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Durham Review (1897), 4 May 1905, p. 3

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ttti' arur.' sGiin your at“ "It ”I Ion-u. one. & ado". Betl"rh- I “I tor CHM!“ l amid. com-II. l no to“ "not": BASTEDO at?) |23 E IT FOR GOLD Bel-"ENG l‘ . Str .SH FREE 0 this Futile RE AT PUZZLE Ir) & (TEE ER NO. 18. Send no M'GILL, ts, St. Vitus' Dana. addrem otm - d know ill Rebecca St. I M CURED Lag: " To”... 9 paying no... , ads ot m w. l EN smo now. "1vtrrr fun. a. Photographer. t in Newspapers in; St. w., 1m .,r',e t , " - x. , f! )ws: ae,: m {V 1mg. WA :mmk at“ then- rrrdnluwg . Follow s: g'd,.ht ”A“. mg- u m-r- A the ”no. filter out you“ into a. that}: an!!! tttey on“ should It." 2' south Am. in any ll. g. it relieve. la ' s Vining; could I. . era who a“. N tt90gt the my the partng b- ao nme a. M the (“on - was ot the ciao. u the growth d mats in“ in used it; I "In. mg t o “I“. vs develop he. rder In an new. 'wnrver may 3. nuts or two. I. Id-the blon- reopett in the under _tbg 01g part In a be shun. a nines: do. n ot tho “on D sell Itself. ." shrewd Invest... huge, It I! . the "nut.“ the “union, get rich By in is: some in: h sroum-MM. uremic! slul lot MW" have a mt - b .,rAia' r than 0th. together. loath". ' tg-tttrr-- pent loath-1 a fm"her- tent locum and. hulk; nan‘s we!“ tether uni-vying ml by no H 'm ll I "lulla.fd= toig.tl"r, I2 Ber bed-"r hi to: in: My Wo noir existing. It is ttttae', that not all the ships , the Bethlehem Company. delivery is n futon Russ A it. Pettusburp, cable: Suture- bar. crmxnml the visit. of Charle, M. Schunh to St. Petersburg. Mr. Schwahk negotiation" with the [median Admiralty have rowultcd in the practical emu-limo?) of an arrangement for the eottritr'.tc'..ttr',r. oi a number of formidable Iitut-ot'-lr,tith,, ship" of a type which probably will ..tartle the world. Mr. Schunh “ill hutve St. Petersburg to-morrow. The detail- of the construction of the vpsumel'i rc'- main in he worked out. but in mlrlitinn to thaw which will be built in the l'nitwl Stun-e. it i, quite likely that " yard “ill he "oustrttetvd at a Baltic port to he manned by Runian workmen. but under American engineering and mechanical supervision. the Russain Admiralty being extremely anxious to utilize the reliabil- itation of the navy for the encourage» ment of the shipbuilding industry at home. in order to eventually render the country independent of the foreign yards. The Admiralty has accepted Mr. Schwnb‘: proposition strictly on their merits. he having convinced the au- thorities that he can produce for Ilur "ia warships vastly superior to any- thing afloat or at. 'rj,r,,1'.e1't2,rg"",t/f, by any other Government. hey will be monster 16.000-ton vessels of enormom horse-power; and of a gem-liar type. combining the project e resisting power of the battleships with the speed “I wide radius of action of cruisers. oy will be delivered fully equipped es to armor end ordinance. The remarkable edvelce in naval or- chitocture and construction which the Amaicln built ships will mark is a well guarded secret, but it is believed it will involve the use of nickel steel of greater tel-ale “rough, which in machinery, boilers. runes, ate., will give greater ITS, with tg"t"d tella. Ary.. - gram ere ' Mit " pave-tu- kw etude-e! my I new existing. It in understood. W, {new all the ship. will he built by the which. 2t',r'i'gghtt at"! "a"iiWAhragtatdritt _ - ' U Will be of a Type Which Will Sterne the World. "The appearance of a detachment of artillery opposite. their left flank fore- ed the Japanese to retire in Ita-te upon Raiyuauhsien. On April 23 WP forced the enemy to retire from Kaiyuann- sic-n. Beating the enemy bark. we op' proavhed Changtufu. but in the town wan found to be occupied in consider. able force. we retired." Gen. Linevitch Send. Report of Russian Victory. A St. TYtersburg cable: Com. Line. viteh reports as followau: "Our outposts on April 22 forced tho enemy to evacuate 'nteeeqqively Nun- c-hensu and Nomanpoanwng. The Jap- am-ie occupied a fortified position south of Nemanpot"rmeng. - _ _ - A M. PetrrHmrg cahle. it is in. timated in naval circles that Admiral Ilojentvensky in now in the Gulf nf it.,",',',',,",'?" where, under the aheltnr of airutnGland, and far outside ter- ritorial watery. he can await the ar- rival of the fourth division of hin iqtlldton. commanded by Admiral Nie- bogatoff. No confirmation of thin ro- port is obtainable at the Admiralty. where it is maintained that the mart location of Rojostvensky's uquadron is unknown. Where Rojestvensky Will Meet Third Squadron. A London cable: A lie-pawl) to tho Daily Mail fr m Hong Kong says that the cable to Sue Island of Haimm hay heen cut. it is supposed by Russian AlgPllti. A high Government official at Hong Kong in of the opinion that Great Britain cannot afford to permit the Hang bong " of the opinion that Great Britain cannot “ford to permit the Baltic- fleet to longer violate tho neutral- ity of llainsm. Ready to Deal With the Enemy When Proper Tine Arrives. A London earrle: The Tokio corros- pondent of the Telegraph says there is q:uuderable uncertainty concerning the mhereabout, of the Baltic fleet. but the Japanese preparations to receive it are "ompiete. It will be found that Admiral Togo is in an excellen strategic position to deal with the enemy, whichever way he comes. Great Britain May Enter a Protest to Russia. A Kamarnh Ba). Tia Saignn caiole.. --your correspondent went outside in a junk to-day and saw the Baltic fleet cruising on the horizon. Four con- verted cruisers and a torpedo-boat de- stroyer are eoaling inside the bay from German colliers. The French steamer Quangram has arrived here with stores for the fleet. It u believed that she will proceed to Hong Kong or Singa- pore to replenish her supplies. It is reported that the Russians captured on Tuesday two German steamers that were carrying contraband to the Jap- anesc (h the Horizon Off Kamranh , Bay Yesterday. Togo Ready for Rojestvensky in Any Event. Schwab to Build Warships for Russia. BMW} 'ijt-'"""""'"' SEEN (lll"lltiilll/l IN THE GULF or T0NOWN, RUSS!A‘S NEW WARSHIPS. TOGO IS PREPARED HAINAN CABLE CUT. A JAP DEFEAT {mm a The Le Riviere section reports 40 per Cetlt. The Napinku section reports 75 Per cent. The Sourii section reports i30 pu. cent. The Estevan section, 80 per cent. The Emerson branch and Teulon branch report seeding but nicely com- menced. The Minnedosa section reports 75 per cent; the Portal section, 68 p"r cent.: the Prince Albertr branch, " per cent: the Yorkton satin), " per ant; the Lenore brunch, 50 per cent.; Rapid City section, 73 per cent.; the Minion. branch, 78 per cent. done; Phetsant Hills branch, 70 per cent; Amok branch, 30 pet cent: Lyleton branch. " per cent; Brookdale branch, 77 per cent. The general feeling throughout the county in most bopeml. Winnipeg. Mam. May I.---) Cana- dian Pacific. crop report shows that at, many points along the line wading hos been almost finished. This applies more particularly on the Broadview section, whetu. the majority of the stations re- port 90 per cent. of the work done. Tak. ing the ,.ections in detail, the average is high. On the Brandon section it is esti- muted that 40 per cent of the seeding is finished. (If the total on the Broad- view ieeticn 80 per cent. is done. The Mill]? percentage applies on Moose Jaw osetiott. where there is an increase of about 4 per cent. in acreage. Caron, the only point on the Swift Current mum, report" ml._r."T cent. gone. -- mouth "irout projected exee,wirs and pruparnlimh~ for attacks upon the Jews will h- whim-t in heavy fine. impriqon- ment and why-um] puttishmont." Notuithssmlimg these veiled thrmta by the authorities. it in stated that 160,000 Jews are arming and preparing to 1lviond themselves and their women, who. in former riots, were the victims of unmpeakable brutalitieq of the mob, and aim arming themselves with flasks of vitriol. Realizing at but the seriommegr, of the situation. the authorities at Odessa, are bringing two regiments from Tiras. pol. while the forves of the gendarmorie aml ('nuau'ki have been increased. C. P. R. Reports Show That the Greater Part of It is Done. Winnipeg. Mam. May 1.-The Cana- no authority When the Jewr, asked lll'lllliid" of protection for wanton um! yhihlrm. at least, during the “union Hair festival. the master of police rp- plied he could not "bind himself in ad- muco. an he was subject to instruction from St. Petersburg," The following "warning" has appear- ml in the Chleqsa Official Gazette: "lt. i, high time that you stop your “A and mlunmim. "Those that are sending doputations to the authoritie, praying for protec- tion "gaiust alleged future attacks. mix-t iucantly desiqt front such dis- Iuyal praetic-attd they are admon- i~hml that they might employ their time lu-ttvr by advising their children althl frinmla not to mtgago in strikes and oaiun. Mb of public ulimrdor. "Who,.oevey in future dares open his month about projveted excesses and shop the dNtr 'titvvatitrv. but mamter ot' p no authority. ptumiisvs of It rhildrt-n. at I Eadvr feutivai ”dawn. May 1.-There is evidence at hand that another slaughter of Jews is planned for the Russian Easter ies. tical, beginning May 6. . War of Extermination Being Preached in Russia. Stretch From Cape Vateln to the Head of Kamnnh Peninsula. A Knmranh Bay cable. via Saigon: The only ships remaining in Kammnh Hay urn four German transports. All the "wt of the tramports and the Russian hospital nhip Oral left yesterday. This ilvet " now assembled outside the bay and forms an extended line stretching from ('ape Varela to the head of the Minimum Peninsula. Torpedo boats are wanting in all directions. The ships seem in he awaiting Titre-Admiral Nebogat- ctiV dividon. The French cruiser Des- r-au'tw with Admiral DeJonqniries, the Frenvh commander in these waters, re- tunml to Nlmtmng (near Kamranh May. after Mettming round the Russian “numb-rm and mlwequently returned to Saigon. The. two freight laden steamers (-aptin-pd by Admiral Rojestvensky, “ere under the German flag. It is pre- mmed that they are suspected of hav. ing cor.traband of war on board. at (Neva. "ther place- "We Inn in the duty The general opinion is that their june- hire is assured on the theory that " miral Togo would not dare to risk trail. ine south to meet Netrogntoft as by lo doing he would leave the way to Tladi. Votrtoek open to Roiestvensk.s'. the ships be turned over an early as pos- sihlo. While the Bethlehem Company will supply the armor and ordinance. other American yards will profit in the eottstruetion of hulls. This " also in IC- vnrclance with the wish of the Admir- tlt tine Russia nuthorities dphculg‘ we a an e contract havi esire to arouse boasting; among large'gglvil oolhi nwruial intereits in America. It is understood that no arrange- meme have as yet been concluded with French or German builders for the chip which will be mmm'ucted in those r: umtriea. Doubts as to the Joining of the Russian Fleets. A st. Petersburg cable despatch says: --Aeeording to the calculations of the naval staff Vice Admiral Nebogatoff, who left Jibutil, March Mth, if he has been making 200 knots per day should roach Singapore to-morrow and CO)!” not unite his division with Vice-Admin} !ioieivnsk.v's in Tonquin Bay until May Gth. Cireul ~1ng SEEDING IN THE WEST. I RUSSIAN TRANSPORTS. TO SLAUGHTER JEWS ? lb HAVE THEY JOINED ? :7 tlu Kiel, been negligent lung enough of "xtvruuiuation." says tsu- t it ho rvnwmlwred in the holy sermon. Runiana. _ of the Jews. The fall of of Poland “an (luv to Hm he Jews urn now plotting mm; openly diwtvilrut- Nationalist. Cuuunittrus, Kiahilwn‘, and-a dozm U. S. Steel Corporation five per cent. first mortgage bonds for 810.000,000 have been transferred to a board of trustees, and steps will be taken at once to organ- ize a corporation to receive the donation. Dr. Pritchett, President of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Terhtioiogs, and Mr. Vanderlip, have been selected by Mr. Carnegie to obtain data on the subject, to he presented " the first meeting of are which will uee'ruee on Nov. o Mr. Carmegiehs letter to the trustees is dated April 18, end is as follows: "I lave reached the conclusion that the but rewarded of all the professions I: Hate! the teacher in our higher eduea. tional institutions; New York guer- New York. May L---A gift of $10.- 000,000 by Andrew Carnegie, to provide annuities for college professors who are not able to continue in active service, War, announced to-day by Frank A. Van- derlip. Vice-President of the National City Bank of New York. Professors in the United States, Canada and New- foundland will share in the distribution of the income of the fund. S0,000,000 T0 PROFESSORS. Prior to the sailing the Lord Mayor of Liverpool. Rider Haggard. who had just arrived from America; Commander Booth-Tucker and Mrs. Bramwell Booth addreased tht emigrants from the bridge. The Lord Mayor regretted that England was sending out her best brawn and mun-lea to work in a. new mnmtrv. and opening the doors for less 1le,,iraltlt, "migrants. Instead of Chlornforming Them, Carnegie Will Pension Them. Over Thousand Leave Liverpool Under Salvation Army Flag. Lirvrpool. May 1.-Fmglish emi. grant-i to the number of 1.045 sailed for ('annda this Honing on board the Do- minion Liner Vatwouvpr, with the Sn]- vation Army flag at th, masthead. The (-migrunh were gathvrvd by Salvation Army ayamcie. and the majority are workrnen. All nu- paying their own paungv. and many are supplied with -1vt‘ficiont. capital] to make u start in the new uorlrl. As far as is known. Mr. Campbell did not communimtc the news of his (lis- "ovpt'y in the police authorities. but he kept the boiler and all it contained in raw ,,rmmthing should turn up with rpferenco to it. The discovery has mum-d quite a sensation in the neigh- borhoml. lt is said that on submission to a jmwlor. he placed the value of the nug- gets and all at $750. Mr. Campbell lives a few houses be. muse a great sensation. The writer all- youd the House of Refuge. on the oppo- leges that fifteen battleships unfit for site side of the road. it was while action have been diseovered and that the digging in his yard along a board fence. 12-ineh guns constituting the main arma- just a few yards from the house, that ment of these vessels are incapable of his spade struck against somthing I tiring 50 full charges. sharp and hard. With some difficulty,‘ The latest \Voolwioh pattern trim-h for it was at a depth of three feet from wire gun has also failed under expert- the surface, he unearthed an old battered] ment, and the question naturally art-rm rusty boiler. Inside the boiler he as to the endurance of the armament of found only part of a man’s cane, with the modern fleet. The nets came to a gold head. and a dirty bundle. “Till" light through developments of weakness pod in a black rag, whieh looked like in new long guns under experiment and the remains of a man's sock. On the simultaneous failure of the twelve taking off the rag he found that the guns in the Majestic class of battleships. bundle wafr part of an old shoe, with and through the bursting of shells m the leather out off at the toes. Pf'o' seven out of sixteen big British guns on trnding from the end he was horrified the Japanvtw battlerships. The writer to perceive part of tt man's foot, with points out. further. that Great Britain the toes only in view. is tho may “mm... .1.“ in” ..A.......... um Gold Nuggets, Jewelry and Human Re- mains Found in an Old Boiler. Brantford, May 1.-Golden nuggets and part of a dead man's foot. buried in an old shoe, were discovered by Charles Campbell, a resident of Mount. Pleasant road, a. few days ago. The matter only became publicly known to- (lay. Aided by several friends, he sought vainly for trace of the name of the buyer of the safe. Clues of all sorts were fol. Fmenkel had accumulated a little for- tune, part of which was invested in dock of the Central Brewing Company, He determined to go out of business. Everything he had in the alleys he dis. posed of at auction. After a trying day it suddenly occurred to him that he had let the safe, containing his stock eer- titieates, amounting to 820,000, and jew- elry worth $8,000. which had belonged to his dead wife, go with the other appur- tenanees. 'o-o-------.--. s"----------.-- i New York, May. c-Carl Frsenkel, well known smong old time bowlers t as the proprietor for runny years ot alleys in the Bowery, in disposing ot e the fixtures of his establishment " Saturday, let s late containing 828,000 ' worth of jewelry and securities be knocked down to the highest bidder, and t. be carried swsy before he remembered the value of its contents, says the , Herald. Were found in a Safe Which Had Been Knocked Down to the Highest Bidder. Ihe Owner of the Safe ttad forgotten About the Valuables When it Was Sold. $28,000 WORTH OF JEWELRY AND SECURITIES BRANTFORD HAS A irygigiti-. SAIL FOR CANADA. 11 The fund applies to the three classes of institutions named, without regard to race. sex, creed or color, We have, 20w- ever. to recognize that sum and cola. ninl Governments, which have establish- ed or mainly supported universities, col- leges or schools, Td prefer that their relations shall run: lt exclusively with the Mate. I cannot, therefore, presume to include them." The trustees include Maiden Peter. son. of McGill College, Morttreat. " have, therefore, transferred to you and Four successors us trustees $l0,000,- 000 five per cent. first mortgage bonds of the United States Steel Corporation, the revenue from which is to provide re- tiring pensions far: Wendie!!!“ u” versities, colleges and technical tehoolt in our country, Canada and Newfound- land, under such conditions " you my adopt from time to time. Expert calcu- lations show that the revenue will be ample for the purpose. ously and very wisely providm retiring pensions for teachers in her public schools, and also for her policemen. Very few indeed of our colleges are able to do so. The consequences are grievous. Able men hesitate to adopt teaching as a career, and many old professors whose places should be occupied by younger men cannot be retired. Young Man's Body Pound in C. P. R. Station Debris. Winnipeg, May l.- While worlomm wcrc removing the dohris from the old C. P. lt. station this morning. occasioned by tho falling in of the roof on Saturday. they made the find of a, body in a badly decomposed condition. From papers found upon the victim of the accident. the dead man was identified as a. young English. man, N. Wnddieor. aged 22. who recently arrived in this, country. Deceased was n blacksmith and tho support of a widow. ed mother, who resides at the corner of Whiteaore'and Cttrzon roads, Ashton- under-low, ncar Manchester. England. Ile Foiled from Liverpool on April fl. He is supposed to have been walking through the building when the accident. occurred. In twenty hours he had hatched all thrvo eggs. and he has thro, ns fine "hiekens as any old hen ”or vluvkml over. The warmth from (hp vim-1x10 light was just strong vnough. Muskogrre, T. T.. 1fay 1. H. M. vatoee. u (-hirkvn fancier. was expecting great rounltrx from n setting ot "Tl" that promised well until two days before tinw for hatching, when tho hr-n broke- all the tings ext-opt thrve and rot'u-u-d to sit on those that were left. Mr. Ittuve took the threv rtunainitq,r rugs lretrwe they became cold. made a nest in tin- house. placed an electric bulb in the nyst and turned on the current. light through developments of weaknc'n in new long gum oder experiment and the simultaneous failure of the twelve guns in the Majestic class of battleships. and through the bursting of shells m A Yankee Chicken Fender Hits on Great Scheme. Fifteen Battleships Said to be Thsfit for Action. London, May 1.--The Daily Graphic this morning connnencex: a series of ur- tivles calling in question the duration of the armament of a modern British flcvt in a manner which. if the facts givort should be substantiated. is calculated to must- at great sensation. The writer all- leger, that fifteen Inittlvships unfit fur notion have been discovered and that the sown out of sixteen big British guns on the Japanese battleships. The writpp points out. further. that Great Britain is the only pum-r that has adopted the manufueture of wire guns. f lowed up, but without result. Carl F. Fraenkel. his son. appealed to Wm. J. McCormack. a lawyer, but until yester- day, when the place was being cleaned 9.1 readiness, for the occupancy of another tenant, and a cord with the half oblit- erated name and address of a truekman was found. there was nothing to allay the fears of Fraenkel. With all possible haste this clue was followed, with the re- sult that the safe was found. It had not been opened. When the circumstances were explained to Benjamin Blum, the purchaser, he readily consented to let Fraenkel open it, and inside, undisturbed, were found the securities and the jew- elrv. HATCHED BY ELECTRIC BULBS, A WINNIPEG TRAGEDY. BRITISH FLEET DEFECTS: Montreal, May 1.--A despatch from Sherbrooke says: A terrific explosion or: 11d at the Hamilton Powder Mills "It “hdsor Mills, about 2 o'clock this morning. The mixing mill and wheel building were blown up. Nightwatch- mutt Jose'ph Morena happened to be out. side the milding at the time, about 300 hot away. He WM thrown down. but not seriously injured. lie fled u, the town without waiting to examine the wreck. The whole town was rudely shaken. windows Were blown in and alumberer- awakened. Hundred: of peo~ pie flocked to the scene. The - of the “pic-lot cannot In orphaned. Sev- eral hundred pounds or powder went up. Several e96ttsioet. have occurred " Wildaor, but the mixing mill had never before been wrecked. Hiding: h Sher- brooke, am fifteen Illa 'tet, were shaken. loss will not be great. St. Andre, Que, Practically Destroyed by Fire Yesterday. Quebec, May L- Fire almost uiped the whole village of ht. Andre, Rumour- arka, out of extstettee this morning, and as a matter of fact did destroy the most important part of the place in burning to the ground the whole" of the foundry, tactories, can, of the Deejardines Com- pany. The Desjardines Company have been for some time one of the most im- portant ma!uftteturiugr concerns on the lower St. Lawrence. The plant at St. Andre consisted of a foundry for the manufacture of stoves, and other shops for the manufacture of carriages, agri- cultural implements, ete. The whole‘ have been evelled to the ground, as‘ well as a house which stood near b , and the loss is in the neighborhood of $50,- 000, with very little insurance. The or. igin of the fire is 0. mystery. Windsor Hills and tth.erttrooire . Shaken. Ali to athletics. ho 1elieved the “Sr-()- r-iatiml lad got hold of the right end of the stick. Athletics could Ire overdone. hut not when lwgun undvr moral and Ivligious influences. He warned them not to plaee too much rolinnw an leetures. for the hu. ture was the most deceptive thing in the world -eseept a sermon. He suggested that the actoeiation should be made more use of as the training ground fur civie. municipal and national life. He fumned all hurls of debates. including political. and so long as they did not hit below the belt there was lmlhing like hitting out in earnest. Smoking might noble m-cupatiml. terrific about it. not nulokv at tho W' elsewhere. the Y. MA: A Thus spoke the Bishop 1 mum-Minn with the dinnm Carlisle yesterday of the , Chvistiun Association. 'l'lu he adored gamma)». hut "goodiuesr." ttttd ho Wu» l broadening: and " "I-nnunor After giving some ut-omim of past Iv:- islation on the 'ittitjoct. Senator Fulf nil continues: 'mteve in nu proposal to l'%e mum. sectarian schools in western Can. Ida. The schools itt'y in '""'r.h pannin- lar. both (n: to standard. Hun-how and public inspeetiop. similar to other sch mu with one exception. that lit-hum" 3:." and 4 o'clock. r.here the majority mun under this pattieular It'gisltttiott. velipi ous instruction man he givrm by the nui- dent oleryr.smtttv "The presém population, (‘aithulir- n- well n Pro nt, has moved into that part otthn try with the full knowl- edge that ment haul by Iegisltttiou many years m-iously rm-oguind the right. of Roman Catholics to minim-ll separate schools if tin-y 'lo/tred." Senator "lbrd also makes ulpjwlinn to the state-10m that most of the I"'1sn' is opposed to Sir Wilfrid Laurier', pol- iey. He ends his letter by "tolling the chararter of4iir Wilfrid Mutter. well as Pro! part of.tho, edge that p: Sonntur Fallon! is visit to London. London. May l.- "I moe.iatiot, to he more lm a few young men has "way through what has 'roodrgootlinemsi." Bishop Carlitle'n Idea on Young Ian's Bringing Up. "Under this legislation Sir Wilfrid Laurier proposed that tho tights mn- ferrod upon the Roman Catholic minor- ity in the are; comprising: [how Inn Provinces. which were tleliUoratvly mn- ferred upon that part of the country .30 years ago, should be continued. That is the sum and substnnve of the uffenvn by the Premier of the. Dominion. which "I the eyes of this small minority " 'ming heralded by your corrmpmuh-m ttm 42:"- fying the abandonment of Canada to the rule of the Roman CathohV hierarehv. , "Now, as heretofore. the agitation IR confined almost altogether to Toronto, which is extremely Tory, and more wild. ly Orange than any city in Ireland. Tho introduction of legislation: in the Domin. ion Pnrlinment by Sir Wiltrid Luursw creating two new Province: in the "orth. west furnished another wild outluttst front these wand] "ntltusiusth. Pro. testants. numbering. as I have said, but "It is only try the efforts of poopie of this chanctet that the political aspect of the Orange Order can be kept alive. A certain clan of mediocre hing on“ only secure political prominence through these means; therefore it is found ttto eemry to 1Tare the Prottttnat baumw every decade or two. I. thetagian am Mere, Say: Saute: mu. ““3 )2y L-Referring to a des. h . ki day’s Chronicle describing the religious crisis. Sen-tor Fttifott1 him to' WWW today saying that in 1 main“? of the Funding Sen- Itob in“! mksitatinn in saying ...-I: there is no mrinn cri,i. in Cav.nd.r.r “In a popuUthrm" he 300* UN to my. "where the Catholics muulu-r almut Ai', per cent. of the entire population. and where there is a very small but notin- minority of political ()rangvuwn. u is not to be wondered at that nt-ca-iounlly I there are sectarian extremists. I POWDER KILLS BLOWN UP. A GOODY-GOODY Y. M, IS SUN CLEAR IN CANADA? VILLAGE WIPED OUT, the Bishop nf (‘uriinlv in h the diamond jubilee at lay of the Young Iien's reiatiou. The bishop said he wan glad to .m- a n "common sensing" of going on. V not be a wry lofty or i but there was nothing , If young men mold Y. M. C. A. they would "I want this a.» hmud-mindwl. Not have been driwu has been milled its l present the a sax-int ion Use of as the rivie. municipal fuvmwl all surly, Lot hed TORONTO on The opening address was undo by Pre. sident. Berna one. who is President of the Scandinavian neoc’ntionl. A strik- ing mature of the meeting no the endi- ence rising unanimously ind reelfiruuing the constitution! buis adopted ao yum up for the “hub! ot the “than: M of tbe mnbtion. R,', out“. ence will continue in union our den. Semi-Cum! Wu Opened in Pam Yesterday. Paris, May l.-The World's Cam"- ence of the Young Menu Christina p- sociuiortr. which in celebrating the wmi- centennial of the international alliance of the cuociat' n, was opened today in the Charity. flu“! building. Uw'r . thpuund delegates, reprmienuug "tsAift.'v nations. were (resent. This Jap- nnvne delegates hel eredeutiars from their Government. The AM“ Mr 9th! IrtHesettta.veriout cities in the failed States and Canada. Dean Halt, of ('hriu'tiania. Norway, called the com ference to order. The following officer: were cloned: President. Count Jutquel de Portal)»; Viee.Presidottts Prince Bernndotte, sec- and non oi King 1.ine.ti' of Fwrsut,rcn yr,1 Xdrwny, and Count BentstoAf,W 49tts many. Lord Kimird. of England, and James Staci, of tips United Beet. Mr. von Metzke. the teller, although badly injured about the head. and "ut- fering severely from the shock. will re- cover. He hails from Yarmouth. N. s'.. and is 25 yearn of age. He has been teller at Lancaster for the past year. His eat-ape from being killed is prob- ably due to the fart that as the light went out the burglars thought that In- was dead and they were partie-str/ons at the death of one of their number. One young man found walking on the G. T. R., above Lancaster ha, been detained, but it is believed that he is not in any way mnneoted with the gang. Provincial Detective McLaughlin an rived here this morning from Montreal. with instructions to make a thetough investigation. with a view to detqrmim ing whether or not the men hobo: to the same gang that operated In that city a few weeks ago. McLaughlin says that he does not know the dead man, and there is every reuon to be- lieve that he is a stranger in tin-w parts. So far clues point to the tat-t that the men went went after the shooting. but a close watch in being kept ut every point along the line both umt and west. The burglars earried oft von Mrt7lw'e revolver. a. heavy 3benlibre gun. but. they left a huge 44~calihre Colts rc-ml- Yer. nearly 18 inches long, aim dull (-hinels. a sledge-hammer. and In "loc- tric pocket bull's-e.ve. The door of son Metzke‘s room was Finished in with a railroad tie. the gang probably rushing in at once to overpower him. Dr. c. J. llaluilton. of Cornwell. opened an inquest on the dead man this morning and adjourned it till Mon- day next. which went. out as he fell unconscious on tho floor. When he rogniuvd his some: hv “an alone in a pool of blood from nine wounds on the head and forehead. Weak and ahuost speeehlens, he stag- gend to Dr. lluknou’ home. near- try, and gave the alum before tmt. lnpsing. several Villagers. who were at one» aroused by the Min tim. ily rushed to the bank and found that a. torch had set fire to the bedding and bed clothing. This was quickly u- finguished. Half an hour Inter the body of the dead burglar was found a few yards west of the G. T. R. dopot, whither it had been dragged by the rest of the gang and left on the plat' form. “for all th- pockets had hum empthd so a to leave no clue to ttu-ir Htistitr. - A - - " From the nature of the wound tho burglar was evidently shot dead. Thu dead man is about thirty years of mg». and had been tmtying at the Latino House, Lamar-(er. reinoe last Saturday, having registered as J. Dickson. St. John's, N. B. On Monday night he w" joined by another man. who "ttttte from "alloyfield, and registered In S. It, Tully. Needlmos to remark. Tully ie missing to-day. The demsed was fairly well dressed in dark clothes. He had nun". wft hands. and his teeth \Vo-re heavily filled with gold. He was ole-un- "haven. and had (lurk brown hair. u: a EWT00'et', and two or the gang pounced upon him. He squirmed tuottnd and got hold of his revolver from under the pillow. This he ppm-ml Igliust the body of one of his anall- an” under the and of the “on. ribs and fired. Thewhole gang then at- taciu-d him, and although he fired again, the bullet went wild Ind lodged in the wall. 'they showered blow. on his head, and wmrnehed the revolver from him and kicked over tho lamp. one o'eioek this morning. i Tun lletzko was sleeping alone in hi. mom, when he w" awakened by the glare of a torch held no“ his face. Four or five men were standing around his head. When he attempted to rine he was struck on the head by the butt of a revolver. and two of the gang pounced upon him. He squirmed tuottnd and got hold of his revolver from uncle-r ling pillow. This he piw-vd A Lancaster. tint" report: Burglar: broke into the Manhunt Bank hen last night and made a murderous as. "uit on.ttse teller, H. Von Metake, who slept in a mom at the near. Von Metzke killed one of the gang, and the burglars thumped without any booty. The affatr took place about halt-past Daring Attempt to Rob Mer- chants' Bank, Lancaster. Desperate Fight With four Men in His Bedroom. Attacked by Several in Room in Lancaster Bank. f1illll(t IEllEH SHUT flllfl(llj9. WORL'D'S Y. M. C. A. MEETING -.'..

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