to be all the ttet. are handsome and verybody known, are the most dur- ig on the market. Ind examine them. BROOM S opposite myth Ho. Stables. " Me. With one Me IND" a Silver Spoon slam. Vietorin Silver Co's trade plow: they no genuine. am: Black Cat we have . r for the school children. w Dry Goods, Boots M, Crockery, to. RY rii1/ieia2irgt Watson IDHOPE RRIAGES arryine in "oek on! Sth, oo populn die-sings. Ill and» pm inligPid & pour, RELAY d BELL DS & YARNS Shoe essings tson’s read PHI. 27, 190b mum tl " Hull lime" give you Bargainr AS USUAL iMcllraith " 3tamitton â€all but)": est. quickest and cheap we have ever seen. Try "winced. Only to be TI 0-; COTT. was at home.. s always uni- Iever heavy s'ale. iGl ,ed. Bread n " ur Goog Ot our Mirl ness f bl/an Hahn F. V I EW r best for the wt any as.“ tc They Prices an"; of F L ts. [ri,?--,,?; W. H. BEAN The Hanover Conveyancer. LENDS MONEY at very lowest rates. Places lunar-"g†of all kinds in reliable l olr'wl'aulL'm. Collects Dons, Arr-noon Buslnou tNHTertattien, Duns Wining: -1 " Sells C. P. R. Tick.“ to all points. “0.41103 other lands he otters tllt'following Bergahtn: 100 Acres Norman" '3ottth-wegt of Ttsr il') . " cll improved and an extra good Farm (in nu bound to go west. 125 Acres Norman» Con 18; Well located and unmoved. Will rent if not sold soon. Illflif'iMil%llillfiM()ll ISO Acres 8’0“ch North of Alun PBrk (rm-rm cheap or qu ck sale. 100 Acres Bontlnck Near Roeky Sutgeen Well improved and owner says bu enough tim l VT to my przce asked. Durham Rosldonoo Owned by J.L. Browne )1qung .hcr. Also n large number of other farm null Town rropertier Ill". atts SELLS ans CHEAP ll\ y UHHUI cotton tbtteetiiie8in wide.. .250.†" bite Hulwreuds. large “in. ..........i0eafeh Table Lmeu...,.....A.............Ne madam-yd Floor Ullrlmh. l and 2 yds widt....25ctsqunn yd,..-.....J....................MeaN Jttpuntse Matting.. r...........;............- " MI 4 The Hammer Conveyance" Hanover Pu r til Curtair ms. R. nun ' co.. SEEDS I r. H. MILLER. AA MacFarlane d Go. Druggists ' Booksellers. Don't forget that we keep Pure Mixed Paints. Abba tme, Furniture Bali-h. Ena- H.915 andawindcw Shades APRIL 27. 1905 How Much Paper Do You Want? The only thing that will keep the smut " your gain and give you a better yield. Half pound and pound bottles, AT H. H. MILLER. In pkgs. and bulk, the OLD RELIABLE kind. "mu y and Fresh Groceries “In†on hand 'svvrskirtg. . . . . . . . . 3211).! Mark Sateen [Inventing _. Wtgigts. . .. .1 White A simple and accurate my of finding out the requiem! 'numher of roll. of Walt Pa- per for a room is u follows: .. Multiply the length wood the room in feet by the height deductintt20 for each opening and divide the remainder by 20. This will give you the amount in single rolls.†Having done this, come and see our large stock of new and elegant deeigne in ell the latest culoringe. Our new stock is very much admired by all who have seen it. PARKER’S Drug Store Farm and Garden Seeds LACE CURTAINS r, A 1)! EH’ WTiLhIe 26 inch wide CA "........, bh except g."re & V but worked ed ges i0 Sateen Urwiertairts. . . . . . . . 1.00 each waists. . .. .mc nu each Ivtusts.. . . _ _... . . .. .509 and Tht etch Nightgowus.. .....7.ic, and La) etch (one: ('oven.. . . ..25c ttttd Me each Formalin " trhoo, 3.50 Ind 4.30 each (llllj)ill'll "ll DURHAM toe 70c tb. pair (8) Shallow tillngo should begin on Incl In eatlv as possible! to prrve'ut humming and to conserve the moisture in the tttttr. ml. After the reading " “one. land for root: and corn or other later crops would he cullivutod In. one to prevent the escape of Incl-mu and to Insure a good and bed. (4) It is a good plan somniimes in pro. poring loud for needing to barrow below 'mltivating. This will mellow tlio Induce Mid will form a. better mil bod than if the cultivator is used tirst. It plant»: to to be done. it should be done as only in [X-lllblo. and In mallow u is oomistrrit with its pu'pose. Too (leap plowing will dry oat the undue soil to u greater :10pr than " advisable. and by breaking connec- tion with the unbsoil wttl probably dam-in the young crops ot needed moisture (5) The roller should he used with cure Mad )udxmant; otherwise the layer will he wanted, or wome mil. harm will be done. It the seed bed is lumpy, the lumps may be broken bv tolling Boon alter ushower when they have been tgolt. cued by lhe momture. It the med be G dry, the roller we.) be med to advant- age. It compacts the mrfuce sell and thereby enables the moisture {rem Lelow to rise to the airfare and thus hrustens W rmlnatmu of seed. In both these in- etencee the roller should b3 lolluwed with‘ the narrow. if poeuihle. in order to loosen the pumice and prei'eut loss of moisture. It phould be home in mind in all spring tillage that the capillary movement of water ix: much more rapid through moist soil than through dry soil.mn1 that com- pact soil will raise water to a much greater height than will lame soxl. It it is desired, therefore. Io hung the water to the 'surraras, as in the case of a dry seed bod. the ml should be compacled by some such implement as the roller. If, how- ever an is usually the case. it is desired to check the upward movement of the water. then the snil should be lossvueol and allowed to dry out, so thet the loosedry surface may check the upward the of water end prevent consequent loss. If clover seed or other small tused is lawn. the roller is lrequently necessary. unless Ihe seed bed is very fine. In thid in,tanee the roller sen»; to pack the soil close about the amull seeds, and to bring them in contact with otMieient moisture to en. able them to germinate. (2) Aha, now is the tune to olwrvo the bsttotU. of fall plowing. The affeeenem Atoulst be noted between land, oupecinlly Hoping loud. that has been let! smooth and ilru, over the winter, ma land that I!†plowed in the {all and Ian rough and loony. The {tumor has by the union ot the run and snow Lecomo poem-d amu' poulb‘y pud- died, or. on deep or sloping land. nus been gunned and washed out and deprived ot much of its vulnnble mutual. TI)“ laud, it not left to Moll. will poou become lmrd and ditrtcalt to llll. The {all ploled laud however, will be in a far more mellow and truble condition. And will mall. on earl!" and superior need bed. (6) If rains have occured after seeding. or if it lin- not. been potisilde to loosen the mrfam soil after rolling, before the crop tdurwtythroit,tr,h the ground. then tho har- row may be used with advantage after the crop has Martel]. With cereals. corn. or potatoes. the burrow will Jo no harm to the crop, wtll kill small-weeds that have germinated. and will farther serve to establish a mulch, and thus conserve the valuable momture for the later uses of the crop. News of the death of James Ha tch reached us yeeteulay by wnv oi the South Bend. ind ' Tribune. Mr Hatch resided tor a long time in Holstein and left there about a year ago for South Bend to live with ls son. He would have attained his 90th birthdav next month. His two brothers and two sis- term lived to be over 90 years of age. and when they were all alive their combined ages totalled over 466 years. The de- ceased's eldest son Henry, of Bing!) ump- ton. N. Y., is 74 years old: the next, Joseph. of Fergus, is 72 years: Thos and Wm of Dryden. are 70 and 68 respect- wel l the youngest is a daughter, Mrs 'ATl.'d',"f, of South Bend, aged 47. AI- together he leaves a family of nine children. three daughters, and stx sons. The Tribune says that he had been in ood health sight up to Friday before his death and read a yATlhel without the aid of his glasses. T e Bible wan his standby and hll favorite book and he lived by its sacred teaeha-c--Rep, (I) Now u tho time to obuorre the need of thinning. The exidenoe of pools "Id wet. land dry [ruche- end the new“ dun onion at the In» can†would " ob- enved in order to lam whether timing†in meemry end In wlut direction dum- should be laid. The animus od ftgttt lands, uhonld be resettled es en inn“- Iuent. '1be immanent "with: from dniuue, when drain-go in new". null return large nuns! ditduull Ind mll speedily dlncllurg. the e-piul om- lay by "Mull of the improved texture. tuoUutre content, and tompenturo of the soil. and the rerraltirte Inctem in the quantity end qndny of the crow. Mr, O‘Donoghue, and Mr R J Mo- Laughlin ofthe law firm ot McLaughlin & Johnston. Toronto, met the Arte- mesia Council to diacnas the queation (1 electrical development " Eugenia and to arrange definite terms by which the Georgian Bay Power Company could acquire the iowntship'ts interest in the antes-power. After a lengthy dicta don a definite arrangement was arriv- ed at. The agreement van in anhatanoo as follows t--- I-Allie company to supply light and power at Eugenia and " present dis. irihutintt points. also at other points within the municipulity when n mt- amee of $500 revenue In given. at n “330 pagan: lath“ the Bttxtrxt to on e a. prelim price or lighting for Flasher-ton to remain the same " " present, or if meter: ere adoptedthe price who 12h per 1000 wmhoun, withing» can: alter 'T'ias-doaie-tainwithht ttattiahirrralltim' -e, . Eugenia Will Be Developed. Ming and Spring Tillage. Some 1trtrtortnnt%rtts 3mm PURSUANT to the Judgment for Ad.. ministration dated March 7th. 1%. there. will be sold with the approbation of Duncan Motaison, FGq.. Master of this Court at. Owen Sound. hy James Garson, Auctioneer. nt Hahn's Hotel in the Town of Durham, At the hour of2 o’clock in the afternoon on Wednesday the 17t n day ot May. 1905. the following lands and pi emitses namely .,-The West 71 acres of Lot No. 13, Concession 2, in the Township of Non nmnhy and com- monly known as: the Bitwlrs' farm. upon which there are erected " small dwelling house Mud " frmne barn and stable. The soil is a good clay loam: with one and one-halt acres of orclru-d. The property is distant thtee miles from the village of Varney and Wrttvetttettt, lo tate Town ot Durlmm and one-half mile dis- tant from church and school. Notice is herebv given that Legislation mil he applied fun at. the prurient "estuon of the Legidmure to legalize By-lnw. No 400of the Town of Durham Any pencuur venous having "Nectioms to the mid hy-law will gnyvrll themselves accordingiy. The property will he offered fur sale subject to " reserve-d hid fixed by the mud Muster. Pr Ttie pmchaner shall pay ten per cent of the purchase money to the Plnintiff’s Suliuitoru at the time of “he and the re- mainder within thirty days thereafter. .-The game of naval hide and seek in Chinesu waters still Ct ntinues. Dqlpatches containing Mieial lies of the mowmems of the fitret.a are com- mon. bat the attitude of France in or- during the Russian ships to leave, though tardv, will likely save Britain from beaming involved. --Mr RRGamey. M. P. P.. is to-day Wednesdav, expected to rum-e in the House fur the expurganim at the tind- ing otthe Judged agniust him. The Fhitewashine act is not meeting with favor trom all his friends though of course it wilt be carried. The Purchaser shall search the Title at his own expense and um aim-tract. deeds dechtrattonts or other "vittence nf title will be produced except those in the po- seasion of the parties here-to. In all other WSW-(rm the terms and condition“ of mlo- will I»... the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice for Ontario. Fther particulars can he had from J. w. Frost, Barristter, Owen Bound, Messrs Kilhnurn & Kilbourn, Barristers. Owen Sound. or Mm-Kav. Sampson and Telford. Plaintiff', Solicitors. Owen Sound. -Them any signs at a ten 21rp,t cation ot the Jews in some parts [his in. thin spring. Dated at. Owen Sound this 14m day of April, 1905. DUNCAN MORRISON [mud Muster. an Owen Sound Corner Yonge and Alexander Stu. A high-class t'ommercGl settoot--the best in Canada. Enter now. Open the entire year. Catalogue free 6--The amen: to remain " it is for the prawn: year. also for 1906 and 1907. anerwards at a fixed assessment orM0,000forperiod at 10 ym.-Advunce --Earl and Countess Grev are viait, ing Toronto oMeittlly this week. Distinguished for "Thoroughnut" tr--The company to have the right to qle'ettt poles and string wire. within the municipality. 4--The money consideration to be moo. payments 15th Dee 1906, and 15th Bed 1906. 3 -The companv to donate $200 with a View to Wine and improve the scenic mics. Anyou lending I and: Ind cola-l In» union â€certain our opium: {no tttrg In mum!†I. probnbly Immutable. (formulaic. Mono th't% itontttRtttt " Rulebook on Patent.- um. not. Ida-t agency tot tti'l1"W'fll,'fi, Patent.- ukcn t roan Haunt: not!" w you. 11%: our". In l TOPICS OF THE WEEK Tn: Datum! FURNITURE Co. LTD. Witiiit Jjfiittriatt, tn the High Court of Justice. Bowms Vs. MARSHALL TORONTO. ONT. JUDICIAL SALE. "'3‘“??? F - Fe, 'ect. , WW? ELLIOTT NOTICE. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY. cltattliness reigpsju every And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. department of our estaihishmini. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see ror. yourself. A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. ITSUITS TO A TI FIRSLI‘ of all, Ff use only the finest A general Bulking maniac†Iran-acted Drafts issued and collection undo on all points. Deposits received and late! out snowed " curt-em ute- SAVINGS BASIL -atemt dlowed on -ipgs bank deposits of 31.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every fuilitv afrorditd customer:- living " a ditstsnee. J KELLY, Agent. Two young tettorthorn, Durham Bulls grundmm of imported Cruikohlmh. for pale. 10 mos. and 15 mm. old. Will trade for suitable colt. Apply t , MODEL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN AGENTS in all prrneipat point; m Ontario. Quebec. lunch». United Sun-s and England. DURHAM AGENCY CAPITAL. Authorimd-....A000,gttgt CAPITAL. Paidup........... will!!!) RESERVE 1rUND............uman allllhll,ll!1, of Mlllll TH! noun! LEVI" GOOD REASONS: G. H. STINSON. ST: NSON'S 1seaeiasaast,aeaid$t, aigr9tiAili9iiiEgbiiiSt, 'nt SHORTHORN BULLS. w. P. OOWAI, President. 830. P. an», lunar. ‘VEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. Wu Evan. Edge Hill P. o. ing mother quarters we have decided to make a MOVING SALE and have cut our prices accordingly. Call now and see our extensive lines of 5 Win Mm. LOTS of choice and bar- gams to those who come early. A TERM IN ANY OF THE IE. WPARTMENTS OF THE" Upper Town, - Durham AND further an notice shut after such Mmentioued date the and Ex- ecutor: will from“! to distribute the mete of the mused Among the tie. entitled thereto. thlnR mummy to the chime of which they shall then havenottce. sud that the said Executor. will not he Ruble for the mid - or any part thereof to any person or per- Iotu of whose claims notice shall not have been received hy them at the time of lunch dletrthutjon. Dated this 16th day of April A D was. Gannon: MCFARLANI DAVID McFARLANI: RoBttttr MCFABLANE. Durham P. o.. Ont. Executor: of the last will and Tenu- tnnent 02 Robert Melba-lune the Elder, Deceased. MOVING STOCK SALE digit? $31 GG - -- aliiii,tEp??,uitdi'i,itittt,e.,d. MI 2te, '2'ii e y in pan ry. There Ina time he the tqeseot to enter. This institution has unexoelled equigment: a full gym .ot.eom.petent In}! jigging mg - l,eaetert: 'rll! Place Four "rvtett tPettr_e1ePtt,t.fcy_oyt tiiriidiids" 17h? TiieChut 'iblé Hm siiend . few winter months with us we now tmitig, positions. For full tmetteulnm “dress. but will and testament of the aid De, moothholr Christian and nut-unmet. Addie-0e. and descriptions. the full par- ticular. of their claims. the emu-mom. of their mun". and the nature of the mantis. if any held try them. Notice is hunky given pursuant to " The Rr.urd shunts at Ontario "wrt an?!" ID that all "editors and other: Int nu chin-s again“. the .atatat of the aid Robert lcFu-lnm. the Elder. who died on or that". the 6th day of March, A D I†we main-d. on or before THEN DAY OF MAY A D, 1906 to and M pout Ted ur deliver to George IcFula.m-. vid Hahn-lune or .Rordrt..Acrarune, Earecutoea of the C. A. FLEIING. Princl Owen Sound llllllln AND 1illlflll' BLOWING In the matter IL": We of Robert Hem elder. (at: q! the 1.hretttDttrfems in the County of PREPARATORY to mov- J. LEVINE WdWrhih"4b, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 7-7.; t4 9. W. C, PICKERING o. D S., L. D. S ()FFICE FIRST the Du nun 3100K. [Madonna fi HONOR GRADUATE of University. graduate of Ray of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Over J & J HUNTER“ Nam otBetr----homut TOWN, DUNN]. oitiese,1srtstttt, - - - - Willheuthe Iliad: hau- the am “thanâ€: “I 10-. I. tul‘p... late Wm! to Nooetiear. to kttapp'i (New You) lumen In Building: and Cont-nu. D Welling and mmummwmwd villus. Everything Inna-emu lam-Cd by 1teteBum. Comma of helm all the (an prod-u gag. . mnvemklm an or M In. “a “We: “the loved nun. "ii'5aFiriiiiaaafiEiiittti-to1t1er you iJii'i2l'iiiith,'ttitd"uWll'gl'tt" i_-' ..' AtiAtrBtlM.Batrqtnas JOHN CLARK.) but... Nov. 16, m. g. G. BUTTON. M. D. iht!toettot" ud Agency promptly nth-dad to wuu. “out. It a. Lou... Acne-Ion“ 00.00“.le mm Mama of Gounod per son. lool‘mt “to: m Executor'l and “Adults; WIN occult. prepared and Iltrel um: Court Bunion. “out. ot Wil Jacar- or Ad. mlmmtion and Gnu-Jinnah"! Obtain-d. neu- chu and. in may one. “a Tith- “pom All Jomuuy and private Fund. to boon on long-g“ u low.“ mm of interact. Vuluauon and. by :oomuoum um my“: 8, denhm_§lit!§li 0.! h and - In.†In...†"ttnate/rape/este,,,-. O tttotttototliiti.' 1NdteetoaeTaGTr'. " KC. P., mm, ttttWa" “and New Yahweh“... Diane: of We, Bar. Nate. and M I'Willhounnpplloue Dunn- u... trMemuciiiauT"iiiliu".' iiGiT."i'Ta'G1.W. Barristers. Solicitors. ConvoyunoeI-s Ae. Money to Loan. D. MoPHAILJ A. G. Mch-y; K.C. W. F Dunn Notary Public. Commissioner. Convey incur. Valuawr, lnsunnce Agent, ac Runner. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. to. Money to Loan. “like. over Gordon'. Jewelry More. Licensed Auctioneer to the County at any. uemt-imsesertorthetas.tttumr. his My man to. an mile. {I}. he left At Manna-9:192: onto: noun b-tt 0. I. s-a p. In. 7-q p. ". TOW Cum Me. " MI am. Amazon“ (of lulu u tonnes. Ac., must be e at the â€View or titd or mtg-Ton P 0 'erl"l,rtt',grd numbed to, it)!" on Sphincte- L"" , B. lePIAIL. Ceylon P. 0 or to C. IAIAOI, Durham Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8. - - e _ . v- _ vi . - UOITIV MILO: CONVRV‘NCII‘ “TEE"! GUN. M. n.. "eP""-os-torts-,, Won-mam. Fre, Ear, Nose i, riilidt MEDICAL Auctioneers. LEG-AL. G. LEFROY McCAUL. lace. McKenzie's Old Stand, Durham like. McIntyre Block, over the Bank IA 1trrtrrr. - SOIOI _ Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kinds promptly Amen. ded tar. Farms bought and sold DEN TAT... licenced Auctioneer for Co. Urey MACKAY * DUNN, nu surgeons of Ontario. Rooms. J & l HUNTER's New Store fin be left It his “human W..- I, "INL'lUfl old and, or u the nzvxlv U5 FIRST DOOR EAST 01' Du nun Pharmacy Calder. Residence Brat door want of th old Post Ollice. Durham. HOURS I n low.“ mm of interact. tUttmtton . connotes“ and “and vuuskn. A. H. JACKSON. Pit-mu & lung-on: - J. %d. Mama-'0 A"..- 1 It to " A... J . P. TELFORD M. BROWN, Ceylon has telephone one: Fahblicbod in Iâ€. DR. BURT -grLi, Insurance Co. tUld' Iâ€. b l ' York.) gt noun]: " â€(It “one. Durham, .3! Inch month my. ATE of Toronto ot Royal College Moderate ll Owen Sound. iiEeiir5'