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Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1905, p. 7

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[11 " u. urn-u" u was ner Suture to be so Villa woll-tppearlng Strangers. _ And the man said "Poor Girl! It is the lune old story. Can't I be lrlendly will: anv Woman, but that she becomes enamored at Met I m I regular Klller." And he rally (on very badly about it. Tho other Girl us aware ot his Ewan) “a we determined to Freeze him up so um It would take three Month: or hot wen. “or to than him out. So she snubbed "In with all her Mtetst Wild. Ilsa does not distinguls other Men. For lutnco: On. day In met two Girls. On. ot them wu very gracious tr. became it wu her Nature to wal-gpqeulng t"stramters. Once upon 1 Time there Mam He was one of the mares: World. Ho v.3 an egotistic Man. Which does not distinguxsh Men. Now . “rungs thing about an whoever he saw a GM In Introdudurtlon to Her, he Seminoles that She was i On April 22 New York Central cheap excursion from Stupensim and Buffalo to New York fo round trip. Tickets good until for return. Write L. Drago, 69 I. street, Toronto, for full Darth-"l rah-e 'womoni- _ That is one per cent 'rritten.--New York __V...-, .KWTP mcmuvn rECFlVOd a commis- sion for only a portion ot the ion, the mnuuers taking the rest. A: the bonds went to a premium almost immedlntely, the managing bankers made large profits by this unusual stipulation. Some syndicates have never paid in a dol- tar, but it is customary tor the managers to all for tr or 10 per cent. ot the rub- "criptiorrn to defray preliminary expenses or make initial payment: to the borrowers. The profit an their underwriting: varie'a awarding to tho 'socurltien and terms ot the nyndlr‘ate agreement. The bankers who took (ha Japam-sm loan will In all nrethmht"o.. ..- EASTER EXCURSION TO NEW YORK. _ V_- Nu.“ uuu securing as many individual subscriptions as possi- Ne. (ion-“rally. a syndicnte is paid a PPP- Pentago- on the selling price of the entire issue. but in the one of one "went offer- lng an ingenious device was resorted to whereby the members received a Coatmter. sion for only a portion ot the ion, the nun-gen taking the rest A: the bonds went to a premium almost immedlntely, the managing bankers made large profits by this unusual stipulation. V ..e,_. .. um. - ullrlll tor tne SP.- curitins with their own clients. or buy thorn outright tor a rise. Sometimes these small- er syndicntes get "held up" with the bonds after the original syndicate has disposed or them. This happened o month ago win 1 $75,000,000 railway bond issue. It was 11versubscNbed at the start. Expecting to find a quick market for the bonds, un- meroua small banking firms put in large bids. and then had difficulty in caring for the alignments. In tho rush to realize on them holdings. the bonds, which had gone to a nremium. soon declined below the yuhqcripticn price. with heavy loss to the holders. But it is through the large and email syndicates that a loan is finally hand with actual investors. the chief syn- dicate advertising the isauc and securing. In many individual subscriptions as posai-i hie (b-li‘ruliv. n 'txrradtr-., t, mu ----__ -. ..._ vvuuu or me man at". In the some way. he could be mantra to take unmet» of the bonds at the syndi- rate price it the neuritic: could not be plac- ed elsewhere. . Thus there in than q risk attending the venture :in this. the syndicate tor a "bite loan does, not differ trom the “mom "un. derwriting "mill-ates" of 19m and no: tn the new luau-trial trytalttarnatiaid Where " does Mtfrr from those more rather diam-edited mentions Is in the Net that . Government loco. or a new bond of a lonz~est1hii~hed cornorntion. " 3 security whose mnrket in reasonebly assured 'ann: whom market value can be accurately messed " tn advanoe. The industrial "ttod tatinn~" of IMI undertook very generally to err-ate a whollv arttfieiat market: to M. tehiish and maintain. hr sheer brute ftsree #, capital end Stock Exchange maulnulh, on. prices whioh investors would never otherwise have hid: and thereby a "work on." nt relativelv hiwh valuations. not only the preferred stnok. I!” common the"? which had often been given awly to the nromoteru. Thin krona distinetion needs to he kent Mretuliv to mind. when talking of "underwriting Indhtnee." " often happens thnt several audit-ates ore formed in rnmnetttion, when on attun- tlve bond offerine h " hood. Last April. when Cohre 83.000 loan was under ne- wntintinn. three or four strong New York hankinp houses had representatives in Ha- vnnn. Rarh out m in bid. and ttte.rotttroet was almost closed with one group of bait. ers, when a rival syndicate overhld it at the last moment, and secured tho-Joan, tn the "me way last week. tb Berlin lyn- 1 dimm- did its heat to secure the Janene” l Ioan. it was: said to bare hid n hibher orieo , ”than the eufnreeaful eendidate. and Berlin J 'urtdttubtedlv exper‘ted to (at the loan. Rm the met that Jnnwn'e two nreviou- lonnw , had been sunrnsfuliy floated in London and New York had. no doubt. a great deal to l do with semirinz the "venture of the , English and American hid. Japan. too. it I ha; been explained. was willing that the London and New York bankers who had I ntorl new in the isunnee of the previous t loan, ahonld rlear a handsome profit on this c one. and '"tr"rttttrrttN agreed to the term, with verv little herding. a The chief underwriting syndicate often h organizes- smaller syndicated ot banker-a, P which go about to find a market for the ie- . Miritinq um. .‘anl- ---‘ _... __ --'e- -- -.- “(nu-t... nus "can MIDI"! between the ttttmint, Government and the Pul- lyndlcate my to have been possi- ble been“ no {not Md not no form“ on"! land been made: then '- only a tenant 1utfyrstaatdirtir. Tho underwrltlng ”ndlnte obligate. Itself to tam, Its con- tnr'ted percentage of the loan, If the in- venting nubile does not do so. Each mem- ber of the tyndlcate given a pledge in writ- ing. for a deftttite amount, which he may be called upon to advance in out: pondlng tho so]; of the securltleu. A member or the Japan-so bond Brndirtttr. who partiri, Intel to the extent of 81.000130», . llabloi Ctr-be called upon for all or any Dart ot," that amount " the option of the mnn art] In the some way, he Paula be rooms: to take ”mom of the bonds at the "mil-i rate or!" If the seem-mes could not be DIM-g ed elsewhere. . --- -___ - ._. - - ‘ml‘ Quinn: hum of the lane. The tint utep or n banking home. in such In operation. is to form en underwriting syndicate. Every greet ".Stetd has wealthy customers. And wean y holiness mention; it - confer with them. " to the possibility of floating the new loan " n given price, and must he neared of their Co-operation, even before tt nuke: its bid. When the borrowing Government like: he turd. the successful hinder is bound to his contact. The recent diepnte between the Runeinn Government and the {simulate 'tel' ta lave been possi-‘ 3 I'll. ._ “‘_l kn) - - A or '1". 18060073: Mil My. this tn the m 'ttttgt thersettrs, In portal loo of the luau in“ and outing] . It!” I hm net . Ion. . In!!!“ lull" of the In The tint step of a bu and 00160035; fitGlrr 592-90 Of Mexico's iii iF Conceited Man. ,,. -‘.mp VA tlli‘ pmont. The bankers who took on will In all probability re- tor tho underwriting than!» . rant. on the 875.030.1300 midw- York Evening Post. April 1. trl'l"lli1'rs'LtL'pPt,.e, 0'er! M mm“ Jams” bu. trt a. Mtarhqt “PM! the man: Insurer been gr/tpt a} United r "ttrertptiim "I. was. 3.1-2. Pt", murmur its” the mares: Me 1mm: mt. nan-m m but...“ new. Ind .11 lam-co mm a. 'ettteEUtarn runabout”: in and out of Walt Street. II to (Item-bums; I... “to. " let tytyt..e how it mm. few York for $10.25 ts good until April 27 L. Drago, 69 1-2 Yonge r full particulars. - _ uvuu UK coronation. " tk tleeurit: reuonnbly assured am mlun can be act-until: am»; The industrial "No "n n-‘AAL __-_ nbopt thl sh Him from iiiHiarriiiF"i,', ”M‘ I Mt - (not um" I M. has, , Ire omp gm. The t this Mate was irl ttttd received P Jumped at the infatuated mu, W" a. Mere h Him trom 'tt in all tho I_nd friend her Mlght I a hibhor Min te, and Berlin the loan. Rm nreviom loan-.1 in London and "al will run ion Bridge - -- -_.. .V.... ter _ at dormstieatiod. mt.",,'",',',',';.',, I' ' 011% other hand, the doukey is de. 3 Government mended from Inimi- which lived among trsntrtt tl'ggdt ; the hills, when the were precipices and r',,,,',"]',,',"'.,',"?"?,,?, V dgugeroun declm'ties, and from these con- we been wast- ldltlons resulted his slowness and sure Brtd " t.',tpal, footednera. His 'uteestortr,were not so 2 1l2tert"rh,.t. liable to sudden attack. from wild beset: take its con‘. ' and makes. Besides, sudden and wild In. it the in-: stem would hare been positively dan- 'io,dl"l',, T/h': ' geroets to them. Consequeutly theft which he maylleamed to twoid the very trick who. t cub pendingf'hls been Mt useful to the horse. The A 'd,e'el,'g,i,,ttl .h.abit of eating thistles, which is pecu- s,arfh/"L'f,'iii f li?r 310M to the dank-v in clan A-.-' other I "e tn L Where " rather fact that The Japanese have seized the house full of lkons belonging to General Kouropatkin and sent them to Tokio. No doubt they will be placed in the National Museum of Art there Is curious um: ot western "tteratition. ""-----=-" When a man calm night he never know money In his pockets sense of that or been: enough to know he subjoc'. South Africa, it is the only one measured in the southern hemis This year a commission headed by officers has sent from France to re ure the arc in Peru. The reme, ment is regarded as of great sci: importance on account of the ads that have ben made since the first ure was taken. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, It is now nearly two hundred years since French astronomers went to Peru to measure "an arc of meridian." The purpose of such arcs in to furnish data for calculating the size and shape of tne earth. The are in Peru was about two hundred and twenty miles in length, and with the exception of a short are in k‘A.‘AL 11,! I. . .. I bolieve MINAI‘JYS LINIMENT is the best household remedy on earth. Oil City, Ont. MATTHIAS FOLEY. I believe MINARDS LIXIMENT will promote growth of hair. I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure every case of Diphtheria. Riverdale. MRS. REUBEN BAKER. Jew-harp Attracts no Longer. (New York Tribune.) There is another vanishing industry. The Birmingham Jewsharp industry b stated to be in a bad war. owing to the collapse ot tho demand among savage peoples. The ad- vance or civilization hot-Jana so thorough that nowadays in Lentral Africa nothing short ot Wagner will satlsly the native souls. Symbols for a my Disease that a; do iii%i'i com- pletely and permanently. Dodd', Kidney Pills cure once and for all. Tyre is.yo. stage or form of Kid- "I had Been troubled with my kidneys for a number of years. I tried several kinds of plasters and other kinds of medicines, but did not seem to get any lasting benefit. Hearing Dodd's Kidney Pills so highly recommended I decided to try them and they made a qomplete, cure of me. That is two years ago now and as I said before I have hsurgood health ever since. I used Dodd's Kidney Pius, " Pills - MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Stnley. P. E. I. (Some Years Since He Used Them Now i and Be nu Bad Good Health Ever I thee-mor, of the Well-Known New answick Man. Lower Windsor, Carleton Co., N. B., April 10. --(slpeeial).-"Yes, I have good health ever since I used Dodd’s Kidney Pills." The speaker was Mr. T. H. Belyea, postmaster here, And one of the most highly respected men in this part of the country. Asked to give his experi- ence with the great Canadian Kidney Remedy Mr. Belyea continued: HAS BEEN iu RIGHT EVER SINGE Mar alone to tie donke: ed from these ancestors ren localities which the was often little food; h to eat hard, dry and ev when there In: nnfM-N What Puzzles the Man. can " my uniting to' twins tqton _thetn. Under these eirintrnataneea they must often hove saved their lives by starting quickly back or jumping to one side when they came without warning upon tome “rouge object. This, is a hab. ( it which has not left the animal, even af- I ter long van-g " .h......:....o:.... I . v- -e-. 'l ""raumohra-urssrorrot. Thendoi.tomotue'haraewere- toad t6 "an over the phins, where T'?' tatft of m or Mush might con-J U1gtur2.tt they‘ve n: it an Pe the iC9tstrdri-hCtttiritii'ii:" Mr. but Isn't tho the pond nun com TI'% 'fall'.'.',,' ' Id 'lt."utg' tTil',; n w an 'etAtaex ttu In :2. Feeling In! Astronomy in the East. no". 5 “but! me man. (New York Press.) man comes home very “van tr.-., -..c ,.L _ l. Belyea, P.'M. Proves That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Permanently. vcl nuuws wnetner there is no is pockets tue next morning be- t or because his wife was smart know he wouldn't mention the for a Japanese Museum. (New York Sun.) rm these ancestors] In the dry, bar. Icalities which they inhabited there ften little food; hence they learned ', hard, dry and even prickly plants there; wu nothing else. 't""edmrrstisnraur-mririr. - ‘v, mu.“ ' u y I knows whether there m“..\A_ _ _ n - “a. 'IIIII'. " Iran " load with in" it” $363.15: 'Ill tl wounded. " nulu hare been positively dun. '0 them. Consequently' the}: :o avoid the very trick whie no useful to the horse. The eating thistles, which is pecu- the It".',".',',' In who m boon I'll- :Lhtfjheven worse, but not mum s the only one over southern hemiShhere. " is to furnish data size and shape of tne Peru was about two r miles in length, and l of a short are m mt of the advances since the first meas- France to iemeai. The remeasure- of great scientific REUBEN BAKER dopkey; is iid, iiu'iiiiir late at a rm; Wise is the min who can distinguish between I golden opportunity and I to" ' European passengers write L. fair, Gandhi! Passenger Agent, New YER Canal, 69 1-2 Yonge stud". Toronto, tor full information. Arrangements have been made with United States Customs authorities to check baggage in bond from steamship dock in Boston to Toronto and Canadian points, a well as in the opposite direc- tion. Same nrrungement between To- ronto and New York in both directions. NEW YORK CENTRAL AGAIN TO THE FRONT. the stone is a most difficult piiiiii"ai'd' requires great expert skill. In case a full sized model is made the sculptor sends it to a professional marble cutter, who roughly shapes the block. The gen- eral shape is often given to the block before it leaves the marble yard, to save the extra freight. The rough carving is then done by the marble cutter, who so shapes the block as to give it the gen- eral outline of the figure to be repro-‘ duced. He drills a. series of holes in the block, the depth of each of which corre- sponds to an external point of the statue supposed to be enclosed in the stone. After a sufficient number of these holes have been made in the stone he removes the entire perforated portion, and what remains gives the braid lines of the statue. The artist makes a model first, not at. ways life size, but. almost none of them actually do the cutting in the marble. This work is intrusted to highly skilled artisans, who do the work under their directions, and the sculptors superint'end all the finishing touches and even occa- tionally do some of the cutting on the face and hands. The actual cutting of GI“. .4“-.. t. A k.__a. :29» 1. - Not Disgraceful to Work Now. It is little more than a quarter of a century ago since there appeared in Punch a picture of two West End men, walking in Piccadilly, says the London Graphic, and one is made to say to the other: "Do not walk so fast, they will think you have something to do." Those were still the days when most West End men had little.else to do but sleep, dress, stroll about the streets, eat, gamble, Cos- sip at the clubs-and occasionally drink a little more than was becoming. Things have altered in the district enormously since then. Two of every three West End men now have scarcely time even i to walk a yard ;they have to hurry from place to place to keep a multitude of ap- pointments. It is curious to notice how many men of the kind have now to em. ploy a private secretary. Even 20 years ago scarcely a member of ptulituniutt--. unless he were in omee---tiad so much work that he could not deal with it nim- Iell. At the moment there is a. stead- ily increasing demand for private secre- taries, and the work of these is by no means light, even if their employer in not a man who is generally known. _ q," --. -. --.- us I quarter-- Enough to mar the beauty of her factual- lng tenures. Whose tstsl grace made weak men set 15k. very sllly creatures; Ott. then the maps of nations which these warriors left behind them Might not have been in size or shape It all the wsy we and them'. It isn't fate that settles things, " halt tho world supposes, For there's so much determined by the length ot women's nosss. “land's Liniment ale, ihtttdratt. Had Cleopatra: perfect nose been but 3 mm shorter. or Jun n‘llttle longer-isa, u hut-Inch or I -- ""d' --_-- “run “”“m "The Canplsynt of SeotUnd" they an thus described: The first it shall be could and weet; The next it shall be snow and sleet, The third it shall be sic a freeze Shall gar the birds stick to the trees. March was named for Mars, the god of war. He was supposed to be the fa- ther of Romulus, who is generally be. ‘lieved to have made the first calendar, and who during his days placed March first among the months of the year. On the Mth day of March, the approximate date of the vernal equinox, or the begin- ning of spring. the legal year began with many Christian nations until quite re- cent period. It still does so with the Jews. Spring really begins at the vernal equinox. l l Every aehttol boy nnd girl knows that old saying that if March comes in like I lamb it will go out like I lion. TUt I: to an], if the first day of the month is fair, the last will be Mastering and cold. . There is another proverb still in vogue among the English .and Scotch rustioa, which represents March as borrowing three days from April, 9.11de "The Cannlnvut of Scotland” on... n. Bow Sculptors Work in Ruble. the most uiraiiiiicii'i"nT/ nourishing food - medi- cine in the world. hir%ore irirdriiai'"iri7, oil alone could. That Takes Scott’s Emulsion _combines the best oil with the valuable hypo- phosphites so that it is easy to digest and does [W I Butter L Seott's Emulsion mankind would have to invent milk. Milk ls Na.. ture's emulsion-butter put in shape for diges- tion. Cod liver oil is ex- tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsifiedl before we can digest it. BOe Send for free onmplo. SCOTT a BOWNE. Chemist. l Torqnto. Ont. 30c. and $1.00. All (Instant. The Incoming of Huck The Map-Makers. TRIO ARCHIVES TORONTO -Armm __v .v... Iv will; - Mr. cum 0'. his Immense success? Dr. Buedum--ree" confines Maul! calmly 'M'tutitt, . __ . Welt. t' don't Bee--- Dr. Tneam-t'ioirti who In able to Ink to 00 office uen‘t very "A-ttser H can an m. The house u hr'ght end cheerful new, with wingwn opened Mt den And in e corners sun on. e. qrtteee endows need to hide. We sing end shout the livelong day. There's no one to cry “Slime!" or “Children should he eeen. not honed," Since our new mother Came. We nice when you start on: from who u the someone good-bye, t, And meat time: ere no a: n child 'wld feel nehuned to err, And tether'l eyes ere happy now; no leash. and hike. the nine At other peopte's tether: do- Since our new mother come. ' But bent of all, when it is dark end nurse l he (one ewny. She comes to kneel beside us, while our even- ing prayer we say, She tuck: us in. and calls us each some lit- tle, loving home. And bedtime'l never lonely now, Since our new mother come. -lill."t"th Payne, in April Good Housekeep- . Shiloh’s gonsumptionl Cards were invented as an amuse- ment for a king who had lost his mind. This king was Charles VI. Hearts rep- resent courage and bravery in war; :Diamonda represent pikeheads for hal- berd ends; weapons shot from ardah'sts, weapons of atack; Clubs represent prudence, the trefoil leaf suggests for- age. Each suite has its king, named after men of renown in ancient history, David, Alexander, Caesar and Clarke- magne. Four squires are given to the four kings, Lancelot, Olgier, Renaud and Hector. Each king has his favor. ite dame. The ace is above all and be. yond all. It represents bodies of troosz of various strength. 60 conti.;1 Hon.. George Jumes. of Scranton. PL, up”: "I hnve been a martyr to Cntarrh tor 20 yearn, constant hawking. dropping In the throat and pain In the head, very offensive breath. I tried Dr. Agnew'l Cnturh Pow- der. The tirat appllcatlon gave instant re- lief. After using I few bottles I In cured. Sb cant: _1 CATARRH FOR TWENTY _,zt,.eh,j,t,,,riy., AND CURED IN A FEW DAYS.- Florida. I once had a sweet little doll. den-s, The prettiest doll in the world; Her cheelu were so red and so white, dens, And her hair so prettlly curled. But I lolt my poor little doll, doors. " t played In the fields one day: And I cried for her more than a week. Genre, But I never could find where she tar. I found my poor little doll, dean, An I played tn the fields one day; Folks say she I: terrlbly vhangeo. dens. For her paint Is all washed away; And her um: trodden off by the cows, ttears, And her hair not the least bit curled. Yet tor old snke's sake. she II still. dettrs, " Th. maul-.. A-" '- n” -» Prices: B. C. Wanna & Co. 308 23c. 50c. 31 14110;. N.Y.. Toronto. Can. . The tai, fare Tonic 5 right now. It is guaranteed to cm}. It has cured many thous- his sermons were composed in the mtr.--thureh Economist. Mlnard’s Liulment Cures Burns. etc, my speeches when a young lawyer and found it was too great a. tax on my mind. Then I tried another way: I thought out the speech without the use of paper and pen. Every set address “nee that time has been prepared in this manner.” Dr. Patton " once put the sugges- Eon into practice and thencoforth ttll Those whom neglected coughs have killed were once as healthy and robust as you. Don't follow in their paths of neglect. Take The" brWiiiii"iti;u' Since Our New Mother Cane: 'Meat Buckner. Advice to I ' Preacher. In only life the Rev. Dr. William M. Futon wrote and committed two eer- mone every week. During e vacation he preached in a hotel at Bedford Springs end among his auditors was President Buchanan. At the close of the service we President gave to the youn minis- ter this interesting item from ld own life: . “I notice that you committed that ser- mon to memory: I did the same with all Mind's Uni-cut for tale everywhere. oftieePraetieetheBeat; l Forbrides and debutantesr cardaael are made of prettiest white mommy. This lovely leather is seen in a. matri- mony book, which contains this Episeoral nuptial service, together with page- of the signatures of witnesses, the certifi- cate and any other notes or impreuionl that "the lady in the ease" may care to set down. This little book is gilt-edged, and may be had for $3.50. {in shudings based on emerald, brown, taupe and grey. The taupe in ttTet and would go as well with cantor, whi e the green is Simply stunning. Next comes seal. Femininity will take her choice between the natural gen! and: the elephant seal, the latter being every rich grain. In black the elephant looks exactly like rich crinkled crepe. _ in the newest wallets and the like for {new Though yet used, '2ttltt morocco Is not in " god style as ast year. For woman ind there's great wring Lizard is the “smallest, with his _ and grey as the leading colors. Buffed alligator is next in favor. This yelvety finish, which is exquisite, is net With the exception of this elephant skin, pigskin in the one leather now and For men the very emu-test and most ”pensive leather is brown elephant (till dude as soft as the hide in rich). And this brown elephant leather is humbly heated to gold mounts. ] The First Phymg Cards, are unendunble. Tremendomly feteti; his examples as now shown for But! New leather has and the mm- other mantis min order, “no, with fresh wring (so-tunes any, Bare ti. and“: and {tube-t of lather articles To It." doe- Dr. cm: on eat doll In nigh-SH? -----_----- The Old Love. mun _ “I'm - of MGM had lost iuiGiiii, 15 VI. Hearts rep- Paw“ iy war; . she I: at the world Inciting In same It For step or flat roofing. Send stag Yhttor--whr Ire you crylnx so. Bobby? Botrbr--Boo:ttoot 'Cause de Russian: u' .1th m hnvln' s vu. vitrftar--wttat I kind-hearted mm ter.! Bobbte-An'-Hroo-ttoo.rd-iGire' a” 1 ll have m study “out tt In school. Lrrd," was the reply. "How dare you new that, when we all heard him? Come, sir, what was itt" "My Lord," paid the l interpreter, beginning to tremble. "it had nothing to do with the case." "lf you dont answer I'll commit you. sari” roar. ed the judge). "Now, what did he say?" Well, My rd, you'll excuse m“. but he aid, ‘Who'a that old woman with the red bed-curtain round her sitting u there t'" At which the court mural? "And what did you say?" askod the Judge, looking a little uncomfortable. "r aid, ‘Whist, ye upelpoen! That's the cult! boy that's goin' to hang yea)" T prisdner said stynethitid"'df tii', te reber: "What does he my?" minded his .. Lords_hip. "Nothing. Embarrassing the Court. An Irish Judge once had I. case in which the accused man underswod only Irish. An interpreter was according!) sworn. an. w....'.,:, ___. . .. ,, --'--"i8..M'q- .-N. I My t'g'oh,te 'tlr. tre', In: t',',U't,t', Munitgy by I has-MI an. «no urn mum-.nr 1M , m. I. A. swam. mm». aturw, cum». i -----, - no rennin 1rtPtevef"rFiriCiiie"iirsGi' If the everglnde- were drained and a tt.the.ryrron put under cultivation t was: - ii; F R E E ' and you ',viFrts.t,'ltr,,'E I lt1tGh"1'cu'" _ PENNYROYAL TEA. l The Everglades to be Drained. [ (Springfield. Hall. Republican.) It ls proposed to reclaim the evergladez. the great and practlcally unexplored raglan or Florida. The region contains about 3,000,000 acres. and has never been thoroughly ex- plored. though excursion have been made through It. It Is belleved that the Ian: would be very valuable If drained. A com- pany has been formed to undertake the work and a mes-age in regard to the matter I: ex- pected from Governor Brownrd to the Florida State Lenalature. At present the State get- "'/'"rd'e,ht, ‘whatever tte. the region. while New York Central Railroad will run an excursion to New York on April M.. Tickets good going only on that date. and good for five days for return. $10.25 round trip from Suspension Brilgn and Buffalo. Write L. Drug”. 691-: Yonge street, Toronto, for all information. (Louisville Courier-Review., ,' A MODERN WEAPtttr IN THE BAT It". "rnttynt--what are you chuckling l TLE POR KEALra.-rr disease bus m- about. Jenn? ed I t t lets your citadel ot health. tho siomnt‘h, and “all". 'lfi'at,l2,t-a',rtti.tmg,A,tr." go " o I in torturing you with indigestion. dyspo‘pill In. "rnttrtttusttoutdu't think that would I ma nervous prountlnn. South Americut nuke you'xrin. , . Net-vino is the weapon to drive the enemy Mr. Bkynilynt-w ell, I woke up Just as he 'from his stronghold "at the point or the bay- wn reaching for it. I " ----_------ i'll'ti trench bunnch. but I‘m Ind "ure, SET ASIDE APP" 27m . t "m Brio. ‘wv sum dhwdbM.-- “For “I“ I your. t suffered an no one ever did with rheu- ,' mutual: tor two nuts I lay In bed: mum not I so much u teed myself. A friend recom- and“ South American Rheumatie Cure. , After three doles I could sit up. To-day I In " “rang ta ever I was."-Mrs, John! Cook, ttrt Cllto street, Toronto.--' l A four-year-old bog, Went to church, Lo2i,1ief?eh'L. for the first time. T e pulpit happened,; "ara-air';-'"-", to be of the kind with a railing across a. the front; and the minister happened to 'Jil allow hi1 enthnliuim to carry him away. " He shou ed, and stepped back and forth l it: across the tte,; gesticulnting wildly." "tt-,Ftts The child wate ed . ion time in puz- 7l'tait',"grgrg:e,"p sled Iilence. Then, sudtfenly brighten- it. Brink-m USU-nu ing, turned to his father, with tlu, fol, "tle"f,'uatr.dh'rf. lowing information: "Father. I know:'“"‘~ what's the matter with that man. He _ "tlltu'."dtVpe'ftt, wants to get out." "iL'.teEtrgyiai, Want My duh“; pots or pano with Lover’s Dry Sup ty powder. It will re. move them-u with the when em. 38 And when that hour's work was weigh“. 111. mm were even, maybe; For “that that! I mm use When mot or lost her baby! -Nucy Byrd Turner. to Aprit 8t. Nicholas Ah, well: tho nut mull lose It: birdt The cradle yield In tron-urn; The will not my I single day For any lender's plenum. MIGA "eeaeiiiiiiiiiiréi' The men totha uid. “Why. hello. Bou. You're looking {In year- older!" But mother mu m duvet: head, Close. all»! her shoulder. While on." all. to leave his curl! Would be the height ot folly. this. they 'rt him with the girl. And culled in Bu. or Molly. The barber'l than vent nip-vamp The golden mm wu tlrind; Guadaothor in! n trembling lip, And aunt In lino-t crying. TWO YEARS ABEO “no a” they cut the burn hair . The to". In: all I-tldnt; M (I. they made. m would luv. and H. In I 'ine-the midget! he wanted this. none wanted that; 80-. thought that It vu dreadful To In! I had upon on mad, Of all that preclou- hendtull. ' Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh' with Sun- light Soap. a, SET ASIDE APRIL 22NO. jllii,irliiiit Awake in the Nick of Time (Louisville Courier-Review., Bobbie'l Std Future. (Judge) nae- were drained ma a irortiG u put under cultivation the ad- return would probably be lune. "------- -- A -- “It mfg, water I stamp for Bunnie What Ailed the Rector, pm the in. "1" de, "3. My me you Come, fire N001. mil)- mention this n "Yin. Ian, I fully. "but an 'tur her how ya Guy momlng.’ When (to “I. m tutored the kitchen " grout dignity. Sha m to account. . "Marr." (he said. "t keep hem hours. Ind supp»; in the hitch“: I win Kei/i G lumbar or "1094.." -%.-i'. --Mrn. Juno: ”clan. of Dunnvme. Ont.. an ot her than: mlrnculous ca from hurt Unease " Dr. Anne-'- Cure the Heart.. "Until t began taking this rom- edy I despalred ot my tlfe. I in heart failure and extreme precaution. On demo gave no muck roll“ “I one bottle curd me. The "men-3: or nun were dispelled Ilka 'nMie."-3 _ "-., w-u-w. ul wisest ot nil Solomonl. He can adv to the proper contact of oil the lint business between I feather touodv m United Stole: pension otttee. eril tutu wisdom. and to upon. but the occupied br the town knochor in more desired than his company. lo Room for the hacker. (On:- City. KI... rm Pun) The town kaocker In In nude-table cm"- One dynamic nun under can tear down In I an more tun I study. devoted busine- community a. "" In I month. A knocks! In I menu to the peace Ind dignity or a people. He Is I thorn in the flesh. He's Ilk- the mum of court MIL-tar on the urn nose uny- mttttrtticuotti. And, bouldeu. he's the when: ot In Solomon- u- -... _._‘ Removes all bird, soft or oulloused lumps and blemishes from homes. blond spnvin, ottru, splints, ringbone, Sweeney, nines, spams. sore and swollen throat. coughs. etc. Save 3.50 by use of one bot, tle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, v" _ “a . T “Adler Home hunt.) ' A can" boy was mating In I my)” elm. The teacher was twin. to teach him the points at the compass. an ex- nlnined: "On your right In the south. yam- left the north. and In from or you la the cut. Now, what in behlnd you?" The boyh studied for I moment, then punk» cred up 1. tnee and burl-d: "I know it ItoM a you'd see that ouch In my Porta." ENGLISH SPAVIN llNlMENT “THOUGHT If Emir DEATH 11.": n_-- _ , "M dear,' "id Mrs. Pryor, as ' 'clvatlle book that lb. had been wad in, "Do rVon know will? is the most I curious thing in the world t" 'Sure," answered the brutal half ot the combine. "The most. brutal thing In the world is I womnn that isn't our I ious."--Cineimtntt Inquirer. m to Change Places A low: mother. in a cozy hm been put lg her little daughter I whilst a heavy thunderstorm mg.- I out. When the child was in bed m er kissed hee and said: "Now, da must leave you, and go down daddy; you need not be afraid, I is beside you. you know." " seemed "tidiei1 and the mothm downstairs. Presently a wllitorrol ure appeared in the doorway of th, where husband and wife Wore and a little voice said: "Mother, I I'll come and stay with daily. win go beside God." Evin”. Fm. St. Vitus' Dance "in" euumumwm undo In, or km". u... ' , '1PSh,'.'g',',A'ir,','gr A In: hm: Luz-m .. .A 1 . I . m PM‘ ", pun VII") A I I n - I r In the kiteiiG A%'u: an _ because of I. of on. of your l'S."td 92!? Mary n In. new Rut - Toy-1. “I ma WANTED. We are um I“. Yon who. tor In 1; = - ROOT. Every nun lt. I- out" “out nvo a GEN PATCH. It .'"'W' better than Ir} article (nu. e can Seed and I Sand for plmeulun. Sand tor new m [ISSUE No. 16. It you rm and me "" lune and address I will and Wu nome- tlliu you should know All about. Send no 3939!. R. S. I‘GILL, Sim. Ontario. {aptly} Bureau & ‘66; m WACTUREls, nun sxsrna: In. M.‘- mm. " I mm" In an [or cum. R', “to“ “he“: Giii"l'luTTG%%"a'a'Ttl'."'it Rtotitt ' - -iiiififiiiiirtiTri7? In m all-A Inn-nun- . Men. Juno: Mcl , Candid Equation. (Nahum! Monthly.) ml; mime-s ot the kitchen she carried herself " tstmteit't 331'; you tried to ma Just as He Thought His Private Opinion ever known hid cone to" a u. Ptt turn for blro,t ad2lltL,',k'ci'xtt',r,,tir: w M ' " now “In! by! 5" Milan:- In A“ tt n comm uuFiGa- mun insist that you that Lt" In" In: " nil t. Lot night he of (In upmrloul “phi“. "I qralmtD-riiii- I"? "plied cheer CID It. t vu- tell. nuke cake yum. [10333 He can advise " all the line. or ' (“adv ind the not; A 'rtir. a. aI St. w., Tonnto youni whiz}; to iuuafi the cook hou- _ with roan (on Grunt“ tieek , OX- hva u 1905. “if? 2"t Inn-m P Washing that I Vbnlr glory my seslf “of thou Messi: I ”In is In an m tonisr m C-Hs --"Wo Inn the mun; that it Mgg mph- of In mum. h -virr. tlo by tho JIM" or In diet-I no 0-0 004019 [Pr-'10: mun com: fret foet The diffi for ' trnnt' them mind Then one of , Agni bt - w.ttich, Wang, co not of an "The gird -rvirw. '1 full drum. contrast I about to I - diru'ipl oneh othet their mm w lv. (n. 4. m. after the.., table. Tl plum lit-ft] prim-my. which wo the tunic. of a lit-He - on whicl _ Wu all mod bret bread Wart m of the [hey that a bmind for he that He wa thy. yet luv the mm! luv limiple mm! perform the H. Johns Eq1rt ning of ”Ended an. -am discipu ..-Who were ables nndl unto ll t of love . love withd “my and an ovum bide in can ”ting H ”0'le t' - bondage “I sin and -erted him gt. 6.ilitte _ Supopr “I Inning: already m- from Lakes their reciini atrife Ironc- h elgllilwd Net y Joan humility an bring mm " days bof what happen W; nee ' Jest" knowi AI uncloude to the Fnt.h (to. Him, to Him. pon By His him? God; by Hic went to God from haw-n ml to hear thick comm ‘ “Tram lip} k bread to Mr luffvri the bread ot their purit y we forum-m ”Nation. ”trefM'tion. a-e---Hiss u] M want In “may td t He km. .loue of Hi,. “to the Fa uly that H but that th “In! glo tight from bt this dreadful my. .an Gunmen K Inloa x him" AP ati il2

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