West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 May 1905, p. 4

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:1 During 2jrsanerasurs METHINU NEW IN ll AFHTr'h: (ll, 1.1141276): n. " trlN' ll, Also Wilhelm's Wriugers, all made hy.W atwu of Ayr. Raymond Sewing Machines. McClaryl Stoves for Coal or Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. ' J/7. Darling, Barling’s Erna Ji5e)ra---s-ccrrs aiiall!lMli The New Baby gift»: Ftatttttttt6tt'.tFtt. “it Fit. BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every hand HERE. Departments all complete with goods attractive, becoming and , '. moderately priced. aleyant d Jbotsty JGdies' tDainty WIN}? Wald: w This in the season for ,vnovoting your hcmes. I New Cur. tains will be required. Bee our great stock before buying. gehavcohthem from........ 'A l rtal " “43,3? w. 00 per pr. to 5. 00 A etmplcte showing of Spring and Summer White Lawn “lists. made in dainty fashions and marked specially low. lt'sa waste ot time and money to lock elsewhere, We have decided to sell these Waista at each - A A A A - - A F‘ The Farmers’ " t Supply 60.,1 It will pay You to We a Sheroholder and help on this great eo-operate niovement which has come to stay in this country. It has accomplished much; it will accomplish more in the future. The best farmers in the province endorse it by he. coming shareholders. Call and see our stock. Subscribe at once. We carry a full line of Implements and household utensils. We can get you anything you waging tho.eahhses. that met-153k:- 1170-987 ieaiiiE RYE tid." W $NGr2Giot giviixg amfy goods, but by reducing the expense we are furnishing them to our shareholders at a much lower price. Our Business is Expanding so rapidlythat at the re- quest of our numerous shareholders we are opening up a wareroom in another large town. For the meantime we are attending to the wants or our shareholders and customers in this locality. W9 have onion-och Wire Fencing and Gums. Examine for yourself and get prices. 'flottingham .6300 Curtains All Our Shuohplgers gre "t9nede, 1:133??in Wither] We can give (mix a mere list of mu- goods. but ttt quzlily and aduptnhilily to t e needs of South Grey we are not xcelled: Deering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney’s Har- ness. Palmerston Buggies. Itenownikiratticles, fair pl ices Jhahrt 'elarh. tjhautitut Spring o1pparet hummer. The bestlir4thehaline as weC0ndle only the best. Our Order Bonk plainly shows the result of Mil- linery Opening Week. Such a brilliant display was worthy of a much larger town than Dar. ham. Our Hats were greatly admired and were designed by our Millinera who Won un. stinted praise for ele- gance. novelty and good taste. Gott and and frin- 'i' Warlock. mg 5/, 1.25 to 2. .50 You’ll tird all these at Darling's Drug Sucre. BAll the goods we sell are pure. earerally.hnade, the right thing my the _.""""",'.""""'"' ...- -.,.,_,, h purpose. If you have a prescription io fill this is the place to bring it. Everything freshtand good. Needs Pure Drugs, Hy- genie Nursing Bottles, the Best Toilet Preparations. 55nd Farm Maohimry. '1). luhnhd Totrtrlt. flou, people’s Dmggiit: Bank on quality. Ads.TPyy.y.. Southpf the Middaugh Houre. Mil/[nary Wodesiy Priced H" in Ill? Ide chd Miu Finer went to Mount rarer Monday. Mr Geo Sparling lett for Toronto Tuesday. Mr Chartet Smith left Suturday on . business trip to Toronto. Miss Lottie Beaten is very ill at pres- ent with water on the lungs. Mr Thos Whitmore " visiting his brother Mr George Whitmore. Nessa Mel. Storrey and Thos. Cook left Monday to take situations in Tor- onto. nc, Davndsnn. Humllton who spent a month at her brother's. Mr Hugh Rose returned home Saturday. Mrs S F Norlock and little son. left Wednesday fora few days' visit with Listowel frnends. Misses V. willisuuott and M. Whit- more left Tuesday morning for Toronto having secured employment there. Mr and MrsJas Redford, accompanied by Dr Jamiesomleftfor Toronto Monday where Mr R. will undergo treatment from a specialist. Mr Norman McIntyre left Wednesday for Montreal where " son Campbell is ill in an hospital. We hope he mny find him recovering. Messrs Bert Mockler, Thomas Lyons, Geo Hughes and Will McGowan went to Mt Forest. Sunday to take part in the oddfeiiowtr' service and march. Mr David MacFarlane, Caledon. and little son. visited tor a few days last week with friends here. They were both in the railway wreck but escaped ser- ious injury. Mr Frank Livingston. Guelph, Was in town last week end. He has severed his connection with the Farmers’ Mfg. and Supply Co and will travel tor the Melotte Co of Montreal. Mr Wm Blue! was in Flesherton last. Friday and acted as judge at the Stallion Show. He tthe, well of all the horses and "ports t 9 heavy draft the bean he bu seen outside of Tomato nnd London. Mrs McIntyre, Balsam Valley. visited Hemlock friends hut week. unongst them her cousin. Mr Hugh McKechnie and family before going west. This week she has been a welcome guest. with several friends in town who are always pleased to hove her cheery company. Mr Fred Palm. of the cement works. one of our nts,',',',' young men is want- ad by the niermtt"iotm1 Cement Co of Hull," and speaking the sentiments of the town we hope they will want him. Fred is a pusher in the new cement hrgck industry planning to he returnab- ed here, and to which considerable space is devoted in thisiune. and for that and many other "as: no we hope his services may be retained here. EwzN---At Ronedule farm, Cottonwood. on April 13th to the wife of T Ewen, a. son. Grrrmute-In thuham, on Friday, Apr. 28th. to Mr and Mrs w Guthrie, a daughter. BesroN--In Durham. on Wednesday, Apr. 26. to Mr and Mrs Fred Eamon. a daughter. CLwv--In Durham, on April 28th. to Mr and Mrs John Cliff, nduughter. KrtEss-In Durham/on Mar l, to Mr and Mrs Ed. Krese, a son. HAs'nE,--rn Egremont, on April 23, to Mrand Mrs Walter Hustle. a. son. Kocn-In Durham, on Wednesday April 20, to Mrand Mrs H R Koch. a. son. Lvrsrert--1n Dromore, on April 27. to Mr and Mrs Peter Litsler, o Belmore. Manitoba. a daughter, [Mrs L. was the well-known vocalist. Miss Jean Renwick, daughter of Mr and Mrs R. Renwick, Dmmore. Ne extend good OUT DOOR CAsAnA,--This is the, attractive name of a. new magazine which makes its appearance m the Can- adian field. “Outdoor Canada" will be. printed on a good quality of aper such as Will admit; of the heat ".g'g,"Jfd'i'lfl', being run and will have special stories and articles dealing with all the sports and pastimes of outdoor Canadian life. Among these will he articles on Motor- mg. Yachting. Golf. Bowling. Curling Cricket, Tennis. Football, Lacrosse, Hunting. Shooting. Fishing. the Kennel and other kindred amusements as well as descriptions of Canadian scenery and Canadian tales of adventure. Among theiUt of authors for IRIS. will be found names so well known to Canadian s','.'Tfii""v1f,'g at those of John Innes, JW Young. Hopkins J Moorhouse, John Boyd. Frank Yelgh Hubert McBean Johnston, Herbert Cuthbert, J M Bell, C, GRogers. RO McCullocb, and many others. The publishers appear to he endeavor- ing in the fullest sense of the word. to make "Outdoor Canada" a. credit to Canadian journalism. and it is to be hoped that the magazine will receive from the Canadian public the support sun and Equipment- The whool is thorouthly ttf in Win “in”, in chemical Ind ',dk'gitttlr1'k'i and ms- tings, Ae., for tun Junior Leaving on Menin- ttoft work. The following competent and on in our” ' T1108. ALLAN, moh- W. would use L. I. mum, B. A., eludes and Mo Intending Student.- Ibould cur: a the an of "ttsttehtMty1-it8t.. 2ttre 933.2% giiiiSiif,iifi,iidiP iii. mid“ " a! be otstaitn - editm-t*e Dunn-h. hunky-m! Wynn. nun: “I“ degimtge place which it deserves. GiTiifdiii -- a. WnJohmrlltJr" G. Home, -w"iihes.-LEd.1 Durham School was). JOE_N_8TON. B. A.. Mathematics sud BUREAU REVIEW It": ummthlnudnnoe. Co and will travel for the .04-. BORN Mount Trorek TORONTO )TOFIGS 0F..Lr.l!.E WEEK --1iurintt full page advertisements in Toronto pawn show that a land boom is on in innipeg. which will no doubt furnish a few prizes and many blanks to those induced to Speculum. --A giftof tiu000,000 by Andrew Carnegie to provide annuiues tor col- lege professors who are not able to con- tinue in active service. was announced to-day by Frank A Vanderlip. Vice- President of the National City Bank at New York. Professors in.the United States. Canada and Newfoundland will share in the distribution of the income of the fund. _ United States Steel Corporation five per cent mortgage bonds for $10,000, 000 have been transferred to a board of trustees and steps will be taken at once to organize a corporation tore- ceive the donation. Dr Pritchett, President, of the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technologv. and Mr Vanderlip, have been selected by Mr Carnegie to obtain data on the subject to be pre- sented at the firat meeting of the trus- tees which wiil take place on Novem- ber 15. --Peel License Commissioners haye reduced the License in their county from 25 to 16, and have abolished the only shop license. --The teamsters strike in Chicago isassnmimr tragic proportions. The employers have a teeming organiz- ation of their own. non-union men of course and many of them imported these go through the streets with load- ed rifles across their knees an d there may be some deadly work before long. .-The woes of Warsaw might an a big book. On May l, a day always anxiously awaited in labour circles. a clash took place between strikers and the military, with the result that about 100 are dead and wounded and not a few of them women, The strik; era plated Women in front of them and the soldiery seemed to have lost all control. Russia. is the largest empire in the world, bat it is safe say- ing that it has the lowest happy spots otGtty. An unmarried preacher in a neighbor- ing town. who we! young and new to the harness. wags leading a. service at a young folks' meeting "Oh, Lord. he prayed, with fervent ,e,l"U",'.t"t' ‘give us All clean hearts, pure eon-ts. bumble hearts. sweet hearts." A litter went around the congregation. but the gills all responded “Amen." CONFLICT or AvrHoru'rr--sotne time ago Mr R E Heughan asked the town council for permission to cut down a tree near his stable. The council would not grant the permission. but since that tune the Mayor told Mr Heughnn to go ahead cut itdown and he would " it all right with the council. or words to that effect. Constable Russel laid a com- l taint against Mr Heughan before the golice Magistrate. -Bruce Het ald. i An advertisement: in a dailv paper states that 300 teachers will he. required in the North-West. This gives some idea of the demand there is for teachers and shows why so many Ontario teach- ers are going west. At present Ontario 1st and 2nd class ttertifltstes are recog- nised anywhere in the east. and as the rest will not be able to supply its own teachings for some time. the He certiti. cates will likely be recognised for a good while before the prairie province feel disposed to "protect " its native teach- ing industry, With the rapid develop- mentof the west will follow a continuous demand for teachers, so that the day of extremely low salaries is over. The Toronto Star makes rather a. good point when tt says that editors of The Globe, The News, The World. The. Tele- gram. and Saturday night, all of which journals oppose the school clauses of the autonomy hills, some. of them frantical- ly, themselves do not send their children to the Public Schools. but to private schools. Separate schools established for soctal reasons are eyen more objec- tionable than those established tor re- ligious reasons. and there would Le vig- orous opposition to their receiving state aid. but we would hardly forbid the es- tablishment of class schools as long as they are wholly supported by their patrons, who also contribute to the sup- port of the national sehoou--Confed. Ix EVERY Tows,---Everr town has a liar. a sponzer. usluart alec. a blather- skite. its richest man, some pretty girls. a weather prophet, a neighborhood feud half a dozenlunatics, women who tattle, 31mm who-knows-it-all, more loafers than it needs, men who see every dog tight, a few xueddlesome old women, a. "ching" that stands at the hotel corners and sure- at women, a. widower Tho in: too guy for " use, a few who know how to run the smut-s of the country, a a grown young man who laugha every time he saw: anything. a girl who goes to the postoMce every time the mail is carried in. a. legion of smart niece who can tell the editor how to run the Paper, scores of men with the caboose " their trousers worn as smooth M close. a. man who grins when he talks, and laugh: out loud when he says anyttsintt.-Ex The pure-bred ligated Clvdeednle stallion "Sparkle nk " will travel the following route for 1905: Hominy to Noble Wilson’s for noon, thence to Robt Ian’s " night. Tuesdny to Sn: Maneen’I for noon 2'gt? to Knapp Home, Dru-bun tor n t. Wednesday to Wm Ritchie's tor noon thence to Alex Ellison’s tor night. Thur-day to l Borie's, Wadi 2lt', tor noon thence to ld Norrk'tor t. 1ytttpdarttrqttemmmatmtesiPtass. gt iguana)” minimum t and; January”. Friday to John Ianlly's for noon thence to Don McInnis’ " night. Exchange Echoes "Sparkle - " Ilk-e-ity-Prep'."..'-".","."".'"."";)- "ttatt" do”. of Lyon". Pm. ouch my“ [may aid the Sunni-dun. ll your Mood I: thln and Im- pure, you are miserable all the time. It ls pure, rich blood that invigorates, 'strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know giiikiaparim We are leading this vear in Bind- er Twine. Do not place your order with any person until vou call and examine our Twine and hnd out our prices. They are less than you can get any place. 'u' a bottm. AfLttyggMfc. We lead with everything in our line, othersfollow. We are also leading in the Ready Mixed Paint trade, because we sell the beat Paint manufactured. If you have painting, mining, enameling or varnishing to do, you can’t afford to miss The Sherwm Williams products. the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60yenrs. 'i"aGdr'smedieine. - - .44. .- Ann -rgee..eP.r-"-"-"=r-Gra= PgLe."=T=%.Ya--"c - Do not wear out that good carpet by sweeping it with an old broom when you can buy a carpetsweeoer so cheap. See our assortment from $1.50 up. There is no Fence to equal our American Steel wire Room Fence. You can build it yam-sell and it will last a. lifetime. Every farmer should secure a box of our Gull cure, and his horses will not have sore shoulders. w , - - - .- v. - "I on my “to. without don». to Ayer- g_rtn_. " In the moat wonderful - clue in the mm for nervouneu. Mr can to pom-neat. “I I mum thunk vol on»?! "u nun HOWELL, $19M. . J. All registered Stock and likely ani- mals. Apply to race. Scum & Bomr, Jan. 2, NOS. Rocky Sumac-n P. O. Door' -tteiltt In a prime factor in thoroughly artistic Jewellery, but it is not the only point to be considered. For extra value and good work. manship, try Watchtuaker, Jeweller. Optician mum iiiiiiii sums The Quality of Attraction PEEL. '1'?g','g',,t2gM,'Me Alargeverietyo the latest-styles. Thorough Bred Cattl and Yorkshirl Hogs. HARDWARE 1htrttaaraormtatatnd W. BLACK 'i7si.i'i" aim. FOR SALE. ,. Gordon, for lpvolli 1%ha -.-Hee"C=r--., _____, --+ TH! .HOIIAN J. G. AI... Co., port“, nun... 5E We no carrying in stock mar 20 lines of the most. popular leISlIILN, m hitch. white and an. in liquid h" pasta; prim. Be, to Me. Wsth one 2Ge line we no giving I Silver Spoon slam pod with the Victorin Silver Col, nude mark which plow-n they no genuine. With the 15° Illa Black Cat We have a nice Scribbler for the ochool children. lt " the but. quickest und cheap at out: shine we have ever seen. Try . box and be convinced. Only to be but " the down town shoe store. j. S. McIlraith TWEEDS & YARNS ' OF BEBT QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods, Boots * Shoes. Crockery, ke. We can give you Bargainr. F We ask impaction of our Tenn“: S. SCOTT. 8rris lymph-nut: . . Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Si ufilerr. etc. Enquire at this agency. Pete, 3tamitton algrmey ' . . Jterootut, 'meehinery . . Ordor: JUtt With RhMcMickcn a! I'm "II'.' House Stable or at the h: 1.13: OFFICE. Will reccivc mn MM attention. it. " JP, Waco/Ian tgttgttgtt"llgllliie" NWAhiratson Bun Alt kg shout:- in great variety W IN can made to order.. EDD G CAKE our speciail)" tIllegal" PM Fresh . and Relisbltr T il D H 0 P E CARRIAGES Watson’s Bread It has til the goodness of hump» and. brad and it’s always twi- my excellent. Never heavy, never W. never stale. Best hutch: Flour used. Bread MW only " your door. When you want the IlrFT use (A"C4f?X24 Seem to be all the go. They are handsome and " everybody knows, they are the most dur able rig on the market Call and examine them. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Mk6. Mowers, Binders, etc.. ol th.is famous firm's make. They give great satisfaction. i'rwer and terms to suit purchasers. BARCLAY d BELL WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. Shoe Dressings . . AS USUAL TERMS: CASH. MAY 4, tttot, " F, {uni Inch:A Table Flam Muir Jaw! Hwy l I hm Ill ttttil " " Flo; " Du 1'l um u n

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