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Durham Review (1897), 11 May 1905, p. 5

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«* HALF apest and e know of. per box. DWS dur ket htire vear aVi d UBNEE go. and DRESSINGS em 1\ Tto n rlage eltian to retail at £:i.00 See 1905 aith On 21 » $6 ne of itent % â€" | _ 4T. H. MILLER, s x: *k a W. H. BEAN u\-y‘ "fil'.i" cot‘r’on sheet'i’ng. 72 in wlde...iaii: % yg te spreads, large size........... . .$1.40 eac T-‘lcUnen........................Z')cmdme.yd Floor Oileloth, 1 and 2 yds wide....2%¢a square yd Stait OMCIOT. «. . .« «. +«« «««+« + ~«««4 <c<««r«rrobic 40 Japanese Matting................ ....... .. . 20€ & Â¥d The Hanover Conveyancer, LENDS MONEY at very lowest rates. Places Insurances 0f all kinds in reliable Companics, Collects Debts, Arranges Business Difficulties, Draws Wiitings and Sells C. P. R. Tickets to all points. Besides other lands he offers the following Bargains: 100 Acres Normanby Southâ€"west of Var ney ; wellimproved and an extra good Farm Owner bound to go west. 125 Acres Normanby Con18; Well located and improved. Will rent if not sold soon. THERE‘S MONFY im THIS F0R YOU HE $ SELLS x CHEAP Ladies‘ Overskirts........ . .$2.00. : "__ Black Sateen Underskirts § Waists.... . 150 Acres a,ntinck North of Allan Park Offered chean for anick sale. The Hanover Conveyancer, Hanover BIG 4 NX t 0 6# at ux reas s 6+ $KAG * Xil Curtains, except 2¢ & 46c, have worked ed ges Pure HWoney and Fresh Groceries always on hand __ Offered cheap for quick sale. 100 Acres Bentinck Near Rocky Saugeen Well improved and owner says has enough tim ber to pay priceasked. Durham Residence Owned by J.L. Browne l‘hnlngrl}lhcr. Also a large number of other Farm and Town Froperties. LACE CURTAINS yards long, 26 inches wide............ Paints, Oils Varnishes Furniture Polish Turpentine Gasoline Borax fiousehold Ammonia Etc., _ at ~MacFariane & Go. Don‘t forget that we keep Pure Mixed Paints, Alabas tine, Furriture Polish. Enaâ€" mels and, Window Shadges How Much Paper Do You Want ? MAY 11, 1905 Druggists & Booksellers. H. H. MILLER, White Waists........ **_ Nightgowns.. "_ Corset Covers A simple and accurate way of finding out the required number of rolls of Wall Paâ€" per for a room is as follows : * Multiply the length around the room in feet by the height deducting 20 for each opening and divide the remainder hy D. This will give you the amount in single rolls." Having done this, come and see our large stock of new and elegant designs in all the latest colorings, Our new stock is very much admired by all who have seen it. PARKER‘S Drug Store HOUSEâ€" CLEANING NEEDS LADIES‘ WEAR AA A A GALOERS BLOGK DURHAM $2.00, 3.50 and 4.50 each se an 1.00 each .M0¢ and T5¢ each 70¢ and 1.00 each .2%cand 50c each 1.00 each & paMLF As is well known, these two buildings were erected at a cost of $175,000 hy Sir William Macdonald, a shrewd. obseryâ€" ant old bachelor. Wheiher Sir William bas suffered from dyspepsia through eating indigestible pastry, soggy bread, leatbery beef or fried egzs ! am not preâ€" pared to <ay, but this Institute which he has so zenerously given to the public is certainly intended to giye girls a thorâ€" ough and scientific training in domestic science. It is a deplorable fact that very many of our Canadian girls are very inâ€" different houseâ€"keepers, and strange to say, some feel proud to be able to say that they cannot «weep, cook or sew. Such girls are to be pitied rather than reprovyed, as the blame doesn‘t rest wholly upon their shoulders. It would be well for some mothers to copy our late beloved queen in the matter of training children to do housework. However to remedy this lack of training in domestic science, is one of the objecets of this Institute. Mere girls are taught the science and art of housekeeping, inâ€" cluding dress making, millinery, beautiâ€" tying the home and a hundred and one things which are a thousand times more needed than the ability to speak many languages or play a difficult piece of music. We do not despise these latter accomplishments, but they should be neglected rather than the others. On the north side of the 0. A. C. cainpus is an area of alout 12 acres risâ€" ing with a gentle slope from the Dundas or Brock road. On the summit of this eminence are situated two unique. imâ€" pressive and stately edificesâ€"the Macâ€" donald Institute and Macdonald Hall. i ltiic &ft:h r:'ld if there is anou:‘er counâ€" y in world pnssessing such a comâ€" bination of hulls of learning as is to be found in that imposing pile. It makes one‘s beart swell with pardonat le‘ pride as he views those nw‘r:e structuresand realizes the advantages and privileges which they afford to our Canadian youug people. for right here one nm{ ohtain an education extendiog from elâ€" ementary lessons in nature study to the scholarly attainments of the University graduate. In fact it is affirmed by some of the leading educationists that a comâ€" plete course in the foregoing institutions is just as elevating, refining, thorough and comprehensiye as that obtrined in any University, and far more practicsl besides. It deserves to be called the University of Canada, as its work and influence reaches from Halifax to Vanâ€" couver. governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick. Quebec and Ontario have granted about fifty scholarships to as mauy teachers, to en« able them to take a course in nature study in the Macdonald Institute. These scholarships amount to $75 for men and $50 for women. â€" Besides this each studentâ€"teacher recerves a g:ant of $25 and five cents a mile from Sir Wm. Macdonald. The term lasts a little over eleven weeks. â€" The following are so me of the subjects taken up : Ornithology â€"Birds, their names, nses and habits: Entoamologyâ€"Iusects, their names, uses and babits; Botanyâ€"Plant life, identification of plants, diseases of plants, â€" {&e.;â€" Ulimatologyâ€"Including cause of rain, cyclones, &¢. ; Astronomwy; Artâ€"Including coloring and sketching; Geology; Manual Training; School Garâ€" dening &c. The Institute also provides a course in nature study for school teachers. This important and highly educative and useful subject has been sadly neglected in the schools of Ontarioat least. â€" To arouse enthusiasm and provide efficient teachers for the work the provincial The principal object aimed at is to cultivate in the boys and girls of our country a love for nature, thus giving them valuable training in observation, It is said that the great majority of people go through the world with one eye shut. The book of nature, one of grandest and yet cheapest books in the universe, is open before us all the time. and yet how few can read it. We are trying here to get the other eye open, but it has been closed so long with some of us that it is a difficult matter to get it in working order, Before I close I would like to savy to the boys and girls of Dundalk public school, of any other school. that I would be pleased to give them any inâ€" formation I can about any insects, plants or birds they may have difficulty in identifying. Send the specimen in case of insects and flowers and full desâ€" cription for birds.â€"Dundalk Herald Une of the greatest chject lessons in Ontario, or in Canada for that matter. along educational lines. is to he «en nenr the city of Gueiph, and that abject lesson is the magnificent group af hbuildâ€" ings situated about a mule south of the city, comprising the Ontario Agricniturâ€" al College, the MacDonald In#stitute. the MacDonald Hall and the Consoldated on the Government the other day and asked for the extension of the muniâ€" cipal franchise to married women on an equal basis with spinsters and widows. This, it was urged, would be a considerâ€" able step toward genernl suffrage for women. Speaket St. John introduced the deputation. whose case was presentâ€" ed by Mrs, McKee, Barrie. President of the Ontarin W.C.T.U. ; Mrs. Rutherâ€" ford, Toronto. Pres. of the Dominion W. C. T. U.; Mrs Thornley, Mrs S. R. Wright and Miss Wiggins, all officers in the Onâ€" tario Union : Dr Stowe Gullen, Rev. Dr Courtice and Rey Chancellor Burwash. Mayor Urqubart also spoke briefly, sayâ€" ing the Toronto City Council had by resolution approved of the ides, and Hon. Adam Beck said the London Counâ€" cil had done likewise. A large deputation from the Women‘s Christian Tempe. ance Union waited upâ€" Notes From Macdonald Institute Premiet Whitney, in reply, spoke warmly of woman‘s influence andâ€"werk, The Government, he said, would be preâ€" pared to give proper, earnest and serions attention to the subject. They realized the great influence of woman, and if they fail to aid woman in exercising that influence they would be recreant to their duty. FATAL CARELESSNESS,â€"It is amazing how many accidents occur from men etting their feet caught in frogs. Wm fchomld. a brakesman whose home is in Wingbam. was killed at Park Head last week in this way. "He was not able to extricate ltbexretbotrdupa- ed over him." Seems to us the railwa have a provision to have these dud]y; frogs plugged and somebody has been: OUne of the greatest Women Want Franchise. By w.J. _ | at fault. in sume paper it is recorded ® I that a wife.and large family are left to wourn a husband and father, guilty of another tipical pirce of carelessness, , | " in climhng over a fence in the act of , | pulling the gun after him it was disâ€" , ’ charged, and the hball entered a yital PURSUANT to the Judgment for Adâ€" ministration dated March 7th, 1905, there will be sold with the approbation of Duncan Mortison, Esq., Master of this Court at Owen Sound, by James Carson, Auctioneer, at Hahn‘s Hotel in the Town of Durham, at the hour of 2 o‘clock in the afternoon on Wednesday the 17th day of May, 1905, the following lands and premises namely ;â€"The West 71 acres or Lot No. 13, Concession %, in the Township of Normanby and comâ€" monly known as the Bowles‘ farm, upon which there are erected a small dwelting house and a frame barn and stable, The soil is a good clay loam with one and oneâ€"halt acres of orchard. The property is distant three miles from the village of Varney and convenient to tne Towun of Durham and oneâ€"half wile disâ€" tant from church and school. 2nd DAY OF JUNE A. D. 1905. their names, addressea, and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claaims and the nature of the securâ€" ity (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the executâ€" ors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties enâ€" titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. The property will be offered for sale su:}ect to a reserved bid fixed by the said Master. The Purchaser shall search the Title at his own expense and no abstract, deeds deciaratrons or other evidence of title will be produced except those in the poâ€" session of the parties heretc. The purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase money to the Plaintiff‘s Solicitors at the time of sale and the reâ€" mainder within thirty days thereafter, In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice for Ontario. Further particulars can be had from J, W. Frost, Barrister, Owen Sound, Messrs Kilbourn & Kilbourn, Barristers, Owen Sound, or MacKay. Sampson and Telford, . Plaintiff‘s Solicitors, Owen Sound, &A * _ ant to R. 8. 0. 1897, Cap. 12, Sec. 38 and Amending Acts, that all persons huving claims against the estate of the said Neil McKechnie, who died on or about "”r:‘ih day c:if gctoher A. D, 1908, are required to send hy post prepaid or to dmer to J. P. Telford,. solicitor for the executors on or before the Dated at Owen Sound this 14th diuy of April, 1905. Duxcan MorRisoN Local Master at Owen Sound The pureâ€"bred imported Clydesdale stallion *"Sparkle Bank‘‘ will travel the following route for 1905 : Monday to Noble Wilson‘s for noun, thence to Robt Isaae‘s for night. Tuesday to Sam McQueen‘s for noon tl;ence to Knapp House, Durham for night. Gm. In the matter of the Eatate of dernite in ts Chanly of Oray: Her: W . ou » erâ€" chant, dececised. NOTIOR I8 HEREBY GIVEI}z_uuu- ant to R 8# N. 1807 Can. Sec. Wednesday to Wm Ritchie‘s tor noon thence to Alex Ellison‘s tor night. Thursday to J Boyle‘s, Townsend‘s Lake for noon thence to M Norris‘ for night. e o k o s y Friday to John McNally‘s for noon thence to Don Mcinnis‘ for night. Saturday to Commercial Hotel Priceâ€" ville for noon thence to his own stable for night. fastpa ty o In the n the Surrogate Court of the County of MOVING STOCK SALE PREPARATORY to movâ€" ing to other quarters we have decided to make a MOVING SALE and havecut our prices accordingly. Call now and see our extensive lines of LOTS of choice and barâ€" gaius to those who come early. Upper Town, â€" _ Durkam OF BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargainz. pa"° We ask inspection of our Teas..gs TWEEDS & YARNS MEN‘S ANJ LADIES‘ CLOTRING Dated this 9th day of May A. D. 1905. J. P. TErFroRrp, Solicitor for the Executors. in the High Court of Justice. . SCOTT. Bowurrs Vs. MarsHALL Notice to Creditors JUDICIALI, SALE. J. LEVINE "Sparkle Bank" Jas Patox, Prop. Two young Shorthorn, Durham Bulls grandsons of imported Cruikshanks, for sale. 19 mos. and I5 mos. old. _ Will trade for suitable colt. Apply t» A general Banking nusiness transacted Drafts issued and collection :made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed at ev:rrent rates SAVINGS BANA .aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a distance. J KELLY, Agent. T suits To aT] I And therefore we hear nothing but prase for our bread, cake"s, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair, Give us a call and see 1or yourself. A first _ class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. DURMHAM AGENGY FIRST of all, we use only the finest CAPITAL, Authorized.. CAPITAL, Paid up...... RESERVE FUND....... MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN SIMOOAR) BAKK OF CAMD GOOD REASONS: STTIINTSOINT‘S G. H. STINSON. ym en e n BB comname ie A â€"&J. McKechnie Head Office, Toronto. N.,G.,&J. McKechnie SHORTHORN BULLS. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. RE I, Manager. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in . Latest Styles on shortest notice. Wx Epos. Edge Hill P. O. We would strongly advise the people who are looking for Spring Gocods and right prices to be sure and strike McKechnie‘s for a nice line of Lace Curtains from Just opened up, Linol:sums and Floor Oils, 14 and 2 yds wide. Also a nice line of UUKMAKM JAPANESE MATTINGS Call and examine for yourself. It will only a pleasure for us to show you our gnods. LACE CURTAINS (The popular Cash Store.) ... . 1,000,(40 ... . 1,000,000 CARPETS 30c a pair up to $5.00 AND further take pnotice that after such last mentioned date the said Exâ€" ecutors will Jn'oeeod to distribute the assets of the deceased among th:dp-rtnea entitled thereto. Iuvm.:h regard only to the claims of which they shall then bavenotice, and that the said Executors will not hbe liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or perâ€" sons of whose claims notice shall not bave been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this 15th day of April A D 19 Grorer McFaruaxn® Davip McFarrax® RoserrT McFaruiaxg®, Durham P. O.. Ont. Executors of the last will and Testcaâ€" ment of Robert McFarlane the Elder, Deceased. A TERM IN ANY OF THE DE ~+PARTMENTS OF THEo~ will place your services in greater demand. Four complete courses of study, Business ; Shorthand and r’l‘dpewmim(; Telegreaphy and Preparatory. There is no time like the present to enter. This institution has unexcelled equl[iment; a full staff of competent and painstaking teachers. Hundreds who were just able to spend a few winter months with us are now filiing firstâ€"class positions. For full particulars address, last will and testament of the said Deâ€" ceased, ftheir Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full parâ€" ticulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of ‘the securities, if any held by them, C. A. FLEMING, Prine pal Owen Sound THE 20th DAY OF MAY A D, 1005 to send by post prmid or deliver t George McFailane. David lchrla:re o: Robert McFarlane, Executors of the mzw in the County of f T hbhereby Notice is ven pursuant to ~mw\mu£«0nm"m er 129 that all rreditors and others ba claims ?dutthoutmoltbn said McFarlane, the Elider, who died on or abont the 6th day of March, A D 1905 are required, on or hefore _ rarana the thine iait of the! cPariane The eider. late of the DR. BROWN. "Mham. Deceased. thi a L. R. C. P., London, England otice w ven pnm.!'l Graduate MYflMO‘ml fi.m£ m:l'db 1“! Dissases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat NORTHERNL‘ Cif(r» TORONTO VE Oficeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURH A N. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store Jompany and rrlnu Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation wmade by a competent and careful Valuator. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST or the Du nam Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. Residence first door west of th old Post Office, Durham. Late assistant to Moorfield‘s (London, Eng) and to Knapp‘s (New York) Eye Mospitals, Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Agroements &c.correctly prepared. Estates of deceased Inr- soms looked after and Executor‘s and Admiuisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and r:lnd Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills. Letters of Adâ€" Office, 18 Frost St, â€" â€" Will be at the Middaun the first Wednesday c Court Business, Probate of Wills. Letters of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas uwade in Registry Office and Titles reported Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to Loan. Ofice. Mcintyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay! K.C. . W. F Dunn Member College Physicians and Burgeons Olaud Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Bt., at foot of Hill. oumuo.-&""' OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a, m. 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"9 p. M, Telephone Connection No. 10 J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Money to Loan. ()ffice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store, HEPWill be at Knapp M-h.el-m.i Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &c Private Money to Loan. Collec® hee tions of all kinds promptly attenâ€" ded to. Farms bought and sold‘ _ JOHN CLARK _â€"» D. McPHAIL _â€"a Iusures Farm Buildings and Contents and Contents in towns and villages. tvayfih‘m in a dweliing hcmuulb&:nm. Contents of Mflhfln‘u.fl farm pro duce ally. aud live stock from fire cum i‘ummd%uufi'mq rates hm'hmm fi:.Mt’ Durham, Nov. 16, ‘0 ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Puvsiciix & Surexox, Office over J. &,J. Hunter‘s Storel Sydenbham Mutual Terms moderate. Afl:fiemeut‘ for sales as to aates, &c., must be e at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham, _ s=«* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P. O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. BARRISTER, s0oiciTror, NOATRY PUBLIC â€" ComrsvyanCcaer, . rooms, McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the Review â€"C, PICKERING D. DS., L. D.S. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey, Bales Deen Tast ‘bo Tok af his Hinplement Wware may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" 4@ Special attention given to Discases of >* Women and Children. Eye, Ear, Nose & Phroat G. LEFROY McCAUL. ffice. McKenzie‘s Old Starnd, Dnrham A.1lctioneers. N\L ds LDLECAL. or to C. RAMAGE, D« #a~ â€" Ceylon has a telephone office MACKAY & DUNN mm he 240 ho« ghae ie â€" C w Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey be at the Middaugh House, Durham, fArst Wednesday of each month from HOURS : hm ob cA T. A. H. JACKSON, J. P. TELFORD D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 C. RAMAGE, Durbham J. L MeFAYDEN, Durham Established in 1809. DR. BURT 10 a. m. till 4 p. m Licensed Auctioneer fo the County of Grey, 8 to 10 a. x. AM.oderate i Owen Sound ttee are eir big am.nion «ondon, d those nd milâ€" i their , dozen *« prige athletâ€" st year, in Hall y to great art at two localâ€" Gilliâ€" riley. whom unds 9 An~ 1905, beg â€" he the on â€" the de» ayâ€" 8§ â€" ild

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