West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 May 1905, p. 4

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e Ay Raymond Sewing Machines. McClaryf Stoves for Coal cr Wcocd Agent for the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. T)eering Jfarvesters #ifii-’& CEeEFEcEtecececgcg c METHING NEW INX WASHLE®~: Yhe Rkertornted Lo. fo This is the season for renovoting your homes. New Curâ€" tains will be required. See otr great stock betore buying. We have them from........ Our $1 Curtain is * Atfatees," 41.00 per pr. to 5.00 arling‘s Prug tore _â€"â€"â€"â€" mT*im, ‘Thc New Baby A complete showing of Spring and Summer White Lawn Waists, made in dainty fashions and markea specially Jlow. lt‘s a waste of time and money to loock elsewhere, We have decided to sell these Waists at each MLadies‘ Qain{y White Waists BEAUTY ABOUNDS on every hand HERE. Departments all complete with goods attractive, becoming and moderately priced. Wffiltinery Clegant d Lovely Gohn Glark. We can give onl{' a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair prices Iottingham Aace Curtains Also Wilhelm‘s Wringers, all made by Watson of Ayr. RBeautiful dpring Apparel The best in their line as we bandle only the best. f Da!‘h'ns, Fhoi\Deople‘s Druggist. . 4 HWlortoc. Cash and One Price. Our Order Book plain‘ly Toay Uperieg Werk, nery ng Week. Such a brilliant display was worthy of a much larger town than Durâ€" bam. Our Hats were greatly admired and were designed by our Milliners who won unâ€" stinted praise for eleâ€" gance, novelty and good taste. 75¢, 51, 1125 to 2.50 You‘ll fird all these at Darling‘s Drug Store. All the goods we sell are pure, carefully made, the right thing for the purpose. If you have a prescription to fill this is the place to bring it. Everything fresh*and good. Needs Pure Drugs, Hyâ€" genic Nursing Bottles, the Best Toilet Preparations. {Andé GRarm \«[ffa%Kkinery. We Bank on Quality. A few doors South of tfimiddaugh House, Hfillinery Vodestly Priced niv in the Ide +# â€"â€"â€" PHE DURHAK REVIEW Henry Young. 4547 Oakenwald avenue, to Rupert James Henry, son of C. F. Henry of Rockford was celebrated at the bride‘s home at 7 o‘clock Tuesday evening. ln the presence c(f a few intimata friends and relatives Rev Herâ€" man Page of St Paul‘s Episcopal church said the service. The bride was attendâ€" ed by two bridesmaids ori!ly. Miss Nellie Young aad Miss Aileen Henry, George N. Young served as best man, The bride wore a gown of princesse lace, made in princesse style. _ Her veil was of tulle, and she carried lilies of the valley. The two maids wore gowns of gink liberty silk, with green girdles,. and carried pink roses. The decorations were in Easter lilies, roses and marâ€" guerites _A reception followed the service, Mr and Mrs Henry, after an extended wedding triaowill reside at 1008 Franklin ayenue. ckford, after July 1st." Younaâ€"HExry From "The Society Times." a Chicago Journal. we extract the following reâ€" lating to a young Iudg whose family are wellâ€"known in Durham. Mrs Henry has the warmest wishes of her Durham friends; 5 "Another Delevan romance was hapâ€" pily ended last night, when the wedding Mr Fred Palen left last Saturday for Ortawa, to enter the employ of the Inâ€" ternational Portland Cement Co. _ In a letter to us he speaks very highly of the many kindnesses extended to him by friends in Durham, and we think we can promise him in return that the town will be pleased to hear of his welâ€" fare and would welcome his return. McKrcHXNI®xâ€"In Durham, on Saturday May 6th, to Mr and Mrs Philip Mcâ€" Kechnie, a daughter. Mr and Mrs John McKinnon, Sullivan visited their daughter Mrs Jno:; A. Black from Saturday till Mondav. They drove over in the bheayy raim Saturday, but bless you, a hearty young couple like tkem don‘t mind it. puy ended last night, when the wedding of Miss Margaret Young. daughter of Mr Malcolm McKinnon of Fort Wi!lâ€" liam Council, was at Toronto interviewâ€" ing the new government on behalf of his town and visited his brothers in and near town over the week end. Mr Dan Greenwood left on Monday for a trip to Britain intending before returning home to visit each of the three kingdoms. We wish him good health and a pleasant trip. Mr R B Ledingham is a guest with his sister. Mrs Jno. Clark, this week. He also entertained for a few days a college iriend, Mr Boyd, also a graduate of Knox College. Miss Annie Russell, Durham, who has been visiting her sister Mrs James D. Fraser, returned home on Sunday last.â€"Confederate Messrs Malcolm and Jno. McKinnon returned to Toronto, Monday, after visiting relatives in town and vicinity. Mr Robert Vollet went to Toronto Tuesday. We regret to record that Mr. J. M. Hunter is seriously ill, having suffered a stroke of paralysis on Monday. Mrs Jno. Towner, her mother and little son, left Monday on a month‘s visâ€" it to her sister in Rockport, I!l. Mr Farqubarson is in Toronto this week attending the meeting of the Svaod of Toronto and Kingston. Mr. A. Catton epent a couple days in Toronto last week end. Mr Evans, miller, of Chesley, visited at Mr John Black‘s on Friday. Mrs. Donald McKechnie, Priceville is visiting her nephew, Mr. John A. Grabam, and other friends. Mr Frank Vickers left Tuesday for Listowel. Mrs Elines, of Zurich, is a guest with Mr and Mrs Seigner. Mr Brad Jamieson left Friday on a week‘s visit to Toronto. Mr Artbhur McClocklin spent Sunday at his home, returning to Meaford Monday. Miss Susanna Legate, who has spent a month at Mr Haskin‘s near town, reâ€" turned Friday to her home in Toronto. Mr O‘Brien, ot Gueliph, was in and around town buying cattle last week end. Mr Jno. McCaul Toronto, spent from Friday to Tuesday at the parentai homwe. Miss Currie, Lamlasbh, is a guest at Mr Chbas. McAtthur‘s this week, HYMENEAL BORN +4 â€"@â€"+ + Any outstanding accounts after the above named date, will be placed our Sohicitor for collection. w Dated May 8th 1905. y N., 6. & J, MoKzcunm, All persons indebted to the firm of N., G. & r McKechnie are hereby required to call and settle their accounts with the said firm, either by note or otherâ€" wWise, within th:‘;r.co of one month from the date hereof for the purpose of settling \1? the affairs of the Estate of the late Neil McKechnie, in the matter of the Estate of t Neil McKechnie ;â€" he lats The elections will furnish a test of the felelling of Ontario on the autonomy bills. The Review and Daily Star to new Subscribers to end of year for only $1.00. Easily remitted, Do it now, Mr Sutherland‘s majority was about 1500 while Mr Hyman‘s was only 24, so that there is a fighting chance to defeat the new minister, Howeyver this is scarcelfi likely for the city will hardly reject MrHyman with all the added digâ€" nity of Min. of Public Works. The death of the Hon. Jas Sutherland will cause two electionsâ€"in his own conâ€" stituency of South Oxford, and in Lonâ€" don where Mr Hyman, who has been acting Minister of Public Works, must now go hack for reâ€"election, for it is gelr'tain be will be promoted to the portâ€" olio. After broken health for two years and serious illness for many months the aâ€" bove gentleman, Minister of Public Works in the Dominion Cabinet, passed away last Wednesdday at the age of 56. The Premier in announcing his death was overcome by emotion, which Mr. Borden said was more eloquent than his eloquent words of the loss he had susâ€" tained in his government and of what the country had sufiered by his death. As a mark of respect the Premier moved and Mr Borden seconded that the House adjourn for the funeral. On all sides is testimony that Mr Sutherland was a warin friend and a generous opponent. Mr Sutherland had a unique record in never baying been defeated in any of his contests. Had every seat been filled and memâ€" bers all present the majority would have been 89 without the speuaker, the Globe estimates of the 13 Consesvatives ten were from Quebec, one of these being H. B. Ames. a member of the Protestant council of Public Instruction two from Ontario, Pringle of Cornwail and Lewis, West Huron, and the Yukon member. It is surprising to find the Territories go in its favor by 7 to 3 and Manitoba by 6 to0 3, and this will go far to carry out the claim that only ‘Ontario is exâ€" citing itself about it. The bill will uow go through comâ€" mittee and likely pass at its third readâ€" ing by practically the same vote. Ontario and Prince Edward Island were the only provinces giving a maâ€" jority against the hill, standing 34 to 44 and 1 to 2 respectivel{. Quebec stood 60 to I in favor, the sole objector being Dr Walish of Huntingdon, New Brunsâ€" wick 6 to 6, Nova Scotia 18 to 0, Manitoha 6to3, Territories 7 to 3, British Columbia 7 to 0, Yukon 1 to 0. The important vote on the Z2nd readâ€" ing of tg: Autonomy hill took place last week, and the government was sustaincd by a majority of 281. Thirâ€" teen Conservative members voted with the government the vote standing 140 to 59 or nearly 24 to one. TO FICS OF THE WEEK â€"A gold belt in Nova Scotia, possâ€" ibly the richest in America, is causing comment. This may draw the popâ€" ulation eastward, for gold has been one of the great means of drawing people ovyer the earth. If this bill becomes law it will be speedier to walk around than attempt to navigate an automobile past a proâ€" cession of horses on roads where yehicâ€" les are met or passed every minute or so. He would get about as much tun out of a wheelbarrow. Yet nothing is surer than that somedrastic legislation will be passed if the owners of automoâ€" biles do not pay more attention to the comfort and safety of other travellers on the highways. These other travelâ€" lers are in an immense majority, and they will nut submit to be practically driven from the roads by the insolent selfishness of the yery tew. The autoâ€" mobilist must act as a gentleman or he will find himselft treated like an cutlaw.â€"â€"Ex â€"â€"â€"The legislatures of the two new pro{lnou are to consist of 25 members each. l’a;'hrlm is a bill before the Ontario ature regula automobile sraffic on country r:n& It requires that the automobile shall be brought to a complete no?. when meeting a horseâ€"drawn vehicle, at least one bunâ€" dred feet away from it; and that it shall not move again until either the If be comes up behind a horseâ€"drawn vehicle, his case is to be even harder. Then he must stay behind until the man wich the horse signals him that bhe may pass. And he must stay a handred teet behind where the gasoâ€" line odor will not inconvenience the driver. Should che man in adyance be in no hurry and bave an objection to gasoline flung back from an autoâ€" mobiie in front, the motorist is likely to break no records while dawdling along behind his farm waggon waiting for permission to pass. horse it or its driver has aignal?:i' hment. If the horse is "fractiouns,‘‘ the driver can demand that the motor car be ditched, and he can also retfi:e the man in the motor car to helx im to get his horse sately past it. All this will tend to give the motorist the exercise he needs after riding so rapidly through the fresh air. The Vote on the Second Reading. London and South Oxford Hon. Jas. Sutherland Dead. TORONTO NOTICE. Ar+ Thorough Bred Cattl and Yorkshir@ Hogs. All registered Stock and likely aniâ€" mals. Apply to THos. Scarr & Soxs, Jan. 2, 1905. Rocky Saugeen P. O. QUALITY OF OUR SHOFS Ayers PEEL, Sarsaparilla M for Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chilâ€" drea become strong and well ”uu..Ayu’os.rmfll& Smail doses, for a few days. The change is very prompt and very marked. __Ask your doctor why it is. He has our formula and will explain. Bok. in o The Children Is a prime factor in thoroughly artistic Jewellery, but it is not the oniy point to be considered. For extra value and good workâ€" manship, try Watchmaker, Jeweller, Optician hbettetthanh:thse A large variety of the latest styles, = Whenm ul,-' o14, for many months no ne theught T could live because of thin blood. Wheelbarrows from $2 up. Floors in Summer should be clean, bright and cool. Then they are healthfuf and inviting. If yon use the Sherwinâ€"William‘s Floor Finâ€" ishers, your floors will be up to date and a pleasure to every body who walks on them. If you have a desire to keep your lawn in good shape, buy one of our lawnâ€"mowersâ€"the best that money can buy. Grass and Hedge Shears also in stock. See our assortment of Barrel and Rocker Churns, Butter Workers, Butter Bowls. Butter Ladels, Butâ€" ter Spoons and Milk Cans. Do not forget that we are selling the best woven wire fence manuâ€" factured, Crow Bars and Clay Picks in abundance. Every farmer should look into our Binder Twine proposition before purchasing elsewhere. The Quality of Attraction Durham & Owen Sound HARDWARE snees, constipation provent reâ€" . Cure these with Ayor‘s Pills. W. BLACK restored me to FOR SALE. A. Gordon, THE SHOEMAN S 2. Vineland, N. J. Some of our customers think we are too far downtown and some not far enough but under the present cirâ€" cumstances we will be pleased to see as many as can come this far. We have good values in from $1.00 to $1.75. Slfllll S||DI)0IS Ordors Aoft Misses® & Chiloren‘s Slippgss ȣ: Leather and Tan. We have a line of # ' s Lodies® Royol Purple Bais s Corner Yonge and Alexander Sts. A hlgl-cl.u Commercial Schoolâ€"the best im Canada. ter now. Open the entire year. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Do you want any Spring Imptements .. Ploughs, Harrows, Drills, Scuffiers etc. Enquire at this agency. KMHarvesting Wachinery . . Rakes, Mowers, Binders, etc., of this famous firm‘s make. They give great satisfaction. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. thein, They are beauties. Many different kinds 8“0[ mmfimg always in stock. Don‘t forget that we claim " HALF TIME" is the best, cheapest and quickest Paste Polish we know of. Only to be had here. 10c per box. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. TERMS CASH. EGGS TAKEN as Cash in exchange for Goods J. S. Mcllraith Peter MHamilton Agency . .. Distinguished for *‘ Thoroughness ‘‘ A. W. Watson Buns and Biscuits in great variety All kinds of Cakes made to order. WEDDING CAKES our specialty â€" Firstâ€"Class Manitoba Flour For Sale Watson‘s Bread With R.*McMicken at the Hahn House Stable or at the REvIEwW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. We‘re Well Situated Also other highâ€"grade Manitoba Flours, per barrel â€"$5.60 to 5.75 Ogilvie‘s Royal Household, . . ... per barrel ... .. .86 "Five Roses," TUDKHOPE CARRIAGES Seem to be all the go. ‘They are handsome and as everybody knows, they are the most durâ€" able rig on the market. Call and examine them. . . . AS USUAL ... WAREROOMS opposite Middaugh Ho. Stables. BARCLAY & BELL TORONTO, ONT. MAY 11, 1905 ochettlan W. HA. B 2 yards long THERF S MONFY t 1 Places insurances ©| * Companics, Collects Det Business Difficuities, D and Sells C.P.R. Ticke All Curtains, except Table Linen ... . .. Â¥Filoor Oilcioth, 1 : Btair Oileloth . .. Japanese Matune 160 Acres Bentinck The Hanover C« Ladies 100 Acres Normaniy ney ; wellimproved and a Owner bound to go west 125 Acres Normanby and improved, . Will rent: BIG 4 Hyy twilled cotton Sheeting WWite Bedspreads, large «iz ber to pay priceasked Durham Residence / l'holnxn,.hvr. Also a Farm and Town F‘roperti Pure Honey and 1 100 Acres Mackarlane Druggists & Paints, Oils Varnishes Furniture P Turpentine Gasoline Borax LENDS MONEY Well impre ber to pay Don‘t force Pure Mixed tine, FPurrit mels and . \\ Etc., How Much Paper Do You V H. H. MIL KAY 11, 1 The Hanov« ousehold A un dn y Overskirt Black Sa White Wai * Nig! .& H. MTTL 30. . This will amount in sing Having dor see our n and elegant latest color stock is v« by all who i A simple and a of finding out i number of rolls . per for a room i **Multiply the le the room in feet I deducting 20 for and divide the re HOUSE CLEAN NEEDS PARKEJ Drug St Besid the fc LA LA Ds‘ WI SISLI S 1 and Bentinck 1 tg01 t M A A at Pak C L0 koint at h

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