West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1905, p. 4

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During Jj)aansasura ' cf Darling, =ii,l,,t, Raymond; Sewing :Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal ,cr Wood Agent for the Dillon Bulge Stay Fence. iii ThelgFarmers’ lli'f't tl Supply ih, 1itit! 'it gééiéiv: tF:"itttttttt.i.it. EEG. Fit. METHING NEW m Th'As'10r's:_ArrrAp_yrrort'_r)_t1rr_.h1'r1 in tholde Save Your Money - This is the season tor renovoting your homes. New Cur. tains will be tequired. See our great stock before buying. 3": has? them from.... .... 1 mi " 'lf,',',',',','",",'.." fr. A? per pr. to 5. 00 BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every hand. HERE. Departments all complete with goods attractive, becoming and moderately priced. ”faintly 67an d Jumsty I,uettes' 2hrrhty 'ttha, Waist: A complete showing of Spring and Summer White Lawn Walete. nude in dainty fashions and marked apeclnllv low. It's. waste of time and money to look elsewhere, We iiave decided to sell these Waist: at each arlz'ng’s Erug gaze JUhn Glark. 'Rottingham face Curtains We can Rive '3an a mere list of our reoods, but m quality and adaptttttility to t a needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Bearing Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Honey’s Har- ness. Palmerston Buggies. Renowned anticles, btirpticen 0teautifut Steins, a1pparet Also Wilhelm'. Wringenfall made irrwarttarGrAV. The best in theirsline as we handle only the best. The Shareholders of the Co. who have bought goods are well satisfied. Drop in and see for yourself. If you are going to buy a Windmill, see our prices before you buy. We are not sol- icitin g orders but are ready to fill your order and save you money. If you are not already a Shareholder, it will pay you to become one at once. Get our Binder twine prices before going elsewhere '. .77. War/oak. Egg Cash and ' 9174-0. Our Order Book plainly shows the result bt I . linery Opening Week. Such A brilliant display was worthy of e much larger town than Dur. ham. Our Hue were greatly admired and were designed by our Milliners who Won un- stinted praise for ele- genee. novelty and good Tlie, tr, I.2ti to 2.50 Needs Pure Drugs. Hy- genie Nursing Bottles, the Best Toilet Preparations. You'll find all these at Darling's Drug Store. All the goods we sell are pure, carefully made, the right thing for the purpose. If you have a prescription tofilh this is the place to bring it. Everything fresh and good. We Bank on Quality. Had frarm Machinery. A few doors South of the Middaugh House. people’s Druggist. Willinny Modesty friend K. 301 HUI-1U“ U I“ the Anson . . at any it 1.Slh'lf M an DIM m oa"yfit,lf, (ll 'iiiiiii'Sf. to.1 em . _ i6 TESS. AI . . “L. i I dams Ex "tdd m Intending ” momma m ettitg-tttetnl . . Mum * forte-Idem. ft "I . -- j-h- THE BUREAU REVIEW Dr. Gun and children left Saturday for Brantford and Gut. Mr N. McIntyre. tu., is spending fr J. Toad" to Thursday in Toronto. Mr W. J. Adam-ls lesving ' day morning on a visit tr“ (3 Tomato. Mr Arthur Leaoeon left "My for, lesion! where em" A A Mr"...-,.,., Mr Jane Km in home from Huston. W. C. Pickering went to It Fol-cut Hominy. Mr Johnahrhardt left for Toronto Wain-thy morning. sun and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equl ped in teaching mug. in enemies! and electric-.1p supcflies md tit- tings, Ae., tor full Junior Leaving m Matricula- tion work. The following competent at“! are in Intending Students should enter " them ningotttseteAnifpoasitle. Boudmnbeo can lulu-Ne nus. Durham is I balmy and my. town. mm: it a mogt dednble phce Mr Archie IcKechnie left Tuesday to Regina. Am. Mr Joe. A. Blown left Monday on I visit to Holstein friends. --Mr Ames, Conservative M. P. for a Montreal devision. and a member of the Protestant Committee of Public In stmction of Quebec, is going to support the Autonomy bill, "not through tear trGrpirrain of his eleetoriie, but through a spirit of justice." Wm. Job-mu. Jun. G. Rama. --The 1ntereolonial Railway is to extended from Montreal to the great lakes, running rights having been se- cured over the Canada Atlantic to De- pot Harbour on Georgian Bay. This will help the grain-growers in the West and anything that helps them is a. national gain . Should get run- ning rights over the G. T. R. to Tor- onto alsu and be a connecting link between the Maritime provinces and old Ontario. Mr.T. J. Sin-s. Grand Forks, North Dakota, came home last week on the occasion of the unions illness of his sin- ter, Mrs. Wm Urn-son, and remained until after the funeral. --Tho Railway Commisson has caus- ed joy to farmers and cattle dealers by securing for them much reduced cattle rates to the seaboard. Hither- to the main line charge from Sarnia to Prescott was 25 cts. ignoring distance, now there is to be a graded system, wtueh reduces the rate gradually from 25 to 19 cur. Branch lines gain too. Palmerston ls reduced from 27 to 25 c. Messrs. Thom. E. c, and E. D, Mc- Clocklin and H. H. Mockler were the chief attraction at a grand concert in Mt. Forest last Friday. Their specialty was dramatic representations from Hamlet, Richard ill and ascene from Sheridan Knowles, Comedy "The Lone Chase Time." The troupe are no mean interpreters of Shakespeare. Rev Mr Fnrquharson took the train for Holstein Tuesday and from there, in company with Rev Mr little, drove to Cedarville on Presbytery business. Mr and Mrs Daniels. Nassagnweyu. spent a few days last week with theh former neighbora, Mr and Mrs John Hunt. Mr Will Scott. of British Columbia. who recently graduated at the Veter. inmy College Toronto in uniting relat- ives in Durham and vicinity. Mr Ayling. the brickmaker, bu moyed his furniture into the Buck remit-ace wrou- from the Presbyterian Manse. Rev. Wray R. Smith. of Arthur is to present at the Junior League meeting of the Methodist Church on Friday night. ImDrtmtgAsr,---in Bentmck, on the 10th inet., to Mr and Mrs Wm. J. Leding- ham. a. son. Mr Arch McDougull pm noses spend- ing Esme: holidaya in " inctumter-- some special attraction there we believe. Mr and Mrs Render son, late of Kandy, are guests of the hsttetN brother and wife, Mr and Mrs N W Campbell, this weeB. "ru, t dilution. Mr uni Mrs Angus Unmet-on and tum ily are spending Raster holidays with his mother neu- Leith. Mr and Mrs Chas. Brown intend spending Easter bonds" with their daughter. Mrs Bait, in Stratford. Mrs. Chan McKenzie, Dmmore. re- turned home Thursday after A. plenum T'urit, " Mrs. McKelver's in town. Dr and Mrs Woods, Hayfield, are or pected guests over the holidnvs with the latter':, parents Mr and Mrs Buchan. Miss Kate McUougall and her sister intend spending a. few dnyn in Pricey-me with their sister Mn McLean. Durham School iirotr ALLAN, istC1aaaCertti1cate, Principal: mu; L. x. mum. B, A., ohmic: ma Mo if ' Berna. . _ X188 AJOHNSTON, B. A., Harlem and Gunmetal. TOPICS OF THE WEEK FEES: 81 per month in ndrance. V" "'wâ€"w" w ZacOIockun left Int Wed- nenlord where he basse- _ BORN P atulrttue- A Guelph and TORONTO 1 Biiiilt iit ii,', [lil.ltrs.li's Kindly permit me tin-on column- of the Review to oth.: $35: marks 1n legend to the F ariGiriifi. By-Luw on w Ich we a"; . t to rote thi-week. When the man?“ “m 31:33:}? hum we. bat mention- felt inclined' Jo at large amount. and lookl car A vote Against it but utter 1',"2lPf, .dully over the try-law have First " the following conclusions. thi . let u- tnke the bonus of '10000 ' " mm the turning over to the 00 A Om received from the In-unnce 00'. fund. would not menu nny more“:- ution to the rutepnyeu for " but tive or six you. n we have been levying rates for the puyment of the interest of this tyolnw oince the factory was ttetst built. Then ulmut the time the deben- tures of thin Ivyoluv (that u the first Furniture By-an) fall: due, the par. ments on the wuuohduted hy-luw ex- Fires so thnt with an extension of a urther ten years the rate at any time would not be helmet than ut pretent. In Emma. -Pattl Jones, a sort of bucaneer. who in the interest of the United States " their formation. over 100 years ago, did-lots ofdamaze to British shipping, has sprung into prominence again. His body has been exhumed in one. Incl-long search. enclosed in a lead am an 12.3%.“? of pretens- Mr and Mrs John o Greenwood of the 4th visited the latter’s father Mr Arch Beaton here on Sunday the 9th, also Mr and Mrs Adam Anderson at Jno P Fullaiae’a, Gumbo], and Mr Bachelor Lennox, eon. north, " John Gee's. LL-lr- -- - walru- don. It will likely be 1%,» to Junerietondatsoorttidtiari. Mr Thos Lauder was a. Durham vie itor in ouf burg a. few days last week A Bachelor not far away claims he could feed a woman and property on 9 cts a day. Mrs David Davie, Saugeen Valley. welcomed a young son on Wednesday 9th inst. All are doing well. Dave flyir around working hard those days and looks real proud when he goes out. If you meet him' and he won 't recognize you, you‘ll know what’s up. Mrs John McGilllvray Is " present visiting her daughter, Mrs Andy Ford of your town. Mr Chas MeGillivray, Saugeen Val- ley, has engaged with Mr John Tim- mon's, mason of the 4th, for a short time. Mrs William Fallaise received word recently that her brother Mr John Me Gillivray of Michigan is very low with fever, two doctors attending him. Slight hopes of recovery. Mr Angus McArthur. Garafraxa. in company with his cousin Allen McMil- Ian visited the latter's father and mother on Sunday. . Chas McClocklin of the 4th is My suffering with a sore toot caused 1 sprain. Mr Donald Graham, Prieevitle, was the guest offriends here on Wednesday of last week. % Mrs Alexander camptisn who has been poorly, happy to say is showing improved health." A storm of ottrxsuses-Areh Benton. a cream separator. a disc harrow and a land roller, also John G Beaton th Slough sad a disc. all bought from A. . McLellan, Agent tor the Peter Ham- ilton Co. Mr Donald McGillivray disposed of to Mr G Ryan, eattlerbuyer. three two. year-olds for the handsome sum of $90. Anybody beat that ! The present sprinmlike weather finds as between lmndlee. a. good deal of plowmg has been done and the land is In fairly good shape and as a large acreage is yet to be plowed thee will push it to the limit. Seeding will be general in a few days with a good many, that isit health and weather permits. But wild geese in consider- able numbers were flying southwards in quick order last week : a little snow fell, nothing to hurt, ifit stays at that we Won't complain. For these reasons I intend IO cast my vote in favor of the By-Law and trust we may carry it Minuet unanimously believing that there will not be in” ma- terial inclense in the taxes. I want to see the old town boom along DIS it has been doing the last five or six ears and it occurs to wombat about the amt thing that tTr.,tteritf thitowp to go ahead was the Factory. 7 Thiliiuiii 36KB; space, 1 am Yours etc. Second, the loan of '10000 menu simp- ly the paynwnt ot the interest on the loan for ten years unmuntihg to 82475. " we deduct from this amount 8750 or .800 of school taxes which we will re- ceive during the ten years if the factory is rebuilt it will only mean about 31m in ten years or an average of 3100 yearly which would be less thnu , Iuillaunuul- 1y or less than m cm per yen on $10.) of at-tttent. After the loan in paid we would then receive tall taxes from the Go or at but gm ymyly. “Then am as was pointed out m the “Chron- ial.itl, last week it will mean more house. and more people in the Town and a. much ttigheeaasetsament to ler y rules on if the Factory is rebuilt. Also I under. stand the Co intends to increase the man employed in the factory and this would neceuurilv manna a myluem of will in was“ every month. Again I understand that if the Fowl»? is rebuilt unotbtr Industry to employ 1 or At men " likely to start. in connection with it. Another note worthy hut and to my mind perhaps one at the moat important. is that. the furniture umnufiwtured by the Co has a tiret clue. reputation and communes ready sale, and the Co has now an experienced nmnugement ind would not have to encounter the. losses which occurred during the first yearn. GLENELG CENTRE. A Rnanmn Corner Yonge 3nd Alexander Sta. A high-class: (bmmercm School-the best tn Canada. Eater now. Open the entire year. Cnulogue free W1 Distingulshod for ”Theron-luau." You - in node!“ that makes gun. rich 'tft',,'?:-.'-:') Ayers "summit. Your 2GWir"iiiiGitiirse.e5 tom. and It. Ther and Sarsaparilla Rich-Blood It. mum tr-te, It. Your doctor M tt. Ibe- mm " yourself. Time II hulth and mud: ll te. 2,',ijjiii1tggqtt2tllltlrt, tttl p si',':'.":',',?.?'-"]. inn. In. mu. . 3.0.A - 'ltlhtlllii,- for t.a'tttila'lii' TAN SHOES PEEL. Is a prime factor in thoroughly artistic Jewellery, but it is not the only point to be considered. For extra value and good work. manship, try The Quality of Attraction ntchnmker.:Je-weller. Optician get; or “Family Cook " Saw; Ask your neighbor about them. When in need of a Bet of Har- ness otany description give us a call. EEL, THEBHOIMAN Durham &thren 8atut d Just received: fine asscrtment of Bird Cages. Clip your horses heiore you start spring plowing, and you will be ttatigiied " the end of the season. Horse Clippers from 75 cts up. No home is 00me without one ot our " Penn ther " Ran- In the Spring a wise man's fancy always turns to paint. We" ‘sell the beat, " The Sher- Win Williams.. " A nice?“ paint for 'iY,TiflQ"'e" k " our print win ow. Before getting ready for 01rd- ening see our shock ot Rukes. goes. .htMe1s, Bpadintt Forks. Shov'els ind Bhrrbws. TORONTO. ONT. The very latest Styles and target; "day at Peel's. Moderatepriea, HARDWARE A. Gordon, . BLACK W. ' . ELLIOTT. Principal " “i. We no 'rarr.vintt in etock over 20 lines of the moat popular musings, m bleak. white end ten. at liquid & paste, prim. Be to 2Be. Wlth one bk line we ere givmp 3 Silver Spoon stain pod with the Victoria Silver Co's trade mark which ptoyue they ere genuine. With the 15. use Black Cat we have . nice Scribbler for the echool children. Order: JUtt fat-"din, Walling-y . . Y.ket, Mowers, Binders, etc.. ol tips famous firm's make. Th 0 give great Mtisfnction. Pri (w and (can: to suit purchasers. It " the best, quicken Ind cheap at puts shine we have ever Men. Try . box and in convinced. Only to be but " the down town shoe store. Everything in readiness for the Spring salon. Do you want any Jpriu’ July/canal: . . Plough, Hut-wows, Drills, Scuiilcrs etc. Enquire " this agency. j. S. MCIIraith TWEEDS & YARNS OF BET QUALITY. Grocorios. Dry Goods. Boots & Shoes. Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargainr. - We uh inspection ofour Tens.“ S. SCOTT. Pete, familiar: aigmuty " . I A.W. Watson Buns and Biscuit. in great variety All khdulCtku made to order. WEBER} CAKE our upeoialty- lave m In! t " Hull lime" It has III the goodness of home- nude bread and it's always um tormly excellent. Never heavy, never sour. never stale. Best Numb; Flour need. Bread delivered only at your door. Watson’s Bread When you want the BEST. use With R. Mchcken at the MAIN House Stable or at the Ru 1} 'o OFFICE. wtil receive our hm. attention. t. JP. Wc£ollan T ll D H tl P E CARRIAGES Sce- to be all tin-go: The! are landmine And " everrttttdr known. able rig on the whet. Catl and amine them. ...ASUSUAL... Shoe Dressings WAREROOMS opposite Kidd-ugh Ho. Stables. BARCLAY d BELL TERMS: CASH. the most dur- Pure. Fresh Ind Reliable. a 1006 " Irv, at. BIG Macon [m Cotnphut"r Basin-Isl nu" $0“. tSO law ”HI-hm I'l [HERE'S 9.1: i 100 Acres! 126 Act-cl lull“ Hry ttt ill, 111 White [mix-u Tabu. Linen. Hour ' “Mot Halt 1 Melon “when Ma! 100 Acre Pure H1. Tho Durham yard. " Pa Do l Dc tune. mob Mac] Mg ll. MI are ll " ll ded of per nut the H I) " HM I" M

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