tween Bermuda and Dememru. she only if celled Alt three of them, viz St Lucid, , Bothudoe and Trinidad, but in u huuineu i point of view it made no difference to i we " the Ornoco steamer on her return ii from Deuterura called at all the islands. l Ottrqty southward journey I did what I could as long as this steamer mu in port ' and on my return I tinitshed up the hal- , once. The t'tetuuevOcamo left Bermuda l 1 on Saturday. the llth of February. and e urrived at Demerturs Felt. 20th, utter w ;t pleasant voyage. of seven days. distance ‘c from Bermuda to Dememru being 2013. " 35m and Scenes in the Tropic; I arrived here on my homewunl I Mandi, Jour?" on Saturday morning. April let f There “$7295 Dememru. March let. I and n Iiumlton. Bermuda, April 5. 1903 Dun Ma RAsraars,- I Tanner Cameron on his Return Trip. I ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 'treB-tttmeontuB-oomer. R. B. KEELER and SONS 1rqriigiugtriuirhpriRr? If you m. we on nu you was; NEW Wall Paper Is in evidence on every hand on entering our parlors. Lately we hsve been kept very busy filling orders but we secured time to prepare e few very retty creations for the Easter trade. 6% invite the indies of Durham and (iiii,iiii to me and inspect our new Stock of Easter Hats, Bonnets end Mil. [linery Novelties. Nowhere will be Hound I. more beautiful showing of {heedweer tor spring end summer. Leave an your order now for that new trimmed bu you require. We suit your taste and your purse. Notice is herebv given that Legislntinn mil he applied for at the [mutant session of the [ff-Intuit to legal“; By-luw. No400ot e Tom; of Bargain Any per-on or persona avian o action: to the mid 2?"' will govern {When Arcadia r. ‘m Mm. Nani-cum. Lrn. [ Our stunner Oeatno was due to Iowa Donor." on Much hand I" the pass- onm- mm 'ttttttttttttted to an on bond on Wednoultv morning. Trinidad being the timt inlund culled It on our return jonmv. I must clothe chin sketch in the mention and trust to be able to lend mu some sketch of the other island: until I win in Bermudu. Miss I. Dick. 82.000.000. I "out. "wine to hnniumu cum-comers". timo did not nllnw me, while in Demenn to vinii the cum fart. ow. he. I Mound . gnod msnv aubaorib. on tn our nemptpan and also cloud contract: for advertising during the ten days I wan than. The total export- of Britiah (him: for the last an! we" were in the vteinitr of 08.5%.” and the total imports About. 07.000000 Of the amt“. molum. suur nod rum are tlnoir prinoiml items. Urtal ‘75:an durum Int we" mummies: to wont I. A-.. __ - - . _ . _ The Roman Catholic (Inherit-ml in and ot the fitteat buildino in thaoity. Victo- rin Law Courta, the Town mu, the ou. tttttttt Bank and the 1’0an Roam Catholic Church no “no a... All tho public and private building: In lighted by dean-icky and than in " excellent “Nitric tram panic. to each aid. of the Demerm River. I Them, Iouoring in (mum. ' listing in the Mn. lounginx on id', bride mu be soon a.mtbml leisurely throng u ‘Hiodnou. halt Inked. lure headed men. 'mmly duped. (mental women und I brown thinned bore, girls and babies. ( Then are -atral make“ in George. !lown. the lug-out being the Shrock. which , “and: in the busiest pm. of Water Strut. [Then among people of all unloading: and noon one on murder and admire not lnnly the “the product- tmt many of the tuna" luau-Ma. The fruit “all. are ul- wnn tentative as they no hrud with "rest bunches of crimuou humans. yellow lanai“. pine applet, gaunt, upodlllu. Ln All pupa: bonght from us trim. mod tree. SEE OUR SOUTH WENDOW THIS WEEK. Our lugs Spring Stock of CANADIAN sud AMERICAN Wall Paper bu arrived and We cut: now show you the lu- gent stock of up-to-hte Wnll Paper eyer shown in Durban Easter Millinery CHAS BAKAGI. PM“ up Panning, NOTICE, J Io. Guano: rn

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