West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 May 1905, p. 5

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ns and Biscuits in great variety 1 kinds of Cakes made to orderâ€" EDDING CAKES our specialty â€" white ar B¢e to Shoe Dressings BARCLAY & BELL :B WokAettan S. Mcllraith Natson‘s Bread OF BEST QUALITY. eries, Dry Goods, Boots Shoes, Crockery, &c. e can give you Bargain«. ‘e ask inspection of our Teasâ€".gzs# is the test, quickest and cheap~ e shine we have ever seen. Try nd be convineed. Ounly to be the down town shoe store. a T EEDS & YARNS tor Pamilton NEECIIONERY: and Reriabieâ€" . W.Watson Â¥ou Reard of " Holl Tine" UDHOPE ARRIAGES are carrying in stock oyer 20@ he most popular dressings, in mite and tan, in liquid & pasto; e to 25¢. With one 25¢ re giving a Silver Spoon stamâ€" the Victoria Silver Co‘s trade ish proyca they are genuine. 15¢ size Black Cat we have a bbler for the achool children. ency â€" TXSRMS: CASH. SCGOTT . al!l the goodness of homeâ€"~ bread and it‘s a]waytllni‘ ‘excellent. Never beayy, sour. never stale. _ Best oba Flour used. _ Bread red carly at your door. MAY 4, 1905 1 Wachinery . . m e nts )MS opposite Ho. Stables. t the BEST, use ws, Drills, Scufflers t this agency. ken at the Habm® at the REVIEW receive our best readiness for the Do yvou want any st dur narket â€" them 1e and RBinders, etc., of ‘s make. They tion. _ I rchasers Â¥O P rice# [ 2 yards long BIG 4 W. H. BEAN Ladies Hvy twilled cotton Sheeting, 72 in wide.. .2%c a yd White Bedspreads, large size,.......... . $1.40 each Tubl@ LINCR... . «««.+++«««+«s+« :++++400 a1d 50¢ m yo Floor Oileloth, 1 and 2 yds wide....25ca square yd Stait OHGIOLEH .. ; . . . . /« /, caves‘s ourts ic ces vs s ~X0€ ts yO Jupamese MAtting....................... .. . .20¢ & Â¥d / .\11 Curtains THERE‘ S MONFY t TBIS 5o YOU The Hanover Conveyancer, LENDS MONEY at very lowest rates. Flaces Insurances all kinds in reliable Companies, Collects Debts, Arranges Business Difficulties, Draws Wiitings and Sells C.P. R. Tickets to all points. Besides other lands he offers the following Bargains: 100 Acres Normanby Southâ€"west of Var ney ; wellimproved and an extra good Farm Owner bound to go west. Pure Honey and Fresh Groceries always on hand 125 Acres Normanby COo"!® and improved. â€" Will rent if not 150 Acres Bentinck No Offered cheap for quick sale. 100 Acres Bentinck N°*" Well improved and owner says \ ber to pay priceasked. The Hanover Conyeyancer, uoo e e ies Durham Residence Owned bY J.L. Browne Photographer. _ Also a large number of other Farm and Town Froperties. How Much Paper Do You Want ? Don‘t forget that we keep Pure Mixed Paints, Alabas tine, Furriture Polish, Enaâ€" mels and, Window Shades MAY 4, 1905 A A MacFarlane & Co. Druggists & Booksellers. Paints, Oils Varnishes Furniture Polish Turpentine Gasoline Borax }_ Household Ammonia Etc., â€" at H. H. MILLER, ** Multiply the length around the room in feet by the height deducting 20 for each opening and divide the remainder by D. This will give you the amount in single rolis." Having done this, come and see our large stock of new and elegant designs in all the latest colorings, Our new atock is very much admired by all who have seen it. A simple and accurate way of finding out the required number of rolls of Walil Paâ€" per for a room is as follows : Overskirts... ... ... $2.00, i Black Sateen Underskirts ++ Waists.... Black Sateen Underskirts........ 1.00 each n Waists.... .K an 1.00 each White Wadsts............. 10c and 75¢ each " _ Nightgowns.......75¢ and 1.00 each © _ Corset Covers......2%cand 50c each LACE CURTAINS â€" 26 inchbes wide............ HOUSEâ€" CLEANING NEEDS 1. MILLER, PARKER‘S Drug Store LADIES‘ WEAR 37 except SELLS am UCHEAP 64 kx urrrzer ces @RO® * 25¢ & 4te, bave worked ed ges CALOERS BLOGK DORHMM $2.00, 3.50 and 4.50 each Near Rocky Saugeen r says has enough tim Con18; Well located if not sold soon. North of Allan Park Te Hanover 25¢ a pair 70¢ T. 8. £. NOo. 1. NOoRMAxXBY & EGREMOXT. Clase 5â€"Mabel Duon. _ 8r 4â€"E. Hatâ€" ton, B. Lander. Jr 4â€"M. McCrie. E. Pettigrew, F. Barber. 8r3â€"J. Mell srige H. Barber. Jr3â€"P. Aldred, M. Hoy, C Pettigrew. Sr2â€"A. Pettigrew, W Boyle F. Clark, B. Barber, E. McCalmon. (Jr 2â€"M. Kerr, Ella Barber, E. Morrison, W. Blytb., A. Pettigrew. BH. Barber, H. Gadd. _ Sr Pt 2â€"Willie Hutton, Alister Lauder, Mary Bogle. JrPt 2â€"S8. Grant A. Gadd, F. Kerr. Sr 1â€"L. Pettigrew, E. Morrison. P 1 Aâ€"W. Eden, G. Grant, C. Barber. PtlBâ€"J. Gada, C. Bivth. Class 5â€"Annie Clark, Maggie Smith. ithâ€"Jessie Smith, Lizzie Grierson, Neil McLean. 3rdâ€"Thos Putherbough, Beatâ€" on McNally and Wilhe McNally equal. 8t 2ndâ€" Ross MeDonald, Clara Caswel}, Jr 2ndâ€"Mabel Smith, Robbie Putherâ€" bough, Clarence McNally, Pt 2n¢â€" May Grierson, Marjory Clark, Philip McDonald. S 1â€"Johnnie Smith, John Clark, Wesley Caswell. Jr 1st â€"Koy Lamb, Average Attendance 27. The Scientific American in ansaswer to the query ** Will you please tell me if a lightning rod placed on a pole a few feet from a barn will insure the safety of the barn,. In other words, if lightning is in a straight course for a building will a pole and rod placed in said positon atâ€". tract the lightning from its course" says; A lightning rod standing above a buildâ€" ing but attached to a pole several feet from the building will make it less likeâ€" ly that the building will be struck by lightning. It does not work in the manâ€" 1 ner you describe, by drawing a discharge . which is aimed at the hni%ding and is coming through the air trom its source, ‘ and away from building. A flash of: lightning takes place in some such way as this : A cloud comes over a place.. The cloud is charged with electricity. This attracts electricity of the opposite kind from the earth and intothe kighest objects of the earth under the cloud. These charges of electricity in the cloud and in the earth reâ€"act upon each other to rupture the air between them and then a flash which signals their coming together is seen. lf the most intense part of the charge on thee«rth is in the building. the flash will go to the building; if 1t is in the lightning rod the flash goes to the rod. Now the chance is that the highest objects will he most highly charged by the action of the cloud. and thus be the points to be struck,. No power can divert the discharge when once it starts for its destimmation, which is the most intense place charged by the opposite kind of electricity to that of the cloud. _ It goes to that point and to no other, Nor are we to think that the flash always starts from the cloud and falls to the earth. Itas likely starts from the earth as from the cloud and starts from both at the same instant. It someâ€" times flies back and forth many times from cloud to earth and from earth to cloud before the surging action dies out. The choice of Hanover seems to have ‘ been a happy one judging from the | following in the P]ost: "Mr George Binnie, secretary of the South Grey Farmer‘s Institute, speaking to The Post last night said that he considered the horse show held in Hanovyer yesterâ€" day the most successful in the history of the association, When asked on what points he based his remark he said "both in quality and number of horses." It was a sonrce of great pride and pleasâ€". ure to Mr Val.?iKirchner who bas been prominenfly connected with the venture to have the event pan out so well. There was a fair crowd in attendance,. â€" Juast now the farmers are very busy, in fact the show could not have "caught" them at a more unpropitious time. Some of theimn walked to town so that their horses would not be taken from the work. Dr Reid of Georgetown acted as judge, and gave an address on the breeding of horses which we will produce in The Post next week. President W J Young of Durham was among the men noted on the grounds. Hanover horse fanciers and many gentlem«an from neighboring towns were present. There were four entries in the first class, four in the second and six in the third. The result was that a Chesley Horse "Princ Favorite got 1st in the important class. E4 Hoy won 2nd and 3rd with "Moncrieff" and **Highborn." Heavy horses, Canadian bred; prizes went to Ernsc of Walkerton, Gowanâ€" lock of Maple Hill, Fyke of Hanover. h Light horses; prizes went to Harrison af Walkerton. Ernst of Walkerton, Polâ€" Light horses; of Walkerton, F lock of Chesley. Purchase of Horses in Canada for the Imperial Army. A great deal of misunderstanding havâ€" ing arisen concerning the objects of the Imperial Government in sending officers to this country to purchase horses, Ootr rather to see if hLborses snitable for the Bnitish Army can be purchased, the folâ€" lowing short summary of the position should prove of ‘value. This statement may be regarded as absolutely correet and authoritative. First and foremost, the demands of the British Aroy in peace time can be easily met within the four corners of the United Kingdom. The demand is not large, and may be taken as a normal one of 2,500 horses annually, rsing 10 certain years to possibly 3.500 of all kinds of classes. South Grey Farmers‘ Institute 8oo ago ake Nss ETL CA on a & the opening up of a larg* and limitlas' UAL@G AL! market that can ba drawn upon to meet ; April, 1905. the immense demand that will be created 1 How Lightning Acts. Successful Horse Show A. C. MacKEXZIE, Teacher s s xo J0 BEexTirck School Reports. W J Ritchie. ceacher. <â€" & + ; in time of war. â€" The real qne«tion the" | that has now to beanswered by the prac | tical expeâ€"iment of purch»se during the ‘ next few mounths, is, can suitable horses be procured, and at an averave price that will { when the borses are landed in England, favourably compare with that paid for reâ€" ; ino;mull‘)throughout Great Britain aod | lreland : The average prise paid in Engian.\ is an open serret ; it is £40, or say $2030~ The cost of freight and insnrance wiil eertainly not exceeed another $5),. leaving $150, or possibly slightly more, to be p=id for the animals selected on the «pot. _A higher ; rice can be paid for hor«es of special color and type. ench as horses snitable for offiâ€" cer‘s chargers aod honsebold cava‘ry. _ It is therefore obvions that Canada is on 18 trial as to its ability to supply a snitable horse for armv purp ses. It is, further, of more importance to Carada than to anv one else that, as the horees purchased will be regardled in Engâ€" land, as well as in this country. as typc .J. it will be in every way a great mis<fortune if those sent home are of a cla«ss and qnal. ity that will engender a Lelief that the Canadian horse is of an inferior type Suach a belief will probably do more b=rm to Canoadian horse breeding and the repnâ€" tul\tinn of Canadian horses than avything else. Two classes of horses are to be bought, 1st. Ruding horâ€"es, fit for hervy and light Cavalry, from eay 15 to 15} | ands, 2nd â€" Draught horees fit for being driven postilhon, wich Horse and Field Artillerg, The latter imnst not be less than 1,280 lbs, 15 2 to 15,8% hands« in height, strong. acâ€" tive, and with good shoulders to enatle them to move fret ard even to gallop, when required ; _ the age should be from 4 off to 6 years. In a‘l cases the British Government require horses with short backs, good shoulders, plen‘y of bone and distinet evidence of quality, In the case of riding hor«es, those with a near cross of the tnorobred ara most likely to take the eye of the Inspecting Officers. The British Remount Officers are in possession of detailed apecifications, show. ing the exact type nnd qualifications of the horses required. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, April 15th, 1905. Notice is hereby given that Legislation will be applied for at the present session of the Legislature to legalize Byâ€"law, No 400 of the Town of Durham. . Any person or persons having objections to the said byâ€"law will goyern themselves accordingly. In the matter of the estate of Robert McFarlane, the elder, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Gentleman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to " The Revised Statutes of Ontario " 1897 chuYter 129 that all creditors and others bhaving claims against the estate of the said Robert McFarlane, the Elder, who died on or about the 6th day of March, A D 1905 are required, on or before THE 20th DAY OF MAY A D, 1905 to send by post prepaid or deliver to George McFarlane. David McFarliane or Robert McFarlane, Executors of the last will and testament of the said Deâ€" ceased, ftheir Christian and surnames, addrtesses and descriptions, the full parâ€" ticulars of their claims. the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any held by them. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Exâ€" ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then bavenotice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or perâ€" sons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this 15th day of April A D 1995. Groror McFaARLANE Davip McFaARLANE Rosrrt McFARLANXE, Durham P. O.. Ont. Executors of the last will and Testaâ€" ment of Robert McFarlane the Elder, Deceased. PURSUANT to the Judgment for Adâ€" ministration dated March 7th, 1905, there will be sold with the approbation of Duncan Mortison, Esq.,. Master of this Court at Owen Sound, by James Carson, Auctioneer, at Hahn‘s Hotel in the Town of Durham, at the hour of 2 o‘clock in the afternoon on Wednesday the 17th day of May, 1905, the following lands and Fremises namely ;â€"The Wesr 71 acres of Lot No. 13, Concession %, in the Township of Normanby and comâ€" mounly known as the Bowles‘ farm, upon which there are erected a small dwelling house and a frame barn and stable, The soil is a good clay loam with one and oneâ€"halt acres of orchard. The property is distant three miles from the vyillage of Varney and conventent to tne Town of Durham and oneâ€"half mile disâ€" tant from church and school. The property will be offered for sale sub The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase money to the Plaintiff‘s Solicitors at the time of sale and the reâ€" mainder within thirty days thereafter, The Purchaser shall search the Title at his own expense and no abstract, deeds declarations or other evidence of title will be produced excegc those in the poâ€" session of the parties héretc. In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will hbe the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice for Ontario. Further particulars can be had from J. W. Frost, Barrister, Owen Sound, Messrs Kilbourn & Kilboura, Barristers, Owen Sound, or MacKay. Sampson and Telford, Plaintiff‘s Solicitors, Owen Sound, Dated at Owen Sound this 14th day of April, 1905. Duxcax MorRI8ON Local Master at Owen Sound TH® DerxAM FurntTUr®ECo, LtD. E}e‘étvto'::rve’served bid fixed by the Master. In the High Court of Justice Notice to Creditors. Bowrrs Vs. MarsHALL JUDICIAL SALE. NOTICE, SIM'?M}flo EiIIKTOF CANADA CAPITAL, Authorized . ... ... $2,000.000 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,(¢0 RESERVE FUND ........... 1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal points .n Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. RE 1, Manager. A general Banking ousiness transacted Drafts issued and collection +made on all points. Deposits received ard inte est allowed at eurrent rates SAVINGS BAN® â€" .aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a distance. J KELLY, Agent. Two young Shorthorn, Durham Bulis grandsons of imported Cruikshanks, for sale, 1q mos. and 15 mos. old. _ Will trade for suitable colt. Apply t» DODURMHAM AGENCY T sutTts To a T / And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, an a every desirable variety of pastry. Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every THX UUKMAKMK REVIEW FIRST of all, we use only the finest department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair, Give us a call and see 1or yourself. A â€" first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. MyMODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN GOOD REASONS: STILIDTSOITS G. H. STINSON, *%Wmegl xnA ie A ipipapimn w JSIPIWPAPIIRE . *n Uu ts . . SHORTHORN BULLS N. 6.,& J. McKechnie Wa Eoog. Edge Hill P. O. N, c &J. McKechnie Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. WEDDING â€" CAKES We wouid strongly advise the people who are looking for Spring Gocds and right prices to be sure and strike McKechnie‘s for a nice line of Lace Curtains from Just opened up, Linol:ums and Floor Oils, 1} and 2 yds wide. Also a nice line of JAPANESE MATTINGS Call and examine for yourself. It will only a pleasure for us to show you our gnods. LACE â€" CURTAINS (The popular Cash Storeâ€") CARPETS 30c a pair up to $5.00 PREPARATORY to movâ€" ing to other quarters we have decided to make a MOVING SALE and havecut our prices accordingly. Call now and gee our extensive lines of LOTS of choice and barâ€" gatus to those who come early. MOVING STOCK SALE, Upper Town, Distinguished for *‘ Thoroughness Corner Yonge and Alexander St«. A highâ€"class Commercial Schoolâ€"the best in Canada. Enternow. Open the entire year. Catalogue free A TERM IN ANY OF THE DE ~wPARTMENTS OF THEA*~ MEN‘S AN) LADIES‘ CLOTEING will place your services in greater demand. _ Four complete courses of study, Business; Shorthand + ~Aramaliing ) wb www s . e w /s 90R w usdie® > ® ‘There is no time like the present to enter. . This institution has unexcelled equigment: a full staff of competent and painstaking teachers. Hundreds who were just able to spend a few winter months with us are now filling firstâ€"class positions. For full particulars address, (C. 2. 1111 I!NG, Prinec! Owen Sound TORONTO, ONT. J. LEVINE NORTHER TORONTO W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Durkam ‘ and J. G. HUTTON, M. D., Omee and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Bt., at foot of Hill. _ Old Moodie Cort Graduate of London,,New York and ci{‘ "o,- + Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat k®*Will be at Knapp House, Durham, the 2na Baturday in each month., Hours, 1â€"61 w."%@a Late assistant to Moorfield‘s (Lonudon to Knapp‘s (New York) Eve Hom Office, 18 Frost 8t, â€" â€" â€" â€" Owen Sou Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store OMceâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURHANM Pxysicia®n & BurerRoN, Office over J. &,J. Hunter‘s Store o hn it 1 8 to 10 a.M. Jompany and private Funds to Loan op Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator. 9â€"11 a. in Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortguges, Loases, Agroements &c.correctly prepared. " Estates of deceased perâ€" soms looked after and Executor‘s and Adminis= trators‘ Accounts prepared and rnud burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills. Letters of Adâ€" minstration and Guardienship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers &c. Money to Loan, A. G. MacKay! K. C W. F Dunn Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. JOHN CLARK _» Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &e Purham, Nov. 16, ‘08 Sy denhammu_gtpll ARTHUR GUN, M. D.. Iusures Farm Buildings and Contents, Dwelling and Contents in towns and villages. Everything in a dwelling is covered by one sum, Contents of outmfldlmm includes all the farm produce gener. ally. aud live stock from fire or lightning txt‘nwweanueoflmoenme“w rates .fi-m the Bydenham. m.a:’ 7e Member College Physicians and Surge Ontario. #@~ Special attention given to Discases of Women and Children. Dr. T. G. KHOLT L. D. S. &C, PICKERING D. DS.,L.D.S. fice, Durham. _ &#" Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly uttended to, Terms on application to D. McPHAIL, Ceylon P. O or to C. RAMAGE, Durhan: «RVZL 2 PD PCA L. Eye, Ear, Nose & Phroat Licensed Auctioneer for Co,. Grey Terms moderate. Armmenu for sales ms to autes, &c., must be made at the Review Ofâ€" Aill Charges Moderate J Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey. censed ioneer for the Co, of . Bales E%:-J’“L:mm' left at his x-pu::t Wareâ€" reoms, lcllM’IOMM orat the Review BARRISTER, soiciror, NOATRY PuBLIC â€" CONYEYANCER, ac FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST or the Du nam Pharmsacy Calder‘s ck. Residence first door west of th old Post Office, Durham., oFPICE HOURS 1 a. m. 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€" p Telephone Connection No. 10 m uie â€" / ac IP â€" Che «i G. LEFROY McCAUL. fice, MceIntyre Block, over the Bank flice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store ffice. McKenzie‘s Old Star.d, Dnrham /A n1ctioncers. h ainornie 4 ahe afotne tss . McPHAIL _# Private Money to Loan. Collec tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Farms bough:i and sold MACKAY & DUNN, HOURS DR. BROWN, J. P. TELFORD DR. BURT . H. JACKSON, Ceylon has a telephone office _ Fire Insurance Co. Established in 1869. Money to boan R. C. P., London, Englang Neld‘s (Lonudon, Eng) and York) Eye Mospitals, Owen Sound weorge [0 4|

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